Society, 7 (1), 11-20, 2019 P-ISSN: 2338-6932 | E-ISSN: 2597-4874

Regeneration Process of The (PKS) To Maintain Its Existence By Election Year 2014

Yusa Djuyandi 1*, Fifi Lutfiah Sodikin 2 1 Department of Politics, Padjadjaran University, , 2 Political Insight, Bandung, Indonesia * Corresponding Author: [email protected]


Publication Info: Political parties prepare prospective national leaders through a Research Article political recruitment process. The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), one of the Islamic parties In Indonesia, has a Regional How to cite: Leadership Council (DPD) in each district or city. Regional Djuyandi, Y., & Sodikin, F. L. Leadership Council (DPD) of Bandung City is interesting to (2019). Regeneration Process of study since it has a unique regeneration process and the The Prosperous Justice Party organizations (under brow) have scored excellent cadres. This (PKS) to Maintain Its Existence study aims to analyze the regeneration process of DPD PKS by Election Year 2014. Society, at Bandung City to maintain its existence in the 2014 election 7(1), 11-20. using the theory of political recruitment through the regeneration pathway proposed by Almond and Powell. The DOI : 10.33019/society.v7i1.72 research was a qualitative method with data collection techniques carried out through secondary data collected by the Copyright © 2019. Owned by General Elections Commission (KPU) of Bandung City. The Author(s), published by Society primary data collected from PKS cadre interview process. This study found that the DPD PKS regeneration process of Bandung City affected the quality of promoted cadre, thus influencing the quality and existence of the party. The process This is an open access article. of regeneration has produced excellent cadres through education and training stages that make it exist.

License: Attribution- Keywords: Existence; Regional Leadership Council; The NonCommercial-ShareAlike Election Year 2014; The Process of (CC BY-NC-SA) Regeneration; The Prosperous Justice Party

Introduction the party in producing qualified cadres The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) is an because they will be the next figures both in Islamic Political party considered having a PKS itself and national leaders (Suroto dan good strategy to select its candidate of Rudianto 2003; Tunjungsari, Lestari, and cadres. Regeneration pattern is primary for Sumarno 2017). Regeneration Process of The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) To Maintain Its Existence By Election Year 2014

This article is to study the regeneration politic. Not only that, the People's process running by The Regional Conscience Party (Hanura) and the National Representative Council (DPD) of The Democratic Party (Nasdem) have also Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) of Bandung implemented a similar strategy with the City. The process runs three patterns, one of Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle them is by involving the cadres to join (PDI Perjuangan). Therefore, to keep it exist, political leadership training. The training is PKS begins to look at new activities in its to prepare them comprehensively about pattern of regeneration (Juliano 2014). knowledge of political parties, social issues, As a political party based on religion, PKS and other related to government. Besides, it has ordained as a da'wah party from the also aims to produce qualified and Islamic beginning, new activities in the regeneration characteristic cadres since they will be the pattern regarded as a brave movement. The next leaders both in public and internal party modifies its political movements and party (PKS itself).1 bore enormous consequences through Tight competition among political reorganization and change the regeneration parties, moreover, new parties present with strategy pattern. its reorganization is carried much political modality due to the pattern out by taking into account important factors of relations or access to the media becomes a that come from society need and the context challenge for PKS to maintain the party exist of democracy in Indonesia, by softening the in the 2014 election. One of its regeneration line of ideology in the context of short-term patterns Jamaah Tarbiyah (Islamic strategic interests to gain votes. Proselytizer community) movement on PKS needs to show the public about Universities (Anismar 2014) begins to face how the party very concerns about issues intense competition. The old and the new that are in demand or demanded by the parties begin to enter and strengthen their public, ranging from political and legal influence in universities by recruiting issues, such as anti-corruption issues and students as the young wing of the party consistent in guarding good governance, to through movements. The parties are not the issue of people`s economic only doing socialization of their vision, development. mission and work program but also holding Aminuddin (2010) considered that the activities that can embrace student voters strategy provides a great advantage for PKS groups such as Leadership training to because if this party only moves to maintain entrepreneurial seminar activities. the old ideological base, it will only get The Indonesian Democratic Party of votes from its ideological voters only, while Struggle (PDI Perjuangan) had already been others will not. networks in universities through the This study is to discover how the Indonesian National Student Movement regeneration process of the Prosperous (GMNI). However, it has begun using new Justice Party (PKS) in maintaining the party strategies in embracing millennial groups exist ahead of the 2014 General Election for through activities that are not engage with Bandung City ? There are several studies or previous research that have proximity or relevance to 1 this study. The first is a study by Anneu raya/2016/11/25/pks-jawa-barat-gelar-sekolah- Dahliany (2012) entitled "Recruitment kepemimpinan-partai-385846 (PKS Jawa Barat Gelar Sekolah Kepemimpinan Partai) 11 Juli 2018 pattern of Political Party Leaders in

