LS interviews if Catherine Tate: Is LS2 bovvered? 1S2, pgitso I

P4Leects StudentNewspaper

- - Friday. Sept: tither 28, 20-07

Nightclub 'riot' turns into Deposit Scandal comedy of errors By Student Outrage as Student Homes Charlotte Griffiths

Police were called to the Union building deposits disappear leaving many out of pocket. twice last Tuesday night when aggression between security staff and By The even .in aitni ■sr :drutle.11 the issue was featured on BLit. Look eluhbers gathered pace and ended with a Jessica Geen logo tit Leeds Student l•mes. Thu North on September 21, with NIr Aitken brawl based on rumour. YourSttalentIlonic.eoni Wcbstte Is ms s .1 telling the programme Afar he admit tel.' being trouble bcgan in the early stages of the banner saving: "Coming; soon... Your "a hit slow" with returning the deposits. but night when, at art fund I !pm. an aggtessk A student letting agency owes its former Profcssir mai I I. Kites," that they would he returned within 111 dais. male hurled abuse at nightclub staff iutd .-veurity. Having been ejected at the rear of tenants nearly L4ii,onti in unpaid deposits, Leeds Student has obtained the comparn Leeds Student }tomes, which performed the club he quickly moved around to the and estimates suggest the figure could he up records for I.SI I which state that, no date, no very poorly in the Rate Your Lan‘llord (wet entrance and resumed his tirade until to 375,0t0. accounts have been filed, The records also campaign earlier this year, is the white( security were forced to call the police. The Leeds Student I tomes is being pursued show that the secretaries of both companies Facebn■.k campai,2n group "Leeds St ucien .!,:-ressive male was quickie removed from hundreds of ant.,,-ty flirt/ler tenants who have live at the carne address, although one is Finmcc Rums lives". The group curremh !1,, liniversin• campus. nor had their deposits paid hack to them called Clarke Thompson, while the other is over 2ot members. Trouble continued an hour later when from last vicar_ called (Inv Thomson. Lt.( I lousing. Specialist Andrea Kerslake die live headline ad at Stylus, DI Format, In a letter sent to past tenants, LSH Former tenants have been told they said "We have received 26 complaints in allowed a number of clubbers to-dance on stage. Following incitement from the act, the director Rory Aitken said that the company cannot contact staff at approximately two weeks, however, these 2t' (-Others proceeded to stage dive and crowd was moving into professional, rather than on helialt of their housernates YourStudentliorne.ct ro inquire about the are coming in surf into the revellers below. Union •security student. lets. However, a new company, return of their deposits, and have instead as well so we estimate that just Our cases staff were forced to follow nightclub health has been set up in been directed to a PA.). Box address on involve nearly I(t) students will• have not .ind safety procedures and put an end to thi the same building, with many of the-same Great George Street, which was described by received their deposit back. This may incoi ti crowd sorting. One partygoer was haralled staff and with the same property porthilio. an ex-rcnant as "overflow-ing." neArly 0-0.1100," In A bouncer and became verbally aggressive. the mate was subsequently *tied trom the rnion and the bouncer was dealt with ternally. In rfie mean time, a disgruntled crowd urlct returned to the stage to tell Format's NIC that the man had been taken outside to lie beaten up by secticin; staff. The MC. still ,.apses about the Crowd- surfing restrictions. incited the crowd to 'rush the bouncers'. Following this suggestion, 3(1 fit 40 people 4.allovci outside the Union NAM* in Mc smoking area to involve themselves in LILL

_ one witness said. "Time were literally 200 people outside jeering and shouting and trying to make a light". Within a short period of time, police Arrived at the Union, te.r the second time that night to help defuse the situation. At this point, Stylus attendees had spread the word that a 'tint' had begun on sat The male dubber who was supposedly in the centre of die action had left campus at this point and was ran his way home. - that friday free thing Leeds Student Friday, September 28, 2007

argument gets so much expt %sure, and when even ension and apprehension „,npped the from the hoard of Presidents - a plaque whose corridors of the L'nion building last &sultans pi asitii in on the wall of the Old liar, just this breaks down to a trivial engagement between week, the fineshadowing of some down from where the pool tables used to be, several vocal members of the Li: arguing Over oard quasi-Civil war in Union Council, as serves as one of the Union's snore obscure whether or not restoring the Presidents B our elected representatives met to records. Nowt proposal to return his name to the would be a "piece of vandalism" or a "piece of debate whether or not the Union were capable of hoard of presidents, and return history to its prop- political vandalism". What might be a more pro. "rewriting history" (their words, not mine). er course, has been raised by Mackenzie, the ductive issue would he whether or not this Is just a Wheihts ot not this awesome power lies in their Union's Offices for Communications and Internal "Waste of time" or a "waste of everyone's time". hands, or whether this was just some ridiculous Affairs, and distnissed by the Union Council. It's Its a simple ntle: the more exawerated a motion is hyperbole stapled onto an otherwise mundane saying something when even an image as absurd as made to sound, the less importance it actually issue is a question which, of course, falls outside of that of Neil Mackenzie dressed in a Doctor Who- seems to have. And while a ruling in favour of Ihtr my abilities to answer, but I think it's needless to esque scarf and hat, battling a)rainst the low-budg. Union's ability to control time and space sounds at say that the LIC voted in favour of retaining this et Daleks of Union bureaucracy to restore the catastrophic, its actual effect is that the union h'welltan pi men past, is not the most ridiculous thing about this saves the cost of returning Jack Straw's name in The issue itself? In 200o, an AG\1 was held to proposal_ I II Ipt font to a badly lit board in a darkened room. decide whether or not to remove Jack Straw's life It's no wonder that so few people express an "Von can't put a cost on historical accuracy," membership to the Union. as well as his name interest in Union politics when such an irrdevant claims Mackenzie, but he is wrong - you can,

cartoon: anlela murphy

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4 Deposit Scandal (Cont?d from front page)

--)"' She continued: "Leeds Student Homes may from Leeds :student I lomes. She said: "Last have in the region of 1,000- I,50 tenants year my flatmates and I were dealt with very Reader(s) of the week with each deposit being an average. of 2511. poorly by Leeds Student Homes. On top of this means that .0250,0001-375,000 could be that, we're all very angry that we still haven't involved." received our deposits back despite leaving Umpol has received around 25 official the house clean and handing in all the Contents complaints. appropriate documentation. Simon F. Unipoi Code of Standards "1 know many students who have had the administrator, said: "It is very likely that same problem, and it's disgusting that the News 2-8 these complaints will go to an independent company thinks its okay to handle people tribunal, as they involve breaches of the like this." LS Extra 9-15 'ode of Standards. Unfintrunatelv, the TASC student Paul Tait said: "The tribunal cannot force Rory Airkens to pay complete contempt shown by Leeds Student Comment 14 out. The small claims count will take the Homes and Rory Aitkcns for the students adjudication into account." reining from them is astonishing. The fact 15 He continued: "We will be formally that they've only shown semi-interest in The Big Debate writing to him to let him know when the doing anything since they were exposed by ribunal will take place. Unless this money is Look North is a complete disgrace. LS Chat 17 paid prior to the tribunal, it will go ahead. It "And they have the gall to tell us that the would be in everyone's interests for him to staff at cannot help LS2 18 Turn around and par the money hack." A and redirect: you to a dead end. I would provisional date for the tribunal has been set strongly advise anyone considering renting Sport 40 as October 4. from the cowboys to Find Third year Psychology student Katie I hilt somewhere else as there is a huge choice of is still waiting to receive her deposit back accommodation in Leeds."

I. Si. Editor - Charlotte Griffiths / Associate Editors - ,James Haddon Gardiner, Matt Andrews, Laurie Whitwell / News - Chris Stevenson, .iessica Geen, Laura Mackenzie & Rachel Hunter / Extra - Vivien King Macdona & Paul Raymond / Comment - Maryam Ahmad & Virginia Newman / Sport - Owen Bradley, Ahran Symonds-Baig, Joe Hibbert / Photos - John Puddephatt & Maria Garbutt-Lucero / Online - Barry Carlyon / Advertising assistant - Kate / Advert design - Rebecca Edlin / Copy editors - Amy Watson, Jemma Thompson, Clare Morley, Ellen Paine / Designer - Jessica Midden / Staff Co-ordinator - Christine Cooper Leeds Student Newspaper, Leeds University Union, PO Box 157, Leeds, LS1 1U1-1; (0113) 3801450; [email protected] To advertise email [email protected] Leeds Student I I Friday, September 28, 2007 • Around the world in eighty bags

by Ruth Skitt and Pauline carrier and now Sshhh...!, though . ■tiginally Bache designed for earring books around campus, can be spotted on the arms of shoppers branching from Tokyo to Washington. A surprising mix of Leeds' style-conscious One Facebook group has dedicated a wardrobes and the ceo-friendly green move- world map to phou,graphs of Sshhh,..! bags ment has created tine t.d- the must have acces- snapped by their globetrotting owners. sories of the year, Sshhh...! aficionados mention that last Sshhh...! Bags, launched by the University year saw a shortage of bags due to their popu- of Leeds' libraries, have spawned a worldwide larity and ominously claim that "Until your fan base and national newspaper coverage. dedication has been proven ecru will only be Since last September more than I 1,000 of the regarded as a semi-member." L2 bags have been sold, prompting Pk (aranikm Since the Guardian article, Librarian Angela to highlight their phenomenal success and to Newton has been contacted frequently for declare the bags as the student accessory of the orders outside the university, "Particularly by moment." other I IL libraries who want to copy us such as Leeds librarians recognized the need for an tht ise in Cr tventry and fork-" environmentally-friendly alternative to plastic Each season a new colour is introduced-to the counters of our libraries_ Sshhh._.! has so far spanned the spectrum with bags in pink, brown, aqua, blue. black, red and the limited edition green. These updated hues, combined with a new batch of students, have ensured that the popu- y of !he environmentally friendly totes shows no sign of waning. Jessica Payne, a lio.dotty graduate, still waxes lyrical about her Sshhh...! bag: "I cOuid BOOK RAG: may contain the Da VislCi:Code talk for hnurs about lit]. I've even got it with how comunim walk me right now,.' Liz Waller, who is responsible- for ordering the bags, confirms that the production willeon- tinue: "Bag fans will be thrilled to know that. What we all knew pink will return alongside dark purple which we "Conugious yawning" has been proven to have students and 40 engineering students who were have been asked for on a number of c occasions. a greater effect on people who are more social- sat in a waiting room. (hi average, the psychol- There will be. green bags for graduation next Iy Ater earn, mg out a study, psycholo- ogy students yawned 5.5 times whilst the engi- year and we are open for colour suggest-lints for gists at the have discovered neering students yawned onh 1.5 times. The the autumn." a link between a person's level of empathy and amount of -awning tin-related with their.abilt- Speculation continues on Facebook over and their susceptibility to yawntng contagious. ty to appreciate the mental M.M.CS of possible; ;tecesscories to complement the bags Dr Morrison said: "The research has rein. such as "a concrete access, Iry to represent the Researchers conducted their c,Aperlinent Merced the theory, that contagious yawning is a l'.dwaril Boyle." be observing the reactions lit. -III psYchnkig display rit cMpathy." Smoothie sales make for juicy profits

The real reason be-hind the rise in by Oliver Holmes smoothie sales could he that the demographic of students attending Leeds is changing. I-bad Hassan, Equality and Diversity Officer for 1..t21.? said; "For a Union that is marketed Recent statistics have •shniwn that the sales of around alcohol consumption, Juice Bar is a smoothies and iiiices are cutting into the pro• niche for mature, part-time and international its of alcohol in student unions. A decade ago, students, and students of certain faiths." student unions made L1_2in a year on alcohol However, while smoothie profits arc cm sales: today, the ilgure is closer to flinti,0011. the increase it seems certain that juice bars Leeds University Union was the first stu- will never have th e imancial upper hand over dent union in the to open a juice bar in the traditional union bar. Juice Bar at Leeds 2006. Since then 12 unions around the coun- University is very staff intensive and the use try have followed suit. of fresh ingredients means profits ate nften Juice Bar's sales ha Ye increased dramati- lost through waste. cally over the past year and the serving count- As a result smoothies and juices can be er has been extended to accomodate more ery expensive and this has put off sonic stu- students. Paul Thomas, liar Manager of Juice dents, especially when a pint of beer can be Bar and Mine, said: Last Tuesday we went bought more cheaply than a regular -sized through 67 cases of oranges and 25 litres of smoothie. yoghurt in one day:" Lesley Dixon, Chief Executive of Leeds Nick Miller, an e mployee of the LU1. Univetsio Student Union acknowledges that Juice liar feels smonthics and juices are not all students will be tempted by juice liar: becoming so popular hecuase of the health -For some students, the once liar is going no benefits. said; "Students come to Juice Bar replace an :do 'holt( bar, but not for all". because people are bet:timing more and more health conscious." Friday, September 28, 2007 4 Leeds Student

Beetle brainwave Triumph over landlord Bombardier beetles are being used by Leeds sten. lists to help dash. /op a more efti- cient and envitna. in deposit dispute mentally -friendly mechanism of two. die-tree injections, asked Northend Management if they could prove An ex-student of Leeds University has fire extinguishers and by Chris Stevenson that there were hills outstanding, which they proved that there is still hope of justice for 11/4.ipowerful fuel injection st could not, and so the ruling was issued. a. students who have their deposits withheld by terns. their landlords without a valid reason. On its webstre the Coinpany states it will: The new technology was created ht Ti an Wei-ran, a holiticastudent who o gradu- been paid in lull by the residents, as was stated in "do what we say we will do" and that we arc examining the working mechanisms "if ated in May, has successtulh claimed against the original accommodation contract. The dee honest," However, despite being ordered by the the bombardier beetle's defence system. Just Northend Management lad., who run the Eldon rric bill was subsequently paid. C•nat to repay the money owed to Mr Weymart, Own residences opposite the University. I-however gas was not actually in use M the Northcnd Management did not comply. This led 2cm long, the beetle defends-itself against Documents shown to Leeds Student state residence and when the water company was con- to a warrant being issued and bailiffs visiting the predators including frogs and birds with a that after the ruling, Northend Management were tacted, according to their records, the building did company address in (order to seize the amount cocktail tot steam and stinging chemicals ordered to par L,11)0, which amounted to the sum not actually exist and so they could not be that was owed. which it can blast for distances of the deposit and interest accrued on the charged for the water bill. Speaking of his vision in court, Tom said: "I of up to 2(tcm. According to Prof. McIntosh amount. The company were also ordered to pay Mr Woman subsequently wrote. two letters am really pleased to have anon and I hope I have of Leeds University, the beetle's defence sys- 148 costs. to Northcnd Management stating that if the set an example for other students to follow, as tem is similar to a pressure cooker controlled The dispute related to supposed unpaid bills deposit was not returned then legal action would landlords shouldn't be able to get away with this by a complicated system of valves. He said: at Mr Woman's residence. N irthend Manage- be taken, This led u, the matter being put through type of thing. Make sure you always have the last "Essentially it's a high-force steam cavitation ment claimed that the deposit would not be the small claims, ending with the court date on %outdo' udges will always side with the tenants." explosion. Using chambers less than one mil- returned until the gas, electric and water bills had August 2. The judge who presided over the case limetre long, this amazing creature has the ability to change the rapidity of what comes out, its direction and its consistency. We did- Cartoon: itniela Murphy the Knowledge. n't appreciate how much we would learn from it," Andrea Kerslake, housing specialist for UM, said "Landlords suddenly disappear- ing with deixosit money may soon be a thing of the past. Students who have signed a ten- Arthritis relief ancy agreement after April CO 21107 should check that their landlnrd has protected their A new Investigation into Rheumatoid Arthritis I deposit_ This is new kgislation and is com- given hope to thousands of ♦. pulsor The haulml has no choice. If the sufferers. landlord tails to provide details of which A ream from the University of Leeds will company they, have used to protect deposits, recruiting patients from a Leeds hospital to study, students should contact the student advice over a two year 'period, the causes of the extreme centre." pain that pnients develop in their feet. The chronic disease, which normally manifests itself as excruciating pain in the balls of sufferers' feet, has been likened to walking on pebbles. The research, which uses close examination Indian Student Stars utilising ultrasound, is highly acclaimed and has been backed by the Arthritis Research Campaign (ARC). ARC: itself has donated over 1,11)000 tit nor will include ling,inecring, Biomedical Sci- round will also see their knowledge of both the etInrt.Df i By Natasha Evans and ence Computer Science, Journalism, and global and Indian businesses tested, along with Michaela Martin le idi Davis, who leads the team at Leal% Montag ement, professions which arc highly their awareness of business history, and busi- said: "Ran care services for people with arthritis sought after in India today . ness terminology and expressions. eery important and yet they are (often neglected A pane! of judges have whittled the thou- Once selected, the Leeds scholarship win- India's brightest students are competing on With 12,000 new eases of rheumatoid artist sands of candidates down to forte for each ner will begin a three year degree course in a New Delhi reality show to win a scholar- diagnosed even year, research of this kind is ship at Leeds University, worth over prize. These foorty will then he reduce to four in Business Management at the University's Busi- ciaL" £45,000. the elimination stages. Co ffitcstants on Scholar ness school (11185), with the option of spend. In addition, the University of Leeds is also The shrove which launched on I alv 14th Hunt: Destination UK arc judged on their abil- mg a year in industry if they wish. All the while vying out an investigation looking into the co 2007, proposes to select the brainiest and hest ity to think under pressure, as they sit exams, they will be filmed by New Delhi Television from India's thriving student co immunity. The and undergo interviews. (NDTV). non between patients genetic make-up and t five lucky winners will win scholarships to five The final round for the Business Manage- NDTV spokesperson. Raj Na.yak explained extent of their arthritis. prestigious British universities: Leeds, War- ment scholarship at the University of Leeds. the how the show came about, She said: "Realit: wick, Sheffield, Middlesex and Cardiff. The finalists will he asked to demonstrate their Shows have been a huge success in the past, lout scholarships which contestants will compete numerical and mental reasoning skills, The final it was important for us that. it fitted with dn. Huntington's profile and image of the channel, and that'). how we narrowed it down to education." breakthrough Current Leeds student. Sheet:4 Bhaleran. an MA student in Advertising and Marketing, LAV hoop' has been raised for people suffetin experienced mowing front India to study, in t tom thc degeuetiative I Iunrington's distant. Leeds herself. When asked about the competi- \V irking alongside scientists; from the Unit-mail tit tion winner, she said: "I'm sure they will have a Wan, America and King's College London, great learning experience And the university is going to (diet them researchers at the University of Leeds have silith°1 the brain in I Iuntii1L;. a great life experience." the ")IcCtilat ParklWa%'s of that as, at While Sheetal is positive about the reality ton's sufferera. It hots been disco show, other students have seen it the bialy's naturally occurring proteins is proem. as an unfair to route into university. Joanne Whitehead, a first ing 57 separate genet from operating correctly year Cultural Studies, said: "It seems unfair that the brain of 1 untingnm's patients. The potcniiii other students, including o alter international treatment cornea in the form of an adaptal vetsavi students have to go through the usual system of da drug, most likely to Ix. Trichostatin applying to heeds University when this winner already being developed to treat main- STU DENT STAR? .\ model !loses as a contestant does ant; other students do not have the (Twin types of cancer, and may help to stop the onsei of photo of going on a reality television show." the disease. laszanne C hoiea researcher in the Platt- )1131oloOcal Sciences said: "This is a rutty calk ing breakthrough." 5 A Leeds Student SE' - 1(1 Friday, September 28, 2007 Plant the seed of knowledge

West Yorkshire Police has joined forces by Lisa McCormick Leeds students to design podcasts channelling play, and stick to well -ht areas, streets and n tads, with the University of Leeds to launch the safety advice tic students. Never take that quick short cut through a dark

'Knowledge' campaign. Joanne added: "The new coordinated

The partnership, which also includes Leeds approach will help people to recognise the Sara Gill, Community Officer for Munsev. Student Liaison Officer for West City Council, aims to prevent crime and keep branding of the 'Km iwictlge ' campaign, encour- University Union said: "It's great that we can irksh ire Police, "One rumour I regular- I hi- ea WOO students of l .cods safe, with statistics aging more students tn pay :attention to their input -sic much in to this campaign and help all ly hear is that I h-dc Park is the hi ct spit for male showing that 21) per cent of students will own safety." the students of Leeds. Working with the Ft, dice, rapes. There never has been one in the park, and become a victim of crime during their time at The 'Knowledge' cattipaign is also linked to we are showing that educating and in ft trming the numbers of female rapes are extremely university the Walksafc campaign promoted by West students about crime and Staying safe does not rare." The 'Knowledge ' campaign was launched Yiirkshire Police. Now in its fifth year, Walksafc mean scaring them, riot does it mean treating The launch was postponed until after in Hyde Park nn September 24 with an event will be running for two weeks during Septem- them like kids. I am really pleased with the Freshers' week due inconcerns over the that aimed to give students advice on Crime pre- ber. There will be high profile policing across attractive and informative campaign we have amount of pressure on new students. vention. I lyric Park has been identified as an Leeds, particularly in key student areas that have developed which I know will only grow and Joanne said: " \X- ith over 900 ' Knowledge' bags area that must be monnered as 11 has seen a rise been identified through crime pattern analysis, grow over the coming year." given out during day one of the launch, it seems in the number of burglaries recently, With 41 in including Ileadingley and Hyde Park, with The 'Knowledge' partnership is taw, airag we made the right decision." The last. month. research showing that three in five people are ing students to feedback on the 'Knowledge ' Each hag contained a survival guide. police Joanne Rustron from the Safer Leeds Part- targeted while walking through Hyde Park websne to help the teiun resp intl It. real Student information pack and a bottle protector cap in nership said: "Hyde Park is a perfect location to alone. experiences. West Yorkshire Police arc also an attempt to increase ctudents' awareness. launch the campa411. We will be targeting. bur- Inspector Richard Culdwell of the Neigh - offering a number of cash owes for students ' The 'knowledge' campaign will he running Wan• in these residential areas-which arc mostly mring Policing Team advised students to feedback. throughout the academic year sponsoring regu - occupied by sees int] and third year studen ts.- -licaNs,-are of where you .ire walking, try and To get involved or for :wore information visit, lar Leeds I . niversitv welfare projects. West The campaign also aims to dispel sonic of always walk in groups, never have any if your •ww ,k tit m, . Yorkshire Police have also been working with rhe myths that surround crime i n I..eeds. Carole possessions like your mabile ur laptop i .11 dis 16•



foliage grows in Hyde Park.

pliuto:John Pudclephatt Survey reveals student satisfaction

by Laura Mackenzie don, who gained a three point th \Shit Men- expcnence, vvhiek i:,02.1t. Ifs pante:, - alm' the usefulness of the results and the The Leeds' course which bad the most sat- lark good to see that we have again sect/T(1 results of similar surveys. Joanne \Whitehead, a

isfied students was Medical. Science iind Phar- above the seen ,r average on teaching quality and first year Cultural Studies student, said: "I think

macy, and the lowest was 'Other Creative Arts' on learning resources." that prospective students base the decision on The 2007 National Students Survey (NSS) cilmbined. - However, du; University recognises that where ui go to university on the city ir's in and has revealed that 82 per cent of students The Survey was conducted by I pst+S improvements can still be made and die Survey I were happy with their Leeds University an independent market research agene- also helped to highlight areas uf weakness. The issue of feedback and experience. and had the fu ll support of thr NI, 15.11-us is the Leeds I. niverstty twin Educatinn Officer, assessment has again The Suney was completed 111, GI per cent third year in which the Survey has run and its Susan Nash, said: "While it is positive to set the of final year students, who answered the ques• been highlighted results aim to contribute to informing prnspec general student experience at Leeds =pi-tar ing, nuns by pest. ythane. and online. b 'Live studcnts' choice of wl ten lo go and v. hat to. the results do sib ccnrun weaknesses. ci .curse, rattier than on Questions covered six cons areas: teaching studs. "in particular the issue of feedback and heard ofthe NSS the rime osit l itia's re sultsdidni' 't quality, assessment and feedback, academic sup - With overall satisfaction slightly up front assessment has again been highlighted, reflect affix] my choice at tn." port, organisation & managentent. personal last sear and an impressive stronger than :e.eraet- mg comments we have received from cur mem - (;r1tharn, a second se:41- 141W SIUdent development, and learning resources, and a final bers- and Rur ficr the Law Staff-Student Forum felt question which asked about `overall ' levels of 82 per cent of students are Susan made it clear that the Erwin wen: that the results v4VIC usebil rn that they vanis- satisfaction. Students were asked to answer the happy with their Leeds ,.atisfied with the I :niVertilry'S response ni this h., an An 'Hub:pendent sourer- but Alm, felt that questions using a five point raring scale that University experience ediness, She said: "We are pleased that the the Stirve% itself was largely Irrelevant. She said: went from one, definitely disagree. up to 5, defi - I niversitv recognises this and lia$ Comtnitted err "There are a lot stutivnT surv,:vs lout there at nitely agree. response rate, the Survey's results have been enhancing its provision in this area." die moment and it earl be (VAL confusingfusing for Leeds' overall satisfaction mark was four, welr, imed hi staff, Pro-Vice-Chancellor fin- I If Ayever, while the University found the prospective snick nil:. '. in between the top university. 'mostly agree Learning and Teaching, Professor Vivien Jones, NSS helpful in recognising what they arc doing Tr would teem then that while the NSS is Open University, who gained a five, and the hot. said: "Once again, in well over half of our sub- wrong and what they arc doing right. the stu - :tiding staff that it is not reaching Itit u , prt ,aree- torn university, the University of the kris Lnn ject areas, students are satisfied or very .satisfied dents themselves were a little tri• ire sceptical 1e students.

