The Newsletter of Redbourn Parish Council Winter 2015

Redbourn Parish Council Redbourn Parish Centre, The Park, Redbourn, , , AL3 7LR

The Parish Council office is normally open: Monday – Thursday 10.00 - 4.00 Fridays 10.00 - 1.00


OFFICE: 01582 794832 [email protected]



Latest on Greenbelt development p2 ROOM BOOKINGS: 01582 794421 Hire charges on back page. R.A.G.E. (Redbourn Against Greenbelt Erosion) meeting p2 COUNCILLOR CONTACTS: See inside back cover Commons Comments p3 NEWSLETTER EDITOR: Neighbourhood Plan p4 Cllr. David Mitchell And all the news and events in the ADVERTISING: To place an advert in the Parish of Redbourn next newsletter contact the Deputy Clerk Rates back page Picture: Redbourn Parish Greenbelt at risk of development

ANNUAL PARISH MEETING PARISH CENTRE 12th March 2015, 7.30 (doors open at 7.00) All welcome. Come and hear what Redbourn Parish Council has been doing over the last year, followed by Q & As

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CHAIRMAN’S NOTES Cllr. David Mitchell

GREEN BELT DEVELOPMENT: LATEST Following the Public Consultation on the St Alban s District Council’s draft Strategic Local Plan (SLP), the responses are now being analysed by their Planning Department. As most of you know, 2500 houses are being proposed on Greenbelt “East of Hemel”. 1500 would be on Redbourn Parish Greenbelt between Hemel Hempstead and Redbourn Village. Redbourn Parish currently has 2300 houses, and whilst there is a need for new housing in the District, it does seem grossly unfair that so many are proposed on Redbourn’s Greenbelt. Combined with other housing development at East Hemel by Dacorum Borough Council, the total for the area comes up to around 4000 new houses. If you look at the responses to the Public Consultation, you will see that the public are overwhelmingly against Greenbelt erosion. Whether St Albans District Council will take any notice or not will be seen in the next few months. It was also interesting to read the response from Dacorum Borough Council which was very critical of the draft SLP particularly in respect of the lack of infrastructure planning and timescale. Thames Water also highlighted problems with waste water management. Similarly Herts County Council raised concerns about environmental issues and the delivery of schools and roads. All in all, there is a lot for St Alban’s District Council to think about, and they must avoid a gung-ho approach just to get the job done. The action group R.A.G.E. (Redbourn Against Greenbelt Erosion) was formed to argue against development on our Greenbelt. It is a Working Party of the Parish Council, and it now has a steering committee of councillors and residents amongst whom are some very knowledgeable people. I am the Chair of RAGE and we are monitoring the progress of the SLP as it goes through the planning processes. RAGE has been attending the SADC Policy Planning Committee meetings and formally asking questions of the Planners. We will step up our actions depending on how things progress. If you want to know more, and have your say, we are going to have two public RAGE meetings in April. The first will be on Thursday 23rd April at 7.30, and the other will be on Saturday 25th April at 11.00. Both meetings will be in the Redbourn Parish Centre. Please do join us for one of these meetings. PRECEPT Around this time of year the Parish Council works out how much money we need for the next financial year, known as the Precept (local council tax). There are a number of historic buildings that need to be repaired as well as extensive work on our trees and open spaces. All in all, there is a lot to be done. The County Council and the District Council have announced that they are freezing their Council Tax budgets. Unfortunately, unless we allow things to fall into a state of disrepair in the village, we can’t do that. However, the Parish Council Precept is relatively quite small at around 6% of the total Council Tax bill.

ELECTIONS Thursday May 7th is, of course, when the General Election is taking place. There are also District Council and Parish Council elections. All 12 positions at Redbourn Parish Council are to be filled. You don’t have to be a member of a political party to stand, and I, myself, am independent. Sadly, we don’t get paid but it is an opportunity to shape the future of Redbourn. If you are interested, contact the Clerk.

ANNUAL PARISH MEETING This on Thursday 12th March at 7.30 at the Parish Centre. Please join us to hear what the Parish Council has been up to over the last year, and have your say on local matters.

CPRE AWARDS Finally, well done to the Redbourn winners at the Campaign to Protect Rural (Hertfordshire) Awards recently. James Crawley won the Dorothy Able Smith Young Person Award, the East Common Project won the Community Category, and Redbourn Infants School won the Eco Category. An impressive achievement.

R.A.G.E (Redbourn Against Greenbelt Erosion) PUBLIC MEETING Parish Centre: Thursday 23rd April at 7.30 & Saturday 25th April at 11.00 Come and join us to discuss the proposed housing development in Redbourn Parish

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COMMONS COMMENTS Cllr Colin O’Donovan, Chairman of Commons & Open Spaces Committee

Play Areas We are in the process of looking at ways of upgrading the Flamstead Lane and Longcutt play areas. If you have any suggestions or ideas of what you would like, please contact myself or the Clerk at the Parish Centre.

Firework Display I would like to thank all those who helped with last year’s firework display including Parish Council staff. I would also like to thank the retiring Chairman, Will Walters for organising the last two events and welcome our new Chair Mario Violentano. Please see his report in this issue. Parking Following some complaints from local residents, I ask people not to park their cars on pavements and to be more considerate of others when parking.

Cumberland Gardens The replacement of the wooden gates are pending subject to listed building planning permission. In the meantime, these gates are being left open and the lighting is being left on until midnight as with other areas in Redbourn.

The flower beds have been reduced in the Garden to ease maintenance. The Christmas fair held there in November was a great success. Parish Assets We are looking to repair the Parish Store (near Methodist Church) to bring it up to a safe standard of upkeep.

Ken Hodson

Computer Hardware and Software Repairs, Individual Tuition Upgrades and Advice for Home and Business Tel. 07974 156743 / 01582 794723 Email: [email protected]  No fix, no fee for all repairs – you have nothing to lose.  Low hourly rate.  Most repairs carried out in your home, if not the computer will be picked up from and delivered back to you.  Problems with Windows / Applications / Games / Internet / networks fixed.  Friendly training and instruction available in plain English  Advice given on upgrades – many older computers can be upgraded at a fraction of the cost of a new machine.  Upgrades of hardware and software carried out.

