The Caddo Parish Commission met in legal and regular session, on the above date, at 3:30 p.m., in the Government Chambers, with Mr. Doug Dominick, presiding, and the following members in attendance, constituting a quorum: Commissioners Baker, Bowman, Cox, Dominick, Epperson, Escude’, Johnson, Lynch, Smith, Thibodeaux, and Williams (11). ABSENT: Commissioner Linn (1)

The invocation was given by Mr. Jerald Bowman, and Mr. John Escude’ led the Commission in the Pledge of Allegiance.


It was moved by Ms. Lynch, seconded by Mr. Johnson, to expand the agenda to add a new business item pertaining to additional student workers to the Caddo Parish Summer Worker Program. Motion carried.

It was moved by Ms. Lynch, seconded by Mr. Johnson, to add the approval of twelve additional summer workers for the Caddo Parish Summer Worker Program under New Business. Motion carried.

It was moved by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Epperson, that the Regular Session Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 be approved. Motion carried.


It was moved by Ms. Lynch, seconded by Mr. Bowman that Special Resolution of Recognition to the Shreveport Mavericks, ABA National Champions be approved and read. Motion carried, as shown, by the following electronic vote: AYES: Commissioners Baker, Bowman, Cox, Dominick, Epperson, Escude’, Johnson, Lynch, Smith, Thibodeaux, and Williams (11). NAYS: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Linn (1).

Ms. Lynch stated that one of the Commission’s goals is to provide economic development with locating new businesses and industries to Caddo Parish. Caddo Magnet High School has been one of the high school’s that was trumpeted in various presentations to visiting companies. Ms. Lynch, on behalf of the full body, thanked Ms. Rounds for her service to this community.

Ms. Rounds thanked the Commission and Ms. Lynch for this recognition; Ms. Rounds stated that she is deeply appreciative, humbled, and honored for this recognition. Ms. Rounds statedthat the one thing she knew was how to train and nurture children and she was blessed to have that opportunity for the past thirty seven years. She further stated that it has been a real privilege to have served this community and has no regrets, but she also looks forward to enjoying her retirement with family and friends.

Mr. Johnson thanked Ms. Rounds for her thirty seven years of service. Mr. Johnson stated that his daughter attends Magnet High and Ms. Rounds’ leadership helped his daughter transition from that middle school to high school, a time that is very hard for fourteen and fifteen year old children. He also said that the students will miss Ms. Rounds, and the Caddo Parish School System will feel the effects of Ms. Rounds’ departure.

Mr. Williams stated that a quality education is the real equalizer. Once the children recognize the importance of education and work hard, they can one day be our local CEO’s, Mayors, bank presidents, doctors and lawyers to ensure a brighter future for the Parish and City. Mr. Williams thanked Ms. Rounds for service to this community.

Mr. Thibodeaux stated that he had the great pleasure of representing the area around Caddo Magnet High School when he served as a School Board Member. He also said that Ms. Rounds filled some really big shoes when Ascension Smith retired and today Caddo Magnet High is once again looking for someone to fill some really big shoes because of Ms. Rounds’ departure. Mr. Thibodeaux pointed out that the success of Magnet comes from the administration and teaches wanting to serve the children, as well as the students and parents there wanting to learn and improve everyday they are on that campus. Mr. Thibodeaux thanked Ms. Rounds for her service and congratulated her on her new opportunities in retirement.

Mr. Dominick thanked Ms. Rounds for her years of service to this community and congratulated her on her new found retirement.


WHEREAS, the Caddo Parish Commission notes with great interest and satisfaction those milestone events that occur in the lives of citizens of Caddo Parish, and particularly when those individuals have made significant contributions during decades of service to the community; and

75 Commission Minutes June 5, 2014 Page WHEREAS, such an individual is Ms. Mary Rounds, a respected local educator, school administrator, community leader and positive Christian example who is concluding a 37-year career in the Caddo Parish School System; and

WHEREAS, Mary Rounds has served in a variety of roles in the Parish, most recently as principal at Caddo Magnet High School. From 1997 to 2014 she has successfully served as principal at not only one of Shreveport’s premier high schools but also one of the State of ’s premier high schools; and

WHEREAS, Ms. Rounds has established a legacy of dedication, commitment and concern for the educational mission, and she has exemplified the traits of leadership and caring for students and teachers alike, earning the admiration and respect of all; and

WHEREAS, her valued service was acknowledged on Wednesday, May 21st at a retirement tribute program at Caddo Magnet High School. There, staff members and colleagues, students past and present, and citizens of the community joined in expressing their love and appreciation for her untiring efforts to shape young lives.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Caddo Parish Commission, this 5thday of June, 2014, that it does in respectful appreciation and recognition of her contributions to this Parish hereby declare and proclaim Thursday, June 5, 2014, to be

"MARY ROUNDS DAY" in Caddo Parish, Louisiana, calling upon all citizens of the Parish to share in the sense of pride and achievement that her attainment deserves.

At this time, Ms. Lynch’s motion carried, as shown, by the following electronic vote: AYES: Commissioners Baker, Bowman, Cox, Dominick, Epperson, Escude’, Johnson, Lynch, Smith, Thibodeaux, and Williams (11). NAYS: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Linn (1).

It was moved by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Johnson, that Special Resolution of Recognition to Ms. Tiya “Ty” Scroggins, Louisiana Economic Development and U.S. Small Business Administration’s Minority Business Champion for 2014 be approved and read.


WHEREAS, the Louisiana Economic Development (LED) and the U.S. Small Business Administration announced the 2014 Louisiana Small Business Award winners at an event that was held at the Governor’s Mansion on Wednesday, May 14th, 2014.

WHEREAS, the Small Business Administration (SBA) Louisiana District has selected Tiya “Ty” Scroggins, MBA of Scroggins Consulting, LLC as its Minority Business Champion for 2014. This accolade reflects an individual who has fulfilled a commitment to the advancement of small business opportunities for minority business owners.

WHEREAS, Scroggins Consulting, LLC is a consulting firm, located in Shreveport and New Orleans, specializing in administrative management, project management, and training in an array of services that include: business development, technical assistance, public outreach, leadership development, and other services.