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Regeneration Process of The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) To Maintain Its Existence By Election Year 2014

Increasing Political Parties work (Case Theoretical Framework Study in DPD PKS Bandung City)". The 1. The Function of Political Parties results of the study discuss the mechanism In countries that use a political system carried out by DPD PKS in Bandung City of democracy, the existence of political during the recruitment process of party parties is considered important as a leaders conducting Pemira (Great Election) representation of representatives of with consideration from the Majlis community groups. The presence of political (consultative assembly or legislative body). parties is very important in a modern and The second is a study by Akbar Sandro complex structure of society because Yudho Dhiharso (2011) entitled "Cadre political parties consider having the ability System among Islamic Parties (Study of to channel complex political participation in Tarbiyah PKS in Yogyakarta)". The thesis society (Djuyandi 2018: 150). discusses the Tarbiyah mechanism in the Although political parties in PKS as a condition and recruitment of constitutional democracies (liberal) and prospective cadres. authoritarian countries (communists) play a And third is a study by Aminuddin different role, they have similar functions: (2010) regarding "Reorganizing the a. As political socialization, namely Prosperous Justice Party in Indonesia". This transmitting political culture in the study explains more about the framework of forming attitudes and metamorphosis of PKS as part of a medium- orientations of community members as term strategy for mental constituent bases citizens (political education). that step by step has begun to form and b. As political recruitment, namely the cover a wider area of social-political party selects and selects and appoints a awareness. person or group of people to carry out Therefore, this research is broadening several roles in the political system in and enriching the literature from previous general, and the government studies. The three previous studies do not specifically. discuss political parties that exist as a focus c. As political participation is to become a of research analysis. means of activity for the community in This study explains how the influencing the process of forming regeneration process running by the DPD government leaders through elections PKS of Bandung City produces qualified and the creation or implementation of cadres and can maintain a mass base that government policies. influences on the party exist. Beside, d. As political communication, namely as Bandung City is the largest PKS base since the conveyer of information about the Governor of West elected for two politics from the government to the periods. community and from the community to Based on the background, this article the government. will discuss and analyze in this paper are e. As political parties as a means of the cadre regeneration process of cadres that regulating conflict, namely helping to influences PKS exist. overcome or at least minimize the occurrence of conflict. This condition is also based on the view of Lijphart (1968) who said that the existence of differences or divisions at the lower

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Regeneration Process of The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) To Maintain Its Existence By Election Year 2014

mass level can be overcome by Research Methodology cooperation between political elites. The method used in this research is a (Djuyandi 2018: 152-154). qualitative method. Qualitative research is a Some of the functions of political parties method for exploring and understanding above have in common with the views meaning derived from social and expressed by Budiardjo (2009: 405-409) that humanitarian problems. This method is political parties in democratic countries considered appropriate for researching have several functions, namely: political parties, such as PKS because in a. As a means of political communication. addition to being able to describe a b. As a means of political socialization. phenomenon in more detail it can also help c. As Political recruitment facilities. this research to diagnose problems that d. As conflict management tools. occur. This study also uses a descriptive The difference between Djuyandi (2018) approach that allows describing how the and Budiardjo (2009) related to their regeneration process carried out by the DPD functions is in political participation PKS in Bandung City as a party that has a function. strong enough exist in Bandung city. The determination of case studies in 2. Regeneration of Political Parties qualitative methods is considered strategic Based on one of the functions of the in this study because it can investigate political party above, namely the function of carefully an event or activity that occurs political recruitment, that cannot be somewhere. In the case of studies, research separated from that function, such can also choose suitable information and regeneration process exist. The regeneration data to get maximum results (Creswell process is important for an organization as 2014: 278). With case studies, research can it in a political party, this reason is based on analyze the regeneration process carried out Harahap (2017: 1-2) which reveals that by PKS to get superior cadres who are cadre, the party prepares or produces wanted by the community and can carry out candidates who are ready to continue the the objectives of the interests of political baton of the struggle of an organization to parties. Data collection in this study used become a leader in the future that is ready to the technique of determining informants by run the organization. purposive or deliberately by the Cadre preparation is carried out to requirements required. The criteria for educate someone to continue the baton of a informant requirements are: (1) Having party or organization (Partanto and Al- knowledge and understanding of the Barry 1994: 293-294). In other words, the history and movement of the PKS; and (2) regeneration process is expected to produce Having extensive knowledge and insight, cadres who can play an important role in an and knowing and contributing to the organization in the future. regeneration process. In Western countries, regeneration to By choosing people who are considered prepare political party leaders has been to be the most knowledgeable of the done very mature. Personal skills of cadres information being studied, they are themselves play an important role, also, to expected to be able to explore the object or support from the party (Parwadi 2006: 7). social situation under study, then analyze Cadres have a strategic position for the the results of the research with the research existence of political parties. theory.

