Paleolithic 3 Million + 10,000 BCE
The Rupture “This is where we should look for the earliest origins, long before the age of metals, because it was about 300,000 years ago that the “fire pit” was starting to be utilized with some stone, wood and bone.. Silo - 2004 Paleolithic 3 Million + 10,000 BCE The term Paleolithic refers to the « Old Stone Age » The Paleolithic period begins with the first evidence of human technology (stone tools) more than three million years ago, and ends with major changes in human societies instigated by the invention of agriculture and animal domestication. Paleolithic, Lower, Middle and Upper Lower Paleolithic 3 Million + - 300,000 BCE the Lower Paleolithic, from the earliest human presence (Homo antecessor and Homo heidelbergensis) to the Holstein interglacial, c. 1.4 to 0.3 million years ago. Middle Paleolithic 300,000 – 40,000 BCE the Middle Paleolithic, marked by the presence of Neanderthals, 300,000 to 40,000 years ago Upper Paleolithic 45,000 – 12,000 BCE the Upper Paleolithic, c. 45,000 to 12,000 years ago, marked by the arrival of anatomically modern humans and extending throughout the Last Glacial Maximum The Aurignacian Period – 40,000-28,000 BCE • The Aurignacian cultural tradition is generally accepted as the first modern humans in Europe. • During this period an explosion of sudden and innovative changes take place. People begin to use musical instruments which indicates possible ceremony, ritual and dance. Plus all forms of art appears at this time which signifies the full emergence of modern symbolic expression. • The most significant development in stone tool making is the refinement of the manufacture of blades struck off conical cores or nuculi.
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