6 Leeds Student Friday, September 28, 2007

Defeating clampdown superbugs Researchers at 1 eeds have found ways of mine_ mg the spread in-diseases in hospitals. I lospitals around the world have become on late night takeaways increasingly worried about the risk sit cross- infection between patients, particularly with the rise ni'super bugs' which are resistant to antibi- Recent proposals by Headingley council- often ctomplatn Anna iht. noise and mess by Virginia Newman otics and affect orte in ten people in hospitals. lors have caused amendments to be made caused by late night takeaways. A first of its kind study at Leeds, by the In the licensing regulations of takeaway "This policy would give the council add Pathogen Control Engineering (PM) research shops in central Headingley. nonal powers no curb their late night activi group in the School of Civil Engineering, has Fast frond shops serving Not flood me no nes. Any restriction wnuld glow further teeth (other area tot the ells and the, cove rise to found that making simple changes to the design longer allowed to serve eusnorners after to the cumulatisn- impact police :dreads in problems sueh as 'noise nuisance and of hospital wards and ventilation systems could I lam am, depending on the terms t of increased littering. plue in I leadingley, which limits the develop- t heir lice nse. ment of pubs in the area be a critical factor in controlling outbreaks of "I am plc ased that the ecouncil has serious airborne infections, such as SARS, leadinglev councillors, James Monaghan and There are further plans no stop more resnotnnoi ptosineelt to residents' concerns influenza and tuberculosis. as Well as some wcll- Martin I lamiltnn, explained why tiles 'ye wel- and is seeking approval to take affect action takeaway shops being built in the area in known hospital pathogens like acinerohacrer and t-corned the prt takeaway restnerums, to combat the problems." order to protect the lotcal shopping centre and MRS& )(limes MI onaglian. a I.ilseral Democrat These changes are part of a three year (other businesses. If these proposals arc The study's findings will inform the UK's councillor for Headingles and Chair of the reviewing poolics. l lotwever, the councillors passed it .vill mean that any applications to new guiddines for the ventilmiton of healthcare lleadingles l'iorum, said: "The issue of late are pushing int further measures no combat open new fast focal shoot's will Ise declined, facili ties. night takeaways was raised at a Ilearlingley anti-scoria' behaviour in the area. A draft policy 1ti currently being consid- Dr Andrew Sleigh, principal investigator, Forum meeting, anti it was then that we decid- Martin flarnilton, a Liberal Democrat ered and is in consultations with Leeds rest • said: "There is evidence that In to 2(t per cent t of ed in pursue the rilaUt-r. The concentration 1,1 etouncilltor fnr l•cadingley, said: "Residents dent s. takeaways in I leadinnlee is higher than in any in feericms are spread through the air, but until now, their tole in the infection chain has been largely overlooked, as doctors rend to emphasise the importance in washing Isands and avoiding pht, steal co intact, Civil engineering lecturer Dr Catherine Noakes used computational fluid dynamics no inn del a tuberculosis ward in Peru. This allowed her no predict how airbcorne particles would trav- el from one patient's bed to another, spreading pathogens across the room. The nu idol showed that moving the ventila- tion inlets and outlets no different positions could reduce the this cif :nth erne trantnission by OPEN; hut- lot how bin• photoJitho Puddephatt more than 75 per cent, without. having to increase the air supple into the ward, which would consume more electricirn neastotclii"..., Dr Noakes also) calculated the risks ctlan air- ensoL N477.' borne disease outbreak in a hospital environ- cat's' ment, accounting for factors such as temperature and humidity. _"

A Leeds Student Friday, September 28, 2007 7

Rose Hampton

Name:Rosc Hampton working with vulnerable groups in society 'rode .0ecupation:President of Action such as the elderly and children, as well as RH: Their can pip abing to environmental projects. Oh. a nd we kmt the ef 41.1111.12LT office which IS: Good Afternoon Rnse. So, first things loads of socials! upstairs in the Union first. how did yrrtt hen ome the top person at ne, for more details, visit Action? IS: I think student ears will prick up at that nor website: www.ieedsac- RH: Well, I joined the group in the firSt. year, pare Sonew year, fresh oalk, attended regularly and helped to set up the starte.what do you plan to. change about proiect Sunday Sunshine. I then got elected Action? LS: What would be your in 1May by the Action Group Executive, RH: At the moment we're developing ti w advice to projects dealing with teenagers and young LS: Sr is the position of Action President a offenders as we'd like to expand on the It's a lot of hard Full-boar, paid job like those elf the Union number of vulnerable groups we. are work- work but it's worth executive and Leeds Student Editor? ing with. We're also trying ro increase the RH. I love working with the Action Execu- 1(11: No, I'm in ny third sear at the moment number of volunteers, which of it when you see the tive nit new projects, especially our Syr I'm juggling the work with my degree as course is going to be absolutely vital if we results. envirionmeniel project Greto n Street., This well. Also, Action is a volunteer group -in are ro set up new projects. fneuses on encouraging recycling nine of the positions are paid! around the I. mversity. It's been very success- LS: (1K, let's see if we can help you then! prospective candidates for the President next ful so fit bui there's always more \That kind of student is Achim year? that the University and Union could be Action is the biggest looking for? RH: I would advise them to gto leo as many' doing! RH: We're l‘Kiking for anyone w IV) has meetings :is they can, and to r work tin as volunteer group in the couple of hour a week to spare and vetoes many projects as possible. And tht.1 MUM be I_S: OK,„your 3u11 seci•nds are up. Goodbye Union to help make a difference in the community. enthusiastic about the job! and good luck! Any student can join Inn they need LS: For to care about the projects and be CO inniirtudt LS: And. finally, what's the most boringpart For all enquiries about Student Activities at all rho ese Freshers our therc, and possibly about von job? 1_ceds University Unio on contact the some oblivious second and I.S:lf you coulo.l describe Action in three RH: Definitely the administration! les a lot ARC Reception on Telephone number (11 I3 third years as well, can you tell us a bit about words what would they be? of hard work but its worth it when you see 38111 413 or email uniareqleeds, • what Netion act tally is? RI I: Fun, worthwhile, and interesting! the results. RH: Right, Well, Action is the biggest %Atm- IS: Cr HA, hopefully that will entice some new •lecr society in the LULL We run projects Freshers! How can they contact LS: ...and the most excitiiq Lectures with Freshers' week extra text appeal success by Claire Freeston them to text him their opinions on the lecture done. She said: -The weeks after Freshers can and the topics covered. He plans to expand by Laura Mackenzie sometimes he the hardest and the kindest time for the messaging system this year, perhaps even students. It is easy to get caught up in the adding extra incentives for those who. r•ply.• intro s Week excitanent and. tint fed lonely. We want The 20117 I.Ards I:Inver:4v Freshers* Week has Dr. Kevin !.inch, the Administrative Officer Ile said: "I'd like to Cite tiff questions to students to know that we are hear to support them. been an unprecedented success, for Learning and Teaching fur History, has students outside a lecture by text and reward I would olefinitelv suggest that students get involved A spokesman for the Events e glic• in the come up with a novel way of persuading his the first person to text in an answer with a in tiniron clubs and activities, it's a great way- tot meet Una in said there had been no problems at all with third year students to actively participate in Mars Bar!" new people!" his lectures. security and no recorded' injuries at any filthy Intro Dr. Line], asks his tutees tn text in Week events.lie added: was the first year that answers to questions he asks them and the all events completely • sold o out_ Everynne was [laving replies are then displayed in an lithos: proiect- a brilliant time.- ed onto the lecture hall for the room to dis- When asked why he thought events had been cuss. SO successful, he se id; "1 put it do Aim in the quality c if After originally starting as an eXpenement events and acts being better than ever before. Even last year, the idea has received a positive reac- the Verigaboys were well received.-.people were tion from students. Dr I.inch said: "at least gt,ing cruy!" half, even three quarters, of the students in The Union Welfitre Yearn mimed similar RIC- the lecture normally respond," CeNS with their ntgamsed events, For the firsr emir The general consensus of opinion among the Team travelled to o each halls t rf resident-re talking professors in Inc school and administrative n s students alto ttr their experience and rr fleeing help staff has also been positive. Pain Bingley, and support. I izete Fellows, Welfare t !Ricer, said: Head of the Undergraduate Enquiries ( )Rice "The 'Roac:bow' was very successful. Even in the School of History, said: "Anything that though we MCC a Ion of hung-over students they gets students to interact with their tutor can't were still exerted about taking part in the eatmpetio Bons we organised and our meetings bad a gn i he a bad thing." x1 However Alice Needham, a second year turnout." English and French student, felt less positive Iaxzie added: 'AVe visited Bo )(lingua) on the about ilie scheme-. Site said: " It's making a move-in weekend and disco wend one boy had Imo mockery of lectures and turning university ken Ins lee after three hours there!" AfuT into a kind of gameshow.- such a successful week it would seem that the Fresh. agc !court. FRESHERS: No or no rowdy used the system to TEXT: New cis had well and truly settled in. 1 Itrweyer, .1•/IA: Dr Linch has also photo:1-i Zhen photo:John Puddephatt recereve feedback from his students, enabling made it clear that their was 5611 much work try lw 8 Leeds Student Friday, September 28, 2007 fr?

(I° I A pint sized problem? How drinking culture on campus leaves teetotalers out in the cold.

change of attitudes in regard to the most popu- separation on the grounds of who drinks and drink alcohol at University is immense and is lar of student activities and pastimes: drinking who doesn't and this becomes a problem in felt inost intensely by thcsse who are either not alcohol. wider society when drinking culture comes to used to drinking large amounts on a regular It is almost universally accepted that the symbolise 'Briushness' in itself. More often basis or who don't drink it at all. Most society activities of a student stereotypically consist of than not the reasons for abstaining are on reli- socials will usually involve drinking on a mas- drinking, being drunk, stealing traffic cones gious grounds, especially where Muslim stu- sive scale which deters many of the nor•drink- whilst under the influence, smoking and gener- dents are concerned. Today the problem for ing variety from joining. Perhaps if societies ally exerting as little effort as possible. So affil- the government surrounding British Muslims is were encouraged to occasionally plan alcohol- iated are the ideas of students with drinking this recognition that Muslims hold strongly to free mixers this would result in the involve- that book retailers can frequently le found to their religious views and will not be compro- ment of more students interested in the rele- offer free saver vouchers on selected beer and mised by engaging in practices which, although vant activity such as photography, dancing or • • • • are the norm in our society., arc prohibited by, boxing instead of those who generally just • eligious beliefs, and this in turn somehow come along for the evening piss-up. • , Most society socials brings their loyalty to Britain into question. The Of onuses it is up to people as individuals to concern with this issue is indicative of our choose whether to drink or not and this right ,' will usually involve • wholly ignorant representation in the House of should not be taken away from anyone. The t r . Maryam Ahmad Commons. This may appear like an over-sim- alcohol issue should primarily be concerned Third year English student • drinking on a • • massive scale which phfication of the issue, but it does seem that in with raising awareness of those who choose ooking around the campus on any order to become more British and put an end not to drink, and how small changes can help given day you'll notice the extremely : deters many of the to the religion versus patriotism debate, all to combat the problem of alienation that most diverse groups of people that the Uni. Muslims have to do is discard one religious people feel when entering University, nor just versity attracts. Fvcry year brings in : non-drinking variety belief and drink alcohol. It seems that today, those who feel they arc unable to participate, hordes of freshers from different e„ from joining. Muslims are involved in all sectors and levels though not through any lack of desire to be citiesL and countries, all from different cultures of society bar one. This is where University involved. and backgrounds with a perspective entirely drinking can be seen to represent at least part I tunefully with the launch of LUU's new unique to them. Now the student body is about wines with every On spent on course books. of the conflict that is occurring today: drinking Interfaith Assembly these issues concerning to get a little bit more diverse. Due to legisla- Having said this, student drinking culture is an alcohol seems to be the only way to become societies will be brought to the forefront and tion on age discrimination, the University has issue which, if left unaddressed, will inevitably socially accepted and fully included in society tint left to fizzle out of the agenda while many accepted applications from under- I n students cause social problems on campus. and at University. students continue to miss out on an essential and this will, Or perhaps should. result in a The I 'niversity is beginning to show signs of There is a consensus that the pressure to part of the University experience. How was it for you? Freshers' activities are judged mediocre while student diversity remains unaccounted for.

cation. Don't gel me wrong, I emoy a good strikes you on arrival is not the diversity of up and admit that it's not really their thing, drink and a (terrible) dance as much as the activities available in Freshers' Week, or the despite the fact that their new friends might next gm. but for large numbers of new sty opportunity to use your new-found freedom, be feeling exactly the same. It really needs to dents, the experience is as overwhelming as it but instead a prescriptive idea of how to be said: some people hate Ureshers' week, is ultimately disappointing. Popular media, as behave. Nights out in this period arc depress. • well as family and friends, paint a picture of ingly did-16d and go no way to indicate the this introduction week as seven days of unhri true diversity of Leeds nightlife. The minority died enjoyment, self-expression and the students to whom alcohol is not an essen- The most part of socialising arc barely catered for. opportunity to have fun as never before. I.ven tial • depressing aspect th• higher education institutes arc guilty of Indeed, even those who like going to pubs r • perpetuating a stereotypical Image of what a and clubs struggle to find an evening that of the huge gap in Fresher 'should' be. This is then turned into doesn't involved being herded like cal tic • the choice available to profit by the clubs and bars that organise ever towards a characterless club to listen to indus- more jaded events to remove us from our trially produced music, and then getting drunk • Freshers is that it seems • money. The final effect of this is to leave beyond the point of caring how totall∎ • to be a taboo issue. many students with a list of the things that mediocre the whole experience is. 0.12 ,•24.9**222• 9999999 9 9 Ed Prior they should he doing, how they should be The most depressing aspect of the Modern languages student feeling and how much they should be enjoying huge gap in the choice available to Freshers is some people think it's utter rti bbish and with. hemselves. that it seems to be a taboo issue. Those who the stereotypical nat ure of whit it should be Lots of people look forward to com- are uninspired by what goes on are neverthe- climax for SO ■ it's no surprise that it is an anti- i,u gut vi Rif results, 1, oil pack, you ing to university so that thev can rid them. less led by those who do enjoy themselves. many. 'The best week of your life so far' mii4hti paek mime more and then, finally: selves of the constraints of school, family due to fact that everyone wants to get to know turn out to he one of the hiqest disappoint. you arrive in Leeds. You arc con• pressures and the group of friends with whom each other. The result destroys any individual- merits, due to the over-hyping and lack fronted with Freshers' N eek, which ► they have spent many of their formative years. ity as, due to, the lack of choice, students diversity or imagination. Surely it's time that can be a great rime spent getting to An ripporiunity to develop beyond the merely gel what they are given and those who rho fantastic range of ideas, people and way ykrp,v,. large numbers of people from totally 1-41nd:toes bud down by these groups and the realise that they duo not enjoy it simply have to have a good time in Leeds at different backgrounds and exploring the fti how to home environment is invaluable for a true put up with it, It seems wholly possible that rc flee red in what gets offered to new arrivals? nightlife of this great city. Yet for an increas- comprehension of the kind of person you large numbers of students go out to special ing number of people Freshers' week acts as a want to be. But despite this the first thing that Freshers' nights just to fit in, and never pipe pretty uninspiring introduction to higher edu- Leeds Student I I Friday, September 28, 2007 . • • • • News extra: features.

10 Things to do in ri

1■,1 Leeds before you die. Vicky Ellis, Vivien King Macdona and Matt Andrews list their top ten essentials for every new (and old) Leeds student to discover.

The big debate: 14 Should takeaways be curfewed? A The powers that be are trying to ban takeaways from Headingley. Should we allow them to take to most precious resource in student life?

4 • •• • • •••••••• ••• ••• • •••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Culture Clash.

eeds has its own distinct charac university to Leeds this year, Hannah's ter- it might be a bit of a split experience of freshers' week has been Two Leeds students reveal personality but. its sense ()I self eye-opener, vet with sonic unexpected is intrinsic to ir• N, c ry streets and similarities. Coming from one of the their pre-Leeds lives in the Life we lead within them. For most famous bastions of traditional Eng- mostL of us, this character permeates our lish education to a modern red brick uni university lases and creates the bubble in has given her a unique perspeetRe of Senegal and Oxford, and which we kyt irk, drink, and generally exist. being a fresher, as she explains on p.I0. So it is inevitable that we forget the 1 laving taken a gap-year and travelled simultaneous existances which continue to Senegal, Kieran's i iew of Leeds conies how they compare with our around the globe; the parallel universes to with an African flavour. Strong attitudes which we arc, For the tnostpart, old WI( ms. to alcohol consumption are perhaps one city of sin... T-hough for current freshers Elarinah of the clearest differences when it comes Stokell and Kieran Toms, their previous ti youth culture. but beyond that, Kieran experiences have hightlighted the huge explores his optmtins on crime, commu- differences in culture which appear when nity and consumables. See how these you are confronted with a new life at unituc perspectives compare to ',our pre. Leeds. Having transferred from Oxford uni existence. 10 Leeds Student I www,, September 28, 2007 • • • The Oxford gap Ever wondered what life would be like at Oxford University? Having experienced freshers' week both there and in Leeds, Hannah Stokell gives us the inside story.

ike every other fresher, 1 two places. At Leeds, the emphasis week locked in the librart. working. At arrived in l..eeds last Sunday during Freshers' week is on having Leeds I am yet to see anybody do any- with feelings of excitement, fun. This is seen in all the events held thing which vaguely resembles work.

anticipation, and fear. How i WO 1.1 G in the union, and the fact that You Before Oxford, I was apprehensive ever, these feelings were can't get near the university without about the people I would meet there, combinedL with a sense of familiarity I • running the 'leaflet gauntlet' and and I did find some typical 'Oxford This was not the first time I had lei' Tv, being bombarded with sweets and types'; extremely posh and stinking home, and it was not the first time I 1 3 It: condoms. At Oxford there is no stu- rich. In contrast there were 'inverted had started I 'niversity. This time last F lilt!II, _ A ,s dent union, which means you end up snobs' who would tell anyone who year I was a fresher at Oxford Univer- , following the older students out and- would listen that they went to a state sity. r+lrA tit spending the night surrounded by school and were therefore cleverer There are a lot .,I misconceptions •rir extremely drunk white boys who think than anyone privately educated. There about Oxford, many of which ate they can dance. A few Freshers' week were it few gceks, but also some sur- untrue, and although I dropped out I events were arranged, including the prises. For example, Oxford students had some amazing times there and infamous Top' have more sex, its official. The same met great people. One thing that is which is basi- goes for drug use; I haven't seen true however, is that going to Oxford with a white bow tie for bon s and a cally a fancy any yet in Leeds, whereas in is nothing like going to a 'normal' uni- black ribbon tied around the neck for dress disco. Oxford people were popping versity, and my experiences in girls, and an academic gown. We also This may pills all over the place. I 1.e,:ds so far have shown how had to carry a mortarboard, but fines sound lame com- tN,.. guess you can't generalise were imposed upon anyone who wore pared to the he t about people's attitudes, it! We walked down to the Vniversity Leeds club t but from first impressions Oxford myths . theatre in the centre of Oxford, lis- scene, but I would say Leeds Stu- tened to a speech in Latin, then left to where dents are more laid hack Everyone does traditional get drunk. Walking around town e lse whereas in Oxford people subjects such as law and history dressed up was quite an experience, c a n can he a bit extreme. with Japanese tourists stopping us and ✓ 0 It Despite the dif- asking for photos. I definitely haven't S C ferences, sonic Fresh- Being divided into colleges, experienced anything similar in Leeds wast ers' week experiences students never have to face large Freshers' week. crowds of people in one Itlace e d are universal. You In Oxford the university is split upper- will always join soci- Tyrannical porters stalk the into colleges, and faculties are dotted class eties you'll never corridors fining people for around the city, so you are never faced hotties attend, find yourself smoking and having fun. : with thousands of students in one dancing to YMCA in a cellar:- eating junk at 3am, go to place. I .lying in college is also very dif- Despite the fun of the a lecture for another course by All Oxford .students are ferent from halls. Firstly all students, 'Bop' the emphasis at Oxford mistake, spend one night of Freshers' repressed children OW. of th... nut just first years, live there, meaning was un work and not play. week in a dreadful club, and discover paren!..s.s41 for thefirt.._ that girls spend pretty much the whole Even in Freshers' week, people talked that you have been calling someone by At • om I • ■•i' - • • of Freshers' week being hit on by about work constantly, and mid-way the wrong name for the past five days. different student life can he. leery older guys. You are also assigned through the week we were all set our The same type of people crop up I spent Freshers' week in Leeds 'college parents' to look after vou, first essay, meaning that some people everywhere too; the girl who spends going out, getting drunk, sleeping, eat- which inevitably leads to incest. There spent the second half of Freshers' the entire time on the phone to her ing junk food in the middle of the is a high level of discipline with boyfriend, the girl who will admit in a night, and must importantly meeting porters (aka Satan's henchmen) •. •0 0 loud voice to having done every sexu- new people_ These things happen at patrolling the corridors at night telling 114id-way al act imaginable, and the person who ( )xford, but there are other quirky tra- people off for smoking, haying parties has never had a drink before coming ditional events thrown in too. During and even walking on the grass (only through the to uni (this last person will inevitably Oxford Freshers' week I vas invited fellows and finalists can walk on the get absolutely smashed on two pints at to drink wine with my tutors in their sacred quad). Anyone found breaking week we were some point during the week, then private study, an experience which was these rules is threatened with fines or all set our first throw up all over the place). Before I extremely awkward and embarrassing. the dreaded 'Rustication' (basically a went to uni (both times), I was told 1 I also attended a formal candlelit din- suspension; there are special names essay; some people would be disappointed by Freshers' ner with other freshers and tutors in for everything at Oxford). In Leeds week, but I couldn't disagree more. my college, and an individual meeting I've witnessed plenty of rulebreaking spent the second. Both my freshers weeks have been with the college principal, which made yet I didn't see any disciplinary figures. amazing, in fact I'm almost tempted me think I'd arrived at boarding That was until the police dogs unit half of Freshers' to drop out of uni again so I can have school instead of university. turned up on Thursday night, and I another freshers week next year! \X:bat baffled me most, however, have to admit, they were even more week locked in the was the matriculation ceremony. At scary than the porters. library working. the end of Freshers' week, we had to There are also more subtle con- 0 r. dress up in formal black and white, trasts such as the atmosphere of the Leeds Student WWW Iced sstude t org. Ell, , Friday, September 28, 2007 11 The dry continent Life is Senegal couldn't be more different from our student existence in Leeds. But living in its capital, Dakar, showed Kieran Toms some unexpected similarities.

ou wake up blear} eyed and country, the overwhelming majority • V• 01 ,0 s 007: Leeds insofar as I doubt (and also beery headed, struggling to have never touched alcohol in their Unlike in hope) I will never conic home to find a piece together what went on lives. But (and here is the bit where • 1.1 goat being sacrificed in my flat again. the night before, recalling serial binge drinkers/normal students The high level of regard for com- Leeds, the 1. yvarious "hilarious" occur- may have to do a double take) Senegal, munity also manifests itself in Senegal ances with a twinge of shame. You and in particular the capital Dakar, is fuel for these by the fact that everyone is constantly look at your phone and find hall' a widely renowned as the best place to visited by countless friends and rela- dozen confused texts from people you party in Africa . long nights in tives. Unlike in Britain where evert- don't remember texting, and flick Dakar is lull of nightclubs and party social meeting seems to be preceded by through your phone book to find venues. The internationally famous Senegal is not T. enough texts and phone calls to plan a ■ names of people you don't know at all. musician, Yousmiu N'Dour, who pia\ s 4 small war, in Senegal potpie just pi {1 You. stagger from your bed, head to arena sized venues in Europe, can vodka but round whenever they like. This is one pounding, and enter your kitchen, frequently be found playing intimate area where I.eeds doesn't differ so sighing slightly as you remember you gigs at his own club in the town centre copious amounts much, particularly during freshers' don't have a single clean thing to cat town. But, unlike in Leeds, the fuel for week, As everyone IS new to the city, out of. these long nights is not vodka but of caffeine; the and knows m)-one, students are always Ah, Freshers' N,Veek. It's a time For copious amounts of caffeine. Strange- popping round to different flats, mak- new friends, for eating pasta every day ly, the pre-club drink of choice for pre-club drink of ing new friends and trying to remem- because it's the only thing you know many Senegalese to keep them dancing choice for many ber peoples names. In I.eeds students how to cook, but above all, for the hour upon hour is the humble cup of seem to know all of their neighbours majority of students, a time for drink- coffee. It's the equivalent of necking a Senegalese to to some extent, and this is something it ing copious amounts of alcohol. You'd Few cans in your fiat be fore you hit t he has more in common with Senegal he forgiven for thinking that drinking clubs. keep them danc- than with the rest of the I. yourself into oblivion ever;, day is the Senegal has its problems, but as one Of course in Senegal there arc some only War to have tun; with your inhibi- Dakar resident told me "without alco- ing hour upon people who do drink, 'a liether they are tions lowered all these new people hol we cannot drown our sorrows; in the small non-Muslim minority, or don't seem St, daunting after all. But of instead we just get on with life". And hour. just more relaxed. In addition there are

course, (as many a tee-totaller will this certainly appears to be the case. In even serious instances such as the many who get involved in drugs, insist') you don't have to drink to have a certain parts of Dakar, locals claim occasional lager-induced brawls seen believing this to be "less" forbidden he on the streets of Leeds. good time. One of the most pertinent there is "no crime". Altht.)ugh this Islam, and clearly that creates its own Dakar's lack of police presence is examples of this is to he found in claim cannot he 100"4. accurate, the !art iblems. But overall, in both Leeds Senegal, thousands of miles from lack of drinking would reduce crimes notable, and unlike certain areas of and Senegal, it is possible to have a Leeds (Woodhouse at night anyone?) Leeds in terms ot distance and alcohol like vandalism, such as the old student great time, But perhaps you'll remem- nowhere in Camberene is a no go area. consumption. Being a 95'h Muslim favourite of stealing road signs, or ber it all a bit less in Leeds. Senegal is also a bit different from 12 Leeds Student Friday, September 28, 2007 10 things to do in Leeds before you die. There's so much time to fill, you're thinking, that it would be impossible not to do all those activities and visit all those tantalising places you hear of or read about in the first few weeks of term. But, as any experienced student will tell you, the time lurches quickly past and by the time you've recovered from your hangover long enough to take stock of what you have (or more likely, have not) achieved, it's easy to realise that you have missed out on so many of Leeds' richest student experiences. With this in mind, the team at LS have compiled a list of the top lo things to do and see in Leeds before the Grim Reaper takes you.

