Simon Reynolds | 448 pages | 02 Sep 2010 | COUNTERPOINT | 9781593762865 | English | Berkeley, Totally Wired: Post-Punk Interviews and Overviews PDF Book

He made the guys from look stylin'. The third was that she didn't speak enough English for us to communicate and manage to build a 20 minute set of songs in less than 30 days. My single after leaving DNA, r. He wasn't an angry young man like others on the scene and there was no pretension visually either. He imagines young people today wondering why he and other writers of the post-punk generation cared so much about the ideas surrounding the music that they wrote about. The whole Disques Du Crepuscule and Crammed milieu? And what about the equipment? New York photographer Jimmy De Sana did the photoportrait for the cover. One U. And in the past decade it's been the turn of the s themselves to enter the retro spotlight, with young groups pillaging ideas and imagery from New Romanticism's foppish synth-pop and from postpunk's angst and angularity. I read somewhere that there was this initial concept for as combining music, theatre and writing into some sort of "Unified Field"? Wednesday, May 13, SF is utimately a small town.. Jolly jaunts up and down the yellow brick hiway between S. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. The door policy was an underground parody of the Studio 54 policy. Tuxedomoon appear in in Downtown As for Totally Wired , little of it will make you want to go out immediately and investigate where the music is coming from to anything like the same degree Rip It Up And Start Again managed. Those are the sounds that have an exquisite intensity for me. I remember that night. Did they really think that could matter as much as that? This signalled the start of, what Lydia coined in an interview as, "The No Wave" with a myriad of generations of bands to follow, as well as generations of new clubs opening up to the possibility of bands playing original material, rather than the Bleecker Street scene of clubs pushing "top 40" cover bands. Still I did enjoy this and will certainly listen to the "Rip it up" CD again and will look out for the book too. We soon had lots of work. Was there a sense of kinship between the twin bohemias of and downtown bohemias? Originally, the Erasers also included Jane's babyfaced boyfriend Donald on bass, but when he and Jane broke up, he left and was replaced by Chris Spedding's girlfriend Jody. Well I suppose in that sense we fit into the nihilist punk ethos just that we had different orchestration. Totally Wired Info and Hype. There was a very high quality City College where residents of SF could study for free. Feb 28, Rod rated it liked it. That seems more likely as TJ and Mars were the elder bands more likely to earn a Saturday night spot. In the Spring of , in the pursuit of a career in art, and through the constant support and encouragement of my friend David, I moved to New York to find an apartment in Greenwich Village. Joeboy R Police was a grafitto on a wall in Chinatown, San Francisco that Blaine picked up and ran with, creating a whole new mythical character called Joeboy the Electronic Ghost. You can probably research this online. About . Wonder what Dennis Bovell thought of ? DNA is a 3-letter acronym representing the combination of molecular strands which make up and feature characteristics distinguishing one living thing from another. That rejection of indie-slacker scruffiness recalls the "we oppose all rock'n'roll" stance of postpunk outfits like Subway Sect. Reynolds uses the interviews as raw material to inform and form his own probably the definitive take on the history of post-punk, the only regrets are that: a despite probably heroic efforts, key figures like Mark E. This fact alone already gave him quasi dio status for some of us. What were the Ralph offices like? It was like Xmas. We went to the loft where Lydia was rehearsing. The was the epicenter of the New York scene for a good year or three. Lydia on and vocals completed the trio. Crackling with argument and anecdote, the conversations in Totally Wired bring a rich human dimension to the postpunk story chronicled in the critically acclaimed Rip It Up. In my view, the post-punk era seemed rather earnest, verging on the colourless at times. We drifted apart. Totally Wired: Post-Punk Interviews and Overviews Writer

The theatre of the Angels was a revelation. We completed the album, but Charles' creditors were after him, and the album remained tied up in the studio when he skipped town. Burroughs -- ideas concerning use of media - tapes, projections, his radical anti control politic in general as well as his outspoken gayness. David often wore neckties and pearls and chains and brooches and rings. I was so moved by the intensity, yet simplicity of what she was doing, that my emotions got the better of me and I cried. Tommy was the audio systems designer for the Group. Another postpunk hallmark is 's emphasis on control, both aesthetic they produced their own album, ultimately electing to put out their demos and in business terms unusually, they own their recordings. Sep 01, AaronL rated it it was amazing. Paperback , pages. With the possible exception of highly informed musicomaniacs that lived through the period covered, "Rip It Up" is the type of book that will introduce at least a half-dozen artists worth discovering. What was it like? What happened was the tyranny of music over the other arts. Phil wanted to continue gigging for the extra income. An interesting collection of interviews and opinion: I guess I'd better read "Rip it up and start again" mow. Pinheads is you might say the soundtrack for these trips. Moved to Springfield . Lest you surmise that postpunk's inheritors are all clustered in one city on the North East coast of America, I'll conclude with some praise for the U. But yes we soon found to our amazement that there was a public there already and that yes in general we were treated like artists… something unheard of in USA. The subtitle is "the mental health project" and its assembly was an exercise in exorcising some of the demons of the psychiatric world--delusion and sleep disorder. My eyes weren't opened to the world until , the two years I spent under the influence of Alan Goldstein who taught sculpture, and my mentor and spiritual advisor Marion Anderson, in the Bucks County Community College fine arts department. Many of the people involved projected contempt and distrust over his perceived elitism, and their concern over the divisions of money. Joeboy R Police was a grafitto on a wall in Chinatown, San Francisco that Blaine picked up and ran with, creating a whole new mythical character called Joeboy the Electronic Ghost. I expect those of us who cared passionately about while growing up with it at any time between the s and the s all have different perceptions of what it meant. She did have one thing going for her. Less impressive collection, but his love of the music shines through, and his scepticism about the more wanky post-punks helps considerably. He tagged his records with that, but let the artists choose the names for their labels so it looked like he had a whole stable of different record labels to his credit. We lived together in a big Victorian. And the fourth was that her visa was expiring and she was planning to leave the country 8 days after our scheduled gig. Totally Wired: Post-Punk Interviews and Overviews Reviews

