Vol~ 73, Number,S·· InformatiOn'.- . Now May 20,1998 Library Opens SEEK Students Disability Room Find Success By ElaineWu By Hwan-joo Moon The 26th SEEK AwardsCer­ The Newman Library at Baruch emony, honoring its students for College in the 25th street building high academic achievement and has opened a new room onthe third community service, was pre- floorito facilitate visually chal-. .sented on May 8, at the college's lenged students to better cope with conference center on 25 street. the zigcrs.ofstudy. This is an annual event spon­ The Assistive Technology room, sored by the "Baruch College as it is called, is equipped with one SEEK Scholarship Fund to rec­ Braille typewriter, one Kurtzweille ognize' students who work extra Reader and a personal computer hard to overcome environmen­ with specialized software for visu­ tal, educational, financial, and ally challenged users. The language barriers that confront Kurtzweille Reader scans docu­ ~ the Search for Education, El­ ments and then reads backthe con­ f evation, and Knowledge popula­ tents by voice. =tron. . The computer in the room is New Baruch building on 25th Street (Site B) Certificates of achievement equipped with JAWS software, were presented to students with which is a voice synthesizer that cumulative averages of 3.00 or can read any text on the computer New Baruch Under above and to students with out­ screen. For example, a student standing community service. surfing the web can have the con­ Monetary awards were given to tents of a website recited in voice, 5-YearPlan students for academic excel- The computer is also equipped with lence with grade point average ZOOM-TEXT software that can By Chan-joe MOOD above 3.60. enlarge any item on the screen. Baruch College is in the final fort and said that the new plan In order to be considered for The Assistive Technology room stages ofdrafting a new 5-year plan will seek to make improvements an award, students are required was funded through the Migdalia that will define its future mission inthe·quality ofeducation and the to hand in an award application Ramos Memorial Fund at the re­ and direction, Provost Lois S. infrastructure ofthe college. Un- indicating which a ward they quest. ·········0··of -Ester.•,._...- .. _-.-.::c~-,Fizueroa__ ..... ~._Del'" ... Ramos_.'..._._...--_._.'.:.. Cronholm said in an interview. derthe plan, a host of issues will want. The SEEK Scholarship ··CfHet~-5 . C~~nholmisili.cha.xgeO£ihjs er~. - .. ----.... ·'Co;ilinuedO'!.~--'·'- ---t>----. ~--'. ·co.ntinueaoitpage 7·· Bar-uoh Celebrates No More Faculty Hispanic Week Evaluations By Elizabeth Villegas By Cban-joo Moon Hispanic Week was held at pockets to pay for the food and a As a result oftheconcern over the ure can be evaluated if they so BaruchCollege from May 11 to May lot of activities that were taking wide availability of information on choose. The results become avail­ 15 in the 360 Park Avenue South place," a club member said. the Internet, the process for mak­ able to students if the professor building. The five-year tradition "Reanna Ramsingh, treasurer of ing faculty evaluations available signs a release form allowing it. was in danger of turning into a ca­ DaySessionStudentGovernment, has been changed, which will re­ If a professor did not return a tastrophe due to last minute can­ has not been available since this sult in many of them becoming no release form, previously, the office cellations and lack of funds. How­ year's elections and she has all of longer available to students of the Provost assumed that the ever, six Hispanic clubs ­ the paper work." . through either The Ticker or the professor gave permission to have ASEDOM, Hispanic Society, ''This is the last week of the se­ Student Development andCoun­ the results releasedto the students. Lambda Upsilon Lambda, LAS°, mester and many students are seling web site. Some ofthemcomplained, however, LAY and PRIDE - assiduously busy studying for finals," Peter Evaluations are used by the ad­ that a failure to return a release held on, pooling their own re­ Medina, treasurerof Puerto Ricans ministration for two things: to de­ does not mean that the professor sources, and managed to success­ for Involvement, Development and termine whether they should re­ agreedto havethe results released. fully hold many of the scheduled Enlightenment (PRIDE)," said. new a contract with a professor, This issue grew more pressing events. "So a lot oforganization is lacking and in making the decision to give when the information started to be At the opening ceremony, the but we.are committedto make His­ or not to give tenure. Under the published on the internet through scheduled speaker did not show up panic Week a success." contract between the Professional the Office ofStudent Development so the leaders of the clubs greeted Dr. David Traverso, faculty ad­ Staff Congress, the faculty and and Counseling web site. Whenthe everyone with smiles, Spanish visor to the Latino clubs, said that staffunion, and City University of results were only in The Ticker, it pastries andbeverages. "The mem­ the hundreds of students who New York, professors- who do not was only available to those who bers ofthe Hispanic clubs made a came to him said that they do not have tenure are required to be picked up an issue during the two decision to take money from their continued on page 7 evaluated and those who have ten- continued on page 6

J / / TICKER NEWS MAY 20, 1998 _TICKER NEWS MAY 20, 1998 3 7~ DSSG Elections: STAR Party S-weep Health Care Passes By Chan-joo Moon The STAR party won all four ex­ and I hope he dents, according to Anton Grant, ecutive positions for nextyear's Day brings it to fruition STAR treasurer. ''We want to get a Session Student Government because he has the consensus from everybody, and not (DSSG) by a wide margin against drive," said have an international flavor," he the BEST party in this May's elec­ Ramsingh. said. 'The most important thing is tions. The Health Care Referen­ Three ofthe STAR total unity - to bring together all dum received a majority vote and e lectees are from the identities in the clubs." passed, although there are ques­ Helpline, a Baruch The Health Care Referendum re­ tions as to whether enough people organization which ceived 564 votes from 771 cast. Al­ voted for it to make the vote repre­ employs20 students though itreceived supportfrom most sentative of the student body: to give Baruch stu­ ofthe students who voted for it, the About 15 percentofthe 8,029 day dents help with dif­ totalnumberofvoters doesnotnum­ session students voted. Students ficulties and to give ber 10 per cent of the student body. -, Together Achieve Reform candi­ them peer counsel. DebraBick-Duggan,AssociateDirec­ dates received over 700 votes each Henry said that tor or-Student Life, said that many from the 1,209 cast. Bringing Ev­ STAR party's con­ students who wanted to vote for ery Student Together candidates nections toHelpline it failed to do so because the ref­ received about 400 each. will help them keep erendum was not very visible on ''ByTuesdayeveningI knew I was in touch with the .~~ the voting booth. Many stu­ losing but I thought ifI gave up, I needsofthe student :;:§a bod "Th ... ~ t dents voted for the candidates would alwayshave a question inmy "~j\' >.Q y. e.r re s u- and walked out, after which mind," said Reanna Ramsingh, '<.~ u,,'~'~ ~ dents too and they realized that they did not " ;.~ "''t.,::<:='~~"; h k BEST presidential candidate. She ;:, .;:\: '.':.... _> .. Q) t ey . now more cast a vote for the referendum. > • :''''·''''>V·.'''z '.. >" .'. -' .- b h h I i.~ x;':::';;:;·:(,",v,.x':'';;>''''''·<'>·''-'''·-::s a out t e sc 00 describedcampaigningalone inthe : '" : 'l'lb":;'~;, ~ :,,:':;,:

.,.', < ~, ,.,..,',.•, c,:.,.,"','. By Chan-joo Moon ByElaineWu As part ofa class project the stu­ The three students came up with The City University of New Party STAR dents ofMarketing5150, taughtby the design through researchingthe York (CUNY) Legislative Action Professor James Coyle, have en­ behavior ofthe target market and Council held a meeting at Position Candidate Votes 96 of Votes Candidate Votes CJ6 of Votes Total tered a national advertising con­ then conducting interviews with CUNY Central at 80 street, on test this semester. them. Their research showed that May 7, to address the concerns Presjdent lennox Henry 717 59.5 Reanna Ramsingh 443 33.6 '160 The contest is held by an average of30 per cent ofcollege over the CUNY budget . Vice President Omar Morales 744 61.5 Joshua Kurtz 383 31.7 '127 MasterCard and the objective is to students in the age range of 18 to In response to Governor Treasurer Anthon Grant 711 58.8 James Berguido 416 34.4 1127 show college students in the age 24 watch ESPN'ssports channel on George Pataki's vetoes of many Secretary Simone DeSuze_ 71 8 59.3 Romana Ali 404 33.4 1122 range of 18 to 24 the responsibil­ cable. It also showed that an aver­ items that were proposed for ity that comes with using a credit age of26 per cent ofadults in gen­ the CUNY budget, the council eral read sports magazines. card. discussed plans to compromise Eligible Voters 8,0.29 In order to choose a submission "Social psychology research re­ with the changes. Some of the Total Votes Cast 1,209 from Baruch to go to the national veals that the arousal of fear ideas mentioned were the draft­ level, Coyle held a contest among through scare tactics are very per­ ing of a supplementary budget Evening Session Student Assembly his students. There were thirteen suasive," stated their report. "In and a letter writing campaign. Health Care Referendum teams of three persons each and our advertisements, we combined However, since the end of the All uncont.e.s.,ted Jor 20 AvaiiabJe Seats the teachingofthe misuse ofcredit the entries were judged by the school year is coming, they have Gary Blake 2nd year carry over Marketing faculty. The members cards by showinga disastrous con­ concluded that a letter cam­ Total Votes Stephen Campbell 2nd year carry over DAY of the winning team are Patricia sequence happening to people in paign will not work since stu­ % .of Votes Cast Floyd Cox Yes Law, Federico Restrepo and Paul the ad, in hopes that the audience dents will be busy studying for 576 Karlene Dormer 395 68.6 Pepitone. will learn from us on what 'not' to finals. No % of Votes Cast ''It's good for them," said Coyle. do. The creative approach of fan­ Karrine Montaque Pataki onApril 26 vetoed the $27 181 31.4 tii\)he:r9q"\\}:,}'S~;>1 ''It kind of reflects the real world tasy plussports also added a fresh Elizabeth Rocchino 2nd year carry over million increasethat theStateLeg­ EVENING ·tIIIi.....~~~~~..~~~~f.·,1 in which different [advertising] and modern appeal." islature had approved for C~ Terrell Roquez Yes % of Votes Cast 83 ;2j~;;:;~8:;: 2·2.j:::'.-{ t;,~~~l2::;1 agencies are competing for the "This generation likes extreme Of the vetoed amount, $13.4 mil­ Joanne Serieaux same business." sports,"saidRestrepo, who designed lion had been intended for the se­ .. '72 86.7 ~;l1.,;·;;~t,ji\:;~;:1 No % of Votes Cast The winning design shows a thecomputergraphics. Thewinning nior colleges. These items consist Vote Cast , 83 ;~E,n:C:,h~,' '.c""C&,'C:". young man bungee jumping on a team created three versions of the of$4.5 million for fac:u1ty positions, - 1 1 13.2 . Eligible Voters 3,927 - . ,-:::,:.,.:;,',:::,'''. rope of credit cards coming out of idea for the different mediums of $1.2 million to expand child care, GRADUATE his back pocket. "If you have too television, radio and print.. Their $2.9 million for SEEK and $4.8 Graduate Student Association Yes % of Votes Cast 112 many credit cards, eventually, design will bejudgedagainstentries million for studentbook purchases 97 86.6 . you're goingto die," saidLaw, a se- from over 200 colleges and universi­ ($65 per student.) . "11 ."'.11 ~ . 10 A. No % of Votes Cast ties in the nation. . mor, continued on page 7 , 3.3 - No Petitions Received 15 - \

4 TICKER NEWS MAY 20, 1998 TICKER NEWS MAY 20, 1998 5

~ PatakiAnd Giuliani United Seniors! Haven't taken your NewYork Real Estate 2000: Pri- NY'sTransportation Crisis:The Discount Movie Tickets to For CUNY CAP GRADUATION PORTRAIT vateRealitites/PublicRelations Impact on Its Real Estate Cineplex Odeon can be pur­ YET?... This is your last oppor- Roundtable sponsoredbyCrain'sNY DevelpemntConference sponsored chased at the Student Center 360 By Chan-joo Moon tunity. May 18th to 21st and Business & the Upper Manhattan bythe Regional PlanAssociation. To PAS, rm 1512. Tickets are $5 and. State Governor George Pataki the 26th to 29th.. No appoint­ Empowerment Zone Develp. Corp. be held on June 9, 8am, 151 E 25th valid for one year. 802-6770Avail- and Mayor Rudolph Giuliani ment necessary. Pictures will To be held on June 3, 7:45-11am, 151 St./Con,ference Ctr. For registration able during the summer. are directly attempting to end be taken at 360 PAS, rm 1539, E 25th St, Conference Ctr. By Invi- info, call 802-6730 all remediation at the four-year lOam -7pm. tation onl~ call 802-6730 Comic Strip Live: tickets are If you would like to an­ colleges of City· University of nounce an eventfor the.FaIl New York (CUNY), based on ar­ CHECK \1 OUl Undergraduate Com­ Graduate Commencement to be $7.00 and admits two people. Pur­ Semester ~ATNOCHARGE ticles in The New York Times, mencement to be held on held on June 3, at theAvery Fisher . chase tickets at the Student Cen­ ~pleasetypeand,Jeay~ itin which ina series shows the tac­ OtllHEWEB. June 2, 11am at the Theater Hall at Lincoln Ctr, Broadway at ter 360 PAS, rID 1512 Monday­ in tics of the governor and mayor 65th St, 6pm reception and Bpm Friday from 9am-9pm Cash Only. tneTicKer'm8i];box room at Madison Square -Garden 1512~ since May 6. www.ford.com ceremon . Available during the summer. . Seventh Ave at 32nd St. The previous delays on .the vote to ratify the Comprehen­ siveAction Plan (CAP) had been rumored to have occurred be­ cause 'the governor· and t.he mayor did not consider them to have been strong enough. The

<,.,~.,.. ~..,t) .. plan for academic reform pre­ . ,.',- *.' :.,.'.. sented before the CUNY Board of Trustees on May 6 is the re­

; sult of the mayor and the gov­ .J. ernor having reached an agree­ ment, according to the articles. Under the plan, the four col­ leges of Baruch, Brooklyn, Queens and Hunter will end all remediation by September 1999. (Baruch is scheduled to $400 CASH BONUS end all remediation by this Sep­ toward purchase or lease* tember, with or without the plan, under the authority of College .President Matthew Goldstein.) , David BI~s, E'ditor-in-Chief Hwan-joo Moon, News Elaine Wu, News Editor Amanda Nelson, News Copy Editor E

f. TICKER NEWS MAY 20, 1998 6 TICKER' NEWS MAY 20, 1998 7 College­ Super Senior Day :Final Send Off FBI Wants Baruch Students

By Hwan-joo Moon for 19 years. He will be eligible to Wide A representative from the Fed­ retire next yearwith a $65,000 per eral Bureau ofInvestigation (FBI) year pension. ''Talk about job se­ discussed the job opportunities curity. Ifyou work for the govern­ Awards available in the FBI, on May 7 at ment and do your job, you're not Baruch College, during a meeting likelyto get fired," .Hansen stated. hosted by the Beta Alpha Psi Ac­ Headquartered in Washington Ceremony counting Honor Society: D.C., the FBI has 56 field offices "I'm not going to offer you a lot inthe United States.Although new By Elaine Wu ofmoney but I'm goingto offeryou agents .can give preferences on Baruch College will present a tremendous experience," said .where they may want to work, the college-wide awards in a cer­ Walter Hansen, SupervisingSpe­ assignments given are dependent emony on June 2, at Mason cial Agent. The starting salary of onthe needs ofthe FBI, according Hall. a FBI field agent is approximately to Hansen. ''We lost a lot ofquali­ This is held annually to $28,000 a year andean go up to fied people because of that policy. honor students who have $42,500 in 3 years, according to We are moving toward a regional distinguished themselves in Hansen. hiring policy," said Hansen. ''But Although the pay is moderate, academics and service to the Carl·AyIman, Director ofStudent • e, look," he added, ''you can always community. Patricia Imbimbo, Director of Career ifa student isinterested in fight­ motivating students to develop self-esteem take another line ofwork." . Students much file applica­ Development Center, conductinginterview ing crime and affecting people's In orderto become an agent, one tions for awards in order to be workshop lives, said Hansen, the FBI is the must be a US citizen, between the considered for awards. The fac­ place to be. ''It's a necessaryjob. ages 23-37 and a college graduate. tors considered are grade point There are so many criminals out All the information in the employ­ average, extra-curricular activi­ there," said Hansen. ment application is carefully inves­ ties, number of credits taken Hansen recalled his first week ule," said Hansen. tigated, accordingto Hansen. and other achievements. on thejob as a field agent. Heand Hansen has worked for the FBI The Scholarship Committee , that decides who receive these awards consists of three faculty members, one from each school, Student (;ets Reprimand; Officer Gets orr and a representative each from ByChan-jooMoon the registrar, financial aid, col­ The alleged scuffle between a that he tried to enter without an ID denied grabbingKim and another of- ofID. Hetriedtoenteranyway and, lege advancement, Student De­ Baruch security officer and a stu­ card and was given a ''verylow-end" fieerhadbackedupConner'saccount. according to Kiln, Conner grabbed velopment and the controller dent, which occurred on March 26 reprimand for violatingarticle 15 of .Kim called the.report a fabrication the back of his collar and dragged office. over a failure ofthe studenttobring the-studentbulletin, saidKirschner. but said that he did not wish to pur- him back some 15 feet to the front Carl Kirschner, vice president an identification card, has ended There will be no investigationinto sueitanyfurtherbecausetheincident ofthe lobby. for Student Development, with the student receiving a minor the alleged actions ofsecurityofficer had occurred over a "fit of anger on Afemalestudentwhocameintothe stressed the importance of violation. J. Conner because Kim declined to both ofour parts." lobby immediately after the incident these awards for students. ... Kim was called in to the office of presscharges. "In mybookthat'sthe "I think it would have made sense had said that she saw the assistant "They're very important in Ellen Adelman, Peers for Careers Coordinator, Dina Curry, etiquette expert, teaching Carl Kirschner, DirectorofStudent end ofit," said Kirschner. for me toget an apol~"saidKim. directorofsecuri~JoeCaJJj~shout- terms of recognition and some­ SupportServices becausethe Office The official report stated, accord­ At the time of the incident, on a ingat Connerfor havinggrabbedthe giving advice on writing a resume ._~ -,-.----~.-_."'-_a. .. . '.- -, -.." -. _. -. ~ ,. ,. -----students__._.- fine. -dirrlna ... .- 1huriKla"~KiDi aeriied~~·~~-r--~fIi:s"'t-.Jtowatffiw _'.~ thing to put on their resume .ofSecurity rePortec[hisattemPtto -mg'tOKirSclUi~-tliaf-COnner-Oiily . .Waj togotv ---.. -. '-." .. __ N' and applications to graduate entera campusbuildingwithout an stoodinfrontofKimtoblockhisway tIytothe 17LexingtonAvenue buiId- class afterchedWlghissocial seCurity . school." he said. identification card. He admitted and did not grab him. Conner had ingbecausehedid nothaveanyform number. The Baruch College Fund fi­ nances scholarship awards which range from $200 to $1,600. Pataki Vetoes SEEKAwards ::\ew companies that donated Hispanic Week money to the College Fund this continued from page 2 continued from front continued from front v ea r include Toys 'R' Us. which The money for rebuilding Committee, which consists of six came to him said that they do Bleed Wedding written by donated money for students in CUNY's full-time faculty had members from the SEEKprogram, not get involved in any of the Gareia Lorca, a Spanish rn a n a g em e n t and marketing; evaluates students' performances . Hispanic clubs because these playwrite in the 1930s. and ::\ew York Compensation been a priority for CUNY Chan­ cellor Christoph M. Kimmich. and decide which awards areeli­ clubs only party and do not ad­ Hispanic Week continued on Association, w h i c h donated Ronald Aaron, dean of stu­ gible for them. dress issues such as cultural Thursdaywith aMusic Festival $1,500 each for two students College President Matthew unity, lack ofrepresentation of and .a live band came to play studying human resource man­ dents and Jane Crotty from Goldstein, NewYork StateAssem­ Latinos in education and a lack congos, bongos and other Latino agement. Community Relations and Eco­ blyman Roger Green, and founder . of a political agenda. instruments. The musicians Other donors include alumni nomic Development were the of the excellence in accounting Traverzo said that ·he tells were covered with masks and and family members of Baruch two representative for Baruch College who were present at the award for SEEKstudents, Profes­ the students in his Hispanic played to the music with fire staff. Emma Sosa, image expert, teaching Career Development Center sorMartin Benis, spoke at the cer­ Studies classes to get involved and intensity. how to dress for success staff serving lunch meeting. Like other represen­ tatives at the meeting, they emony. and make the changes them­ "Latinos are people who have .-" have been contacting legisla­ Duringtheirspeeches, both Green selves. "They come out of my a richness about them, a mix­ and over charges that Baruch was received an extremely complimen­ tors in their district, including and Benis mentioned the impor­ class with a sense ofconscious­ ture in terms of color. We have discriminating in its hiring prac­ tary response." Senators Catherine Abate and tance of remediation and their op­ ness that they previously a lot of fire which makes us a New Baruch Plan tices. She said that Baruch received a Roy Goodman, and Assembly­ positions towards Mayor Rudolph lacked." very distinct culture," said' continued from front Provost Cronholm addressed bad rating at that time because it man Steve Sanders. Crotty Giuliani and Governor George Traverzo said that he will ad­ Maria Perez. these issues when she came in did not have any organized plan for said that both Goodman and Pataki's actions to eliminate reme­ vise all six Latino clubs to con­ Hispanic Week closed with be addressed to improve the qual­ will be expanded. 1992. "I was responsible for the the future. "As far as I'm con­ Abate are sympathetic to dial classes in the City University sider holding Hispanic Week in a round table discussion with ity ofeducation and the overall ex­ ''The theme of this 5-year plan Middle States report," she said. "I cerned, we're back on track", she CUNY's situation. of New York (CUNY). October or November because Baruch students and guest perience of the college. is high quality," said Cronholm. responded point by point and we said. According to The New York Green spoke ofhis experience as a these are the national heritage speakers. One of the speakers, Every program in the college (all The last 5-year plan, which ran Times, legislators do not expect college student who benefited from months. Alvaro Pasado, a writer and a the majors and so forth) will be from 1993 to 1998, made major to have enought votes to over­ remedial classes and later gradu­ On Tuesday, May 12, a food Job Developer who is active in evaluated against other programs changes in the structure ofthe col­ ride Pataki's vetoes. They are ated with recognition on the dean's festival was held on the 14 the New York City area finding in the nation on a regular basis. lege. The most prominent change Faculty Evaluations planning a letter campaign t o list, "All people,·some time or an­ floor of 360 PAS building. jobs for Latinos, said that Baruch will seek to teach stu­ was the closing of the School of reach all the voters in the state. other, need remediation," he said There were dishes such as Latinos should use their diver­ dents better communication skills Education and the opening of the continued from front They intend to bring back the Although many incoming SEEK arroz con abichuela, carne sity to improve themselves. and a greater familiaritywith tech­ School of Public Affairs. At the week period in which it was out. harsh image Pataki gained in. students have taken remedial guisada, ensalada de papa and Pasado said that Latinos need nology. Improvements will be time that she drafted the plan, fessor. To assume a release from On the internet, people from all 1995 when he relentlessly classes in the past, the percentage ensalada de vegetales, just to to protect their language,· cul­ sought in student services in the Baruch was in danger oflosingac­ inaction was not a correct legal in­ over the world can access the re­ slashed the budget. Mayor of incomingSEEKstudents who re­ name a few. ture and heritage and to fight various offices which students deal creditation with the Middle States terpretation. sults. Rudolph, Giuliani, according to quire remediation has beendeclin­ On Wednesday, the clubs to continue bi-lingual educa­ with. The Student Academic Con­ Association of Colleges and The evaluations have been put The old procedure also did not The New York Times, supports ing, according to Angela Anselmo, held "La Cultura Cafe" where tion. "Latinos must continue the sulting Center will be expanded Schools. According to a 1991 on the Student Development and comply with the law. A release the cuts in spending that SEEK director. She said that in there were an array of events strugglefor equalopportunities for and may open for longer hours for Ticker article, the former presi­ Counseling web site since the Fall needs to have an action on the part of 1996. The results for two semes­ Pa taki has made. 1997, over30%ofthefreshman class - musical performances. po­ all Hispanics, and exerciseourvot­ eveningstudents. Serviceswill be dent of Baruch College, Joel of the person making the release, in the SEEK program did not need etry, comedy skits, singing per­ ingrights to put officials in office improved for transfer studentsand Segall, resigned due to the contro­ ters are carried at a time; they are according to Carl Aylman, Direc­ not on the Baruch College web site. any form ofremediation. formaneesand scenes from a whowill help us achieveourgoa!s." the Career Development Center versy over the loss ofaccreditation tor of Student Life and a law pro-

