G3401.S CANADA. HISTORY G3401.S .S1 General .S12 Discovery and exploration by Europeans Including the exploration of the North and West To 1763 .S2 General .S26 French and Indian War, 1755-1763. Seven Years' War, 1756- 1763 1763-1867 .S3 General .S32 American Revolution, 1775-1783 Including the American invasions of Canada .S34 War of 1812 .S36 Rebellions in Upper and Lower Canada, 1837-1838 .S38 Fenian invasions, 1866-1870 1867-1900 .S5 General .S55 Rebellion, 1869-1870 .S57 Rebellion, 1885 20th century .S6 General 1900-1945 .S62 General .S65 World War I .S7 World War II .S73 1945- 19 G3402 CANADA. REGIONS, NATURAL FEATURES, ETC. G3402 .A3 Agassiz, Lake .C6 Coasts .H8 Hudson Bay .H85 Hudson Strait .S2 Saint Lawrence, Gulf of 20 G3407 EASTERN CANADA. REGIONS, NATURAL G3407 FEATURES, ETC. .C6 Coasts 21 G3412 ATLANTIC PROVINCES. REGIONS, NATURAL G3412 FEATURES, ETC. .C3 Cabot Strait .C6 Coasts 22 G3417 MARITIME PROVINCES. REGIONS, NATURAL G3417 FEATURES, ETC. .F8 Fundy, Bay of .N6 Northumberland Strait 23 G3422 NOVA SCOTIA. REGIONS, NATURAL FEATURES, G3422 ETC. .A45 Annapolis Basin .A5 Annapolis River .A7 Arichat Harbour .A8 Aspotogan Peninsula .A9 Avon River .B4 Bedford Bay .B7 Brier Island .C2 Cabot Trail .C24 Canso, Strait of .C25 Canso Harbour .C29 Cape Breton .C3 Cape Breton Highlands National Park .C35 Capodiette Bay .C4 Chedabucto Bay .C45 Chignecto Isthmus .C6 Coasts .C62 Cobequid Bay .C63 Cobequid Mountains .E3 East River of Pictou .G3 Gabarus Bay .G55 Glasgow Harbour .H3 Halifax Harbour .H4 Hemlock Island .K42 Kejimkujik National Park .L3 La Have River .L5 Liverpool Bay .L8 Lunenburg Bay .M3 Mahone Bay .M6 Moose Island .M88 Musquodoboit River .M89 Musquodoboit Trailway .N6 Northumberland Coast .O2 Oak Island .P2 Pace Lake .P3 Passamaquoddy Bay .P45 Petit-de-Grat Inlet .S2 Sable Island .S23 Sackville River .S3 Saint Anns Bay .S32 Saint Georges Bay .S33 Saint Mary Bay .S34 Saint Marys River .S35 Saint Peters Bay .S47 Shelburne Harbour .S5 Shubenacadie River 24 G3423 NOVA SCOTIA. PROVINCES G3423 .A5 Annapolis County .A55 Antigonish County .C3 Cape Breton County .C6 Colchester County .C8 Cumberland County .D5 Digby County .G8 Guysborough County .H3 Halifax County .H35 Hants County .I5 Inverness County .K5 Kings County .L8 Lunengurg County .P5 Pictou County .Q8 Queens County .R5 Richmond County .S5 Shelburne County .V5 Victoria County .Y3 Yarmouth County 25 G3424 NOVA SCOTIA. CITIES AND TOWNS, ETC. G3424 .A35 Aldershot .A35:2C3 Canada. Canadian Forces Base [Aldershot] .A4 Amherst .A45 Annapolis Royal .A5 Antigonish .A7 Armdale .B4 Bedford .B7 Bridgewater .C5 Chignecto .C6 Cochrane Hill .D3 Dartmouth .D5 Digby .D6 Dominion .G5 Glace Bay .G7 Granville Ferry .H2 Halifax .H2:2D3 Dalhousie University [Halifax] .H22 Halifax [Regional municipality] .K4 Kentville .L48 Little Bras d'Or .L5 Liverpool .L59 Lockeport .L6 Louisburg .L8 Lunenburg .M2 Mahone Bay .N4 New Glasgow .N43 New Minas .N45 New Waterford .N6 North Sydney .P3 Parrsboro .P45 Petite RiviÅre Bridge .P5 Pictou .R4 Reserve Mines .S2 Sackville .S5 Shelburne .S7 Springhill .S8 Stellarton .S9 Sydney .T7 Trenton .T75 Truro .W4 Westville .W5 Windsor .W6 Wolfville .Y3 Yarmouth 26 G3427 PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. REGIONS, NATURAL G3427 FEATURES, ETC. .B4 Bedeque Bay .B6 Boughton Island .C3 Cardigan Bay .C35 Cascumpeque Bay .C6 Coasts .C65 Confederation Trail .E2 East Point .E3 Egmont Bay .E35 