bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted May 11, 2021. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

RevGadgets: an R Package for visualizing Bayesian phylogenetic analyses from RevBayes

Carrie M. Tribble1, 2, 3, ∗, William A. Freyman4, Michael J. Landis5, Jun Ying Lim6, Joelle¨ Barido-Sottani7, Bjørn Tore Kopperud8, 9, Sebastian Hohna¨ 8, 9, and Michael R. May1, 2

1Department of Integrative Biology University of California, Berkeley, CA 94709, USA 2University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94709, USA 3Current address: School of Life Sciences, University of Hawai‘i at M¯anoa,Honolulu, HI, 96822, USA 423andMe, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, 94086, USA 5Department of Biology, Washington University in St. Louis, MO 63130, USA 6School of Biological Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798 7Department of Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA 8GeoBio-Center, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit¨atM¨unchen,80333 Munich, Germany 9Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Paleontology & Geobiology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit¨atM¨unchen,80333 Munich, Germany ∗E-mail: [email protected]


1. Statistical phylogenetic methods are the foundation for a wide range of evolutionary and epidemiological stud- ies. However, as these methods grow increasingly complex, users often encounter significant challenges with summarizing, visualizing, and communicating their key results. 2. We present RevGadgets, an R package for creating publication-quality figures from the results of a large variety of phylogenetic analyses performed in RevBayes (and other phylogenetic software packages). 3. We demonstrate how to use RevGadgets through a set of vignettes that cover the most common use cases that researchers will encounter. 4. RevGadgets is an open-source, extensible package that will continue to evolve in parallel with RevBayes, helping researchers to make sense of and communicate the results of a diverse array of analyses.

[Bayesian phylogenetics, data visualization, R, RevBayes]

13 1 Introduction 1992) and are powerful epidemiological tools (Volz et al., 2013; Baele et al., 2017). 14

2 Beyond being a graphical representation of the Tree of Phylogenetic methods are increasingly based on ex- 15 3 Life, phylogenetic trees provide a rigorous basis for a plicit probabilistic models with parameters that de- 16 4 wide range of evolutionary and epidemiological infer- scribe underlying evolutionary processes. As datasets 17 5 ences. Phylogenetic methods allow researchers to under- grow and evolutionary hypotheses become more nu- 18 6 stand how molecular and morphological traits evolve anced, these models necessarily become more complex. 19 7 (Nei, 1987; Yang, 2014; Felsenstein, 1985; Harvey and RevBayes (Hohna¨ et al., 2016) is a Bayesian phylogenetic 20 8 Pagel, 1991), how lineages disperse over geographic inference program that was developed to accommodate 21 9 space (Ronquist and Sanmart´ın, 2011), and how lineages this increasing complexity and allows users to explore a 22 10 diversify over time (Morlon, 2014), among other evolu- vast space of phylogenetic models. Models in RevBayes 23 11 tionary phenomena. Additionally, phylogenetic meth- are specified as probabilistic graphical models (Hohna¨ 24 12 ods can be used to inform conservation decisions (Faith, et al., 2014), which are graphical representations of the 25

1 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted May 11, 2021. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

26 underlying dependencies among parameters (and their # specify the tree file 27 corresponding prior distributions), similar to individual file <- "bears.mcc.tre" 28 Legos being used to build a complex city. Using this 29 graphical modeling framework, users can design cus- # read the tree 30 tomized models and tailor analyses to their particular tree <- readTrees(paths = file) 31 datasets and research questions. However, this flexibil- 32 ity comes at a cost: because of the nearly infinite vari- # plot the tree 33 ety of possible models (and model combinations) that plotFBDTree(tree = tree, 34 users can explore in RevBayes, the results of these anal- timeline= TRUE, 35 yses are often challenging to summarize and visualize geo_units= "epochs", 36 using standard software. This is a significant limitation tip_age_bars= TRUE, 37 for RevBayes users because, in addition to being the pri- node_age_bars= TRUE, 38 mary method for reporting results of phylogenetic anal- age_bars_colored_by= "posterior", 39 yses, graphical summaries are a valuable tool for mak- label_sampled_ancs= TRUE)+ 40 ing sense of scientific results (Tufte, 2001), and for diag- ggplot2::theme(legend.position=c(0.05, 0.55))

41 nosing modeling and analytical problems (Kerman et al., maritimus 1 : brevirhinus 42 2008). 2 : Ursavus primaevus Ursus arctos 3 : Kretzoiarctos beatrix 43 Historically, RevBayes users have had to process and 4 : Ailurarctos lufengensis Ursus spelaeus 5 : punjabiensis 44 plot their results using ad hoc scripts written for each Ursus thibetanus 45 analysis, which imposed a significant barrier to entry for Posterior Ursus americanus 46 users not familiar with the structure of RevBayes out- 1.0 Helarctos malayanus 47 put or comfortable with developing their own graphical 0.8 Melursus ursinus 0.6 48 summaries. To address these challenges, we developed 0.4 ornatus 49 RevGadgets. RevGadgets is an R package (R Core Team, 0.2 Arctodus simus 50 2020) that adds to the diverse ecosystem of phyloge- 0.0 Indarctos vireti 51 netic visualization tools—e.g., ape (Paradis and Schliep, 5 Indarctos arctoides 52 2019), Tracer (Rambaut et al., 2018), phytools (Rev- 1 2 3 53 ell, 2012), ggtree (Yu et al., 2017), FigTree (Rambaut, Agriarctos spp 4 54 2014), IcyTree (Vaughan, 2017), among many others— melanoleuca 55 but is specialized for output produced by RevBayes. Ballusia elmensis 56 RevGadgets serves as a bridge between RevBayes anal- Zaragocyon daamsi 57 yses and existing tools for phylogenetic data processing 40 30 20 10 0 58 and plotting in R, especially the ggtree package suite, 59 which includes the ggtree, tidytree, and treeio pack- Eocene 60 Pliocene

