
‘The ’ by Emile Vernon

Public domain

Greek Mythology The KHARITES () or Graces, were three goddesses of grace beauty adornment joy mirth festivity dance song

They gave happiness to life and refined it.

Their Story

1913 Most accounts tell us that they were ’ daughters. However, we are uncertain as to the name of their mother. Was it ? Was it ? Maybe another goddess? However, another story tells us that was their father but again there is a question mark to who their mother was. Maybe it was or Coronis or another goddess. Images of them are in a temple of Apollo.

Cleta and Phaenna were the two Graces of the Spartans

‘The Three ‘The Three

Graces Dancing’ Graces’ by by Antonio Isadore Konti 1913 Canova 1799 Public domain Public domain

Appearance and roles

From the pictures on page 1, you can see that there have been many ideas about their appearance. However, their characters are reflected in their names They are usually portrayed as young, innocent maidens who embrace each other as they are both individual and a team. Some works of art which have reached perfection are called the works of the Graces. They danced for Apollo and enjoyed Poetry, As role models for women, they behaved perfectly. Women were expected to be like them- pleasant and spirited., never being in a bad mood. A traveller called (2nd century A.D.) has a written a primary source of life in Ancient Greece. He wrote ‘ During the earlier period, certainly, sculptors and painters alike from about represented them draped’. He recorded festivals in their honour and listed many of their different names.

Raphael, Laura Knight and Picasso are only 3 of the great artists inspired by them. Their earliest representation is in a temple of Apollo in Thermon from around the 6th or 7the century B.C.E

They may be dated earlier to the time of the Mycenaeans. They may be the two females on a gold seal ring on which they are dancing before a male.

To think about!!

Why Graces?

Why were they to be role models?

Why did arts like to depict them?

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