Proceedings of the 21St International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 44Th Annual Meeting of the ACL, Pages 73–80, Sydney, July 2006

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Proceedings of the 21St International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 44Th Annual Meeting of the ACL, Pages 73–80, Sydney, July 2006 Named Entity Transliteration with Comparable Corpora Richard Sproat, Tao Tao, ChengXiang Zhai University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, 61801 [email protected], {taotao,czhai} Abstract comparable stories across the three papers.1 We wish to use this expectation to leverage translit- In this paper we investigate Chinese- eration, and thus the identification of named enti- English name transliteration using compa- ties across languages. Our idea is that the occur- rable corpora, corpora where texts in the rence of a cluster of names in, say, an English text, two languages deal in some of the same should be useful if we find a cluster of what looks topics — and therefore share references like the same names in a Chinese or Arabic text. to named entities — but are not transla- An example of what we are referring to can be tions of each other. We present two dis- found in Figure 1. These are fragments of two tinct methods for transliteration, one ap- stories from the June 8, 2001 Xinhua English and proach using phonetic transliteration, and Chinese newswires, each covering an international the second using the temporal distribu- women’s badminton championship. Though these tion of candidate pairs. Each of these ap- two stories are from the same newswire source, proaches works quite well, but by com- and cover the same event, they are not translations bining the approaches one can achieve of each other. Still, not surprisingly, a lot of the even better results. We then propose a names that occur in one, also occur in the other. novel score propagation method that uti- Thus (Camilla) Martin shows up in the Chinese lizes the co-occurrence of transliteration û version as í ma-er-ting; Judith Meulendijks pairs within document pairs. This prop- ¤ × Ï Ë õ is Ú yu mo-lun-di-ke-si; and Mette agation method achieves further improve- ¤ ÷ × ­ Sorensen is õ mai su-lun-sen. Several ment over the best results from the previ- other correspondences also occur. While some of ous step. the transliterations are “standard” — thus Martin û is conventionally transliterated as í ma-er- 1 Introduction ting — many of them were clearly more novel, though all of them follow the standard Chinese As part of a more general project on multilin- conventions for transliterating foreign names. gual named entity identification, we are interested in the problem of name transliteration across lan- These sample documents illustrate an important guages that use different scripts. One particular is- point: if a document in language L1 has a set of sue is the discovery of named entities in “compara- names, and one finds a document in L2 containing ble” texts in multiple languages, where by compa- a set of names that look as if they could be translit- rable we mean texts that are about the same topic, erations of the names in the L1 document, then but are not in general translations of each other. this should boost one’s confidence that the two sets For example, if one were to go through an English, of names are indeed transliterations of each other. Chinese and Arabic newspaper on the same day, We will demonstrate that this intuition is correct. it is likely that the more important international events in various topics such as politics, business, science and sports, would each be covered in each 1Many names, particularly of organizations, may be trans- of the newspapers. Names of the same persons, lated rather than transliterated; the transliteration method we discuss here obviously will not account for such cases, though locations and so forth — which are often translit- the time correlation and propagation methods we discuss will erated rather than translated — would be found in still be useful. 73 Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 44th Annual Meeting of the ACL, pages 73–80, Sydney, July 2006. c 2006 Association for Computational Linguistics Dai Yun Nips World No. 1 Martin to Shake off Olympic Our work differs from this work in that we use Shadow . In the day’s other matches, second seed Zhou Mi comparable corpora (in particular, news data) and overwhelmed Ling Wan Ting of Hong Kong, China 11-4, 11- leverage the time correlation information naturally 4, Zhang Ning defeat Judith Meulendijks of Netherlands 11- available in comparable corpora. 2, 11-9 and third seed Gong Ruina took 21 minutes to elimi- nate Tine Rasmussen of Denmark 11-1, 11-1, enabling China 3 Chinese Transliteration with to claim five quarterfinal places in the women’s singles. Comparable Corpora « ò ü õ ü ú ® ¥ ¡ Ö « û Ò í Ë û ð We assume that we have comparable corpora, con- ûõϪ ý÷ɬøù¤ öúË ðõ ... í , 4 , ... sisting of newspaper articles in English and Chi- Å Ó ¨ £ ñ Ô ù ö á ¡ ¤ ó ¡ Ö ý 11:1 nese from the same day, or almost the same day. In Ù¤ ­õó­ Ú Ï ç Ô Í Ô ­ Ë É ø Ä ,Å 11:2 11:9 our experiments we use data from the English and Û Ú þ ç Ô Í ù ¤ Ë ú ¤×ÏËõ Ú , 11:4 11:1 Chinese stories from the Xinhua News agency for Û¡Öè ã about 6 months of 2001.2 We assume that we have identified names for persons and locations—two Figure 1: Sample from two stories about an inter- types that have a strong tendency to be translit- national women’s badminton championship. erated wholly or mostly phonetically—in the En- glish text; in this work we use the named-entity 2 Previous Work recognizer described in (Li et al., 2004), which is based on the SNoW machine learning toolkit In previous work on Chinese named-entity (Carlson et al., 1999). transliteration — e.g. (Meng