2. Join a bizarre society. Do an Run. Probably the best pub crawl in the world, the Otley Run is an essential part of Leeds stu- Anyone for korfball? Ultimate fris- dent life. You get to dress up like a loon, drink for at least 12 hours straight and visit 18 bee? How about a nice cuppa with pubs en route- what's not to love? Some of the more adventurous costumes witnessed of late include a condom machine, a posse of (male) tampons, the contents of a fruit bowl TeaSoc or a bit of Wensleydale with and a teapot. But a word of warning: do the Otley Run more than once a fortnight and Cheese Society? As well as all the youll probably end up needing a liver transplant. groups you were planning to join at uni, you should sign up to at least one you've never heard of. How about 3. Discover Kirkgate Market. Leeds city centre has an excellent reputation, and is seen by many as the "Oxford Street of the North". Beyond the bustling street of Briggate, however there is bidden treasure if you care to step beyond the homely high street. Merely a stone's throw away from the Corn Exchange lie the promising words "Leeds City Market" emblazoned in gold above an arch- way into an indoor market. You have found Europe's largest indoor market, heeds Mrk- gate Market. Home to a variety of produce, from food to second-hand clothing and gener- al retail garmenLs, there is plenty to excite everyone. Explore this warren of 400 stalls at Speliology? That's caving to you and your pleasure, and if you feel particularly brave, then outside there is an even grater dis- me. The stranger and more unpro- covery lying in wait. The 20o stalls that make up the outdoor section of the market are, if nounceable the better. It doesn't mat- you can persevere beyond the first few sweet stalls, an impressive array of stalls selling, for ter if you only go once and never example, meat chops, steak, sausages, chicken and burgers all together for as little as E6. again, you'll meet some fascinating Also available is fresh fish, lobsters, anchovies and even octopus for the less squeamish. characters and maybe even discover a And for the vegetarians amongst the readership, there is a plentiful variety of Greek dish- is -j new passion. Who knew you had a es to delight the palate. The farmer's market on the first and third Sundays of the month is previously untapped talent for also a sure fire way to guarantee fresh produce at great prices. For more detailed listing of Warhammer? market days see the Leeds City Council website

Go to the opera.

Situated just off Briggate, the Grand is Leeds' answer to Covent Garden's Royal Opera House, and is suitably in line with its name. With a rich and opulent decor, the interior alone is a feast for the eyes, and that's before the orchestra has even started_ Built in the late nineteenth century, the design was influenced by European churches and theatres, so for all budding architects it is a must-see site. The Grand is often host to shows by Opera North, who are currently showing Puccini's "Madama Butterfly" until January. With tickets for often as little as L5- in. this really is an affordable treat to give oneself the glow of luxury. However, if you have a penchant for a little slice of high brow entertainment, then look no further than the Union's very own Riley Smith Hall. Here, for a ver- itable bargain price. the LUU's fledgling Opera Soc hold a number of performances, starting this year with a Gala evening. "A Night at the Opera" on Monday 26th November. After last year's fiery performance of "Carmen", it is bound to be an evening of exciting entertainment. Leeds Student Friday, September 28, 2007 13

r- Cultivate addiction to daytime TV. It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single student in possession of a meagre fortune is in want of a life. This isn't always possible, Unfortunately, but it is possible for the average student to supplement an ailing social life with that most comforting resort: the daytime television schedule. Channel-hopping between Trisha and Jeremy Kyle is the solace of many a hung over, tired or lazy student keen to distract themselves from encroaching reality and the burgeoning workload that comes with a new semester. Addiction to one or even several of the many midday programmes is often willingly cul- tivated by students and joyful are the days when eager student viewers gather together to watch Home and Away, Loose Women, Doctors, and that firm favourite entrenched in the collective student consciousness, Neighbours. If you haven't ever experienced such joys, -then you are clearly missing out. Solution? Grab the remote, get surfing those 5 wonderful channels that make up terrestrial television, and forget distant dreams of going digital. The cheesy soap opera dominates the daytime TV listings, and so it should. Be prepared to fall in love. Hard. And fast. Welcome to student-land!

Amsterdam Hitch.

I 1-k f'drit7, a ,:literab trip, lief should contemplate joining the RAG Crew till thi: annual AITIS- tOrd:1[11 hitchhike.. Having survived last year's ja unt. Leeds Student Can definitely reel∎mmend its drug addled delights Don't in the fact. that it takes place in February put you off; simply don 17 layers of fleece and you're away, After hitching from Leeds to beautiful I lull you'll hop on a ferry and soo n find :,.,1,ursell in Belgium, where you'll continue your epic odyssey to the iovous land of I Iolland. You'll encounter some characters en route (we ended up hitching tin a bus 6111 of pigs, in-fanciers at one pebirni ant by the time you arrive in Am terdam you'll be more than read` tr r peruse .1 spliff-menu in ime .4 its many "coffee" shops. Check out the sex museum, he mildk perturbed by the red- light district and get wasted on your drug,(s) of cho ice

Morocco Hitch. 8. Buy a piece of clothing you'll regret.

\'''i Ft rt. to nilk th nce amount 111 I ..1 the or inify, then V,,11 heorliti .J.(P.6 -31 prrInl Wiic-Cricr ii 11- ■•111 .)r Top:d_1( Ilk,humn finch A rift wirh friendly 'WO 11:11[11 .4 f..:L/1((' !;.1" 'Ur . l ure hi.: pi.ot 1)11 10_ ti7 "alc -1C-t 1 two. on arriving in Morocco. Another NY, odd greets you,. MOnlicvg, hAggling nutketstall t1ch.atst flavoursome segttale$ you will ever .have tasted. Meet' day 1 t-3pm in Niecting Room is

() p Gatecrash a party (in Hyde Park). Elections.

The Hyde Park housing area is a maze of student accommodation, and comes in a The highlight of Semester 2 is undoubtedly the February election campaign variety of forms, from the tall, stair-ridden, cosy terraced houses to the wider, pur- that will invade campus for several weeks. Luckily this occurs just close enough pose-built buildings. The chance for students to own a property for a year at least to the start of term for people to still accept strangers approaching them with is a refreshing change from university halls, where wardens and sub-wardens keep poorly designed campaign flyers and 'wacky' costumes. Cynicism aside, howev- a sharp eye on proceedings. And Hyde Park isi such a compact area that it is impos- er, this is your chance to vote for the people who will represent you in the lofty sible not to notice the loud music, the excitable shouts and the clink of the dis- echelons of the Exec office, so make your vote count. While you can choose to carded beer bottles knocking against each other that scream one thing: house sit apathetically in the Old Bar with your eyes on the (surprisingly soiled) pub carpet to put off approaching vote canvassers, the fact remains that participat- party. Most of the time, you will see these tell-tale signs and sigh piteously, know- ing that tonight is not the night you get to go to the ball. But perhaps one day, you ing in student elections is an important aspect of union life. And if all those will seize social initiative, and a bottle of your favourite — cheap — wine, and go manifestoes make too much reading, you can always just vote for the person forth, and enter that house across the road with the light-filled windows, make who made the best name-based pun for their campaign. friends with the drunken. ones. and in return for their hospitality offer them a place in your own house, the very next week, the very same time, and bring a little love back into this hate-ridden world. An absolute plan or what?

Friday, September 28, 21307 14 Leeds Student • 1 - 7it :1111.1,7F e■3 I. .


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Leeds Student ei Friday, September 28, 2007 '5

Takeaways Aatcen ,P As the big nights out get underway so does big business for the takeaways. This week's debate asks: Is it fair to limit fast food shops' opening hours in order to protect Headingley?

the recent years. However we should not all he

labelled as litter louts and yobs. We are educated Alexandra Haddow Last Week's Debate young people and although l am in no way con Virginia Newman a takeaways fan - doning unacceptable behaviour on the streets, I wanting cleaner streets J1,3 not think we sh, turd punish Ills se independ- Latest result from online polls ent outlets for the minr.rit t.f students who k, so us students are not always mess of sot4g • chips, sauce, burgers Headinglev: 4 Hyde Park: 14 snher and upstanding members of behave irresponsibly. and all kinds of nthhish ct A-crinu the the community, I hear you say, Perhaps more emphasis and awareness 4arccts is not what I want ti ,, have to Correct. 1 luwever, the takeaway should be put on littering and reen cling. Recy - Join the debate, visit the website: cling bins k wade through on my way ISJ that. restrict:4-m prop.osal that is soon it 3 takeaways and harsher pun. vie •wineeltisrutlennisrfincomildebale! dreaded t) o'clock fecund he0 imposed upon us is surely ludicrous. ishments to tittering etc, seem n , be an tli-erna- A Maybe l ant getting older and more domesti Live si -dun, in. - cated moving into my sect Ind year but I just don't s I urge you to get invoked with this Send your topic ideas for future set the need to pick massive feast from at take debate and fight f, 31 - the cause: to keep these up. away on my way home From a night our, especial debates to: 011 I would like to ask takeaways open as they always have been. They ly u hen a is haring a negative amain on the coin , contribute En the ever-changing yet curiously - Mr Monaghan munity. 1.1111(11.1e h, dietitian and multicultural atmosphere theIeedskgdebare@gmaitet ire Not only arc takeaways not good for those whether he feels at all guilty that only Headingley possesses and it would be watching rhea weight ltni the sophisticated air that for the amount of valuable : a shame tel let that become diluted. you have tried to maintain during die evening

will he II1St faster than vi at can pin the first chip in Your mouth! : customers that these small : earl:deft • leeds.ateisk : businesses will lose. l chose to live tit a nice area tit' I leadinglev to get A break frtn11 the mess s t • takeawat streets such as

NV, iodhouse Lane die university, I lope fully the .. pressure 111.3 (31 talie3W,1\S to ti!1IS :lc-al within their The other day was confronted with i licensing hours will pn:yent the litter frti.rn getting my housemate raging that due to the change in out of control, but I think it is kiting it rake more takeaway policy in Headingley, she had to go than this: home to collect her food which had just 13Ceil I ant skeptical as to whether the takeaway own• delivered_ She had ordered it 5 minutes previ - errwill gsifir cleaner and safer streets over several ously from a takeaway just up the road, but she additional hours of good business. Not to say that was not allowed to bring the food home with they disrespect their community, but it is important her, "1 just couldn't believe in I was more that they all comply otherwise nne business will sh, 'eked than anything because it just seemed so profit and others will suffer_ Attempts ttl bypass the stupid and unnecessary", the commented. restrictions. for example by driving I n-ders round to It seems that as a result of this new customers:. houses, is against their licenses - and ruling takeaways are bending the rules and doing should not he encouraged but will inevitably hap-

home delivery after hours. St to pick up my pen. takeaway I would have to (almost coherently) lin forum:11,1s these arguments accompany order my pizza on the way home from a night more sent lus situations that are arising in leading- he town and watch the delivery van speed ley. 'The anti-social behaviour in the area is becom

3ff ahead of me as I stumble patheticahl rig prtiblem.

behind. We need in make a stand against the negative

I would like to ask the Headinglev culture that is becoming mote established benyeen ■X' this can he justified as it is sure- councillors tni student and non-student residents in the area. You

ly a waste I 3f time and money for these food may ask what this -wider issue has gotrn do with -friendly, wasting outlets. This scheme is not eco takeaways operating late al night but in l'act iti Ims petrol countless rimes every night. Arid where even-thingtt 33 dr with it. Thcrc have hcen rep )rrs I it 3410 metres away. do I does this end? If r bottles being thrown through elderly -residents' NO go ID MI have to abide by the same rules as someone wit windows. n. ois-v singing and jeering on thr tightly Phnn I. John Puiftlf.0).m ,j11' or the area? lives at the other end RIIPArt70 * w-gis gr a_ or „ packed residential streets al general nuisance The official proposal wants it s for the p, .

change the licenses to ensure that these btu O just AS US SUALIS.1115 want to feel a sense of night rake-sways rinse earlier, in unison with The Councillor Says... c, ,mmunity, so dam the nt n. student residents the bars, AIrhi nigh these deliveries are not pan a = in I leadingley. We are taking this away From hours, which it Sum to colTespmasl to tht: t214 3s- of the proposal, it is the the establish them. All residents have the right to feel safe in James Monaghan, Liberal Democrat Council- mg times of the pulls in I Ireadingley, - lilts has led ,1 it , 'se meats ate having to take in order ra I, the area. I strongly believe that the I leadingley lor for Headingley, who proposed the restrie- It, A re,luction of nuisance behaviour and a Jr.p in any more trade. anti:unity can he Shared by all residents and dont:, commented: era figures. The aim has not been 13.1, pretnair I would like to .ask Mr Monaghan businesses and therefore maintained :15 a deSir- 'plc basing takeaways, but In ensure that they all guilty rot the arnotmt whether he feels 31 'As a councillor for I leadinglev • able place to live. get them delivered of to have them whilst they are valuable customers that these small businesses receive regular complaints lion residents r otg We need .1 fora: better reputation b i in taut in the city centre to ensure the minimum dis - t fight for Nru- inters they count upon to wir- will lose; oast, central Headingleyab rutnuisance related 01 rake- ruption to residents. -dents. 1J.tinsh behilVti our is C.:pi:dud after a nigh it y:ye. Bearing in mind these people arc also pan. awayS. In the past hot food taktetways would Ille- on the linen but it is unfair. as well as being gally stay cilium bey, ind their ,3pening hours to -lam of the Headingley community. and come on, "liar consuliseons:thing- on putting in incredibly inconsiderate n subjecttits I Wal resi- men in the kebth shop we or 5am. People fromall around the city would dents, especially. tht • we all know those place a Cumulative impact Pi :Hey to prevent any- Oder i rneti, I, 3 such thrtenen- comeintu leadingley after a night our and this led us really,they thrive off our good elean(ish) more late night. hot Cr., takeaways opening in be.Thasir 'tar. No wonder we gain this repura to problems with antisocial behaviour such as student banter it brings us together and unites kleadingtvy to strengthen the work tkine tet thin: non Irian locals when the tonly triageof siudents noise nuisance. littering, fights and ether Criminal us at 3 in the tin:ming with people we have and to preserve the diverse range chops in they see elninken ganten, going in and our , if &term*. takeaways and littering the streets. never even met. may have Over emphasized NJ tall .w114117raffiri rm. (1k, so I Surely it is just as cam to rack up takeaway in We have worked cinsely with the police know what I'm talking imrtes.ntonagitan(4.1eeds,govark 'm sure you auh town on Your was home' this, but I to ensure that takeawaysonly open in their legal can understand how local people may 1,1106vrnWleeds.acatk about. I feel: that students have changed the area over Leeds Student Friday, September 28, 2007











BY-ELECTIONS OPEN FRIDAY 28TH SEPTEMBER TO MONDAY 8TH OCTOBER 2007 5200 Leeds Student I I Friday, September 28, 2007 17 --voummir- MEMED the Leeds talk. [email protected] write to us. PO Box 157, Leeds LS1 1U H visit us. 07794125795 we say... you say...

Ikar Sir

1 was dismayed by your front page crwerage r ■f the event held by Carnage IBC l .rd at NA.Weral venues in I cods town cen- tre nn Sunday 4 February,

'Ile article implied that Carnage promotes wrap( msible drinking and stated that ambulances had to Ix: called to Bo& ingron I hall for two students needing medical ancnni In after attending the event, one of whom was hospitalised. It alsc.) Students: know your rights reputed that another student siopptx1 breathing twice and that ant nher broke her leg. Incidences of students being ripped off always have the upper hand when it comes Whilst ('image accepts that some tixtdingtort residents did repute medical attention that night, then: is nt ■evidence landlords and letting agencies happen only to arguing over deposits. even when letting confirm that this attention was required as a result of taking pan of our event. ton frequently, as the Leeds Student Homes agencies are using every loophole in the deposit scandal shows. hook to get out of returning deposits and I wish to make it choir that reminds participants of die dangers of tau:co drinking and takes steps to moderate To prospective and first year studnts pocketing the cash for themselves. their ci,rtsumptian. For the past four years we have run successful events around the country which have passed with- who are currently living in University Halls Of course, after the RentMe saga of out incitkint. of Residences, this may seem worrying and last year, unfairly withheld deposits are The 4 February event which WaS audit W hi many of your students %N.-As it ionitortli by tfti stewards who conies tiled entry amongst myria make the prospect of house•hunting seem a d of problems with student to the six venues in such a %ray as to regulate alcohol consumption. Posters [In unoting responsible drinking were dis- even more daunting. accommodation such as pest infestations, played at the venues and T shirts worn by all participants alto carried this mcssaw. However, students should remember damp, leaking roofs, pilot repairs and that it is possible to fight back and win. The unsafe wiring_ Before. during ;tad after the event, which I attended, I pemonally maintained closed contact with poke, who provided case of Tom Weyman who was able to Students need to know their rights and suitable policing for the evening and have confirmed to me that runt a single intident yyns logged in connection with the event. reclaim his deposit from Northend Man- use facilities such as the Student Advice agement Ltd. after legal action, can offer Centre and Untpul to show landlords that I would like to rake this opportunity to thank all Leeds students who have attended Carnage events and made them so students some hope of justice. these problems are unacceptable. successful, including the last one on Sunday 29 Aptil I look ti-in•ard to seeing you again soon. "Tom proved that landlords need no Paul Bahia Nlanaging Director, Carnage UK I rd • • Drowning in debt • Letter of the week... • Another day, another survey about how stu- news that ill. student I.4 tans Company's Congratulations on your guide issue. A barrel of laughs. I'm not a fresher. • dents arc going to be saddled with enough • website failed recently, with students unable But I read it from cover to cover. • debt to sink a battleship by the time they to access pushing back the date for students I don't remember the intro week issue being as much fun when I first • leave university. This should conic as now loan installment payments, leaving many came to Leeds ... nor do I remember seeing so many people sitting • surprise to anyone, and in fact it doesn't. • underfunded in the short term. When it around actually studying the thing. ■ According to an WV survey, no student doesn't rain, it. pours... • I particularly liked the Headlingley Vs Hyde Park pages. But I do think you • questioned expressed a major concern about I however, if you do find yourself in ought to remember they aren't the only places for students to live... My message to • debt, seeing it just as a pan of the student culties in the opening weeks, then it would he • • Freshers would he to think out of the box about where to live next year when you are out experience. The research also states that only the perfect time to get acquainted with the • • of halls. • fi percent of students face extreme financial University's Access to Learning Fund, who • To my mind, too many Headingley types scent to ignore the real Leeds down town. •• difficulties, so who cares about a 24 percent could award you with a short term Irian. There are places you can find right in the heart of the city. And surprise, surprise, increase? Jiang on, haven't we just discussed OS • • a • Although this could all change with the debt...,• besides being only short walk from lectures (if you are planning ever to go to one), liv- •• ing, like i do, right in the middle means you actually get to meet real people from time to • • dine - instead of just students. • • • • Lyn Williams a • Bagtastic • LS1 •

Cartoon: Daniel Edward Young it seems the •Sshlili...r bags are taking thus giving students something new to hist over the world. You will know the ones: even over and buy every fm months, and main- if you haven't entered the library for the taining the moneymaking momentum. entirety of your student life you will have The many students yvho now covet seen them on the arms of almost every the bags have taken to buying a new hag female student on campus. and sometimes every time a new colour comes out. on the arms of male ones too. This has been profitable both economically In theory it would seem an improbable and environmentally, The original aim phenomenon: 'bags sold by a library to behind the bags was to stop the library hand carry your books in' is hardly a tagline for ing out plastic bags to students every time '1'111: fashion accessory of the moment. they' took out books, and this rim has cer. I however, the designers behind the bags (the rainly been met. Plus, they're biodegradable. librarians themselves", have latched onto a With this to mind, along with the added very simple bur very profitable idea: at. the bonus that they're a mere L:2, it would seem start 4.if each new term, or 'season' if you the invasion of the 'Sslihle..1' bags is a ft tree the bags arc re-launched in a different colour that should not be reckoned with.

Friday, September 28, 2007 i8 Leeds Student

LS2 takes a look at the Festivals held in and around Leeds this Summer in a special, pull-out edition

• • a • • Mrs. IL

•0 LS2's Arts correspondant reports • from the world premiere of Catherine Tee's new film. •I • • • r

• •

116 S • • • • LS2 takes a look at the Heroes phenomenon.

181 a

Leeds Student Friday, September 28, 2007 19

• • • • t •••• • • • • • • • • • • a 0 • • • • The • • LOW • • ommi • • • • • • • • • DOWN *- • ✓ e•re•••••••••••••• Cm

• ••••••••••••••••••• with Martha and Karim iliniimar • • • s a wise man I ince said, vou can't choose your we can start ibis way of thinking, this could be huge. F.irget • neighbours. But if only you could! There'd be no the petty squabbles we have with the minor flaws in our • there is something seriously wrong, the landlords hate, no war, and I wouldn't. have spent most of houses. 11 • • arc compelled to sort it out (if you 'forget' to pay rent). The week one mumbling expletives under my duvet, as • • .the 'kerazy' students next door slid down their point is, you are a grown up now, Renting a lulus,: is some • • thing that you should go into with your eyes open. knov, Astairs till (lam. Every. Sodding. Night_ Whilst nervous first • • that you chose the house because you years are buddying-up in halls, the rest of us arc either return- • • were sick of looking at houses for two ing or moving into new student pads. How exciting! Remem- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • days straight, but now !,111.1 have to ber that beauteous student crib you viewed? Remember how deal with it! Acting in a grown • ••••••••••••••••••• your landlord said it'd he fully refurbished by the time you up way will lead to grown-up • • hack? Well he lied, didn't he. Nothing works and the place results. Like boilers working • • smells like Aunt. Ldna's support knickers. YUL1 have to get and cracks in the walls plastered • • tough with landlords. After weeks of my "Could you possibly aver (albeit in a 'unique' styli)- Hut • • five?" "Would it be OK if youe?" phone calls to our land- really, don't give tour landlords a • lord, my more assertive bousemare rang them up and shouted break. YOl: ARE PAY I N(i • • for 2 minutes. Later that day they had done everything, Alter- THEM. Often far too much • natively, if your landlords. treat you like crap, break the rules. money for what we are • Get pets, lots and lots of them. Our slack-handed landlords given. It's time to wake up • • now have 3 more tenants in the shape of two rabbits and an and smell the dangerous a • ancient, obese cat. You wont fix our shower? Flows about gas leak! fdid you know • •••••••••a••• ■•••••• some cat per on the curtains% Deposit, desehmotit. this is war. they put that smell in?) ar • ••••••••o•••••••••• ML. Demand more, if vim can CENSORED: make sure you • • be bothered. look at least this fit if you are • • planning to do a naked Otley • • Here's to you, Lazy Landlord. Run. • • For adhering to every clumsy • • • stereotype we can throw at you... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • oes your landlord remind you of a perma-tan And in other Martha and 4 rt ' Del-boy? If not, why are you reading this- you must not live in Leeds. Sending neaderthal Karim news.... plumbers and builders to poke around our •••••irr *54 homes for 45 minutes and achieve absolutely • co we went no see a certain Turkish DJ this weekend, c tilt ti tr nothing frankly, takes the piss. We need to fight for our rights, litimn humble house-renters of:Leeds. And for once it's not to party. me to get kicked out for not having a stamp when i went For a cig- :71 02,40 t it'? The tlea_tfin arette. Cue massive fracas trying to get back INTO) the rave I had Now, we probably shouldn't start naming names on which WitritineatiVelOpirg kV& itfr icy stir . landlords you should avoid like an ex- Big Brother C4 mteste nt- already paid for. After this failed, i resorted to breaking in by Aro, leUm*, Beethrier beh% Worn Intl hut learn from our mistakes. That big fancy one that looks like tempting other clubbers to ripen the door with promises of by MI igitt*ble flAltirs**04+ 04:11400101111* a bar? It serves no drinks, only mice in your kitchen. Students sweets, Gullible fools, as if I would part with my sweets! Going get a had rap fir being dirty, irresponsible and riddled With outside for a legitimate fag was .1 fun experience, too, The hoard- STD's- Rut it's nut our fault. honest, Perhaps if we were pro- es of 18 year olds .Turning their perky faces off made me smile like sided with better homes we wouldn't seek solace in the arms of the pied piper ,,felass k drugs. I should point out that I only deal take-aways, traffic cones, and the nearest person of the oppo sweets. site sex. The I .owdown Names lazy landlords for everything For us well-behaved non-smokers there was much drinking. .1-111E OTLLEV REIN: that's wrong in the student community. Faulty and debauchery to be had INSIDI the venue. There wits even the 110101 Ntilt•.:0Ar7+,trll" -0.14**111 rhe heating causes an inability to get ..ut 4,1 bed, creation of a brand new dance move which I christened 'The Bol- luireclitik.1-tAkt""ciithhil Pm, "SHUT UP. a result, severely poor attendance. and as lywolal Hand-Clap. L'nfortunatele this resulted in iniurv, as one .1101,tii,mirm !on) low,. the dreci4vti; up co ..icinm Dumpsier furnitaire in your Iivingroom is a 4 the intoxicated members of my group smacked meet beams; right rind ()t wtw-re clear subliminal message: Fay iv. Carefree. in the eye. I'll stick to the funky chicken next rime_ All in all, the i7, }'pity .‘"1-1 UP ail your idoituilt Hluty. . . Parties, liasicalli I licte seems ro be lovely Mr Allum played some hangers and spi cried a fantastic pair an 'eye for an int' kind of see-saw to of glasses. Where did he get diem from? Answers postcard ''.. battle going on between students. ,and landlords, each giving worse please. Riotous cheers were saved For voting upstarts Sinden for dropping garage-y. hip-hop-1, deem, tliat niade us dance like we than they get. As any philosophy tay_r_snri . student can testify, this leaves were in ancient Rome in the middle or the Bacchic Rineds. That here the whole renting communist was a sick one- 'Ilse afrerparties were better best forgotten. Thanks 4.clate 0,14, t.-aa the quettio..PAt410teKrroc blind. Su let us begin afresh! l'acebook for making sure we re-live our finest 8a.m. moments in Me Ltlot ifrralAii, uii.h 1laiTt lrwile peeping our id" Take care of your homes? It's mega pixelated Wore! (One week in, and this has got to s-nip.) Hine! 411-142,11g, 1.1bt;thcrcal.._ nice to live somewhere clean and MI.. and KK over and out. Litters, Safe. (n.h. IQ( thinks he is without weird smells! Generally if a rude boy.) • • • ri -11t00_0*••••sa•a • •• •••am 2 () Leeds Student Friday, September 28, 2007 Singles Albums