ages (Wang et al., 2020; Yu et al., 2017). RevGadgets pro- Oligocene Pleistocene 61 vides tools for plotting summary trees (including sum- Age (Ma) 62 maries of parameters for each branch), ancestral-state 63 estimates, and posterior distributions of parameters for 64 a variety of models. Using the general framework of Figure 1: Plotting a time-calibrated phylogeny of extinct and ex- tant taxa. Top) RevGadgets code for reading in and plotting a time- 65 ggplot2, the tidyverse, and associated packages (Wick- calibrated phylogeny of extant and extinct . We use the theme 66 ham, 2011; Wickham et al., 2019), plotting functions re- function from ggplot2 to add the posterior-probability legend. Bot- 67 turn plot objects with default, but customizable, aesthet- tom) The maximum sampled-ancestor clade-credibility (MSACC) tree 68 ics. Here, we present five vignettes demonstrating how for the bears. Sampled ancestors are indicated by numbers along the branches (legend, top left). Bars represent the 95% credible interval of 69 to use RevGadgets to summarize results for a variety of the age of the node, tip or sampled ancestor in millions of years (geo- 70 phylogenetic analyses. logical timescale, x-axis); the color of the bar corresponds to the poste- rior probability (legend, middle left) of that a clade exists, the posterior probability that a fossil is a sampled ancestor, or the posterior proba- bility that a tip is not a sampled ancestor. (Data from Abella et al., 2012; 71 Phylogenies Heath et al., 2014.)

72 Phylogenies are central to all analyses in RevBayes, so 73 accurate and information-rich visualizations of evolu- 78 74 tionary trees are critical. In this case study, we demon- branch-specific parameter estimates. 75 strate the tree-plotting functionality of RevGadgets, with RevGadgets provides paired functions for (1) reading 79 76 methods to visualize phylogenies and their associated in and processing data, and (2) summarizing and visual- 80 77 posterior probabilities, divergence-time estimates, and izing results. For phylogenies, the function readTrees() 81

2 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted May 11, 2021. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

82 loads trees (either individual trees, or sets of trees) in ei- # specify the annotated tree file 83 ther Newick or NEXUS (Maddison et al., 1997) formats, file <- "relaxed_OU_MAP.tre" 84 then processes associated branch or node annotations, 85 and finally stores the tree(s) as treedata object(s) (as de- # read the tree 86 fined by treeio; Wang et al., 2020). Users can then vi- tree <- readTrees(paths = file) 87 sualize the treedata object using either plotTree() or 88 plotFBDTree(), as we demonstrate below. # plot the tree plotTree(tree = tree, 89 RevGadgets can plot both unrooted and rooted trees, tip_labels_italics= FALSE, 90 and creates plots that are compatible with plotting color_branch_by= "branch_thetas", 91 options from ggtree. Additionally, RevGadgets pro- line_width= 1.7)+ 92 vides extensive functionality for plotting trees with non- ggplot2::theme(legend.position=c(0.1, 0.9)) 93 contemporaneous tips, such as those produced by total- 94 evidence analyses under the fossilized birth-death [FBD] Stenella coeruleoalba Branch thetas 95 Stenella clymene process (Heath et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2016). The 0.62 Delphinus delphis Stenella frontalis 96 0.60 Tursiops aduncus fossilized birth-death process (and the related serially- Tursiops truncatus 0.58 Stenella attenuata 97 Lagenodelphis hosei sampled birth-death process; Stadler, 2010) produces 0.56 Sousa chinensis Stenella longirostris 98 sampled ancestors (samples that are directly ancestral to 0.54 Steno bredanensis 0.52 Sotalia fluviatilis Cephalorhynchus hectori 99 another sampled taxon and thus are not represented as 0.50 Cephalorhynchus commersonii Cephalorhynchus heavisidii Lagenorhynchus cruciger 100 tips in the tree), and the ages of the samples are often Lagenorhynchus australis Lagenorhynchus obscurus 101 Lagenorhynchus obliquidens subject to uncertainty (e.g., because of imperfect knowl- Lissodelphis borealis Lagenorhynchus albirostris 102 Lagenorhynchus acutus edge about the age of the strata from which the samples Globicephala melas Globicephala macrorhynchus 103 were collected). As a consequence, conventional tree Feresa attenuata Grampus griseus Pseudorca crassidens 104 plotting tools are unsuitable for plotting FBD trees. We Orcinus orca Orcaella brevirostris Phocoena spinipinnis 105 demonstrate how to use RevGadgets to plot the results Phocoena sinus Phocoena dioptrica 106 Phocoenoides dalli of an FBD analyses of living and extinct bears (Figure 1; Phocoena phocoena Neophocaena phocaenoides 107 Monodon monoceros data from Abella et al., 2012 and Heath et al., 2014). We Delphinapterus leucas Inia geoffrensis geoffrensis 108 include age bars colored by the posterior probability of Inia geoffrensis boliviensis Pontoporia blainvillei Lipotes vexillifer 109 the corresponding node, a geological time scale and la- Mesoplodon grayi Mesoplodon densirostris Mesoplodon stejnegeri 110 beled epochs from the package deeptime (Gearty, 2021), Mesoplodon hectori Mesoplodon ginkgodens 111 Mesoplodon europaeus and fossils estimated to be direct ancestors of other sam- Mesoplodon bowdoini Mesoplodon mirus 112 Mesoplodon bidens ples (i.e., sampled ancestors). Mesoplodon layardii Hyperoodon planifrons Hyperoodon ampullatus 113 In addition to visualizing trees themselves, Indopacetus pacificus Berardius bairdii Berardius arnuxii 114 RevGadgets allows researchers to visualize branch- Ziphius cavirostris Tasmacetus shepherdi 115 Platanista specific parameters, for example rates of evolution or Platanista gangetica Kogia simus 116 Kogia breviceps diversification for each branch in the phylogeny. In Physeter catodon Balaenoptera edeni 117 Figure 2, we demonstrate how to use plotTree() to Balaenoptera borealis Balaenoptera omurai Balaenoptera musculus 118 visualize the estimated optimal body size as it varies Megaptera novaeangliae Balaenoptera physalus Eschrichtius robustus 119 across the cetacean phylogeny under a relaxed Ornstein- Balaenoptera acutorostrata Caperea marginata 120 Eubalaena australis Uhlenbeck process (Butler and King, 2004; Uyeda and Balaena glacialis Balaena mysticetus 121 Harmon, 2014; data from Steeman et al., 2009; Slater 122 et al., 2010). Under this model, a quantitative character 123 evolves towards an adaptive optimum that changes Figure 2: Plotting branch-specific parameter values across a phy- 124 along the branches of the tree, and thus the optimum logeny. Top) RevGadgets code for reading in and plotting the cetacean 125 associated with each branch is a focal inference. phylogeny that has been annotated with branch-specific adaptive op- tima (θ) inferred under a relaxed Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model. Bot- 126 The plotTree() function can also visualize unrooted tom) The cetacean phylogeny with branches colored according to the 127 or circular phylogenies, and users may add text anno- posterior-mean estimate of the inferred branch-specific optimum body 128 tations to denote posterior probabilities or other quan- size, θ (legend, tip left). (Phylogeny from Steeman et al., 2009; body 129 tities. Users can apply ggtree functions to modify the size data in units of natural log-transformed meters from Slater et al., 2010.) 130 RevGadgets plot, e.g., to highlight certain clades with 131 geom hilight() or to add phylopics (http://phylopic. 132 org/) using geom phylopic(). Together, these functions Posterior Estimates of Numerical Pa- 136 133 provide user-friendly and customizable tree-plotting 137 134 functionality for a variety of core research questions in rameters 135 evolutionary biology. RevGadgets provides several tools to visualize posterior 138 distributions of numerical parameters. The output pro- 139 3 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted May 11, 2021. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

