Jean Vanier | 52 pages | 01 Dec 1992 | Paulist Press International,U.S. | 9780809133413 | English | Mahwah, United States Rev. Dr. Yolanda Pierce Named Dean of Howard University School of Divinity | Howard Newsroom Educating African-American clergy was one of the primary concerns of the founders of Howard University. Although Howard has provided stellar theological education for clergy and laypersons since its founding init has not developed a Ph. Such a doctoral program would be the first of its kind at a historically Black theological school. It will be the crown jewel of the life and legacy of Dr. Cain From Brokenness to Community: The Wit Lectures (Howard University Divinity School) Felder. A son of Howard class ofFelder returned to his alma mater as a member of the faculty of the School of Divinity in Over those 32 years at Howard, he has established a reputation as a premier New Testament scholar and as one of the leading pioneers in African American biblical hermeneutics. Felder looks every bit the scholar and gentleman. With his grey hair, neatly trimmed moustache, and half-moon reading classes, he could have been cast as a in The Great Debaters or Drumline. Although he wears the requisite professorial blue blazer with gold buttons, his office is a dim, swampy bog of overflowing boxes and wall-to-wall bookcases. A poster of a brown-skinned Jesus hangs next to yellowed news clippings and diplomas. Greek textbooks sit next to volumes on womanist theology and social ethics. It would take an archeologist to dig through the layers of a lifetime of teaching and scholarship. According From Brokenness to Community: The Wit Lectures (Howard University Divinity School) Felder, his attempts to teach and conduct research on the importance of and Arabia in biblical scholarship were discouraged and even derided by some of his PTS faculty colleagues. He bristled against the exclusive study of the Bible through a Eurocentric prism and the pervasive view that Africa and the African Diaspora offered nothing substantial to biblical studies. Increasingly uncomfortable at PTS and sensing that PTS would not provide a supportive environment for his work, Felder began to look for other opportunities. Dean Lawrence N. Jones gave his star recruit free reign regarding his teaching and research interests. Building on the work of earlier scholars who emphasized the importance of Africa and Africans in the Bible, Felder became a prolific scholar and developed a reputation as one of the leading voices in African-American biblical hermeneutics. He served as the editor of the Journal of Religious Thought. Furthermore, he helped it to become a best-seller by actively marketing the book and getting it into the hands of those outside of the academy. The contributors to Stony the Road signed over their royalties to the Fund for Theological Education now the Forum for Theological Exploration to support From Brokenness to Community: The Wit Lectures (Howard University Divinity School) fellowships. Despite the academic freedom permitted at Howard, Felder explains that over his 32 years at Howard, the relatively small School of Divinity faculty, the persistent financial difficulties, and the service and community demands leave little time for research. For Felder, two things are left unfinished. First, his magnum opus, a manuscript on the mercy of God in Luke-Acts, is still in progress. Second, the School of Divinity has not yet established a Ph. Howard has a Doctor of Ministry or D. Felder has taught generations of students at Howard. He is a popular professor whose legendary captivating lectures are peppered with Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, and Latin. Although some of his masters students have gone on to doctoral programs in biblical studies at other institutions, Felder himself has not had the privilege of serving as Doktorvater. InFelder and others began conversations regarding the possibility of establishing a doctoral program in religious studies. This program has been a lifelong dream for Felder. If we know anything about anything it certainly is religion. Pollard, III those plans have gained renewed momentum. Along with Dr. Gay L. Byron, Felder co-chairs the Ph. This program will have two concentrations: biblical studies and African-American religious studies. Felder becomes increasingly animated as he discusses the plans for the Ph. Anyone, regardless of race, would be eligible to apply, but the research focus would have to be somehow showing sensitivity to the African, Pan-African and African-American religious experiences. When asked about retirement, Felder grins boyishly. He planned to retire inbut he has extended that date to He hopes to see the first applications to the From Brokenness to Community: The Wit Lectures (Howard University Divinity School) Ph. Felder has created a foundation of teaching and scholarship for generations of students, and he hopes that this new doctoral program will provide the next generation of scholars in biblical and religious studies. Just as saw the Promised Land of Canaan from Mount Nebo but was unable to enter it, Felder hopes to create a program in which he will never teach. Veritas et utilitas. Truth and service. The motto of Howard University is exemplified in the legacy of scholarship and teaching of Dr. Nyasha Junior. About Books Writing Events Contact. Truth and Service: Dr. Son of Howard A son of Howard class ofFelder returned to his alma mater as a member of the faculty of the School of Divinity in Future Plans Felder has taught generations of students at Howard. Orange Custard February 3, cain hope felderhoward universityaarsblhusdno extra credit. Orange Custard February 4, quote, mother wit, advice, grandmother, no extra credit. Orange Custard February 2, haiku, bible, haiku challenge, ministry, no extra credit. - Wikipedia