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Volunteer and Fundraising Working Group Representatives from some of the community groups serving the village of Redbourn nd gathered in Redbourn’s Parish Centre on Saturday 22 November for a drop-in session for the public. The event was intended to give local people the chance to find out about the many volunteering opportunities in the village. Organisations exhibiting included Redbourn in Bloom, Coffee on the Common, Redbourn Care Group, the Guides, Redbourn Museum, and the Allotment Association. Posters were also displayed asking for volunteers for the village website and for Redbourn Christmas Market. Carol Stevens, the Information Officer at St Albans CVS came along to launch the event and to speak about the advantages of voluntary groups belonging to the CVS. She explained that the CVS could help to recruit volunteers, and was trying to reach out to communities outside St Albans city such as Redbourn.

The next volunteer recruitment fair will be held in the village hall, alongside another event such as the Art Show, or the Charities Fair, so that more people are likely to attend. The organisations which had been involved in the working group, formerly called the Grants Working party, will take the lead on the next event.

Helping to recruit volunteers for local organisations is one of the parish council’s aims and objectives, adopted after the last parish plan survey. Residents told the parish council that they would like to volunteer if only they knew what opportunities were available. This drop in session is just one of the ways Redbourn Parish Council will seek to inform residents on how they can volunteer in their community.

Some voluntary groups in Redbourn have told us that they are more interested in help in obtaining grants than in recruiting volunteers. For this reason, the next event planned is another advice session on how to apply for grants, with a guest speaker. Other voluntary organisations will continue to work with the parish council on recruitment events for volunteers.

If any groups or organisations would like to be put on the contact list for the Volunteer and Fundraising Working group, please email [email protected] or contact the Parish Clerk.

Cllr. Vivienne Windle

Redbourn Neighbourhood Plan public consultation event More than 40 Redbourn residents dropped into the Parish Centre on a November evening to look at some of the work which has already been done by the Neighbourhood Plan Working Party, and to share their own ideas and make comments. In 2012 a large number of local people put in a lot of work to produce ideas for a Neighbourhood Plan, and this formed part of the Parish Plan Survey. All the ideas put forward by the working groups and from the survey have been incorporated into the evidence base for Redbourn’s Neighbourhood Plan.

Now that the public consultation for the District’s Strategic Local Plan (SLP) has concluded, it is time for Redbourn to get on with its Neighbourhood Plan. Although Redbourn’s Plan cannot influence where the large strategic housing sites will be located in the SLP, it can state what type and size of housing residents would prefer within the parish boundaries. And when the smaller sites are brought forward for consultation by St Albans District Council as part of the Detailed Local Plan, having made progress on a Neighbourhood Plan means that we will have much more of a say about what goes where. This may enable Redbourn to have more homes for young people and for people wishing to downsize from their family homes once their children have grown up, for example. We might be able to fund a nature walk near the River Ver from a limited housing development away from the flood risk area; or fund allotments from a small housing development.

With the help of a planning consultant, proposed policies for Redbourn’s plan will be brought together from all the evidence gathered, from the survey, from the various public consultations and from discussions with local businesses, residents, voluntary organisations, and local landowners and developers.

If you did not manage to get along to the public consultation, there will be other opportunities before a final version of the plan is put to a referendum. If you have any views on the size, type and location of smaller housing developments; whether there should be more employment opportunities, and if so where, what should happen to the village library; where we might locate a new car park; or anything else relating to the future of Redbourn, please email [email protected] or write to the Parish Clerk.

Cllr Vivienne Windle Project Manager Neighbourhood Plan Working Party

Grant for the Neighbourhood Plan awarded by the Supported Communities in Neighbourhood Planning Programme led by Locality in association with RTPI/Planning Aid England, CDF and partners, available through the My Community Rights website.

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January is always a good time to take stock and plan for the year ahead. I’m looking forward to 2015, especially getting to grips with a number of projects and possibilities for Redbourn. There are also challenges, the most important of which is our Green Belt and how it can be protected.

Later on this month we’ll know where the anticipated new secondary school for Harpenden and surrounding villages will be sited. With the bid going well so far I hope that there will be more options for Redbourn children approaching secondary school in two or three years’ time.

I’m also looking forward to working with residents and County officers to improve Redbourn’s library service. Thank you very much to those of you who have offered to join the working party. If you’re reading this and would be interested in becoming a trained voluntary librarian please contact me.

There are also a number of Highways projects that I hope will improve our village. My priorities this year are to stop cars from parking on the pavement outside the Crown Pharmacy; to help our more mature residents feel safer when crossing the High Street; to encourage drivers to slow down in Harpenden Lane and also when turning out of the bottom of Lybury Lane onto the main road. All of these schemes will need to be designed and may have to go through legal public consultations, so may take some time to come to fruition. I ask you to be patient (even though I’m not!). Improvements of the footpaths along the A5183 are also continuing.

Grants from my County locality budget 2014-2015 for Redbourn went to the village hall, St Mary’s Church, the Christmas market, Redbourn Charities, Redbourn Folk festival, the youth council’s tea party for the elderly, Realm of Music, the WI and to parents organising fund raising events for Great Ormond Street Hospital on behalf of a Redbourn child. The scheme will be re-opening in May so please do get in touch with your community minded ideas.

Another important project for this year is Redbourn’s Neighbourhood Plan. It was good to see so many of you at the open evening in December and I’m grateful to the Parish Council for including me in the working party.

So, there’s a lot happening in Redbourn in the year ahead. If you are interested in any of the issues above or anything else at County or District Council I’d welcome a phone call or email.

Cllr Maxine Crawley

Redbourn Cars Private Hire/Taxi

Your Village Service for over 25 years

Local, Long Distance and Courier Service

AIRPORT SPECIALIST Volvo Saloon and Estate Cars

Accounts Welcome

Bookings 01582 793268 Richard & Louise

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Redbourn residents will be happy to learn that at December’s St. Albans District Council’s Full Council, when the 2015/16 Budget was set, the District’s element of Council Tax was frozen for the seventh year running.