• \


8 TICKER OP-EDS MAY 20,1998 TICKER OP-EDS MAY 20, 1998 9'

Established in 1932 David Blanks­ Editor-in-Chief Madelyn Tavera As the academic year draws to a close, the sun sets Managing Editor Lauren Mogul. on the adnrinistration ofCollege President Matthew Senior Editor D c Elaine Wu· Goldstein; DSSG will experience a changingofthe Hwan-Joo Moon­ guard, and the proverbial ax is about to fall on News Editors HungTran Dov GertzuJiu CUNY. Business Editors We no-w take this time to reflect on where we have David Blanks Op-Ed Editor been, and concentrate on where we need to go. Sergy Tabuteau Quite frankly, most ofus are concerned about our Features Editor Edward Rodriguez future. Syed Bokhari Arts Editors With anActing Chancellor, Acting Vice Chancellors, Mike Galicia a soon to be Acting president at Baruch, CUNY Sports Editor Marlon Layton Copy Editor/ Trustees acting as executioners, and the mayor and Webmaster governor acting like dictators, -we wonder: is this Jamie Yanofsky Amanda Nelson­ CUNY or Hollywood? Copy Editors Henry The big question is whether these entities will ever Henao-Berchtold ACT in our best interests or will just continue to Advertising Manager Roslyn Bernstein further their own personal agendas. We, the Alis8 Solomon Consultants STUDENTS are CUNY, not the politicians and * Denotes acting. administr-ators. You cannot CAP our academic Staff

.elevation. Carolyn Brad' . DSSG You to evaluate Dean Efkarpidis Sincerely, To the next President: need Patrick Eves Rear! MeCalJ Martin Goldstein State ComptroDer what has been done before, balance it and build Polly Gwadyak Tamim Islam upon it. We expect progress, not regression. Kiro TommyLau UGGLEISNOrO ••• To the future President ofBaruch College: When Andreia Lee By Frank Talk since 1995. Baruch College. Coalition poli- that will last longer than their Monica Mack "We are for the abolition ofwar, For the last 3 years DSSG ticsis what drove STAR. The or- DSSG occupation. The CUNY struggle is waging you begin to work on developing " a sense of Joseph M. Maldarelli but we understand that it takes candidates have been trying to ganizers of STAR are for the Chan-joo Moon war to end war." win student votes overby using multi-racial organizing of all strong, but it has been very community,' don't forget that the STUDENTS are JeannieNg -Mao Tse Tung social activities to swayv~tesin students against those that weak at Baruch College. It is J enniferParise "Each generation must, out of their-favor. Candidatesthat use want to dismantle public eduea­ the failure, not of the students, the nucleus of this establishment. Kenyatta Pious relative obscurity discover its these tactics usually do not tion. This is the only govern­ but ofthe student leadership on Juan Raposo mission and having discovered have a real political agenda for ment slate in memory when it'B this campus that has allowed We have excelled, but there is always rOOIn for Jeff Schwartz it, ehoose to either fulfill it or student empowerment. This is leadership.does not hold DSSG OPEN ADMISSIONS to be dis­ Vanessa Singh betray it." very important }Vhen CUNY is as the main goal orits endeavor. mantled atBaruch. No one is to improvement. Smo -Dr. Frantz Fanon . going through an ethnic and Many students were told lies blame but the student leader­ Atlaf Tyrewala We are in a significant period economic cleansing that is out about STAR concerning its lim­ ship. The bell has tolled. Ding-dong, the witch is Elizabeth Villegas concerning student government to exclude poor communities ited diverseness. Most of these The bad elements in the col­ lege administration and the re- ­ dead...or is she? Leah Williams in the last five (5) years. The and people of color. A very 80- students event\lally joined MingWong people have spoken when they ciaI oriented program could be STAR and BASS's project list actionaries in power can only say that they want a student established, anew building when they found out that what succeed when the students, campus labor and progressive government that is activist ori- could be set up, but who will be they heard was incorrect. The 'Iicker is published ented. Only an average of 400 the students to access these The STAR slate was primarily faculty are Dot organized as a bi-w~ eight times a se­ strong body. This is why the mester, by The 7icker edit0­ students voted for the BEST things when underdeveloped organized by a union of Black pasty compared to the STAR communities are cut out ·of organizations and Latino stu­ SEEK department is no longer rial staff at 360 Park Ave. the autonomous body it slate that victoriously won with CUNY. The student body UDder- dent.s for all students. STAR that South, NewYork,NY10010, once was. This is why the reme­ 700 .votes. Thi. i. Dot a -vie- stands this instinctively and would have been more fune­ Room 1522 (Internet E­ dial progralns are no longer in Mail the_~ tor'7 fortbe ST~. ~~P or .. tha~is why they voted for tional if there was a politically existence at· College. .. banic1icun~edu). All work their cODstituencies, but a STAR. organized Black union, Latino Baruch except printing is done by , victory lor the people aad The opposition to the student union, Asianun~oD, woman's The many Matthew GoldateiDs Baruch undergraduate and the etudea. at Barach Col- supported STAR party, ran the.. union and gay and lesbian and the many Ann Reynolds that exist, ·only have power graduatestudeii1s. An typed . .lep. The people woo. tbis.elec- false line that the STAR party .union. This isbaaed on lOme of andsignedoontributionsand tiOD for placing a peoples' gov- was not representative ·01 the most progressive models of when the people let them. letters are welcome, and ernment against internal stu- Baruch College. The STAR' organiziDI aDd eoalitio~ poli~ '. - shouldbemailedtotbeabove LOVE FOR THE PEOPLE, dent political apathy. This is party's politie••ndprojects tics. The organizers orSTY amcI address (or E-mailaddress). BATE FOB·.OUR silllificaDt for BllI'Uch College withBASS are pared to a" BASS want to create .a ..ble OPPRESSIVE Our office is open dur­ CONDITIONS ~BNEIOBS. ingregularschoolhours. Any afterthestudent struP 108888 and- aervetbe-ltDdeatbody,at ·Ieadenhipbody onthiae.mpll8. display or advertising ques­ tionsshouldbedinmdto the advertisingManageror Man· agingEditorattheabovead­ dress.

• • 10 TICKER OP-EDS MAY 20, 1998 TICKEROP-EDS-MAY 2_0 t 1998 11

. -l:::: -, ~.~_. . .. -<>Ur---prjorities--r-·------..-...,;;...;..;~~--..;.....;;~-...... ;.:",...... ;;..;,;,,:------~ I WouldHke to thank tbe Academy,•. By Philip Eggers Wow! TI:l1s has been the busi- rience more enjoyable and fruit- say that my experience here has some of them Will be graduat­ est semester ofmy entire college ful for students. It's something been great. Through working ing and will, not be around to Chair, BMCC English Dept. ye~rs. I don't remember being that no one can buy. It's some- on The Ticker, Dollars & $enBe help 'the next persons. Hey, Two items from the Chronicle's , this busy my entire life. I did thing they do, I think, because and taking classes, I feel that I even Madelyn had to graduate dailynews summarycreatean ironic not do as well academically this of who they are. I always be- have been as prepared as I can sometime. contrastwhenjuxtaposed: 2000stu­ year as I wanted to but I can't lieved that that's what it all be to embark on a career of You know, many of the vaIu­ dents in Indonesia clashwith police say I regret it. Rather, this was comes down to, that under all Journalism. I have even re- able things I learned from the overstudents'demandsfor economic the ~emester that made Baruch the contracts and'schedules and ceived an extra boost in the way Journalism Department, Dol­ andpolitical changes. 3000 students special to me and I must say I whatever, that a person just of scholarships and awards. I lars & $enBe and The Ticker clash with police at Michigan State learned quite a lot, on all lev- cares something about others can't ask for more. I really were not related to classes. over stricter regulations of alcohol e~s~ ~~ I juggled all the respon- and the community. worked hard to learn and They were on a personal level use before athletic events. I guess sibilit.ies that I had. I've always wondered why. I achieve the things I did but it - something that resulted from we in the U.S. know what matters. I w~nt to thank ~y professors mean, I figured that all the stu- could not have been possible personal interactions. It's Another item is the announcement for gomg out oftheir way to help dents who come in are just without the help of many funny how it always works out that 67% of high school graduates students. I really thank the strangers really, but somehow people. like that. It's not the organiza­ now attend college in the U.S. Why many professors :-vho go beyond there are those professors who I thank the veteran staff of tional or institutional but per- hasn't it been recognized that the ~ha: they are hired to d~ a~d have a sense of mission to bring The Ticker for putting up with sonal relationships that end up American high school was never instil! a sense of community In the best out of the students and me. I had a lot of ideas and becoming rewarding. I just designed, planned, staffed, the campus. In.the classrooms, strive to teach and to instill a many ofthem were not on track. hope I can do the good thing for equipped, or funded to prepare ev­ I always appreciated the profes- sense of community. I guess it I think I learned a lot about the persons I meet in the future. eryone for college. Onlyprep schools were designed that way; that's why sors who really went o~t oftheir just is. myself from, uh, interacting Chan-joo MOOD way to make the Iearriing expe- As a Journalism major, I must with them. I'm just sorry that News Editor they're called prep schools, and they cost a mint. In myhigh school (small SUMMER ISSUE!!! town Midwest) maybe ten to twenty percentofthe graduates went tocol­ JULy 22, 1998 lege. Now this sameinstitution, with By David Blanks assimilated into the main­ but it's more green than any­ no major changesexceptthedemand I'm planning to attend Colum­ stream, the second America, thing else. WRITERS, EDITORS,. for betterresults, issupposedtopre­ bia Law when this is all said which has been founded on the I t struck me the other day. pare everyone for college. and done with. I know that I PHOTOGRAPHERS principles ofbloodsucking para­ I'm not going to no damn Co­ Opponents ofremediation declare am capable of achieving an out­ NEEDED sitic behavior. This system lumbia!; I can't afford it. that taxpayers shouldn't pay twice standing score on the LSAT and needs us to survive, but doesn't for what was taught in high school. righ t now I'm building and seem to want us to LIVE. Our .,. I maintain that it neverwas taught maintaining my G.P.A. I have future is being taken away from in high school. Not writing, at least. it in my mind to graduate with us and this is the second detri­ Thinkabout the curryingin writing some kind of laude. I know that mental effect. In economics and literary analysis that a gradu­ I'm not special and that there they call us "consumers," "vic­ ateofExeterorTrinityhas received. are plenty of people with the tims" sounds more fitting. What public high school would dare same drive and desire on this Sometimes the children who claim it devotes that kind of time campus. After all, I'm sure that were chosen for assimilation re­ and attention tothe humanitiesand no one has come to Baruch be­ ject it and return to their com­ its skills? What high school could cause they want to have an un­ munities. They are labeled as afford such "luxuries''? successful academic career. But lunatics. Sometimes when Demandingthat most public high I This is the opportunity ofa life time to travel Then when you return to often, wonder ifthe cards are these people t.ry to enlighten -•• schoolsturn out10.0 percentcollege-. . ·n···- _.. ······-D ._--..__...tr't-;... _-.. _ .... - .. _. co ege as a . aewoo ~ampus. . stacked against us. "I-n-I want readygraduatesis like expectingthe . and make mone)T.lfU,idify as-a Daewoo Campus . others, they end up getting la­ Advisor,*** you'll have the oppor­ to rule my destiny," so despite beled convicts and some even­ U.S. military of the late 1930's, Advisor and get a FREE trip* to Korea. Then whatever hand I may have been which,according to the historical you' 11 be at the center of a unique marketing tunity to earn money andpurchase tually get labeled martyrs. This a new Daewoo carat a substantial discount. dealt, I m list take those lemons is a classic example ofreceiving cliche, was about the size oftoday's program that will launch Daewoo into the U.S Help build a new car company by helping us and make lemonade. Optimism an Empowerment vs. NYPD, to launch the NormandyIn­ market during 1998.** and perseverance aside, there disempowerment education. vasion while carrying on the war in From the moment you arrive in Seoul, Korea market Daewoo cars during your spare time. are certain realities that must the Pacific with nothing more than this summer your days will be crammed full of '* Complete details will be providedat a later date. For instance, some on this *" Rules ofthis program may vary to comply with carious state regulations. be successfully navigated in or­ campus label me as "aggres­ lectures about courage and effort. exciting, new experiences. You'll see Daewoo prod­ '*** Subject to eligibility and qualificotions. der for me to achieve my apex. sive," whereas if this was some The high schools haven't failed; our ucts, visit Daewoo production facilities and enjoy The main reason why some upper-crusty Ivy League cam­ society and its leaders have failed Korean culture. The "Discover Daewoo" program communities are in darkness is pus, those same individuals to acknowledge the size of the is an experience you'll never forget. because this system extracts would probably extol the vir­ change we are living through and their light. Their shining stars tues of my "take charge" person­ rising to its real costs in money and glisten in the mainstream sky. ality and talk about how much personnel. The truth is, there are two of a "go-getter" I am. They We never fail to find the resources Americas - one that feeds off would probably try everything - for sports and war, but education is ofthe other. When "underprivi­ in their power to help me suc­ supposed to survive on thin gruel. leged" cream rises, this system ceed, to build on my strengths, skims it off the top. When a and to groom me for leadership. child shows promise in an un­ I t's been said that CUNY stu­ BEATS- TOJUSTICE! derprivileged community, she is .. dents are being prepared more grade her skills by attending col­ low sisters before you? Are you Keep the pressure on, not just isolated, developed, and eventu­ By Elizabeth Villegas for the washroom than the lege or a trainingprogram. These too scared ofsociety's backlash to to get news coverage in this ally, educators try to convince Is our society properly dealing boardroom. We are being devel­ women find that they have been this type ofdivisive behavior? Or week's news only for it to become the parents of said child to send with dead beat fathers? I think oped to run the plantation, but earmarked by the system for the are you just plain jaded with the news history. Keep the pressure her offto some special school for not. Our society is a male ori­ not to contro1 it. Maybe we sole purpose ofharassing them to law-makers ofour time? on, 110tjust to boost your ratings "gifted and talented" children. ented one where women have to should all just face the facts. drop out of college and do Women should mobilize and in peoples' opinion polls. Keep This damages these communi­ fight the system for child support. Hypocrisy is king and cash workfare. The system has pre­ emerge as a strong force to be the pressure on to send a mes­ ties in two ways: one, this child Many laws have been enacted so rules everything AROUND me. cluded women from achieving reckoned with. Their demands sage. Do not just do this for the sees herself as better than the the system can assiduously go But it does not rule me. Money upward mobility but allows dead should be that the same pressure women's vote, do it because it is others and eventually superior. after dead beat fathers. But why isjust a tool, a means to an end. beat fathers a free ride at the inflicted on them be applied as the right thing to do. This child ceases to see herself - are so many women still strug­ The fact that "ends" is a slang single mother's expense. So is well to dead beat dads.. The status quo should. not be as part of the community. She glingand living below the poverty term for money just shows how this fair? The answer: HELL NO. Yes, listen up electEd officials, business as usual in regards to becomes convinced that she's line? The answer is that there is ignorant a lot of people are. These words should resonate this isyour constituency talking. the unfair harassment of single destined for something better. a great disparity between how Aggression? This country was through society but who has the Put the pressure on and not just mothers. The status quo should There is nothing wrong with men and women are treated in not founded on pacification and courage to shake the system? the lip-service or written laws be the harassment of dead beat that. regard to their responsibility as it has never been its dominant Women in hundreds of thou­ that are not enforced. Harass dads where it becomes a new The problem is, it never oc­ parents. policy. What's the deal behind sands should hit the streets and these dead beat dads on a daily­ story in the television and news­ curs to her that the something Women from the welfare rolls "Manifest Destiny?" I'm only protest society's double standards basis, send ma.il to their homes paper media on an ongoing basis. better can be found in her own to the working mother are not doing as society has taught me. and unfair treatment of women. and to their jobs, infiltrate their Women should demand that this community. .As long as our gettingwhat child support is due It's the American way. Not since the women's movement neighborhoods on a non-stop ba­ male dominated society remove cream gets skimmed away and to them and this is a practice that I've come to the realization of the sixties has society heard a ·sis until they.comply. Put these from their psyche, .this macho sent away, then tHere never will is prevalent in our society. The that all that I aL" doing is for woman's cry ofinjustice. Women, non-paying absentees good for mindset that women issues need be. This child becomes one of system has an aversion for the naught. It's vanity. This game where are you? Why are you not nothing Cather-s on notice. not take precedence. the "chosen," is extracted and may well be black and white, woman on public assistance who is trying in many cases to up- taking up the cross like your fel- Enough is enough. •

12 TIC~R OP-EDS MAY 20, 1998 TICKEROP-EDS . MAY 20,1998 13 International Literary Magazine Embarks from Baruch , By Chan-joo Moon International agreed to be the It is always 20 minutes to publisher. (G + B usually pub­ deadline for Distinguished Pro­ lishes scholarlyjoumals and more ,- fessor John Brenkman of the recently, Brenkman said, does • I Evening-Sessio I English Depar-tment, He is the I arts and literary journals.) After i chief Editor of Venue, an inter­ that, G + B had to make a deal Student Assem"'" AS AN EGG DONOR, ..J national literary magazine that with a distributor to distribute f"'!; present I published its first issue early /..-~ ., YOU CAN GIVE Thnue to bookstores.G + B bears this year. The magazine is a the cost of printing, advertising, quarterly, meaning that it is j sales and distribution. THE GIFT OF LIFE. published four times a year, and Venue is sold through individual ------_._-_._.- .---- he is now working on the third subscription, library subscription II issue. Looking up at the clock, and bookstore sales. It costs $10 I one s.ees that it is 20 minutes per issue and $38 for four issues. Seeking h ea lthv wom en to midnight - the time at which ~ " The first run was for approxi­ ages 21-32, to donate eggs to infertile couples. his final version is due at the mately 5,000 issues. The success printer. $5,000 compensation for your time and effort. of failure of ~nue will be deter­ Brenkman works constantly mined, Brenkman said, by the to get the submissions from his Treatment cycle monitored at amount of circulation it has after staffof contributing editors and the first three years. He said for new york Reproductive Medicine Associates writers. They come from all now, he needs to establish the lit­ on the Upper East Side. over the world and reflect the erary reputation of "W!nue. The S~enueSouth ~Jpb international culture; a Chinese target audience, Brenkman said, & For more information on being work, for example, does not is the general reader, particularly an egg donor, please call mean thatit is an "Engli sh" those who read quality fiction, al­ 1 (800) 824-3123. work written and submitted though a significant portion will Dav Passes $5 Each from China but a Chinese work be the academic community. written in English. ' Xi Xi Brenkman is originally from Limit: 3 passes Dar student . "Translation is a complete REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE ASSOCIATES, LLP Peoria, Illinois. He grew up in Baruch 10 required Jor purchase challenge," said Brenkman. Aliso Solomon Jianying Zha & use of the club. 58 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10021 Iowa and was educated there. He "When I read a translation, I has a Bachelor ofArts and a Doc­ discover where something Ruben Martinez K. Anthony Appioh ~4: torate from the University of , .:., Associated with doesn't work in English. I have Iowa. He has taught at Wiscon­ . .,::'!' BARUCH COLLEGE Wayne Koestenbaum Jeffery Renard Allen ;""~STUDENT~ The Institute for Reproductive Medicine to guess what it should be and sin and Northwestern Universi­ "' Available at: LIFE and Science of Saint Barnabas Medical Center 6+1 AITS INTElNATJONAL Student Development & Counseling consult the translation again to ties. Livingston, New Jersey Room 1512 I 360 PAS get an accurate rendition - one His interest in literature started Mon-Thurs.l9am-8pm which is also beautiful in En­ First Issue of Venue, January 19~8 inhigh school through his English • glish. It's one of the most fasci- classes and reading. He was a col­ • nating things." .. observed that these writers had Journalism Professor and a staff umnist for Inklings, the Manches­ Brenkman developed the a different style ofwriting when member of The Village 'VOice; and ter High School newspaper. His original idea for Venue as he addressing their own cultures. Jessica Hagehorn, an Asian­ passion at the time was poetry was observing trends in contem­ "A lot of these [literary] crit­ American writer. and politics. He studied drama porary fiction, particularly in­ ics have more of an outlet in .Theforum and.essays sections. ternational works. He felt that . th~se other cultures," he said. are from-the eontribtlting editors. "Part of the idea was to create The fiction section is solicited from a magazine in which writers writers. Now that the first two is­ There's a satisfaction "In Venue, we are could write essays that are in­ sues of ~nue have been published, in bringingpeople tellectually engaging, that are Brenkman gets unsolicited manu­ together for a project trying to show that stylistically vital, even experi­ scripts from writers. the context in which mental - very engaging." ~nue's office is located in Baruch who otherwise would Brenkman seeks to preserve College andthe college contributes not haveput any­ a work is written, its the particular cultural aspects by providing office space, equip­ language or specific ofeach work of literature under ment and editorial support. The thing together. That's JUNIORS AND SENIORS: TAKE THIS TEST NOW! culture ofa particu- the view that works of litera­ City University of New York how you get new ture cannot be "unified under sends an editorial assistant every .ideas, styles and in­ lar society, has a very the umbrella of International semester and there is currently a significant impact on Style." (International Style is Baruch undergraduate student in­ sights into what goes We're looking for currently enrolled full-time a term from modern architec­ ternihg there. "People at Baruch on in culture and I Aced Every English Class I Ever Took the form and style of ture. What made a building were veryexcited to have an inter­ students to work as College Aides now and next politics." • True or False school year (12 to 17 hours weekly) and to work writing itself." modern, Brenkman said, had to national literary magazine housed do with its forms without refer­ here," said Brenkman. The Asso­ full-time after graduation. ence to its local context.) ciate Editor is Bridgett Davis, Numbers Don't Scare Me -- Check My .. "In Venue, we are trying to Baruch Journalism Professor. while in college and became in­ Transcript a "divide" had developed be­ show that the context in which Brenkman chose the form ofthe terested in avant-garde theater. • True or False NYCERS offers good pay, great, benefits for full­ tween literary critics and con­ a work is written., its. language magazine because he "liked jour­ He has written two books on cul­ time employees, and an amazing opportunity to temporary fiction - that aca­ or specific culture of a particu­ nals, magazines and quarterlies tural theory and literary criticism I Know More Than My Professors About sharpen the skills you already have in a workplace demic criticism had lost touch lar society, has a very signifi­ for as long as [he] can remember." - Culture and Domination; and with contemporary trends. cant impact on the form and He edits all three sections, which Straight Male Modern: a cultural computers and the Software That Runs Them that needs you. ''We''re trying to build a bridge style of writing itself." is a challenge because they are all critique of psychoanalysis. He • True or False between intellectual, political There are three sections in different types ofliterature. has written book reviews for The ~ " ., Venue. The fiction section touts If you are what we want - send your resume and and cultural concerns of con­ "Working with a fiction writer in Village Voice and The Nation. I!e I Like to Work and Earn ternporary writers and critics." "the newest American and in­ English, we sometimes go through is also one ofthe founding editors letter of interest to: ternational fiction"; the forum • True or False Brenkman said that Venue several drafts. Other times a of Social Text, where he stayed follows a tradition which goes section is an "international fo­ manuscript needs relatively minor from 1979 to 1982. ,His position rum of contemporary literary New York City Employees' Retirement System back to the 18th century, of lit­ line editing. The trick is to know ofDistinguished Professor is one erary political reviews which thought by the Contributing be 220 Church Street how good something is. going to of the highest.offices of CUNY. . If you answered True to every question, you just "combine new tendencies in lit­ Editors"; and the essays section in the end, not how good it is when "[1knue] is an opportunity to New York, NY 10013-6301 erature with critical commen­ has "new directions in the art we first see it," he said. 'The most work with a lot ofcreative and in­ SCORED 100% on the pre-employment qualifying exam Attn: NYCERS Job Opportunities tary on the political and cul­ ofthe essay, documenting artis­ important thing when you edit is telligent people who are doing for the New York City Employees' Retirement System! tural debates of the day." tic life and urban scenes North to figure out whatthe author is try­ very different kinds of things. or fax us the information at: "That's why it's international. & South, East & West." ing to achieve and do everything There's a satisfaction in bringing (212) 442-5118 Writers today are influenced by The contributing editors not you can to help him or her achieve people together for a project who literature and events from all only live in different parts of that." otherwise would not have put over the world." the world, they have a wide There were many steps taken anything together. That's how He came to know writers from range ofbackgrounds. They are before the first issue of~nue was you get new ideas, styles and in­ Africa, China and South poets, cr-itics, novelists, journal­ published. After gathering a staff sights into what goes on in cul­ America who had an "interest­ ists and philosophers. Among ofcontributingeditors, Brenkman ture and politics." ing bi-cultural experience." He them are Ali sa Solomon, Baruch hadto find a publisher. G + BArts

ie ..