WHEREAS, Ms. Scroggins has volunteered beyond business and professional responsibilities to advance minority small business interests within the community, and demonstrated efforts to improve conditions in the minority small business community as a whole.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Caddo Parish Commission, meeting in legal and regular session, on this 5th day of June, 2014, that it does hereby heartily commend and congratulate Ms. Tiya Scroggins for being awarded the 2014 Minority Business Champion from the Small Business Administration Louisiana District.

Mr. Williams stated that Ms. Scroggins is a real star and a champion of minority small businesses here in the State of Louisiana. Mr. Williams pointed out that Caddo Parish has many stars that need to be recognized and Ms. Scroggins is just such one of those talented individuals. Mr. Williams thanked Ms. Scroggins for being a real example to woman and other young minorities in the community. Mr. Williams also pointed out that we may have found the grant writer the Commission has been looking for of the last few years.

Ms. Lynch congratulated Ms. Scroggins on her hard work the recognition it has attained. Ms. Lynch stated that she met Ms. Scroggins at a community event and was impressed by her knowledge, passion and love for the community. Ms. Lynch pointed out that this award is a national award to be proud of.

76 Commission Minutes June 5, 2014 Page Ms. Scroggins thanked Commissioner Williams and Commissioner Lynch, along with all of the other Commissioners, on recognizing her for this award. Ms. Scoggins stated that she actually grew up in Shreveport and then left for college in New Orleans; she stayed in New Orleans after graduation but returned after Hurricane Katrina devastated the city. Ms. Scroggins stated that she came back and is proud to show those youngsters that with a little hard work you can make it no matter the circumstances.

Mr. Bowman stated that Ms. Scroggins is a great example to the community and our kids and he is very proud to have her in our community working to build a better future.

Mr. Dominick congratulated Ms. Scroggins on her hard work and commitment to the community.

At this time, Mr. Williams’ motion carried, as shown, by the following electronic vote: AYES: Commissioners Baker, Bowman, Cox, Dominick, Epperson, Escude’, Johnson, Lynch, Smith, Thibodeaux, and Williams (11). NAYS: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Linn (1).


 Mr. Epperson directed the following items to the Administration for answers regarding the resignation of Dr. George from the LSU Board of Supervisors:

1. Will this resignation affect Mr. George’s position as President/CEO of the Biomedical Research Foundation (BRF)?

2. What is the status of the $500,000 committed to the Biomedical Research Foundation’s Entrepreneurial Accelerated Program?

3. Will Dr. George be compensated now by the BRF since he has resigned from the LSU Board of Supervisors?

4. Have we proven that no part of the economic development millage approved by the voters for economic development is being used for the funding of the University Medical System?

5. Was the $120,000,000 requested through the State of Louisiana’s Capital Outlay Program approved?

Mr. Epperson also stated that he has received a lot of communications and questions related to the new sponsorship (Duck Commander Independence Bowl) and he would like to know if it affects any of the appropriations that were previously approved for the year 2014. He would also like to know: has the appropriation occurred, how does the Cooperative Endeavor read, and does the sponsorship naming matter.

Mr. Epperson asked about the status from the Attorney General’s Office regarding the members of the Shreveport City Council and Caddo Commission sitting on the Metropolitan Planning Commission’s Selection Committee related to the hiring of the new Executive Director.

Finally, Mr. Epperson talked about veterans issues. He stated that the citizens that have questions concerning the VA should go to people that have factual information. Mr. Epperson stated that all the parishes in the State of Louisiana provide a Veterans Affairs Office for people to go to that have issues or questions related to anything that involves veterans, veteran spouses, or dependents. Mr. Epperson also informed the Commissioners that the Military and Veterans Committee will have a day set to view the World War II Military Museum during the NACo Conference in New Orleans. Mr. Epperson also reminded everyone of tomorrow’s 70th Anniversary of D-Day.

 Ms. Lynch stated that she was contacted last week about an issue related to horses on a vacant lot in her district. She continued to explain that many people were concerned about these horses being inside the city limits and they would like them removed. Ms. Lynch stated that she spoke with the owner of the horses and he plans to move the horses as soon as possible. Ms. Lynch requested that Mr. Harris and Animal Services follow up on this issue and keep her updated of the situation.

 Mr. Williams stated that he recently had an opportunity to spend some time at Animal

Services and Mr. Harris. Upon leaving the facility, he took with him a new appreciation of the kind of job conducted by the staff and director. Mr. Williams stated that he understands that their job is hard and sometimes thankless, but he wanted Mr. Harris and his staff to know he appreciates their work.

 Mr. Cox stated that it was his understanding that an ordinance had been proposed or potentially passed to allow chicken or fowl in the city limits and would like some clarification if possible.

77 Commission Minutes June 5, 2014 Page Mr. Harris stated that the MPC is working on regulations that addresses those kind of uses inside the City of Shreveport. He also said that there are issues that will need to be addressed by both the City and Parish, but at this time they are still far from having an ordinance that everyone can agree on.

Mr. Escude stated that the UDC Committee is meeting with Comeris to address this issue and many others, but they will not be ready to send to either body for another eight to twelve months.

Mr. Harris stated there are a lot of issues that will need to be worked, but until that time current regulations will be followed.

 Mr. Bowman thanked Mr. Harris for his professional demeanor and willingness to work with the Animal Services Committee each month.

Mr. Bowman asked Mr. Harris if riding horses in the Queensborough area on the streets is legal. Mr. Harris stated at this time it is legal both in Shreveport and Caddo Parish to ride horses upon the streets.

Answering a from Mr. Epperson related to a pit bull on Sonhaven, Mr. Harris stated at this time a continuation has been ordered, but they are not sure when the case will be heard again. Mr. Harris stated that Animal Services’ stance at this time is to have the dog euthanized.

 Mr. Johnson pointed out that horses are welcomed in District 2 and there are quite a few citizens that ride horses in that portion of the city.

 Mr. Wilson stated that related to Mr. George, it is his understanding that he is resigning from the LSU Supervisory Board so that he can focus all his time on the Biomedical Research Foundation and the Entrepreneurial Accelerated Program.

 Mr. Wilson stated that Sheriff Prator is here today to discuss or answer any questions related to the Office of Homeland Security or Emergency Preparedness.

Sheriff Prator stated that after listening to the Work Session, he thought he would come today and answer any questions the Commissioners may have at this time.