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Regeneration Process of The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) To Maintain Its Existence By Election Year 2014

Discussion and Result Da'wah Institution (LDK). Both of them also 1. PKS Regeneration in Da`wah developed a typical pattern of formation movements and cadre. The formal party cadre PKS collaborates in various strengths to regeneration process is carried out officially uphold the values and Islamic system that is by party management, which consists of Rahmatan lil alamin (mercy for the universe) seven levels, namely: TOP I (One Party and accelerator with the realization of civil Orientation Training), TOP II: TD I (Basic society in Indonesia. With this mission, PKS Training One), TD II: TL I (Advanced One began to expand Islamic da'wah and print Training), TL II, and Training in Social cadres who could then develop Islamic Management and Leadership (TMKS). This social institutions in various fields as markaz formal regeneration process is also a means taghyir (center of change) and solution of coaching as well as cadre gaps which will center. The development carried out by PKS have implications for the distribution of included campus missionary movement roles and structure in PKS (Dhiharso, 2011). which was a movement calling for religion by students on campus. The missionary 2. Implementation of Regeneration movement is transformed into a Student Strategy Activity Unit (UKM) or Campus Da'wah The regeneration process of DPD PKS in Institution (LDK) as a forum for all da'wah Bandung City was analyzed using Almond activities to expand networks. (Muhtadi and Powell's theory of political recruitment. 2012: 32-39). Almond and Powell's political recruitment The regeneration pattern for the theory emphasizes the selection of Prosperous Justice Party is outlined in the candidates for political party leaders and Articles of Association (AD/ART) issued by administrators by providing three paths as the PKS Central Executive Board (DPP) the process of running political recruitment. Article 5 Chapter III. As for every member Almond and Powell's theory of political who registers voluntarily, they must be able recruitment is different from other theories to participate in every training held, and of political recruitment because this theory cadre formation carried out by the party. is an ongoing theory of political parties. Tarbiyah is a small group-based Because it can be applied to the recruitment formation under the guidance of someone of prospective legislators so that it does not murabbi which is carried out through party only look at the activities of political parties non-formal activities. Tarbiyah plays an that carry out political recruitment activities. important role in the regeneration process. Besides, each pathway can be applied to a PKS underbrow organizations such as whole series of political party recruitment Garuda Keadilan (GK), Salimah Workers' activities. Political parties can use political Union (SPK), Indonesian Prosperous recruitment to improve regeneration Fisheries Farmers Association (PPNSI), activities starting from the selection process, Indonesian Muslim Student Action Units improving and maintaining the quality of (KAPMI), and Indonesian Muslim Students cadres, to produce superior cadres to Action Unit (KAMMI) developed patterns improve party votes. and models individual regeneration. The The process of political recruitment groups that formally are not PKS under bow aims to produce qualified cadres by but ideologically have quite close to the PKS applying several qualification criteria. are Islamic Spirituality (Rohis) and Campus Before carrying out the political recruitment