Single of the Week health'. Far from being a standout track, the Album of the Week perfect blending of musical and lyrical imagery is consistent throughout, which is The Royal We Straw/ism lam 'All the Rage' (C:ieographit) esaeds what makes a standout Animal Collective album fur , \slim] Collective. It may nt 'Me Royal We arc 'SiN young contain songs such as -( rt ass' from the 2005 drtnntlerS. want to he Strawberry Jam album lire/.r to provide sh, )ek value, it does the perfect r ilasgow pop (Domino] not suffer for this lack. I 'Mike previous Slls, .group. AN'e're ni la sure what that is, but who really it never beet pales monotonous_ The band cares?' All the Rage' is a bit like being attacked by a Ii is di itiCit t to avoid the inevitable cliched have reached a maturity in their writing that flock of seagulls playing instruments, and even unparisons between Animal Collective and manages to extend the boundaries of what sounds a bit like '500 Miles' by the Pretenders and The Beach Boys, I ake The Beach Boys, Ant good pip can and should be. anal tnanam tt t be BRILLIANT. There just aren't real Collective exist outside any definitive For ;unhitch who is decidedly not a enough .ficklles in pop these days. are there? No. If genre and are unparalleled amongst their fan if Animal C, dlective, _Vosaebrrryloptis we were to bandy a 6.-w cliches around, then we'd peers. Whilst the influence is obvious, /raw unlikely is persuade. It is such an extreme and wrath.' 'go you singing say it was 'high energy'. herr 1, J,ur. is not the work of a perfectionist. It representation of their own inimitable. aes- along' but wc won't, so vi lull just have to listen is • iS 3 messy collage of relentless. ecstatic noise thetic that ti would probably he unbearable. it y, sirself (B) from start: En finish, but wonderfully sal, Despite suggestions that they art progres- ration for themse yes. Lhe sense of musical There is real beams. in us chars, sive's becoming more accessible, radio play Lou Rhodes surrealism is carried through stream-of-con- with ,sotm.betn, j,m, Animal Calks and mass appeal :to: clearly not the driving -Me Rain' (I finite Bit xan) sett uoness lyrics which swerve between ► rive have created their most cohesive and force behind the writing process; nonethe- playful absurdity and melancholic rellecti, in, complete work to date' it is also their most less, this record should serve to attract flew Lou RI-asks, fomiedy often within the same line. 'the constant, bizarre. They have ventured into new pas- listeners. For those open to the experience, l_arnb, has done a Gwen and ambient drone of heavily distorted guitar in tures: electronic pastures of weirdness. Mor - l'Irovberri, Jam is a short, sweet burst of pure gone sc do. She's Asa ‘gt ins a 'Reverend Green' is offset by inch Kik. hit•cousfic. so no mine Mg away from acoustic instrumentation joy_ (9) words/ teresa winter shrieks I if anxiety; of 'red negativity' in the in they bleeps and shrieks. favoured on previous alhunts, ihci hays st reef' and'taking lots ,f t it2ni ins for your The track is surprisingly simple and her vi lice opened up a whole new field of expenmen restrained, with a lot of fluctuating rhythms. -She's also done an itogrAii v erst, it ,f 'Gabriel' in case you're feeling a hit nonphissed and need a point of Various Puressence reference. (8) There's )nly One Don't 1"'()rget to Orchestra s,MJ I in Wichita Remember I'm Like a Virgin PJ Harvey AX-hen Linder Ether' (Island, (W11:11110 (Ream, Losing a Child (Favourite Gentlemen) I immune and untsaribls sad. Ify-ou want to on a be:sinful dr miner, listen to is impilanons can he incredibly The main pr,shlem with this tee, ,o1 is a lack of What's in a name? Surprisingly, these guys are ibis. (8) suspect entities. Fortunately for Wichita, their focus, The adeptly engineered, weird noises lead actuttily in all Atlanta., and, rather than being a eclectic yet refined roster really speaks for itself. the listener to think that this is a progressive, classical orchestra, they play fast indie-rock. I l'roni Bright Eyes' FrPerz and Minors, the label's intensely modem album, ming us tics things you've' don't mean the sound that UK bands like Little Red first release, Wichita has had a knack for pick- never heard before in vtour lice: unfitruinateIy. the Razorlight arc producing; in fact, I rather feel '\\ ailing' (label) ing up idiosyncratic singer/ and pmduthinn and the music arc on oimpletely differ- Johnny Borten would want to be in this band. noisemakers who put their contemporaries to ent wavelengths the hamtony is too diatonic. The Manchester Orchestra employ biasing guitars Stuck somewhere between shame, There has been no self-conscious melodies are too simple, too generic and too deriv- and have a strong 'Ws grunge feel, reminiscent MeHy's puberty and Brian cramming in of thirty Odd tracks; here, it's ative. As it stands, a is a pretty average pop record of the Lemortheads and the Smashing Pump- Wilson's False teeth, I .ittle about the quality and, ft ir any music fiends planed hurts well by art experimental rock band. Its kins. I can't see this album becoming a classic Red apparent's. sat indoors listening to music wishing to push their record collection into fur press material describes it as "real music._ real outside its cult alternative genre hut, certainly, whilst their Australian peers were canside surfing. musicians:" If you like the Smiths, youlI like this some people will instantly connect to its con- We're not really sure how this accounts fisr musical ther obscurity, this compilation shs iuld make you like mtisic, get a copy I ,f trolled anger and driven, emotional Insight. (7) credibility, smee we do like sunshine and this eyes glint with child-like anticipation. (7) album. If sounds dreart. We liked the handclaps, though. (4) in_strad. (3) words/ mite simargool words/ george recce words/ henry sudsy

■•••• Reverend and the Makers 'I lc Said lie I Awes Me' WA ID (Wfdli if Si lurid) LOVED Gravenhurst Goldspot The Proclaimers HE Lead singer Jon Meaure's The Western Tally of the Yes Life With You vocals, tiiscd with the shrill ME cockney accent of key Men rilvCrsal) hoardist taunt Manuel, () (Mercury) make this a catch', , tnrce nous track that is is airs' to stay in y, air head It in die next few days. (7) Something is happening to Warp Records. (;oldslxlt's graceless debut fully betrays their Ihe put Allem with this album is the way in which.: ' SSEi-S,Sta The Holloways Folk - or, at least, fulls-influenced music somewhat clownish grasp of subtlety, profundity. The Proclaimers choose to deliver their truths_ 'TWO Left Fere (TV-1) seems to be as far rem, wed in ,m their usual and style, dearly aspiring to be poignant but inca- The record is, by and large, produced horribly, output as it is likely to get, s et (;rayenhurst pable of being anything nuns: than wannahe (Inv - Instrumentarkin riddled with "individual muc.hee The Holloway's are appar- have been releasing thy sigh them since 2(1(15, ing music. -Flunk Ststw Pam)] with even mire that sound like they've been bulk ordenal from ently making waves and this • While previous releases feature a sparser, more erectile dysfunction and you're halfway into the the musical eqigvalent of an industrial catering is because they're cashing in on the fact esthyone's get- traditionally- folks' st mod, this newest album sluwish I tlsound Siddhartha and his conspic- company. The lyrics are similarly ham-fisted, ting a her depressed after the finds them sounding fuller, with the rest of the uously' tacit collaborators have seen lit to spew out, though. sometimes, it works; 'Harness Pain' isa summer, and won't a plinks inky incite -pop band haying more impact.. Repeated listens, Really, listening to this album is like having ..s( ,me- piercingly honest discussion oils love songs track with a harmonica and a violin cheer everyone however, lease tone unrewarded and with a one hurl dirty watts at your face because they're invariably end up being written by the broken- up? So we might dance tau it when we're pissed but sneaking suspicion that the initial excitement convinced it'll catapult you into pseudo-religious hearted_ Elsewhere, there's not a massive amo we'r• still not ci tnvincea (6) may he due ti i it sounding a bit like My Bloody ecstasy, when all ylai want to do is dirt iw a blanket if room List Subticiy; you ran almost always see Valentine, which makes Gravenhurst seem a around your ears and moan in a ci trner until what (hes 're cluing, and him. they're doing it, but little sup:tilts lus.(5) they've lucked off to annoy someone else. (2) rarels is it impressive:. (5) words/ junta) ovans, rnaya kom words/ Liz grashoff words/ william b. swy words/ davicl peat

Leeds Student Friday, September 28, 2007 21

llou,Lvecial: Leeds Festivals '07

Leeds Festival There is something that goes here: God knows what.

Nastyfest There is something that goes here: God knows what.

Unity Day There is something that goes here: God knows what.

Oxjam Preview There is something that goes here: God knows what.

ailing through the vast then, is in some cases -not a transcription of quantity rd. plastic Iincring env experiences, but my experience itself. LS takes a look at the the registration area, we Leeds opens pn perly tor us at arrive at the 2007 Carling lunchtime on Friday with svnthpop duo I Was Weekend: Leeds Festival on a Cub Scout. As dry ice billows behind them, " 4 Thursday. the Drd if August. A number Of fey vocal lines dart around impressive Matt music fes ;le hosted acts arc actually playing n might, including a Tong esque drumming, chirps, clicks and (pi-e- series of DTTft signings, and t ixfordshire's stimably pre -programmed) electronics that veer Youthmilt•ic-s, whose set is re6 anted against between a heart tnt min a and a cowbell. intro7 by our city, picking out I t1$2Iteorage oil .1 Minor Threat gig; wandering dueing their seef aid Sittig as 'an odd one', they ihn.iugh the Alternative Stage yanc rune during present us with a charmingly analt Iglu! bass part the evening, it sounds to he a hardct ire noise and partaapatory handclaps; elsewhere, the perfortremcc. Wc retire to what lames Liven- capable vocals fumble, grans and occasionally the highs, lows and der is later to describe as the worst pitched tent soar rya- more experimental rho thins. guitar he has seen all festival. lines that arc quite pretty and, as the set passes Apparently. the way in which pet plc its halfway point, pulsing ch• ads and drum mediocre offerings from consume live triode has changed. Six years ago, slabs. During the fifth song. we arc told to raise people at gigs scented transfixed; this weekend, our arms and clap; this should be sickening but become aware that 111,151 4 )11lit m seem n. be Was a Cub Scout have been :II) ritlicultnisly watching the hands through rim camera sweet tit the mad that it is mildly touching. across the board. screens, unmoved and minim mg. If (me lit etas Meanwhile, we are repeatedly presented with up, all too often the view is oltseured 1w a what are undeniably really good melodies; it will mobile phone attempung to capture twenty sec- have been noted that the duo perhaps come onds of (one assumes, unwOrkably poor) across as The Postal Service's little brother but footage; IF this some sort of twisted principle the spirit, and the singal•ngs that somehow tit whereby artistic capital is only valid if it can hr nor irritate one of indte's must elusive qualities stored and played back at will, or arc people is - are all their own. As I turn around, I sec a . antisocially.postmodem that they arc scared III small boy - he can't be more than six - atop a deal with what is expected of them when they man's shoulders, wiring tin IV'At 5 I shin. I arc artistically confronted: have the media can't decide if this is appropriate or hilariously told'edusttt out ern, ,rii tri:d light or flight? post•itonic, With this in mind. I tee' sirangek incongruous The next hand we MAC the effort no as I realise that What I .1111 d. ring with my note • watch is Devendra Banharec, It has been boi k is essentially the same thing: what follows, its )(gut] that he has slow's. become tiH, C1 Inl-

22 Leeds Student 'Friday, September 28, 2007 L 11141111111111a 1111111P

is discontinu- mernal, to') easy and 11 ∎ much fun, bur his doso - Frustratingly so, because he ma .L■.... e4..1=ern r: been frerwank . * a oc 412_• . 44444 • • lengthy feilk/wi a-Id -influenced jazz-outs And- ously blinding. There has always congas are perfectly suited in the festival atmos- mg in the Pumpkins' catalogue, but it is not WI...! the Knowledge a phere. Presently, Banhan asks if anyone in the keeps people coming back; (organ (and even i

crowd has wnttcn a song teeently and, accord- gives up on the loose Pumpkins tag towards the

ingly, invites a man On stage to perform an end, branding us 'Billy fans') seems drunk on his

acoustic number while the six-piece regroup. The beards, own comeback and fails to temper what feels 1 Lis playing is. barely audible above the scream like far more than the set's ninety -rninute dura- Artists drink over 13,000 lug; suppose the crowd are actually cheering number of guitars tion. Imnically„inven their depletion, this may I cans, of lager over the.. Devendra's apparent musical universality, but be the only thing that slops them being a tribute

and instrumental a their previous incarnation, Although weekend. this is a move he has pulled at other dates on this band to tour, and there is some question regarding its breakdowns give some of the new songs are a bit repetitive, his authenticity, especially as - strangely - the hand • hack catalogue alone reminds us that Corgan is now coniplain of insufficient time remaining; still a genius; being unfamiliar with Zeioisi, I can 10 million Watts are a curiously prog • tu medic:less. they manage to spark massive sin . • only speculate that it may have been unfairly required to power each festi- .viongs, whilst the beards, number of guitars and flavour. panned, but the night 's clear highlights are the val site. instrumental breakdowns give a curiously prog classics-. 'Tonight, -tonight' makes rue cry, and flavour. Unfailingly loveable dancing tops the lie confidently throws it into the set only a cou-

presentation if a set with a high amount of (well ple of songs in. received) new content. By Saturday morning, the features of this Two million pints of lager are Perhaps unfortunately, the festix al's highlight year's Festival that have etched themselves on drunk during. the festival. my mind are the blazing weather and the ubiqui-

ty of "New Rave". The arena is full of flags,

including a massive Mighty Boosit one (why?).

and a distressingly Western ethic pervading Five per cent of those who queues, crowds and litter. The sheer con- attend Leeds l','est have a nut sumerism of the festival's populus is s, a over- allergy. whelming char I ignore it (while, predictably.

subscribing to it, to a degree), and no-one

involved in catering seems ii i know how to use apostrephes. I spend the whole day losing and Over 3,50o people Work (1111'- using up pens, and leaving no stnne unturned in inp, the festival weekend al me addicted, unquenchable desire I; ) acquire Mi each site.

The afternoon begins and, as Dorian Cox and

Kate Jackson critique personal relamonships, the public and morality in affected boy/girl, Genera- More than a quarter of a tion Y tones, I am struck by just how queer- million burgers and hot NINE INCH NAZ IS: The latest Craze in political The Long Blondes are, Dressed in a dogs were eaten over the the acupuncture world. grey pencil skirt, a striped neck tie, a red T shirt

Photo: David Peat and large blue shades, Jackson is s, nnething of a course of the weekend.

vision as she rattles through the spoken interlude

between halves of "1.4 al Could Have Both', noise than their acoustic o ainterparts, Nine Inch .10PPIWWWFM/11/10-- occurs on the . first evening: the contintiati in of against the equally tasty Cox's Jarvis Cocker Nails have somehow become an 8I &cm) Trent Reznor's Nine Inch Nails unit in sup- impression; the Blondes' new material, however, 'where' in the tour's title song Dark Side', and band. port oldie ) .rar Zrro LP. Opening, with the fails to cover any particularly new territory, either attempted to resolve the middle-eastern conflict Reanor flashes on and,off from behind a album's throbbing instrumental 'ITYPERP( musically of lyrically; songs are built around the using a protest song involving a double negative. huge sea of television static, giving him the [XIV, and sporting a can ibourine, Reznor looks usual collapsing, diminished and minor har- I am rather enjoying him. imptession of a detuned sighting of the Christ; like a strange electro Chippendale, with a shaven monies, parallel melt idles and basslines, and The hest act of the day, however, is easily whether or not the outfit betrays a Waters- like head and ton much leather. Either side of him, hooks such as 'guilt has nothing to do with it' (I Maximo Park. Displaying virtually unparalleled Christ complex (though Reznor is far more two identically dressed guitarists (one of them later head fiver te. the Carling Stage to witness melndie mastery, bass parts and chords move interesting than Roger Waters) remains to be spinning his instrument around his head, a trick Blood Red Shoes covering what initially seems organically. unexpectedly and in unpredictable seen but, although the chorus chants intermit- that slowly bectimes repetitive and unnecessarily to be the same territory again, but less effective- directions. giving the impression of an irregular tently seem a bit contrived (at points, I wonder wanky) are constantly striking, both visually and ly). The performance is tight but some of the heartbeat, while, screaming off-microphone and whether the band would work better as an sonically, in an everting of aggressive, industrial material does not translate very well live, such as throwing himself around the stage between .instrumental act), Remit is an incredible front- electropop. Somatare Is Drily Iv Home's epic 'Giddy Stratos- phrases of 'Parisian Skies', Paul Smith says more man; the vision is entirely his, anyway, and his Probably the only Leeds Festival set to incor- pheres', which sounds rather thin- textured. about the human condition than a thousand name has always been used interchangeably with porate costume change, Nine Inch Nails reap- Regardless, the set is sharp, observational and Gossips or (Encmieti Several faces around= mr, 'NV 0- 4 f 40- -• • -41 - • .."14 (IP

• I

• -:•e4 I 4F,

, • let " 4:4" ! d. , ik 0 %try - • A t • 'a *tie CROWDED: Some enthusiastic folk: I Photo: Anthony Chapped-Ross it- .—4111N. . • 6--am, ' lad r Adtf.

day N IN label. The conception is distinctly. pear onstage to a lowered video screen that dis- entertaining. Jackson's voice is stunning, trid rho look as 'ugh they arc experiencing something Wagnerian, but it is nevertheless hard to believe plays three green pillars of light, which stutter on -stage dynamic between band members is Ve - altirming or revelatory; Smith has such gravi- an entire kstival crowd shouting 'bow down and vibrate like sound traces- as 'The Great attractive, tas and such passion punching the air and grab - before the one you serve: you're going to get Destroyer' is pert-tinned from behind a line of Despite the general under-promotion of the bing his chest as though every couplet might he what you deserve' and punching the air. (Inc is keybi lards that probably reminds Cs cry( ate of Alternative Stage - its line - up is missed off the his last - that it is easy just to focus on him and to rather reminded of Monty Python 's tifr at Brian. Kraftwerk. The pillars mutate into I Inc large rec- daily press listings entirely - It is packed when we forger just how good '' Perhaps Billy Ci irgan hopes that the presence tangle, transforming; the band into pixellated stumble into Tim Minebin 's intents actually is; at the same time, the intensity never (tithe Smashing Pumpkins brand alone is suf- hollows; as the programming throws out square set. ( )n first impressii In, he ;11 -4..drs t,, he to if* Cr isses the line into hysteria and never becomes ficient to follow Nine Inch Nails, but he fails to kicks and snare drums that more resemble white Ificl Bard but, after he has rhymed 'N., dtaire' with totally overwhelming, as songs like the Fraught

23 Leeds Student www.leedsstudent.orgiuk Friday, September 28, 2007

11- S .■110.141

• • lamassor are interspersed with disposable instincts in a way whose innocent la if n IN the guitar parts (but pieta if everything else) - • episodes like 'Girls Who Play Guitars', (),,r • more resonant than many of their suaceasi irs. and lose him complet el during Arcade Fire, • Farthb Plrastort is, in many ways, a disappoint- resolve to dig out my old Ash records when I get eventually discovering him passed out some dis- • the highlights malt, and a catalogue of wasted opportunities home. tance from the stage. There isn't time to catch and half-baked ideas but. live, Maximo Park arc By Sunday 'miming 1 am forced to concede their whole set, as Battles - for many, the best as gripping and as urgent as ever, never being that 1 am not Hunter S. Thompson, and David band of the weekend - are playing the Cading consumed by the demanding festival crowd but, is not my attorney. Having crawled into my tent Stage. Texturally and rhythmically highly inven- Nine Inch Nails rather, always fuelled by its energetic response, and fallen asleep during the small hours tier what tive, the outfit juxtapose complex, intelligent and Currently, support- Sadly, Interpol do nor maintain the energy pri area to be the last time until Monday evening, Metrically exact live drum parts against walls of • ing their sixth studio on the Main Stage. More at home in stuffy, I awake hung over, hot. disgusting and disorien- synth, guitar and processed voice. Recent single album, Year Zero, smoky New York indie clubs, they semi tight tated. Each night, several small raves arc set up 'Atlas' is a good example of this, its virtually • MN are more elee- enough, but are a link unsure of how to fill the across the. campsite that operate from the bands' uninrelligihlc vocals bleeding through a lively, tro than anyone space or to engage the crowd. Songs from all dose to art and three a.m. and, while these pro- compound-time ciinstruct of pulses and whirrs. remembers, and • pretty good for it. three albums sound good hut, on a stage of this vide somewhere to go and some people to Its first couple of bars trigger one of the loudest O capacity, the hand's projection keeps veering throw shapes at up to a certain hour, they also cheers I hear all weekend, but my personal • • Maximo Park Bizarrely signed to Warp Records, • Maxlmo are bring- • ing sexy back. lave, • they take on a whole • new energy and pas- • • sion. Go listen.


1.1 Out eii the main- • st ream consmous- • ri C SS since '20 0.1 S • Free All Angels, Tim I WAS A CUB SCOUT: Appropri- Wheeler & r. nave ate or hilariously post-ironic? recent ly vowed to S stop releasing Photo; David Peat albums.

dangerously close to a bizarre form of stadium soundtrack my insomnia. Their catalogue is a favourite is the opener of current LP Mama ri, Battles nick. aeries of competiti( in-winning mixes, an aind 'Racal Not only a dazzling feat of drumming A packed, gloriously received Carling Stage half-an-hour each. of dramatically varying con- so cross-rhythmically complex and accurate that PossiblY (he best live performance from Patrick Wolf folk Pws, before tent and quality. They do indeed seem to deter snunds like Steve Retch (and so much hard band of the year, work that 1 can scarcely believe the drummer is Battles have also we discover that we are watching Ash - the idols riots, hi infirea and crime, and the atmosphere released a ma reel- of my early teens - on a large screen, sat on the when .1 run susceptible to it - is one of people: human), but a hantionic masterpiece, it is so lona 1.1' through grass outside the NMT Stage. It proves to be a genuinely enjoying themselves, with less concern pallid I actually dance to it. Warp called Mir- popular vantage point - especially, perhaps, with air rut how they look (and smell) than conven- David is now sufficiently awake, co I drag rored . It's dance people beginning to tire, it anticipating a "large tional clubs or parties. As we danced 'Love him to the NME Stage ti it We Are Scientists, a ntttsii n it's really, re.8 I I y one". We arc near enough to be able to see the Will Tear Us Apart', the night seemed endless hand I have not seen for well over a year. lighting from within the tent, and the occasional and limitlessly opportune but, now, as I cough Depressingly, in that time, they (It) not seem to jumping figure, but distant enough to be able to up the various things that remain in my throat have progressed: the new songs are presented hear each other. And, actually, it becomes clear and continue to sunburn in the queue for water well, but I could easily believe them to he We Are Scientists that I have liirgotten that this is a band I still (the toiler queues have been consistently short), I bar art(aqualorti-sides. The singles, and the Once made a video love. After 'A Life I.ess ()rdinarv"Kung Fu', feel distinctly softcore. best album tracks, from the 1.1' are still electric that featured all lack Names the Planets' and 'Uri from Mars', Just as well, then, that all l have to cope with and make me fed a bit guilty for not listening to • three members in as well as a showing for new album Twilight of the fora while is the last show of The Shins' Euro- them more; We Are Scientists have perhaps the shower. Once °I Insacults (including a forthcoming single - 'End pean tour. It is sunny but there arc a lot of achieved the feat of an album that is very consis- • I made an album that n. featured all twelve of the World' - that sounds more like Ash than clouds - an adequate analogy to their rwinkly but tent in its sound but dries not get boring. The songs in the correct Ash have done for years) I feel like my inner often pained emi 'nom! landscapes. We congre- songs are painfully clever, fun, technically excel- order. thirteen-year-old might explode. Tim Wheeler gate a distance from the Main Stage, so that we lent and in flashes - disconcertingly human. and what remains of his band might be fun, but can just about make out the monochromatic 'Lousy Reparation', often ant-aide overlot iked, is C they are delineating emotions and backdrop and the figures who dart around in a brilliant opener, and a good reminder of lust • • • 0 • 0 a 4. • ;, 4. - .1 0 L u •. • front of it. These figures manipulate an array of how strong (and, er. how pretty) Keith NI un-ay's rock-influenced. guitars - lap steel, rhythm, bass - and a twangy voice is, and how intelligently he uses it; it is a We spend the evening, the night, and the first Nord synth, splattering them with a lead vocal popular misconception that the Scientists' only half of the next day spread out - coming and We are near • that swoops into and out of falsetto over value is their hilarity (and it shows up with rein- going to and from the campsite to make sure it sequential, repetitive melodies. If the territory is forcements between songs) but the mastery of hasn't been torched (only our marquee disap- enough to be able a little straight and narrow, it is nt inetheless well timing and deity-vry that n necessitates is put to pears), the raves (whose strains are ubiquitous) crafted, and they throw us handfuls of unifying excellent use in their music and their witty-but and the arena. The atmosphere is excellent, and to see the lighting love and platitudes like 'We were in Reading last sincere b nes. I (nib hope the new album - due it would he a very good move to maintain the night. Bollocks.' When I later ask Jamie and ai'!- raves the nest Festival, as they aim the last ;,,from within the Rainford for their opinions, what I get 'I could • ''' .4"'" 'Cf. night from anarchy into some min of 1')92 listen ro them all day' and 'they were well-per- tin pia. Lay and 1, in differingly altered states, sit • tent, and the tOrmed but mediocre in excitement' - seem to be in the tent and introspect horribly. By the rime two sides of the same point: The Shins are, basi- 14 • the sun is rising, we are frozen, and most of the occasional cally, fine, but they challenge no-one. At the • site seems to have been blown up; tire crews run same time, they are perfectly contracted fur this up and down, strunTting to keep up with the jumping figure, slot as anything heavier might have been the end 1,11 ! , inexplicable numbers of people burning tents of us all. Perhaps Zack Braff can be blamed for and gas canisters (they make a nice noise, but but distant _ • unfairly attaching so many associative emotional out tit November - proves that they aren't a sin- you have Iii evacuate the area, and they imply spaces to them; it strikes me, as I watch, that gle-illusion-mule, even if that illusion is rather no-one has heard (tithe environment). The nough to be able their influence is wider than is generally consid- intricate and has marvellous results. queue fur the bus out of the Festival is distress- ered. I cart even hear Co aidBooks in them, once Our final band of the weekend is Unkle, who ingly massive and seems in have littler order. but • to hear each or twice. are headlining the Radio I Lockup Stage. we eventually escape, wondering when phrase's a Later. I came David to the ?!.tin Stage for Although the performance is competent, it such AS 'man up' will get old, other. Bloc Party - whose sound is mysteriously thin drags, and the armosphere seems to want some- words/ ramzy al•akeel live, although it may be the wind direction, thing with more of a dance demerit than their which essentially means we tulle get strains of current set, which is mostly self-indulgently