140 duced by most RevBayes analyses is a (typically tab- # specify the log files with rates of 141 delimited) text file where rows correspond to samples # chromosome evolution 142 from sequential iterations of an MCMC analysis, and files <-c("chromevol_simple.log") 143 columns correspond to parameters in the model. Most 144 information of interest to researchers—e.g., most prob- # read the trace 145 able parameter values (maximum a posteriori, or MAP, trace <- readTrace(path = files) 146 estimates), 95% credible intervals (CIs), or full poste- 147 rior distributions—requires processing this raw MCMC ## Reading in log file 1 148 output. Here, we demonstrate methods for processing # summarize the traces of the parameters 149 and visualizing MCMC output for both quantitative and # gamma: chromosome gain rate 150 qualitative parameters. # delta: chromosome loss rate 151 We illustrate the core functions for reading, summariz- summary <- summarizeTrace( 152 ing and visualizing posterior distributions of specific pa- trace = trace, 153 rameters with an example analysis of chromosome num- vars=c("gamma", "delta")) 154 ber evolution (Figure 3; data from Freyman and Hohna¨ , 155 2018). We use readTrace() to read in parameters sam- # report the summary for the gain rate 156 pled during one or more MCMC analyses. We then use summary[["gamma"]] 157 summarizeTrace() to calculate the posterior mean and 158 95% credible interval for the focal parameters. Finally, ## $trace_1 159 we plot the marginal posterior distributions of the focal ## mean median MAP 160 parameters using plotTrace(). ## 0.28853914 0.23994560 0.13586156 161 Plots of the posterior distributions of parameter val- ## quantile_2.5 quantile_97.5 162 ues are key to a thorough understanding of the results ## 0.03347161 0.80123940 163 of any Bayesian analysis. These tools encourage users to 164 explore their results thoroughly rather than relying on # plot the posteriors of each parameter 165 single summary statistics. These summaries and plots plotTrace(trace = trace, 166 may also be useful as tools for science communication vars=c("gamma", "delta"))[[1]] 167 and education on statistical phylogenetics, as they can 168 easily be used to demonstrate differences in parameter Trace 1 169 estimates that result from changes to basic phylogenetic 2.5 170 models. Additionally, the output of readTrace() may 171 be passed to R packages specializing in MCMC diagno- 2.0 172 sis, e.g., convenience (Fabreti and Hohna¨ , 2021) or coda Variable 1.5 173 (Plummer et al., 2006). These functions are compatible gamma 174 with any delimited text file of MCMC samples, and can Density 1.0 delta 175 be used with the output of most Bayesian phylogenetic 0.5 176 programs.