Recycling update: since September 2014 residents have been able to have bulky cardboard collected with their other card and paper recycling, this has very much helped to get the recycling rate to 60%. This carboard collections service has been extended to flats as well. For Refuse and recyling equiries, tel 01727 819285 or email [email protected].

To remind residents that as part of a new scheme which SADC has introduced, if you spot a street nameplate that is missing dirty or damaged, please contact SADC with details of the problem and its location, with a photograph if possible. Ways of sending the information to them are by emailing [email protected] or telephone 01727 819392. They will then arrange for the necessary work to be carried out.

I recently attended a Planning Advanced 3 Seminar “Tree & Landscaping” at SADC and one of the topics covered “Ash Dieback” disease. This disease (fungus based) is potentially a very serious threat to our Ash trees and is now regreattably firmly established in the St Albans City and District and in other Hertfordshire local authority areas. SADC Officers are liaising with other authorities to try to manage the disease and also to provide the best ways of informing their local residents about Ash Dieback. For more information, go on to:

For more information, concerning the above issues or issues relating to Planning applications, Council tax, Housing, Parking, Recycling etc, please go on to the

SADC website home page or contact one of your three Redbourn District

Councillors, Maxine, Tony or myself.

Cllr. Victoria Mead

The UK Parliamentary, district and parish elections take place on Thursday 7 May 2015 and residents are reminded to make sure that they are registered to vote.

You must be on the electoral register to vote so if you have recently moved to the area or moved house it is important that you register again at your new address. Registering to vote is straightforward and can be done on-line at The deadline date for receiving applications to register for the forthcoming elections is Monday 20 April 2015.

If you cannot visit a polling station on the day of the election, you can still have your say by applying to vote by post or proxy. The deadline for receipt of new postal vote applications is 5.00 pm on Tuesday 21 April 2015 and for new proxy vote applications 5.00 pm on Tuesday 28 April. You must be registered to vote under the new system of Individual Electoral Registration to be able to vote by post or proxy.

Voter registration forms and postal vote application forms are available from or by calling the elections team on 01727 819294.

For further information on registration and voting please visit

Your Vote Matters – Make Sure You’re In

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Being physically active plays an essential role in ensuring good health and well-being. Physical activity benefits many parts of the body – the heart, skeletal muscles, bones, blood, the nervous system and immune system. Engaging in routine exercise on a regular basis leads to improved functional abilities such as mobility and is also related to healthy life expectancy. As well as having physical benefits, regular physical activity can help keep your thinking, learning and judgment skills sharp as you age. It can also reduce your risk of depression and may help you sleep better. So, why not try something new in 2015! The REFIT programme is a community physical activity programme for St Albans residents aged 45+. The REFIT programme has been operating since October 2013 and is currently being delivered in three wards (Park Street, Sopwell and Redbourn). Since October 2013 we engaged with over 2,000 residents – all enjoying the physical activity sessions and more importantly, socialising with like-minded people. The REFIT programme currently runs in Redbourn and consists of: Tai Chi – Monday at 1:00pm-2:00pm, Redbourn Village Hall and costs £5 per session. Chair Exercise – Friday at 10am-11am, Redbourn Parish Centre and costs £3 per session. Chair Yoga – Wednesday at 1:15pm-2:15pm, Redbourn Parish Centre and costs £3 per session. Pilates – Wednesday at 5:45pm-6:45pm, Redbourn Parish Centre and costs £4 per session. We are always looking for ways to improve the programme and include additional sessions. Should you have any ideas or would like further information on the above please contact: Teri Smith – Health Development Officer, St Albans Sport and Health [email protected] 01727 819528

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REDBOURN RECREATION CENTRE & PLAYING FIELDS TRUST Reg. Charity No. 1111215 The Board of Trustees/Directors of the Recreation Centre are currently considering going into a partnership agreement with one of the leisure companies who run sports facilities in St. Albans District. This could enable a large investment into improving and extending facilities at the Centre, give more support for our staff, and create a more sustainable future for this very valuable village asset. The Trust would still be closely involved with the running of the Centre, and would work hard to ensure that it continues to provide a good range of activities at affordable prices for local people of all ages. No decisions have been taken as yet. Please watch this space!

Pat Schofield, Chair, Board of Trustees/Directors [email protected] 01582 793096

For bookings and activities contact us at: The Parish Council has received numerous complaints from residents relating to people not picking up dog mess. Please make sure you are a responsible dog owner and clear up after your 01582 626202 dog – it spoils it for other people!

For all your building improvement, renovation and maintenance:  New Build  Extensions of any size  Carpentry and Construction  Beautiful Bathrooms  Roof repairs and guttering  Fencing and Landscaping  Plumbing and Heating  UPVC replacement doors, windows, fascias and soffits  Certified Electrical Work  Fabulous Kitchens

 Loft Conversions  Refurbishments

Call Redbourn 62 65 62 or Mobile 07767 26 30 46 or email [email protected] website: Free estimate and advice. All work guaranteed, insured and carried out by skilled tradesmen. NHBC Registered Builders NAPIT Registered Electricians – all electrical work undertaken

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Gas Mains Replacement Works A company called Triio, working on behalf of British Gas, will be carrying out gas mains replacement work over the course of the next couple of months. Please find below details of which areas will be affected and the provisional dates of the planned works. The Company appreciate that there will be disruption to households but aim to keep this to a minimum. If you have any queries please contact John Chalkley via email at [email protected]

STREET Notice start Notice end TM 150581 HIGH STREET 16/02/2015 02/03/2015 Traffic lights 150581 LAMB LANE 16/02/2015 09/03/2015 Road Closure, PR 150581 CROUCH HALL LANE 09/03/2015 20/03/2015 3 way traffic lights 150581 HOLTS MEADOW 09/03/2015 20/03/2015 F / W Closure, PR 150581 BEECHFIELD CLOSE 07/04/2015 21/04/2015 150581 CROUCH HALL LANE 07/04/2015 21/04/2015 150581 DUNSTABLE ROAD 13/04/2015 27/04/2015 150581 CAVAN ROAD 27/04/2015 08/05/2015 150581 HOLTS MEADOW 27/04/2015 18/05/2015 150983 LYBURY LANE 18/05/2015 01/06/2015 4 way traffic lights

We are open every day 9am - 5.30pm, including weekends DOGS are welcome.