IL a a

Leeds Student Friday, September 28, 2007 . • L..2g • NastyFest VII °Xi AMMUSIC FESTIVAL Laura Groves is a singer- local to Leeds then, however, proceeds to squander any bard- death is on the menu. The hand's depressive post- This t )ctober, hfam's month long t siam who is the first to admit that her style seems a bit wt m benevolence in the final third of their set hy rock is certainly stirring, no mitre so than on rival returns to Leeds to celebrate local music, ran of context with the ide I Nastylest; after a using the same tired '80s riffs which have been frankly frightening recent single 'Spencer Perc•val'• raise cash, and help end poverty. The festival is couple of songs she concedes "I'm not very nasty". recycled by everyone with "Me Killers to The which tells the story (date Former Prime Minister's a got id way in which to familiarise yourself with This probably expressal the thoughts 'if most of Twang; dosing my eyes at one point, I'm not just. assassination from the petspective of his doomed some of the local scene. Oxfam is hoping to rit■ reminded of U2, bin the spectre of 'shudder' killer to a suitably fearsome musical accompani- raise over 4,1 million nationwide to put toward, Bryan Adams even makes a fleeting appearance. ment Almost inevitably, though, such historical projects such as implementing community grain referencing and music epicism doesn't lend itself banks, buying chickens and establishing dean (5) Thankfully, a more pleasant (or should to a 30-minute slot amid a torrent of other young water supplies. 1 'ere, for your selective pleasure, that be `nasty'?) surprise awaits in the Red lounge talent, meaning that newcomers to the band, is a list tit-what's on, where, and when. in the form of boy-girl duo Tiger Force. Combin- myself included, are left somewhat contiaunded at When? 28/09/07 ing keylxiards and pnigrarnining wall re Yob- their set's conclusion. (6) Where? Mint Cluh the en ra•d, who although surprisingly attentive, heavy bass and guitar, plus the occasional handclap Those who have lasted the distance arc What time? 10pm-ham seems a hit itchy fit,. more loud guitars and boys in interlude, they make the kind of racket which finally greeted by ant Idler duo, this time all-male, in What's happening? Oxjam opening night skinny jeans waving their trendy hairdos around. forces everyone in attendance to cut the chatter the form of I Was a Cub Scout Band members with Paco Ostma (PLUS8), Dave Martin What keeps their background talking to a lower and pay attention. Ti appn priate the popular jour- Todd Marriott and William Bowemian's dynamic (Techninque/Intinigrant), jay Killat (Tech- hum than it could be is perhaps the haunting qutili- nalistic cliche, their double-prongrsd approach is is a strange one, both superficially and musically. nique/Lefiroom), and residents. iv of her classic female fill singer's voice, and lik- The former is physically nondescript but makes ing for reaching particularly moving high notes in a singing and playing a combination of guitar and When? 29/09/07 mint a- key. She arse impmies her crystalline singing keyboards/programming Wok much easier than it Where? Leeds City Centre with acoustic guitar for most oldie songs, but per- is, the latter ugly /beautiful, a mass of straggly What time? All day. sonally I think her music sounds stronger and blond hair and sinewy limbs pounding the skins What's happening? Osjam Busk:abort; that is, more original when she switches to the piano, like a man possessed (but thankfully not by the Oxjam will be taking over the city to "raise which can occtistimally take turns with her voice to spectre of Bryan Adams). Somehow, though, 4- awareness". lead the mei( aiy, Laura does have a gift for moving works, the end result sounding decidedly anti melodies, and her singing (and gaitarlptami play- letisaila mere- vocal assault, anti more of a full-t in edge yet devoid of gnrtmaickry. (7) When? 01/10/07 —07/10/07 ing) is beautiful, but the overall tone of the oeuvre mugging by a gang of ,1S8( )-klds leading t.(. a pro- So, what have we learnt from this 1 Where? Royal Park Cellars/The Library we hear tonight is a bit toe, hornogenctus: there LI-acted program 4 if rthibiliuttion. Best of all is the i wain. 'Lion of It ical(tsh) bands? Well, not to put (pub) seems t o be rine mu that she is confidentfi doing.. self-expiturichng Tiger Force Anthem', which Fine a pi ant on it, these ate a ha of decent new What time? Various and lilies well but her performanc• would be fuses the hard edge ofThe Kills with the pr ep bands in the North of What's happening? British Wildlife Aware- more 'interesting if she played st 'me st prigs that sheen ofThe Go! Timm to acne the finest punk pt.:5s Week, featuring These Monsters..., weren't lamenting or sindful. (6) mantra pail' hear this year. Splendid stuff (8) Worried About Satan, Cowtown, Piskie Sits, Current Mill'. darlings The Dykeenics Back on cenne stage. local (pima and ntore. are next to take their turn on the Main stage, and iLiKETRAiNS get by sonic distance the warmest start reasonably enough musically at least, with feta-Orin of the day. Not rharthey're about to look When? III! III/07, {18/ 10/117, /10/07, bright, larcray intlie-pipditties. Perhaps sensing happy aixiut it or anything; with their uniform 22/10/07 the st a-newhat cynical ambience in the room, lead white shins, black armbands and gloomy expres- Where% 'Mc Packhorse vocalist Brian Fire tries a hit of gt read--natural ban- sions, they seem more like they might be attending, England, but for Mc the 2 most exciting tt When? 7-11pm ter with the audience, which seems tit go Sown say, a junkie's funeral, perhaps even a public hang- the day were those made up of just. two MeMberS What's happening? Open Mk Mondays, with well at least with tht Ise in the crowd who can corn. ing. Shack wv. ant 'dyne projections cast a further catch. l .ass is more, perhaps? the chance to Wu, a place in the 29th Octitlx.• prebend his thick Glaswegian accent. His band murk over the venue, easing us in link daub; that words/ mark armitage and dime morrison finale alongside -top" acoustic artists.

When? 13/10/07 Where? Mansion James Church Hyde Park Unity Day 2007 What time? All day What's happening? A showcase of local folk, classical, and percussion groups. If your Leeds year starts in September and raise the 25K it takes to put on Unity Day, attention to the 7 "bomb factories" and ends in 1(4, then you'll he surprised to learn and It cakes a lot of energy and time to keep the rise of 'landlordism" resulting in new When? that arguably the biggest and best event in the event resident-led. In this spirit, activi- Brialenell tir rciAl Club the l I ycle Park calendar happens a month ties For and by local young pet pie -down by \X'hat time? .3-9prn before you return. Students who live, work the skate park at Hyde .Park corner make the What's happening? Record fair, piing you the and play in Leeds during the summer arc the early afternoon a brilliant, hectic start ro pro- chance to "try" load acts "before you buy" lucky ones; they know that Hyde Park Unity ceedings. Dazzling demonstrations front them. Also features live music hum Worried Day is the annual free festival that covers local skaters anti performances from Break- kbout Satan, Rebel 'Veil, Decree, I alv \Vi alhouse Moor in a jamboree of unique ers Unify a local break dancing project draw Noise & I laneast h-er. sights, colourful flavours, and delicious an impressive crowd every year; they never sounds. fail to impress. Over the way, younger chil- "tension" between residents. The last two When? 19/10/07— 21/1(1/07 dren test their skills at juggling, while poi Its years have seen stereotypes blasted as stu- Where? Bruckner' Social Club and Royal in very direction. Leaving the circus tent, I dents and long- term residents work together Park Cellars rushed over to sec one spectacle surely to make nit!: Oat happen. What time? Yeah. unique to Unity Day: Melanie St Clair's WI tat's happening? Brainwash Festival, fea- But of course, for many students Dog Show. A truly participatory family turing Mem, Youthmovies, the highlight of Unity Day will be the show- Napoleon Irby, Wintennute, Randimmum- favourite, the dog chow boasts all tit- the case of musical nets performing on the main her, The Plight, Hutnanfly, Jonquil, Meet enthusiasm of Crufts. And none of the flair. stage, in the band tent, at the 1:17.7. stage and Me In Si Louis, Paul Marshall, These Mon- I shall never forget 2005, when sttnteo ne all around the park in multiple dance rents. sters... and many more (see I nut,. Das 201i- 12Ih tiuurtg entered their ferret. This year's highlights for me were two local on a Onostly) sunny Saturday at th, begin- The origins of this event are the favourites; Rcd Go, Green Stop left the ning of August and 1 was determined to soak troubled times of civil unrest in the middle afternoon crowds bouncy with their lively Whert:' to as much of its 12 hours as I possibly 90s. that inspired activist a and campaigners to fusion of skit, pop, jazz monster tunes; Later Where% I 6-1.1f:hill could_ My Unity Days have tended to be come together in 1994/ 5 to settle differ- in the evening. Leeds-trio Cowtown were a What time? G-1 i rpm seen through the tired eyes of an over- treat, with primary-coloured shoury-pt its and Nitat's \York'', (canning five stretched, sweaty volunteer, so it aVas with a knitwear to match. ands, :ht twa asire. ilifiercnt cultures and styles spirit of belated liberation that I swilled And if that wasn't enough, Unity ,t, musicdcrived trora rcnintnes with which across the moor. Activity bustles In ■In noon Day 2007 was topped off by not one or tau, onwards, as an array of stalls pup up around but three official after-parties (and innumer- the iconic crossing of the paths, at the centre able unofficial tines). So for those students When? 29/10/07 of the park. Table top sales with junk shop whir arc settttdcnng what to do after July next Where? The Packhorse charm always do well in raising money flu- War, maybe it is worth getting that job to pas What time? 7-1Ipm - the event while colourful stands, boards and ences, unite Communities and cc-lanais the What's happening? Acoustic night, featur- s-out rent over the summer and take part in banners promote the activities of a range rich cultural diversity of I ing Jamie Roberts, Katriona Gilmore and vile Park. The the unique social atelier-its- that will surely be irganisarions from local community projects winners of Open Mic Monday shows. success of Unity Day in achieving this is tes- vcle Park a-tiry Day 20118. to international aid charities. tament to ten years of hard work. Recent words/ colin michel The organisers work year round to scars have seen new challenges with media

Leeds Student Friday, September 28, 2007 25

Erol Alkan provides a flawless and relentless WAX:JN performance at Stylus.

his Saturday the Wax:On team unabashed variety of Electro and Breaks. I treated quite possibly to the best Wax:On lino Breakbeat world Oyer the last couple of years rumbled into Leeds to rock the am sure those lucky folk being blooded into up to grace our union super club to date; even once again reminded us of why they reap so kT, new batch of freshers to their their first Wax:On experience won't have after the eleventh hour withdrawal of The Glim- much success. Whichever brave promoter took newly discovered foundations been disappointed.•ven more impressively mers live set. 1 was particularly frustrated at the the decision too place Nine in v4 hat can only with their unashamed and the returning fans will he aware that thee were no show given that The Glimmers arc Currentl , be classed as the union's 'Room Two' must have

T riding high after the success of their breathed a sigh of relief when their bouncing critically acclaimed Fabric:Live CD breaks nut only gripped the crowds but also lick! EROL AMCEN: been there, seen release. (Leeds Student recommends a them united in the tunnel-tike space. 4. special it, bought the E.R.O.L t-shirl. dr listen.) But with a veritable who's who mention must also go out to the buys at Central of Deco-to-Breaks Dfs also featuring, Bentz lo or hosting Pulse and yet again producing r. the night never felt like it would stum- an energetic display that marks them out as mine ble. •of the most exciting Drum and Bass nights in all And stumhle it did not. Lind Alkan of die city. produced yet another flawless and IiIWCVCI" the overwhelming surprise relentless SCI that incorporated driving lot- the night was the man who was charged with eleetronica, teased in the bil.,%est beats the heady responsibilin, of following on frt um and sampled downright outrageous Errol and concluding proceedings in Stylus. Sin. licks and vocals keeping even the harsh- den mire than rose to the challenge and will be a est cynic's feet stomping ail through the DJ that 1 will look out fix in the future on the night. On the evidence of his tireless hack of such an accomplished display. and Is( oundless perfitrmance on Satur- Once again the crowd played a vital day his decision to retire from hosting o ile in contributing to the unrivalled atmosphere his 1.,rroundhreaking Indiclilecurn night whipped up by the Wax:Oti hi iys. entire spec- Trash at The F.nd Club in London has trum of characters oathd he seen across the bal- proved to be the derision in reinvigo- conies with everyone from the kids' to the rating his prowess as a Df. I challenge 'Breakers' and all the way to the plain curious. anvone who could present me with a This melee of stereotypes further goes to prove 1)1 that covers more inches on the the groundbreaking and trans-genre output so stage. interacts so naturally with the ni omen( los with Wax:On. crowd and does it all with such an air of 1f y

DJ Jehst fails to impress at the JEIL51': fails to live up to new Faversham. bohemian expectations.

y first night back at Leeds and brie{!Alt-t1 ' and 1 decided to revisit an old favourite, aw Paver- c$: -;i .1! ••• ■ ,ham, home to New sTAt_Te as lit_ vAa iri t• A••T.I:•t Bohemia every Friday.

. 14,1'77 in the 1rtic, -Incro p,

flaC11 the . , 1 Ito. -1 . 0111)i fate to face with your idol's as they n. rot. Tout their AggtepoLitet ll nod poetry to then Ilt r6tcm tier' faudenr friendly andit• in trido not feel us he rcateratva.1 fits Intl c ui 111,. draws in Me N.orth constanth thortIghout hi, set I 'nfor from the •hop skeet pert,,rrolo!.•: rutlattly the -lustier ccti thus t ill...Inc !, ■.- weekly bests. 1-4 tad and Kid Acne about the nwtortunvi Iles ktruthe-ing kcpt down 5onth 1,) Hs wife AI, ordN/rhinnon

a ▪

26 Leeds Student Friday, September 28, 2007

the The Social Question (or, the Social Club question): should they have debate: changed the HP social dub? New Wave Old School

e .tul singers are everywhere. The mismatched • hether you're a I lydc Park ambiance and dec, a- to perfection. The clt Avri - • a will admit from the start that the old • • a sofas arc now replaced with 4 geometrically posi- • secial Club diehard, etairs area which opens at Fipm and for private Hyde Park Social wasn't for everyone. • • tioned sofaJlounger things and two pristine pool • purist who can't get over the functions however, is perhaps the jewel in the ■• You would probably have needed to dis- tables. The living mom feel of that room has • transformation, or a mod- crown of the new refurbishment. With bat- • • mount from your thoroughbred high s • • been replaced by the surreal feeling of an Ancient cruiser who was crying out tered green and red leather sofas and beauti horse (if you have one) before yt • - • • Roman public baths, with the bar made out of • for change, the fact remains that the previous fully weathered coffee tables, where the social • • entered. If you :aspireto be Pans I Elton then you marble. The old -room • incarnation of the social club was widely club definitely retains it's social aspect in this • • won't have even heard about it But that's fine - faux- watt confined but • • regarded as a dingy mess (whether that cosy eubby room. you're probably very average, live in Headingley, warrn, the new tine is t pen but einotionlees, • • : has weird semi • appealed to you or not) that was struggling to Whereas once would never have • • and the media are but tidy Original Oak probably The smaller room rum -circular • attract the student -pound in a city already sat - even thought of having or attending a party • • sums you fine. t'm stereotyping, but the diversity bays, at normal level an one side but platformed • • • urated by bars and clubs. Even the current there now I cannot help but think that there is ofan area like Hyde Park permits genuinely on the other. You can also only fit about 4 peo- • • • manager of the club was prepared to admit more interesting and different place, like the old ple in then. The beauty of the crap furniture in re, better It 'cation. The club hoists Dj nights • a • that the changes were :t long time coming. and twice weekly, arid has retained the inimitable • • Hyde Park Social, to exist. the a olt1 social was that you could lit loads of peo- • • • that attracting a broader student clientele was wesday night time with one new addition - That's not to say that the Paris I !dens wouldn't pie on one sofa by perching on the arms with • • • • essential. Although the regulars were faithful open (he veret,nc have been welcome. 'Il-i just would- your leer to the cushions, or any particular paci- is entered, • • • to their beloved watering hole, for many, whether set trine a iirst or a lowly n't have liked its comfortable squalid- fic an that seemed to fit. People treated the furni-

• myself included, the I b de Park social club was third on the qui., and the lucky ness - walls plastered with posters for ture like their own, rather than respecting the • • a dingy dark smoke screen room with sofas winner who is drawn from a hat SubDub, Central Beats and one off need tt) preserve cleanliness - the sofas were

• that permeated the atmosphere with pure gets to pick a Nix na epen, winning events like Venetian Snares and Tanen already ;t I dine it didn't matter-

• encrusted dirt. Despite nos&pule incurring the anything from a crate of beer to Steppaz gigs, a rot am full of mismatch- I mostly wt wry about the hippies though. I have

cries and hatred of many, l am not afraid to The manager Chris easily ing secured hand sofas and dttedhieked friends who I'd always see at the social, because it • admit that I HATED the old I lyde Park social sells you the quiz. and with .dements hippies; another smaller room which was the place they'd go for a drink. It went hand

• club. My friend described it lovingly as "a such as wi-E laptop access, I came it was always far too hot and harlawful in hand with their ideals and mine—it was cheap,

`an' working men's student dub for the not so help but feel that the Hyde Park on the walls, and then downstairs, down to earth, friendly, familiar and seemingly • working classes,- This to me only added tat the social club has tried to gain new • • which was always far tot) cold and open to drug use. When I thought about the • absolute off-putting anima of the dub. clientele, With the three televisions uncon- • • seemed to have 1 cue between the 3-4 pool Hyde Park Social, my mind made connections • Walking in now for an early evening nected to each other so that hardened fait • • tables down there, some of which ally Intermit- with the•duh nights a lit the posters that used to • • • drink is a breath of fresh air, and that 's fans can watch their obscure team, it is clear • ; tinily worked anyway. Graffiti was scrawled on decorate the walls, and the dreadlocked regulars • not just to do with the arrival att. the that the I lyde Park social club management • • some cracked MDE walls, the broken toilet in that amend them. It's ok for me, I wasn't really a

• smoking ban. The whole place is clean have taken a new direction which then are • • the men's was once replaced with a grubby plan- regulaeand I've got the Brudenell Social to go et • • • • tic bucket and you oat] often walk up the stain; — loads of • and modern with wide open bar spaces unable and unwilling to reverse. Niavbe this • bands play there and it has a more • and comfy booth-areas akin to an American Was their plan; maybe I atn the type of person • • e% he greeted by a tall man spending the maiority indie/punke teem& But they would never play- • diner, where people can hang out after a hard they have tried to convert. If so they have • • of his night tieing in vain to manoeuvre the nest dub or psy • trance in there so where will the hip- • • • day at Um. The paintings on the wall of iazz been successful as I will definitely he return- • step out of his K-hole. pies go ra Ay? • • singers adds to the new charm with a dark ing. i just hope that other people and I get to • • I lappily for some maybe, all this is now gone. The final nail in the coffin is the prices, which or • • • coed room akin to a nice wine bar perfect for a e.e• Altair the changes and spend ere nigh • • f ;_very blemish covered up, every crack fated an, course have risen significantly. 'lliey've got the • • irstf date. The other room has now been total- cash to make the new refurbishments prof- • every quirk straightened out. It's a facelift so cheek to take something away from us, give us a ▪ • • • • ly refurbished with marble bars, a snooker itable and worthwhile. • • drastic that you could be forOven for not recog- crap imitation of something we've alrattly got • • table and new flooring and interior design, • • nisuig IL The awful art that used to adorn the and don't like, and expect us to ft x tt the bill. • • • The lights in particular deserved a mention as words/ katie gilliland & jonny •. • walls of the small neim has now spread all over - words/ tom hughes • • the glass coloured lanterns set off the new leighton • • genene art elect , wallpaper with genetic imagest )1' • • OOOOOO •••••••••••••• ■•..OOOOOOOOOOOOO • • • • • • OOOOO • OOOOO • OOOOOO • • • • • • • OOOO OOOOOOOOO • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

'Milieu 1 ittrilift TR: Are the owners of the new Social taking the piss? Photo; John Puddephatt Leeds Student Friday, September 28, 2007 27



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28 Leeds Student Friday, September 28, 2007 J Fresher than Fresh Sick of perennial plates of baked beans? Tired of making 73 variations along the lines of toast? Our resident chef, Pippa introduces you to a world of new grub, and tries to stop you getting scurvy.

o First Years, by now you should one of the many thousands of take-ay, :ty did, all the crap in their cupboards they did- but one hag of onions, get one free? Right have unpacked all your stuff into menus you will receive CVO"), day on your n't want or need. Either way these arc all use- and I'm supposed to do what with that? your new room; put up pictures of doorstep. After all who can resist: a 12 inch. ful things but just to top up the store cup- (Well, actually I did get this offer and made home, quirky posters, and your pizza delivered straight: to the door in less board I would advise you to get some extras: some delicious French orfa in soup!) They do entire DVD collection etc, but wait! than half an hour? It's cheap, it's quick and chilli powder, garlic, curry paste, tomato make you feel less guilty about buying those What is in this box over here? An 18 piece You're fairly sure the tomato sauce counts puree, Worcester sauce and basically any- chocolate biscuits so make the most of them. sdinner set, more spatulas than you'll ever towards your rec(immended five-a-day, right% thing that can disguise the taste when your However I would not recommend doing an need, and a wok? Oh yes, welcome to the Do this every night and it's a safe bet you culinary masterpiece has gone a hit Pete entire shop of only BOGOEs and splitting the cost with a friend. This was once a bril- liant idea of a friend and I in the first year and resulted in some very bad meals because nothing actually went together, tuna in olive oil and raspberry jelly anyone? It is gtiod idea though to find a shopping buddy to split the cost with, bulk buying is always cheaper and at least you will have an extra pair of hands when you have to strug- gle back to halls with 3(1 has of stuff in the clear plastic provided so that everyone can see what you've bought. However although supermarkets arc handily located and are a safe bet art nut to rely on them 100 much. This is a big city so get out and discover what gems there are hidden down some hack alley. Actually forget that; its not likely to be food you'll find! Leeds City market, also e • • • -4 • • Get some • extras: chilli • powder, tomato : puree, Worcester sauce and basically anything that can disguise the taste . when your culinary BEANZ: Breakfast, lunch and dinner? Make it stop. masterpiece has ••••1 - '47 gone a bit Pete Ovs of student cooking. won't make it past the end of this term. Ting! Whilst you happen to be down at the Unless 1,4111 have the privilege of living at Either your loan or your health is going to local supermarket (where you will have to Tong! home during your university years you will run out at some stage. face the horrors of shopping in crammed now have to cope without the luxury of a The excuse of not having enough time to aisles with at least a few hundred student fully stocked cook is just that, an excuse. Unless you hap- peers) you'd better start looking for the known as Kirkgatc market has over 800 fridge and a meal cooked by your Mum pen to be one of the unfortunate medicine or range of value products. You know the stuff, traders (although not all food related) and i6 every night. For some, learning to feed them science students who have five hour lab lec- white label with the hare minimum of info a great place to buy fresh fruit, veg, meat and selves may seem like a daunting task, fife oth tures, most of you will be able to spare 30 printed on it. Although the packaging may anything else you could possibly want. It has ers this will be the chance they were looking minutes to rustle up something tasty anti nest be of the most appealing nature they (Ili a massive range of fund on offer from all for to express their culinary desires at last. inexpensive. Who knows, vou may even actual]} taste alright and cost a fraction of around the world; Chinese, Indian, However even for those armed with the best enjoy doing it ?Jai. the price of brand named items. Also keep an Caribbean and many more besides. There is intentions in the world it is easy to fall into No doubt the parentals have been nice eye out for the buy one get one free offers also a Fantastically cheap designer clothes the student rut of pasta, baked beans or enough to send you off with •a few basics: that arc placed around the store. Most rig' the stall but I'm 90 per cent sure they are stolen (heaven forbid) 'noodles in a pot.' salt, pepper and stock cubes, or like mine time these are not usually on anything useful, goods so it mighrbe best avoid that one... It's also effortlessly simple to order from