0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 177 Ancestral-State Estimates Parameter value

178 In addition to making inferences about the underlying 179 process of evolution, researchers may be interested in Figure 3: Plotting posterior distributions of numerical parameter val- 180 studying how particular characters evolved across the ues. Top) RevGadgets code for reading in and plotting the posterior 181 branches of the phylogeny. Ancestral-state estimation is distributions of rates of chromosome evolution in Aristolochia. Bottom) Marginal posterior distributions of the two rate parameters. Shaded re- 182 a method for inferring that history. gions represent the 95% credible interval of each posterior distribution. 183 RevGadgets offers two different types of summaries (Data from Freyman and Hohna¨ , 2018.) 184 for ancestral-state estimates: 1) maximum a posterior 185 (MAP) estimates, i.e., the states with the highest poste- 186 rior probability at each node, and; 2) pie charts that rep- i.e., at the beginning of each branch. Plotting the states at 192 187 resent each state in proportion to its probability at each internal nodes is appropriate for standard evolutionary 193 188 node. Ancestral-state estimates may be represented as models of anagenetic (within-lineage) change. However, 194 189 text annotations rather than colored symbols. Addition- models of evolution that include a cladogenetic com- 195 190 ally, RevGadgets can summarize and visualize ancestral- ponent (e.g., models of biogeographic or chromosome- 196 191 state estimates at internal nodes and at the “shoulders”, number evolution; Ree and Smith, 2008; Goldberg and 197

4 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted May 11, 2021. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

Paracoelops megalotis

Melonycteris woodfordi Hipposideros sumbae

Cynopterus luzoniensis Pteronotus paraguanensis Hipposideros doriae Pteropus pselaphon Pteropus pelewensis Hipposideros ridleyi Hipposideros gigas Epomophorus wahlbergi Pteropus temminckii Pteropus Pteropuscapistratus melanotus Casinycteris argynnis

Nyctimene major PhyllostomusMicronycteris elongatus brosseti Myonycteris Dobsoniarelicta emersa Penthetor lucasi

Tonatia saurophila GlossophagaLonchorhina leachii aurita

Carollia castaneaAnoura fistulata PlatyrrhinusArtibeus recifinus anderseni Taphozous kapalgensisArtibeus inopinatus EmballonuraVampyressa monticola thyone Sturnira lilium Otomops madagascariensis

Rhinolophus lepidus Rhinolophus megaphyllus Rhinolophus mitratus Rhinolophus hildebrandti Rhinolophus celebensis Lavia frons Peropteryx macrotis Ovis dalli Nycteris tragata Hemitragus jemlahicus Oryx gazella Mormopterus phrudus Redunca arundinum Antidorcas marsupialis Eudorcas thomsonii Cheiromeles torquatus Cephalophus adersi Sylvicapra grimmia Tragelaphus strepsiceros Muntiacus reevesi Rusa timorensis Myzopoda aurita Pudu puda Moschus chrysogaster Hyemoschus aquaticus Peponocephala electra Stenella clymene Lagenorhynchus australis Molossus sinaloae Mesoplodon densirostris Balaenoptera bonaerensis Hippopotamus amphibius Tadarida ventralis Potamochoerus porcus MiniopterusTadarida natalensis petersoni Aonyx cinerea Mustela putorius Galictis vittata Scotophilus borbonicus Meles leucurus Tadarida midas Bassariscus astutus Spilogale gracilis Miniopterus tristis Arctocephalus townsendi Mirounga angustirostris Ailuropoda melanoleuca Kerivoula papillosa Chrysocyon brachyurus Murina tubinaris Vulpes macrotis Herpestes edwardsii Kerivoula lanosa Crossarchus alexandri Galidia elegans Paradoxurus zeylonensis Genetta angolensis Myotis keenii Pardofelis badia Myotis keaysi Lynx canadensis MyotisMyotis rufopictus findleyi Panthera pardus Myotis ikonnikovi Manis javanica Equus quagga Myotis punicus thomensis Crocidura raineyi Myotis rosseti Crocidura cinderella Plecotus balensis Crocidura zarudnyi RhogeessaLasiurus aeneus ega Crocidura tarfayensis Arielulus torquatus Crocidura somalica Scotomanes ornatus Crocidura virgata Eptesicus malagasyensis Crocidura grandiceps Crocidura planiceps Histiotus alienus Crocidura macarthuri Laephotis namibensis Crocidura fulvastra Pipistrellus eisentrauti murinus Suncus madagascariensis Vespadelus regulus Sylvisorex oriundus State posterior geata Pipistrellus savii Congosorex verheyeni Pipistrellus aero pacificus NyctophilusPipistrellus arnhemensis wattsi Sorex cinereus Sorex saussurei 0.5 Sorex sinalis NycticebusNyctalus bengalensis leisleri Sorex raddei Cryptotis obscura Galagoides granti Cryptotis medellinia 0.6 parca Eulemur rufus Chimarrogale himalayica Propithecus Indridiadema indri concolor Lepilemur mittermeieri grandis soricipes 0.7 Microcebus tavaratra gibbsii Cheirogaleus ravus Nesophontes major Chiropotes albinasus Chaetophractus vellerosus Callicebus melanochir Bradypus torquatus 0.8 Microgale gymnorhyncha Callicebus caligatus Microgale taiva Brachyteles hypoxanthus Amblysomus hottentotus Cebus macrocephalus Petrodromus tetradactylus 0.9 Aotus griseimembra Trichechus senegalensis Saguinus tripartitus Mus fragilicauda Mico emiliae Mus callewaerti Callithrix kuhlii Mus crociduroides 1.0 Hylobates pileatus Apodemus mystacinus Pongo abelii Myomyscus verreauxii Praomys obscurus Allenopithecus nigroviridis Hylomyscus aeta Cercopithecus sclateri Leimacomys buettneri Macaca fascicularis Arvicanthis rufinus Rhabdomys pumilio Rungwecebus kipunji Aethomys silindensis Procolobus rufomitratus Grammomys dryas State Presbytis natunae Thamnomys schoutedeni Simias concolor Otomys typus Solomys ponceleti TrachypithecusAnathana germaini ellioti Melomys fulgens Uromys emmae Endotheliochorial Tupaia moellendorffi Mesembriomys gouldii Ochotona nubrica Notomys mordax Pseudomys apodemoides Ochotona macrotis Hydromys neobritannicus Epitheliochorial Pentalagus furnessi Pseudohydromys germani SylvilagusLepus graysoni saxatilis Mallomys rothschildi Coryphomys buehleri Lepus insularis Rhynchomys soricoides Chiropodomys calamianensis Hemochorial Hystrix crassispinis Rattus arrogans Rattus vandeuseni Cryptomys damarensis Rattus timorensis CoendouMyoprocta nycthemera pratti Rattus blangorum Cavia magna Rattus annandalei Taeromys arcuatus Papagomys theodorverhoeveni Hydrochoerus isthmius Srilankamys ohiensis Niviventer culturatus AbrocomaCtenomys boliviensis bergi Hadromys yunnanensis Crunomys melanius Octodontomys gliroides Maxomys wattsi Ctenomys frater Batomys russatus Ctenomys tucumanus Gerbillus acticola Ctenomys fulvus Gerbillus henleyi Gerbillus somalicus Meriones rex Meriones hurrianae Proechimys guairae Gerbilliscus boehmi ProechimysTrinomys kulinae paratus Acomys subspinosus Geocapromys thoracatus Acomys wilsoni Lophuromys huttereri Oryzomys dimidiatus Sigmodontomys alfari Cerradomys maracajuensis DactylomysMakalata boliviensis macrura Oligoryzomys chacoensis Phyllomys brasiliensis Oreoryzomys balneator Hylaeamys oniscus Graphiurus murinus Oecomys catherinae Euryoryzomys nitidus Phyllotis haggardi Dryomys niethammeri Tapecomys primus AtlantoxerusMyosciurus getulus pumilio Eligmodontia morgani Calomys lepidus ParaxerusTamias palliatusspeciosus Abrothrix longipilis Juliomys pictipes Tamias sonomae Akodon fumeus Akodon mimus Thalpomys cerradensis Oxymycterus nasutus Juscelinomys guaporensis Marmota menzbieri Kunsia fronto Cynomys leucurus Lenoxus apicalis Thomasomys hudsoni Thomasomys taczanowskii Rhipidomys macrurus Ichthyomys stolzmanni Sigmodon alleni Tylomys mirae Microtus californicus Ratufa affinis Microtus canicaudus Microtus daghestanicus Microtus limnophilus Lasiopodomys fuscus Lemmiscus curtatus Tamiops rodolphii Myodes glareolus Hyperacrius fertilis Myodes rufocanus Spermophilus canus Phodopus roborovskii Dicrostonyx nunatakensis Spermophilus dauricus Funambulus tristriatus CallosciurusMicrosciurus canicepsSciurus sanborni alfari Sundasciurus juvencusPetinomysPetaurillus lugens hosei Eupetaurus cinereus ThomomysGeomys clusius bursarius