Mr. Epperson stated that he felt this should take place at a Work Session instead of a Regular Session Meeting.

Mr. Dominick stated that after talking to the Sheriff he invited him to today’s Regular Session because of the time crunch involved.

Answering a question from Mr. Cox regarding how office might be set up, Sheriff Prator stated that since Bossier City and Parish decided to pull out of the joint office, it became apparent that Caddo Parish would need to create its own office. After some lengthy discussion, he decided that the best course of action, and least costly to the taxpayers, would be for the Sheriff’s Office to handle the Office of Homeland Security and the Office of Emergency Preparedness. Sheriff Prator stated that he has been in the preparedness business for more than thirty years and believes he and his staff can take care of the office just as good as anyone else could, so he asked that he be allowed to take care of this office going forward. Sheriff Prator believes this will be an office everyone involved can be proud of in the future.

Mr. Bowman thanked the Sheriff for stepping up and being willing to take this office to ensure the residents of Caddo Parish are protected and prepared.

Mr. Dominick stated that the Cooperative Endeavor should be ready for all parties involved by next week and hopefully can move that matter to our next Work Session.

Mr. Williams agrees that since the Sheriff’s Department, along with other first responder ,s are first on the scene, this will be a perfect match for Caddo Parish and Shreveport.

Mr. Escude’ believes this office is now in the perfect hands and he knows the Sheriff and his staff will do a great job running the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency preparedness.

Answering a question from Mr. Escude’ on the use of grant monies for this office, Sheriff Prator stated that the grant money has almost dried out over the last three years. He stated that last year, they split approximately $98,000, half of which went to the City of Shreveport and the other half was split between the Commission and Sheriff’s Office. Sheriff Prator stated that they will continue to apply for grants, but the office will not be run off of grant money.

Sheriff Prator did point out that he hopes his concerns are addressed related to the President’s authority to name the Emergency Preparedness Director each year. He also said that he is hiring two employees to take care of the office and ensure some kind of stability to be held each year.

78 Commission Minutes June 5, 2014 Page

Mr. Thibodeaux pointed out that two years ago the leadership that was provided by the Sheriff regarding to a well blowout was second to none and it was an example of what we can look forward to in the future with emergency preparedness.

Mr. Dominick thanked the Sheriff for coming today and he is looking forward for the Sheriff to take command on this issue.

 Mrs. Bryant recognized the student workers hired for the 2014 Summer Work Program: Tyler Thomas, Adam McGee, Brianna Johnson, Niya Ilas, Taylor Franklin, Jeremy Small, and Krista Charles. Mrs. Bryant stated that there other students working, but because of scheduling conflicts they were not able to attend the meeting.

Mr. Williams welcomed all the summer workers and hopes this experience is a good one for the future.

 Dr. Wilson stated that yesterday he received information on the 2014-2015 grant from the State of Louisiana Office of Homeland Security and that notice stated that this year’s grant is for $57,898. Dr. Wilson also said that this was less than originally expected.


 Mr. Dominick informed the Commissioners of the opening of Thunder Road in Gilliam. Thunder Road is the drag strip that was opened a decade ago but has been closed for some time; new ownership came along and plans a full slate of racing along with other events for the future.

 Mr. Dominick also informed the Commissioners about the passing of Mr. Mike Francis, president of the Ward II Industrial Development Board last Sunday morning. Mr. Dominick stated thatMr. Francis’ dedication to Ward II and north Caddo has been one of the reasons of the success and growthof the Ward II Industrial Park.


 ZONING CASE NO. P-6-14, in regard to Ordinance No. 5399 of 2014, property located on the NE side of Ellerbe Road, 250 feet SE of Redrick Drive VINTAGE REALTY COMPANY APPLICANT Request to rezone Lots 10, 11, 18, & 19, Forbing Heights Sub, Caddo Parish, LA, from R-1D, Urban One-Family Residence District & B-1, Buffer Business District to B-3, Community Business District to permit a bank, office, & retail on property located on the NE side of Ellerbe Rd 250 feet SE of Redrick Dr.

 ZONING CASE NO. P-8-14, in regard to Ordinance No. 5400 of 2014, property located on the NE corner of Jefferson Paige Road and Greenwood Road DALE & BONNIE PRACHT APPLICANT Request to amend the zoning of property located on the NE corner of Jefferson Paige Road and Greenwood Road, Caddo Parish, LA, from R-1D, Urban One-Family Residence District to I-1, Light Industry District to permit I-1 development on property.

 ZONING CASE NO. P-9-14, in regard to Ordinance No. 5401 of 2014 property located on the NW corner of Jade Circle and Mayo Road LIFE LONG FITNESS & WELLNESS LLC APPLICANT Request to rezone Lot 1, Oak Bend Sub, Caddo Parish, LA, from R-A, Residence Agriculture District to R-A-E, Residence-Agriculture (Extended Use) District limited to “personal trainer” only on property located on the NW corner of Jade Cr & Mayo Rd.

There being no one to speak for or against these zoning ordinances, Mr. Dominick declared that the Public hearing on Zoning Ordinances to be concluded.


 Ordinance No. 5398 of 2014, amending the Budget of Estimated Revenues and Expenditures for the Riverboat Fund in the amount of $30,000 for Christian Services for the year 2014

 Ordinance No. 5402 of 2014, declaring certain adjudicated properties to be surplus and to authorize the Parish Administrator or a designee to sell the Parish’s tax interest for the year 2014

There being no one to speak for or against these ordinances, Mr. Dominick declared that the Public Hearing on Ordinances to be concluded.

ZONING ORDINANCES (for final passage)

It was moved by Mr. Cox, seconded by Mr. Williams, that Ordinance No. 5399 of 2014, in regard to Zoning Case P-6_14, property located on the NE side of Ellerbe Road, 250 feet SE of

79 Commission Minutes June 5, 2014 Page Redrick Drive VINTAGE REALTY COMPANY APPLICANT Request to rezone Lots 10, 11, 18, & 19, Forbing Heights Sub, Caddo Parish, LA, from R-1D, Urban One-Family Residence District & B-1, Buffer Business District to B-3, Community Business District to permit a bank, office, & retail on property located on the NE side of Ellerbe Rd 250 feet SE of Redrick Dr. be adopted. Motion carried, as shown, by the following electronic vote: AYES: Commissioners Baker, Bowman, Cox, Dominick, Epperson, Escude’, Johnson, Lynch, Smith, Thibodeaux, and Williams (11). NAYS: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Linn (1).