Egmont Cape .H48 Hills and Harbours .H5 Hillsborough Bay .H6 Hog Island .K5 Kildare Cape .L4 Lennox Island .M3 Malpeque Bay .N4 New London Bay .N6 North Point .P3 Panmure Island .P7 Prim Point .P75 Prince Edward Island National Park .R6 Rolls Bay .S2 Saint Peters Bay .S25 Saint Peters Island .S27 Savage Harbor .T7 Tracadie Bay .W4 West Point .W6 Wood Islands 27 G3429 PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. CITIES AND TOWNS, G3429 ETC. .A4 Alberton .C2 Cavendish .C5 Charlottetown .C5:2P6 Port-la-Joye--Fort Amherst National Historic Site .C6 Cornwall .G4 Georgetown .K4 Kensington .M6 Montague .S6 Souris .S85 Stratford .S9 Summerside 28 G3432 NEW BRUNSWICK. REGIONS, NATURAL FEATURES, G3432 ETC. .A2 Acadian Historical Village .B9 Buchans Lake .C5 Chaleur Bay [N.B. and Québec] .C53 Chigneto Isthmus [N.B. and N.S.] .F6 Fort Cumberland .F82 Fundy National Park .G7 Grand Manan Island .H6 Hopewell Rocks .K4 Keswick River .K6 Kouchibouguac National Park .L3 Lamèque Island .M3 Mactaquac Provincial Park .M5 Miramichi Bay .M52 Miramichi River .N32 Narrow Mountain Brook .P2 Parlee Beach .P3 Passamaquoddy Bay [N.B. and Me.] .R4 Restigouche River [N.B. and Québec] .R6 Robinson Conservation Forest .R65 Roosevelt Campobello International Park .S28 Saint John Harbour 29 G3433 NEW BRUNSWICK. COUNTIES, ETC. G3433 .A4 Albert [County] .C5 Charlotte .K5 King's County .N6 Northumberland .S9 Sunbury [County] 30 G3434 NEW BRUNSWICK. CITIES AND TOWNS, ETC. G3434 .B3 Bathurst .C3 Campbellton .C5 Chatham .D3 Dalhousie .D5 Dieppe .D6 Dorchester .E3 Edmundston .F7 Fredericton .F7:2U5 University of New Brunswick [Fredericton] .G3 Gagetown .G3:2C3 Canada. Canadian Forces Base [Gagetown] .G7 Grand Falls .L3 Lancaster .L4 Lewisville .L5 Lincoln .M3 Marysville .M4 McAdam .M5 Minto .M6 Moncton .N38 New Maryland .N4 Newcastle .O7 Oromocto .P4 Perth-Andover .R35 Riverside-Albert .R4 Riverview Heights .S2 Sackville .S3 Saint John .S3:2F6 Fort Frederick [Saint John] .S32 Saint-Quentin .S33 Shediac .S332 St. Andrews .S335 St. George .S34 St. Martins .S35 St. Stephen .S8 Sussex .T7 Tracadie .T7:2C3 Canadian Forces Training Area [Tracadie] .W6 Woodstock 31 G3437 NEWFOUNDLAND. REGIONS, NATURAL FEATURES, G3437 ETC. .A8 Avalon Peninsula .B3 Bay du Nord Wilderness Reserve .B4 Belle Isle, Strait of .B6 Bonavista Bay .B65 Bonne Bay .C3 Canada Bay .C35 Carbonear Bay .C6 Coasts .C65 Come By Chance .C68 Conception Bay .D4 Dead Wolf Pond .E9 Exploits, Bay of .F6 Fogo Harbour .F65 Fortune Bay .G3 Gander River .H37 Harbour Grace .H8 Humber Arm .I8 Islands, Bay of .L6 Long Range Mountains .M4 Melville, Lake .N4 Newfoundland, Island of .N6 Notre Dame Bay .P5 Placentia Bay .R4 Red Indian Lake .S23 Saint Lunaire Bay .S5 Shoal Bay .T4 Terrington Basin [Bay] 32 G3439 NEWFOUNDLAND. CITIES AND TOWNS, ETC. G3439 .A7 Argentia .B3 Bay Roberts .B4 Bell Island .B5 Bishop's Falls .B6 Bonavista .B65 Botwood .B8 Buchans .B85 Burin .C3 Carbonear .C5 Channel-Port-aux-Basques .C6 Corner Brook .D4 Deer Lake .G3 Gander .G7 Grand Bank .G75 Grand Falls .H3 Hamilton River .H34 Happy Valley .H35 Happy Valley-Goose Bay .H37 Harbour Grace .L3 Labrador City .L4 Lewisporte .M3 Marystown .M6 Mount Pearl .P5 Placentia .P6 Port aux Basques .P65 Port Harmon .S2 St. John's .S2:2M4 Memorial University of Newfoundland [St. John's] .S23 St. Lawrence .S7 Stephenville .S72 Stephenville Crossing .W3 Wabana .W35 Wabush .W4 Wedgewood Park .W5 Windsor 