Zapus princeps Heteromys gaumeri Eliurus danieli DipodomysSicista deserti kluchorica Orthogeomys hispidus

Chaetodipus dalquesti Dendromus kivu

Dipodomys nitratoidesStylodipus sungorus Neotoma cinerea Allactaga euphratica Rhizomys pruinosus Calomyscus grandis Neotoma fuscipes

Peromyscus keeni

Steatomys pratensis

Peromyscus crinitus

Peromyscus levipes Peromyscus

Peromyscus difficilis

Petromyscus monticularis Peromyscus mekisturus

Reithrodontomys paradoxus

# specify the tree file file <- "ase_freeK.tree"

# read in the tree annotated with ancestral states freeK <- processAncStates(file, state_labels=c("1"= "Epitheliochorial", "2"= "Endotheliochorial", "3"= "Hemochorial"))

# plot the tree with MAP ancestral states plotAncStatesMAP(t = freeK, tree_layout= "circular")+ ggplot2::theme(legend.position=c(0.96,0.5))

Figure 4: Plotting maximum a posterior (MAP) estimates of ancestral states on a circular phylogeny. Top) MAP estimates of ancestral placental states across the phylogeny of . Each node is colored by the MAP state (legend, bottom right); the size of each symbol is proportional to the posterior probability of the map state (legend, top right). Bottom) RevGadgets code for reading in and plotting the MAP estimates for ancestral placental states across the mammals phylogeny. (Data from Elliot and Crespi, 2006.)

198 Igic´, 2012; Freyman and Hohna¨ , 2018) also allow states of placenta type across the phylogeny un- 204 199 to change at speciation events. In this case, researchers der an asymmetric model of character evolution (Fig- 205 200 may also want to plot the shoulder states, which repre- ure 4; data from Elliot and Crespi, 2006). First, we use 206 201 sent the ancestral-state estimates for each daughter lin- processAncStates() to read in and parse the phylogeny 207 202 eage immediately following the speciation event. and ancestral-state estimates inferred using RevBayes. 208 Second, we use plotAncStatesMAP() to color each node 209 203 We demonstrate how to plot ancestral-state estimates

5 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted May 11, 2021. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

K Dubautia knudsenii subsp. nagatae K Dubautia knudsenii subsp. filiformis K Dubautia knudsenii subsp. knudsenii State O Dubautia laxa subsp. laxa KO Dubautia laxa subsp. hirsuta H K Dubautia pauciflorula KH Dubautia plantaginea subsp. plantaginea K M Dubautia plantaginea subsp. humilis KH K Dubautia plantaginea subsp. magnifolia K Dubautia microcephala KM K Dubautia laevigata K Dubautia imbricata KMH K Wilkesia hobdyi K Wilkesia gymnoxiphium KO K Dubautia latifolia K Dubautia raillardioides KOH K Dubautia paleata M Argyroxiphium grayanum East Maui KOMH M Argyroxiphium caliginis M Argyroxiphium grayanum West Maui M H Argyroxiphium sandwicense subsp. sandwicense H Argyroxiphium sandwicense subsp. macrocephalum MH K Argyroxiphium kauense H Dubautia linearis subsp. linearis O H Dubautia linearis subsp. hillebrandii OH H Dubautia scabra subsp. scabra H Dubautia arborea OM H Dubautia ciliolata subsp. glutinosa H Dubautia ciliolata subsp. ciliolata OMH MH Dubautia scabra subsp. leiophylla M Dubautia reticulata other M Dubautia platyphylla M Dubautia menziesii O Dubautia sherffiana O Dubautia herbstobatae