ORDINANCE NO. 5399 OF 2014



BE IT ORDAINED by the Caddo Parish Commission in due, legal and regular session convened, that Chapter 51 of the Code of Ordinances of the Parish of Caddo is hereby amended and re- enacted to read as follows, to wit:

The official Zoning Map of the Shreveport Metropolitan Planning Area of Caddo Parish, LA, be amended by rezoning property located on the NE side of Ellerbe Road, 250 feet SE of Redrick Drive, from R-1D, Urban One-Family Residence District to B-1, Buffer Business District, legally described as:

Lots 10, 11, 18, & 19, Forbing Heights Sub, Caddo Parish, LA,

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the rezoning of the property described herein is subject to compliance with the following stipulations:

1. Development of the property shall begin within a period of two (2) years from the date of the adoption of this ordinance and the failure to comply with such stipulation will cause the rezoning herein described to become null and void, and the zoning classification will automatically revert to R-A, Residence-Agriculture District.

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that if any provision or item of this ordinance or the application thereof is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions, items or applications which can be given effect without the invalid provisions, items or applications, and to this end, the provisions of this ordinance are hereby declared severable.

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that this ordinance shall become effective ten (10) days after publication in the official journal.

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that all ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.

It was moved by Ms. Lynch, seconded by Mr. Williams, that Ordinance No. 5400 of 2014, in regard to Zoning Case P-8-14, property located on the NE corner of Jefferson Paige Road and Greenwood Road DALE & BONNIE PRACHT APPLICANT Request to amend the zoning of property located on the NE corner of Jefferson Paige Road and Greenwood Road, Caddo Parish, LA, from R-1D, Urban One-Family Residence District to I-1, Light Industry District to permit I-1 development on property be adopted.

Ms. Lynch pointed out that when originally put on the agenda this item showed District 12, but wanted to ensure that everyone knew this item was in District 7, as shown on today’s agenda. Ms. Lynch also stated that she spoke with owner and checked with the MPC to find no opposition on this rezoning ordinance. Ms. Lynch’s asks for approval of this ordinance by the other Commissioners.

At this time, Ms. Lynch’s motion carried, as shown, by the following electronic vote: AYES: Commissioners Baker, Bowman, Cox, Dominick, Epperson, Escude’, Johnson, Lynch, Smith, Thibodeaux, and Williams (11). NAYS: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Linn (1).

ORDINANCE NO. 5400 OF 2014




BE IT ORDAINED by the Caddo Parish Commission in due, legal and regular session convened, that Chapter 51 of the Code of Ordinances of the Parish of Caddo is hereby amended and re- enacted to read as follows, to wit:

The official Zoning Map of the Shreveport Metropolitan Planning Area of Caddo Parish, LA, be amended by rezoning property located on the NE corner of Jefferson Paige Road and Greenwood Road from R-1D, Urban One-Family Residence District to I-1, Light Industry District, legally described as:

A 1.825 acre parcel of land located in Lot 1, Marston Park Unit 1, a Sub in a portion of the S1/2 of the S1/2 of Sect 8, T17N, R14W, Caddo Parish, LA more particularly described as: Commence at the NW corner of Lot 1, thence run S89º50’42”E 25 feet to a 1 ½ inch iron pipe found for corner at the intersection of the east R/W line of Odell St (private drive) & the south R/W of Bullen St & the POB of the parcel herein described; thence run along the south R/W of Bullen St S89º50’42”E 172 feet to the NE corner of Lot 1, thence run S0º18’8”W along the east line of Lot 1 for 533.35 feet to the north R/W line of State Project No 809-13-0003, Jefferson Paige Rd (I-220-US 80) Rt No LA 3231, thence run N68º30’48”W along said north R/W line 4.14 feet to a R/W corner, thence run along the new north R/W line of Jefferson Paige these 3 calls: N53º43’32”W 99.08 feet to a R/W corner, N40º16’43”W 88.06 feet to a R/W corner, thence continuing along said R/W line run along a curve to the left which has a radius of 636.16 feet an arc length of 45.61 feet & a chord which bears N41º58’17”W 45.60 feet to a R/W corner on the intersection with the east R/W of Odell St, thence run along the said east R/W line N0º18’8”E 372.59 feet to the POB.

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the rezoning of the property described herein is subject to compliance with the following stipulation:

1. Development of the property shall begin within a period of two (2) years from the date of the adoption of this ordinance and the failure to comply with such stipulation will cause the rezoning herein described to become null and void, and the zoning classification will automatically revert to R-1D, Urban One-Family Residence District.

2. A site plan specific to the proposed use shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Commission prior to the issuance of any permits. Said site plan shall be considered at the May 21, 2014 meeting. Development of the property shall be in substantial accord with the final approved site plan with any significant changes or additions requiring further review and approval by the Planning Commission.

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that if any provision or item of this ordinance or the application thereof is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions, items or applications which can be given effect without the invalid provisions, items or applications, and to this end, the provisions of this ordinance are hereby declared severable.

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that this ordinance shall become effective ten (10) days after publication in the official journal.

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that all ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.

It was moved by Mr. Thibodeaux, seconded by Mr. Bowman, that Ordinance No. 5401 of 2014, in regard to Zoning Case P-9-14, property located on the NW corner of Jade Circle and Mayo Road LIFE LONG FITNESS & WELLNESS LLC APPLICANT Request to rezone Lot 1, Oak Bend Sub, Caddo Parish, LA, from R-A, Residence-Agriculture District to R-A-E, Residence-Agriculture (Extended Use) District limited to “personal trainer” only on property located on the NW corner of Jade Cr & Mayo Rd. be adopted. Motion carried, as shown, by the following electronic vote: AYES: Commissioners Baker, Bowman, Cox, Dominick, Epperson, Escude’, Johnson, Lynch, Smith, Thibodeaux, and Williams (11). NAYS: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Linn (1).