33 G3442 LABRADOR. REGIONS, NATURAL FEATURES, ETC. G3442 .C6 Coasts .I9 Ivucktoke Inlet .L25 Labrador Trough [N.L. and Québec] 34 G3452 QUÉBEC. REGIONS, NATURAL FEATURES, ETC. G3452 .A2 Abitibi-Témiscamingue .A5 Anglais Bay .A7 Arthur Lake [Saguenay] .B3 Bas-Saint-Laurent .B5 Bizard Island .B6 Bois-Francs .B7 Brome Lake .C4 Centre-du-Québec .C44 Charlevoix Region .C45 Chaudière-Appalaches .C46 Chaudière River .C47 Chibougamau Lake .C48 Chibougamau Park .C65 Coudres Island .D8 Duplessis [Region] .E2 Eastern Townships .E23 Eau Jaune Lake .E8 Estrie .F6 Fort-Prevel Park .G29 Gaspé Bay .G3 Gaspé Peninsula .G315 Gaspésie .G32 Gaspésie, Parc de la .G35 Gatineau Park .G37 Gatineau Valley .G375 Great Abitibi Dyke [Québec and Ont.] .G73 Grande River [Territoire-du-Nouveau-Québec] .H8 Hubert Lake .I4 Ile aux Noix .I45 Ile d'Orleans .I49 Iles-de-la-Madeleine .L22 La Mauricie National Park .L23 La Prairie Basin .L25 La Verendrye Park .L3 Laurentian Mountains .L32 Laurentides Provincial Park .L4 Les Grands Jardins .M3 Magdalen Islands .M32 Manicouagan .M33 Matane Park .M34 Matapédia River .M347 Mauricie .M348 Mauricie-Bois-Francs Region .M38 McGerrigle Mountains .M45 Metis Park .M5 Mingan Islands .M52 Mistassini Park 35 G3452 QUÉBEC. REGIONS, NATURAL FEATURES, ETC. G3452 .M55 Park du Mont-Orford .M59 Mont-Tremblant Park .M593 Montérégie .M595 Montmorency Forest .M6 Montréal Island .N3 Nastapoca River .N58 Noire, Chute de la Rivère .N59 Nord-du-Québec .N6 North River .O58 Opocopa Lake .O59 Orignaux, Lake .O6 Orleans, Isle of .O7 Ottawa River [Québec and Ont.] .O9 Outaouais .P3 Pays-de-l'Erable .P38 Perrot Island .P4 Petite Nation River .Q4 Québec [Administrative region] .R38 Retty Lake [Territoire-du-Nouveau-Québec] .R4 Richelieu River .R5 Rimouski Park .R8 Ruffin Lake .S16 Sables, Lake of [Beresford] .S19 Saguenay--Lac-Saint-Jean .S2 Saguenay--Lac-Saint-Jean--Chibougamau .S22 Saguenay River .S27 Saint Francis, Lake [Québec and Ont.] .S29 Saint-Jean, Lake .S292 Saint Lawrence River Estuary .S293 Saint Louis, Lake .S299 Saint-Maurice Park .S3 Saint Maurice River .S34 Saint Peter, Lake .S5 Sheldrake River .U48 Ungava Bay .U5 Ungava Peninsula .V3 Val d'Or 36 G3453 QUÉBEC. COUNTIES, ETC. G3453 .A3 Abitibi .A6 Argenteuil .A7 Arthabaska .B3 Bagot .B4 Beauce .B5 Beauharnois .B6 Bellechasse County .B7 Berthier .B8 Bonaventure .B9 Brome .C2 Chambly .C3 Champlain .C4 Charlevoix .C5 Châteauguay .C6 Chicoutimi .C7 Compton .C77 Côte-Nord-du-Golfe-Saint-Laurent .D4 Deux-Montagnes [Regional municipality] .D6 Dorchester .D7 Drummond .F7 Frontenac .G3 Gaspé .H8 Hull .H9 Huntingdon .I3 Iberville .J6 Joliette .K3 Kamouraska .L2 Labelle .L3 Lake St. John .L35 Lanaudière .L4 Laprairie .L5 L'Assomption .L55 Laurentides [Administrative region] .L6 Levis .L7 L'Islet .L8 Lotbinière .M2 Maskinongé .M3 Matane .M4 Megantic .M5 Missisquoi .M6 Montcalm .M7 Montmagny [County] .M8 Montmorency .M9 Montreal and Jesus Is. .N3 Napierville .N5 Nicolet .P3 Papineau 37 G3453 QUÉBEC. COUNTIES, ETC. G3453 .P5 Pontiac .P6 Portneuf .Q8 Quebec .R3 Richelieu .R4 Richmond .R5 Rimouski .R6 Rouville .S2 Saguenay .S3 Saint-Hyacinthe .S4 St. Johns .S5 St. Maurice .S6 Shefford .S7 Sherbrooke .S8 Soulanges .S9 Stanstead .T2 Témiscamingue .T3 Temiscouata .T4 Terrebonne .T5 Timiskaming .T8 Two Mountains .V3 Vaudreuil-Soulanges .V4 Vercheres .W6 Wolfe .Y3 Yamaska 38 G3454 QUÉBEC.
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