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Regeneration Process of The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) To Maintain Its Existence By Election Year 2014 process, political parties naturally carry out specific guidelines used by political a regeneration process to produce qualified parties. cadres who can be placed as public officials 2) Regeneration through the family, the through elections. practice of applying direct regeneration The regeneration process is a program to the families of each cadre. that contains an activity of forming 3) Cadre Through Local Environment, character and personality through a process there are two paths, such as vertical, of education and training that aims to where each cadre is tried to have produce qualified cadres. Through elections, another position and organize in a political parties must submit candidates community environment, where they who are acceptable to the public so that they are expected to be able to make a can increase the number of party votes. positive contribution to the community. Quality cadres have a very important Then the horizontal path, each cadre role in the existence of political parties. must be able to prove and apply the People can get to know political parties learning outcomes that have been through party activities carried out by their received to the environment of political cadres. A qualified cadre can be a bridge for parties. the community to channel their aspirations to the government. By maintaining public b. Formal Regeneration relations and trust, it is expected to increase The formal regeneration process is an its electability in Bandung City. effort made by DPD PKS Bandung City in shaping an education that is implemented a. Informal Regeneration programmed and integrated to achieve the Informal Kaderiasi in DPD PKS goals expected by the party. The formal Bandung City is one of the efforts to give regeneration process must follow a birth to superior and qualified cadres. This predetermined curriculum that is carried regeneration pattern is carried out in a long out within a certain period. DPD PKS and long period. This long-term education Bandung City conducts evaluation activities was carried out by the DPD PKS cadres in based on a specified period to maintain and Bandung City to their families, ranging from improve the quality of cadres as party children to their teenage years. In addition representatives in the community. to education, DPD PKS Bandung City also The regeneration process has a positive establishes a character for each candidate value that can encourage and improve cadre and his family. Each cadre is given a achievement by increasing competence and guide to "10 Characteristics" which is a fair competition. DPD PKS Bandung City mainstay in the formation of personality memorizes Al-Qur’an activities with a and the application of Islamic values in weekly period to foster motivation to everyday life to achieve the aspects needed develop themselves. This can increase to be able to compete. In informal cooperation between cadres by practicing regeneration there are principal values or together in reading and memorizing the Al- points of application of regeneration that Qur'an. This teaches an important stage support regeneration success, namely: process that is spreading goodness to the 1) Cadre Based on manual, such as people around beforehand before spreading Statutes/Articles of Association and goodness to the community.

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Regeneration Process of The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) To Maintain Its Existence By Election Year 2014

1) The formal internal regeneration time. One of them is by spreading process is a regeneration process that goodness to the community. Through aims as a leadership exercise. Each this process, it is expected to be able to cadre is given alternate assignments to produce qualified leaders who can show lead each other to give rise to a sense of the party's background. responsibility as a leader and as a led The DPD PKS of Bandung City does not cadre. DPD PKS Bandung City through question the prospective cadres from the field of Human Resources is outside the party who do not have responsible for handling the process and family relations. One of the main implementation of Basic Leadership priorities of prospective cadres is Training (LDK) activities. There are 2 expected to be a Khanif (good person). stages of the process in implementing For example, PKS cadres in the leadership exercises including (1) Tasikmalaya area have made changes to Members are initially led by young someone so that someone is included in members, (2) Young members are led by the PKS cadre section. This is an middle members. Each member will application or task that has been carried have the opportunity to lead and be led out by PKS cadres in the form of at each stage of the process. Every stage interactions with individuals or the of the leadership training process has an community. assessment report book as an evaluation Gema Keadilan, one of the under brows and development material. who is active in the community, The workshop activity is a follow-up conducts activities to educate children, activity after leadership training youth, youth, and society in general. activities. This activity is an activity Those who have interacted with PKS agenda set by the center which aims to have also established communities on establish PKS cadres. This stage is a campus. As there are universities, if training step for each cadre to apply the there are students who follow and knowledge gained during the training apply PKS thoughts, it is the result of period. DPD PKS Bandung City has education from families who are part of prepared various facilities for cadres to the PKS or they have participated in carry out these exercises. To maximize coaching as a partnership with PKS. the results of education and training, DPD PKS Bandung City requires each c. The Existence of DPD PKS Bandung cadre to carry out activities in the field. City This aims as a means for cadres to apply DPD PKS Bandung City requires all the knowledge gained during education prospective cadres to become members first and training to the real conditions that before participating in the regeneration occur in society. process. In carrying out the regeneration 2) The process of formal external process, prospective cadres must pass in regeneration is the process of selection performing obligations in the education stages as candidates for legislative and process until they can be declared executive leaders. Each prospective graduated. cadre is given the obligation to The influence that the cadre has on the participate and participate in activities existence of political parties is very held to become leaders for a certain important. Cadres who will be known and