ORDINANCE NO. 5401 OF 2014




BE IT ORDAINED by the Caddo Parish Commission in due, legal and regular session convened, that Chapter 51 of the Code of Ordinances of the Parish of Caddo is hereby amended and re- enacted to read as follows, to wit:

The official Zoning Map of the Shreveport Metropolitan Planning Area of Caddo Parish, LA, be amended by rezoning property located on the NW corner of Jade Circle and Mayo Road, Caddo Parish, LA, from R-A, Residence-Agriculture District to R-A-E, Residence-Agriculture/Extended Use District, limited to “personal trainer” only, legally described as:

Lot 1, Oak Bend Sub, Caddo Parish, LA,

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the rezoning of the property described herein is subject to compliance with the following stipulations:

1. Development of the property shall be in substantial accord with the site plan submitted with any significant changes or additions requiring further review and approval by the Planning Commission.

2. Applicant shall be limited to one client at a time, by appointment only, with the hours of operation being 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

3 Development of the property shall begin within a period of two (2) years from the date of the adoption of this ordinance and the failure to comply with such stipulation will cause the rezoning herein described to become null and void, and the zoning classification will automatically revert to R-A.

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that if any provision or item of this ordinance or the application thereof is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions, items or applications which can be given effect without the invalid provisions, items or applications, and to this end, the provisions of this ordinance are hereby declared severable.

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that this ordinance shall become effective ten (10) days after publication in the official journal.

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that all ordinances or parts thereof inconflict herewith are hereby repealed.

ORDINANCES (for final passage)

It was moved by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Williams, that Ordinance No. 5398 of 2014, amending the Budget of Estimated Revenues and Expenditures for the Riverboat Fund in the amount of $30,000 for Christian Services for the year 2014 be adopted.

ORDINANCE NO. 5398 OF 2014



WHEREAS, the Non-Governmental Organizations Committee of the Caddo Parish Commission recommended the Commission provide an appropriation of $30,000 for the Christian Service Program; and

WHEREAS, the Christian Service Program is a direct service organization helping the homeless; and

WHEREAS, the primary goal and mission of the Christian Service Program is to help the homeless with shelter, food, affordable housing and a chance to work; and

WHEREAS, the Christian Service Program serves the jurisdiction of Northwest Louisiana; and

82 Commission Minutes June 5, 2014 Page WHEREAS it is necessary to amend the 2014 Budget to provide an appropriation of $30,000 for the Christian Service Program; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Caddo Parish Commission in due, legal and regular session convened, that Budget of Estimated Revenues and Expenditures for the Riverboat and Oil and Gas Funds for the year 2014 is hereby amended as follows:

Budget Increase (Decrease) Riverboat Fund NGO Appropriations – Christian Service Program $30,000 Transfer from Oil and Gas $30,000

Oil and Gas Fund Transfer to Riverboat Fund $30,000

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that if any provision or item of this ordinance or the application thereof is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions, items or applications which can be given effect without the invalid provisions, items or applications, and to this end the provisions of this ordinance are hereby declared severable.

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that this ordinance shall take effect upon adoption.

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that all ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.

Answering a question from Mr. Dominick on the funds to pay for this appropriation, Mrs. Bryant stated that the ordinance reads that $30,000 will be taken from the Oil & Gas Fund and transferred to the Riverboat Fund to pay for the Christian Services appropriation.

Mr. Johnson stated that this was a new request because of changes at Christian Services management, the application did not get in on time as in the past.

Mr. Escude’ stated that at the last committee meeting, the question of where the money would come from came up and it was his understanding that it would come from the Riverboat Fund.

Mrs. Bryant pointed out that they communicated earlier that Riverboat Fund monies were down and that the fund would not likely make the amount originally estimated for the Budget.

Mr. Escude’ stated that he has supported Riverboat Fund expenditures as long as they stay within the budgeted amounts of the fund. He has also voted against spending money from Riverboat Fund when it is tapped out and other funds are having to be transferred in. He will not be supporting Ordinance No. 5398 of 2014.

Answering a question from Ms. Lynch related to fund balance in the Riverboat Fund, Mrs. Bryant stated that the estimate is less than $200,000, but does not know the current to date total. The Budget was based on $1.6 million in revenue, but does not expect that to come in this year. Mrs. Bryant also pointed that out Riverboat funds have been trending down in the last two years. Mrs. Bryant also pointed out that based on financial practices, they would not recommend funding any more appropriations out of the Riverboat Fund without transferring monies from another fund; the fund needs to keep a fund balance in it for precautions like not meeting the revenue estimated earlier on in the budget process.

Mr. Williams feels that this Christian Services appropriation is important to the community and its citizens; it will help to make sure the poor and needy are taken care of in the Parish and City in a time of need. Mr. Williams hopes that the Commissioners will support Ordinance No. 5398 of 2014.

Answering a question from Mr. Johnson related to past monies left over from organizations, Mrs. Bryant stated that the past organizations that were cleared through the legal process have received there monies, but there has been one or two times when an organization has not used there monies and they were returned to the Commission. Those monies do stay in the fund if they are not used. Mrs. Bryant stated that items like Summer Work Program, Audit Process, Debt Service, General Fund administration costs and then NGO costs come out of the Riverboat Fund.

Mr. Johnson believes that the organization meets the needs for so many citizens and it is important to come back to the Commission for this funding. Mr. Johnson asks that the Commissioners support Ordinance No. 5398 of 2014.

Mr. Cox stated that Christian Services is one of the organizations he supports because it makes such a difference in the lives of so many around Caddo Parish. Mr. Cox stated that he will be supporting Ordinance No. 5398 of 2014. He would like to see all of the NGO programs reviewed before the 2015 Budget to be trimmed to items that really make a difference and cut out some of these duplicated after school programs.

83 Commission Minutes June 5, 2014 Page Mr. Epperson called for the question, seconded by Ms. Lynch. Motion carried, as shown, by the following electronic vote: AYES: Commissioners Baker, Bowman, Cox, Dominick, Epperson, Escude’, Johnson, Lynch, Smith, Thibodeaux, and Williams (11). NAYS: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Linn (1).

At this time, Mr. Johnson’s motion carried, as shown, by the following electronic vote: AYES: Commissioners Baker, Bowman, Cox, Dominick, Epperson, Johnson, Lynch, Smith, Thibodeaux, and Williams (10). NAYS: Commissioner Escude’ (1). ABSENT: Commissioner Linn (1).