Are you attending school this sUDlDler?!? sa~. Well••• what can we stay informed and in touch Talks About Careers In FinanceAnd Economics Plus Direction OfAmerican Economy By Dov Gertzulin mists do get paid less, they are far from the poor house. An econo­ mist with a Ph.D. can go to work

~~I grew up very poor. In fact, so poor my mother would, lell me 'You get the choice of choosing between milk oror­ angejuice this week' COMMING TO A BARUCHSTAND NEAR YOU ON at the Federal Reserve Bank of J'~~~ S!:SJI:~d- New York at a starting salary of about $70,000 per year. After about three years at the Federal Reserve, you can move to Wall We are looking for hot new Writers & Photographers to fill the pages with words and images into the hottest summer publications in town.

"As you can. see I didn" go for the AttentionAdvertisers: money, I went into Ifyou would like to be part ofthis something Llooed" dressed the members of the Fi­ nance & Economics Society at JRJED HOT summer issue be sure to Baruch, a club in which·he was a member. Chan addressed the stu­ dents'OD careers in'economies and contact THE TICKER summer staff. finance as well as the state ofthe ..' economy. . In his advice'C()r students, Chan · ADVERTISING DEADLINE 7/15 -...":~~you have ~ deci4e,wbatyour .: 'prioritieS are. "If"all yjnIrjnter­ . ·:ested in is money, eeonoiDics isn't . ·th.e plaee to be. ~~Dg t~::Wall Street and being .8 tr8cJer· is. the :. way· to go." Chan "reCalled that , wheD.he.waS in BaruCh all his Summ~tt ProCessors advised hi.m to gO .lor Rau.e a ,,,eat .. ., a MBAinfinance instead otPh.D. " in eeonomics, sinee finance is where the big money is. "As you .can see I didn't go.for ~e money, I went intosomethingI loved," he g,,,,_m !lIe !liclett Sta said. A trader at a big Wall Street firm. can earn as much as $10 million annually. While eeono-

,- 16 TICKER BUSINESS MAY 20,1998 17 TICKER BUSINESS·- - 2 MAY 20, 1998 .···'~~~~~~::,: ..;J;i;;i;:;i.;,;J;E~/;;::~i:f;2;;~· .;[l; i~H; ,: ". Hair Braiding-It's LeadingEconom.istSpellksAt Baruch • • • Not Only Done In continued from page 15 - centage point)," Chan said. Con­ asked. According to Chan, the tremely low unemployment with disconnect between corporate . - . • sidering the fact that Bank One answer for the unexpected almost no inflation. "A lot of profits and stock prices. I don't economywould-faceasi~ifi~ .Dbnna Karen.Intennatdcnal .Salons has nearly $60 billion in assets, growth can be found in the way people have asked why this party think that can go on for ever." cant.setback.· .. Inc.,thetipscale fashion de- ifChan can predict the indicators Americans filed their tax returns has lasted so.long," Chan said. He Concerning Japan, he thinks By Elizabeth Villegas signenanneunced.that its prof­ ing on the style. Old folks are correctly, Bank One could make this year. For 1997 tax returns, attributes our utopian economy that while there are tremendous its· easily beat analysts esti­ a tidy profit. _. a much higher percentage of to a number of factors, but most problems in the Japanese m~atesrorthefirst Ifyou wereto visit the Ravenswood charged what she calls senior citi­ quarter. zen prices: $30. Shelaughswhenshe Chan predicts that while ''The Americans filed electronically. importantly consumer confi­ economy, the Japanese govern­ Profit-for the quarter more Projects in Queens at anygiven day US economy's real GDP grew at Obviously, this allows for pro­ dence. "As long as consumer con­ says this. ''You have to do the right ment is trying as hard as it can Neopath Inc., announced that doubled to $2.1 million or 10 lookingto getyour hair braided, the fidence remains high, the thingby old folks, youknovv, because a rate of 3.8 percent last year, it cessing to be done much faster, to turn things around. While it has developed t.t:_<:~:tIlp~.~el"&~ceIilsa-shar.e~from$806,QOO or name Tanya Johnson would reso­ my mama always taught me that," will slow this year." Chan cites a "and strong economic activity in economy will continue to do. some American financial strate­ replace humans'in'the-attalysis fou're¢n.tjJ a sliare'for _the s~Ii1e nate everywhere.Why? Theanswer number of reasons for the slow­ the first quarter precipitated be­ well,"he said. This is not surpris­ gists have called on the Japanese is obvious. Tanya Johnson is one of Johnson said. ''Plus the reason I of Pap-sJA~~r!,._'J:h,~_:_§y~:t~~Dl,_. per.i1>d-:last.y:ear., -Fo-r. '1:99:7, - - cause of refunds, which average ing since consumer consumption to further cut taxes andraisegov­ charge this- much is because I tell down, but the primary reason is called-AutoPap Primary Sereen- Donna Karen had a pretax loss the manytalented braiders livingin the crisis in Asia. over $1300 per family," Chan makes up over 65 percent of our ernment spending, Chan dis­ everyone to bring their own hair. ing System, has rec~ivedap- . of .$92~4 million on $638.7 mil­ New York City: "We had turbulence in Asia that GDP. agrees. 'What do we [Americans] That is oneserviceI do not provide." proval from the Food and Drug lion in revenue. She is known in the Ravenswood will raise imports [in America] However, Chan is less optimis­ expect? Do we want them to have On a recent busy day; Johnson's Administration, and can detect Projects for her diverse style and and lower exports [toAsia]." The tic about the short term growth a deficit of 10 or 15 percent [of door bell rings, and in comes in a '7t~ cervical cancer from a Pap- . proficient skillsinbraidingandstyl­ reason for ·this import-exportef­ only within the of our economy, considering the their GDP]? I don't want to sound very colorful woman who insists on smear test. ing hair. feet is quite simple. Since the fact that Japan's economy is in unpatriotic, but sometimes I gettingherhairbraidedtoday; right lastyearthatthere Faya Riddick and herdaughtergo Asian currencies haveplunged in shambles. Additionally, inflation. think our policy makers are in­ this minute. According to her, her basbeen a huge-dis-­ to Johnson to get their hair braided v.alue, Asian's can no longer af­ in the US is being contained be­ sensitive," he said. nappy hair needed a touch up. After 3 days of scr~})bing a because Riddick does not trust any­ ford topurchaseAmericangoods, .connect between cor­ cau-se .of the weak economy in For America to remain on its ­ Johnson said, "touch up, girl, you highway -to remove 6, 700 gal­ one else to do theirhair. Riddick also Iowermg A;m.~ric~:g. GI>.~. _Adpi­ Asia. This is because the cheap currentplane ofeconomicgrowth, needa wholemakeover."Theylaugh .porateprofits.and,. lons of animal fats that spilled says that the prices are reasonable, ttonally, since the- value of their . ASian goods do not allow Ameri­ Chan says.thatwe must keep on and Johnson turns onthe radio and Hoechst Marion Roussel Inc. from a container truck, highway andJohnsongives good hair groom­ currencies against- the-US-dollar stockprices. I don,' can companiesto-raise prices. advancing in the field oftechnol­ out pours out some serious soulful has developed the first new tu­ crews tried dish washing soap. ingtips. have- nose-dived; Asians can ex­ ''That's why I see corporate prof­ ogy."1 think the technology is the rhythm and blues. think that can go on berculosis drug to be'approved Proctor & Gamble donated 8.5 Johnson, a single parent of two port their goods to theUSat very itscoming under fire, and double way ofthe future", he said. "Since Johnson takesthewoman intothe for ever." by the Food and DrugAdminis­ tons of Dawn dish washing liq­ children, says that she is a no-non­ low p-rices, undercutting the digit growthnon-existent. I think we can't compete with Mexican room where the process ofbraiding tration in over twenty five uid to clean Interstate 74, and sense person when it comes to the prices on US goods, and further­ we will see corporate profit factories paying wages of $1 per years. The drug, called Priftin, it worked. business she conducts in herapart­ hairbegins. Theroom is COZ}; yetthe ing lowering US GDP. - growth between 5 and 7 percent," hour, the only way we can com­ was developed to treat pulmo­ ment. Her apartment consists of area has an air of professionalism. Additionally, Asians have seen said. he said. pete globally is by producing nary tuberculosis, the most three bedrooms with one room re­ On a dresserwith a bigmirror there their wealth in some eases be cut Additionally Chan attributes Summing up the state of the more technology." common form of the disease served for her business. are combs and brushes. There is a by tenfold. For example; Presi­ some of unusually high GDP - American economy, Chan expects that afflicted 19,885 Americans Johnson, 30, learned to braid hair chair in front of the dresser and a dent Suharto's family of Indone­ growth in the first quarter to El growthfor the US in the range of last year. at the age of 12, and by the time she stepstool in thebackwhereJohnson sia was estimated to be.w.orth Nino, which allowed for a lot.of. 2.5 percent.. Additionally, Chan Keebler Foods Co., the large was a teenager she learned how to sits as she braids the hair. There is U8$40 billion before the.crises. housingstarts because ofthe un- finds it hard for the stock mar­ snack and- food maker, an­ addextensions to the hair. Sheprac­ a couchintheroom, and chairs along Now, their wealth is estimated to ._ usually warm weather, that ket to go up more- than 15 per­ nounced that it will launch a ticed creating styles on her mother, the wall where people sit and look be in the US$4 billion range. would have taken place a few cent. He basically believes that new cheeses cracker brand sisters, aunts, and her friends. at different magazines she has on a "The economy grew by over a 4.2 months from now. current prices are ahead ofthem- aimed at children. The new ''I always loved to do hair, and I coffee table. percent rate in the first quarter, The amazing thing that we are selves. "It's only within the last Excite Inc., the internet crackers, called Heads and guess this was something I was On the wall are many pictures of where is the slowdown?" Chan seeing in the economy is ex- year that there has been a huge search engine company, an­ Tails, features cheeses flavored meant to do," Johnson said. different hairstylesfrom magazines, nounced that-it eriJtffipgIri- a .crackers- ]nih.'e-'shape o"fbOd'i~s . After many people began to pay arid photographs ofpeople'shairshe deal with AT&T. The deal will and heads of animals. Children Johnson for her skills, she decided has braided throughout the years. allow the telephone giant to to become a professional hair Johnson starts to do her thing, and are expected to mix and match Earn Serious Money market its Interrret access ser­ the animals, and Keebler hopes dresser. She went to Wilfred Acad­ islisteningto the music. She is danc­ vice to users of °the Excite From it can catapult pastNabiseo's emyto acquire herlicense, butnever ing in place to the rap record, and The Technology Revolution search engine. This announce­ finished because she got pregnant while she sings ''tell me what you . . Saltines, which is the number Buildyour own business F or ··to········ ment comes only days after Ex­ at an early age. want from me," the lyrics to therap rr two craeker brand in the coun and be a part ofa .billion­ cite announced a partnership Johnson said that she worked in song, she laughs. prr dollar company specializing in with Netscape Communication many different salons in Harlem When Johnson is asked about Corp. braidinghair,butprefers toworkout braidingtips, she usuallyresponses technology service. Partnerup ofher apartment because she earns by saying that people should not with WORLDCOM, IBM, NETSCAPE, ORACLE, and , . -:··.. ".' . .' . . more moneyAnother reason is that leave braids on for a long period of ·.·ac·~I~g a law waspassed in NewYorkState time without getting them redone. manymore... We are.N.QT look­ Tr k in July 1994 requiring all braiders This is becausethe haircollectsdirt ing for investors. Learn more Gilfette announced that it is to be licensed. According to the In­ andwhen people attempttotakethe by calling (212) 613-1695 (re­ launching a new $41 million ·······h····e n B ternational Braider's Network, braidsoutthehairfalls outorbreaks corded message). If interested dollar TV and print advertising T.. : HirlW······ there was a grandfather clause that off Johnsonsaidthatthelongestshe call (212) 779-0852 for further campaign to promote their gave braiders until July 1995 to recommends is six to eight weeks, information women's. shaver. Gillette's goal show proof oftheir work. The pur­ and in the meantime she tells her for itsfemale shaving products, poseofthisclausewastogive braid­ clients to shampooandconditionthe MATH TUTORING ~~cluding theeshavers,nallied TheI)owJones ~~a;l.Ave:rage ersenoughtimetoshowtheirbraid­ braids. SPECIALIST eon soe or ... _WolDen, Has Beeently P..ssea:~lie;:9otlO ing experience. Braiders had to get The apartment atonepointbegins All math courses ineludingal­ SensorEXcel, andAgility"andM8rk.:,lIere'sA_~;:SdtDeLDbwlettersfrom salonsthat theyworked to get busy, and the door bell and gebra, trig, calculus, statistics, sp(,eiaff".lnal~s~ll.'V~~Cr.~Il.,~~. .~ThrO~~e~; in, so they could bypass having to telephone start to ring simulta­ logic, business math, GRE, forthemto:~J1erate_$lLbil;' are . attend cosmetology school. neously; and she calls ·out to her 10 GMAT, Experienced, Licensed, lion in reveIj-uebY:·2~1._. . Now the law states that braiders year old-daughter to help her. patient math educator Call need'at least 900 hours ofschooling "Please start to take Miss Ruby's (212) 691-9126 (516) 221-0835 to learnabout hairlocking, braiding, braidsout so I can do herhairnext," i=1:7~ caring for and styling natural hair. Johnson said. "And watch out; you ~ONNYC PLACE They also have to provide proof of knowMissRuby's kindaoldandten­ COLLEGE CAMPUSESI . . 3000 AprU17,: 1991 experience and must be affiliated der-headed." ~ .:.~.. Meridian Medical'Technolo- ...... " .;, ..:.:,.;", ..... ; .. ' .."...... :.. ':. ;., .Get advance pay- 4000-'Febru~23 witha professional cosmetologist or­ Johnson loves what she does and the'lDalt~r_ ()f;~utoiD­ .....>', ,.. ·c·.·· .: '· -: <.. ", 1995.. & commissions later. gies Inc.. , ganization acoordingto the Interna­ loves thereputationshehascr;eated jectors for..aU~17gy;,pati.eIJ.ts, in­ fiOQQNoyeDl~r21,1995 E-mail: ­ tional Braider's Network. for herself, Herclients saythatthey cluding --popula*_'~pilren" 6.0·:~14,.1996······ info(@optimigtation.com -the Johnson, who likes to say there is do not have any problem when it line, has announced it will International-Students OK . that a way to get around everything in comes to tipping her, and Johnson recall betwe;~Il ~J)Q;,OO()and 7000:~~~ruary 1~, 1997 . life, set up shop at home. nods in agreement. 1,000,000 inje~t9rs,·siilC:ethey 8000·Juiy,:16~ BELPWANTBll· 1.997 Johnson hasclients six days ofthe She said that shehopes to goback MenIWomen earn ._$375 .weekly don't provideeffeetive: doses of week, and the prices vary depend­ to school and get her license and proeeessingIasseD lbIingMediealLD~ medication inemergenci~s. 9000'Aprilp,:1998 ingon a person's age, andthe length have a real businesswith a full staff Quodsathome.1rmQediateopenings, Meridian attribut~s th_~_·~~c~l!,_· and thickness ofthe hair. ofemployees. Fora moment shehas yourlocal area·Eq»erienceurmeees- which represeIltsap.proxi-1OOOO?'???? ??1 For children under 12 the price is a faraway look in her eyes. "That is willtram.·• mately 9 months of sales, toa ~ $35, and for 13 years and up it goes a clear vision I see," Johnson said. Call MEDICARD 1-541-386-5290 new automated manufacturing Source: The-WallStreet Journal up to between $40 and$75, depend- "And a dream I hopewill cometrue." Ext. 118m

,.,' . . ~.- ~ --~.-'------~----_._--~---:'_--~-::--"'-- 18 TICKER BUSINESS MAY 20,1998 TICKER FEATURES. MAY 20, 1998 19 It's More an The th Email: [email protected] About Liabilities A of er ByAsafSiddique Whetheryouarean accountingma­ but one should be aware that the ac­ jororanyotherbusiness major,you tua1liability is never reported. An off Your Head are likely to study the usefulness of balance sheet item such as the pen. financial statements. The impor­ sion liability usually appears on the tance of studying financial state­ footnotes of financial statements Tax Adviser Explains Benefits Of Owning A Home mentsbecomes useful when you are ratherthanon thebalancesheet. Hav­ a creditor, a stockholder, an inves­ ing such item off the balance sheet By Gustavo Morales sion is now $500,000 for home tor or a manager. leadstolargeunderstatementofdebt­ as pensionliability sales made after May 7, 1997. - One way ofidentifying strengths equityratio is one For many people, owning a Both amounts are applicable to and weaknesses ofa company is by ofthe majorobligations ofa company toward its employees. home with a nice green lawn is joint tax returns, whereas the analyzing ratios. Analyzing ratios liabili~ the American dream. However, exception is reduced to one-half may indicate positive performance In consideringpension the besides for providing you and for a couple filing separately. of a company or they may indicate annual reports of General Motors A STAR IS BORNI your family with a sense of be­ There is, however, a major "redflags" which show problems as­ and Ford Motor Company are per­ sociated with a company:. However, feet examplesofcorporationswhose longing, owning a home can pro­ change. Previously, the income By Carolyn Brad The STAR party did not just vide financial security and cre­ tax on the profits of the sale of the balance sheet or the income debt-equity ratios are understated. campaign for themselves. They statement may not provide us with Pension liabilityofthese companies ate an estate for retirement. a primary residence could be A new student government were seen with members of the all the information we need. Forex­ are referredto as the projected ben. Owning a home can help build postponed if the seller chose to will be entering once June 5th Baruch African Student Senate ample, an important item such as efitobligation (PBO)inthe footnotes family equity by taking advan­ buy another house with the pro­ hits. The Students Together (BASS) recruiting people into the pension liability is never re­ ofthe annual reports. Let's refer to tage of tax incentives. One ex­ ceeds ofthe sale. Now, however, Achieve Reform (STAR) slate various community and campus ported on the liability portion ofthe the chart below to show how pen­ ample ofthese incentives is that the seller can't defer his or her successfully defeated the projects. One of which was the balance sheet. sion liabilityplaysan importantpart all interest expenses on the first tax on the gain. Bringing Every Student To- Million Youth March on Sept, 5th. Pension liability is a major portion in ratio analysis. mortgage or an equity loan, up What can older tax payers do gether (BEST) slate by an "One of the reasons that I voted· of liability in companies such as When we calculate debt-equity ratio to one million dollars, or second with the capital gains which are average of 700 votes to 400 for STAR was because they were mortgage up to $100,000, is tax tax exempt, that they reap from General Motors and Ford Motor byusingonly thetotal reported liabil­ votes. helping BASS recruit for a multi- deductible for the home owner the sale of their homes? Take Company which have large work ityfrom the balance sheet, our result A new executive board con- racial radical woman's caucus.",· every year. Another tax deduc­ the case of my client German, a forces. As Financial Accounting shows a ratio of 12.02% for General sisting of Lennox Heluy, said Alicia Johnson a finance ma- . tion includes the real estate or retired New York City clerk who Standard Board requires pension Motors and 8.08% for Ford. After re­ Anthon Grant, Omar Morales jor. They were also recruiting for liability to be reported on the foot­ property taxes, paid on the sold his house in August 1996. calculating the debt-equity ratio by and Simone De Suze will be community feeding programs and same home, as well as the notes of the annual reports rather total He first opened joint bank ac­ addingpension liabilityto-the re­ taking 'the ranks of Day Ses- clothing drives for the summer. than on. the balance sheet, we are points, or originating fees, that counts with his two grown up ported liability of the balance sheet, sion "Student Government An unrrarned member of the most mortgage institutions children, who are receiving ev­ often misled asto the total debt ofa we find the ratios to be 13.49% for (DSSG) leadership. The JIunter College student govern­ charge on horne financing. ery year a $20,000 tax free gift company, and this is a downside of General Motors and 9.06% for Ford. Health Center Referendum ment said that progressive CUNY By and large, the preceding that both German and his wife the financial reporting policies set Ourresultsmayindicatethat there also won with a vote of 72 to campuses supported slates like deductions reduce the taxable are allowed to give to them un­ by the Financial Accounting Stan­ is littledifference between thePBO 11. Members of the BEST STAR because they shared a stu­ income of the home owner, who der IRS regulation. German dardBoard. adjusted ratio and the original fig­ slate also made it into stu- dent activist agenda. "STAR therefore ends up paying less then moved to Miami to join his By looking at the itemson the bal­ ures. However, after close analysis dent government, including sounds like one of the best things federal income taxes.during the Cuban community, .bought a ance.sheecorthe-incomestatement. , we··find thatourdebt-equity ratios . Aamer M·a]ik and - former· ·comtrrg-om-ot-a-politicaHy eorrser-­ time of the outstanding debt. condominium, and put his sav­ onecancalculateratios suchascash are understated by large amount if DSSG vice president David _.vative campus like Baruch since What can one do with the ad­ ings into a CD account. ratio, debt-equity ratio or quick-ra­ we do nottake pension liability into Huang. Despite the elections, the Student Power Movement ditional savings generated by Owning a house helps narrow tio. However, relying on the finan­ consideration. Byanalyzingwe find there are still over 20 seats (SPM) came out ofit in 1995 "The the foregoing deductions? Take the gap between the retirement cial statements to calculate these that ratios with PBO increased by available for student govern- STAR mission statement and plat­ the case of Professor Sue dream of maintaining a similar ratios may be misleading. For ex­ 1.47 percentage points for GM and mente form strikes a resemblance to the (names are changed to protect lifestyle to our working years. ample take the debt-to-equity ratio .98 percentage points for Ford. Our SPM political line with an empha­ the accountant-client relation­ By using the tax incentives of which provides the creditors with analysis shows that these differ­ sis on student empowerment. A ship) of The City University of home ownership, an individual information as to how well a com­ ences led to increase in debt-equity "The STARparty•..is program where student rights are New York, for whom I've been a can not only generate savings pany can payoffits debts ifthere is ratio by 12.22% in GM and 12.11% primary and not the politics of tax accountant since early 1992. and invest them, but can also solvenc:y. We can calculate the debt­ in Ford afterwe consideredPBO as the only-group that compromising." Upon my advice, she bought a pass wealth on to other family equityratioby dividingtotalliabilities part ofthe totalliabili~Also, when I read about that Orlando Green, community advi­ house in February 1993 and members. . bytotalequityfrom thebalancesheet, we compare PBO with the reported supported the Open sor to BASS, feels that STAR will also opened an IRA Individual equity; we see that in General Mo­ playa different role in DSSG than Retirement Account with a tors it is 1.5 times greater than its Admissions policy past student a-dministrators. $1,850 contribution that year equity, and in Ford it is almost the in CUNY. That is "They will work withf.he CUNY and thereafter. sameamountas its reported equity. why I voted· for .activist community more. We will In subsequent years, Professor This shows how pension liability see some of the most progressive Sue's finances improve signifi­ alone is very high when compared them." student leaders work with DSSG cantly. For instance, instead of to total equity for a change." he said. sending an additional payment Because of these figures, we can "People directly and indirectly on top of her tax withheld to the conclude that disregarding pension STAR promises a progra m working with STAR will have to IRS, she received a refund of liability in calculating debt-equity that would create a better a t­ do a mass recruitment for DSSG $3,850 in 1993, $3,180 in 1994, ratios in General Motors and Ford projects over the summer" said and $3,648 the following year mosphere for student activ­ misleads us when considering the Tesfa Gordan, central commit.tee These benefits can be attributed ism. The opposition party financial position of these compa­ (B~ST) was organizing on a member of BASS. "The campus to her owning a home. nies. coalition projects between DSSG, Her next move was to buy her primarily social campus Therefore, investorsshouldbeware the clubs and community groups second home, a two-family agenda. This "is significant ofsuch itemas pension liabilitythat will need bodies to do the work" house in Woodside, Queens, in considering that a politically are crucial indetenniningthefinan­ One thing that is being planned April of 1996. Although she now conservatIve student body at cial position andcashflows ofa com­ for the new government is a po­ had rental income, she man­ Baruch has decided to shift pany We not only should be aware litical training session for every­ aged to have a refund of $7,485 it's support for a more radi­ of what appears on the financial one that will be in DSSG for the for 1996, largely because of tax cal student a genda , "The statements, but what may be left fall semester. This training ses­ benefits which accompanied STAR party", said Monique out. Next time you are involved in sion is being organized for new' owning a home. . Williams, an accounting ma­ financial statement analysis never student governments in CUNY Another tax incentive is the jor "is the only group that I assume that the financial state­ like Baruch, York, City Colleges exclusion ofcapital gains on the read about that supported the ments provide all the financial in­ Hostos etc. Many student govern­ sale of the primary residence. Open Admissions policy in formation ofa company Do not rely . ments do not get stable until the Before May 7, 1997, the one­ CUNY. That is why I voted for on all the items ~u see such as the them." Kareem McDaniels, middle of the fall semester but time exclusion was $125,000 STAR hopes to be- functional by balance sheetbecause ifyoudo, you biology major, said that "Now when a fifty-five year old, or the end of the summer~ . may be misinterpreting financial that arepresentative student older, home owner sold his or information that can be very costly her house; currently the exclu- government is in office I when makingcrucial decisions. might be willing t o join DSSG." - .....

