LLindainda CClarklark Volume 60 Number 39 | September 28 , 2015 LLookingooking ttoo bbuyuy oorr ssell?ell? MMakeake yyourour mmoveove wwithith LLinda!inda! 15% newspaper.comnewsppaappeerr..com Military MARPAC NEWS CCFBFB Esquimalt,Esquimalt, VVictoria,ictoria, B.C.B.C Discount
[email protected]@shaw.ca • 2250-213-719450-213-7194 250•381•8725 878 Viewfi eld Rd. ssmartmovevictoria.commartmovevictoria.com www.upakstorage.com VeteransVeterans andand CadetsCadets markmark BattleBattle ofof BritainBritain 75th75th Capt Cheryl Major from the Fraser Blues Air several veterans, thanking pilots were killed in action Image by Capt Cheryl Major RCSU (Pac) Demonstration Team and them for their service. during the Battle of Britain Reviewing Officer a special visit from two The Battle of Britain was and it is marked as a time Never in the Brigadier-General Blaise More than 1,000 air Royal Canadian Air Force the first major campaign that Canadian pilots dis- field of human Frawley speaks with vet- cadets paraded at Boundary F-18s. during the Second World tinguished themselves erans along with cadet Bay Airport on Sunday, The Reviewing Officer War to be fought entirely among the allied forces. conflict was so parade commander Sept. 20 to commemorate for the parade was BGen by air forces. In 1940, the The Battle of Britain much owed WO2 Katie Lee during th the 75 Anniversary of the Blaise Frawley, Deputy allied forces maintained inspired Winston the 75th Anniversary Commander of 1 Canadian air superiority over the Churchill’s famous quote, by so many Battle of Britain. Battle of Britain The parade began with a Air Division in Winnipeg.