▪ Leeds Student Friday, September 28, 2007 29

every Thursday the market expands itself them. There are tonnes of wehsites giving

by hosting more stalls Outside and it is always out vouchers so simply print them of and

great for trying to bag a bargain- a hit of you've easily saved some hard-earned cash,

harmless haggling/flirting never hurt anyone! which is obviously going towards more recipe file;, So now you've got the Food maybe its rime • important thingse is that a cocktail menu I to actually venture into the kitchen (that 's the • spy in the distance? • a dodgy room at the end of the corridor with So now we've learnt where no buy, how int a - 6 There are peo- the over sensitive fire alarms) and cook • cook, and if all else fails the best ways to eat Raymond's Chunky something, And since you braved the perils at restaurants cheaply, the only thing left to of the supermarket together, why not rope ple that have never discover is how to get free food. During the Vegetable Soup • your shopping buddy into helping you cook grated cheese or • intro weeks you have every opportunity to too? You might just discover that your flat • take advantage of the free stuff on offer. A ■mate is the next Nigella otianue, • or toes hovel). hit of cake from one society, the (odd Winter in I-0.1th can he cI ILI, 1)1Ir :1 ore d peeled a potato • might be just as clueless as vou in the kitchen cup of tea from another; tf vow keep your not be miserable. One great way of department. 1 '.ither way it isusually an amus- • eyes peeled I 'm sure put should he able to warming up is by making a winter vest- before. Treat them ing experience, often resulting in some • get something, even if it is just a free lolly s etable soup. Not only is it .guaranteed to shocking revelation such as the fact that from one of the many club promoters lined • heat you up from the inside in a slightly kindly, it's not their a • someone has have never grated cheese or a up ourside•the parks' steps. O safer way than eating fire, but it's also peeled a potato before. Trust me there are • There is an alternative branch of philoso . one of the best ways to stretch a student fault. Well some- • people like this lurking in halls of residences phy which believes in freeganism; the art of o food budget. The recipe is very versatile, • across the country! Treat them kindly, it's not getting food for free. These types of people and the addition of any other starchy • • times it is. their fault. Well sometimes it is. • • are often seen lurking around the back of O vegetables can add variety and additional • a For those beginners out there l would tee- shops going through the bins. It is true that • nutrition to what is, essentially, a very • • commend sticking with simple things to begin many places throw out perfectly edible food basic collection of ingredients. Best • • with. Stir - fries are quick, cheap, adaptable • • simply because of legal requirements. So if • served with crusty bread, which can help and a good way of sneaking in some of those • • times get hard and you find yourself a bit • provide even more carbohydrates. The • • pesky veg portions we all should be eating. short of cash, maybe this is the route to go soup can be frozen and defrosted easily- • • o Chop up some chicken or pork and fry with a for! However, a word of advice, although vou o To freeze, do the obvious. To then awake few of your few favourite vegetables and an dog-food voucher who always seems to end may view it as 'freegmlism' a lot of the rime • the block from Its icy slumber either hear onion and you're hallway there. For a lazy up standing in from of you in every queue, the law may view it as theft. So stay on the gently in a saucepan or simply leave to option use a packer of sauce, or if you feeling but eventually you will learn to love safe side and get back in that kitchen! • thaw on a workbench. brave cook some garlic, ginger, soy sauce and V •

chillies as a base before adding the meat and • veg. Serve with some rice (good tip, twice recipe file the amount of water to rice, microwave for • III- 15 minutes stirring occasionally) or noo- , Gardener's Tomato Sauce "„ You will need: * dies and you've got yourself a healthy meal in • no time at all. There's nothing worse than getting home after a full day of lectures and a A large pot with a lid For those of you missing home-cooking o • couple of pints at the Old Bar, and trying to find the energy to cook. But it • 1 Onion already, try something comforting like a • doesn't have to be stressful. Below is a simple recipe for a filling pasta . 2 garlic cloves shepherd's/cottage plc. Fry some mince with an onion. then add gravy granules, Worcester a sauce which can be knocked up in 15 minutes, or which can be left to sim- 2 medium potatoes • sauce, a dash of tomato puree, some frozen mer and eaten when suitably hungry•. • 3 carrots peas and carrots, a splash t of water and sim- • 1 cauliflower head mer fur 15 minutes. Meanwhile, boil a few • a You will need: potatoes for the topping and mash when • Any other cheap vegetables you a can find cooked with a bit of butter. But freshers be • 1 Onion • 1 teaspoon each of Rosemary aware; avoid instant mash! That stuff will never taste as gook' as home made as it has 1 tin chopped tomatoes and Thyme a probably never seen a potato in its life. Bung 1 clove garlic • Salt the mince in a dish, add the mash on top, a • a Salt and pepper •. Pepper bit of grated cheese if you're feeling adven- turous and bake in the oven until it is all 1 teaspoon Oregano Butter 0 golden, just like mother used to make! 1 teaspoon Paprika a There are countless recipes I could give • Tomato puree here but I shall refrain, if you wanted that • • What to do: you'd buy a cook book right? In fact why • What to do: don't you purchase one ans-way. or ask the • • family to buy you one, mums are generally- a a impressed with that kind of stuff. just exper- Thinly slice the onion and garlic. Stick a little oil or butter in the bottom of • • First, chop the onion and the garlic • iment with it all. Soups are simple to make. a pan and heat until it bubbles gently. Add your onion and fry until brown. ; cloves, frying them gently in some butter good for freezing and it can't really go Now add the garlic and fry it for a minute, remembering to stir to prevent • until they're pale brown. Now, half-till • wrung. Curries arc also an easy favourite, all • your pot with water, adding herbs, and • it burning. Pour in your tomatoes and add oregano, condiments, paprika • • you need is some curry paste/powder and • some salt and pepper. The flavours of the and puree. Fill the empty tomato tin with water then acid the water to the • onion fried up and the meat, vegetables, a • herbs will infuse the water and penetrate a stock cube and the rest is your choice. Mak - mix. " the rest of the vegetables as the soup • ing food shouldn eating, it • • 't just he about S Bring everything to the boil, then turn the heat to low and cover with a lid. • cooks. Chop the remaining vegetables • should be fun and is pretty much an essential 41 The sauce can be served after a few minutes or left for up to an hour. . into fairly small pieces and add them to • skill to have. depending on your tastes. Remember to keep checking that it has enough the mix. Covet the pot with a lid and • • However, if cooking really just isn't an • • leave to simmer on a low heat for half an water. Serve with pasta, ground pepper and grated cheese. • • appealing thought (congratulations on read 't run out of .3 so hour, making sure it doesn • ing so far into this article!) then there is no • • water. Leave to C(101 slightly before sere- harm m sampling some of the many fantasy s Optional variations: . 6 trig with garlic bread and sour cream. • • restaurants, pubs and cat-Zs that Leeds has to Bored of plain pasta sauces? How about jazzing up this simple recipe with • Some possible additions to the recipe offer. Leeds is, as I said before, a massive the inclusion of vegetables such as marrows, courgettes, mushrooms or • include beans, possibly butter or kidney city and is highly populated with students peppers fried shortly after the garlic? How about changing the herb base varieties, added to the soup broth and case you hadn't happened to notice) and

• simmered with the rest of the vegetables. many places offer a discount with a simple that the recipe relies on, exchanging the oregano for fresh basil, a handful • • These will provide a healthy dose of pro. flash I of your newly acquired NUS card. of chopped coriander or even "the herb"? For a more exotic, spicy feel try • • Lein to accompany the starchy vegetable Larger chains usually have It oyalty cards • a adding some mustard seeds, peppercorns or chillis into the mix? As far as ▪ content of the soup, and helps provide a • which can be purchased for a few pounds a versatile base for pasta goes, this is almost a universally adaptable recipe. • more rounded diet for very little extra a and come with money off vouchers, dis- • • cost- • counted food (and drinks!) and 2 for 1 pro • motions. You could also follow sour can'., example and start coupon collecting. Yes, • you may feel like the OAP with the Sp off

Leeds Student Friday, September 28, 2007

g• Mrs. Ratcliffe's Revolution: World Premiere in Leeds Hallam Foe Starring/ Jamie Bell, Sophia LS went down to the world premiere in the Vue cinema at The Light and Myles spoke to Catherine Tate herself... Director/ David Mackenzie

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

nthusiastically heralded for mc mills prior to its general release, "I lallam It's nut often that Lath Sholere winds up Barden), becomes increasingly Stalinist, adapt- of freedom, bur, on the other hand, there is an Foe" has heen publicised widely. arriving at the light cinema to a laid out red ing to life as a stare informer. element of intention to remain true to who she F , with flyers distributed at Reading carpet, and a world premiere of a major film. was and what she did. At the end of the clay, . Festival this year, and the central fig- But that is exactly what happened for Sunday's Tate is keen to stress that the film holds a the opinions of almost the entire cast arc very ure of its4 title. Hallam Foe, played by lame Bell release of "Mrs. Ratcliffe's Revolution", a balance of drama and el anedv, with the con• similar they became part of the film based on (of "Billy .1 Ilicit" fame) has been a particular sell- British film based on the true story- of a family cept of a dysfunctional Yorkshire family living the quality of the -script, written by Bridget ing point. Its producers are clearly trying to from Bingley (hence the Leeds preMier) who in Communist East Germany hi riding a wry O'Connor and Peter Distraught. If trailers, expand its appealfurther than the usual art house left their lives in Yorkshire and moved into the charm set against the backdrop of a regime and the enthusiasm of the actors arc anything Indic' film kids, and draw in a mainstream audi- Last German Communist state of the DDR, that is yen Lin-English. Although the film to go by, then this may well be one of the ence. to live out Frank's (lain Glen) Communist (glens in Bingley, much of it was shot Im IOCa• British indite hits ea' the Near. Any reservati(ins And they appear to have succeeded, because drean t. non in Hungary, and this was one of the ele- there arc must he put down in the phenomenal "1 lallam Foe" is not the inaccessible, hard-to-fol- ments that attracted Tate to the role, as she success of (I still love his name) Florian low drama you might think it is, when coupled While Frank is the architect of this dream. particularly likes being taken around the world lenckel von Donnerstuarck's Oscar-winning with the inevitable phrases "arty" and "...". The his wife Dorothy (Catherine Tate) has tar bury for work. However, shooung m ti ,reign court. .7he Lives of ()tilers" and it's rairtraval of the et imedy of moments, such as when 1 lallam strips her doubts, until an unlikely friendship with an tries provides some po iblems in communica- DDR. Still, Nigel Betts (who plays the fiction- bare to his chest, smears his face and rings his young el- ilk•14e student leads to her taking a tion. a novel problem for director Bilk fltring- al brother of Mrs Ratcliffe) is not worried nipples with lipstick, and zip-wires onto a couple more active role in helping him arid, eventual- barn, juggling three different languages, though about this, seeing the film as a universal story having sex in the forest with a badger skin ly, the family escape from the regime of she found that there was always someone near- da family unites- strain. strapped to has head, are -hugely entertaining. informants and the Stasi. Thrown into this tale by- who could understand what was going , in. These shots of humour alstp lighten the strange, of Frank's dream and Dorothy's growth into a Mrs. Ratcliffe's Revolution' is on general perverted elements of liallam's nature and create more assertive woman, their children take dif- Commenting on the effect of playing a release on Friday 28th a subtle affinity between us rhe audience and I lal- ferent paths — the elder one Alex (Brit tanY r. Jk- based on a person's real experience. Tate is lam as he spies on the woman he catches sight of Ashworth) at 17 rebels against her father's thoughtful — having not met the real woman words/ Simon gillen in the street through her window late at night beliefs. while the younger one, Mary (Jessica Mrs Clifflianger is based rifi„ there is quite a lot with a pair of binoculars. Bell's pi mrayal of the central figure is influ- Deathproof Iv identifies with the girls- After a night of drinking ential in this film's broader appeal. A familiar face Stuntman Mike flirts with them a link and then after his critically acclaimed role in "Billy Illicit", Starring/ hurt Ru.s:,c11, tt,,suirr U,twsr ar brutally takes them out. his performance is a compelling one I lallam Directur/ Quentin Tararairsi Being a Tarantino film, all his irademarks.are here could have become a figure of disgust., his "peep- — the lengthy dialogue and the pup culture refer. ing Tom" habits reviled and criticised. But the As Death Proof demonstrates, it seems Quentin crises - but there is never much substance to it. It wide-eved, faun-like expression in Bell's eyes con- Taranrino will take on any style of film, yet it's hard just seems to he an exercise in cool and style. veys the idea that he is really only a boy, at the to believe that this is only the sixth film he's direct- film is loaded with bad editing, scratches and faded end of adolescence, and we see through his child- like sketches that he is less the ill intentioned ed. Originally intended as the double feature Grind• colour to give a more realistic and gritty fed to it. - stalker, more a dreaming, confused young man. house with Robert Rodriguez's Plana 'rerror There is much less violence and gore than expected The modem soundtrack contributes to this celebrate the 70's exploitation grindhnusc cinema, and what link there us seems incidental tin the plot sympadieric portrayal, with Sons and Daughters it was an unexpected [lip in America and the prot- and doesn't really emulate the style of film he 's pav- and the native Franz. Ferdinand amongst others ect was scrapped leaving separate releases of kniger ing tribute to. Fans may feel a little cheated but if pri aiding a fresh energy that prevents this film versions of the films. Death Proof follows die story car crashes and foxy girls straddling cat is( mum is wallowing in cliched Massive Attack-style, atmos- y+f the scarily scarred, sadistic and slightly charming your thing then it's a must. Taranaki will never be pheric elevator music. It also brings in the youth- Stuntman Mike who runs down young girls m his Ken .1-c rich but he's definitely cemented his place as ful appeal again, and cements "Hallam Foe" in "death !mad" car, although his motives are never a pop culture phenomenon and a director who my mind as a quirky', cool and relevant film tau really made clear. The first group of girls are fun knows no boundaries. ti aim-, loving, streetwise and foxy, which at least shows words/ flora mcnzies Tarantino isn't being sexist and, if actual- words/ vicky ellis Citizen Kane most complete,withoutthecutsthatstudios llvde ParkPictureIiiaiseat().30onthe2nd Ddpy alsowroteanddirectedit,muchlikeAllen did oinsistentlyearlyinhiscareer.Inthismoviea Widely regardedasonecifdiegreatestfilmsofall In afilmthathasalreadsbeencomparedto achievanents willbeallthemoreimpressive. in9sted oninhislaterworkthatledtoescape October. ThisisOrsonWelles'firstFilm,andhis Does anyonereallywanttoseeafarcicalcomedy• Coming uponscreen couple traveltoParissohecanmeetherparents, bus bethenfindsherrunning Woody Allen'scomediesItisfiningthatstarJulie erted incitecinemainEurope.Onthesmall is, andonthebigscreenincredibletechnical blazing cinemathatfeelsfarmoremodernthanit premise forlaughswithclumsymoralising?An Woody AlleneomparisonSringtrue,eccentrically from Americanstudioeilthmaldngwraiodybud- time, CitizenKaneisbeingshownonceatthe about gaymarriagethatunderminesits advance, butitshouldbequirkyand,ifthese Okay, soithasbeenoutforawhile,butwestill: want towarnyouawayfromthismalignedEdna issue asdivisivethis(especiallyinAmerica)• screen, CitizenKaneisafantasticexampleoftrail- old become strained.Itisonlyshowingforaweekat Chuck andLarry able totellwhetherthepurposeislaughat I NowPronounceyou 2 surely deservesmorethanAdamSandlermaking. funny. stereotypical gagsorrethinkgaymarriage.Right-. tember tothe4thOctober)sowecan'tviewitin the 1lydeParkPictureHouse(from28thSep- fully abusedbycriticsforitshypocrisy.thisiscer- tainly jokes aboutcocksandaisleswithouteverbeing: Michael Clayton - infansofCharmei,butitdoes notreally the trailersf Imaginative) saltintosmoothover aproblem chael Clayton(yes.Iknow—thetitleisn'thuge- is 'thing togoby, a corporatecase,beforegeneric oh-my-god- Days inParis el boyfriends, andtherelationshipbeginsto Leeds Studen - trying tosoundimportantaslawyersget filmswithsimilarthemes,notably anything One toavoid. ranons•are-evil kicksin.Itwill inevitably on aJohnGrisham novel as ves intospotsofbother.Chanteyplays though itcanstandaboveany ofthe o r GeorgeGooney'slatestfilmare it will consistentirelyofmenin wortis/ simongillett 0101.11F into many of entire : . her - ancefresherwithoutlos- . andnearbyHalls • : Lie.(YeahI'm • •

• ■••• •• •• • •• 1 Theatre andPerform- Important Advice: How torevealother students thatyouarea grand ayearon. ing cred. here arcsr removed get pissed!) your newmateswhatyou'respending ashamed, andthatyou'reveryslimforwhatyou Ilse asheepishvo you aretalkingtothatknowvtatshouldbe have shine,butwouldstillliketobefriends...if Or (andthisisthewriter'sfavourite),justsayit of gratefulreliefandpossibly (although whenvitith AND EC()Nt met afewotherTnPersoutsideoflectures Geography, findinglotsofetImmonground;i.e with confidence.Atendoftheclay,itswhat or MusicalTheatreSocietiesallthoseyearsbefOre your timewithvuurneighbourwhostudies you're studyingnotwhoyouarc.Yeahlike theatre andstuff,butsodoanyotherstudents who've beenpanoftheUnion'sTheatre(inAlp five the TnPersturnedup.Chances that's okay. up towiththatgirl/guy/sheeplastnight. So ht,aahforusallandnow The roleoftheDonhimselfistakenonby food, TV,music,fimidagain,andwhattheygut award winningactorGregHicks.,andthedirection a by JosepGalindo(HomagetoCatalonia)hasbeen Consistently votedthebestnovelrifalltime, Mancha andhispartnerSuichoPanzacomest freshet's cold, story ofthecomicall•obsessedDunQuixotedela that hasalreadybeendescribedtomeas"odd"by the Don Quixote void thesubject(Degree,duesitmuter?Lets bemused andetintusedvisitor. West Yorkshire or 1114 the first 1 % in um ideasonhowtodealwithtelling the sound-pratledBrettonHall)so and you'vebeenspendingmost (Moan). . 1 doing (no longerconfinedandfar ice freshers 'ti!) words/ ashleysculllayton Playhtiuse inaperformance ave which Th a s b at theLeedsCampus ee time to a ri.'7:1S-Sti ft.714 slightly camphigh n arc w)11:•: w al Friday, September28,2007 get over l a h whoever )1.0GY uge at three s only that i - of the WestYorkshirePlayhouse g h o

. • • • ▪ until Octohr20th,withiielemfrom atrical versionofanacclaimednovel. Don described aswildlytheatrical.WewillIxleaninne to bewellworthcheckingourthisextremelythe- 1 has pulledoutallthestopstocaterfaireveryone including themassofstudentsnowpresentin get toseetwoperformancesinonenightandisa This termtheWestYorkshirePlayhousereally National TheatreandcoiningtothePlayhouse house., forallthosethathavenotvisiteditbefore. with. 'Mebeautyoftheseproductionsisthatyou great introductiontotheWestYorkshirePlay 'Citizenship whicharepresentlytouringfrianthe managtai wiyrldthatteensarcconstantlylauding masterpiece kicksofftheevening. ations havebeenwrittenwithstudentsinmind e-chatters wholeadanothertosuicide,Faida tions tolookoutfor. Walsh's depictionoftheonlineworld and explorethedamaged,over-sexualised.eyber from 2-6October.Thesetwo50minutecre- teenager, •Chatroorre,isthethought-provoking Manipulanng hisaudiencetosympathisewiththe Hot Tickets- Upcoming produc- avils. Twosuchpniductionsare'Chunxam'and full reviewinthecomingweeks,butweexpectIt OM - MVP Illayk at there words/ Simongillen it) L:9 . onEsblit Playhouse - . thenraboth,huetux?y.torerrstenft..rant.xtung . Through . ▪ • • • • • • . ,, PerforrntdhYSteveItuition(ThePuttNtrauy,Dittnerhailes • lint(nuweds.. Afarcical Thket.rfivm f,9Qrt pie isstilltaboodespitethesubjectbeingthrownat Sex isatthecoreofMarkRavenhill'sstimulating Spears andTeenageSuicide,Walsh's Searching thechanoomsof play outastoryofmistand Chalmers antiChkrucl40iiioruineatiiVest) `Citizenship'. Therawreality,,f anonymity whichsuggeststhetragicdemise(1115 Ravenhill hashumaniseditinthisproduction. year oldJimisinevitable. them fromallsidesofthemedia.Forthisreason. tiesonment ofcharacterskiltownbytheire-names appearance intheschoolcurriculum,play explores adolescentidenntvthroughthediscovery Inspired bythesubjectofCitizenshipmakingan oldie teenagesexualimpulse. ihr R.•yal Bedroom Farce. dance groups.Manyoftheeventswillhetakingplacelaterin and It4t6ourtiff At TheCarriage- plays outbeforehintinallitsglory. Black HistoryMonth ton withanu the Armeeone 1- 31October works Fifty FeetandFallingloth Phollowcfrors 2-6th(hither , fin aprettpICCalit.uT10failtit1164ticaat .tit WW1 WelVing words/ lucymcintosh&sitnon gillett Faintly) inceltbratit•n =her ofeve? evening vanonh-sprittitian,. 3 tt7-11/.1ir1kt:tilingWhat !firma' befOrr!herid/ow./ the (onion its warbeta:vet, 4 Os, from - •Pa ill willIx I 7thto21trhtterober words/ lucymcintosh if MentalHealthDay3 Harry Potter,Britney art gllierl(niu VV 6...... • sex I% coMMgupinthe three llaIrtmittiS•wcr to Ith S for youngpeo• o gt i manslife qu hlack I a thr, clisaarrr 31 cm, . Mr ork 32 Leeds Student Friday, September 28, 2007

Reviews of the Week Upcoming events...

`Haunted' Ilkley Literature Festival' by Sept 28th - Oct 14th Chuck Palahniuk

With all that heat t wading in tht first IL-W ■!: Ilkley Literature Festiva! is a prestiOtts event term, it's always nice to have something light oty held in this small town at the foot of direly the side, in case it all gets rot. much. moon:, which is exremel) close to Leeds. 14:vents Chuck Palahniuk's "Haunreel' is definitely gout! take place atm ,!L•-■!be into ',vet this nvt, week choice if you fancy something- ICtiS demanding period. than, but just as interesting as, Whatever your - tutors are assigning. `,J./1 T !ILL ri1.11•I What's going on? Described by one critic as "a Mt +dem Canterbury Tales". "1 taunted" is a collection Of short stories, likley Literature Festival bosts around 140 events "written" by %Antal... characters who have been over 17 clays, which promises to be packed with `The Star of Algieras' invited to a very suspicious writer's workshop, 'Don't Tell Mum' a wide range of activities air everyone to enjoy. held in an abandoned theatre This includes Authors' Events, Discussions, by It is this writer's workshop that brings the novel Readings, ;Ind Performances, as well as Work- Aziz Chouaki together. acting as the setting fur events between Simon Hoggart and Emily shops. Reader's Events, Literary Walks, and each of the char-amts. tales, and generally housing Pex-tn,. Below is a list of just some of the famous some extremely gruesome secrets. Monk -111c Star of Algiers highlights the pilitical and per- names who will be making an appearance; sonal struggle, ff'.'siloussa Massy, a musician hailing : m't Mum' is a collect a in oldie emits home Not something to undertake if you have a weak frxim 'Nigeria, whose dreams of stardom ate jeop ; from the travels of Emile Monk and various Alan Bennett, Michael (htdaatje, Alaistair Camp- stomach; but "Flaunted" definitely doe*n't lose ardised by the climate of corruption and vdrolcnec bell, Germaine Greer, James Naughtie, Card anything in its grotesqueness. At die heart of the friends and aquamtances. ataa impanied by a team generated by the rise of Islamic fundamentalism. Phillips, Rosie Boycott, Kevin Crossley-[Tolland, explicit descriptions of murderous foot massag mentata by Simon thciewart. The messages docu- The story fiallous Massy as he despeTaiely tries to ment the weird and wonderful experiences and Robin Knox-Johnston, Bets Oki Brian Patten, and some interesting "self-help" techniques (you Roger McGough,John Julius Norwich, Joanne support his family, escape from the three room may have hard." Guts" as an extract in the paper a afflictions of the gap year travellers around the apartment he shares with thirteen other family lat•is. Rot I lattersley, lain Banks, Johnnie couple t if years — it not search the web and get work! and are grouped together lay event. With rnt nimbus and marry his king terra fiancee. • tam trip still fresh in my mind I found the majorit\ Walker. Jimathan Coe, Clarissa Dixon-Wright a taste Of what the novel is all abouth is an and mans' many more! I love ter, just as 11C seems to be on the nght track, intelligent and Very funny commentary on the state of the stories highly entertaining, especial!) those from South East set, with which I could the emergence lit-the group FIS submerges his hie of society's current obsession with lame and :nit. chaos. and with it his hopes of fame and ti dircrtly. St one messages. are-also , celchnty. And it's all wrapped in Palahniuk's empathise nu • How to get a ticket trademark cynicism and dry hurnt What more from parents. largely hewing not to know about Many of Massy's aspirations mirror those cif the muld you want? their offsprings more wt 'ming activities until they can get your bands on tickets for the lesuval author Aziz. maid, :I budding musician whose • are safely hack home. in die following ways; it ivy for music was forbidden by the Algerian regime. The accOmp,m)ing commentary, whilst neceessary words/ ben fisher ( )Mine - w• This passion is demonstrated thn nigh the protagt.-- ; to provide a context for the enrols, is only ()cis nest's passion for music beautifully captured • sionally funny and largely irritating. I logg.tri through musical references intertwined with an : employs a knowing, patronising tone and is vest By Blst - ri implete a Ix coking ft arm which can in-depth analysis of the political and social situa- repetitive. be dowel, aided online to the listed address. rion with which many readers may be unfamiliar. . t one of the most striking ft...mutes oldie novel is its ; like 'Are you Experienced? before it, Don't Tell By Phone - 1 iu can call the Box office on chaotic, disparate pace, achieved by slot. staccato Mum', demonstrates the metamorphi ises of gap 943 81(1714. ()paling ht Mrs are Monday to prose in die present tense, making some or the • year travellers from scared tourists with maps, 'tiday I i - 4pm anti Saturday I than - I pm. scerningly unhylicvable7 events plausible. \ . money belts and mosquito nets in to all together at first. Masse holds an idealistic and naive dew attire confident traveller who no kinger feel hoc In Person - Yo al can also buy tickets m person. love and fame, it is liter replaced by a more • need to follow die lonely planet so ft:Mt:nth. This detached and pessimistic outlook, which makes : book is a light read, which is nor captivating Ilkley, Tourist Information Centre_ Opening him vulnerable to the fundamentalist creed. lit enough to be read solidly, but is ideal hangover lit- hours are Monday and Wednesday - Sat 9.3t/am - describing the atmosphere of despair and hope- . erature best suited to those keen to indulge in post 5pm, Tuesday- I t lam - 5pm.-- lessness, the novel successfully pinpoints the gap year tit istalgut or as alititik of cautionary tales The Grove Booksh ip open Mondaytri&utuday nature of radicalised Muslims with nothing in lose .4. Alf those embarking on their max els. 9am - 5.3t fpm and Sunda) 11.30am - 4.34.1pm. in a ta tunny din twit inn turtut al. • words/ natalie levy), words/ nab sivathasan words/ cecilia gibbons

Recommended Reads... `A War in Words' `Chinese Cinderella' `Forgotten Voices of the Holocaust' `Step on it Cupid' by Svetlana Palmer and Sarah Wallis by Adeline Yen Mah by Lyn Smith by Lorelei Mathias

\n incredibly captivating selection of dian extracts A story about the struggle 411-Adeline to find accept- This lx x ik contains the true stones of more than This sweet, romantic stop fu 'Bows the life of and testimonies of victims and combatants of the ance from her family after her mother's tragic tleoth IUD victims of the harrowing persecunon and mur- Amelie, a career woman who suddenly realises First World War, pieced together In create a cohe- in childbirth. der of the Jews in the lean regime. The immedia- she's aliout the only person not in a serious rela sive narrative. 'this extremely moving book follows \Jane cy of the stories brings home the horror of these tionship. When assigned to the ad campaign ft it a A deeply moving and insightful read. din iugh her chili Ihisid, documenting her long hard events, but also contain stories with survival and speed-dating company at work, . \niche is thrown tight to prove her worth. hope shining through. head first in to market research..N very funny and easy read about a woman attempting u t hurry It

words/natalic lewy

Leeds Student' www, I Friday, September 28, 2007 33 ,S2

.page is dead. Long live Wage, your new epis. • nor. this week's news piece isn't just another Speaking of \benison, tlit big kiddies have ohm. prophet from cyberspace. ubiquitous excuse for a mention. Software had to release an embarrassing stilt-ware down.

behemoth Microsoft has just bought a five grade parch to allow disgruntled Windows I hear you cry. " 'Wage?" What is this new a • Vista users to go back to Windows XP. An f s• ievilry?". "It's Leeds Student's technology and Excel bug was also recently unearthed that gadgetry column", I answer, with a smug. dig- displayed the result ot s 5 ttx '77! as 101),00(1 iPage. hally.enhanced grin. Despite stealing Apple's While the (it's 65. 535j_ Maybe it's time to make the product naming convention, Wage is far from break a Mac fanboy (ask anyone in the LS office). • Apple fan- But Apple fan cir not, there's no ignoring the NI,? news of the iPlione's impending arrival on our :. boys tend to be humble shores. :the elite of the .Thought tuft_ Comprising, is you may have guessed, an Swedish Internet fugitives ThePirateliaymrg tPud, mobile phone and web browser all in • geek world in have been under attack by stinte of OW C0111- one admittedly-sexy package, the iPhon • panivs thtl undercut on their it 'trent website. already a success across the atla ntic, despite terms of their Som., Lull, Fox, Universal and others are all bizarrely lengthy bill statements itemising accused of hacking and spamming the down every minuscule detail. ( Inc niggle 014)1.10 is appearance , the load site which allows users to steal popular the increased price. An 8GB tni.n theI II I'S Ty shows, movies, music and software. As an ' is $399, arid its unlikely we'll see them retail- more hardcore impartial tech nology columnist, [Page is obvi- ing for the sterling equivalent over here. ouslY unable to offer opinions ors pira • , but Apple head honcho 4_rev,:; jobs has already : videogame fans when it comes down to media barons Fighting.

sad that its mire expensive to di business in the little man, I know who I sale with.