. - ._-_._--_._------"-,,. --- .~. \


STUDENT SENATE RE CUNYS Tesfa Gordan spoke at the This year saw the return of the College. The central committee with Dr. Leonard Jefferies in at­ rally to represent BASS/DOA and Baruch African Student Senate as members of BASS/DOA are Tesfa tendance. The month was filled Baruch College leadership. BASSI a political body on this campus. It Gordan, Diatou Gueye, Khadine with Afrocentric dancers, comedi­ DOA people did security. A BASSI helped organize the STAR student De Paiva, Orlando Green, and ans, a Valentines dinner, videos on DOA representative with a Stu­ government slate, organized stu- Lennox Henry will be working on Caribbean pop culture and Black dents Together Achieve Reform dents into communityfeedingpro- more Black and People ofColor is­ revolutionaries. The month also (STAR) presidential candidate do grams, brought students to a po- sues for the comingyear. One idea saw the "exile" of central commit­ litical prisoner march in Washing- that has been thrown around is a tee member Orlando Green. CUNY securityfor the largest CUNY rally ton DC, saw one orit's central com- multi-racial, radical woman's cau­ students organized marches and ofthis semester ofover 800 people. mittee members "exiled" from the cus. protests to preserve the OPEN The NY Times undercounts the <> campus and helped organize Black DOA/BASS IS BACK:A SEMES- ADMISSIONS policy in CUNY. march at only 500 people. The last History Month. All of this hap- TER IN REVIEW! Three students got arrested in a two CUNY rallies prevent the pened after it merged 'with the January - DOA organizes over civil disobedience act at the CUNY Board of Trustees from passing Descendants ofAfrika (DOA). DOA twenty student organizations with Board of trustees. BASS/DOA be­ proposals to end OPEN ADMIS­ is a collective ofstudent organiza- the Black History Month Commit­ gan to get involved with the OPEN SIONS. BASS/DOA leadership and tions and clubs on campus includ- tee to bring a student involvement ADMISSIONS struggle. other leaders meet with Dr. ing Phi Beta Sigma, Soul Survi- back into the planning of Black March and April - BASS/DOA LeonardJefferies and Atty. Ron vors, Haitian Cultural Society, History Month. DOA continues to members attended and did secu­ McGuire to discuss the history of West Indian Cultural Society, Car- meet with several CUNYwide bod­ rity at the Racial Justice Day CUNY and People of Color in ibbean Student Association, Table ies to develop support for a new March against police brutalityand CUNY. Tennis Club, Students 4 Students student government slate at racial violence. In March, former May - BASS/DOA people help to Club Caricom and African Greek Baruch College. US political prisoner and Black rally support for the STAR slate to Letter Council. February-DOA merges with Panther leader, Geronimo Ji Jaga win student Government. BASS/ This collective has joined with BASS. Black History Month is or­ (Pratt) spoke at Baruch College to DOAjoins a CUNY wide formation BASS for leadership development ganized with the theme ofthe 'The promote JERICHO '98. JERICHO called the Black Solidarity purposes. The summer looks to be Spirit ofNewAfrikan Resistance." '98 was a national march of over Student Union (BSSU) to work on intense for BASS/DOA as a lot of The theme was developed to sig­ 8000 people at Washington DC to a rapid response network for pro­ projects will be in development for nify that there is a continuation of demand the release of over 1000 gressive BlackStudent Unions and the fall. Two ofwhich are the Mil- struggle that needs to be recog­ political prisoners in the United to organize projects together. lion Youth March on Sept. 5th and nized for our communities States. CUNY students rallied at a CUNY and community wide Afrocentric scholar, Dr. Molefi the Board ofTrustees to protest the Black SolidarityDay Event at York Asante, spoke at Baruch College cutting ofOPENADMISSIONS in e 00 eV1e

ugar ar 254 W 72 Street Bet. B'way and W 10 Ave As I :,alked ointo this elegant afrocentric upper westsid: establishment,owned by songwriters Ashford and Simpson, my world transformed. ~urnItsh;d WIt? ~ut~en\IC wooden and bronze masks, stylish animal skins and a beautiful grasshut ceiling, the Sugarbar is the perfect restuarant £,,0 gOllO orfla nhIg to cuTtuhre an~ relaxation..The menu composed ofvarious seafood items for all you vegaterians and a decent variety ofmeats lorof fisha youdes tlovers.ThO d·e hexotic menu consist ofsnapper, shar k, mon k fiISh,ra bbiIt venison, . pork, and chicken not' to mention many other types ~soare th 0 an. als ar- 1 ier IS very tasty and definately creative. Amust is the stunningly delisious garlic and ginger mashed patatoes And tr~l~:r~cla s are a ways exciting . My o~ly cauti~n. is bewa~eofth~basmati rice- it tends to be under cooked. All the meals are made to order so ~ 0 go on an empty stomach you will be waiting a while, Price range for dinner is $18 to $25 doallars.

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~, 23 \ MAY 20;1998 \ •

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I1 25 24 TICKER FEATURES MAY 20,1998 TICKER FEATURES MAY 20,1998 ," ...... ~ ... ,...... " . ,; ~<..<./ ... : .. '': '/ ~'~-<"'.,..::.;.<. ,'.~' .....-' r ,

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Student Activities &Services, Down Weekly Calendar of Events, 2. He originated from the toilet bowl. Course &Teacher Evaluations, 3. His motto is: ''To patron ize and annoy." Career Development Center, 5. One ofthe'creators. 6. Cartman's Potbelly pig. International Student Services, 8. Terrance & --- 12. Kyle's little brother. Athletics, Student Media, 14. Central 15. South Park's body of Scholarships, TEAM Baruch. water. 16. Quarterback ofSouth Park Football squad. Visit the 17. She likes Stan. 18. Kyle's dad's name. 21. Talk show host who guest appeared. 22. No.7 across' voicebox . IS a cancer -- 23. Dies in every episode. .. ..' 24. Isaac Hayes' character. 25. Stan's gay dog.

l ___ • __ o._L. __··, __ , . _00 0_.0 __ 0'_ 0 __ ._•••__ ' __ 0 __ ._----. __ ••• -. 0 • __ ._. _0 ._.._._ •• - •• ----__._~••_ •• ~~ ,. ..

Across 1. Fat kid. 11. Jay Leno makes a guest 19. School bus driver 4. Chef's licenseplate. appearance as the voice 20. Mr. Garrison's alter ego. 7. Vietnam Veteran. of Cartman's -- 22. ImaJew 9. The monster that lives 13. English kid. 23. Eric's catch phrase. Answers will b e up on a mountain above 14. Tasty Cheetos. 26. The other creator. South Park. 18. Uncle that loves hunt published in our 10. Stan's sister. ing and ammunition. summer issue!

...,. - Match the following words to their ANSWER TO LAST ISSUE'S correct detmition. WORD SEARCH 1. Colpkinophilia a. having a seductive sway in the hips 5 when walking. 2 5 8 2. Coxinutant 2 1 3 989 9 4 4 1 b. sexual daydreaming. 4 8 -2 3. Apodyopsis c. The act or habit ofmentally undressing 7 1 4 a per~n or fantasizing about what he or 7 6 4 5 6 6 7 8 789 4. Basorexia 1 7 3 she looks like naked. 3 7 6 2 d. marriage to several men or having 2 7 1 8 5. Concubine o several male lovers. 4 9 3 1 093 2 6. Nestcock e. an urge to look at dirty pictures. 8 5 3 7 1 a. f. having sexy buns. 7. Grapholagnia 8 2 g. an attraction to small-breasted women. 9 7 4 8 5 8. Callipygian h. a woman who lives and makes love with 6 378 9 54987832 a man to whom she is not married. 5 4 9. Lagnodomnia i, delaying orgasm until your partner has 1 6 6 4 4 4 694 9 10. Polyandry achieved gratification. 3 6 0 j. a man who stays at home and manages 8 7 9 2 9 3 7 3 5 6 2 11. Hemerotism 1 the house while his wife goes to work. 8 2 2 k. an overwhelming desire to kiss or nee . 3 5 7 394 6 583 5 8 4 8 0 TICKER ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT MAY 20,1998 29 28 TICKER FEATURES MAY 20,1998

,...; •..•...... ,~

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.Q£5-- Let Wor,Napalm, Chu-Cheeba and the Sunset Style tell you what Hip Hop really is!•.• ByEdwardRodriguez " Before he pressed play, I expected to hear some- . thingdope.. I, also, expected tohearit loud as f@ck. I was right on both accounts asI heard theyoungf producer, named Wor, bless mewlth fat tracks. A t: childhood friendwho I consider a brother froman- '

J E&J which ··1'T ":: ".. . othermother, was the in The ~ SJtow, t .t aired real hip hop on Baruch College and Bunter ;~l' College radio for a year and a half(Fall 1995 -Fall r~' , 1996). Now, WorispartofatightcrewcalledAgei1t ' 1 -; OrangethatistrulythenextrevolutionizersoflUp ~ hop musicandculture. AlongwithWor;isNapaJm, thetightBoricuaMCwhohaspaiddueswithDown • & DirtyTribe andhas beenrhymingsincehewas 11 years old. .Their female counterpart" ~llu­ Cheebahas many talents as a creator and writer. Below are some excerpts from this cipherwithWor and Napalm of'Agent Orange:

Napalm: Wu-Tang, Wu-Tang, theytalk5 percent .. , , 1 but they don't even get down and study it. They, follow it. They kick knowledge about it but they '~ d .','.' "--".-,-,.~.,, .. ,.. -- ,-, ,-. _... '... _._~. -,. -,~,- .--,-'"-"----"-~ ont apply It. ' .. ' ., ",.... ,__ , FOR SENIOR PHOTOS ••. 1 \ Wor: Ifyou had thatmuch discipline, youwouldn't be sidetrackedbyanything. Theywouldn't haveas manyhardships as they do. As businessmen, they could do a lot better. It's the ghetto mentality that.. f@eks them up. Yet, it's the ghetto mentality that keeps them on top. ) EdwardRodriguez: Andthat'sthecontradiction Agent (hoan,e consists ofOeftio'righf)Wor, Lady ChU.:CheebaandNapabn. DATE: May 18- 21, 26 - 28, & June 1 that they face. We all have to face it. W: Me andyou [Edward] were talkingabout that; 6thgradet;eacheratP.S. 94 in SunsetPark, Brook­ E:Shit, I don't smoke or drink and I'm the short • E: And that's the old philosophy; It started with lyn, again)? N*gga Rgclrin' gotlocked upfor child one. Anyway;Wu always bringa lot ofgood points. TIME: 11 am-7pm KRS-One saying that. molesting. 1, personallg see them as a contradiction. I think N: Hefell offthough. HedissingPuffy, then hedo E: Db, sh*t. I'maput that sh*t in. what they do with the 5 percent, I think they do it a songwith him. , ***** we. They kickactual..facts and apply it to a real PLACE: The Student Center W: The Remix! ' E: People was complaining to this cat [better left life. Arealcontradictotylifeiswhattheyapplyitto. E: The original ('Step Into A World') disses him anonymous], sayingthat ifyou do take a deal with W:WhatIlikeandrespecton.thisalbumffiU-Tang (PuffDaddy) andthe remix is with him. PutIYyouhaveno termsor 360 Park Avenue South N: That's what Irn sayin'. power ofyour own E: Unless he was gonna beat him up at the endof W: That'sthewhole thing. the track. That would've been dope. E: Then he said that ifhe W: Right. That'ta been some sh*t. hadthechance totake the Room 1539 E: 'You f@Ck. I ain't doingno song with you!...' deal, thenhe would. ***** N:.I respecthim[Puffy] as W: Just because n*ggas gota record dealor a little an e-ntertainer but he bit ofexposure.they think that they're the upmost shouldn'tevenbetouching authorities... N*ggasusedto bepartofbreakdancing , it. He may be making ~kin' squads. IL CoolJ, as a matteroffact, re­ beatsfor othern*ggasthat member "Bad:' He filmed that in the warehouses like that bu1lsh*t, but for No ApPOINTMENT NECESSARY on lstAve. On SunsetlSunsetPark,Brooklyn]. That himself, to be out there n*gga had a party thatnight and got hisass beat. rhyming? He knows he CALL OR VISIT THE STUDENT LIFE They robbed him for his chains. ,shouldn't be doing that E:,' You' know how many stories Ive heard of LL ' 'causehesound like a FOR MORE INFORMATION gettingbeatup. . f#ggot. Mase, all ofthem. •- ' r W: Thatn*gga's~ ~ LL; is a~, E: J:~.tIulthe's doing ,' "1.-" • t' N: That n*gga got beat up-with hisbodyguards. aBeiIY~ He'sget- Even:':'· "~' 360 PAS - RM. 1512 W: That n*gga's a~ tingcreditfor tracks done meDt to'workWith. E: I've heard that story from n*ggas that livein in LA When he's in De- Queens, too. troit. I do!1't think he's doinganytlliDg. ForeverJis thatitwasanevolution. '!heyolderand W: I respect what LL does and all that­ W: PuffiSoverrated. this album looks at it from thepetspeetiveoffame, , N: [referringto blunt] The.torch is on you? ***** '. money and knowledge. We're gonna teach these . ~ W: Naw; thetoreh is in the living room. But,that N: 'How longwe known each'other (refening to -otherp;eOpleWhat-weknmv. Wf!renotgormap~ n*gga's a {@:kin'_oorn. Let him make his money Wor)? Like2 years? We'vebeen throughmadsh*t, toyou. That'swhatI love aboutthem, That'swhyI but... We (refeningto Edward] go backto elemen­ robbingfools. ' tary school. There's a lot of f@:kin' stories... You W: Robberies in Sunset. Everything. Continued on page 34 heard about what happened to Mr. Hitter (fonner *****

~ .. 31 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT MAY 20~ 1998 TICKER ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT MAY" 20, 1998 love humbly: Q-'fipofA1libeCalled Quest, DJ Premier, CappadmU'Ul9-ButterfIyand Doodlebugof Digable Planets, DJ Avee, IG Off, A.L., Eminem, Pmnpkinhead, t Kwest, Buckshot, l HakeemofChaJme1Live, andTheArsonists,Jesus j Sterling (always helped me write mypath properly), Veronica "SuddenlyI hadthis fever, was it me or eithersummermadness... withknowl- "oftime and theevolution ofgenerations, wtitlld:beproperlyeradicated edge ofselfthere's nothingI can~ solve..." " "However, we failed to"see the mentalvice, thatgave them the hatred, to kill 'Ibm(thanksfor.theradiospot)-and " Rahim ofEricB & Rahim . ~ove TheCroud" nuborns for theirsurvival, Afterthisreview, wecanrenewourstoryto the last Cuny UPN Intercambio, few decades, soyou'll find the atmosphere that homed I. Professor Ana Lopez, &1 bethe masterofthe who, what, where and why..." The graftingprocess was in full effect when they drafted us. It continued GuruofGang Starr - '~oment OfTruth" when Reaganomics made us homeless. Still,wenever noticed waiting for a Richie Perez, Micky ." block of cheese on the welfare line. Now the Earths' seeds call Free Trade ..... -. Melendez, the Young Whothe luck? ~ IPlif~;~~1Gt~~~~~~~ir~~ =~~~a==,'::nt;~~7:;= Lords(heroes)andallBoricua When I was in 2nd grade, I hurt God. I ·,";j§P?~ dler tags, infant backscratches and spawn- independistas, socialists, was just takinga piss during the lunch pe­ . ",yo> ingric checks and I was born here to re- politicalprisoners&free. riod. Attheothersideofthislargebathroom; build It wastheyearRakim wouldcall God therewould often besome breakin'battle Td Poweror 1975. From him and many others -dom movements, Profes- be thrust into. However, on this day; there I learned hip" hop. Itwasn't a culture we ex­ -sorAgustinLao(thanksforth~" was a broken cipher of Boricuas surround­ perienced like a weekly softball game, but ing another Puerto Rican. I was called over the expression of our lives, encouragement), . Professor to complete the degrees and get a shot at Remember, I didn't watch all the rising Arthur Lewin and the fuckin' this muthafucka up. I was all about stars perform, 'cause like the Jazz cats be­ BantchBIack&Hispanic showing a niggaI couldn't be fucked with. fore andthemambojibarospast,ourcultures So I went inthereandkicked thatbrother's have survivedby beingexperienced bythose Dept. ProfessorBrent (for guts out. As I received respect from 10 per­ not livin' it. Here, theseSunsetParkstreets, .... telling me I have the talent to write), cent ofthe cipher andpoundsfrom theother are where hip hop always took place. Prof.'Iomasello,Santiago 85 percent, I was the sole powerthat knewI had done wrong. I went back to my lunch Why the fuck, then? Nieves,JuanFlores,Cen- table scared. . I survivedallthis time'causeI alwaysknew I don't eat up tricknology like kibbles, (do the terForPuertoRieanStudies,HaqueI RiVera about the payback, what it was and what it muthafucka. I live in the greatest country knowledge learnedwell, represent), CenterForFamilylife (I'm is. This cat could come back with crew so I in the world, the United States ofAmerica. - alwayswatchedmyback, and mybrother's, And that's why. Thatjust isn't righteous to too. NothingeverhappenedandwhenI was me. "That I should be a law abiding citizen a year older, I remember being on a family and enjoy the fruits ofthis country's riches. ~" . outingat Coriey"ISland 6eaCli. "I'his brOtlier···-~ .; ,.- -I'm:one-'Of1ihe few Latmeis with-het..WBter:, 2 .~ .- -meals a day and clean etothes, most ofthe was there and I was nervous he'd beat the e5 time. Aren't I? But-how can I live so com- shit outofmyfamily and I. Orthat he'd tell .5 fortably knowing that the makeup of this and myparentswould beat the shit ofI. ~ capitalist society is a spraying of selected Again,noneofmyfearstookplace. Instead, kn~w he stepped up and greeted I. He was my "LDokingAtTIu! FrontDoor, I reminisce with bliss-" scraps, for us to fight for. To that the friend and I wastoo ashamed to apologize... E-mail all comments to Edward Rodriguez at large chunks, we never knew existed, were I've learned to knowthe ledge; since. I don't sunset_style@hotm8 i1.com . taken from us long ago, a while ago, right now. hurt the selfanymore. I can't live so righteous, though. I wish I could ~t myTims, Polos and Nikes without givingthema damnthing. Tdrisk incarcerationifeverythingcouldbe What the fuck, then? bought on the BlackStar Line. Nevertheless, embracingtheirways only puts Everythingthat hurts the Gods. Letme do some explainin'. PI!?- the Sunset us deeper into the rat race. Try to realize, young niggas, that getting yours, Style, hip hop on paper,the 5thelement ofhip hop reignin'. Noone'sknocking only; is whatmakesyoua hypocrite. A selfsaviorhelpshimselfto teachothers. X-tra, X-tra Large or small, but"my words make ignorance fall. With the blue We will always be poor surviving by the novus ordo seclonun ofDead Presi­ tool, I'm Hakim, Primo, Crazy Legs and Nicerrolled into one. Other writers dents. I'll berich when I seeJesusBlackin the historybooks, when the aban­ can only be my son, despite thenext page beingan exception. I take the 0 out donmentofmypeople isn'ta barometerofhigh success andwhen we don't look ofThe Goodie Mob, too, and love allmyoriginalpeoplestrue. When it'sfinally up at the sky when we need to talk to each other. timetoname theGod, I say,..theSelf-saviorsoftheUniverseNowwill be those So beforeyou ask now, I'll tell you how the fuck. .. 1 that teach an Equality of Knowledge, WISdom and Understanding. Puede When I wentto college, I began to hurtthe devil... llamarme SenorSuftez. "Try to remember me-through: my aggressive will/ The way I keptit real..." BigPunisIu!r - ~u Came Up" , Wheretheluckthis aDcome from? ,

- "Focus on solutions, come up with f re~ / Infinite tJwught supports me Once the other man saw a difference in tbe-original man, derived out of throughoutso / So much more to saJt butthis is the DUtro... n woman, theworldceasedtorevolve aroundoompletepositivit)r. ThiSdifference O.c. - M()u,tro t . ~" ap~to bean arrayofphysica1 defects, ~through the naturalcourse e


Hip Hop Editorial ByEdward Rodriguez \


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By David Blanks in the history of mankind... The Rompe COCO keys to... OPENINGTHOUGHTh David: A Lexus GS 400! Leguizamou i-autobiography builds 7b utilizethe third eye, the eye Voice: No, the keys to the kingdom. of understanding, one must It's time to wash your robes black onunioersalLatinostruggles, whileindirectly de­ have foresight, insight, and in the blood of the lamb... to call, stroying the stereotypes placed by others. hindsight. One must"; able to and your sheep will know your see it coming, and sense it with voice... Think of the 21. The 21rst By Edward Rodriguez and weapons in the daily struggle to communi­ cesses, beingperformed for packed houses con­ a sizth sense. One must be able letter isU, there were21 men with An overall excuse for offensive comedy is that cate in an increasingly multicultural city... lan­ tinuously, it is that we have another barrier to smell it's blood and taste it John Brown at Harpers Ferry, all comedy must be offensive and personally guage and world view are inextricably fused"). broken that our people can be proud of. Not on the downwind. One must be there were 21 at the NY BlackPan­ upsetting to derive the most laughs. However, However, when I look at Danny Hoch I see a only has he shown monetaryproof(the onlykind in tune with oneself to such a ther Trial, 21 gun salutes... in the Black and Latinos' struggle for equality, ''wigger.'' A white man documenting our real­ the majority accepts) that we belong, he has degree thateven when deprived MalcolmX wasassassinated on the 21rstdayofFebruary, the next cen­ we must take the further step in deciphering r ity the way he sees it. Unfortunately, the igno­ chronicled a struggle that has plagued us for ofstandardvision, ourthirdeye what is offensive. The reasoning behind this rant way he sees it, is the way it is accepted. centuries. .is all seeing. flashed three digits: 1:09. Feeling I am one who knows. You will soon tury is the 21rst. Your mission is deeper analysis is. that certain types ofcomedy We then are led to believe Hoch when he says Who are we? Freak reaches its peak when he Make sure they never see you, slimy in his own 'perspiration, learn.. ~ in the 21rst chapter. have strengthened the ignorant validity ofste­ he was "chilling with Gods on Rikers Island" asks himself how a people that built pyramids but you'll see them, even before David decided to shower away David: Where am I? David.: The 21rst Chapterofwhat? reotypes and been used as a psychological tool and that his shoes have stomped through . and created civilization, become the oppressed? t-hey even know that they are what hadjust occurred. Voice: This is the Alpha. This is Voice: Revelations. To Bringabout in keeping a whole peoples' down. . Brooklyn's East New York and Sunset Park. In the universal quest for this answer, we see coming••. The hot water battered his sub­ the genesis. This is the eighth de­ a new heaven and a new earth... Looking at episode # 168 ofSeinfeld, we.saw missive body and ran .down his gree, which upon completion, once David.: F*CKME! Areyou serious? Still, while all ofus Latinos laugh, he is taken the thirst of producers, who hire Latino actors EPISODE X: that manyreacted negatively towards the burn- seriously. and actresses to onlyplaydemeaningroles, with flesh in a shield of purity. He you know, you will be born. Dasun, Am I in a psycho ward or some­ THE CHOSEN FEW reached for the bluish and white you are the first gun ofthe twenty­ thing? ing of the Puerto Rican a subtle aura of exaggeration. Her nude body glistened in the bar ofIrish Spring and soaped his one. Your mission is the 21, for the Voice: Open your third eye, and flag andKramer's ending The audience, though laughing, moonlight as she laid upon her skin. He vigorously lathered, 21rst, for the 21. You are the DX. behold! remarks ("It's like that ev­ realizes that this is not, at all, stomach on the bed. David ran his washed, and rinsed his genitals Disciple X, Dasun X, theDX 21. You ( The blare of trumpets and the eryday in Puerto Rico"), far from the truth. With Freak fingertips up the back ofher thigh, over and over as ifhe were a mur­ have lost the knowledge ofwho you sound of thunder is heard as the regarding the mob that is still playing it would be unfair slowly, applying a slight pressure derer attemptingto wash his hands are. I am here to tell you the real­ scene fades to black) trashing Seinfeld's car. to reveal it all, yet it is impor­ that caused her skin to indent and ofbloodguilt. Hestood underneath ity. TO BE CONTINUED FALL '98 While the burning of the tant to realize that, with or rise in the wake. He bent over and the nozzle and let the cleansing David: What's up with all ofthese flag, itself, was portrayed without Tony recognition, EPILOGUE: lightly kissed her buttocks; she waters stream over his face. He twenty-ones? What's this R2D2... as an accident, Kramer's Leguizamo is the author of a I will not maintain my silence/ trembled. He lightly nibbled, and tossed his washcloth and soapbar Voice: DX 21! ignorant remarks were .paragraph .of reality and while my people are met with she began to laugh. 'That tickles," behind him. David drifted off into David: ...whatever! DX 21 bullshit perfectly in character be~ Broadway revolution. violence! around every corner/ ing a typical counterfeit­ she gushed. "Do you want me to his thoughts, and meditated upon about? I'm at funerals a constant multicultural renaissance stop?" he asked seductively. "HELL purification. Suddenly a burst of Voice: If ignorance is bliss, then mour-ner! Everyday is a test/ man. However, comedy NO!" was the reply. water ran up into his nostrils, he why aren't you happy? The cause ofslress/ Those who becomes offensive when it He began to kiss her back, mov­ coughed,chokedand stepped back. David:Wha? oppress.! So to and from the reveals today's ills, as this . ing up her spine, she shivered His heel landed on the bar ofsoap, Voice: First of all, please refrain east I manifest/ Cause with a episode certainly did. everytime his lips touchedher skin.