ORDINANCE NO. 5402 OF 2014



WHEREAS, the hereinbelow described properties are no longer needed for public purposes and should be declared surplus properties; and

WHEREAS, the Parish of Caddo has received offers to purchase its tax interest in the hereinbelow described properties as indicated below.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Caddo Parish Commission in due, legal and regular session convened, that the hereinbelow described properties are no longer needed for public purposes and are surplus properties.

WHEREAS, the Parish of Caddo has a tax interest in the hereinbelow described properties which have been adjudicated for the non-payment of Parish property taxes; and

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that the Caddo Parish Commission does hereby authorize the sale of its tax interest in the hereinbelow described properties for an amount not less than the offer as indicated below.

Property No. 1: 1.00 Acre of land in NE/4 of Sec 16-18-15 per Assrs Country plat. a subdivision of Caddo Parish as per plat recorded in the Conveyance Records of Caddo Parish, LA (GEO #181516-000-0054)

Property No 2: Lot 55 Lakeview Extension 1., a subdivision of Caddo Parish, Louisiana as per plat recorded in the Conveyance Records of Caddo Parish, LA (GEO #181429-001-0055)

Property No.3: W/2 of Lot 8, WW Jones Sub, Unit #1, Less Drainage ditch R/W; a subdivision in the City of Shreveport of Caddo Parish as per plat recorded in the Conveyance Records of Caddo Parish, LA (GEO #181417-043-0028)

Property No. 4: S. 40ft of N 80ft of E/2 of lot 646, Jones Mabry Sub, a subdivision in the City of Shreveport of Caddo Parish, Louisiana as per plat recorded in the Conveyance Records of CaddoParish, LA (GEO #181417-030-0680)

Property No. 5: the S. 205ft of E. 236ft of Lot 116 Less the E. 100ftof the W. 150ft of the S. 200ft thereof the Jones Mabry Sub, Unit 2 a subdivision in the City of Shreveport of Caddo Parish, Louisiana as per plat recorded in the Conveyance Records of Caddo Parish, LA (GEO #181421-001-0367)

Property No. 6: Lots 26 & 27, Blk 8 Currie Sub., a subdivision in Caddo Parish, Louisiana as per plat recorded in the Conveyance Records of Caddo Parish, LA (GEO #171402-028-0026)

Property No. 7: Lot 2-A, Less RW, Arlington Heights., a subdivision in the City of Shreveport of Caddo Parish, Louisiana as per plat recorded in the Conveyance Records of Caddo Parish, LA (GEO #171402-058-0028)

Property No. 8: Lot 65 Greenlawn Terrace Sub., a subdivision in the City of Shreveport of Caddo Parish, Louisiana as per plat recorded in the Conveyance Records of Caddo Parish, LA (GEO #181435-01-0065)

Property No. 9: Lot 59, EM Smith Sub., a subdivision in the City of Shreveport of Caddo Parish, Louisiana as per plat recorded in the Conveyance Records of Caddo Parish, LA (GEO #171305-028-0056)

Property No. 10: Lot 24 Blk 15, Ingleside Sub., a subdivision in the City of Shreveport of Caddo Parish, Louisiana as per plat recorded in the Conveyance Records of Caddo Parish, LA (GEO #171410-132-0024)

84 Commission Minutes June 5, 2014 Page

Property No. 11: Lot 93, Exposition Hts. & 1/2 Adj Abdn. Alley, a subdivision in the City of Shreveport of Caddo Parish, Louisiana as per plat recorded in the Conveyance Records of Caddo Parish, LA (GEO #171410-033-0093)

Property No. 12: Lots 254, 255 & 1/2 Aband Ally Adj on rear, Caddo Heights Sub., a subdivision in the City of Shreveport of Caddo Parish, Louisiana as per plat recorded in the Conveyance Records of Caddo Parish, LA (GEO #171413-109-0311)

Property No. 13: Lot 3 & S. 20ft of Lot 2, Blk C, Mandel Addn., a subdivision in the City of Shreveport of Caddo Parish, Louisiana as per plat recorded in the Conveyance Records of Caddo Parish, LA (GEO #171416-07-0003)

Property No. 14: Lot 16, Blk L, Mandel Addn., a subdivision in the City of Shreveport of Caddo Parish, Louisiana as per plat recorded in the Conveyance Records of Caddo Parish, LA (GEO #171416-086-0016)

Property No. 15: Lot 16 Casa Cove, Unit #1, a subdivision in the City of Shreveport of Caddo Parish, Louisiana as per plat recorded in the Conveyance Records of Caddo Parish, LA (GEO #171523-004-0018)

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that the Caddo Parish Administrator, or his designee, shall be authorized to do any and all things and to sign any and all documents, including Acts of Cash Sale, in a form acceptable to the Caddo Parish Attorney necessary to effectuate the purposes set forth herein.

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that if any provision or item of this ordinance or the application thereof is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions, items or applications which can be given effect without the invalid provisions, items or applications, and to this end, the provisions of this ordinance are hereby declared severable.

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that this ordinance shall become effective ten (10) days after publication in the official journal.

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that all ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.

It was moved by Mr. Epperson, seconded by Mr. Johnson, that Ordinance No. 5402 of 2014, declaring certain adjudicated properties to be surplus and to authorize the Parish Administrator or a designee to sell the Parish’s tax interest for the year 2014 be adopted. Motion carried, as shown, by the following electronic vote: AYES: Commissioners Baker, Bowman, Cox, Dominick, Epperson, Escude’, Johnson, Lynch, Smith, Thibodeaux, and Williams (9). NAYS: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Linn (1).

ZONING ORDINANCES (for introduction)

 ZONING CASE APPEAL BAP-22-14, property located at 6265 Colquitt Rd on the south east side of Colquitt Rd at its intersection with Jersey Gold Rd, ALVARO VARGAS, OWNER/APPELLANT. Request for Special Exception Use in an R-A District, proposed use for secondary residential district (mobile home). THERE WILL BE A PUBLIC HEARING ON THIS ZONING CASE APPEAL JUNE 19, 2014

ORDINANCES (for introduction by title)

 Ordinance No. 5403 of 2014, amending certain sections of Chapter 26 of the Code of Ordinances, the Caddo Parish Motor Vehicles and Traffic

It was moved by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Epperson, that the Work Session minutes of June 2, 2014 be approved. Motion carried.