et al., 2001; Gao To perform the transliteration task, we propose et al., 2004), the problem has been cast as the the following general three-step approach: problem of producing, for a given Chinese name, an English equivalent such as one might need in 1. Given an English name, identify candi- a machine translation system. For example, for date Chinese character n-grams as possible ¤ ® ó õ the name ¬ wei wei-lian-mu-si, one transliterations. would like to arrive at the English name V(enus) Williams. Common approaches include source- 2. Score each candidate based on how likely the channel methods, following (Knight and Graehl, candidate is to be a transliteration of the En- 1998) or maximum-entropy models. glish name. We propose two different scoring Comparable corpora have been studied exten- methods. The first involves phonetic scoring, sively in the literature (e.g.,(Fung, 1995; Rapp, and the second uses the frequency profile of 1995; Tanaka and Iwasaki, 1996; Franz et al., the candidate pair over time. We will show 1998; Ballesteros and Croft, 1998; Masuichi et al., that each of these approaches works quite 2000; Sadat et al., 2003)), but transliteration in the well, but by combining the approaches one context of comparable corpora has not been well can achieve even better results. addressed. 3. Propagate scores of all the candidate translit- The general idea of exploiting frequency corre- eration pairs globally based on their co- lations to acquire word translations from compara- occurrences in document pairs in the compa- ble corpora has been explored in several previous rable corpora. studies (e.g., (Fung, 1995; Rapp, 1995; Tanaka and Iwasaki, 1996)).Recently, a method based on The intuition behind the third step is the following. Pearson correlation was proposed to mine word Suppose several high-confidence name transliter- pairs from comparable corpora (Tao and Zhai, ation pairs occur in a pair of English and Chi- 2005), an idea similar to the method used in (Kay nese documents. Intuitively, this would increase and Roscheisen, 1993) for sentence alignment. In our confidence in the other plausible translitera- our work, we adopt the method proposed in (Tao tion pairs in the same document pair. We thus pro- and Zhai, 2005) and apply it to the problem of pose a score propagation method to allow these transliteration. We also study several variations of high-confidence pairs to propagate some of their the similarity measures. 2Available from the LDC via the English Gigaword Mining transliterations from multilingual web (LDC2003T05) and Chinese Gigaword (LDC2003T09) cor- pages was studied in (Zhang and Vines, 2004); pora. 74 scores to other co-occurring transliteration pairs. of the English phone string. For training data we As we will show later, such a propagation strat- have a small list of 721 names in Roman script and egy can generally further improve the translitera- their Chinese equivalent.3 Pronunciations for En- tion accuracy; in particular, it can further improve glish words are obtained using the Festival text-to- the already high performance from combining the speech system (Taylor et al., 1998); for Chinese, two scoring methods. we use the standard pinyin transliteration of the 3.1 Candidate Selection characters. English-Chinese pairs in our training dictionary were aligned using the alignment algo- The English named entity candidate selection pro- rithm from (Kruskal, 1999), and a hand-derived cess was already described above. Candidate Chi- set of 21 rules-of-thumb: for example, we have nese transliterations are generated by consulting rules that encode the fact that Chinese /l/ can cor- a list of characters that are frequently used for respond to English /r/, /n/ or /er/; and that Chinese transliterating foreign names. As discussed else- /w/ may be used to represent /v/. Given that there where (Sproat et al., 1996), a subset of a few hun- are over 400 syllables in Mandarin (not count- dred characters (out of several thousand) tends to ing tone) and each of these syllables can match be used overwhelmingly for transliterating foreign a large number of potential English phone spans, names into Chinese.
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    Har din klub valgt tøj til den nye sæson? At optræde i klubbens holddragt, er ensbetydende med, at man er med i et sammenhold, og desuden virker man velorganiseret og respekteret, hvilket er med til at løfte klubben og resultaterne op i et højere niveau. At der så også står Yonex på tøjet, behøver ikke at løfte holdet, men det gør d et! Kontakt din sportsforretning eller ring på tlf. 49130013 der oplyser om nærmeste forhandler. Diplomturneringer Badm intonskoler - muligheden for nye ungdomsspillere i din klub! Kære klubleder Mangler du penge i kassen En af DBFs største succeser til dato, Badmintonsko­ Desuden må der nu opkræves Indtil 200 kr. pr. og/eller nogle gode tilbud til lerne, lever i bedste velgående, selv om der er spiller - et beløb klubben må beholde til at dække de spillere (C- og D-rækken), reduceret I udgifterne. nogle af udgifterne til f.eks. hjælpetrænere og halleje samt frugt og saftevand m.v. til børnene. der sjældent kommer ud til turneringer, så har vi lige, Der er stadig mulighed for at få en badmintonskole hvad du skal bruge. på nogle dage (minimum 3), hvor det passer ind i Yderligere oplysninger kan fås hos: klubbens program. DBFs Ungdomsudvalg Ring til os på tlf. 75 35 36 39 og hør nærmere. DBF yder fortsat støtte i form af: v/ Poul E. Christensen ■ Brochuremateriale og plakater, Tlf.: 75 35 36 39 Venlig hilsen ■ betaling af instruktører, eller hos DBF's breddekonsulenter Ungdomsudvalget ■ T-shirts til alle deltagere og ■ mulighed for lån af kasse med ketsjere og mange legesager (samt trailer til transport af kassen).
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