Flying for Conservation PERPETUAL CALENDAR
Flying for Conservation PERPETUAL CALENDAR 2011 julY maY 13-17 Ninety-Nines International Conference, Ninety-Nines Fly Home 2011, Oklahoma 99 News 28 First Canadian Chapter Poker Run, par- City Marriott, 3233 Northwest Expressway, ticipating airports: Burlington, Brampton, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 73112. For City Centre, Oshawa, Buttonville, Lindsay, more information, contact Headquarters Peterborough, Lake Simcoe Regional, with at 800-994-1929 or Collingwood, Ontario, Canada being the 25-31 EAA airVenture, Oshkosh, Wisconsin. To list your 99s events terminus. Rain date May 29. Contact Akky Mansikka at Enjoy The 99s complimentary Annual on this calendar page, Breakfast on July 28, 8 to 10 a.m. at The 99s send information to: juNe Tent. Contact Rita Adams, Rvadams99@ The 99 News 1 Due Date for 99 News submissions for July/ 4300 Amelia Earhart Dr August/September 2011 issue. sePTemBeR Suite A Oklahoma City, OK 12 Wisconsin Chapter annual Pancake Break- 1 Due date for 99 News submissions for the 73159-1140 fast, Watertown, WI (KRYV), 7:30 a.m. to October/November/December 2011 issue. noon. Contact Christy Stark, 608-217-6809 Email: or 15-17 Northwest and West Canada sections joint meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Contact 17-19 International Forest of Friendship 35th Online Form: Betty Lee Moore, anniversary Celebration, Atchison, Kansas. The theme is “World Friendship Through 17 Chicago area Chapter Proficiency air 99newsreports.html Flying.” We hope 99s from across the Derby, DeKalb Airport, Illinois (KDKB).
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