WHEREAS, the Parish of Caddo may own certain mineral rights underlying the following described property, to-wit:

Lot One (1), of Lot Five (5) Block "B", Mooring Land, as per plat recorded in COB 50, Page 437 located in the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SW/4 of NE/4), Section 3, Township 19 North, Range 16 West, Caddo Parish, Louisiana, being the same property adjudicated to Caddo Parish, Louisiana in the name of A. F. Muller for unpaid taxes of 2004 in Tax Deed recorded in COB 3770, Page 124, Register No. 1982117 of the Conveyance Records of Caddo Parish, Louisiana, containing 1.00 acre, more or less,

Lot Two (2), of Lot Five (5) Block "B", Mooring Land, as per plat recorded in COB 50, Page 437 located in the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SW/4 of NE/4), Section 3, township 19 North, Range 16 West, Caddo Parish, Louisiana, being the same property adjudicated to Caddo Parish, Louisiana in the name of WESTCO Company for unpaid taxes of 2001 in Tax Deed recorded in COB 3542, Page 508, Register No. 1809606 of the Conveyance Records of Caddo Parish, Louisiana, containing 1.00 acre, more or less.

All that portion of the Hereford Road, lying within the W/2 of W/2 of SW/4 of Section 33, Township 20 North, Range 16 West and the SE/4 of SE/4 of Section 32, Township 20 North, Range 16 West containing 2.72 acres, more or less, being all that portion of Hereford road shown on a survey originally dated April 3, 1985, prepared by John L. Normand, Jr., recorded in the Caddo Parish Clerk of Court, Conveyance records at COB 2229, PG 742, No. 1039777; LESS AND EXCEPT: That portion of Hereford Road shown on the fore mentioned recorded survey which are subject to a reservation of minerals by the United States of America, being all that portion of Hereford Road located within the boundaries of the United States Government Lots 3 and 5, of Section 33, Township 20 North, Range 16 West, as depicted on an official government surveyof Township 20 North, Range 16 West, Louisiana Meridian, dated March 28, 1917, by the United States of America, Department of the Interior, General Land Office, leaving 2.72 acres, more or less, all tracts being a total of 4.72 acres, more or less, all located in Caddo Parish, Louisiana.

WHEREAS, the Parish of Caddo has received a written request from Strata Acquisitions LLC, that the Parish seek public bids for an oil, gas and mineral lease covering said property; and

WHEREAS, the Parish of Caddo does not have the knowledge or resources available to determine if it owns the mineral rights and the Parish of Caddo will rely on the expertise and experience of the lessee in determining ownership; and

WHEREAS, it is expressly agreed that any lease granted by the Parish of Caddo and accepted by lessee is without any warranty of title and without any recourse against the Parish of Caddo whatsoever, either express or implied, and it is expressly agreed that the Parish of Caddo shall not be required to return any payments received or be otherwise responsible t lessee therefore; and

WHEREAS, the Louisiana State Mineral and Energy Board and the Office of Mineral Resources, is available upon the request of Caddo Parish to lease the aforesaid property for oil, gas and other minerals if requested to do so by Caddo Parish.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Caddo Parish Commission in due, regular and legal session convened, that the Louisiana State Mineral and Energy Board and the Office of Mineral Resources, be and it is hereby requested and authorized to accept nominations and advertise for oil, gas and mineral leases, accept bids and award and execute oil, gas and mineral leases on the aforesaid properties of certain mineral interests owned by the Parish of Caddo.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any such lease contain a no surface operations provision as follows: Lessee, its successors or assigns, may produce oil, gas and other minerals from the leased premises by drilling from a surface location on other lands, but notwithstanding any other provision of this lease, Lessee, its successors or assigns, shall not use the surface of the Lessor’s property for drilling or any other operations without prior written permission of Lessor, which permission may be withheld at Lessor’s discretion.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any such lease contain a horizontal pugh provision as follows: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein contained, at the end of the primary term or any extension thereof by operations, if the Commission of Conservation of the State of Louisiana establishes a drilling unit which includes a part of the land herein leased, the production of oil, gas and other minerals from such unit shall maintain this lease in full force and effect only as to such portions of the leased land embraced in said pooled unit; and this lease shall expire as to that part of the land herein leased not included in such unit; and lessee, its successors and assigns agrees to relinquish by formal instrument any portion of the leased land not included in a unit created by the Commission of Conservation while this lease is in effect

86 Commission Minutes June 5, 2014 Page

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any such lease contain a vertical pugh provision as follows: Upon the expiration of the primary term hereof or any extension thereof by operations, this lease shall automatically terminate and be of no further force or effect except as to all that part of the leased premises then included within the geographical boundaries of a producing unit duly established by governmental agency or authority having jurisdiction, from the surface of the earth to a depth of 100 feet below the deepest depth from which any well commenced during the primary term hereof on the leased premises or on lands pooled therewith is completed and from which there is production in paying quantities, such depth determination to be made on a unit by unit basis. In the absence of units so established, this lease shall terminate except as to 40 acres around each producing oil well and 160 acres around each producing or shut-in gas well located on the leased premises, in as near the form of a square as is practicable, from the surface of the earth down to a depth of 100 feet below the deepest depth from which said well or wells are completed and from which there is production in paying quantities, such depth determination to be made on a well by well basis.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any such lease contain a minimum royalty provision as follows: Royalty of not less than 1/4th or 25%.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any such lease contain a minimum bonus provision as follows: Bonus of not less than $500.00 per acre.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any such lease contain a depth reservation or exclusion as follows: Caddo Parish Commission hereby reserves unto itself and excludes from any such lease all mineral rights from the surface down to a depth of 3,000 feet subsurface.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any such lease contain a royalty payment back to date of first production provision as follows: Lessee hereby agrees that all production royalties due and payable under this Oil, Gas and Mineral lease shall be due and payable and calculated from the datethat the production of oil, gas and other hydrocarbons first occurs from any unit, whether voluntary or established by the Commissioner of Conservation, in which all or any part of the property herein described is included, even is said production occurs prior to the effective date of this lease.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any such lease contain a hard or solid mineral exclusion provision as follows: This lease shall exclude free sulphur, potash, lignite, salt and any other hard or solid mineral. Lessee shall not have any rights to explore, drill for, mine, produce or take any action whatsoever in regard to any such hard or solid mineral deposits.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any such lease contain a maximum term provision as follows: Primary term of lease shall not exceed three (3) years.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED if any provision or item of this resolution or the application thereof is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions, items or applications which can be given effect without the invalid provisions, items or applications, and to this end, the provisions of this resolution are hereby declared severable.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall take effect immediately.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all resolutions or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.

