Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1962-07-03
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, . I .' • The Weather ' P.rtly cloudy thl'OUlh .... "ht with sc ....red showers er thundtr. sterm., little temper.ture ch.nge. Highs tod.y In the lOs In the north I oW'an .nd ne.r 90 In the south. Serotng .11. State UnlcmftV of Iowa and ,II. Peopls of 10WtJ Cu, EstabUshed ill 1868 Associated Press Leased Wire aDd Wirephoto • 5 Cents per Copy Tuesday, July 3,1962, Iowa City, Iowa Labor Pays ,to Unionize Teachers Compromise NEA Secretary ~ Says Unions Laotians Consider Reel Aid- NAACP Votes Sugar Act Spent Half Million in NY City C~~ims To Picket Sent to JFK Red China WASillNGTON (All - The Senate Th~~~~~!e~:c!:ta~A:r\he :V~~~:~edN:h~ :~CI~ U.S. Intervention Atlanta Hotels passed and sent to President Ken· National Education Association "" Auto Work.rs, the Amallll- . "'.ted Clothing Workers, the GENEVA, Switzerland IA'I - Red recently united after years of nedy late Monday a compromise saId Monday t hat organized ...dles Glrmtnt Work.rs, and China Monda), accused lhe United strife. Resolution Protests Sugar Act extension bill increasing labor is spending heavily to tho Machinists, .nd others." States of worsening the entire W. Averill Harriman, U.S. as· the share oC the American market Southeast Asia situation by sending unionize public school teach- Carr told the 6,000 convention sistant secretary of state for Far Negroes Excluded alloted U.S. growers. troops to Thailand and by increas· Eastern affairs, protested that the The vote was 54·12. ers, a move which he said d~legates the association has of· ing armed intervention in South conference rules had been broken During Convention could destroy the 812,()()().member tlln been under vigorous and even The measure gives the President Viet Nam and the Formosa Strait. by raising an issue not involving ATLANTA, Ga. IA'I - The Na association. bItter attack. Laos. some flexibility in handling foreign Chinese Delegate Chang Han Fu, tional Association for the Adv;lnce· sugar purchases, but not nearly so William G. Carr told the Gen· "This, however," he said, "is the backed by the North Vietnamese Turning to North Vietnainese Flying for the Fourth much as he asked. eral Assembly, convening here. first time in which forces of sig· delegate, made the charges at the Delegate Hoang Nguyen, Harriman ment of Colored People decilled "I believe the resources assigned nlficant scope and power are con· Three members of the Cedar Rapids Huskies Water·Skl Club The Sugar Act, originally passed opening of a new session of the said the question was out of order Monday to picket Atlanta hotels this year by union labor to achieve sldering measures which could de· "jus~ as it would be for me to raise to protest the exclusion of ~egroes. demonslrate one of the roulines Iowa Cilians will view .t the in 1934, expired (or the first lime VI· nation Laos conference. The ils objectives among the teachers stroy the association." meeting was called to eompletc a the question of foreign military per· show the Huskies will give .t 3 p.m. July Fourth off the $hores Saturday night. It will be reinstated The action came with the adop. of New York City alone amounted Carr said tbe education organi· treaty to guarantee the neutrality sonnel who are well·known to be tion of a resolution read by Roy of City Park. as soon as Kennedy signs the present in North Viet Nam as well measure. to about a half· million dollars." zations board oC directors has giv· and independence of the Kingdom WUklns, executive secretary of the "Accordlng to Informed sourc. ell highest priority to strengthen· as certain other neighboring coun· NAACP. It was adopted with a The compromise bill had cleared tries." the House Saturday. The Senate IS," C,rr said in his prepared lng membership and services in standing ovation. * * * * * * t~e nalion's big cities. It is in Red Chinese units have been reo passed it only after a long after· the metropolitan areas tbat the lao Final Count ... ported stationed in North Viet The resolution wa. aimed S... • noon of debate in which several bor unions have made their largo Nam. er.lly .t the Atlant. Hotel As· Busy 4th of July senators complained that the bill The North Vietnamese repre socl.tion, but excepted one hotel est gains in the teaching ranks. continued subsidies unfair to U.S. McNamara 5,012 at SUI sentative insisted the success oC - the Peachtree ManOf' consumers. In New York, for instance, the "which has accepted guests I,. Unlted Federation of Teachers, lo the conference was "seriously Others sharply attacked the ex· Final enrollment figures show a threatened by the presence of U.S. r.spectiv. of color.'" tensive lobbying they said