# specify the annotated tree file file <- "simple_ase.tre"

# define the state labels labs <-c("1"= "K", "2"= "O", "3"= "M", "4"= "H", "5"= "KO", "6"= "KM", "7"= "OM", "8"= "KH", "9"= "OH", "10"= "MH", "11"= "KOM", "12"= "KOH", "13"= "KMH", "14"= "OMH", "15"= "KOMH")

# read the annotated tree file dec_example <- processAncStates(file, state_labels = labs)

# plot the tree with pie charts for ancestral states plotAncStatesPie(t = dec_example, cladogenetic= TRUE, tip_labels_states= TRUE, tip_labels_offset= 0.2, tip_pie_nudge_x= 0.15, tip_pie_size= 0.12, node_pie_size= 1.2, tip_labels_states_offset= 0.05)+ ggplot2::theme(legend.position=c(-0.05, 0.5), plot.margin= unit(c(0,0,0,2),"cm"))

Figure 5: Plotting posterior distributions of ancestral states under a cladogenetic model. Top) The posterior estimates ancestral biogeographic states of the Hawaiian silverswords estimated under a DEC model. The size of each pie slice is proportional to the posterior probability of a given state (legend, top left) for a particular lineage. Pies at nodes represent the state of the ancestral lineage immediately before speciation; pies at “shoulders” represent the states of each daughter lineage immediately following the speciation event. Bottom) RevGadgets code for reading in and plotting the posterior estimates for ancestral geographic range across the phylogeny of Hawaiian silverswords. (Data from Landis et al., 2018.)

210 symbol according to the state with the highest posterior ranges of the Hawaiian silversword alliance that were 216 211 probability, and make the radius of the symbol propor- generated by a Dispersal-Extinction-Cladogenesis (DEC) 217 212 tional to that state’s posterior probability. Because of the model (Figure 5; data from Landis et al., 2018). Since 218 213 size of the phylogeny, we choose to plot the estimates on the DEC model features a cladogenetic component, we 219 214 a circular tree by changing the tree layout parameter. include shoulder-state estimates. Because of the large 220

221 215 Next, we demonstrate plotting estimates of ancestral number of states in this analysis (15 possible ranges

6 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted May 11, 2021. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

222 and one “other” category), more pre-processing is nec- # specify the log files with diversification 223 essary. As before, we pass the appropriate state names # rates and rate-change times 224 to processAncStates(); however, in this case we plot speciation_time_file <- "speciation_times.log" 225 pie charts representing the probability of each state using speciation_rate_file <- "speciation_rates.log" 226 plotAncStatesPie(), and plot states at shoulders using extinction_time_file <- "extinction_times.log" 227 cladogenetic = TRUE. extinction_rate_file <- "extinction_rates.log" 228 Beyond the above examples, these versatile plotting 229 tools can visualize any discrete ancestral-state estimates # read the log files 230 reconstructed by RevBayes, including the results of rates <- processDivRates( 231 chromosome count estimations (Freyman and Hohna¨ , speciation_time_log = speciation_time_file, 232 2018) and discrete state-dependent speciation and ex- speciation_rate_log = speciation_rate_file, 233 tinction (SSE) models (Freyman and Hohna¨ , 2019; Zenil- extinction_time_log = extinction_time_file, 234 Ferguson et al., 2019). extinction_rate_log = extinction_rate_file)

# plot the diversification rates 235 Diversification Rates plotDivRates(rates = rates)

Speciation rate Extinction rate 236 The processes of speciation and extinction (i.e., lineage 0.35 0.30 237 diversification) is of great interest to evolutionary bi- 238 ologists (Morlon, 2014). Rates of speciation and ex- 0.30 0.25 239 tinction may be modeled as constant over time and 0.25 0.20 240 among branches (as in a constant-rate birth-death pro- 0.20 0.15 241 cess; Kendall et al., 1948; Nee et al., 1994), or allowed 242 to vary over time (Stadler, 2011; May et al., 2016), across 0.15 0.10 243 branches of a phylogeny (Rabosky, 2014; Hohna¨ et al., Net diversification rate Relative extinction rate 244 2019), or based on the character states of the evolving Rate 0.15 1.2 245 lineages (Maddison et al., 2007; Freyman and Hohna¨ , 1.0 246 2019). For example, rates that vary across branches of the 0.10 247 phylogeny can be visualized using plotTree() to color 0.8 0.05 248 the branches by their inferred rate. State-dependent 0.6 249 diversification models provide estimates of the specia- 0.00 250 tion and extinction rates associated with each charac- 0.4 251 ter state, and may also be used to estimate ancestral 60 40 20 0 60 40 20 0 252 states. plotTrace() or specific processing and plot- Age (Ma) 253 ting functions for diversification rates—processSSE(), 254 plotMuSSE, and plotHiSSE—may be used to visu- Figure 6: Plotting posterior distributions of diversification rates over 255 alize the estimated rates. plotAncStatesMAP() or time. Top) RevGadgets code for reading in and plotting the posterior estimates of diversification rates over time inferred from the primate 256 plotAncStatesPie() may be used to visualize the phylogeny. Bottom) Posterior distributions of speciation and extinc- 257 ancestral-state estimates. tion rates over time, as well as the net diversification rate (speciation 258 We demonstrate how to plot the results of a minus extinction) and the relative extinction rate (extinction divided by speciation). Dark lines correspond to the posterior-mean estimate of 259 time-varying model—the episodic birth-death process each parameter for each time interval, and shaded regions correspond 260 (Stadler, 2011; Hohna¨ , 2015)—applied to primate phy- to the 95% credible interval. (Data from Springer et al., 2012.) 261 logeny (Figure 6; Springer et al., 2012). The episodic 262 birth-death analysis in RevBayes produces separate trace 263 files each type of rate. We read these output files using Hohna¨ , 2019; Hohna¨ et al., 2019). 274 264 processDivRates() and plot the resulting parameter es- 265 timates over time using plotDivRates(). 266 Together with the aforementioned functions Model Adequacy 275 267 for plotting diversification parameter estimates, 268 plotDivRates() allows users to visualize the out- In addition to visualizing the results of phylogenetic 276 269 puts of nearly all diversification analyses available in inferences with a specific model, RevGadgets provides 277 270 RevBayes. Stochastic character mapping of diversifi- tools for exploring the adequacy of the model (i.e., 278 271 cation estimates, in which the timing and location of whether the model provides an adequate description 279 272 diversification rate shifts are painted along the branches of the data-generating process; Bollback, 2002; Gelman 280 273 of the tree, will be added in the future (Freyman and et al., 2013; Brown, 2014; Hohna¨ et al., 2018). Posterior- 281