It was moved by Mr. Dominick, seconded by Mr. Bowman, that Resolution No. 22 of 2014, to authorize the Caddo Parish Administrator to request and authorize the Louisiana State Mineral and Energy Board and the office of Mineral Resources to accept nominations and advertise for oil, gas and mineral leases, accept bids, and award and execute oil, gas and mineral leases on certain mineral interests owned by the Parish of Caddo as requested by Strata Acquisitions LLC be approved. Motion carried, as shown, by the following electronic vote: AYES: Commissioners Baker, Bowman, Cox, Dominick, Epperson, Escude’, Johnson, Lynch, Smith, Thibodeaux, and Williams (11). NAYS: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Linn (1).




WHEREAS, the Caddo Parish has long been a member of good standing in the National Association of County Officials; and

WHEREAS, Caddo Parish Commissioners have historically been active in all aspects of NACo’s efforts and activities, with numerous Commissioners having served as members, vice-chairs, and chairs of various polices and steering committees, caucuses, and board of directors of the

87 Commission Minutes June 5, 2014 Page organizations; and

WHEREAS, members now serving on the Caddo Parish Commission are eager to continue this tradition of involvement and service, and have therefore submitted applications for appointment to the assignments of their choice.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Caddo Parish Commission, meeting in legal and regular session this 2nd day of June, 2014, that it does hereby endorse and support the candidacies of the following Commissioners and urge the NACo President to appoint them to their respective interest areas:

Lindora Baker, appointment to the Chair of the Community & Economic Development Steering Committee, appointment to the Membership Committee; appointment to the Immigration Reform Task Force; reappointment as Subcommittee Chair of Economic Development of the Community and Economic Development Steering Committee; reappointment as a member of the Large Urban County Caucus; reappointment to the Healthy Counties Initiative Advisory Board; and reappointment to the International Economic Development Task Force

Stephanie Lynch; At Large appointment of the NACo Board of Directors

Matthew Linn reappointment as a member of the Arts and Culture Commission, appointment as a member of the Health Steering Committee, and appointment as a member of the Information Technology Committee

Kenneth Epperson, Sr., reappointment as a member of the Military and Veteran Affairs Committee and reappointment as a member of Community and Economic Development Steering Committee

Lyndon B. Johnson, reappointment as a member of Community and Economic Development Steering Committee;

Michael Williams, reappointment as member of the Justice and Public Safety Steering Committee

David Cox, reappointment to Transportation Steering Committee

Valarie Gunn, reappointment to the Green Government Advisory Board;

Nathan Schlichtemier, appointment as a member of the Information Technology Committee and Cybersecurity Task Force; and

Jerald Bowman, appointment to Next Generation NACo Network.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that if any provision or item of this resolution or the application thereof is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions, items or applications of this resolution which can be given effect without the invalid provisions, items or applications and to this end the provisions of this resolution are hereby declared severable.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect immediately.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all resolutions or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.

It was moved by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Ms. Baker, Resolution No. 23 of 2014, supporting the appointments of Caddo Parish commissioners to committees of the National Association of County Officials for the year 2014 be approved. Motion carried, as shown, by the following electronic vote: AYES: Commissioners Baker, Bowman, Cox, Dominick, Epperson, Escude’, Johnson, Lynch, Smith, Thibodeaux, and Williams (11). NAYS: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Linn (1).


It was moved by Mr. Escude, seconded by Mr. Cox, to select as the Official Journal for the Parish of Caddo for the year July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015.

Mr. Escude’ stated that based on the number of subscriptions and who the Times reaches to, it makes more sense to approve the use of the Times at this point. Mr. Escude’s hopes that next year the Legislature gives governing bodies some help and allows us to use the internet to save the taxpayers some real money.

Substitute motion by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Dominick, to select the Caddo Citizen/Shreveport Sun as the Official Journal for the Parish of Caddo for the year July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015.

88 Commission Minutes June 5, 2014 Page Mr. Williams hopes that we support our local small business with approving the caddo Citizen/Shreveport Sun.

At this time, Mr. Williams’ motion carried, as shown, by the following electronic vote: AYES: Commissioners Baker, Bowman, Dominick, Epperson, Johnson, Lynch and Williams (7). NAYS: Commissioners Cox, Escude’, Smith and Thibodeaux. (4). ABSENT: Commissioner Linn (1).

It was moved by Mr. Bowman, seconded by Ms. Lynch, to approve 12 additional summer workers for the Caddo Parish Summer Workers Program funded out of the General Fund.

Mr. Bowman feels like this is a good opportunity to give students a chance to work for the Commission while making a little spending money for when they go back to school in the fall.

Answering a question from Mr. Escude on how this will impact the budget, Mrs. Bryant stated that these additional workers will be funded out of the General Fund.

Mr. Williams called for the question, seconded by Mr. Escude’. Motion carried, as shown, by the following electronic vote: AYES: Commissioners Baker, Bowman, Cox, Dominick, Epperson, Johnson, Lynch, Smith, Thibodeaux, and Williams (10). NAYS: Commissioner Escude’ (1). ABSENT: Commissioner Linn (1).

At this time, Mr. Bowman’s motion carried, as shown, by the following electronic vote: AYES: Commissioners Baker, Bowman, Cox, Dominick, Epperson, Johnson, Lynch, Smith, Thibodeaux, and Williams (10). NAYS: Commissioner Escude’ (1). ABSENT: Commissioner Linn (1).

There being no further business to come before the body, the meeting was adjourned at 5:35 p.m.

______Douglas Dominick President ______Todd Hopkins Commission Clerk