Math 221 (Commutative Algebra) Notes, 2nd Half Live [Locally] Free or Die. This is Math 221: Commutative Algebra as taught by Prof. Gaitsgory at Harvard during the Fall Term of 2008, and as understood by yours truly. There are probably typos and mistakes (which are all mine); use at your own risk. If you find the aforementioned mistakes or typos, and are feeling in a generous mood, then you may consider sharing this information with me.1 -S. Gong
[email protected] 1 CONTENTS Contents 1 Divisors 2 1.1 Discrete Valuation Rings (DVRs), Krull Dimension 1 . .2 1.2 Dedekind Domains . .6 1.3 Divisors and Fractional Ideals . .8 1.4 Dedekind Domains and Integral Closedness . 11 1.5 The Picard Group . 16 2 Dimension via Hilbert Functions 21 2.1 Filtrations and Gradations . 21 2.2 Dimension of Modules over a Polynomial Algebra . 24 2.3 For an arbitrary finitely generated algebra . 27 3 Dimension via Transcendency Degree 31 3.1 Definitions . 31 3.2 Agreement with Hilbert dimension . 32 4 Dimension via Chains of Primes 34 4.1 Definition via chains of primes and Noether Normalization . 34 4.2 Agreement with Hilbert dimension . 35 5 Kahler Differentials 37 6 Completions 42 6.1 Introduction to inverse limits and completions . 42 6.2 Artin Rees Pattern . 46 7 Local Rings and Other Notions of Dimension 50 7.1 Dimension theory for Local Noetherian Rings . 50 8 Smoothness and Regularity 53 8.1 Regular Local Rings . 53 8.2 Smoothness/Regularity for algebraically closed fields . 55 8.3 A taste of smoothness and regularity for non-algebraically closed fields .