“Bike Loft” 80 High St., Redbourn 9.00am - 6.00pm, Open Mon to Sat Service Bookings – call Andy on 01582 742900

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Redbourn U3A - for those in their Third Age!

Redbourn U3A has celebrated its second Christmas and it is most encouraging to note that we had many new members joining in the past three months.

We have thirty plus interest groups which continue to thrive and give an opportunity for all members to learn new skills, or just to enjoy themselves together in a shared hobby with likeminded people. Our guest speakers never disappoint. In October Richard Thomas gave us a very interesting talk about the engineering marvels on the waterways and the difficulties in building the canal system. Christine Aitken who grew up on the Childwickbury estate gave us a fascinating account of the history of the Childwickbury estate in our November meeting. The first Redbourn U3A organized holiday took place in Norfolk during October. A group of 18 members spent four days visiting Holkam Hall, Sandringham and old Norwich with its cathedral, to mention just a few of the highlights. Most importantly the accommodation and the food were of a very high standard. Let’s not forget the company, which was great fun. It was agreed that the holiday was a great success, so we are now at the early stage of planning a Northumbrian holiday in October 2015. At the start of a New Year we often think that, it is time to make some positive changes to our lives. So if you are not yet a member of the Redbourn U3A and are considering becoming a member of this vibrant group, why not come to one of our general meetings held on the third Wednesday of the month in the Village Hall at 2.00pm. Guests are asked to pay £2,50 at the door, but this includes the talk and a cup of tea.

Right: U3A holiday October 2014 Oxburgh Hall


U3A holiday October 2014 Sandringham House


Each year, Redbourn Parish Council gives out grants to local community groups. If you

are involved in a non-profit making activity for the benefit of local residents and are looking for some additional funding, we may be able to help. Contact the Clerk for further details and an application form.

Grants for 2015 will be announced at the Annual Parish Meeting on 12th March 2015

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Established in 1980 to help combat loneliness

Welcome to the New Year!

The New Year has seen a flurry of activity for us not merely our 50 or so car drivers being out and about with our clients but our 19 minibus drivers too. We held our first Quarterly meeting of the year on 6th January where we invited The Right Reverend John Gladwin to speak to our Trustees, Board members and Redbourn Clergy

about the current and planned future activities of The St Albans Area Bereavement Regd. Charity No. 297955 Network (SABN).

John has recently become Chairman of SABN. It was a very informative evening and as a result of the talk we are hoping The Care Group, Churches in Redbourn and SABN can establish a helpful working relationship for the benefit of our community. In the meantime SABN literature with contact details can be found in The Care Office.

The festive tea party for senior citizens just before Christmas was a tremendous success for 46 out of 54 invited guests who attended. Particular thanks must go to Debi Roberts of Youth Connexions and her band of young helpers and the Ukulele band from St Georges School in Harpenden. Our Minibus was busy all afternoon plus seven of our car drivers ferrying guests to and fro. It is hoped this event will be repeated in December this year - a provisional date is already being talked about.

Through the generosity of kind donations we are able to fully or partially fund worthwhile projects in the village and we wanted to let villagers know where their donations are going or have gone. We felt the best way of achieving that was to erect plaques alongside projects to which we have contributed. Examples are the new playground on the Common, The Moor Path, and the Transept improvements at St Mary's. So as you wander around the village you will see these and others. There is a current summer house project at Woollams to which we have agreed to contribute. We are always happy to hear from people who need financial assistance with projects which can benefit village life.

Next month our minibus will restart outings to beckon the Spring. Upcoming dates are Thursday afternoons - 12th and 26th March and 2nd and 23rd April. All these trips will doubtless be to see the Spring countryside with a stopover at a garden centre for shopping and a cup of tea and on return to Redbourn a visit to the fish and chip shop for a take away if you wish. To book your place please contact our organiser Annie Lowe on 01582 794615 or the Care Office on weekday mornings 01582 794550.

We are always keen to recruit more minibus and / or car drivers so if you feel you can help please contact the Care Office at the telephone number below.

The Care Group Office in the Village Hall is open 9.30 –12.noon Mon –Fri to visitors or phone 01582 794550. You can also visit the Redbourn website at and click on ‘Care Group’. Non-urgent enquiries can be sent by email to [email protected] Barry Welch and Peter Robey - Trustees

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Redbourn Fireworks 2014

An unseasonably warm and dry (and almost windless) evening on Redbourn Common provided a great environment for the 2014 fireworks, and encouraged a large crowd of locals, and not so locals, onto Redbourn common for the show. Fantastic Fireworks again provided the display, which was well appreciated. The fireworks this year were very spectacular and mostly at high altitude, leaning more towards visual effects rather than loud bangs (though of course there were plenty of both). In addition, the fairground provided other thrills and entertainment, and refreshments were on offer from the scouts. There was a raffle, offering lots of interesting prizes provided by Picture Courtesy of Stargazer Photography © local donors, while commentary on the event was provided by our local celebrity Sara West.