Rating details. The romance that the postpunk Eighties holds for today's young musicians makes perfect sense. The album was originally slated for release on but word has it that when the record company heard the mastertapes, they were so horrified at this financial blunder, that they tried to hush the already contracted, and paid for, project, by releasing it on their minor sub-label, Antilles, so as not to call too much attention to it. But hang on a minute: if the Eighties were so barren, why on earth would the coolest bands of the Noughties even look there for inspiration like they've been doing for most of this decade? Apr 16, Rog Harrison rated it liked it. Here there was a mix of nearby Castro Street queens and punks and artists of all sorts. As we were a trio, the balance was achieved, metaphorically, more like a seesaw, with Arto supplying the chaotic bursts and uncontrolled explosion of emotion, while I countered with tight, cold, controlled, confined, suppressed emotions and patterns, both of us balanced on Ikue's fulcrum, which weaved in and out of the two extremes, like a juggler juggling fire in one hand and water in the other, and managing to make steam, without extinguishing either fire or water. Interestingly, and Yoko Ono are hailed as among the most influential names on the scene for their pioneering avant-garde work in the preceding years. Suffice to say I ended up moving in with him. The time was already booked and rather than watch the engineers sit and twiddle their thumbs, I talked them into allowing me to play at the board with the tapes flipped over fashion, selecting the best bits from each song on the album, bathing them in a wall of echo, and riding the faders in and out to create six undoings new mixes of the original songs. During my year with DNA, Ikue and I seemed to be starting to develop a musical consistency and proficiency at playing our new instruments that I never saw happen in Arto's guitarwork. I had made additional attempts to find new musicians through friends and acquaintances to join the project, as Nancy and Nina weren't interested. Jan 07, Javier Otaduy rated it really liked it. This is a big city thing but hopefully will be changing as more and more people flee the grand metropoli. Later through mutual friend Victoria we delighted in Winstons participation in one of our Tuxedomoon salons held in the Angels of Light studio. Error rating book. Then when Diane Feinstein took over as mayor it only got worse. The book concludes with a section mostly comprising reprinted reviews of related media plus essays on non-musicians in music Yoko, Eno, Malcolm McLaren. Other Editions 6. And at the time, this was the only fledgling Independent I had run across, perhaps the first in a whole upcoming tidal wave industry. You played Futura once, right? To each his own. The darkness glows. She gave her okay and we became known as DNA. Long before I ever met him I was always hearing about him from various Angels. I couldn't read or write music and developed a crude method of remembering tunes by abbreviated hieroglyphic symbols scribbled on index cards. Reynolds makes the most of this whirlpool of underground ideas as he boldly chews over hidden agendas and philosophical subtexts with members of , , Cabaret Voltaire, the Slits, the Fall, and many others - bands that were committed to doing so much more than simply making music that they or anyone else loved.

Totally Wired: Post-Punk Interviews and Overviews Read Online

The period covered is a key one in terms of my own musical development, both as a participant and listener, and Reynolds really catches the vibe of the times. We went to the loft where Lydia was rehearsing. Great book for one who wants to understand the postpunk Era, only a little negative with new wave and pop great bands and their greatest influence Their sound was hallucinogenically textural with a beat and psychotic episodes of vocal wailings and mumblings. We all lived in one building and rehearsed-composed in the basement standing on planks over the 3 inches of water. Categories Fiction Non-fiction Children's books Authors. He was also best friends with Jim Jarmusch and was pursuing an interest in film music. She complimented me on my announcement card for the Artists' Space performance which showed a stylish 's nurse preparing an enormous syringe. I found this sections perhaps less engaging than the interviews themselves, but have to agree with pretty much all he has to say about the how the context political, social etc. A wild album a decade or more ahead of its time, I considered it the true precursor to the new school of bands like Teenage Jesus and Mars. I didn't enjoy live gigs and preferred studio work. Yes and no. My single after leaving DNA, r. To each his own. Their -primitive sound teems with off-kilter but intoxicating rhythms, ornamental flourishes and an aura of exoticism that's hard to source in specific ethno-musical sources. All that said, it's definitely recommended if you're interested in any of these musicians. Though nobody particulary wanted to live in Bruxelles, we had no choice and jumped at this opportunity. We Buy Books. About Ralph Records But Tuxedomoon must have been one of the very first to actual talk about the tritone and use it in their music. It's a different Eighties, an earlier Eighties, that enthralls them: the postpunk period, whose prime phase of ambition and daring was concentrated in the five year stretch from to Ginn was a sort of guitar anti-hero, specializing in strange stunted and mutilated solos. Was this a motivation? He tried to explain the concept to Ikue. Lydia had a Japanese bassist named Reck in her band along with Bradley Field on drums. But in SF yes there was a very dark period after the dual assasinations. A sort of sonic brain massage to help me deal better with the little difficulties in the details of my day-to-day living, it sounds like Philip Glass meets the Addams Family. I couldn't read or write music and developed a crude method of remembering tunes by abbreviated hieroglyphic symbols scribbled on index cards. The apron strings were cut, the nurse's head snipped off and taped to the mirror, then the dolls were removed, one by one, to cover and conceal my reflection in the mirror.