Britain, which I'm sure will have no effect on tend to have the Apple nerds alreadv queuing to buy their • unkempt dress In somewhat related news, Nine Inch Nails slice of geek chic. frontman Trent Reznor has been imploring

fans to download his band's releases after : and a beard even 1 In more recent news, Halo 3 has just been protesting the cost ,1 his albums in record released to the baying approval of crowds of = a homeless per- When NTN's record label, Interscope, garners with hygtene problems, It seems that refused to take action :liter Reznor highlight sales figures bit the first night nipped an : son would be. ed thc expensise cost in Australian record incredible L84 million, more than any other stores, the manic vocalist took matters Into entertainment product ever released. It even proud of. • his own hands. While the CD itself features a bear off Spiderman 3, cementing its role as the • cool colour -changing feature when played in a climax of geekery. The smart money is defi- hi-ti, it's important in make a statement to the nitely on marathon gaming sessions and copi- per cent share in Fact:book, and alongside its big companies that being ripped off isn't cool.

ous late night Red Bull - fueled antics for the existing ownership of Facebook's advertising

next few months. system, it seems that Bill Gates and co. are \ 'ours anarcho technologically,

now one step closer its owning your Internet

It wouldn't be a student technology column soul. It cost him a rem penny though, with

without some mention of Facebook, but fear estimates ranging from S300- 501 million. iPage / Drew Statman

union tit 0kS your books► - your bookshop

Your Loyalty Card collect ten stamps atnu receh c 1v off our next purchase.

• '.I IN 34 Leeds Student Friday, September 28, 2007 Have we seen this all before? With the clamour over Heroes gathering pace, asks 'has the superhero phenomenon been done to death?'

Ea- those nt you Who have been living in ever be called upon to expose them. in the first episode, we see videniug herself trying Bennett is stepfather Iii Claire. caves over the summer, 1 Ictoes' (131IC. 2, It may seem a little 'KU that .1 Lit fe& Ili commit suicide. When she slowly clicks all her Having said that, 'I lerne_s' (lies manage FWednesday At 9pm) is the Infest ptipulat- has been so successful - a's won a Ili N d Wi•ard$ limbs back into joint, stands up and walks away to reinvent aspects of the genre as well. It takes expiirt from America, It Iiiilinvs the Lives of nine and regularly tops the ratings h,ith here and in the we know dut she's a bit special tigtatie the stock theme of a superhero with a double nu m-ral (and not so norrital) people with super US - as the central idea is a tried and tested one. self harm, letues" regularly dcils with subiects identity huts adds a sadistic edge; one of them has

powers and their battle to save New York (and Norma/ people suddenly finding themselves such as rape. murder and drug use, demonstrating rnurdemus tend:me:les. You certainly wouldn't see

t!erhaps the world) from a possessed with amazing powerS is not exactly. that the Shnw is not without its dark side. One of anything like that in Jekyll and Hyde. The wide

•• w- ****** to • • .1. • • original. TV shows with superpowers as their the berries Issac, a prophetic artist, can only paint social spectrum of characters that 'Heroes' • ...1* theme such as `Ghost Whin/CNC thus the future when he's got copious amounts of encompasses is also something different to be 'SUperriatunir have also been Iltaxling TV heroin inside him. "Ilis kind of theme would not admired. ' Watching Hiro • - • , bend the space- schedules this past year, but they have nor had he dealt with in other superhero based shows. It You have io applaud a show the same cimmercial success as 'I len /4•!:*. would he hard to imagine. the squeaky clean that 's succesfully taken a * time continuum is a lot reason fur this is that unlike 'Ghost Whisperer', Superman lighting up a joint to help him eve relatyt CI y tired Form ill like watching someone `I lanes' thiesn't take itself sunnusly yet dues in with the stress of living his di iuble and spruced it up with a with extremely bad fact have aspects of realism. Furthermore Although 'Heroes' avoids spandex great script and a plod 'l saucy' has made (dare I say its liking SC1+1 costumes i tdoes occasionally fall into cliches. As looking cast, meaning constipation. • dramas cool. per usual, the heroes are there for a reason: they that even if super heroes ref aren't -tour thing ' • 'Heroes' is a lot fun and it dcfmitely have a world to save_ They can't just go 'an with Heroes' has a sense of hUrnilur, ‘V:11Chtlig I lira bend the their byes and put their powers to everyday use, really is compulsive cataclysmic event, They also deal with the every spaee•time continuum is a lot like watching like `Salidna the Teenage Witch' used to do. I ler viewing. 11y problems that face superheroes, such as someone with extretnek had ennsaipan, It also biggest- problem was how ter keep her pathetic hiding their powers 1nm, their friends, and helps to have Ilse gorgeous -Hayden PanctnCre boyfriend. flaretn, interested. It is also standardly

waxing, their abnormally hairy chests, should they playing the indestructible cheerleader Claire who, enincidemal that one of the main villains Mr.

o • •Powil•11.4•4 , ..04 ****** -• a • • • • ■• • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 ■• • • o • • • • • • 0 • • • • On yer soapbox Ever scoffed on your pot noodle as Neighbours or Hollyoaks reveals another ridiculous stoiyline to you? Here's your chance to do better...

What: The slotvlini; I would predator. Ibis c rimes include d sari ild is busy cooking twelve lasagnes. A like to sue this week is the seducing a 17 - year-old in the I Lin ild Nei 'Laid turn tip "( hie Good reason- dentist- of 'Lou Carpenter early nineties, (Lou was fifty at so loud that he doesn't- hear Lou banginn friim Neighbours. Despite the time), cradle-snatcher on rho door, Lou's pink round lace

his jolly extcrinr, Lint is anyone? As well as kissing would 111.7C mu' et:en mi,re sweats, and

Heath, criminal Janelle Timmons, Whets this swollen than usual. He'd struggle to a hardened! t masq uerad ing as a li oveable ' kiss was iircel, twenty take off his knev lie but accidentally grandad. It 's about time he ' neighbours' fans choked to strangle himselt. I lasold carnal(' go back in

gift his et ism-411111310,n death on their steak and kidney to check tin his lasagnes and sccs Lou lying

I'm annoyed at die pies, a tragedy the BBC hits tin the floor. In it panic Harold would

way Lon is always getting never apologised feu. and Lou decide that he'd be blamed for Lou's away with eh idgv business Carpenter is in blame. death, and in a trade mark change of

ventures, such as making How; The best way to character would put I ma in a blender and

alcohol illegally in Harold's house _ kill Lou would be ii he got kicked hastily knock up a casserole - leaving no without his knowledge. lie aIso deserves in the General Store kitchen on a hot evidence behind,

the chop because he is a dangerous sexual summers day with no ventilation, while words/ harri•t knowles The Argument:

Which of the slimline doppelgangers deserves to dress Britain? tiRO: cutest, sweetest Trinny Woodall Lisa Butcher superhero ever?

Trinny is the original co- presenter of What Not To Wear and the best. At Trinny, his actualh has talent. She Is a nindel and a designer,

least Trinny had a bit of spark. whereas Lisa spans a Posh-like scowl and which more than clualifies her to dress the tin tOrin Fla Fes cif the British pub- grunts occainsiorediv. Lisa's ex - Husband, Marco Pierre White has report- lic, In contrast. Trinity ' s prcvants cmplo merits include running her own edly said that he was so blinded by Lisa's looks he didn 't think idiom her internet shopping webs ite that crashed and lost investors ten million. Lis,, personality. Consequently. their marriage lasted 15 4, s. Yes, Trinny may has none of 'brim ly's bitter streak, winch came from her anger about ha look like a horse and her refusal tit wear a bra is always slightly distracting, inn; teeny tiny man hoobs and you'll be glad to here that Lisa has no but she knnws how to dress people. I isa Butcher's fashion advice extends such issue's. At the end it all conies down Its trust. Which person would

to dressing women in leggings and king nips. Personally, I would prefer 'OW prefer n Y advise. you tin your clothes: a bloke in a dress or one of the getting touched up by Trinny in the changing rooms than Lisa any day. world's mg- W. SUCCeS 11)1 mussels?

words/ barrio knowles and madeleine rncgarrie

Leeds Student Friday, September 28, 2007 35 Picks of the week What should you be watching over the forth-coming i68 hours?

Friday Saturday Unreported World Channel 4 7.35pm Who Do You Think You Are? BBC 2 • 8:oopm • This week Unreported World is highlighting the • problems of Cape Town. On the one hand Cape 'Phis week the loveable Stephen Fry whose voice • • • iii, Town is an up and coming tourist resort, but minutes • reminds me of chocolate covered bananas and • • out of the city centre criminal gangs have one thing chewing lug sticks of fudge - will be tracing bark • ' • on their mind, "tik"(crystal methamphetamine). The his family tree. Revelations in store include that • I a • authi trines prefer not to get their hands dirty in sorting Stephen is from a large Europe:mit:wish famtlt and I • out the gang problem and consequently poverty and he also had relatives caucht up in the "'nine:H.1st • lawlessness is rife. With previous programmes Mysteries surrounding his Grandmother on his • investigating Jamaican slums and tourism, and the father's side .ire also solved. Watch out for • Mr fry • ongoing political issues in Lsracl, I..nreported World is later on tonight and on Sunday. lie turned fifty • • a must for those interested in foreign affairs that rarely recently and seems to be popping up everywhere, • make the headlines. STEPHEN FRY: • legend! Nuff said. • • words/ alasdair bulmer words/ harriet knowles • • • • • •

Sunday Monday House of Flying Daggers Channel 4 Nigella Express - BBC2 8:3opm 9:oopm orgasmic style of eft, 'king was tinily the inspira- House of Flying Daggers is a martial arts love story (a twin for the Marks and Spencer's food Adverts. The ones bit like Crouching Tiger I lidden Dragon). It stars v. here a silk) and sup.wstive to liccover gives barrel smoked Zhang AIVI, the protagonist in Memoirs of a Geisha organic fairtrAdu salmi }n the same sex appeal as a new model and is directed by /hang Yimuu. Expect people fly- of rampant rabbit. Wall a dress sense seemingly styled on ing through the air with no regard for gravity or the betty hoop, Nigella rums the domestic image of a frumpy laws of physics and lots of sword fighting. The plot middle aged woman cooking dinner into a kind of soft follows Mci who struggles to rejoin the rebel group porno. Hui how king can Nigella continue to be a fi hod sex (called the "flouse of Flying Daggers") after being icon? !Isla: is still getting her baps out caves a stove when she imprisoned. Jin, a police officer, dtsguises himself as is 81 P that gts xl tier her, but maybe shell eventually need to OUCH: do not try alone warrior and befriends Mei in order to infiltrate tone down her sexy ways and bee one a Delia-esque moth- crotch splitting moves the rebels. in' figure to increase her longevity. at home. words/ harries knowles words/ madeleine mcgarrie

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

The Wild Gourmets Channel 4 8:oopm Daleks - Invasion Earth 2150 Channel 4 The Whistleblowers /TV/ 9:0opm 4 1:55pm Ahh... the great outdoors tilled with a variety of wild starts the annual autumn drama season with O life, such as birds, fishes and rabbits. Guy Greive With his grey receding hairline and caterpillar this six part series that makes grasssing on your • also likes the great outdoors, but he mostly likes to moustache which ts, sinisterly, a different shade mates lank vaguely glamourous. Whtstichlowcrs • shoot ar it. Thomasina Miers takes what Guy shouts, from his eyebrows - Peter Cushing is hardly going to deals with a whole range of issues including • • • catches or finds in the undergrowth and prepares a win in a sex icon competition with David Tennant. terrorism and detention without charge. It's created • delicious meal. If you thought living off the land was He is however the Doctor Who in this 1966 sequel, and partly written by award winning writer Tony a • all about cooking pigeons, rats and other various canned by the critics. One analyst at the time Marchant and features an impressive list of guest • road kill when you were in Scouts, think again. Guy concluded 'grown-ups may cnji,y it, but most children stars throughout the series. In this cpiosdc, Ben • • and ,Nlisha receive a call from a whistleblower • and TiffilITIV are Set too prove us wrong and show us have more sense'. You ma!, recognise him as one of • looking 0, expose 3 dgy pharmaceutical • that living off the land is possible and appetising. Darth V ►der's sidekicks from Star Wars but in this do • That is, if you own a gun. a fishing license and you're film he plays the good guy defending planet earth company. Definitely one to watch. • • a hit of a toff. from those lovable 'dust bins with plungers stuck on' • • aliens. • words/ hiariet knowles words/ madeleine mcgarrie words/ flora menizies • • ...... 4 a f . • ▪ 36 Leeds Student Friday, September 28, 2007

Observation with Alex Gilchrist. The truth ain't out there.

apparently they have 'crystal mountains and gclad municate (it control humans, they do not take hearing aid 1 it laser ey c surgery. nous pools'. Right_ Sin they're just after the equiva- them.' Well I'm glad we have such a well-infiirmed But if these ralt:s of abduction are fabrications , lent lila trip to the Bahamas? authority on the subject. Apparently the thought arc they lies or delusions? Modem day alien occur 1 can't help thinking that there is a certain screen helmet has stopped 'several types of alien' rences arc linked by some tin loth century demonic amount of sulxlued arrogance, perhaps an idea- From alxiucting humans. t the alien abductee From possession cases and witchcraft, and even the off ingrained in the American psyche that it is Kentucky Ciimments: claims by apparent abductees that aliens have a pre- in fact them who are at the centre of the uni- "Since trying Michael Menkin's I helmet, I have occupation with their genitalia arc said to mirror verse. 54% of Americans believe in UFOs, not been bothered by alien mind control. Now my these examples. Sexually obsessive non- humans which encompasses minions nipenple. Why is this thoughts arc my own. l have achieved meaningful who come from the sky occur in both cases. Is this recently rtati an interview with Dan Akroyd, a I lumber sti much higher than anywhere else in the work and am contributing to society. My life is let- a common delusion of religion that in art increas- man that I always considered to be a pretty world? And hundreds of thousands of these believ- ter than ever befnre. Thank seta Michael for the ingly stienti fie culture leads people Li) convince 1funny and intelligent actor. In retrospect I 'm ers claim to have been abducted. One .poll crated work. you are doing save humanity." themselves that there is indeed a 'higher' power? a 4 not quite so sure. -During the interview lie proceed . that 3 of all Americans have had a close Thank ti 'LI indeed, What Disturbingly, one website actually sells mem& t- oil to talk very frankly about his f lb sess ion with 'doctors, hypnotists, .tnd encounter of the third kind. Another claimed that P44 ■WOO ries of abductif.rns. Their UFOs, and for me it all went downhill from there. 3.7million lmcncans believe that little green (or memory implant technicians' apparently shirk with The idea of LIR )s has always been a hit of a tricks most commonly grey) men have taken them up on you so you effectively wake up believing you 've subject for me. Surely it would be very narrow their spaceships and experimented on them. I can't •• Si• nce tryi ng been abducted 'to pit 'vide you with personalized, minded to say that we are the only intelligent life in help wondering how many of these people arc avid realistic memories., if the alien abduction am you've the universe, harking back to the age-old belief that Star Trek fans and are fluent in Kling! in. Ls Ameri- Michael Menkin's have been waning for your entire life.' we are the centre i if the universe? [however it cloys ca that much more desirable for aliens than any Memory implant technicians? Scary as this is, seem in me that the majority i if people who claim tither place in rite world? Arc Americans them- helmet, I have ,eningly enough this doesn't seem that surpris- to have been abducted by l,' Ft 'Is are Mid-Western selves that much more desirable? I have my own ing. 1 read that 52% of all Americans want to he hicks obsessed with anal probing. personal answer tin that little trinket. And it's not not been bothered abducted. What is this obsession? Perhaps a desire I find myself ro be highly sceptical, not nixes • yes. fur sensationalism in a sensationalist culture? sank of the existence of LIR )s, but about these The amount 4 11 }ITC si tut itinding, the subject - by alien mind con- Take from this what you will, bur until 1 sce a supposed abdurcees. liven Akroyd's reasoning nut exclusively but me 'oh from America - is almost photo that isn't a blurred dor on the horizon, ind behind these Aliens coming to visit us seems pretty unbelievable, Sites set up itr share abduction stories, trol. My thoughts maybehx:cause of all the hype, I will oantinue to be convoluted. "I think we are at the centre of the uni- advice on how to prevent abduction, even people a .LIFO sceptic, and put abductions down to the verse and that is why they're coming. They're visit- wannng 11) know what to do to get abducted con- are now my own. widely held rhea 'ries of sleep paralysis, repressed ing us because this is the planet that produced • hunt vou at every turn. On one website there is a • memories and delusions. As or Dan Aktoyd, let Picasso, the Atom Bomb, penicillin... there are so very serious guide to making your own thought him keep popping out with his UFO DVDs to an many advances in science, art and culture." But screen helmet. The she claims that: canntit audience of over half of the American population surely they are more advanced than us if they arc imobilize people wearing thought SertVIS nor can would hurnanin do without him? The nonchalant who will continue to bc intrigued. Maybe he's nut traveling here? Well absolutely. But according to they control their minds or communicate with way that this man talks about abductions and mind such a Fr Rif a f.erall. him they still want. in know all about us, because, them using their telepathy. When aliens can't corn- control is scary. It sounds like a testimony for a

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Your Loyalty Card: Collect ten stamps and receive f,10 off your next purchase. drib Leeds Student Friday, September 28, 2007 37 T e LoveE• ox Welcome to th veliox, Here, LS helps you to find tru ove. Send your lonely hearts or missed love comiectionVo us at [email protected] Sexy, muscle). rugby player wanted to leave me weak in not just the knees. I Wt -a- Id-weary finalist seeks fresh-faced tirst year want it all ways all night N. to brighten up his life. Only BSc students need time-wasters please. apply, I don't want any dummies! I lope to hear from you_ Contact Guillaume in Chemistry Old fashioned boy wants a Vivien Leigh for my Clark • Wanted: Gorgeous guy to spend evenings in Gable. Frankh, my clear, I with candles, wine and se 'me good philosophising. ) give a damn. Call me Let's discuss the nature of self, together! Must not soon and lets be Gone with like Immanuel Kant, the iron is a torn r1_ Email con- the Wind! tact only. let's fall into bed. Help rne, please! GS01-1 wanted to walk me past the gauntlet of tlyerers by parky steps • You were at the 11.ugby tryouts this week. You everyday. Tall, dark and hadsome prefer- • 1 saw you on the number 56 getting off at Jack- were my number I, I'm loose and forward ;) If able. At this point, short, Binge and son's, you smiled at me. I was reading Mein Kampf, you're gay let's scrum. You know who you are. weird-looking will do, Call me tier yOU had blond hair and blue eves. IAA's he N %ether. a meet and let's walk together Send your missed connections to us at love- CON. Allar in peace_ • Girl ;,1 my do.sims, you fell over outside Occana aboXleeds 3oglemailcom 40 •diT on Tuesday and I picked you up off the pavement. Tommy Pockets Tells Your Future World-renowned, 672-year-old astrologer Tommy Pockets (pictured here on the Titanic) lays down the secrets of your mystic week.