While the event is underwritten by Redbourn Parish Council, most of the hard work is done by lots of local helpers. Our heartfelt thanks to:-  Our Sponsors: WTG Heating Engineering - supplies mobile / temporary boilers on trailers which connect directly into heating systems in schools, retirement homes etc. in the event of a boiler break down. Stathams commercial vehicle recovery and repairs – 24 hour recovery solutions and vehicle recovery and repair technicians. The Cricketers of Redbourn – A warm welcome, great service and excellent food. . Stargazer Photography - for a permanent record to capture the energy and atmosphere of your occasion in Herts, Beds and Bucks. –

 Our local celebrity Sara West for her commentary  Raffle prize donors for the varied and valuable donations (see winners opposite)  Redbourn Scouts for the refreshments stall and the loan of equipment  Nish Khanna and Chris Kenny in the Parish Office for jumping in with both feet despite being new to the job.  Our army of unpaid volunteer helpers, who set up the common during Saturday, rattled buckets, sold raffle tickets and guided the traffic and crowds on Saturday evening, picked up litter and dismantled the fencing and road signs on a (very) wet Sunday morning, and counted and bagged all the many coins (and notes!!) collected.  And most of all, thanks to those of you who donated funds, either by filling the collection buckets, or buying raffle tickets. Without your donations the fireworks display could not take place.

We hope you enjoyed the fireworks (we all did), and look forward to seeing you all again next year. Mario Violentano and the Redbourn Fireworks Working Party

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Red L etter Day Mr McFadden Box of Quality Street Lyn Paynter Meal for two at Cricketers Benita Box Set Ruth Gammons Meal for two at Chequers Mr Garfield Bottle of Sparkling Wine Jenny Three Bottles of Wine Faye Box of Milk Tray Ken Presentation Box Mr Bryson Bottle of Wine Elaine Bottle of Jameson Pat Schofield

REDBOURN CHRISTMAS MARKET 2014 It was only just light when a small group of volunteers gathered in Redbourn High Street on Sunday 30th November 2014. A lorry loaded with market stalls had already arrived. Soon marquees and stalls were being erected, Christmas trees decorated and vans unloaded as stallholders arrived to set up for the day – the centre of Redbourn was a hive of activity.

Just before 11 am as the finishing touches were being made, people from across the village and surrounding areas headed for the High Street - the 3rd Redbourn Christmas Market was open for business.

There were over 60 stalls, many run by local stallholders, offering magical festive shopping including handmade and beautiful gifts, Christmas decorations, toys, food and festive tipples. From 12 noon onwards the Village Hall was filled with the sound of music as performances by a world class concert pianist, local choirs, musicians and the Folk Club entertained the crowds. A new addition to this year’s Market was made possible when Father Christmas agreed to come to Redbourn. A visit to see him in his Grotto proved a hit with many of the children. The Market drew to an exciting close around 5 pm when, with a whoosh of pyrotechnic sparkles, the Christmas lighting display in Cumberland Gardens was switched on by our special celebrity guest, Louise Lear (BBC Weather Presenter). Now we are into 2015 the Market Committee are already beginning to plan this year’s event, which will take place on 29 November 2015. The help which so many people gave to make the 2014 Market such a success is the vital ingredient in our special Community event but as the Market grows in size and popularity each year we need more help both beforehand and equally importantly, on the day itself. So, if the idea of being involved appeals to you, please get in touch. We would welcome help with a variety of tasks, including PR, the Raffle and preparation of the Programme. Do call either Caroline (794160) or Avronne (07702 137950) to find out more. Caroline Burdett, Secretary, Redbourn Christmas Market Committee

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A Talk on Luton Hoo Walled Garden Wed. 25th Feb. 7 for 7.30 pm, St. Mary’s Transept Hall. Tony Evers will give an illustrated talk on the history of the walled garden and the project to restore it. Raffle & Refreshments. Tickets £5, £5.50 for non-members, from Rita Green, 01582 626452.

Trip to S. Wales, 18th – 22 nd May. Non-members welcome! We shall be staying at the Aberavon Beach Hotel near Swansea, and visiting various gardens each day, including the National Botanical Gardens, Carmarthen. The price of the holiday is £340 per person, including half-board accommodation and comfortable coach transport. Ring Rita on the number above to check availability. Join Us and Get Involved with our All-Year-Round Activities! Besides our planting projects to enhance the village environment, we hold local competitions, enter Anglia in Bloom, arrange talks and trips, and organize events such as the Horticultural Show, Autumn Craft Fair and Quiz Nights. New members and volunteers always welcome! Annual fee only £5 per household. Contact John de Bank on 01582 793877.

Redbourn Village Museum

is Open and Entry is Free

Were you one of the visitors that enjoyed Redbourn Village Museum’s Medieval Mayhem event in the summer of 2013? If so, you may have helped to create the beautiful garden feature shown in the photograph below, formed of medieval - style tiles made by hand, with the help of St. Albans potter, Mike Hardy and wife Dawn

Why not come back again to see the beautiful tiles that you made? The museum re-opened on Saturday 24th January for Residents First Weekend, when participating attractions are traditionally free of charge to residents with an AL postcode. But did you know that the museum is no longer charging for entry? This means that entry is free, every Saturday and Sunday from 2 – 5 pm until the end of November.

This year we have altered the upstairs gallery, which now has a modern display of Redbourn 900 memorabilia and is the home of a new children’s corner and changing exhibitions throughout the year. Our community is very pro-active and fortunate to have a permanent local heritage centre as very few villages have a similar attraction and even local towns such as Harpenden and Hemel Hempstead have no museums. Since we changed our admissions policy and thanks to a successful series of events, we welcomed 1505 visitors in 2014 compared to 870 during the previous year. Not only that, our income has increased thanks to generous individual donations from visitors, qualifying for Gift Aid and adding an extra 20%. These donations are very important as the museum receives no regular funding except a generous grant from the Parish Council, for which the museum’s Trustees are very grateful, and subscriptions from over 200 loyal members, the Friends of Redbourn Museum. If you enjoy your visit, look out for our new donations box by the front door – you can’t miss it! Pauline Ridgwell, Trustee, Redbourn Village Museum