The school's mission is to educate its students either in the academic study of religion or for leadership roles in religion, government, and service. The separate institution of the Divinity School, however, dates fromwhen it was established as the first non-denominational divinity school in the United States. Princeton Theological Seminary had been founded as a Presbyterian institution in Andover Theological Seminary was founded in by orthodox Calvinists who fled after it appointed liberal theologian Henry Ware to the Hollis Professorship of Divinity in During its first century, Harvard Divinity School was unofficially associated with American Unitarianism. Throughout the 18th century, Enlightenment ideas of the power of reason and free will became widespread among Congregationalist ministers, putting those ministers and their congregations in tension with more traditionalist, Calvinist parties. When the Hollis Professor of Divinity David Tappan died in and the president of Harvard Joseph Willard died a year later, inthe overseer of the college Jedidiah Morse demanded that orthodox men be elected. Nevertheless, after much struggle, the Unitarian Henry Ware was elected inwhich signaled the changing of the tide from the dominance of traditional, Calvinist ideas at Harvard to the dominance of liberal, Arminian ideas defined by traditionalists as Unitarian ideas. Today, students From Brokenness to Community: The Wit Lectures (Howard University Divinity School) faculty come from a variety of religious backgrounds: Christian all denominationsJewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, and others. Its academic programs attempt to balance theology and religious studies—that is, the "believer's" perspective on religion with the "secular" perspective on religion. This is in contrast to many other divinity schools where one or the other is given primacy Yale Divinity School From Brokenness to Community: The Wit Lectures (Howard University Divinity School), for example, emphasizes its theological program, while the majority of students at the University of Chicago Divinity School enroll in its "religious studies" Master of Arts program. In addition to candidates for the above, many Harvard graduate students pursuing PhDs in the study of religion work closely with Divinity School faculty. Those previously admitted to the ThD program continue to be candidates for the ThD, with the first cohort of PhD candidates entering in fall Since its founding, it has supported more than scholars, from over 50 institutions of higher learning in the United States and around the world. The WSRP promotes critical inquiry into the interaction between religion and gender, and every year the program brings five postdoctoral scholars to HDS. The research associates each work on a book-length research project and teach courses related to their research. Founded in after an From Brokenness to Community: The Wit Lectures (Howard University Divinity School) donation inthe Center for the Study of World Religions at Harvard Divinity School is a residential community of academic fellows, graduate students, and visiting of many world religious traditions. The Center focuses on the understanding of religions globally through its research, publications, funding, and public programs. It welcomes scholars and practitioners and highlights the intellectual and historical dimensions of religious dialogue. The center's meditation room is used regularly by individuals and groups. The Summer Leadership Institute SLIwhich has been discontinued, was a two-week training program that sought to establish theological instruction and grounding for individuals engaged in community and economic development. It was a full-time residential program, holding classes five days a week, with an emphasis on faith-based case studies of corporations and communities. Since the SLI's inauguration inmore than participants have completed the program. About 50 people were selected each year from around the United States and internationally to participate in lectures, seminars, and field visits with faculty from across Harvard and other recognized experts. Participants also developed individual plans of action, on a case-study model, applicable to the local work in their communities. The Program in Religion and Secondary Education is a teacher education program that prepares students to teach about religion in public schools from a non- sectarian perspective. Students in the master of theological studies or master of divinity degree programs integrate their work in religion with courses on education and public policy to understand the relationship between religion and education and to advance religious literacy within their fields of licensure. Harvard Divinity School's Program in Religious Studies and Education PRSE has been temporarily suspended, pending From Brokenness to Community: The Wit Lectures (Howard University Divinity School) permanent funding that will allow the program to continue and to be capable of serving more students than can currently be admitted into the program. Beginning with the —10 academic year, no new students will be admitted to the program for at least the next two years. Students who are already in the PRSE will continue and be able to finish their degrees in normal fashion. The Library is part of the larger library system, which is available to all faculty, staff, and students at HDS. Andover-Harvard participates in the Boston Theological Institute library program, which extends borrowing privileges to all members of the HDS community From Brokenness to Community: The Wit Lectures (Howard University Divinity School) any of the other BTI libraries. Andover Hall was commissioned by Andover Theological Seminary, which, bysaw its enrollment slide and entered an affiliation with the Divinity School in The Hall contained a chapel, library, dorms, and seminar and lecture rooms. Today, Andover Hall still contains a chapel and some classrooms, but it also holds many administrative and faculty offices. Harvard Divinity Bulletin is an award-winning glossy magazine published by Harvard Divinity School two times per calendar year. The magazine often publishes the text of each year's Ingersoll Lecture on Human Immortality. It is mailed to a subscriber base of more than 20,; subscriptions are on a donation basis. It included original news articles, event listings, an alumni journal, and class notes. It ceased publication in spring Founded inHarvard Theological Review is a quarterly journal that publishes original research in many scholarly and religious fields, including ethics, archeology, Christianity, Jewish studies, and From Brokenness to Community: The Wit Lectures (Howard University Divinity School) religious studies. It publishes exemplary student scholarship in the areas of religious studies, ministry studies, and theology every year. The Wick is a journal for literary and creative works by the HDS community. The Wick publishes both published and unpublished writers of fiction, poetry, essays, photography, sermons, and creative non-fiction. The newsletter transitioned from paper to online in From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Harvard Divinity School Coat of arms. Doctoral students. This section does not cite any sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. August Learn how and when to remove this template message. This section needs to be updated. Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. January Harvard Divinity School. Harvard University. Retrieved 15 January Three Centuries of Harvard, Cambridge, Mass. Retrieved 7 January The Making of American Liberal Theology 1st ed. Louisville, Ky. The Encyclopedia of Evangelicalism 1st ed. Archived from the original on 17 September Retrieved 2 October Retrieved 30 May Andover-Harvard Library. Retrieved 6 March Telling Secrets: a memoir. New York: HarperSanFrancisco. Retrieved 17 May The New York Times. Retrieved 31 July Independent Press. Harvard Library. Retrieved 19 December United States portal. Du Bois Institute. Dean Francis J. Dean Emma Dench. Dean David N. Dean Bridget Terry Long. Dean John F. Dean George Q. Dean Michelle Ann Williams. Harvard Art Museums Arthur M. Boston Theological Institute. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Wikimedia Commons. Coat of arms. Private nonprofit divinity school. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Harvard Divinity School. From Brokenness to Community - Jean Vanier, President Fellows Harvard : PaulistPress

This conference looks at the history and contemporary expansion of Pentecostalism among people of African descent. The first two panels offer an engaging, scholarly approach to this topic, while the final panel presents a lively discussion among leading clerics about the future of Pentecostalism. The keynote address for the conference challenges the audience to consider the responsibility of Pentecostals those within and without traditional denominations for pursuing justice and humanity in the world. The Rev. Frank Madison Reid, III is an internationally known leader, a pre-eminent power speaker, cutting edge thinker, as well as a motivator who From Brokenness to Community: The Wit Lectures (Howard University Divinity School) and equips people to rebuild their broken lives and communities. Reid, Jr, and Adrenis Carter Reid, he was the first born son of four children. The family moved to St. Louis, Missouri, in where Dr. Reid was raised and attended public schools. He graduated from high school in A brilliant but late blooming student, Dr. In that From Brokenness to Community: The Wit Lectures (Howard University Divinity School), he began to fulfill his academic and leadership potential and was later admitted to some of the top colleges in the nation. Reid graduated from Yale in with a B. While at Yale, he served as the moderator and president of the Black Student Alliance BSA and had the opportunity to meet some of the top leaders of the world. During his college years, Dr. Reid answered his call to ministry and preached his trial sermon in August of at Metropolitan A. Church in Washington, D. When he received his license to preach, he became the 5th generation of his family to become a minister in the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Under Dr. As a best-selling author who has written important books and articles, Dr. Reid is a much sought out author, teacher, preacher, and motivational speaker. Reid is married to Marlaa Hall Reid, a talented woman in her own right; they have been married for over 24 years. They have two daughters, Franshon and Faith, and one son, Shane. Yvette Flunder. Yvette Flundera San Francisco native, has served her call through prophetic action and ministry for justice for over thirty years. InRev. Flunder was consecrated Presiding Bishop of The Fellowship of Affirming Ministries, a multi- denominational coalition of over primarily African American Christian leaders and laity. Lewter Jr. He also helped From Brokenness to Community: The Wit Lectures (Howard University Divinity School) find the Oberlin Voices of Christ. InBishop Lewter responded to an invitation by the Oakley Baptist Church to come and assume the pastorate. His tenure is marked by the development of a live TV ministry, growth of the membership, and a church newspaper. The station has the participation of approximately 40 churches ranging from Columbus, New York, Chicago, and Atlanta. Rivers III. Rivers, Jr. His father, as Eugene 3X, designed the masthead for Muhammad Speaks. He studied painting at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, while becoming active in street level organizing and black church politics. He attended Yale as an unregistered activist from to Officially admitted to Harvard University inRivers was mentored by Dr. Martin Kilson. As President of the National Ten Point Leadership Foundation, he is working to build new grassroots leadership in forty of the worst inner city neighborhoods in inner city America. Cheryl J. Sanders, Th. Her key areas of research and writing are African American religious studies, bioethics, pastoral leadership and womanist studies. Sanders has lectured at colleges, universities and seminaries all over the United States, including the C. She has ministered nationally and internationally for more than 30 years as a preacher for church services, camp meetings, conventions, conferences and revivals. She holds a bachelors degree in mathematics from Swarthmore College and two graduate degrees from Harvard Divinity School: Master of Divinity, cum laude and Doctor of Theology in the field of applied theology. Follow Us Free online lectures: Explore a world of ideas. Toggle navigation. Pearson Rev. Yvette Flunder Andy C. Eugene F. Sanders Share. Yvette Flunder Rev. Sanders Cheryl J. Recommended Lectures.