Volume 48, Number 3 COLORADO STATE CHESS ASSOCIATION July 2021 COLORADO CHESS INFORMANT BACK TO “NEARLY NORMAL” OVER-THE-BOARD PLAY Volume 48, Number 3 Colorado Chess Informant July 2021 From the Editor Slowly, we are getting there... Only fitting that the return to over-the-board tournament play in Colorado resumed with the Senior Open this year. If you recall, that was the last over-the-board tournament held before we went into lockdown last year. You can read all about this year’s offer- The Colorado State Chess Association, Incorporated, is a ing on page 12. Section 501(C)(3) tax exempt, non-profit educational corpora- The Denver Chess Club has resumed activity (read the resump- tion formed to promote chess in Colorado. Contributions are tive result on page 8) with their first OTB tourney - and it went tax deductible. like gang-busters. So good to see. They are also resuming their Dues are $15 a year. Youth (under 20) and Senior (65 or older) club play in August. Check out the latest with them at memberships are $10. Family memberships are available to www.DenverChess.com. additional family members for $3 off the regular dues. Scholas- And if you look at the back cover you will see that the venerable tic tournament membership is available for $3. Colorado Open has returned in all it’s splendor! Somehow I ● Send address changes to - Attn: Alexander Freeman to the think that this maybe the largest turnout so far - just a hunch on email address
[email protected]. my part as players in this state are so hungry to resume the tour- ● Send pay renewals & memberships to the CSCA.