Taking a food order .'- look after guests as they arrive , Can i take your eoats? This way, please. A La Carte Menu

;.- Make guests feel welcome Here's the menu. First courses Can i get you an aperitif?

u;:. Take orders Avocado and prawn tart Are you ready to order? Mushrooms in garlic

Asparagus with Hollandaise sauce • Starter Chicken liver pate Read the menu. Which dishes are vegetarian? Goat's cheese salad

• Listening Taking an order Smoked trout 1 Listen to the dialogue. Are the statements true or false? The guests order aperitifs. true/false i Main courses 2 The soup of the day is minestrane. true/false

3 They don't order a first course. true/false FiIlet steak 4 The woman orders fish for her main course. true/false Pork chops with lemon and celery

5 They order a bottle of white . true/false Lamb cutlets in red wine 6 Theyorder a bottle of sparkling mineral water. true/false Salmon with dili sauce

2 Listen again and complete the server's order pad with Grilled aubergines with parmesan the customers' food order. King prawns with chiili and garlic - Red pepper and mushroom tart

1 avocado and • Language study prawn tart s - 1'1/show you to your tab/e. Can i take your coats? S - Here's the menu and wine list. S S Can i get you an aperiti{? Are you ready to order now? S How wou/d you like your steak? S Wou/d you like to order some wine? S

bacon followed by medium rare sandwich basit grilled menu soup bread half (a bottle) mushroom toast ehet's salad ham ready tomato eroissant meat salmon watercress Turn to the Listening script on page 68 and practise the egg dialogue in group s of three. Take turns to be the waiter and the two customers. Wordlist page 97

20 i Unit 9 Taking a food order 4 Complete the sentences with alan or same. 1 Would you like wine? 2 bottle of Chablis, please. 3 Could we have bread? 4 Would you like aperitif? 5 Could i have ice in my Coke? 6 Could you call me taxi? 7 Just glass of red wine, please. 8 i want to change money .

• Listening Are you ready to order? 5 Listen to the dialogues and complete the orders. Use these words.

soup mushroom tea salad bacon sandwich

Dialogue 1 1 egg and . 2 pot of . Dialogue 2 3 basil and tomato . 4 risotto

Structures to practise Dialogue 3 5 cheese and ham . alan, the 6 chef's . Use alan when you first talk about something. Use the when you talk about something for the second time or 6 Listen again and put the food and drink into three menus. when it's clear what you're talking about. breakfast lunch dinner Examples We have a reservation. The reservation is for eight o'clock. I'd like an aperitif, please. Is this the menu? Language review page 80 Take turns to practise taking and making orders from 3 Complete the sentences with alan or the. the different menus with a partner. 1 Can we have adjoining room? 2 What's dish of the day? Activity 3 Could we have table for four? Work with a partner. Create a menu with five first courses 4 Put olive on a stick. Then, put and five main courses. Refer to the menu on page 20 to ...... olive in the glass. help you. Take turns to practise making orders . 5 Yes, the hotel has car park. Starters Main course 6 Put some crushed ice into cocktail mushroom pôte ehieken casserole shaker. Pour three measures of gin into . shaker and stir. More words to use Starters/First CDurses Main courses alan, some crab cakes filletjsirloinjT-bone steak Use alan instead of one to talk about countable nouns. duck's liver pate poached monkfishjsalmonj Use some to talk about uncountable nouns. moules mariniere halibut Examples I'd like a bottle of wine/an aperitif red onion tart pork or lamb chopsjcutlets I'd like some breadlsome waterisome milk. rocket salad roast beefjlambjchickenj Language review page 80 smoked salmon terrine pork

Unit 9 Taking a food order i 21 Taking a food order

1 Make words from the letters in 2 Name the food items and add Breakfast menu italics to complete the menu. them to one of the menus. Some items are on two menus. 10 croissant Starter menu 20 30 ~ basil and atotmol soup tomato 40 ~ red nonio 2 tart

Light lunch menu ~ shomurom3 pate 50 ~ kucd's 4liver pate 60

~ slemou 5 mariniere 70

~ goat's cheese dasal6 Dinnermenu

* * * 80 lA9011012OO

3 Find five more mistakes and correct them. 4 Label the words: C for countable Tick (v) the correct sentences. nouns, U for uncountable nouns, and C / U for nouns that 1 Would you like to order #te aperitif? an can be both. 2 I'd like a Daiquiri, please.

3 Would you like to see the dessert menu? beerC/U bread U 4 I'd like to book the table for five on Saturday evening. tea glass ofwine water 5 What's a soup of the day? double whisky starter coffee 6 We'd like a and two Cokes, please. toast money 7 Would you like to see a wine list? aperitif cocktail 8 I'd like an egg sandwich and the pot of tea, please. fish milk luggage bottle of water 9 I'll have half the bottle of Merlot, please. ice taxi lA Would you like a double or a twin room? time parking space help

20 i Unit 9 Taking a food order 5 Make questions and answers using ai an or some. i Would you i wine? w.(}1A:Z.4Y(}1A:)ik.~Y?r.ri~i:v.i.Y!~?nn . Just glass i Chablis. !u.~t çiglçis.s..()fÇhçiiJ lis:. 2 Would you i aperitif? Yesi gin and tonic. 3 Can ii change i money here? Yes.There's i exchange bureau i lobby. 4 Could we i mineral water? Would you i large bottle i small bottle? 5 Could i i sandwich i orange ? Would you i ice i your orange juice? 6 Could you i call i taxi? Certainly. Would you i help i luggage?

NCMXRCCKENONTEALSHFPESNMUXARWIXRBTCXFASSEIMEXXOTE UFXKRS XU NLXE U O X 6 PutJ itheisentencesJ iBrezina.in the idialogueTablei i forintwothe atcorrect8 o' clock.order.XOBMMONKFi GXOKMX and some diagonally ( .71 ). GoodThankyou.Here'sWhiskyYes.Goodevening.l'devening.yourthelikesour,menuatable.whiskyvodkaWeandCanbookedandsourwinei taketonic.andlist.a yourtablemyWouldFine.P wifecoforRats?two.XyouwouldAlikeBlikeanOaperitif?a vodkaL K andX Vtonic. puzzle. rightYou can(-7),readsomesomefromfromtopleftto bottomto (l'), TOMXCHC Xi HL UAPAAXODXS XM EBX BU L K Z B HComeAndTheX Fnamethethissoupwayis Brezina.ofandthe!'lldayshowis Frenchyou toonion.your table. dbfgceh DIT] MAN:WAITER: 7 Find ten more meat andafishDwordsWAITER:in the

Unit 9 Taking a food order i 21