A-11111C smiles on you after a sucersful freshers' 'Me sexual revolution finally catches up :,nraged by the idea that Wi 'men 't 1)c tin in. week. That tiny vial were checking out will let you th you and you throw off the shackles you organise a feminist comedy night. It's a huge rim him/her, the downside of this is amoebic of oppression and give in to your sexual feelings success and you change peoples' attitudes but die &serum la Hik out for the colour Copper's Mauve towards Geohn: Washington. Mtnni, Look laughs don't make up for the emptiness inside since and the phrase "Float like a butterfly. stung like a out for the colour Midnight shade and the phrase 1991). I ; rr rk OW for the colour Parish_ R.un and the bee. Your hands can't hit what your eyes can't see" "Blowiol is are the new Boots advantage card". phrass: "My mother in law..." Taurus Tvgo After being ignored for the 4 trillionth time out- Give away all trinkets that you gained over your NOU miss out on your last night in Madrid by side the parkinson steps a fiverer will lose it and gap year to a pauper from Chapehown. 1 k will watching a Orre 'I err Hid marathon. It's so p. m xl yet hum-rape a Taunan this week. Ay, ad the number 5 enjoy the novelty and your life will gain some free- so, so gash. Liven up your life with a bottle of gin also, it's just good practice. la ink ( tut for the colour dom of expression. Look out For the colour Big and a hos' named _limn Pablo. Look out for the Stinkhouse Magenta and the phrase "The Milky- goldenrod and the phrase "Sophie towers r over new en ;lour French Nigella and the phrase "I use bars are on me" from the popular confectionary man Jamie" from a mid-august edition of Gnr#a mouthwash" from the worst sung every written advertisement. mapczine. strict: Ton Am( is. Orr Gemini Stt Libra .14CA You ponder joining the Lihnems because, A mood of sobriety overtakes you but is shattered You check out the new monopoly hoard and shucks they just seem really nice. Don't do it. swiftly when you discover a 3 litre bottle of Buck- realise that St. Albans is worth about 8041 times They're just as much ilia waste of space as a cunt fast in the Edward Boyle library. Red wine and (: d. more than Leeds. Error. Send MB Games a shit in on a banana_ Look nut for the colour parchment liaise? What the fuck pit )-x ou looking at? an envelope. Look out for the colour Mayfair Gak and the phrase 'That deaf, dumb and blind kid sure Look out for the colour Yeasty mingc and the and the phrase ''Do not pass Go, do not collect plays a mean pinball" Irons the rock t rem 'I 'ormizr. phrase "LI [tan. I've twined._ Sorry". your Gim". 1111111E22 i( Scorpio Pisces 110 sexy looking musician is really a robot OU develop Prader-Wilk syridn tine and after Paris I likon's raped and murdered body is dis- whose brain has been replaced by two humming prolonged bouts of turbo-girrltiing l orkie bars covered in your room at Briddington. You are hogs.. Still, fucking amazing in bed so swings and your gut literally explodes all r wer sr nir head of given a medal and 72 virgins in heaven. -lhe world roundabouts rah. Look out ft it the cok air pirate's department's shoes. luckily, he is a sex-fiend and is your oyster and children weep with joy when you finger and the phrase "As a youth I used to weep in gives you a first. Look out for the colour Ginger pass_ Look out for the colour Kinky Eks and the butcher's shops" fools the cult motion picture Galaxy and the phrase "I'd give .\vram and Roman phrase "She's just a massive cum )1 air hi 'Muir. 1 IF iuttiai/ and I. a spit-roast o'they'd just ;loin Shevehenko". thought she needed ending". : r. rnmy Pockets lo 6f

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• 30o seconds

• Owen Bradley talks to BUSA Represen- tative Raehael Jarman • • • • a • • • a Sports Team: Joe Iiihhert,Ahran • Symonds-Baig, and Owen Bradley • • lot fah.

and welcome to the new look sport sec- • • • • • • , tion of the Leeds Student. We have a new ecli- • • , tonal ream and new 1.vriters, and over the next a the Knowledge • year will bring you all the news, views and • sin results from 1111) sprint. • • We've been treated to a Eisen-11E1'1g sum- Owen Bradley captained Mid- •4 4 • • • mer of sport this year, with Lewis Hamilton • lands roller-hockey in 2003 The Big Debate • the spygate scandal, Christine Ohurugu • and 0 • storming hack from exile, and 'Tiger' Tim ■ • [lentil:in retiring after being the face of .1hrati.V.rmentelr-Ba?g. and Owen Iiradky • • British tennis for so many years and the Joe Ilihhert sobbed when '' examine the effectiose Nlourinho's 9 land womens football ream . • Sheffield United were relegated • departure will have on the nglish England have sadly not lived up to expec- • • • vame • anions this summer, exiting the Twentv20 • ■ ■Vi(,rld Cup with a whimper. struggling to find • • • • Ahran Symonds-Baig scores '• form in the rugby ‘,X, nrld Cup. which has • • included A raStinK at the hands of the Spring- 6 half his runs in sixes • • , boks, and flattering to deceive on the football 6 • I. Nth. • • In this years LS Sport, we will bring you a ■greater emphasis on Leeds University Union YOU can get involved by twring 10 a • writer's meeting at 5pm on Fridays, or yin.' can • sport, with new features such as 'the big • • debate', as well as-old favourites like 31)11 see. email us and ler us know what • oink, you think: ° • • Nest issue will be a special edition focusing • • on the Varsity with Leeds Met. After last sea- • • son's overall defeat, you can guarantee that • 0 ' the 1.1iLl sides will be out for revenge over • BUSA review their local rivals, and it should lie a great • • advert for sport in Leeds. 41 • • 06/7 • • • lo 1 grorhrY looks hack at 1.xeds. perfo- • • mance in last season's BUSA competi-

• non • • '" of the week Quote • pa • • • a • • • • •

"Please don't call me arrogant, 0 but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one" 4 The Big Debate, p.41


40 Leeds Student Friday, September 28, 2007

Rachael Jarman keeper and I live with my house mate cam,. 1,, tie tail to introduce himself Rachael Jarman Dann,. who's now first team captain, who and I did vote for him so Fm happy! BUSA Representative plays first team goal defence and LS: Do you like the new sports we've played together since we were fresh. kit? cps, RI: I am very yen excited about the LS: Any sports you're going to try out new kit this year_ Vi.e-yk. got so many LS: Hello there, bow are you? now you're sports rep? dill:A-cut teams who all look so dif Veil' well thank your RJ: I generally don't have time In play oth Spit.• ,rre, t SSo tt'll he brilliant for the LS: Not bad at all thanks. What made CIS because I play I nt.crstty and you want to be BUSA rep this year? Club netball so I'm quite busy. ;cant and the University and everyone ■• • • RI: Well I was Club Captain of Netball last else to see the sports team walking around going to lie. Leeds Met put all their 111 year, arid sii its just a step on, and • campus in the same colours and hopefully money into recruiting but we're going to go • then I'm also thinking about applying for • it'll get more people involved. Should be nut there and give as good as we acuvities tit ricer for next year, So brilliant, get. I think we won tour events this year, so this IS a good Way to get involved with Beating Leeds LS: How are you expecting our BUSA we're aiming for eight, and everyone, to Ave how it works and then teams to do this year? hopefully we'll %%tn. hopefully. its an In between step to mine Met is always a RJ: Excellently. I think we were I 5th List on. year so hopefulh we're going to mess LS: What does the job involve? up and try and push for top ten. Beating . a . priority. ir 0 • 0 RI Basically, I'm a link between Mao Leeds Met is always .c rnurity. ■ (Davidson), ‘Vend (Voo) and Andrew - ,• 4 • • y • e LS: Any sports teams or individuals we C.ireer (Activities Officer) upstairs in the should particularly look out for? ARC and all the Club Captains, Commit- .1h1,,t0lp.1% I hope to get around and meet RI: Our cycling team and our squash team This is a good tees and the rest of the BUSA teams. ,.1.ny all the other committees. 1 wt in't have time always do really well, so we expect problems that they don't think they can to play any other sports hut maybe just the them to do so again. Same as our Men's : way to get speak to them about they can come to me. odd sessit ,n. give it a gt). football who.are pretty good and at I'm also involved in organising the LS: We know it's early in the year, but Netball we're expecting po Imo( ion From : involved with Sports BAIL Colours Ball, and just general are you enjoying the job? two of out teams, hopefully three. : everyone and see helping our with things as well. RI: Yeah sure. Had a few committee meet • Women's cricket team have won BUSA LS: So you get all the complaints from mg, et it Tt) kru ,w the rest of The think the last two seasons, or rwo out of : how everything the captains? they 're a go, id bulls .1 people. three at least. so hopefully they'll win again • RI: Hopefully not, hope lulls everythme LS: And how do .yosi get on with Andrew ihis year. works . going Ri he I■rilhant! Greer? LS: And bow do you expect us to do at • LS: Play any sport yourself? RI: Really well I Intik he's ,_rent When he Varsity on the 10th October? RI: I do I play netball. I'm first team goal was running for dn. lob last scat he RI: I think its going to he tough I'm no LS Sport guide to: Korfball

If you have taken a stroll down In the I . tvsher's There arc two men and two women ()leach ing won the Korfball World Championship on There are many possibilities for young kr trfball fair, you will undoubtedbli have been dazzled team in each of the two zones- attack and six of the last seven occasions. Belgium, Chi- players with leagues in various parts of the by the array of sports societies on offer. Along- defense_ Points are scored by throwing the ball nese Taipei, the Czech Republic and Australia country. Children can start playing from as side the expected candidates football, hockey through the other team's basket, and after two complete the nip five. Britain are currently in young as i years. and rugby, are more unusual options. ( )yer the goals the teams change zones: the defenders the top ten internationally, ranked at eighth - British Kortbda trow6dion coming weeks, LS ,Sport will bring you the lows become attackers and vice-versa. At half-time place. Korfball in Leeds: down on some of these lesser known sports, the learns swap halves of the court. What international events are there? LC( KoribalI Club caters fur all abilities starting with korfball. How did it start? The hurt- tall World Championships will be including complete beginners. There arc oppor- So...what is it? korfball originated in Holland at the beginning held from October 10 until November 10 in tunities to play competitively (including begin- Korth:ill is played on a court similar to a netball of the 211th Century, when Nieo Brockhuysen Brno, Czech Republic_ There arc four groups ner's tournaments) but this is by no means court, and consists of two teams of eight. So brought back the principles of a similar game four, arranged according to world ranking, with compulsot.y. Training is held on Wednesday far, so sn-aightiOrward. What makes it distinc- played in Sweden to his native Netherlands, and the top two from each group going through to evening, give it a try! tive among ball sports is that it is played by sought to create a mixed gender team sport. the quarter-final stage. I Mgland arc in group C, http; / /www.leeds.a calk / union/ spi als/kortball / mixed teams, each consisting of four men and Around 5(1 nations compete internationally, and will compete four women, with Holland the traditional powerhouse, hay- against the hosts, • Czech Republic, •. Ilungary and ; Reduce your carbon footprint...

What the .41 Get out and about, keep fit for free, experts say: meet new people, learn new skills, Kf)riliall is the world's only true HAVE FUN! mixed team sport with the rules laid down Come to Hollybush Conservation Centre so that both men to see what its all about... and women have equal opportunities. Charity - I tilerOoltoonl wwwItcv.orgileeds Number Korrnall Federafloo 261009

■•■• ii11116111111 Leeds Student Friday, September 28, 2007 41

the Loss to the English game or good riddance? ebate: into mainstays c if dub and ct ant-% . over- into tniuri came a difficult start to his Chelsea eareLT h) con- Owen Bradley When the, idea of sportsmanship is at such a vert his potential to end product. If Moutinho had low, football dries not need the kind of had press Ahran Symonds-Baig snwed, I am certain a similar story would have been that tiillowcd Mnutinhi i around like a had smell, IVilbari- A fourinho told about. Shaun Wright-Phillips. All four of these The three year reign of Jose Mourinho at Stan- particularly when it affects the English game to players can be expected to play pivotal roles for ford Bridge was certainly an eventful one, but his such a degree, "Please don't call the arrogant, but I'm European England in the future, thanks largely to Mourinho. departure from the English game is definitely not IThimatlev though, the best way to view- the champion and I think I'm a special one". With Similarly, if the Premiership can legitimately before time. departure of Mourinho is that makes the Pre- these words, Jose Mt iun nho introduced himself declare itself the best league in the W4 rrld, then the This man was one of the most arrogant peo- miership more competitive, Despite his many the English Press, and the football world could not best teams, players and coaches need to be there. ple ever to dim a sheepskin coat and take a seat faults and shocking attitude to his fellow proles- help but take notice of the eloquent, trenchcoat Now Ms turinho has left, wherever he manages, that in a Premiership dugout, and if there's one Thing , • I • , dad Portuguese. league will he able tic strengthen their claims to the • * that the average sports fan hares, it's arrogance. • • Discussing Mourinho's merits, there can be mantle , WI ofd's finest league. You only have to look at the hatred of Michael doubt that He is a world class manager; named the Yes, has had huge =taints of money to Schumacher kir proof of that. doubt that the. world's best football coach by the International spend. but Chelsea are by no mean unique in buy- Mourinho arrived at the club proclaiming; • " messiah would* Federation of Football Ilistory and Statistics in ing titles, and it is not a mason to cast aspersions on "Mase don't call time arrogant, hut I'm European both 2(It ki and 2005, ahead of such luminaries as Chelsea's achievements. Breaking the stranglehold champion and I think I'm a special one". Now, ±have demanded a: Fabio Capelin, Frank Rijkaard, and premiership which Manchester United and Arsenal held on the becoming European C.Inimpion, particularly rivals Alex Ferguson and .1.rsette Wenger, is just tip Premiership is an accomplishment Chelsea should with a club such a Rim), is certainty a great : salary upwards of: of thc iceberg as tar as his achievements be lauded for, its the 'Big Twn' have beet mit. the achievement, but. it di ?es ma make you a MV.S.Siilh ■ I 1' 'Rig Pour' with Liverpool, which is undoubtedly of football (And anyone that says "Please don't L4million. • • more entertaining than a perpetual two-horse nice. call me arrogant", generally is). • In the days where most of the European Also, I doubt that the messiah would have • T „ Breaking the leagues' outcomes ran be predicted over summer, demanded a salary upwards of .1:4 million. If the fact that the Premiership is decided from with- there is something that sports fans hate more sumals, Jose Mourinho is a great manager, anti stranglehold: in a mini-league of four, with even an outside than arrogance, it's over-paid arrog-since — again. his 1, iss hurts Chelsea. chance fur others to challenge, is something we see Micheal Schumacher for that one. What the English game needs is a top division ;which Manchester: should thank Jose for Add to this the rather distasteful the pan- where the top four aren't decided before the sea- Whether you love hint or hate him, there can be tomime that Billowed Mourinho around the son starts. a league that is more interesting .ind :United and Arsenal' no doubt that Jose Mourinho is one hell of an league-, and you. have a figure who doe:. more to e:•xit mg to watch, fur more of the season. entertaining character. Evtat if vou cannot stand the lunage the reputatil in f English tuorball than ("helsca without Mourinht i simply aren't as goo. : held on the premier-- man, I defy anyone itetc tell me they would rather lis- tar promote it who could n trger his famous spats as Chelsea with Mourinho, and that means more ten to a post match ti inference In bm his successor, with Arsene NIceriger. and Ales Fergurson? chanc• lot the Neweastles and Tonenhams of :ship is an accom- the gruMbling, word-slurring Avram Grant. There is also Mourinho's disgusting conduct this v..eirld to break the strangle hold on the Pre- :plishrnent Chelsea: Behind the obnoxious exuaiiir over how he ran his team and la iv: he conducted miership that we have witnessed for too many is a man who is truly passionate about what. he himself, .1 lc ell-cent der caused the lei itement of :should be lauded for. does. He seems to -actually ft-el connattzl with, and respected official Anders Frisk after aceusing 'l-his alone means that although we- may be • responsible to the fans; witness his hurling of him of taking bribes in a Champions League waving goodbye to a great character, we are • Chelsea's second title medal into the crowd after game against Barcelnna in 20115, prompting doing Si5 knowing dist i:.ngltsh ft lot ball will be rn • • their victor,. over arch-rivals Mari-L tel. Chelsea fans rim send the Swedish referee death a Letter state for it. Now just • • • e • The man is a born crowd pleaser, even if the threats. Later that year Mourinho was lined to get rid of Benitez, His records at Chelsea, Porto and Uniao de same cannot always be said of his teams, and the /..2110,000 ir an illegal approach ft - Ashler Cote Wenger, and (finally) Leina are oumcmding, each of which reached new Premiership will he poorer for his absence- Unlike tram Arsenal, who evetually ended up at Chelsea I'ergustut. heights under Mourinho's tutelage. Lona finished the timunate Chelsea fan who caught his airborne anyway. I ie also physically' prevented oppositio n in their highest ever league position with Mott ii nit< medal, and promptly put it up for site on ebay. players taking throw-ins deep at the helm, Porto won the league twice, the • • ■ 1:EFA (..up and the Champic in's League in his rw, 2), and a half seasons 3r the club, and Chelsea hm • Mourinho in Brief • emerged as one of the world's top warns. • Jose's father Felix, ttgoallkeeper. It is not just the dulls that have improved under • represented Portugal once. his eruitlance-players prepared to submit complete- ly to his regime have seen their stock dse incredi I Iis first managerial appointment, at Benfira, lasted only nine games. hips Dither Drogba was a journeyman striker will) • had enloyed a good season at Marseille, but at • The sale of his famous Armani coal Chelsea he has come to epitomise the committed • for C22,0011 for charity. high pressure style ofMcainnho's tactics, and over • He was arrested in May trying to the last two seasons has rewarded Chelsea with • • prevent his dog being quarantined. goals galore. • ****** • , • • • ■ -Equally, Frank f ampard and John Terns w et-t- • own of 1lt tunnhi,'s in,, ist trusted players, and bah have evolved from talented but troubled plat et:

Your Comments It's hard mirk 1 wriuld have kam 1 somewhere like Spurs if it lie will e,t bark ark l monastic i he Pritn4,q1m national um n- M,Jutinho has always said to the ryt., that he WAtIVA wasn't for the"L25inillinn clause in his contract. 1 lc .resold I [hint,. lie will Iv. dr. toughly fed up mall the interference manage, as me umeetri unal stage, and I think hes in die per well sir it r tut until the start of next season. I'd irn4ne he from the Fa said at Alb kVef atnrl vic add It h,. !tiro has p a;irion n, go in di(wcS,'ciictr7 ia Portugal in a Diroeror- "What do you think Jose Mourinho's ,,vi mid n, , ti 5tilalk-r dub though, where he could mall) INICk him= i nye ii ill. Scalar} Is likely al lea's after 211t18,gh- next move will be • stamp his 21_0],min-on the ell ill ingJoq. the Pt mega/ jiYh. As a family man oil SUIS 1115 51114, -Cameron Davies, 19, Mechanical Engineering ficmi !I I R 3 IVA Riots- Send us your opinitreo on this or any other story in - Laurie Whinvell, 20, Engl's11. LS Sport by email Irani Tains:dirt his as-ti iii', he's a bit 1 ,1 a wiltIcATTI. - Jot. Hihhen, 19, Br; lade:1st josirnalisni with your name and comment. I chink he'll Ten a male Frishinn chi ahing- line, Ted:illy for Maybe he could gg'r int( -gild him in:, the, ,feller gentleman, imiylitL The Birp - aladorre Griffiths, 22,1S Editor Piers Montebank, 20, English have your say at

U. Leeds Student '1 v, v. v..1.:, ,_.(1,--itidens.of.g.tit: Friday, September 28, 2007

The Long Road Back

c_L;T(..111 1:11u-de-it -.ibutit. the ii*

havt i•en in that position anyway'', Barlett season when she was called up as injury cover, "Per plc still think, 'soh its iust netball, it's t Last year's fateful score now piditts out. Despite the teams' best and could move up to support the Firsts on a casual game rather than a serious sport', even eft iris, and with Jarman altuMpting to play permanent basis, while Rose Pullen is a regu- though we're now a Performance whilst injured, the Firsts couldn't grind out lar in the Seconds: "solid, consistent. A cap Leeds the win needed, and were relegated with a rain's dream!" Uni Leeds ' huge Leeds Met crowd 'oolong on. 'l'hc Thirds are expected to gain pnormitton Met This year though. the new captain expects themselves, after missing out last year to - • both sides to bounce hack. As for the Firsts, , ee •- sa•••• who else - Leeds Met, and the newly created It's been a long summer for new netball "As for the Firsts, we're very confident. Fourth side should also challenge for promo- we're very confident., dub captain Danielle Bartlett. We have enough returning players from last tion, starting right at the bottom in Division 6, The 21-year old sports science student from year who have played at Premiership level to In addition to the high hopes on the field We have enough Solihull had inherited a club whose trip two do well, with only Newcastle maybe causing this season though, Bartlett does have other returning players sides had both been relegated the previous us problems, because they were in the playoffs things to smile about_ Netball has just been seam in. last year". made a Performance sport by the University, a from last year who The 2nd team had, like so many other The return of -A fully fit Rachel larman reward for the consistent high level of • have played at Pre sports teams throughout the University, seen shoad help, even if she may be tried :it a new achievement over the last few years; although their squad decimated by graduation. Coupled position, goal shooter, rather than at her natu- she doesn't feel that the pressure is now on to miership level to do with First ream call-ups, the Seconds strug- ral position at the back. Again, housemate get hack to the top night • well. gled and lost their lofty status in BUSA North Bartlett isn't worried: "I'm not worried they'll take Performance "We live together, so I know her really Division 1. status off as, They wouldn't from fliothall or well. She might go to goal shooter, but if not, • t i 4 • it • • ■e• • The First team's failure though was more a rugby, so I don't think they will from us she's still a brilliant keeper". sport and arc starting to lea more media co% surprise. The year started with a great win either". • The Firsts will also look to Natasha Katib erage on Sky Sports and stuff. kVe could never over Leeds Met in Varsity, one of the Few Liven so, Performance status doesn't guar- highlights of last suasun'N event, but injury to do well this term. get away with sonic of the things football and antee you will always get your own way. blighted the squad. Goalkeeper Rachad lar- "She's played goal attack and wing attack rugby do, and as a Performance sport we "We've just had an hours training time man missed much of the season, and the loss before, but we'll probably use her more at should be right up there with them". taken off us on a Monday evening, which is of her expricnce and ability was huge to the centre this year. She's got great vision and is a All this despite the fact that Netball has a fair enough, but its been given to a squad who side. It meant that the Firsts entered the final great passer of the ball". huge number of players nationwide. Over a aren't a performance sport." A move hke this round of fixtures neechng to heat the Met or Barlett also expects the Seconds to domi- hundred people turned up to trials this year, would seem strange if it were the hockey or preserve their BI S:\ Premiership status, nate their new league. despite the h.oss olsome meaning it went on for two days longer than rugby teams losing out, but Bartlett thinks she which they had held for the last three seasons. players rover the summer. Sarah Boulton at planned, and the high demand has also led to goalkeeper has first team experience from last has a reason for this; "If we'd played better all year, we wouldn't the creation of a Development Squad for players who don't make it onto a BLSA team but want to keep playing the game. In many was the exposure issue that stops netball breaking through as a mainstream spectator sport is one that affects many- minority sports in this country. Hockey' has similar problems - played by thousands at school and recreationally, it has vet to earn major coverage except at one-off events like the Olympic Games. Curously though, neither sport is any less entertaining to some than say, rugby league, but has yet to see the crowds that this sport enjoys. Netball especially should appeal to a huge currently un-tapped sport female fanbase, and It would be safe to say that at some point in the future the right marketing team will turn netball into a hugely profitable spectator sport, even if this seem unlikely right now. It will certainly be a busy year for Bartlett, with four teams expected to fight for promo- tion and a development squad ro keep happy, but as with many captains at this time of year the main focus is on the Varsity match-up away against the Met on the Illth tktober: "We need all the support we can get because Leeds Met will cane us with all their supporters, we need everyone down there. We know be really tough because they've got a lot of Superleague players on their Uni team but we'll fight to the end like we did last year and last rear we won so hopefully we'll do the same this year-. Iasi season's vietorius Varsity squad

PIMP Leeds Student Friday, September 28, 2007 43

season loth-owing a crunch game against Liverpool Goll Course played host to the first I reds I In Brief. John Moores. lliev will now face the top sides in siry .Nlumm Golf match-up. In a very- competitive the country, including last seasons Championship event, oonly a few missed oppo on the Wonien's Cricket. The team starts the new sea- the new sison in a new division with I ludders• winning side 1..oughbonalgh, but Captain Ed Dal green meant a victory for the ex-Leeds squad, by a limore is confident that the side can push for a nip score 014 112 tt 1 3 sear of the day fi.or Leeds cion the hack of a fantastic 21. H r. which saw field, Sheffield, Sheffield l lallam and Lancaster. The half finish. \X He preseasi in has already begun with than qualify for a win the BUSA knockouts, beat- The ever Impressive Celtics gathered steam after a was Lucy Barker, winning her march 8 and 7. After *Brighton by five wickets in the final. This sea- slow start, der'c•ating Sheffiekl in the Wilde:Ltd fixtures against Manchester, the official season cur- the success of this inaugural match-up, IA hope tain raiser the Varsity sho mall own against the mat the team will et onlpelein Varsity for the first n Kind of kry-ockout stagesliefore losing Out to is to make this an annual event_ Met, in at fixture which was won by Leeds last sea- time, tacing the Met in a six-a-side inch >or game at Loughbornugh. De-spite losing some of their more son. Golf Report. This weekend M. U or \Denton I leadingley. Confidence is high after beating the experienced players, the Celtics are Ex oosted Iry \ LI On mane to the knockout- trophy over the three of their number returning fiar an outing for summer, by a healthy margin of 95 runs. Men's Great 'Britain_ 1)enfensive Tackle Luke Brandi!, Basketball. squad begins the BUSA ,season Running Back Paul Ciregson and Offensive lane with a home match: gainst Sunderland lsts on the man and captain l las thew G. represented rth C telpher, and hope to build on last season their country in it )5.11) over the summer for the which saw them finish second in the league and British Bulldog ti me Men's Hockey. LUU Men's ose out to Glasgow in the third round of the play- Hockey Firsts find themselves back in the top offs. American Football. The lreds Celtics start night afier winning BUSA Nordi Division I last

In three weeks time the BUSA Champi• respective Championships. The Squash team RANKING INSTITUTION KO POINTS LEAGUE POINTS TOTAL unship returns and after an impressive season has managed to hold on to their key players, Lo- nigh bort rugh 3201.5 1724 5015,5 last year, finishing 15111 out of 14I Universi- and can only improve with new Faces this 2 Bath 2137.5 1368 3516.5 2011 ties, and the UM sports reams are chomping at term. 3 Birmingham 12611 1.141 . 11178.5 2160 the bit to get back into action. The Men's I lockes team will also he 4 1:dinburgh 1081.5 11 69.5 There were ups and downs for the sports amongst the ones to watch this season after S Nottingham 015.75 7085.75 6 am 874.5 1039 1913.5 teams individually, with die 11 omens Netball gaining promotionon to the Premiership last D 7 11)21 856.7 1877.7 and Lacrosse teams sui luring relegations. year. 8 Oxford 90925 918.5 1827.75 They will both be looking, to bounce back at After a decent season last term, including a tg Newcastle 801 851 1652 dazzling cup run, the Men's football team the first time of asking, and with a fresh Mice- 1(1 Exeter ester 638 1002 1640 dun of first year talent they will have every have suffered key losses to the playing squad 11 62t) 873 15112 chance. this season. giving an opportunity to second 12 Cambridge 786 707 1488 The Table Tennis and Womens Squash and third team players rn rise up to the first 11 Bristol 617 853 14-'11 teams will look to progress even further this Xl. The freshers trialists have also hooked 14 Leeds Met. 573 798.5 1;— L 3 year, after very successful campaigns last sea- promising and should help build a new and 15 LEEDS 438 870.5 1308.5 son. Both teams finished runners-up in their fresh squad for the new campaign. 447 1248.2 Old rivalries will be resumed with Man- Ct irling 683 561 1244 chester and Sheffield this season, who fin- I 8 Northumbria 397.75 798 119525 ished Ilth and 21st respectively; booth arc con- 19 Southampton 536 616.5 1152.5 tests that the I .ni has dominated over recent "it Sheffield Hallam 1 i 59( 11E13 years. But it is Leeds Met that is the rivalry that lights up the fixture list, The Metropoli- tan finished only one place above Uni last year and all our sides will be looking to overturn that result aswell in two weeks time. In recent seasons Uni has consistantly fin- ished in the mid-teen positions in the tables and it will certainly be a great challenge to improve upon last years impressive15th place, and the points total of 1308.5. The Universit% has stated that n has the aim of breaking inn. the BUSA top ten within the next five to then years.



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Sport Kicks Off


A nev.- scar has started and Leeds 11'hilsi ;,,ihail, ar,.- ltirT 1.11c has also been influx of individu sport is back! This year, over 3,500 students ular and successful, k F. , other IE.-0- well os et the summer: names to watch will be members of sports societies, with known teams to do their part: Korfball arc for include; Adam Grier., who is coming ti By man! of those going on to represent the 'Uni- hoping to secure. Leeds University as a hose the back of a 5t.h place finish in the 1Xior versity, in MiSA and Varsity. ton the Irish Junior National side, and possi- Nlountain Running, Championship, and Ada Owen Bradley In the Non hem Divison of BUSA, the bk the men's team too. The squash ream are Grecndale„in England under l8 rugby unit Leeds sports team will match up against the also hoping to gain recogniton from England star who has just joined a fresher. likes of Liverpol, Sheffield. and arch rivals Squash after their consistently high performa • Rust assured, all the action will he rig I.ceds Nieroptilitan. ces. here even. week in Leeds Student Sport.

1 •