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REDBOURN VILLAGE HALL Latest news for Redbourn Village Hall (RVH) - arriving soon - a new digital media system available for use by community village groups and other RVH room hirers. The free WiFi service, available throughout RVH, is a tremendous asset for Hall users, greatly enhancing the many and varied community activities that take place. Dance Schools and Theatre groups can stream appropriate dance and music on line; The Good Companions held a Technology afternoon; Sports and craft clubs can watch demonstrations; talks by guest speakers to Social groups such as Redbourn WI, U3A and Harpenden Complimentary Health can now be supported by media presentations and children’s groups like GirlGuiding use the internet for research. To compliment the free WiFi and expand some of the functions listed above RVH will soon have a laptop computer and digital projector onto a large screen, which will be available to book in conjunction with room hire. RVH has a combination of rooms which can accommodate most activities from a small meeting, child’s party or weekly club to a concert for 210 people and soon there will be the added benefit of being able to share the relevant media to a larger audience during these activities. It is planned to have the computer and a volunteer supervisor available at open community events held in the Village Hall such as “Thursday Pop in”. Can you spare an hour every now again to be a RVH computer volunteer/demonstrator? Interested? Please email RVH your details. RVHMC are very grateful to Cll.Maxine Crawley for the contribution from the Localities budget towards the purchase of this equipment. Please note that for security this equipment will not be stored in RVH, so pre booking is essential by email/phone during office hours (Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri 10am to 1pm). To contact us: Email to [email protected] or Phone 01582 792822 See our webpage on For What’s on, go to and search for Redbourn-Village-Hall Jane Connelly-Owen Managing the Village Hall Why not get involved in the management of Redbourn’s historic village hall? Beginning life as a straw-hat factory, the building passed into private ownership in 1893 and in 1921 was purchased for £100 by the Parish Council. Substantially extended and modernised over the intervening years, the hall is now the venue for a host of activities and events catering for all age groups and interests. A registered charity, the management of the hall is the responsibility of the trustees and the Village Hall Management Committee on which are represented organisations that make use of the hall and interested Redbourn residents. The Committee, which meets monthly, is charged with maintaining and developing the hall as a vital community asset. A major challenge is to increase utilisation of the hall. Wi-fi and a digital media system have recently been installed to further enhance the hall’s facilities. The Committee is now looking for additional members to bring new ideas to bear on its work Younger members and members with expertise and experience in finance and fundraising, marketing and IT, would be particularly welcome. The contribution of Committee members to village life, while largely unsung, is much appreciated within the community. If you are interested in joining the Committee, or merely in learning more about its work, please contact June Farmer, the Chair, at 01582 792016. Martin Howe, Management Trustee

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Hidden away behind the Hollybush Pub in Church End is the Old School Room, and every Thursday from 8pm it becomes ‘alive with the sound of music!’ Redbourn Folk Club was formed many years ago, and features traditional and contemporary folk music, blues and the best of today’s singer- songwriters. We continue to encourage local performers, and occasionally we have special guests, with floor spots from regular singers and musicians. Everyone is very welcome to come along and enjoy an entertaining evening – to sing, to play, and to join in a familiar chorus or just to listen! Plans are now underway for Folk on the Common in the summer – a free Sunday afternoon outdoor concert of folk music, and more details of this event and other information on upcoming highlights will be on our website: Dates for your diary:

March 5th Ragged Staff

Jonny Dyer & Vicki Swan

March 19th Jonny Dyer & Vicki Swan March 26th Rachel Harmer Band April 9th Andy Irvine April 23rd Daniel Nestlerode May 7th na-mara May 14th Jeff Turner May 28th Bruce Molsky We look forward to seeing you. Jenny 01582 793164

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Guiding returns to Redbourn

We are very pleased to share the news that Guides has returned to the village after a 15 year absence. Established in

1916, one of the oldest Guide units in Hertfordshire, sadly the unit had to close due to lack of a leader. Having enjoyed Guides as girls themselves, Michelle Parry-Slater and Sally Kneller have reinstated the unit. Meetings started again in November 2014, just in time for the Guides to join the Remembrance Day parade. Sporting the brand new style of Guiding uniforms whilst carrying the original flag from the former unit, once carried by many of the current girls relatives and friends in parades past, 1st Redbourn Guides were proud to join the uniformed brigades as the village paid tribute to those fallen for our freedom. We were pleased to be so warmly welcomed into the Scouting and Guiding families of the village, as if we had never been away. The unit is going from strength to strength with 19 girls enjoying Guiding in the modern age. We have four Patrols; the Poppies, Daisies, Daffodils and Roses. In our new uniforms and with our modern mindset, we are still mindful of our heritage and very proud of having our original certification of inauguration signed by Baden- Powell, alongside our new one. As a nod to our history, our first completed badge was the Traditions of Guiding where we learnt about Guiding through the century. We look forward to celebrating our centenary in 2016. Having all made our Promises to Guiding in Cumberland Gardens under the Christmas lights, this new term sees us embark on new interest badges, new ‘Go For It’ challenges, and adventures in Guiding. As the leaders are still learning, we are thankful to be supported by other members of our Guiding family, particularly Jeni Bowman, Flamstead’s Guide Leader of several years, and Jane Connelly-Owen of 1st Redbourn Brownies. It is an exciting time for Guiding in Redbourn. Girlguiding in Redbourn is always in need of more adult Volunteers to help run Rainbows, Brownies and Guides. Every hour counts and your volunteering can be flexible.

Have a look at for more general information about Girlguiding UK and for local Girlguiding in Redbourn. For all new Girls (aged 5 to 14 in Rainbows, Brownies & Guides) and Volunteers (Adult 18+, Young Leader & Duke of Edinburgh) enquires to join Girlguiding, please register at:

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HANDYPERSON SCHEME comes to Redbourn The Age UK Handyperson Scheme is in its 19th year of operation in Dacorum. We are now looking to expand to include the Redbourn area in the first quarter of 2015.

The scheme was set up to provide help to older vulnerable people who had no relations, friends or neighbours to call on when they needed help to carry out a small DIY job. The scheme operates with 2 part time technicians, 20 volunteers and myself as a part time organiser.

All volunteers and staff have been DRB (was CRB) checked. All jobs are by appointment only.