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Regeneration Process of The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) To Maintain Its Existence By Election Year 2014 accepted by the community become the key cadres will increasingly introduce PKS in to the existence of political parties. Besides, the community. political party activities carried out with the The PKS voting base in Bandung City is community and inviting the public will the highest compared to other Islamic based make political parties more remembered by parties. This was evidenced by the results of the community. PKS is an Islamic party with the vote in the legislative elections of the a level of existence that has reached a stage Bandung Regional Representatives in 2014. that is well known and known to the people PKS Bandung City in 2014 got a valid vote of Bandung. Cadres who are promoted by of 136,983 and became an Islamic party with PKS are cadres currently needed by the the most voted. Followed by the United people of Bandung City. PKS cadres often Development Party (PPP) ranked in second carry out activities together with the place with a vote of 64,993. Then the community such as holding recitation (PKB) followed activities or workshops for the community as in the third position with a total of 42,906. and other direct activities with the PKS votes are very large compared to other community. Islamic party letters. Even as a whole PKS The existence of political parties is also has succeeded in shifting nationalist-based influenced by the presence of qualified parties such as the Party of Functional cadres around the community so that they Groups () and the Democratic Party can make the community have the necessary (Demokrat). DPD PKS Bandung City leadership leaders. It is undeniable that the became the third place as the most voted public still judges the person or person. after the Indonesian Democratic Party of DPD PKS Bandung City must prepare Struggle (PDI Perjuangan) and the Great various levels of leadership that can be Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra). The accepted by the community. The difference in vote acquisition is not so great. regeneration process is not an easy thing This proves that the PKS supports base in because many cadres who look good and Bandung is quite convincing. Based on these are considered great by internal parties are votes, the PKS of Bandung City won as not necessarily accepted by the community. many as 6 seats for Bandung Regional Therefore DPD PKS Bandung City People's Representative Council in 2014 conducted an electability survey of (KPU of Bandung City 2014). prospective leaders. This activity is a means DPD PKS Bandung City is known for its of measuring the ability of prospective interesting in regeneration process, disaster leaders and accepting the opinions and response actions and faith-based activities desires of the community about the criteria that involve the local community. PKS is needed by leaders. very close to the community through its DPD PKS Bandung City activities are qualified cadres. This illustrates that PKS as considered acceptable in the community a political party has achieved sufficient and able to increase the party's voice in the existence. city. The approach was also carried out by all levels of prospective leaders prepared. Also, PKS cadres must maintain their Conclusion idealism. PKS cadres must prioritize the The results showed that the resource people interests, not only personal interests. person was very confident and believed in A direct approach to the community by PKS the regeneration process carried out by the

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Regeneration Process of The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) To Maintain Its Existence By Election Year 2014