7 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted May 11, 2021. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

282 predictive analysis tests whether a fitted model simu- # specify the simulated statistics file 283 lates (predicts) data that are similar to the observed data. sim <- "simulated_data_pps.csv" 284 This process is distinct from model testing, in which one 285 model is chosen from a set of possible models, as the best # specify the empirical statistics file 286 model of the set may still provide an inadequate descrip- emp <- "empirical_data_pps.csv" 287 tion of the underlying process. 288 First, users analyze their data with the model of in- # read the statistics files 289 terest and then use the inferred posterior distribution to stats <- processPostPredStats(path_sim = sim, 290 simulate a number of new data sets. The user then se- path_emp = emp) 291 lects test statistics that describe important features of the 292 data (e.g., the number of invariant sites in a nucleotide # create the posterior-predictive plots 293 alignment) and calculates these statistics for both the ob- plots <- plotPostPredStats(data = stats) 294 served data and the simulated data. If the statistic from 295 the empirical data is reasonably included within the dis- # plot some of the statistics 296 tribution of statistics from simulated datasets (posterior- plots[c(1,3,5,7)] 297 predictive p-value > 0.05), the model is considered an 0.05 298 adequate description of the process that produced the p=0.000 p=0.000 0.04 299 tested data feature. 20 300 Here, we demonstrate the workflow for a posterior- 0.03

301 predictive analysis to test model adequacy of the Jukes- 0.02 10 Density 302 Cantor model for nucleotide sequence evolution (Jukes 0.01 303 et al., 1969) in a single gene across a sample of 23 pri- 0.00 0 304 mates (Figure 7; data from Springer et al., 2012). First, 0 200 400 0.44 0.48 0.52 0.56 305 we perform an analysis in RevBayes under a Jukes- Number Invariant Sites Max GC 306 Cantor model of nucleotide sequence data. Second, p=0.000 p=0.000 1.5 307 we use RevBayes to simulate datasets under the pos- 0.015 308 terior distributions estimated in the first step. Third, 1.0 0.010 309 we use RevBayes to calculate statistics from the sim-

310 ulated and empirical datasets. These statistics should Density 0.5 0.005 311 describe aspects of the data that we hope capture a 0.0 0.000 312 meaningful component of model performance. Finally, 0 2 4 6 300 400 500 600 313 we use RevGadgets to plot those statistics and compute Max Invariant Block Length Max Pairwise Difference 314 posterior-predictive p-values. 315 Despite being computationally inexpensive compared Figure 7: Plotting simulated posterior-predictive distributions to as- 316 to Bayesian model comparison methods (i.e., Bayes fac- sess model adequacy. Top) RevGadgets code for reading in and plot- ting the distributions of summary statistics generated using posterior- 317 tor calculation), posterior-predictive approaches remain predictive simulation posterior. Bottom) Posterior-predictive distribu- 318 relatively uncommon in empirical phylogenetic studies. tions (black curves) of four statistics simulated under the Jukes-Cantor 319 As genome-scale datasets and increasingly complex sta- model fit to primate cytb, compared to the same statistics computed on 320 tistical methods become more accessible to researchers, the observed data (dashed vertical lines). The posterior-predictive p- value (upper right of each panel) is the fraction of simulated statistics 321 posterior-predictive simulation will be critical to testing that are as or more extreme than the observed statistic. If the observed 322 how well our models describe the underlying generative statistic falls in or beyond the orange region, we deem the model as in- 323 processes. This component of RevGadgets functionality adequate at the 5% significance level; if the observed statistic falls in the 324 and the associated clear workflows for performing and blue region, the model is marginally adequate at the 10% significance level. In this case, the Jukes-Cantor model provides an inadequate de- 325 interpreting posterior-predictive tests will hopefully in- scription of the true generating process according to every summary 326 crease the adoption of this important tool. statistic. (Data from Springer et al., 2012.)