had sur· cal aCmiate of the American Fed total of 5,012 students enrolled in Scheduled for I.C. Urges Cut In eration of Teachers AFL CIO last troops in Thailand." There was no immediate ilKll· rounded the consideration of the Summer Sessions at SUI, President cation when pickets would be post. bill this year. year won an overwhelming vote Virgil M. Hancher announced Mon· Independence Day celebrations Park at 3 p.m. will be entertained in an election to determine who ed, but a committee was asked to wiJI begin a day early in Iowa by members of the Cedar Rapid. There also were many references day. VIENTIANE,* Laos* INI-*The new meet Tuesday morning to take should $'erve as the teachers' bar· Laotian coalition Government gave City with a bicycle parade this Huskies W.ter·Skl Club. in the debate to the angry response Reserve Units gaining agent. The total, which is an increase of further action. The 12·act program will include 200 over a year ago, includes 72 tentative approval Monday to a ,. of some Latin·American countries The acUon came as two while afternoon at 3. Kids of aU ages pyramids, barefoot skiing, ramp to the bill worked out by Senate· HERSHEY, Pa. IA'l - Defense In. one-clay strike called I.st students enrolled in the 12·week $600,000 aid offer from the Soviet riding bikes of all sizes and kinds jump-offs and ballet formations. April 11, mere than half tIM city's Summer Session, initiated this year Union and decided to recognize five men dressed in Army·t~pe uni· House conferees last Friday night. Secretary Robert S. McNamara forms and boots and wearing red will follow a fire trQck and police The traditional fireworks show · I' d th t't told governors Monday that the 40,000 public seMlI telChers .... at SUI. The rest oC the studenls more Communist countries. Argen tIDa comp aIDe a 1 was National Guard should be whacked fused to crOll thl plck.t lines. swastika symbols of the Nazi party escort through the downtown busi· will be at dusk in the ball dia· left out entirely in the allocation are enrolled in the regular 8·week The acting premier, pro·Commu Carr told the convention, "La· session. nist Prince Souphanouvong, also picketed the convention at the ness district. mond's outfield. Featuring ground for foreign quotas. The Dominican down and reorganized - and Atlanta Municipal Auditorium. displays, skyrockets and aerial Republic said it got far too small promptly ran into a solid wall of bor's achievements for industrial Summer enrollment in oach of indicated that American prisoners It has been suggested by the clusters, the show will close with an allotment. opposition. workers are impressive, but a pub· the University's collet.. is (last held by his Pathet Lao forces They marched in front of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, a sparkling American flag. Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey (D. He first told all the governors, IIc school is not a factory. Ameri· ye.r's summ.r enrollment in par· would be released a few days aft· auditorium where Lhe NAACP can teacbers must remain free and opened its 53rd annual conven. sponsors for the entire holiday pro· The holiday eventl will end Minn.> the Democratic whip, told gathered for their 54th annual con· enth ...s): Bu.ln ... Admlnlstr.· er the 14·nation Geneva confer independent of entangling alliances tlon 146 (135), Dentistry 14 (19), ence agrees on a Laotian treaty, tion. A police patrol car, occu. gram, that bicycles be decorated wilh 8 dance on the sundeck of the Senate Kennedy and the State ference. that there should be a with Bny one group 1n society." pied by two officers, stood at one [or the parade. the swimming pool at • p.m. Department were concerned about cut in the total reserve manpower Engineering 102 (123), L.w 116 U.S. Embassy sources reported. The public schools. he said, corner of the building. Another A twist contest will highlight the this, and that an effort would be and in the number of National (174), Llb.r.1 Arts 1,419 (1,464), The decision to recognize Red Bicycl.s must be reg istered serve all the children of all the Medicine 164 (4), Nursing 321 China, Pol and, Czechoslovakia, car with a lone officer circled the with the license showing in order • ffair. made to rectify it. Guard units . Visitors to City Park may enjoy McNamara's speech was coolly people, and school personnel (294), Ph.rmacy 43 (49) .nd the North Viet Nam and East Ger· building periodically. to participate in the parade, The compromise bill extends the received, with no interruptions for should not become entangled with Graduate Coli .... 2,540 (2,554). many raised the prospect of a NAACP deleg.tes, housed which will leave from the fire the carnival and games which will be open all day.