We carry out a wide range of tasks, such as installing smoke alarms, door chains, spy holes, door locks, fitting curtain rails, curtain poles, roller, vertical and venetian blinds. We will also hang curtains, put up pictures, mirrors, clocks and ornaments The Scheme will install grab rails, stair hand rails, bathroom fittings, and also assemble a wide range of flat pack units. We will also undertake small decorating jobs, but not wallpapering. In addition we can re-felt / repair garden sheds. We will complete between 900 to 1000 jobs in the community this year

Since all funding was removed by Hertfordshire County Council 3 years ago we now make a small charge to cover our fixed costs. Our charge for the small jobs (such as changing tap washers) is £25.00 and larger jobs (such as painting will be assessed and then priced according to the size of the job).

We have recently extended the scheme to help any client above 50 years of age and also to help younger disabled or disadvantaged people.

If any further information is required, please contact Doug Dews on 01442 259049 I would like to thank you in advance for any help that you may give to our scheme

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Redbourn Christmas Tea 2014 Young people from Youth Councils across St Albans District came together for the third year in a row to host a tea party for 50 older people from Redbourn and surrounding villages in Hertfordshire this Christmas.

The tea party is organised by a number of local organisations, primarily Hertfordshire County Council Youth Connexions and Redbourn Care and financed (this year)through fundraising, donations Redbourn Parish Council and St Albans City and District Council’s Locality Budget. However, it is the young people that come together on the day to decorate a building, prepare a sumptuous feast and provide 2-3 hours of entertainment that makes the day so special.

Youth Councillors from St Albans, Harpenden and Redbourn and volunteers from ten local schools came together to donate their time and to ensure that a great day was had by all. The schools taking part were Batchwood School, Beaumont School, Haberdashers' Aske's School for Girls, Marlborough Science Academy, Roundwood Park School, St Albans Girls' School, St Albans High School for Girls, St. George’s School, Sir John Lawes School and Verulam School. Ex-pupils from St George’s School, who play in the renamed “The Old Georgian Ukulele Band”, thrilled the audience with a 30 minutes set.

Back row – The Old Georgian Ukulele Band. Front row – Cllr Geoff Harrison, Mayor of St Albans City and District, Eleanor Hynes, Katie Jones and Ellie Webb of St Albans Youth Council and James Crawley, Redbourn Youth Parish Council

‘The young people were wonderful. Everyone was absolutely thrilled with the whole thing. You made a lot of people very happy’ said Barry Welch of Redbourn Care Group. This year’s event was made extra special by the presence of Cllr Geoff Harrison, Mayor of St Albans City and District.. The guests were thrilled to meet with the Mayor and delighted to go home with an armful of Christmas gifts and treats including handmade watercolour Christmas cards made by pupils of Batchwood School.

Above left: Teams battle it out at the Christmas Quiz, with Quiz Master, Ellie Appleyard, Chair of St Albans Youth Council Above right: Christmas cards made by Batchwood Pupils [email protected]

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Redbourn Youth Parish Council

RYPC stands for Redbourn Youth Parish Council. RYPC is an official group made up of young people (aged between 13-19) that exists to represent the views of young people in Redbourn and represent young people at a local level. Being part of a Youth Council is great fun and can really make a difference. Because nobody knows about the issues affecting young people better than young people themselves, youth councils can act as a forum through which the views of young people in the local community can be integrated. This is because Youth Councils give members:-  the opportunity to discuss relevant issues with their peers  engage with decision-makers  contribute to improving the lives of other young people within their communities.

If you think you would like to join a youth council or find out more about their work please contact Debi Roberts at [email protected]

REDBOURN YOUTH CLUBS Registered Charity No. 302451

Chill out, relax with friends, enjoy games, sports, crafts, music, dance, tuck-shop etc. The Club for 7 – 12’s meets on Tuesdays in term-time, 6.30 – 8.30 pm. £3 each, reductions for siblings. The Club/Café for 13 – 17’s is on Fridays, 7.30 – 10 pm. Free wiFi, X-Box and all of the above! Due to funding from the District Council – FREE admission! Redbourn Recreation Centre, Dunstable Rd., Tel. 01582 626202. Interested in Youth Work? To find out more, or to apply to work at either or both clubs, please contact Paul Sands on the number above, or email [email protected] Volunteers welcome! If you would like to help at either of these sessions, and/or join our committee which supports both clubs, please contact Pat Schofield on 01582 793096.


For all under 8s Put on your pyjamas, grab your favourite cuddly toy, and head up to Redbourn Library on Lamb Lane for a special story time on Tuesday 14th April at 5pm

Come and snuggle up with a good book!

(Plus colouring and craft activities)

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REDBOURN NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Alex Peduto, our PCSO has settled into the village and continues to hold police surgeries on a regular basis at the Village Police Office located in the Parish Centre. He publishes the timetable with an OWL message and also on various notice boards around the village. If you have not met him yet please pop in and see him.

There is a quarterly meeting chaired by the police called the “Priority Setting Forum”. It is attended by local councillors and representatives from NHW with an aim to review the crime statistics for the areas of Harpenden, Redbourn, Sandridge and Wheathampstead and then agree on the policing priorities for the next 3 months for each of the areas. Burglary is automatically set by the police and for Redbourn it was agreed to include Anti-social behaviour and speeding, please do not say you have not been warned! We continue to have every street in the village active on the OWL system (Online Watch Link) and the number of houses registered at the last count is 1840 and it continues to grow. If you are not registered and would like to be so then please access the OWL link registering your post code and the system will notify me or you can contact me directly by e-mail at [email protected] Working with Trading Standards, we are piloting an initiative called “Nominated Neighbour” with the aim to support the elderly and vulnerable in our community. The residents display a card to direct callers to a nominated neighbour, who can then accompany the bona fide caller to the resident. The aim is to reduce the impact of distraction burglary, SCAMS and Rogue Traders. The elderly and vulnerable are prone to becoming targets and the effect on the individual can be devastating. If you know of someone who could benefit from this initiative, I have number of pre printed “Nominated Neighbour Cards” and guidance material. Keep warm and remember keep your property and valuables protected.