327 Conclusions to produce publication-quality visualizations of phy- 334 328 RevBayes is a flexible platform for performing Bayesian logenetic analyses performed in RevBayes. The case 335 329 phylogenetic evolutionary inferences. Because of the studies described above illustrate some of the core 336 330 almost endless possibilities for building unique combi- functionality available in RevGadgets and demonstrate 337 331 nations of models in RevBayes, these analyses are of- how to produce plots of the most commonly-performed 338 332 ten challenging to visualize using standard plotting soft- RevBayes analyses. RevBayes is open source software 339 333 ware. We have developed an R package, RevGadgets, that is actively maintained and developed. Likewise, 340

8 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted May 11, 2021. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

341 RevGadgets is also open source and will continue to pro- Elliot, M. G. and Crespi, B. J. (2006). Placental invasiveness mediates 387 388 342 vide new plotting tools to meet new visualization chal- the evolution of hybrid inviability in mammals. The American Natu- ralist, 168(1):114–120. 389 343 lenges as they arise. RevGadgets and any future up-

344 dates will be available on GitHub at https://github. Fabreti, L. G. and Hohna,¨ S. (2021). Convergence assessment for 390 345 com/cmt2/RevGadgets. Additionally, we provide thor- bayesian phylogenetic analysis using mcmc simulation. 391 346 ough documentation for all functionality in the package Faith, D. P. (1992). Conservation evaluation and phylogenetic diversity. 392 347 and maintain numerous tutorials demonstrating how to Biological Conservation, 61(1):1–10. 393 348 use RevGadgets on the RevBayes website at https:// 349 Together, the modu- Felsenstein, J. (1985). Phylogenies and the comparative method. The 394 American Naturalist, 125(1):1–15. 395 350 lar modeling tools from RevBayes and the visualization

351 gadgets in RevGadgets will help researchers make sense Freyman, W. A. and Hohna,¨ S. (2018). Cladogenetic and anagenetic 396 352 of and communicate the results of a diverse array of so- models of chromosome number evolution: a Bayesian model aver- 397 aging approach. Systematic biology, 67(2):195–215. 398 353 phisticated phylogenetic analyses.

Freyman, W. A. and Hohna,¨ S. (2019). Stochastic character mapping of 399 state-dependent diversification reveals the tempo of evolutionary 400 354 Authors Contributions decline in self-compatible Onagraceae lineages. Systematic Biology, 401 68(3):505–519. 402 355 CMT and MRM designed the R package. All authors

356 contributed code and examples. CMT and MRM drafted Gearty, W. (2021). deeptime: Plotting Tools for Anyone Working in 403 357 the manuscript. All authors revised and approved the Deep Time. R package version 404 358 final version of the manuscript. Gelman, A., Carlin, J. B., Stern, H. S., Dunson, D. B., Vehtari, A., and 405 Rubin, D. B. (2013). Bayesian data analysis. CRC press. 406 359 Acknowledgements Goldberg, E. E. and Igic,´ B. (2012). Tempo and mode in plant breeding 407 system evolution. Evolution: International Journal of Organic Evolu- 408 360 We would like to acknowledge Carl J. Rothfels, Benjamin tion, 66(12):3701–3709. 409 361 K. Blackman, David D. Ackerly, and Chelsea D. Specht 362 for feedback on initial stages of the manuscript. Ixchel Harvey, P. H. and Pagel, M. D. (1991). The Comparative Method in Evolu- 410 363 Gonzalez´ Ram´ırez, Jenna T. B. Ekwealor, Isaac Lichter tionary Biology, volume 239. Oxford University Press. 411 364 Marck, and members of the Rothfels Lab at UC Berkeley Heath, T. A., Huelsenbeck, J. P., and Stadler, T. (2014). The fossilized 412 365 provided valuable feedback on usability and legibility of birth–death process for coherent calibration of divergence-time esti- 413 366 figures and code. mates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(29):E2957– 414 415 367 This research was supported by the Deutsche E2966. 368 Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Emmy Noether- Hohna,¨ S. (2015). The time-dependent reconstructed evolutionary pro- 416 369 Program HO 6201/1-1 awarded to SH. cess with a key-role for mass-extinction events. Journal of theoretical 417 biology, 380:321–331. 418

370 Data Availability Hohna,¨ S., Coghill, L. M., Mount, G. G., Thomson, R. C., and Brown, 419 J. M. (2018). P3: Phylogenetic posterior prediction in RevBayes. 420 371 RevGadgets and all example datasets are freely available Molecular biology and evolution, 35(4):1028–1034. 421 372 on GitHub at Hohna,¨ S., Freyman, W. A., Nolen, Z., Huelsenbeck, J., May, M. R., and 422 Moore, B. R. (2019). A Bayesian approach for estimating branch- 423 specific speciation and extinction rates. bioRxiv, 555805. 424 373 References Hohna,¨ S., Heath, T. A., Boussau, B., Landis, M. J., Ronquist, F., and 425 374 Abella, J., Alba, D. M., Robles, J. M., Valenciano, A., Rotgers, C., Car- Huelsenbeck, J. P. (2014). Probabilistic graphical model representa- 426 375 mona, R., Montoya, P., and Morales, J. (2012). Kretzoiarctos gen. nov., tion in phylogenetics. Systematic biology, 63(5):753–771. 427 376 the oldest member of the clade. PLoS One, 7(11). Hohna,¨ S., Landis, M. J., Heath, T. A., Boussau, B., Lartillot, N., Moore, 428 377 Baele, G., Suchard, M. A., Rambaut, A., and Lemey, P. (2017). Emerging B. R., Huelsenbeck, J. P., and Ronquist, F. (2016). RevBayes: Bayesian 429 378 concepts of data integration in pathogen phylodynamics. Systematic phylogenetic inference using graphical models and an interactive 430 379 Biology, 66(1):e47–e65. model-specification language. Systematic Biology, 65(4):726–736. 431

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