Boricuas and Latrnos . He mage his way. to her shoulders, : -_,::';;'~-, _.' r::1/i!JfI';;::'1:':'1 :.~ z;:; . . know that the u.S. flag kissing one then the other. He would certainly not be kissed the back of her neck, then There will be no ostracism/ of burned for a cheap gag. the sides. He raisedup andgrabbed this organism! No extermina­ Likewise, Kramer's re­ Talented (Seinfeld~left) and untalented (Danny Hoch) whites have done • her shoulder, firmly but gently, to tion/ ofmy determination/ I've John with director, marks have the potential learned my nation!/ Stop injustice to Latinos and Blacks by being a false representation ofus that David Bar Katz. turn her over. to be believed as there cer­ gains credibility. Herbreastswere the first to make trying to fight me, let's build tainly wasn't a balance of acquaintance with his eyesight, and on solutions/ You can kill a Puerto Rican actors or actresses makingappear­ Offensive comedy will always be present they held his gaze. His spirit grew REVOLUTIONAR~ but ances. In fact, we hardlyever do appear on tele­ in the masses of ignorant oppressors who warm and his mind anticipated . NEVER the REVOLUTION!!! vision and film. This last statement is what is reflect what they have been taught. How Then he looked into her eyes . .,. Sanity is a completely irrational upsetting and finally gets self-proclaimed THERE WASN'T ANrT~ING do we battle this, then? On Broadwaynow, \~S·' S state ofbeing... Latino leaders to speak up for themselves, in at the Cort Theatre, we. have a one man THERE! His eyes must be playing ~tP~ -DX21 our name. show of our own, which has been nomi­ tricks on him! Empty sockets of I t is this imbalance in portrayals of reality nated for Tonys for Best Actor and Best gouged flesh burned into his con­ that causes a backlash of negative response Play. John Leguizamo's Freak is a one sciousness. Her nose was deeply from our people. When Spike Lee criticizes man show that builds a positive picture of gashed, half of her face was mi~s­ QuentinTarantino for usingthe word, n*gga, us while destroying many false ones, ing and her jaws were clearly VIS­ I repeatedly, it isn't because we don't use the Freak hasmanyelements ofwhat Danny ible throughthe gapingholes in her word, n*gga. It is because we wouldn't be al­ Hoch's play has - a one man cast playing flesh. The warmth was replaced by lowed to show this reality in reverse. This is terror. David tried to get away, but many different characters of different from the use ofvulgar language, it even better displayed in the one man play led backgrounds. However, the performance HE COULD NOT MOVE! He tried he slipped, fought a losing battle for balance, and fell backwards. is unbecomingofa civilized person. byDanny Hochwhere he plays a host ofchar­ ofLeguizamo is notjudged on whether his to cry out, but no sound came. This is no time to revert to sav­ acters from Latinos, Mricans-in-America, Ja­ characters have credibility. His style of Herbeautifullymanicuredfinger­ The last thing he saw was a flash hear~, agery. It is, however, time to el­ maicans and Jews, etc. While we have seen leg­ comedy is based on. our acknowledgment nails were now claws. She sat up of light, the last thing he evate to your true righteous self. endary comedians, such as Eddie Murphy in above the running water, was his that he has highlighted certain aspects of and bared her fangs through the David is your foundation in love, 1984's Delirious, imitate ethnic minorities and own cursing... ourlives and distorted them. Often, white wisps offlesh that shrouded them. Krazo is your existence in hell, majorities, other than his/herself there is cer­ comedians, foolishly or valiantly, try for He awoke, naked, wet, and trem­ "Take me!" she declared. Her Dasun is your manifestation in tainlya difference that makes one offensive and this same effect but only build dissenting blingin a cold, dark room. It reeked tongue flicked in a dance of perver­ right;your purest form.. You know socially detrimental. stereotypes because theirportrayals ofus with the stench of a thorough sion. ''This is what you wanted, I'M love and hell, now do the knowl­ This difference is a clearly false portrayal of are taken as complete fact. ALLYOURS!" She puckered up the spring cleaning. Sterile. The ~me~l edge to right... our reality that becomes fact because we have Freak displays Leguizamo's mastery in ofa hospital. The smell ofan insti­ shredded flesh that would have David: This is a joke right? Can­ . not achieved. the equality to dispel it. Danny making everyone laugh at, and with, his tution. His eyes grew accustomed been her lips and moved intowards did Camera or something right? Hoch, who is Jewish, has received rave reviews characters without straying away from to the darkness. He could makeout David's face. He felt her claws on Voice: No, Dasun you have been for his one man show entitled Jails, Hospitals those references and subtle allusions, to sk~n shapes, here, there. his body, and his repulsed cho~n. The;e is a greatwork that & Hip Hop, because there is no balanced at­ Latino life, for his core audience, us. Froin S crawled. She appeared to move In 8 you must accomplish. You have tack against him. When whites make plays his youth experiences with his family to ....; slow motion, her hideous face drew Voice: Get up, Dasun! .~ David: Dasun? Who are you? Who been selected for a divine mission. about Black and Latino minorities, they are well his failed childhood friendships, he shines closer and closer. He felt the cold You are the savior universe now. received with their stereotypingand the degrad­ by exaggerating aspects of our culture. ."a dead jagged wet flesh of her "lips" is Dasun? e­ (Abright light encompasses David. Day-sun. It is your day to shine. ing depiction of us given credibility. Danny Here, it is his narration that skillfully ex­ o touch hi.s... David: (Laughing) I am the mes­ Hoch has been proclaimed as a hip hop author­ plains everything for Latinos and non­ ~ David was awakened by his own He shields his eyes which are hurt 2 siah? Spanish speakers, alike. ... ~r­ by the strong glare) ity by mass media publications like the New ::s shouting; a musical tirade that Voice: No, my son. Think ofyour- York Times ("he is an urban griot... What In retrospect, there are many reasons 8 Voice: You know not your own Leguizamo combines tightactingskillswith chestrated notes ofterror, fear, dIS­ selfas a universal civil servant. A emerges is a performance of linguistic virtuos­ why is a classic Broadway show. Despite gust and anger. His bedsheets,were name, my son. You are Dasun. You a dynamic stage presence typical of great are the sun, you are the sunofman. soul-jah, with thebestpension plan ity, which shows various patois as both bridges being one ofthe few LatinoBroadway sue- comedians. soaked. He felt unclean. The clock \


E: 'Cause ofthe fans theydrew. Continued from page 29 W: Everybodywasdressed regular, casual, like (KiIIah) Priest. His hanging out. These n*ggas came. sh*t is messages straight Carvenet [sic],thatcrew: Theyjustf@cked through but he kicks it on :f: everything up...And that's not the first some street, you could feel. time. When we were supposedto openfor I feel that Priest kicks the Artifacts for their album release. The knowledgethebest outofthe --..c":::llTT\e thinghappened. Thewholeballroom Wu. cl down. ' It's like, yo, I don't like... N: I can't put Priest into Clubs,~hey create, I would say, 10 i? 15 their category (Wu-Tang). percent-ofmusic sales. That accounts for Priest keeps it more on the a l~h*t in -a club sounds better than it realer tip. He studied the would inyour man's house. Ifyou're sh*t sh*t. Buthedon'tgooutand don'tbumpina club, labels don'twantyou. say he's not doing this and Someone wewas {@ekingwith asked us that. RZA says this·and todo someclub sh*t. I'm not doingnoPuff then he doingthe other. You sh*t, no way in the world. IfI do some " . confusing me. You like club sh*t, it's gonna be some ghetto sh*t Oprah. Either you wanna that sounds bangingin the club... be fat or skinny: And you can't compare the first with the last Wu album. E: Being a God is about striving for perfection. The Wu, like all of us, are carton and then he Gods who know plenty knowledge. However, they jumps out of my get into traps with their own imperfections. God f@clrin' Corn Flakes. means supremebeing, not perfectbeing. I'm a veg­ N: Everybody's on etarian but if I ate something with chicken in that that materialistic sh*t, I wouldn't really be a hypocrite. Despite the sh*t like, for ex­ . fact that I preach against eatingmeat. As far as the ample, we were sup­ albums goes, anything KRS did was never like posed to go to the Criminal Minded, too. Lyricist Lounge last W: It's very rare you get that essence back. Like Sunday.. andn*gga.s N as' Illmatic. stopped the show. N: But N as fell off. Come on. Redman W: Wait, wait. Just i.e. Nas, boom. Illmatic was and Canibus was - thehottest sh*t. I was like'Rakimwas reborn.' But there, fiQ.ckin Killah then, his consistency: He started to get poppish. A Priest. All these lot ofcats do that. Snoop, first album, 14 million. white people think Next album, 4 copies. Can'tfeel it, don't understand we're gonna show up FOR SENIOR PHOTOS !!! it. It's like it's also a matter of how fast you rise. withf@ckin'tightass . e as -c.. Like Puffy He had a great year but he's not gonna khakis, shoes, f@ckin' as see that year again. His artists or something, but polka-dot shirts and .,'c' .. ,.. ·.· ,. . z not him. sh"t, looking like Through dSrkDess cOmes light: TheE&JShow'sEdwardRodriguez ~ N: You got Rakim back. You got- Puffy. What the and Wor:reminiscewith the E&J andthe smellysh*t. W: Not even that but Puffy is so, everybody's seen f@ck, now? This is ~ mQ TIJj CD 11 ((J(l)lID l1B(kl»(J:t fJ (l) ·May 18 - 21, 26 - 28, & June 1 him. He's become- Redman and Canibus, this ain't Heavy and Mase. miJ1DCBTrcil IBril7r46TB~8 cntl DATE: N: Everybody's into- E: Did they do it? CTBl»"r:tfJ=-"fJ~~~.1bfJTmcn71 00 ({J(l)'fDj W: I bought cereal with n*ggas missingon themilk N: They cancelled it. TIME: 11 am- ?pm Book Review The Rough Guides: Reggae, Jazz and World Music PLACE: The Student Center By Edward Rodriguez Pharaoah Sanders, etc.) are, unfor­ I t is often difficult for a person want- tunatelyspoken littleof. Nevertheless, 360 Park Avenue South ing to get into a particular musical there is an insightful glossary that is genre without havingpriorknowledge. as beneficial as the dictionary itself. Most turn to instructional books but TheWorld Music guide is the most real Jazz cats, Jah people and soneros diverse and uses various scholars to Room 1539 y rnerengueros know they're only fed cover each part ofthe globe. Like the the safe. commercial picks and incor­ reggae guide, there is a selective dis­ rect interpretations ofcritics. With the cography at the end ofeach genre. Th Rough Guides to Reggae, World commercialize these books, all ofthese Music and Jazz, manyofthese flaws books tendto favor currenttitlesintheir are eradicated. discographies. This becomes a major Most introductoryguides attempt to flaw in theWorld Music guideasmany No ApPOINTMENT NECESSARY be a complete, comprehensiveencyclo­ genres' (i.e. salsa) best titles are hard­ pecha, yet Rough guidescheats itsway to-find cratesandquiteoutdated. They CALL OR VISIT THE STUDENT LIFE outofthenegativeconsequencesofthis attempt to make up for this by draw­ in being rough. As a result, any dis- ingus towards great artists' best-ofal­ crepancies or shallow criticisms are dismissed due Rastafarianoontent. Thisguideis probablythemost bums though many singular LPs changed these FOR MORE INFORMATION to it serving its purpose in giving fresh readers an useful ofthe three considering the detail is greater genres. Along with this, we obviously see a bi~ in ..J _. overview. The formats chosen for each guide are with a focus on the roots of one particular genre. what genres were placed inthe WorldMusic guide. 360 PAS - RM. 1512 well thought out and allows for a quality instruc­ The criticisms often take into account the militant Themerengue section rightfullycreditsJua.:n Luis tion. The Reggae Guide uses various scholars stance, integrity and validity that went along with Guerraas blendingbachata intomerengue. How­ and musical mavens of each genre and subgenre manyofthese subgenres. ever, their simultaneous limited chronicling ofthe that is part of today's reggae, from Ska and Thejazz genre is filled with too many subgenres latter genre allows readers to assume bachata is a Rocksteady to Roots and Ragga. At the end ofeach to classifyand mention so theJazz guidebecomes minutegenre. section, there are selections they feel are worthy of a dictionaryofall its influential artists, under each The Rough Music guides still are someofthe best purchase, Surprisingly, thebookcoversa greatdeal artist titled, there is a short biography and a selec­ guides out there for a new, enthusiasticfan who is so it is of importance to enthusiasts, as well. The tive discography One gets the idea on who were interested in an introduction to many ofour musi­ section on Bob Marley is an interestingcritiqueon the most important artists by the length of their cal genres. However, these guides must be used how Marley crossed over worldwide without com­ bios and discographies. They are interesting and onlyasa simplebeginningina long, enjoyablelearn- promising his artistic integrity or righteous detailed yet many artists (i.e. Alice Coltrane, ingprocess. • 36 TICKER TICKER ARTS & E~T~RTAINMENT MAY 20,1998 37

ByEdwardRodriguez i\rtist: Artist: Public Enemy Mbum:HeGotGmne~un~r~k ,ro. ..-ist: WITCHDOCTOR Alb1Ull: Album: .••8 s,w.a.t. healin' ritual Label: DelJam Records ~ ~!Oli!~~ Label: Organized Noize/ Rating: !-:::'I;- Interscope Records


i\rtist: -Orchestra Harlow .st: James Brown ist: SonoraPonceiia Mbum: "Hommy" -- A Latin Opera Mbum: The Payback Album: EI Gigante Del Sur Label: Fania Records Label: PolyGram. Records Label: Inca Records Year: 1973 Year: 1973- Year: 1977 Rating: ~,... ~ ~•. ~i Ratin~ ~~---..." 00000. Rating: 0000" Tiene que ser porque esjudio. BeingJewishmust be the only In the next 10 or 15 years, the intelli- IfonewantedtohearoneIPthatenca.p- reason Larry Harlow has not received his props as a musical gible and unintelligible ranting and rav- sulated the diversity of salsa, in all its innovator and upholder of artistic integrity. He has produced ings of this hip hop generation will in-musicalrealmsandcapabilities, we would FatJ~ ~ In being the apprentice of BigPun Spike is one ofthe revolution's most power­ over 220 records spanningfour decades. His band, Orchestra voluntarily be crossedover through com- surelydirectthemtoPuertoRico's legend­ Alternative hip hop is a term used to exclude hashadthe luxuryofovercomingmanyobstacles ful tools. Since Bhee Gotta Have It to Malcolm X Harlow, during the '70's, featured some of salsa's greatest mercials, advertisements and other my group, Sonora Ponceiia. However, quality ghetto representatives who tell their in this exploitative industry With ~ LPs behind and GetOn The Bus, he hasusedthemass forumof soneros (i.e. IsmaelMiranda,JuniorGonzalez, etc.) and fea­ j ingle-laced forums. This will serve the with 26LPsavailableon CD andcassette, stories and relate out experience in a different him, Fat Joe defeated many stereotypes regard­ .movies have to make powerful statements against tured someofthe best musicians (i.e. Eddie"Guagua"Rivera purpose of solidifying and reinforcing countless other hard-to-find crates, it way. Every artist that is original, creative and ing the Boricua's place in this culture,.while suf­ those hypocrisies,thatkeeptheUnitedStatesstrong on bass, Lewis Kahn on trombone andviolin, NickyMarrero U.S. propaganda's ideals, being the land would be quite difficult to find a clear ex­ progressive in his/herart is hip hop. Those who fering all the errors ofthe raw rookie artist. and original people weak. On He Got: Game, he on timbales, etc.) throughout. Salsa, the genre itself, also has of opportunity and freedom of speech ample. Yet, ifone searcheshard enough, make our music for the moneywithout the prior These lessons have allowedPun to create a very shows the devilish slave system that goes on with had difficulty in being recognized for what it is, as well. It cer­ against non-existent ills. one willfind their 1977album,El Gigante characteristics are truly the alternative to hip cohesive work that attempts to intelligibly sell brothers trying to make the National Basketball tainlyisa distinctivegenre, likehiphop, reggae and othergenres A look at James Brown's biggest hits Del Sur. hop, and, thus, its abnormal outgrowth. . the Latino MC to a mass market.. "While Pun. Association. J of the original diaspora, blending several styles, rhythms and from "Papa's GotABrand New Bag" to "1 While this is one ofthe first recordings To help illustrate this concept, reiterated by . uses cliche, Biggie-fied skits ("Taster's Choice," Th reinforce these underlying themes, Spike Lee instruments. Alongside el Dominicano, JohnnyPacheco, los Got You (I Feel Good)" and one can see without singer, TIOO GoDlez, we do see a Bobbito Garcia and other hip hoppers, we "Pakinamac Pt. 1") andgreatguestMes (i.e. Fat recruitsPublicEnemy. The choice ofgivingPE a Boricuas, Willie Colon and .!myBarretto,'Larry Harlow has that his militantyells and raspy anguish perfect portrait of,their diversity, led by have Organized Noize crew's Witchdoctor J~InspectahDek,Prodigy, etc.), it is his in­ chance at resurrection iscommerciallyrisk)'. Yet, it helped define this genre. have been reinterpreted to format the Enrique "Quique" Lucca and his son, debuting with ...a s.w.a.t healin' ritual. Re­ crediblyfluid deliveryofquickly spoken slangthat is an obvious choice considering Lee's wish to have During the '70's, these four producers were among a minute need for strong garbage bags and the ex- Enrique "Papo" Lucca, Jr. on . leased through Interscope Records, this LP is makes hip hop's most played-out reality part of a a movie soundtrack that completely reflects the few who experimentedoften and successfully. This experimen­ hilaration ofhavingclear, beautiful skin. With a horn section consisting of three lost even to potential supporters considering fresh package. movie's theme, in depth. Not only does PE make a tation is best seen in Orchestra Harlow's 1973 release of As evidenced with the same tactics per- trumpets (often reached up tofive), a pre­ Goodie Mob's-simultaneous release. Never-. - Asidefrom the. weakR&Bhooked,BillClinton. commendahle.ccmebaek.they.alsomakeone ofthe "Hammy" -A Latin; Opera: 1I~ eventually.. wouldorchestrate formed on Bob Marley's greatest hits miere pianist, in Papa Lucca, and an ar- ii -T;, ~-,;", ; :,:; m fjor· · - ·BudweiSer ·beer aiid-~Qne-···~·ra-··or--'-;'-_·-feafurffig~~1; theless, Witchdoctor offers a depth, flavor and anthem, "1AiniA Playa (1 Just ·UffA Lot)," the most powerful movie soundtracks in hip hop his­ and conductthis·Latino opera to ravereviews at Carnegie-Hall ( vt-._,...... ~ SJ.IlgeI"S ._ ...... beat collage that is unique and revolutionary. playa/thugplatinum imageis replaced byan MC tol)T. and San Juan, Puerto Rico. Love/ People Get Ready" for some stupid MiguelA.Ortiz andthesultry; Yolanda Witchdoctor relies on an aura spirituality with vocal dexterity and well displayed skills (as This clearlycomes in ChuckD's skill as a lyricist With salsa beinga dancemusic, it is amazingthatartists like airline), the underlying messages of so- Rivera,theyhadfew limitations. Most of and a spoken word style ofrhyming. At a quick the superb back-n-forth withThe.Roots', under­ andcaptivatingpersonanotdiminishedbytimeand Barretto and Colon would inject messages ofPuerto Rican free­ cia! and/or political change become lost the 26 album covers of Sonora Ponceiia aural glance, he seems to be preaching to us rated legend, Black Thought, on "Super Lyri­ pseudo-revolutionaries who did not listen. His dom and independence (i.e. "Testigo Fui"from 1975's Barretto) among ignorant masses, original and col- havebeen drawings byRonLevine, por­ through a mystery God, he still does not lase cal" reveals). knowledge of the intricacies ofthis devilish game and urban reality (i.e. "Te Estan Buscando" from Colon's 1969 ored alike. traying some kind of Spanish conquista- focus in relating this righteousness to the ex­ Still, many MCs must sacrifice content due to are evident as soon as one hears his openingverse release, Guisandol DoingA Job). It is even more remarkable However, ifone digs in the cratesjust a dor conqueringtheland OnElGigante..., perience of Atlanta's ghetto life. What really an inability to flow on tracks ofalternating tem­ on "Politics OfThe SneakerPimps." Heopenswith, that "Hommy".... tells a complete storyofa deafandblindmute, little, we find James Brown's 1974 release theyrepresrentthisthemegoingdeepinto sets this album apart is the excellent produc­ pos. Pun, however, covers harder topics from re­ "noto here's the pop, turnaroundjumperI hits the with talented gifts, wanting to be heard and recognized. ofThe Payback LP. While the music, from various forms ofsalsa'sroots. tion that does as much to create his wordly vibe flecting one's realness through rhyme ("Parental rim/ bounceaway/ thenewslavetrade / man-child, The storyis told through interludes ofvery colorful narration the title track to "Mind Power" have been El Gigante... shifts from boleros from the as his lyrical content. Organized Noize are ex­ Discretion") andgenocide ("Capital Punishment") six-feet, five I butjuvenile/ thin line betweengetting interspersed with incredibly diverse salsa, ofall tempos. Each sampledoften byhiphop artistsfrom Lord female, (YolandaRiveraon"Soy Tan/Feliz") perts at using off-beat breaks, guitar riffs and after the standard Biggie ("Glamour Life") and bucks and getting wild...," showing he has the cor­ ofthe character's voices are sungbyan arrayoflegends featur­ FinessetoDeLaSoul, its lyrical content and themale counterpart, (Luigi Texidor, vocals to create atmosphere and presence for Biz 'Vapors-but-my-girl-played-me' (''You Came rect frame ofmindin analyzingthe exploitative de­ ingJusto Betancourt as elPadre, Cheo FeHciano as el Tio is also a signifier in its supreme status. on "CuandoEstamoe Vzejos"). Then,there an Me. Along with OutKast and Goodie Mob Up, :-, "Punish Me") cuts. structivenessbasketball andsports, in general, has Jose, Jenny Alvarez as the very charismatic narrator, Thoughitwasa difficult 1973for JB, epito- is a Dominicanpericoripao cut, "SiNo Me making scattered cameo appearances, ...a The constant merge ofsocial commentary and onus. Adalberto Santiago as el Doctor, Pete "EI Conde" mized by the death of his son, Thddy, in a Meto," and a rumba, "Rumba En El Pa­ s.w.a.t healin' ritual, along with Goodie's Still flavor over a backdrop ofquality tracks, lacking Public Enemy has progressed by defining their Rodriguez as el Elemento del Bonehe, CeHa Cruz as Gracia carcrash, bemanagedto createa verypow- tio,"both sung by Yolandita. Aside from Standing, are the most original and creative monotony, make Capital Punishment an original angermuch better. Thissoundtrackforces them to Divina andJunior GonuJez as Hommy erful social statement. The themes ofthis CeliaCnJz, the female presence in saJsa albums of 1998. debut. do so in its focused. content, yet it is clear through What distinguishes the Harlow sound from other legendary album revolve aroundpersonalgrief("For- was, and is today, quite limited. With "Reseurection" (featuringWu-Tang Clan's Masta ever Suffering," "Doing The Best I Can"), YoIandita, LaSonoraPonceiiaalwayshad Artist: AZ producers is the purity and musicanship heard in his band KiIla), and "Unstoppable" (featuring KRS-One) Willie Col6n's sound sampled rhythms from various genres for anger regarding the struggle to attain a chamber no other orchestra had, which Album: Pieces OfA Man that Chuck still has battle skills. The music re­ wealth("7.'1u! Payback," "Take Some... Leave is utiJjzed oftenon FJ, Gigante... Label: Noo Trybe Records a wild, energetic vibe while Ray Barretto's bands highlighted flects their progression best as all the Bomb excellent singers (i.e. AdalbertoSantiago,TitoAllen, etc.) with Some") and our mental states ("Mind They also show shades of guaguanco, Rating:. ~ 6 Squad tracks.are produced in conjunction with superior percussion as a background In contrast, HarloWs .Potoes;" Is Running Out Fast"). guarija y son on tracks like "Boranda," ~"Orne/e"and With the death of the Notorious D.R. Period. The difference is seen on "Revela­ music reveals a bandwithperfect timing, with preciselycalcu­ ...... As oppoSed to being a collection ofhit "YeJee, "LaGdaa." Featured B.I.G., the title of greatest commercial! tion 33 1 /3 Revolutions," and "Ressurection" as latedhom riffs, timbalesnaresandcowbell hits. Hisrichsoundt -&iIlgIes,.fte.·Payback is a collection ofjam gueSts includerenowned songwriter,'lite ~oche hardcore rapper is open for competition. . we hearbasslines typicallyheard on D.R.'s work however. doesn't restrict him from performing along with the sessions peppered with social eommen- CUl'etAIoD8O, who wrote Como , ~1obo,"andLJrisPericoOrtizwho With AXs recent crossover fodder with for M.O.P. and SmootheDa Hustler. There is Orquestrade SymphoniC&Wesee a rangethatstretchesfrom tary, profiled best on "Shoot lOur Shot:" Booi1.. JJs The Firm punctuatinghis earlier work still an ever present chaotic state in the noise of boleroslike"El DiaDe Na»idod"oo theexcellentblendingoftracks Much orJB's thoughts center around lendshistnJmpetski to theLatin-tinged, ~ with pop essence, Pieces OfA Man con­ these tracks yet they have cleanbasslines and on "El DoctorY LaRozon"as thedoctor,AdalbertoSantiago, sings crooked politicians, anti-capitalist pseudo-discO iDstn.unental, ."Nocturnal. tinues the trend. hard snares that are prevalent in today's best ofHommy'sailments. Thetrackblendsintoa previewoftbefinaJe thoughtsand socialistthinking("Tell tAe Though the lattertrack is a SOlan failure Th gamerthis title, today,onemusthave . tracks. Despite this, mostoftbe production is piere("Mirome, Oyeme").withHo1nmy's(J~~)~ politicians where I'm coming from! jlUd· in experimentation, producer Louie a persona reflecting an ideology ofa dnJg varied revealing that PE chose tracks to attain finally being heard Aside from Gonzalez' superior ~-pitched take .some tuidka;ue··somel·l don/t ll1a.nt Ramirez brings.out the-;realms of it alllljUlltwai&ta bit... Don toJee Pon<&ia'stalentsproperlyseeninthecon- 1.). dealing playa who has elementsoCknowl­ their old sound with a new twist. singing,CeliaCroz' careerwasgivena second thrustwithherbeau- little t t1iecakelsornan.ypeople on. the ·take.•." si$tently excellent use of timbalero, edge wrapped around a conscious that ·Their old flavor is captured nicely on "Shake tiful rendition of"Gracia Divina." ~AZhaslisteners ·Leave·Some")..Thecom- BaymoildVega, who to replace never leads to righteous action as opposed to the work, ItWas believethat lOurBooty"whiehfeatures thecrazy, party flows Hommy...wouldeventuallyiilfluenceothersaJsa 'storybooks,'m~ _ 'TaJu SOm.e... carne had been questioningofbaddeeds. Themusicis a strictblend once one has knowledge (i.e. the "new world or­ ofFlavor Flavand the turntable skills of'Thr­ notablyRatbenBlades'Maestro ~parts.I and2, in 1~. ~ mentary reaches its peak on "Mind EdpnbMorales, who their der'inscription on the one dollar bill), true wis­ Power"as he simply speaks to us, over a timbalero for 7 years and seven albums, ofdisco-tinged snares,highhatsandbreaksdivided minator X. Thoughthe hypeman is important classic CD afterthe SU