Malcolm Wickens

NHW Ward Coordinator Redbourn


PCSO Peduto regularly holds police surgery’s at the Redbourn Parish Council Offices. This has given him the opportunity to meet many members of the community who have highlighted some of the below issues which we are actively trying to address: Speeding: This seems to affect in particular areas such as Lybury Lane and the Hemel Hempstead Road. Traffic management have been made aware and the Safer Neighbourhood team in Harpenden will be receiving specialist training so expect to see us out there with a speed gun in the very near future. Antisocial Behaviour: This has affected the area of Hilltop and Nicholls Close over the past months. A number of Antisocial Behaviour warnings and Section 59’s (Warning to individuals using motor vehicle in an antisocial manner) were issued both by Pcso Peduto and the District Council .The introduction of cameras in the area seems to have been an effective deterrent although some issues are still being experienced by some of the local schools as youths use their facilities for shelter. Fly Tipping: Pc Flemons has been very busy and proactive on this front. Unfortunately there have been a number of incidents in the country lanes in the past semester but, thanks to the use of cameras and intelligence, 7 individuals have been reported for the offence of illegally depositing controlled waste on a road without authority. OWL (Online Watch Link): OWL has been running successfully in Redbourn for a number of years. It is a system whereby members receive emails from police and neighbourhood watch members around crime trends, witness appeals and crime prevention. It also enables members to report community issues If you are interested in signing up to receive the information or to be a street coordinator please contact PCSO PEDUTO direct on [email protected] If you wish to speak to PCSO PEDUTO, the Police Surgeries are advertised both via Owl messages, Constabulary website and posters which are located in most of the shops in the Redbourn High Street.

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Modern and fully equipped Rooms for Hire: The Main Hall Accommodates up to 100 people, or 80 people seated. Ideal for large meetings, parties, events and activities.

The Conference Room Accommodates up to 40 people or 16 people + tables. Ideal for business meetings, training and seminars.

HIRE CHARGES per room (inc. VAT):

Residents (private events) and local not-for-profit organisations: £20 per hour

Businesses / commercial use: £25 per hour or £22 per hour for 8+ hours or regular bookings

Discounts if both rooms booked together Discounts for Youth organisations AV facilities included (please request at time of booking)

For further details contact the Clerk on 01582 794421 or Use of well-equipped email: [email protected] kitchen included

REDBOURN RECREATION CENTRE & PLAYING FIELDS TRUST Reg. Charity No. 1111215 EASTER ART & CRAFT SHOW Our 31st Show will be held at the Village Hall over the Easter Weekend, 4th & 5th April, with a Preview for invited guests on Good Friday. Show open Saturday 10 am – 4 pm & Sunday 11 am – 5 pm. The event will include an Exhibition & Sale of Original Paintings, Craft Stalls, Craft Demonstrations and – NEW for this year, some Live Music Performances. Also – a Young Artists’ Competition for 11 – 18’s – 1st PRIZE £100! Subjects: Animals, My Favourite Place, or Fantasy Characters. Drawings / Paintings (up to A3 size) with name, age, address & tel. no. on reverse, should be submitted to the Recreation Centre, Dunstable Rd., by Monday, 23rd March. The Show will also include a Children’s Colouring Competition, Raffle and Refreshments throughout the weekend. The Mayor of St. Albans, Cllr. Geoff Harrison, will officially open the Show and present prizes for the Young Artists’ Competition at 10.30 am on Easter Saturday. If YOU would like to take part or help at the Show, please contact: Artists’ & Craft Stall Bookings: Linda Owen, 01582 794775 [email protected] Music Performers: Catherine Hall, 01582 622422 [email protected] Sponsors, Advertisers & Raffle: Pat Schofield, 01582 793096 [email protected] Volunteer Helpers’ List: Victoria Mead, 01582 792280 [email protected] Or Jan Lang, 01582 792907 [email protected]

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Beaumont Ward Nicholls Ward

David Mitchell, Chairman, RPC, Pat Schofield, Vice-Chair, RPC Chair of Management & Communications 01582 793096 Committee [email protected] 01442 257720 or 07973 418124 [email protected] Michael Morton, Chair of Finance Committee 07740 027528 Colin O’Donovan, Chair of Commons, Footpaths [email protected] and Open Spaces Committee 01582 792382 Ian Caldwell, Chair of Planning Committee [email protected] 01582 794768 or 07528 741947 [email protected] Alison Gardner 01582 793710 or 07801 658965 Nadia Davies [email protected] 01582 799083 [email protected] Maria Maynard 01582 793478 Roger Gray [email protected] 01582 762914 [email protected] Victoria Mead 01582 792280 or 07506 719922 Vivienne Windle, [email protected] Project Manager, Neighbourhood Plan 01582 626351 Teresa Finnigan [email protected] 07968 171654 [email protected] Redbourn Parish Council office County & District Councillor 01582 794832 Maxine Crawley Clerk: Nish Khanna Deputy Clerk: Chris Kenny 01582 793760 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

District Councillors Victoria Mead - details as above Member of Parliament

Tony Swendell Peter Lilley 01582 792076 0207 219577 [email protected] [email protected]


Advertise your business or event in Redbourn Parish Council is looking for our Redbourn Community the Redbourn News. Published Champion for 2015. This is someone who lives or works in the Parish quarterly by Redbourn Parish who has made a significant contribution to the local community in the Council, the newsletter is delivered last year or over a period of time. free to the 2300 homes and If you would like to nominate someone, please write an email or letter businesses in the Parish of Redbourn. Advertisement rates: outlining why your chosen person deserves this award in no more than 300 words. Two people must sign the nomination. 1/8 page £25 Write to: 1/4 page £45 “Community Champion”, Redbourn Parish Council, Redbourn Parish Half-page £85 Centre, The Park, Redbourn, St Albans, AL3 7LR Full-Page £165 or email to: [email protected] Double-Page £315 st Entries close 1 March 2015. The winner will be announced at the Contact the RPC Deputy Clerk for Annual Parish Meeting on 12th March 2015. more details: 01582 794832

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