DPD PKS in Bandung City to produce thoughts that are built personally by cadres. qualified and accepted cadres in the (Almond 2000). community. The regeneration process is carried out based on guidelines that have been made nationally. DPD PKS Bandung References City has an interesting regeneration process Almond, A. (2000). Sosialisasi Politik Budaya compared to other political parties, Politik dan Rekrutmen Politik dalam especially Islamic political parties. From The Mocthae Masoed dan Colin Mac theory of political recruitment, the Andrews. Yogyakarta: Universitas regeneration process of DPD PKS of Gadjah Mada Press. Bandung City runs well. On the other hand, Aminuddin, M. (2017). Reorganisasi Partai there are several different implementations. Keadilan Sejahtera di Indonesia. In other words, the DPD PKS of Bandung Sumber: City improvised in several parts of the regeneration process. This is done to achieve 77967941. the party's vision, mission, and goals. Anismar, E. (2014). Kaderisasai pada Basis DPD PKS Bandung City runs the Sosal Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) di regeneration process informally and Perguruan Tinggi (Studi Kasus Jamaah formally. Qualified cadres present is very Tarbiyah UI). Skripsi. : influential on the party exist among people. Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Therefore, the DPD PKS of Bandung City Universitas Indonesia. carried out a regeneration process to Budiardjo, M. (2009). Dasar-dasar Ilmu produce excellent cadres needed by the Politik. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka community and political parties. The Utama. regeneration process carried out by the PKS Cecep, W. (2016). PKS Jawa Barat Gelar DPD in Bandung City reached a good level Sekolah Kepemimpinan Partai. Sumber: because each cadre spreads a positive side https://www.pikiran- to the family so that good things related to religion can make someone closer to God. raya/2016/11/25/pks-jawa-barat-gelar- DPD PKS Bandung City has carried out sekolah-kepemimpinan-partai-385846. the regeneration process by producing Creswell, J. (2014). Research Design cadres that enthusiasm in community Pendekatan Metode Kualitatif, Kuantitatif, dan Campuran. activities. DPD PKS Bandung City fully understands that by improving the quality Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Pola Rekrutmen and capabilities of cadres can maintain the Dahliany, A. (2012). Pemimpin Partai Politik Dalam party exist. The existence is measured by the Meningkatkan Kriteria Partai Politik vote and the victory of political parties in (Studi Kasus di DPD PKS Kota the General Election as well as the results of Bandung). Bandung: Universitas the political party coalition victory as long Pendidikan Indonesia. as it benefits the PKS. Also, the growing Dhiharso. (2011). Sistem Pengkaderan di number of members is an indicator of the Kalangan Partai Islam (Studi tentang existence of political parties. This is because Tarbiyah PKS Yogyakarta). Yogyakarta: PKS is a political party that is considered to Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan be a party that is in line with political Kalijaga.

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Regeneration Process of The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) To Maintain Its Existence By Election Year 2014

Djuyandi, Y. (2018). Pengantar Ilmu Politik. ______Depok: Rajawali Pers. Firdaus, R. (2014). Pengaruh Rekrutmen Partai Politik Terhadap Kepemimpinan About the Authors Pemerintah di Kabupaten Sukabumi Tahun 2005-2010 (Studi Terhadap Bupati Drs. H. Sukamawijaya, MM 1. Yusa Djuyandi obtained his Doctoral yang berlatar belakang kader PKS). Degree in Politics with Cumlaude at Bandung: Universitas Padjadjaran. Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Harahap, I. (2017). Kaderisasi Partai Politik Indonesia. He was a lecturer in dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Department of Communication, Bina Kepemimpinan Nasional. Jurnal Politik, Nusantara University, Jakarta, Hlm. 1-9. Sumber: Indonesia (2010-2017), Specialized Staff for Commission 1, Member of 46. Parliement, The House of Juliano, S. (2014). Seminar Strategi Kampanye Representatives of the Republic of Partai Politik Menjelang Pemilihan Indonesia (2006-2009), and a reseacher Umum Tahun 2014. Sumber: at Indonesia Institute for Defense and Strategic Studies (LESPERSSI) (2009- stategi-kampanye-politik-2014.html. present). Now Yusa Djuyandi is a Muhtadi, B. (2012). Dilema PKS. Jakarta: lecturer at Department of Politics, Gramedia. Padjadjaran University and he is also a Partanto, P. A. & Barry, M. D. (1994). Kamus head of The Centre of National and Ilmiah Populer. Surabaya: Arloka. Global Security Studies at Padjadjaran Purwadi, R. (2006). “Kaderiasasi Organisasi University. dalam Perubahan”. Jurnal Wawasan, 2. Fifi Lutfiah Sodikin obtained her Vol. 12 (1), Hlm. 1-10. Bachelor Degree in Politics at Rahadi, F. (2014). Kota Bandung Basis Suara Padjadjaran University, Bandung, PKS. Sumber: Indonesia, in 2018. Now she is a researcher at Political Insight (Polsight), ional/jawa-barat- Bandung, Indonesia. nasinal/14/03/13/n2d7ei-survei-kota- bandung-basis-suara-pks. Suroto & Rudianto, D. (2003). Partai Politik di Indonesia. Jakarta: PT. Citra Mandala Pratama. Tunjungsari, A.R., Lestari, P., & Sumarno. (2017). “Gerakan Dakwah sebagai Sistem Kaderisasi Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (Studi pada Dewan Pengurus Wilayah PKS Provinsi Jawa Tengah”. Unnes Political Science Journal, Vol. 1 (1), Hlm. 21-28.

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