38 TIC~R ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ~~~Y~2~O~,~19~9~8~~~~~~~~~~ ~~-~.---.~-~ ~_TI_C_KER ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT MAY 20,1998 39 ~------...~ rrncs orner ICS Artist: Garbage r Album: Version 2.0 o rs genres. s comp a on, ~ re Label: Almo'Sounds' how redundantthe termsAfro-Cuban Afro-Puerto ~. ~;-' Rican, etc., really are. The ease by which artists 0 '".r' . Rating: 0:" such B:S Ricardo Lemvo & MaJrina Loea, Sam In one ofthe top five albums that Mangwana,Africando and others, blend Puerto alternative music fans have been Rican salsa, Cuban son and African soukous to­ waiting in much anticipation for gether, in various languages (from Swahili and this year, is the release of ~rsion Lingolato SpanishandPortuguese), showstheuni­ 2.0 by Garbage. Garbage lead versal, originalessenceofourculturesandheritage singer, ShirleyManson takes the­ H···.. . ~ i.c.G4"J..o' L~ despite being ~evel.;. . band up to another level by display- .' .' .'" ~c':"\;'~;':<:" . oped onother sides of ingmore talent than ever before in ~-~;;!~~ & ".-L_ th~~~ofthis every song on %rsion 2.0. This is 8 e ~;;;Ai?; ~. Garbage's second album, and first ticular, because of~nf8oabil-' out in a presentable package that Look So Fine,"oneofthe more low­ . c t . <, ... compilation is that it , - since 1995'smulti platinum smash ity to switch off and change base. Garbage lovers can appreciate. key songs on the album. success, Garbage. Does the hype for in volume level. Garbage takes a page out of The task at hand for Garbage :~=s~= Version 2.0 match the album in was to come up with an album for e. : A wonderfully crafted track is Bjork's book with the opening se­ ,• ing artists from di- » terms of its quality? Definitely "When I Grow Up," that demon- quence to "Dumb.""HammeringIn a sophomore release that would do verse areas from with a capitalD added to it. strates drummer Butch ViI's 'ge-: - My Head"has a Nightmare onElm outdo its predecessor andthis one ConjuntoCespedes The band's first single offthe al­ nius at drilling the drum set as .Street feel to it and resembles managesto comeveryclose in qual- , of Cuba, Julian The criteria by which a DJ used to be bum is "Push It. " Manson is excel­ never heard before. This is per- "Milk"offofGarbage'sfirst album. ity to the first. Shirley Manson Avalos and Afro- judged would be dependent on whether he/ lent throughout the track singing haps, Garbage's to date because. "The Trick Is 7b Keep Breathing"is has grown and so have the other Andes from Peru, she could rock a crowd. However, does that The greatest revolution in m~~ic oomes in the the chorus "Don't worry baby"with of all ofthe elements found in.the an exceptional track demonstrat­ band members in learning how to Orchestre Baobab really mean anything if DJs now rock blending of genres. This explains the success of . that ever so touching voice only track, an ingeniously computer ingManson'sfondness ofErasure better mix in it's specially placed de Dakar from crowds by playing the most diluted, com­ WillieColonon albumslike1971'sAsaltoNaoideiio Manson can give. In 'Temptation generated soundboard to delve in the line, "I'm not the onlyone. " loops throughouttheir songs. Fans Senegal and 4· mercial and frivolous music. The disco re­ and 1975's The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, where Waits, " the use of the morph voice with Vilfs drumming experience, Manson gives "Sleep Together" ofGarbage will appreciate the full Etoiles from Congo. vival in hip pop has made this criteria less Yomo 1hro'scuatrowas first incorporated into the technique is ever present in the along with Manson's skill of out an added bonus by pulling the year that Garbage had to put to­ The inserts offer en- significant. As a result, Threat Records' salsa format, magnificently: We also have the re­ song, with Garbage's known elec­ beltingCourtneyLove-likevoice, strings together in the chorus "We gether a dazzlingalbum. The see­ , .;- lightening introduc- compilation of 10 DJs that rock musical tronic loops to fill the track. "1 "Medication" takes a seat to the can sleep together." This is one of ond half of the album is a tad off,' sultant platinum sales of Juan Luis Guerra's tory liner noteswhile preparing us for Putumayo's crowds has less importance, as well. Think I'm Paranoid"starts offas a previous tracks, but once again, the electronic oriented tracks on the first halfofthealbum, and that works,OjalaQue LluetxiCafe (1989), BachataRosa new releases of Ricardo Lemvo & Makina Loca's Aside from the hip hop DJs, the afore­ mellow song, but fans ofGarbage Manson saves the song by seeing the album with the presence of a iswhythehalfofa starhadto come (1990), Areito (1992), Fogarate! (1994), etc., which Mambo Yoyo LP and Galo Negro from Sam mentioned basis ofjudgment is all that can know better ofManson. She gives how the song develops and going keyboard placed to add dabs of off. But all in all, the album ranks has incorporated elementsofsoukous andotherAf­ Mangwana, coming from the Congo and Congo/ be used to decide their validity. Only DJs one ofthe mostvocal screams in the with the flow. In "Special," Gar-noiseand pap. "Wicked Ways" is a as one of the best of the year to rican rhythms along with bachata to make a new Angola, respectively: who play hip hop are DJs; the rest are sim- formula. ' chorus "1 think I'm paranoid." We bage goes the pop route then un- jingle for a room of people to clap date. Hopefully;inrea1izingourreoognitionoflikemu- ply Disc Jockeys with simplistic blends get to see why Garbage is on top knowingly mixes in the drowned, to as it has a nice little riff at the Though we have seen this, we now can see the sical origination will lead to the realization ofhav- hoping the crowd is lulled to dance to re- of its field with this song in par- out voice of Manson and spits it end. Concludingthe album is "}Qu -DavidLo reverse with Afro-1AJino, a compilation ofAfrican ingthe same origin asmen and women. petitive breaks and hooks. groupsandLatinogroupsheavilyinfluencedbyeach -EdwardRodriguez Nevertheless, for each genre, ranging i\rtist: Tori Amos before, theuse old microphonethat What Hotel offers is a delve into "Pandora'sAquarium," a jazz influ­ 1\rtist: Fabulosos Cadillacs hood was not this violent). Ruben Blades makes from house and R&B to merengue and Album: From the Choirgirl can instantly create a static-like the electronic genre with Tori enced tune that weaves up an im­ Album: Fabulosos Calavera his appearance as a guest, co-writing and singing Drum & Bass, each Disc jockey shows they .Hotel, sound with the elick of-a but-ton,;-- screaming along in- theseng!sehe­ age*Tor.iplaying.thepiano inside Label:. '" BMG-liB-Latin "Hoy Llore Cancion" (today I cried a song), a song play the right songs to please the crowd. thatalsO'de3lsWithSoCIaflSSiies: d]JiiY-oD,:ecWuion,· .. Th'e-two frrphop· sets,'-Jed--byDJ ,FHnksh-un i::;::g::~~"'~.;\~~.~., ~Further, in the line: 'You say you rus, "give me more." "Playboy a cabaret club. To close, From the Rating: don't really mean it," she gives us Mommy" usesa fairly new instru­ Choirgirl Hotel is another can't 000. porelgolpe deltamhor(todayI crieda song, because and Sonic & Lord Vader, are above 'average What's the first thingthat comes oneofthose lovelynotes.unlyTor-i, ment, the pedal steel, that sounds miss album by Tori and for Tori ofthebeatofthedrumJf Hayllorecrincion,pense en DJs with Funkshun's skills displayed giv­ to your mind when you think of herself, can deliver with ease. like an Irish bagpipe, giving itthat fans, this is one disc, you must ab­ unmundomejor(todaylcriedasong, Ithoughtofa ing him the "best of' title over the latter Tori Amos? Do the words genius, "Cruel" starts with a xylophone right touch, mixed in with a bit of solutely have. better uiorldl] Hay llore cancion, par que reine La duo. inventive, creative or extraordi- type of beat, trickled in with 'lbri country flavor too. Closing is -DavidLo armenia (today I crieda song, for the reign ofhar- This record captures the club vibe nicely, nary ring a bell? They should. For fixated in readingmode, but is able mony)! Hay llore cancion,portodo el mundo... (to- yet can become outdated quickly. If only those who don't know who Tori to take offon its own merits. day I cried a song, for the whole world) ..." Ruben the other DJs had actual skills, it would Amos is, then you are missing out In "Black Dove (January)," per­ Blades is known for touching social and political be a worthy crate to own. on a great thing. There hasn't been haps Tori's finest song of the al­ As you listen to the first fifteen seconds into themes, and relating it to the ~ple, as he did it -Edward Rodriguez so much hype for an album to be burn, she gives us a chilling piano Fabulosos Calavera (Fabulous skull), the latest herewithLFC.Asfar as music,Fabulosos Calavera ist: Andy Smith released in a very long time. So effect in the beginning of the tune, Fabulosos CadUJacs album, you might think has a little of almost everything, with a few out- Album: The Document why does Tori have such rabid then gives a stunning showcase of you'relisteningtoanotherAfro-Cubanor LatinJazz standing tracks. The first song, "El Muerto" (the Label: London Records fans? That can be attributed to the her voice in the line, "you're not a album.ButinthesongsthatfollowtheArgentinean dead) hasdefinitely a heavySantanainfluence, yet Rating: ~.•~.~ types of subject matter she dis- helicopter, you're not a cop out ei­ band goes beyond the limits ofestablished musical it preserves LFC's signature. '~ Amigo J. ~"(A cusses about; things that any fe- ther." "Raspberry Suiir" is dancy styles. Los Fabulosos CadillacsarepartoftheRock friend J. \7:) is the softest and most laid-back track, The music ofPortishead is a distinct alter­ male can relate to, like innocence, tune that reaches out to the extro­ en Espanol (RockinSpanish) movement, which has surprisinglykeepingthe samejazz format through- native version ofreal hip hop. Theirtracks ex­ pain, and rape. vert in one's self, especially in the about three decades ofhistory in Spanish speaking out the song (where the bass is skillfully played). cellently blend sungvocals with hip hop breaks, Stores are open past midnight on line, "things aregetting desperate." countries, and about seven years in the US. LFC This samemoodis found in "Calaveras Y Diahlitos" scratching and deep, dug-for basslines. With the Monday prior to her album re- On the other hand, "Jackie's started sometime in the early eighties in their na­ (skulls and littledevils),whichbringsbacktheorigi- their respect for hip hop established, we can leases to make sure fan, can imme- Strength" provides an example of . tive Argentina, however they didn't get major rec­ nal Jamaican ska ofthe mid sixties. LFC's selfpro- expect certain things with a sneak preview of diately take home a copy ofthe lat- her excellence in ability to flow­ ognition until early nineties. They have become duced album also shows great such Andy Smith's (Portishead's DJ) solo work en- est offeringby Tori. Hershow back ingly singbacked upby a full band, ', known for bringing different Caribbean and Latin is the case in calaveras y diablitos' beautiful back- titled The Document. , in April at IrvingPlaza andthe one as she's been doing it forever. Americanmusicalelementstogether, creatinganew ingvocals..AndtheAfro-Cuban'HayLloreCancion" When a hip hopper has true appreciation of upcoming at Madison Square Gar- "Iieee" takes us on a trip toIndia kind ofmusic. (today I cried a song) also features a tight percus- their culture's musical roots, they have a var­ den in July sold out in matter of in the first half of the songby,~' 'f!IIIII~~....~~~~~~~~~~e~!!II!!!!~~~~~l!I!!!!Ii!I!!!!!!~~1!I!I!IIII \Vhile in their last two albums LFC seemedto go sion , with RubenBlades on vocals. ied taste of music. Andy Smith first treats us hours. This is whyFrom the Choir- resemblance totraditional ~tern' .. ' towarda sort ofmixbetween salsa, samba, skaand Even though Fabulosos Calavera is a great with some blending, cuttin' and remixin' ofthe girl Hotel, herfirst release sincethe .European music, and in the·:18tte~·· . reggae, Fabulosos Calavera goes apart from that achievementintennsofmusic,itmightdriveaway Jungle Bros. "How y~ Want It" and Jeru's multi-platinum smash, Boys For half, is like hearingTori 'pray:aIid~ direction, thus beingtheirmosteclectic worksofar. some of LFC's old fans. The fact is that this new '"Come Clean." Once we know what hip hop Pele released in 1996, is such an beg for help. , ,": .It's not that LFC radically changed, you still hear approach. that LFCtook is nothing similar to any- flavor he likes, he·takes-us into a lengthy sam­ anticipated album of 1998. All of, "Liquid Diamonds""1S more.~ ~'..'. SOme ska, reggae, salsa,butthistimeLFC addsome thingthatyoumighthearon the radio, Thevariety piing tour ofhis crates. this done without virtually any ra- mellow tune. "She's Your~~~,n. punk, death metal, jazz, funk and even a sort of andsuddenchangesofmuSi~styl~aresOmetimes' His-appreciation is seen with a section ofhip dio airplay. The best thing about though, isa song.just like on QrP;, . ragtime (Cadillaes' waythat is). ' a little to drastic.'"El Camicero lie Giles" / sueno hop's first samples ("Goqd Times") and hits the album is that Tori stays true that is a prototypical kind of.S08g This Grammy winner album in the Latin alter­ . (The butcherof'GilesI dream) suffersofoneofthose (Flash's "White Lines"). There are breaks from to herform, and manages to please which seems to have a microphone. native Rock category is composed of 13 tracks, and drastic changes. Some songs alsocould've .been MarvinGaye's Trouble Man soundtrack to the all ofTori'sfans and even will cap- stuck down her throat. Everysi~ two bonus tracks. Whereasmusicallyit mightseem worked with more of a melodic approacb.which Jeep Beat Collective yet there is a key odd­ ture new ones waitingin thewings gular note best displays how 'JOri tobe all overthev place, because ofthevariedstyles might've created a much stronger song, this was itythat makes this a nice hip hop sample guide. to be swept off their feet by Tori can use thisgift that shepossesses., and sudden changes used, thealbumseemstocarry the casein '1foy LloreCancion.". Andy Smith, like the great hip hop DJsand and her brilliance. She maximizes her singing voice .. a conceptual themein its lyrics. FabulososCalavera Nevertheless Fabulosos Calavera stands as one producers, plays us dope tracks by unlikely' Opening the album is "Spark," level by her ever so slightly moved primarily explore death, what's beyond death and ofa kind, exploringbeyond theboundariesofmusi- singers (Tom Jones' "Looking Out My Win­ the first single off the album. In tweaks and deep breaths. The how we as humans deal with it, however LFC do calstylesandfusion. Eventhoughthisalbummight doui") with 10st cuts (Peggy Lee's weak ver­ the line, "she's addicted to nicotine same can be said about "Northern this in a sort of sarcastic way: This theme is some­ notbethemostpopularUC'swork, itistheir most. sion ofOtis Redding's classic, "Sittin'On The patches, " we hear something that Lad,"while it also reminded me of times mixed with a look at social problems: '~ interesting and eclectic album they've ever done. DOCk Of The Bay"). Ult.imately, this is what ...... Tori has never really experimented the "Dirty Dancing" theme song. .. , .. creci y mori... I antes el barrio no era tan oioleruo" Let's seewhatthey come up with next time. makes The Document hip hop music. (Here I was born. and I died.../ before, the neighhor- -Harold Velarde -Edward Rodriguez

'.. 40 TIC~R ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ~~~Y~2~O~,~1~99~8~~~~~~~~~~~ TICKER ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT MAY 20,1998 41 •• . . - . rrncs orner rttics orner Artist: Todd Snider "" 'n' roll. His music is bluesy, funk- Artist: The Specials such as the Prodigy and Rancid ..... Album: Viva Satellite wild and gospel-tingled. Itis a com- Album: Guilty "TIl Proved (who make an appearance on the Label: MeA Records bination of '70's rock and country Innocent album on "Fearful"; started bands Rating: 0;-·JIf . music. This gives it a different and Label: MCAlWay- Cool Music under the influence. This album will please Ska fans A different kind of rock 'n' roll unique taste, unlike any otherstyle Rating:~·~·6S ofrock. His music is full ofenergy, and people looking for an upbeat may be on it's way, courtesy of How ironic is it that myvery first album. Something about hearing Todd Snider. With his second re­ with smooth beats and well-writ­ review for the Ticker was for the ten,... meaning full lyrics. Most of this band on disc urges me to see lease, Todd is making quite an Mighty Mighty Bosstorres and them live. The steady rhythm sec­ impact in the world of rock music. his songs are from real life experi­ the last review is for the Specials. ence. "Once He Finds Us" talks tion, the smooth vocals, and the ToddSnideris a complex and con­ I guess its an omen of some sort, taste of beer in the sound. Yes, the templative - tall with a sensual about what his job feels like, for maybe I was born to listen to Ska. instance. Warped 'Tour this year will be grace. As a child of two years, he You see, the Bosstones credit this blessed by their presence. All the remembers listening to "Run His songs are very relaxing. For 8-some for getting them started. those with a broad intellect of songs stay close to their earlier Through the Jungle" by Not only did.the music draw them music, this CDwill definitely move material in the early eighties and Creedence with hisfather. It was to the Specials, but the political you with its heart pounding beats. carry an improved production at this young, tender age that his issues they covered had a strong A few of his songs like "Rocket value. And keep an earout for such passion for music grew. In his later impact as well. Anyone familiar Fuel," and "The Sailor" have a titles like "It's !'Ou, "cYy Tears Come years, he moved to Texas and to with the old school Specials will great thrill to them. Falling Down Like Rain," and Memphis where he took to the know about this. And the inspira­ For the music lovers, especially "Fearful." music being played at the time. It tion doesn't stop there. Groups -PaTrIcK EvEs was with this influence that he those passionate about rock 'n'roll, later used to make his own lyrics. watch out! Todd Snider will His first single "1 Am Too" sounds sweepyou offyour feet, leavingyou Parson's Dance Company a life's heart-stinger. CCl was tired with a need for more. Unlike other Biz8:1Te, eccentric, and entertaining of having a broken heart" Todd bands who just swim around in admits, "so 1 just sort of sat and pain and darkness, Todd Snider by Cherisse Constant splashed with globs ofred and yel- screamed it out. Something to sing is bring a new depth to rock 'n' roll . From May 5 to May 10, David low. The dancers started out in a to get over a girl." With his second which will leave you confused and Parsons'DanceCompanyputon happy, cheerful mood, swinging to album, Vlva Satellite, he is back but amused. For those of you looking a spectacular show here in New a jazzy, upbeat tune. They began 1 this time with something different for a high flying standard in rock, York at the CityCenterTheater bursting with laughter and happi­ and captivating. this CD will magnificently setyour over on West 56th Street. The per- ness; then the laughter turned into Todd's sound is impossible to spirits high. formances contained humor, arguments and shouting matches. pinpoint, although he calls it rock -Rhoda Kaleema drama, romance, and lots of ac- "Anthem' was a solemn, yet tion-all with a bizarre, eccentric graceful number. The dancerswere Kevin Shields' mix is quite remi­ twist. dressed in patriotic navy, double niscent of his own band My "Caught" was one ofthe most in- breastedpants suitswithred trim­ Bloody Valentine, or even the triguing numbers and was per- mings. They floated about the stage now defunct trioMedicine. It's got formed by guest dancer Vladimir with many gossamer, flowing flags funky loop based upon the outro Malakhov.. Most of the p~rfor- ofdifferent sizes and colors--:ang- .drum Iine.alongwithdistorted gui- . .~mance.was_ap"o.ptiglj!ll!.~!Q!l..... Suz:- ing fl"omgoldtc? red to turquoise .to tars here and there. Talvin - rounded by darkness; Malakbov orange. The second single off Curve's Singh's mix is also great, second seemed to be suspended in mid air, On a whole, Parson's Dance superb Come Clean album brings only to Headcase's. Talvin's got at times, as the flickering lights Company demonstrate~.great forth a slew ofexcellent remixes for the beats goin' and a bit of tabla created a dreamlike state. At one strength, flexibility and agility and the song "Coming Up Roses." freestyle in the end. point, he appeared to be walking was very entertaining. The stage Whilst encompassing many of The two non-album tracks, on air. In reality, Malakhov was settings and costumes wer~ daz­ Curve's trademark beats and gui­ "Habit" and "Midnight & Royal," leaping about the stage and the zling and original. The musl.c was tar licks, "Coming Up Roses" is a could possiblybe the two best songs lights caught him at the height of enjoyable. Although som~ of It was bit more friendly than the duo's produced by Curve since their his leaps. very different than mUSIC the.av- other material - though it still 1996 reunion. Toni ACTUALLY "Mood Swing"was one ofthe fun- erage person is used to hearrng, manages to press all the right emo­ sings! I mean, ofcourse she sings ­ nier numbers. The men were none ofit sounded like music from tional buttons. Curveeven lines up myonly criticism is that she hasn't dressed in all blackand the women Mars, as with other dance compa­ a cast of all-stars to handle remix­ been using her voice to it's full po­ in all gray. All costumes were nies. ing chores, including Danny Sa­ tentiallately- until now. This stuff n ber, Talvin Singh, and even My sounds kind of like something am­ Bloody Valentine's Kevin bient off Cuckoo (the band's criti­ Upcoming Rock Concerts Shields. callyacclaimed secondalbum) - not ByDavidLo Some of the remixes tend to fol­ exactly, but they've got the same low the same formula of mellow vibe. Simply beautiful - I laid my 1. Who: Van Halen with special guest Creed (K-Rock Show) beats and filtered vocals as the head down and was lulled to sleep When: Friday, May 22 original. Jeremy Wheatley's and but the hypnotic sounds pouring Where: Madison.Square Garden DannySaber's remixes differ only out of my headphones - stunning! slightly from the original version ­ 2. Who: Garbage (K-Rock Show) except that the beats and vocals -Syed A. Bokhari When: Thursday, May 28 have been manipulated somewhat. Where: Roseland Ballroom Blue Amazon's mix is your typi­ cal average remix - pretty much 3. Who: K-Rock's Dysfunctional Picnic featuring Jerry the same idea, just a bit more Cantrell, Scott Weiland, Third Eye Blind, clubby - not terribly thumpy, but Editor's -r The Offspring, Green Day, Fuel, and SoulAsylum certainly more danceable. - When: Saturday, May 30 N ow we get to the good stuff The Note: Where: Jones Beach RedStar Yellow StarMix is the best of the lot - remixed by bass player Dave Matthews Band with special guests Beck and Write; f((}) If 4. Who: Dean "Headcase" Garcia. This Ben Folds Five (K-Rock Show) one's a whopping 9 minutes -long, When: Sunday, June 7 but not boring. The backbeat is A&E! Where: Giants Stadium kind ofhip-hoppish - sounds like a drum kit, but it's probably not. Everc1ear with Playground and Fastball C((Jj,l g 5. Who: Marcy Anyway, that's looped in with the (K-Rock Show) bass line, along with snippets of When: Thursday, June 4 singer Toni Halliday's rap going (212) §({)2= Roseland Ballroom on throughout the track. Amazing. Where: I think Dean should remix the en­ 68({))({)) 6. Who: SonicYouth . 10 tire Come Clean album and release Monday, June 8, 1\1esday, June 9, Wednesday, June it as something...it would rock! When: Where: IrvingPlaza < .. _.: • '~' •.• , 4. ::....';.. ••• _:


42 TICKER ARTS&~NTERTAINMENT~~~Y~20~,~1~9~9~8~~~~~~~~~~ TICKER ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT MAY 20,1998 43 • over the hype! I don't even eat Artist: Foo Fighters . Fighters immediately ripped Mentos!" The Mentos reference is Date: Thursday, May 7 through their first song of the targeted towards the video, where Ven~e: Ro~erd ~~~m night, "Monkey Wrench." The sold members ofthe band are seen eat­ RatIng: ~~. ~"1/2...-. out capacity crowd was loving ev­ inga ton of''Footos''throughout the Foo Fighters at Roseland Ball­ eryminute ofthe action. The usual video. . Evening Session room. Nuff said. The anticipated sights and sounds ofa Foo fight­ In"Up In Arms,"Grohl said, "Par­ return of the Foo Fighters has ers show didn't disappoint the don me tonight, I have a cold, so caused a frenzy in The Big Apple band, as several mash pits broke try to bear with me." Nothing during the last few months. Tick­ out, alongwith a hoard ofscream­ seemed wrong with Grohl, the ets were immediately sold out ingFoo fans crowd surfed right in crowd wouldn't have noticed, but it when they went on sale in late front of the band, to the pleasure seemed Grohl -was sick as a dog ·preseDl March. This was the Foo Fight­ of Grohl. In "Hey Johnny Parkt" when he spat several times on .~ ers first appearance in New York theband went into its upand down stage. Othertunes performed were City since last October when they motions in its chords, giving pure "See You," and the ever popular, toured with Talk Show. The Foo enjoyment to Foo's loyal fans. "Eoerlong, " that fans were waiting Fighters are on tour to promote Practically, grvirrg the cue to the for the during the show. When then latest release, The Colourand Foo Fighters, Grohl then went Grohl said, 'This is our last song, The Shape. Roseland is a favorite into the band's most recent hit thanks for coming," the crowd ex­ venue of the Foo's because of the single, 'My Hero. "In only the third pected an encore performance. songofthe night, the crowd seemed intimate atmospherethat Roseland. Dave•••notso long ago. None was given though, probably can bring. I've seen the Foo Fight­ to reach its climax. Very unusual due to this one idiotic college frat ers twice already, so I knew what prompted the lead singer ofRFI'C, indeed, but with the much-played guy who had to be carried out from to expect the Dave Grohl and the to say, "We know that you're a very tune, new fans seemed to like what the mosh pit in front of the stage rest ofthe Foo's. professional crowd, and that you they were hearing. Old hits per­ to the bathroom, for puking his The show was supposed to start expected a professional band. We'll formed were uFor All The Cows," guts out. The Foo Fighters usu- at 7:30 P.M., but it ended up kick­ try to act like one tonight."Bigmis­ "I'll Stick Around," ~This Is A Call," . allyplay"Eoerlong " in their encore ing off at 8:00 P.M. instead. The take. The band got pelted with and "Big Me." set, so when they went into the crowd took out its frustration on coins, cigarettes, and.anythingelse During "Big Me," the crowd, for song in their first set, that was a opening band, Rocket From The the crowd could reach for. RFTC no apparent reason, started to toss bad sign. Crypt. Much ofthe crowd came to ended their set a little short, due shoes at Grohl on stage. This stu­ Nonetheless, the concert didn't see the Foo Fighters, and this to the horrible reception the crowd .pidity caused Grohl to respond disappoint Foo's fans, as Grohl showed "in the crowd's reaction to gave. back to those select, few fans, by delivered a masterful concert while the band. There were many chants Finally, at 9: 15 P.M~, the lights saying, "Hey, this is not 1995, this being hit with the flu bug. of "Get the fuck of the stage!" and dimmed, causingthe audience to be is 1998. This song was on heavy -DavidLo ''We want the Foo Fighters!" This in a state of ''nirvana.'' The Foo rotation back then, not now, so get ~-~-IIIII!!!II--~-----~~~Down"were pleasant tunes too, but Artists: Our Lady Peace/ the banddelved into its box ofgood­ Black Lab ies to pluck out, what else, but Date: Thursda:r,April 30 "Clumsy," the title track of its al­ Venue: Hammerstein bum..There. musth.ave been a Baffroom mash pit the size ofa moon crater Rating: ~~S~ on the right hand side ofthe stage. Mosh pits are one thing, but this Two new buzz bands are starting size ofthis particular one was ab­ to take over the alternative music mind-bo lin. t's if a scene. Our Lady Peace and solutel I as Black Lab seem to fit the descrip­ ai tion perfectly. The OLP/Black ~ Park Avenu South & E. 23rd St. Lab is the ideal combination for ~ ~ two bands to play on tour together. CIS ~ The similarities between both ~ :::2 bands musical style are evident in o the striking sounds they p~esent. e­o Surpr-isingly, the show wasn't sold ~...... : 1iifI!friI"-t: Da Passes 5 Each out, but the atmosphere inside :::2 seemed very close to full capacity 8 ifit didn't already sell out that very chords for the x-ray chorus and its fully plot out which songs to play Liml . 3 passes er student same night. The crowd comprised electronic beats. The end of Black at select points during their set, to of primarily teenagers, with a few Lab's set ended appropriatelywith get the most out of the crowd. In Baruch 10 required or purchase select young adults filling out the "Time Ago." This is their current "4am, " OLP shows what it can do space. The prompt starting time single, and with the video premier­ with a mellow song and still bring & use of the club. at 8:00 PM. was a positive too. ingjust weeks ago, "Time Ago"will the elements of a true rock song Kicking off things was Black seemingly hit the top of the alter­ with it. "Superman's Dead," is the Lab. The band went right into native record charts shortly. This reason why the band is on top of ''Anything. " It was a smart move, was a powerful 45-minute set that the alternative genre now..The to get the crowd into the right pleased all of Black Lab's fans. band wisely doesn't cut to the chase groove. To make the situation After the 35-minute intermission, and makes sure the crowd gets the brighter, BlackLab decided to stir Our Lady Peace came out to a full effect ofthe stupendous sound BARUCH COLLEGE things up a notch, by playing the screamingcrowd. "Automatic Flow­ vocals ofOLP. The crowd was then crowd favorite, ''Wash It Away." ers" was the first song the band summoned to sing the chord STUDENT LIFE This caused the extremely young played, and this really made OLP's "Doesn't anybody ever know?" and Available at: teenage crowd to squirm out into jump for joy. Just hearing OLP's thecrowd did as it was told on cue. mash pi ts. A few undecided young­ lead singer's capturing voice, During "Carnival," the video sters decided try the crowd surfing brings the crowd on its feet. There screen showed the signature em­ meteor had hit the Hammerstem route, but were unsuccessful to stay were two flags on each side of the blem elderly man on its album Ballroom'sfloor. That's how excited up for long. band, with an elderly man dis­ cover, deciding whether or not he the crowd was for the performance In uShe Loves Me," Blac~ Lab guised as a puppet with frighten­ should climb the ladder to swing of"Clumsy." was at its very best, keeping the ing eyes, which is also the image across the circus stage. The split- This was one of the best shows songin perfect harmony with their on OLP's album, "Clumsy." Also .screen was a clever move to wait that I have gone to and it's a mis­ instruments. "Can't Keep The present, was a video screen that in anticipation, and the man then take on anybody's part not to expe­ Rain" was another tune up to par displayed images in a few select does it making the crowd shriek rience the chemistry that Our with the rest of BL's outstanding songs. since it would be ludicrous to make Lady Peace and Black Lab numbers. One of my favorites is "Big Dumb Rocket"continued the any elder do that in real life unless brought on the same stage. ~'X-Ray," because BlackLab deliv­ flowing essence the band had in its he were Evil Kinevil. "Hello ers the goods with its pounding first number. With OLP, theycare- Oskar, "Car Crash," and "Let You -DavidLo .. .. -,' ,


THE CREATIVE FORUM FOR BARUCHARTISTS THE CREATIVE FORUM FQR BARUClIABTISTS - Untitled 1 Untitled 3 Da,r,/,} GotAic. . " ... Fieti·OBR:;, .. .., .'...... : ",'.' . "'. . - .... ~'...... ' - " ...,...... •... In this world that we're living in, Mirarte You placedYQur.h4nds on me, ~ one mustalways be prepared for the difficulties and and didn fiiiiiiiJl -usas there ~IflOI',,~, ·d·~'/'~: .~; ~~ ~:;;'~~lound c- ," • '''''. '. struggles in order to overcome the evils of Si tu amor viviera en mis manos, And when out, S C,'l*'"' .'_J~'~~ .'j•• f~_ ,l..... the world. 10 cuidaria un regale sagrodo. you dida.l/iiiieA care ,n,a•.ces Serio unregalo divino parel cual I camefroJtt/j/PlfJ,1Tlitght thing, By [email protected] . ,nunca'podria terminar you.:.S!~ Kn kes u . Id t 1 slm:ik2: This is -Jeriko, Prey has been found and assessed. Waiting for But, when the brotherhoodtakes matters into uc es upon aee s ee caged door. No password,justgreeted bya 9 further orders about termination procedures... de agradecerle al destino. wheny mil. An exchange ofsome dead presidents instant entry. Enter The. their own hands and decides to interfere inyour I~e de~full = th~ pathway, yourdestiny which you cannot stem En mi, pechho le brindaria Blue Club: a ofthe worst criminals in the world, plus As Patient X slowly awakes from his mild coma, he is greeted by an away from, then and only then will you be truly calory entregaria mis naches in the b most nchest and ehte of corporate business men come here to gamble, angelic smile, gentle flutteringbutterflyeyes, and a familarftowery scent di d I h which could cloud any man's mind. tested in overcoming the "darkside." y mis diaspara que nunca ne, an p easure t emselves with the sins ofsociety. .. .Nurse Xu: *Siniling* I'm so glad that you have awoken. Please don't le falte mi aiencion. .4 and uii As the stench of expensive cuban havanas loom across my Armani ~ry Ifyou're not prepared for battle, then you've already But I trench. A tint reflection ofLyhak scratches across my shades like a eat's to stand you need your rest. Your wounds were quite severe. Si tu amor viuiera en mis manos, ifmy sur. claws across a blackboard. With a pair of augmentated women under .~:Am I dead nurse? Or are going to whip me or something? lost the war 'cause the "darkside" will be able to hi h Because these restraints don't feel too heavenly. succumb to your lusts and desires, to the point where La felicidad reinaria en mi, 'h.T~ both IS arms, e is the prime example of scum upon this already god- Y;~u. . I'~ all ab t th traint b t th FBI CIA, d it'll leadyou to your imminent destruction. Reemplaando de una uez y por todas, forsaken planet. uYrse re .. y sorry ou ose res fain s, u e , an La amarga pena que azota mi soledad. Lyhak: Heyyou mook! Wha the hell ouse lookin ? Y4 bl b II ~~et Service said that t~ey needed to keep you here for further ques- . ..y gat. ou got ue a s tioning, By the way what IS your name? The pathway you're seeking, the destiny thatyou La alegria alumbaria mi alma en tinieblas or somethmgyou punk?! QuIt staringatme and my merchandise or the D~*";.....",,+ v M. I kn Ka 1· ~;:o:Jllt: ' fr 1 ti H t Wh' . .~: yname IS... am own as va ier... y la ilusion motiualia mi corazon agonizante. cannot deny, is the pathway oflife. WHA'f'S THE boys here give you ~me: ee p as ic surgery. eYe a s Wit the mask Nurse Yu: I'm Nurse Kristine Yu. I read the police reports and heard DARKS/DE?? Why, the demons that lurk inside of Te amaria con toda mi alma, anyways? Huh? This ain't no slm club! .. .' '. .. aunque fueras algapasajero, ~':~~6T~a;r, li (i 1 . . xz kn h . about you on the news alot. I always thought you were some .lunatic us that to take us out ofour nature. Ifthey can Kava ier: msane y grinning) .l.OU ow w at a chalk-line looks 11·ke?·. runnmg around Manhattan or Just..trying to save the world, Your not as be succumbed, then you'll be in control. Ifnot, be ya que el desco.de besar tus lazios, because·tkeJirii&clu'f¢""fijiexpen- Here, let me show you... d . h edi Ka li B hat i . es el sueno que mas anhelo. As L h k' d thei 9·1 Ka li emomc as t e m ia portrays you va ier, ut w at Interests me IS prepared to become the apprentice for the "emperor of ...... $itie;.'/ ·. . iY a s ~en raw eir rm s out, va ier responds silentlywith are you a vampire ofsome sort? darkside. " . Sin embargo tu me ignores, a click upon hIS chatte case and a barrage of bullets riddle Lyhak and 'UIn.. ".1;,...... PI d 't t k the t ~ . 1 M· Yi btl' con orgullo de princesa, hi . t hredd d fl h B· ~ ease on a e IS 00 orrensrve y ISS U, U m a very s men In .0 sees. ut s~meonefrom the audience reco~iz~ dangerous man and with a huge bounty upon my head. And as soon as mientras yoporti me humillo, But, WHO IS THE EMPEROR?? DO YOU KNOW?? who Kavaher was and the $100 millon dollar bountythat went WIth hIS I fully recover in 3 hours, I will be leaving these restraints that I'vejust contemplando tu belleza. Andr:i."S:U1p_~ve me head. S~n the club be~omes an.. all out battlefield. picked out ofand... Mirarte me.hace to dano, ~vaherreturns fire In earnest. For eve:r bullet he fired, the~ found Before he could finish his sentence, he notices a strange but familiar -Juan Raposo me destroza el corazon, Wi~~U;~~ts thel~ mark upon the fo~headsofthet~e ~IC~ed. But soon runnlng.out coin 'around her neck: Then strange mettalic knock raps upon the door. y sintiendote tan cerua, . of chps and ammo, fatigue also w~s kl~kingJ.n. But he kep~ on going, In the instant, Kavalier recognizes the sound ofdeath, hisrestraints fall se me ahoga esta ilusion. and thri necks snapped, throats slashed, flying hmbs and organs provided a new to the ground as he quickly pushes Kristine out of the path of the door­ five b: facade for the walls, grey matter decorated the ceilings, and all this set"- way as a shotgun rips it apart. Quisiera decirte en silencio, How····q, vice with a smile. Butjust as he was to depart, he activated the Cleans- Kristine: EEEEEEEEE! Who the f***?! This is a damn hospital! Where que das luz a mi vida, ing Sequence upon his chatte case. From behind the bar, one of the are the guards posted outside? pero el miedo es tan,intenso E~' dancers pulled out a bazooka! Kavalier: Dead! Now would you get down!!! Do you have a vehicle of que Carlomialma enseguida. aAti~~~_- Kavalier fl·ings theeasetowards while at the-same timehefiresa single . transportatffia?· .- -. .-.. '.' . Mirarte;··me hacedano, . bunet towards .. the· direction of the' ca'se... · Kristine: Yes, I have a car! Its down in the sub-basement of the hospital. me hiere el-"sentimento, the~~~~~_~her, How do we get down there in... mientras w· voz me brinda ternura, a lawyer;oT;a.st9rFOiI,T.V ''The cold dark rain pounds upon my head like a thousand anvils. But before she could say another word, Kavalier just grabs her, and Untitled 2 mi men.te detiene el tiempo. No jui#(J1'·}"'i6f~:.fiiit#ures, How many times have the Fates torn my strings apart? Why does Ha- they bothjump out ofthe window. As they both fall out from Th sonnsa·es·agradable, des love stitching them back togehter? Born a loner, die alone with no the 50th floor, Kavalier screams in agony as leathery wings rip open InigualabIeJu belleza, Outside the all·powerful institute for higher nonoAT.~, one to flower your casket. Then all of the darkness from within swal- from his back. In a complete state ofanguish and exhaustion, he safely pero el mirorteme hace dana lows my soul into another abyss... - larids themselves upon the street. As his bloody wings slowly immerse education, people can be seen coming and going, y a mi murulo da trisieza. trying to get to class on time. Only to awaken by a flowery fragrance and the sight of a beautiful themselves back into his back, Kristine helps him to the sub-basement.

<" angeL.." -Kavalier Kristine:':Come on! My car's only a rew feet away! -A~andro :gfl~fe, If's raining profusely, in buckets, and everyone is Medrano Nurse Yu: Don't worty, your in a hospital, your going to make it. Doctor, As she helped the staggering Kavalier into her car, she notices the runnlng for higher, dryer ground. But notI. I'm thisis classification PatientX. Police reports say that he single handly people trying to kill them have wings just like Kavalier. As her ZX3 sta.nding outside, getting drenched with cold, soaking That it wi~:i#ti~Vforgotten, took out one ofthe most dangerous crime syndicates in NYC. Porsche zooms out of the drive and into the highway, the killers also raln. is such a:/l#Jill4 gesture Doctor: Let's see. Asian male, mid-twenties, rare blood typeofzero nega- have their own fast car. Un'Sueno tive, and no previous record ofexistence?! Multiple gun shot wounds in Kristine: Give it some more gas! There catching up! Watch out for that " ." But a life is'sueh a'waste, "Hey, you" one shouts from afar. "Do you want an llBJ:~o Poesia for a few secoi'td"i; ofpleasure. the central cavity ofthe mid-section and chest, fractured rib cage due to old lady! And don't scratch the paint, this is my boyfriend's car! umbrella??" but interestingly enough 1 can't hear him. an extensive beating he must have taken, severe deep 2nd degree cuts ~:I'mdrivingas fast as I can! But there's no waywe can shake Drenched and soaked from head to toe, I stood upon the forearms and shoulders, probably from an explosion. Chances them. I know these people. They won't stop until they get what they Si adorarte es 10 que anhielo, -Katira Cepeda there, looking up to the heavens, with a smile ofjoy ofsurvial: 10%. Nurse Yu prepare the meat locker and his death certifi- want. y tenerte es mi ilusion, on my face. I felt like God had sent down the rains cate when he goes under the knife. . From the side view mirror, one of the man pulls out a air to ground porque'no me brindas tu vida, offorgiveness, so that to wash away all mg sins and Nurse Yu: Doctor, the emergency room is prepped for compl~t~ blo-op~. .missile launcher and tires...(SWOOOOOOSH!) y de voz una cancion. ~: paln. tu DoctOr: Damn it! How can anyone expect me to operate ifhe stIll hashiS Hold on tight! This is going to hurt! Que me envuelva tu me1odia, damn mask on?! Damn it! rll take the bloody thing off! . As he side swipes the ear in a 180 degree motion, the missile gently y ca~. un suspiroprofundo, But as the sun started to shine, I didn ~ feel any NurseYu: Stop it doctor! St9P it! He's goinginto cardiac arrest! Flatline .passes along the passenger's side and rips the door off. que un sigio de tu alegria, ~: different than before the rain started to come down. para Editor·'s in 9 seconds!' '. Oh my god! David's goingto kill me! That's it! No more Miss ~ ~gue I felt disappointed, distressed, used in some sense. tanSolo un segundo. - ~: Incredible! I've never seen anything like this in my entire pro- Nice Nurse!!! Eres'. una estrella en el mundo, fession! " She opens·the glove compartment and pulls out two 10 mil glocks... de8ecula por muchas almas, Note: So, standing there, disgruntled and upset, a shadow Nurse Yu: Catronic scans sh~w thathe's literally attached to that mas~ ~: Ok! You hold my legs down! . .. que ~;,andoen arnoretemo, started to approach me. ''I'm always It's li~ some symbosis linking be~weenhim and t~e m~sk.. Th~ mask ~s ~Do what?! Don'tyou havea boyfriend already?! And this IS no. espenm un chance en la calma.. keeping him alive doCtor, any attempt to remove It wdl kill~. He S timeand place to... 1& v~ mi soledad, As I turned around, / was shocked en also having severe alleargic-reaetion to the IV: He's on my shift doctor, ~: Just shut-up B.?d ~o it! . .. . cpnfo'tM con tu alegri,a scared ofbeing at the benevolent sight in front ofme. and no one dies on my shift not without ~., . Uncertain, he places hIS nght hand u~n herlegs while driVing Wlth que' 8~1ido mi luz de inspiracion, . "YOU!!?? IT CANTBE!!'" Doctor: (silence) Very we,ll NurseYu, your reputation truly p~eeds!OU the left arm. As she positioned herself in the sit~up postion, with her ~. representa mi aionia. alone, in this hospital. But this is not a stray cat offthe street, thiS man IS a back facing sideways, she lunges out ofthe speeding ear and tires both ~solo en mis suenos, CAN YOU FIGURE OUT WHO MYVISITOR WAS??? SEX wanted vigilante. Do you know that7 . guns at the adjacent persuingcar. Her rapid rue fmds itsmark as their como::U.n.a pena en el corazon, Nurse Yu: Remember your oath doctor and I'll :emem~rmine...Scans persuer's car flip over. . yaunjjUe nunca sea tu dueno, show that he has a rare blood type; zero negatIve. We ve replaced the ~Where the hell dId you learn that? -Juan Raposo ell'mialma vivira tu ca.ncion. is my drug ~ IV's with blood packs from storage.. , ,y,i&ca callen laspalabros, andit~my Doctor: Amazing! EKG and internal technolc ~sshow th~t he s actu- ~ontuser, ally metabolizingtheblood sample! And his readingare startmgto stable pCrri,.q1le aobrefelicidad, continuedan page 46 on ·elm·undo del querer. SOUL." out as well. - -BZoo Meanwhile outside the hospital's grounds, something evil brews... 46 TICKER ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT MAY 20,1998 - TICKER ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 'MAY 2(}, 1998 47


continued from page 45 she will never know that... ~ lJ····· • :" , . ·· Kristine: Kavalier? (she slowly opens her eyes) I heard everything. You :,··,··....,". t ...... ••••. a,.·'.: ..'./ ::"::...... : z·.. ·t.:.·· a " .. -'.""'. love me Kavalier?· (cough! cough!) Soeold. (Shivering) So cold. 0, _'-r, '. Kristine: *Smiling* Aerobics class... Jeriko: This is Jeriko to Prometheus. Prey has escaped with another As she trembles in his arms, his broken wings gently unfold like a ... By: Kiro Askani'son mortal. Persue is a negative. Requesting further transport. child's puzzle, he embraces her in the warmth ofhis arms and wings to Ainka:Look at all this shiet Durango-men! Now child, how we gonna [9 minutes and 13 seconds till extraction] Prometheus: Never mind the prey, do what my spies say is true about keep her warm... get outta dis? Midnight upon Trump Towers's Skylight Lounge. the female? Do she possess one the Celetstial Coins? Kavalier: I'm sorry ifI offended you Kristine, I... Durango:If patience was a virtue Ainka, you don' have none cheri. ~: Confirmation is positive. What do you suggest we do? Kristine: Youlove me? (He quickly turns his face· away from her). (She Fooliani:This is the great Mayor ofthis city! I will not accept terrorists alliance~ Prometheus: Get that coin at any cost! And bring me the Kavalier's gently places her hand upon his mask). Please tell me what'made you Kain: The deal's set man! $100 million for the names and of in NYC! I have zero tolerence for scum like you people! Surrenderyour­ head... wear this horrible mask? Please don't turn away from me Kavalier. I every DEA and under cover agent on this planet. And some other thing selves now or... ~: Guilds Mother?! What are you doing here? (Bowing politely). know that there is beauty in your heart. Please don't do this. Please let we can decode yet. Don'tyou dare be pullingno smoke with me! Nobody screws with Kain Pordon! -I am honored by your presence Guilds Mother. me seeyour face... But from downtown, a rumbling sound fractures the chaotic sounds of Guilds Mot.illtl:: Aiya! Please stand up child I'm sick ofthese traditional She slowly reaches for his mask, he gently holds herhand, but then he Fooliani: It's all on this mini-disk. As the mayor of this city, I accept sirens and civilans. An experimental sonicjet screechs by Madison Av­ formalities! lets go as she slowly removes his mask. As she gentlytouchedhisjagged your generous donation. enue. Office building windows shatter like crystals as the sonic boom Kavalier: I know I have dishonored the clan. I am ready to accept my face, tears of streaming crystals filled her eyes. And for a moment she Kain: You stay cool wit us Fooliani, youmay see the President's seatone engulfs into a storming trail of funneling razor sharp torando of glass. fate. I knew her coin was a forgery... understood his pain. day... ~ild§.Mother: Childher heart was pure and you did the most righteous Kristine: Kavalier, please don't do this. I ... Fooliani:Dear god! This is what I get for eating non-kosher hotdogs... thing to try and save her. But I do not understand is why are you letting Kavalier: I'm sorry my love. Please forgive me, for this is theonly way... But 10 stories above, an object free-falls a 1000 feet upon a bungee cord Durango:Magnetoriic belts activated and locked! her go? Then only a bright light of heaven fire filled the room... and fires 8 shots throughthe window shattering the bullet-proof glass Everyone:Confirmed! Kavalier: (slowly rasies his head) Look at me Guilds Mother. I am a between Kain and Fooliani. Reno:Damn I hate this part! I always get a damn WEDGIE from this ~ed and poor man. I have nothing to offer her. I kill people for a Epiloeue stuntll! living.i. . One year later...At the Church ofSanctuary's Light... Kain: Wha? You set me up?!! Your a dead man Fooliani!!! ~: But only those ofblack hearts. Prie~t:Do you David Chu, take Kristine tobe your lawfullywedded wife? Fooliani: NO! NO! Rain, I don't know who these people are! As the poilt known as Mayuko, passes through Madison Ave. at an Kavalier: What could I possibly offer her? And besides another man has DaVId: I do. Durango:This is covert leader to Sailormoon! Richard, Jomo, Reno, and incredbile speed, 5 spider lines are descended from behindthejet's cock­ already captured her heart. I have no place in her world or life. . Priest.;. And do you, Kristine Yu, take David to be your lawfully wedded Ainka have been interjected. pit. Like magic, the spider lines homes in on the team's Magnetonic ~: Do you love her my child? husband? 1b have and to hold. In sickness and in poor... Mayuko:Complyed. This is Sailormoon. I copy Durango! belts. And soon the team is uplifted and swooped away from death and }{avalier: (in silence) I cannot answer that question for it is not for me Kristine: I do. [8 minutes and 9 seconds till extraction.] disaster once again as Trump Towers explodes into obilivion. to judge how my heart feels. ' Priest: Then I now pronouce you both husband and wife... Fooliani: This is the Mayor to Commissioner Safer! I want everyone Guilds Mother: Rise my valiant child. You have earned your right of ~ Kristine ~nd David shared a tenderfulkiss ofacceptance and of down here now! It's a terrorist group and they've got me hostage here!!! Reno:Whoooo Hool $100 millon smackers! Easy money! I could kiss ya asension into the human world.... mar~;Imony, family an~ friends rejoice in thunderous appaulds, charis­ Mayuko! ~valie~:Wait Guilds Mother. Besides my asension into human mortal­ matic cheers, and theJoyful tears ofparents. But hidden behind one of As Kain's men go ballistic upon the new intruders, Richard, Jomo, and Mayuko:You try it andyou'll be suckingyour lunchout ofa strawtomor­ I~ I am allowed totradeit to save another's life. Is that eozreet? .. the curtains. ofthe confession booths, a dark soul peers out and smiles, Reno pour on the fire power while the karate killing machine Ainka row! ~: That is correct. But what you ask for has cosequences for she had found happiness... takes a much closer andpersonalappraoch indealingwith Kain's men. ·I)urango:¥ou guys did good today We'll spilt up and meet back at the beyond my control. secured coordinates,but for now enjoy your bonouses... ~:Then I askyou to grant Kristine Yu a second chance upon life. Jomo: Durango! Before Kain could tell us the password, your bro Reno GuI1.d.§.MQther: You know that within the process she will be save but blew his brains out!!! Jericho:Good evening Mr. President. I am agent Jericho. And we have also she will forget all about you and ofour existence. You will forever Reno:Did not! He was in my line of fire! allocated the present situation in NYC. It appears our inside operative lose the chance to win her heart and her love. Is this what you truly Richard:2 feet Reno! 2 damn feet! have obtain some information on who these terroisits are. wish? Reno: OK! So he was too close... Durango-team leader and tactical specialist. He is a Harvard graduate ~valier: Yes this is what I wish Guilds Mother. I cannot live another Durango: J omo and Richard you guys work on cracking the code while with expertise in munitions, atomic demolition, and tactical fire arms. second.seeing her suffer like this. I would rather give up my chance at Ainka,Reno, and I'll provide support. Reno:Durango's degenerate and biological clone. He is possessed by a mortalIty, I would give my life to save hers without hesitation. This is variety of personalities which work in unison to control Reno's mind. wh~t I truly wish Guilds Mother. Please grant me this final wish. [Extraction in 5 minutes 99 seconds.] He is expert marksman and sniper. Sources say that he can shoot a G!"ulds Mother: Very w.ell chi~d, take her to the Church of Sanctuary's flipping quarter from 2 miles away at pin point range and accuracy. LIght, and there she will receive your gift... Soon at ground level, the streets are swarming in a sea of blue cops. Mayuko: A JAL airline stewardess drop out. She tried to become a nun Th~ he~vens above shower a broken knight as he gently carries an Never has this city ever seen such a massive amount of enforcement but left the convent due to some circumstances. She is an expert aero­ angel In hIS a~s. The s.ilence of ambience echos upon this midnight laid upon one city block. nautics. She can fly anything that has wings. And beyond that she can mass. As Ka:aher. steps Into this holy place, his body slowly begins to out manuvere the entire british air-force. bu~, but he ~usts Ignores the pain and possible death. For his life had Ricahard:Durango! The file has already been encrypted. DAMN! The Jomo:Brilliant bio-physicist, won the Nobel Peace Prize 3 times by the lost Its :neaning before he met Kristine. Sensing that his clansmen had system's activated its selfdestruct sequence! This buildings gonna blow age of 26. not an:Ived yet, to a~oid attention from those seeking prayer, he quickly in 3 minutes! Ainka:She possesses the unmatched skills of 80 martial artists in her d~cks Into a con~es~non booth with her. As the gentle rain stopped tap­ Durango:Damn it!!!! You two genetic nerds crack the encryption while cyberonic cerebral cortex. She possess the ability to copy any fighting ping ~pon the WIndow, a soft ray ofmoonlight gently graced across her Ainka and I provide you with some time! style to olympian standards in a 5 minute ratio. angelic face. President Plinkton:Hey bubba what about that Richard guy? What spe­ ~valier: If you can hear me Kristin-e, please stay with me. Soon you [Extraction in 2 minutes 13 seconds.] cial skills does he have? WIll be well and I ofsuch a horrible memorywill be forgotten...(he gentle Many Thanx... JerichQ:Well, we don't know really much about him, only that his from strokes her fine delicate silky hair) This is the last issue!!! In accepting this Baruch Oscar I would like' 2 CommissiQner:Mayor! Can you read me? The helicoptor support you the Highland Mountains and he can drink alot, alot, alot ofbeer. From ~he first time I sawyou, I wanted to trace a single rose acrossyour thank Joe M. Lauren M., Tamim I., Sergy T., Marlon L.: Henry H., and requested is on its way! I also like to say that I believe that you are the President Plinkton: Hmmm, that's very interesting about this Richard beautiful face. Pearl C. most bravest man I have ever... guy. I consider him very dangerous and a possible future intern. Hey But that is one dream that will never come true... A special thanx to Madelyn T. for her outrageous sense ofhumor and Fooliani:Will you stop kissing my ass until the reporters arrive?!!!! I Jericho, you look kinda cute. Wanna be an intern? All of the sudden, the light in the other side ofthe confession booth is lit laughter, ~he eve~ c~ntroversal and wise Chan-joo M., Hung T. with want these people dead or alive! You hear me Safer! Dead orAlive! ~Notat this presise moment sir...Jericho out... up. Kavalier quickly huddles Kristine and himself into the shadows of ,.. ?IS sle~pIng Ernie Impersonations, Ming W. for his persistence in Jomo:lt's done! We're in! Durango, just give 2 minutes to download President Plinkton:Ok Monika. You can come up for some air now... the corners with his gun clocked. .. journelism, DaSunX (David) for his ever motivating and powerful . these... Reno.You know what I love about Istanbul Richie? Guilds Fat~er:Bestowyo~r weapon child! This is a place ofworkiship, ~~~eches,. Syed B. for teaching me what a deadline is, Jomo and Richie Durango:NO! You got 57 seconds to get to the roof! Download as much ~*HICCUP* The beer or the women my friend? not a shootinggallery! Is It trueyou wish to bestowyour gift to save this ~~s.·.for ~~eIr ever cr~tiquein~ofmy. work, Ainka, Mayuko, Somsiri, for as you can then scrap the place. Reno;Neither man. Its the cool weapontry we can get down here! Look woman? &!70vI~lng m~ ~n interest.ing baSIS ~or my work, the Office of Student at these swiss hand guns! Twin barreled glocks!!! 31 rounds in a single Kavalier: Tis true Guilds Father. .·7 4; ~Ife for grvmg me a place to think, and great thanx to Manny [Extraction in 49 seconds] elipllll Richard~*HIC* Guilds Father: Then you know child, for her to receive the Embrace, : "."" rguez ~nd Edward Rodriguez for printing my work and for providF You know, you bore me man. Just look at that chick your heartmust be true to hers. . .~g a baSIS for my future goals in writing. And thanx 2 all those:,r::;~ As Durango and his team scramble up towards the rooftop... they are over there with those big.... Kavalier: Father, the only crime I have commited here is that I can never forgot 2 mention! '. :.:;lrj(~ greeeted by unexpected resistance. .. RenQ; Frag grenade!!!! reveal my true feelings for this woman. For I have deemed myself un­ ;r':1~'f.i( From above the skies 10 choppers armed with the best SWAT snipers In worthy of such a precious gift like her. But whatever I emotions I have the city hoover over them. And belowthem down on the street, their are for her must be unrequitted, for I know deep within myself that she swarms ofcops screaming for them tojump down and face .t~em one on. continued on page 48 could never fall for a guy like me... - :.=: '····. . . ".', ,-. one. There is no escape as police tanks surround the remammg blocks. Guilds Father: You posses a great heart kinsman, it saddens me that ':j ' ..... And they've sent the mechanical Raneer dogs to flush them out. f ' ;"l:i~/ .;l·'~,*,,:' 48 TICKER ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT MAY 20,1998 TICKER ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT MAY 20,1998 49

THE CREATIVE FORUM FOR BARUCHARTISTSa THE CREATIVE FORUM FOR BARUCHARTISTS 7b M. A. Me Yom 'W'II~~r ....._ ...." 'J'hePart~ , 1 felt your touch... But little did you know I felt you Busy talking to others ITIS ESSENTIAL TO REMEMBER THAT WE METASALCOHLICS As we danced youressence flowed into me I still soughtyou out. ANDATOUR lNCEPTIONTHEDEARTHOFJOYENVEWPED US How real could this be? Chitchat like finger foods OURS WAS THEPRISTINEPREMISE THATFOREVER HASALOCALlTY No emptypromises (tepid, small, and brief) OUTOFYOUR AMBIGUOUSFAITHINME SPRUNG FORTH THE EVER PRESENTGENOCIDAL Your words w.~ril(Jw left me whetting. ASPECTOFWVE Thur charity smile farewell ECUPSEDWITH YOU, MINE WAS THE'ELEMENTARYCRAVING FOR 1 held my breath:tJnd held back hit me like moldy food. AIR Not lust but a need.to be explored and discovered Back to the buffet I SEE YOU, NOW, AS I SAWYOUTHE NIGHT WE METANDDERISION ASCENDS You reachedout I watched you mingle; sinking, FROMMYLUNGs I felt your vibrations ripple in my body like a lemon wedge amidst ice- ' FOR lAM QUITE SOBER AND I MUSTDESISTFROM THE METICULOUS EVILS OF Hold me cubes) , , FONDNESS ' Kiss me only saddenedto lose your view. INTOXICATIONSHACKLEDALLMYRESERVATIONSAND CAST THEMASUNDER continued from page 47 TOGETHER, WE OCCASIONED TO DISCARDALLSENSE OFTHE SELF Wait... -Dermot Hannon GLANCINGOUTTHE WINDOWOFMYWOUNDS, I OBSERVE THEMYRIAD OFHELD HANDS As Reno shoves Richard the drunkened bum outta the way, the I am not ready.... INSTANTLY, I WISH TO THANKYOUFOR MEEI'INGME, TO CURSE chick that he was scanningfires away at both ofthem. Ilie.... YOUFOR BEUEVlNG YOUroVEDME Richard: You boiteh! You just shot my favorite beer stout!!! That's J am as ready Garba~ ANGEREXISTSINA CREVICEAFTER HAPPINESS. HAPPINESS MUSTBEKNOWNBEFORE it!!! As a fruit that is ripe and succulent ANGERAUGMENTSITS AUTHORITY As he fires away at her, bolts and wires fly out ofher body. I hold on tomy stem for dearlife AND I HEAR YOUASKINTHATDEFIANTMANNER THATIS YOURS...J HEAR YOUASK, And ask tkeleavestoprotectme I am a litter bin; I "WHA7; KENYATTA, WAS YOUR HAPPINESS?" Reno: I toldja she was plastic! To and believe that you actuallly am always at your wanted to ... From the birdswko want to pick at me AS THE BOBBINGDAFFODILS, MYANSWER SWAYS WITHINME: WHEN YOU LOOKEDATME disposal. Always recycling ASIF I WERE THE ONLYTHING YOUWANTED TO SEE. But I am ready.••. the same stuff, -you go on and on Meanwhile at the computer lab, Jomo tries to finish decrypting the about your, trashy love life disc. Ready for yo.u... -KENYATI'APIOUS For your hands alone to touch, feel and caress as ifI were some kind of Jomo: Hmmmm. What's this little piece of a loose file here? The waste condom facility. Equation of Creation? Hold me lam ready Am I that sponge worthy? ZIGZAG FLOWS This looks.... Oh my gawd! What have I done?!!! I grouch, like Oscar, But before he could finish his words, a fully automatic machine "Enough Already!" gun unloads upon some students in the front. Four figures draped From youLcannot hide. MY LIQUiD HEART It is to you the world exposes me. As I slam the lid for refuge. ~'ajones for you" in white emerge. But it's lonely in here, 1st goon: Mr. Clark! We want orly that disc you possess! We will You picked me, smelt me and felt me A FROZEN LIFE EMERGES BLUE 1 am just an empty can in this POWDERED CHEEKS RUINED BY TEARS spare your life ifyou... You bit in and tasted myjuices I, sometimes sit back, inhale, reminisce I sighed... clark. AS ZIGZAG THEY FLOW ON THROUGH Jomo: You bastards made me sit on my patti!l! Why couldn't you go T mesmerized by the touch ofsensuous lips 1 open me up shoot someone at the registar's or the busars office?!!!! And your not I, often have flashhacks oftimes like this getting the disc! ., 1 am complete in the helpless hope LIQUID PAIN COMES FROMMYNUCLEUS tliat your diet ofshit will hypnotized by the sway ofSex:}' hips 2nd goon: As you wish Mr. Clark.....' Our ess(!~j,r¥ertllJ..~~4._, ERRATIC FLOWS MYSHAME somehou: end up manure. makin'rivers flow andmountains me ASA'FROZENLIFE TURNS BLUE As a barrage of bullet fire cuts across many students in the lab My soul full caught up on how the scent ofyou who were only trying to finish their terms papers, Jomo dashes pass All I can do is smile. houijust the sight ofyou, makes me high SLANTED EYES MAKE A DELICATE URN towards the shatteringglass windows. But then tragedy strikes for -Dermot Hannon slave toyour narcotic rhythm; blues, BUTTERFLYWINGS BLINK WITH A START only an unforseen moment in his life. You hold me and I thank fate played by silkysmooth sexaphone thighs, THEIR COLOR ZIGZAGS AS IT'S ADORNING Jomo: Cough! Cough! This is Jomo calling Durango! I've been hit! I I thank destiny exhaling images ofyou astride each trembling note. need back up now! 1 thank life for it's funny ways Ohh shit! I just cant hold back thisjones for you: MELLOW HURT POURS FROM WITHIN ~This is Ainka with Mayuko, we were just shopping when we I thank my heart and soul CHEEKS TURN TOWARD THE SUN heard your call. We be there in a flash! For taking over excuse me ifI get too deep, Ijust cant resist, A FROZEN LIFE EMERGES BLUE Puran~o;-Iomo give me an assessment ofyour situation down there. From my overactive, calculating, judgmental brain see thars what happens when I reminisce. Where are you hit? How much blood have you lost? WATER FLOWS FROM MYEYES Jomo; *Blushing* I took a hit in the .....gluteous max.... The funny part was that while I fought -AWJERSONDEUSLE MY FACE FLUSHED AND RED Reno: Wha?!!! You got hit in the butt?!!! Richie an me are sonicing You were completely...., totally sure AS ZIGZAG TEARS IT CRIES back to you guys as soon as possible! An,Richie's so stoned that he'll That gave stre~hlorus to happen probably suck the bullet out for ya! And happen we:did SOFTY CRUSHED THE X-RAY SHOWS Jomo: Shut-up Reno! Just get here as soon as possible! I don't know As we celebrated a new morning INTERIOR VESSELS FUNCTION how long I can hold these guys back! A celebration ofbeingalive . FOR BLUER DAYS ARE THERE TO COME Reno; You know what Somsiri was right. You are a pain in the butt! Together IT HAS ONLYBEENWHENMYUFE IS THREATENED THATI REMEMBER YOUR FACE STILL ZIGZAG TEARS FLOWFROM THE HEART Jomo: RENO!!!!!!..... THATI PUT TOGETHER THE JIGSAWOFYOUR STERNSMILE ~Your time has expired Mr.Clark. (clickl) Please have a nice -LAW WHENI SLITHER MEANINGLESSLYTOWARDS ICONS OFYOU day... -Michelle Stoddart ANDITS NOT ENOUGHTHAT YOUARENEVER THERE TO HOLDME Jomo: You want the disc?! You can have it! ITS NOT ENOUGHTHATI HAVE GORED MYSKINWIPING THE TEARS YOUWROUGHT As he fligs it with so much force, the disc becomes a cranial buzz THATMUCHUQUOR HAS FAT/LEN TO THE GROUND INYOUR NAME saw and strikes lands .into the 4th goon. Soon the rest of the crew IT IS THE USELESS QUESTIONS I HAVE ABOUT YOUR TEMPERAMENTAL VISITS INTO MY urs THAT arrives and without the help ofbaruch secuity they assess thesitua­ THE HELPLESS OWL tion. BEGIN TO MATI'ER YOUSEEM TO VISITME IN ORDER TO SADDENME Duran~o: Ok Jomo, your all patched up now. Now what was on that I clasps the hollows ofthe tree with my crooked hands, ANDEVENAS I AMSADDENED I DEliGHTBECAUSEITIS YOU disc that even religious groups would kill for it? My head in a downward position brings Creations' face DO YOUNOTREALIZE THATI NEED TO SEE YOUMORE? Jomo; (sliding in the bloody cd into the disc drive) look at that green Upturned for my clinical and microscopic inspections: THATIF1COUW, I WOUW CARRYYOUONMYSH9UWER UNTIL WE REACHED GETHSEMANE? patch of skin on that last file. The chlorophyll leaves beneath me greenishly gleams... DO YOUNOTREALIZE1'llK! I HAVE CARRIED YOUR SMILEWITHMEINTO EVERYCAVERN R~"t . TT ilv shitl!l! It'5; (",.( JI JZII.T A'" I sat, watching the prospective preys jump around I STOOD IN? .. In the ageless kingdom ofthe Sun which I am alien to. THA'rEVERYCHEER 1HAILED, YOUBOWEDFOR ME? Tin RoolSounds But at midnight, the hour when two odd world kiss, CANYOUNOTSEE THATI AMDISTURBEDBYYOUR ABSENCE? I turned on my X-ray globe-eyes, religiously prying... THAT ALL THE FONDNESS INTHE UNIVERSE ONLYMAKES ME~? Waves Rain drops on tin roof And the benign denizen ofthe jungle came in legions; INMYWEAKNESS I FAlL TO BUILDADEQUATEBRIDGES TO YOU Lullaby makes the baby sleep And like a thunderbolt, I dashed for the choicestpart; I FAIL TO SCREAM THATI WVE YOU Oceans between us While flowers wait to bloom For my practiced art is that oftaking heads asunder. I FAIL TO RESURRECTTHE DNINITYTHAT YOUSPEARED INTOMY HEART You are so far from my heart Thus, with my hook-beaked soiled contented mouth I FAIL TO USE THE CRUTCHES YOUPLACED BYMYBEDSIDE Pain washes in waves Sun rays, hot house flies I giddily soared to my haven to munch my quarry... I FAIL TO CALL YOU .. And like a chameleon 1 will be back in many colors. Cries ofwet discomfort cross fields I FAIL TO...TO... -Michelle Stoddart Colors come alive I FAIL -PATRICK OKWUEZE -Michelle Stoddart -KENYATl'APIOUS .

.F TICKER SPORTs··MAy. 20, 1998 S1 50 TICKER SPORTS i\JAY 20, 1998 Degenerates Overcome

By Kenyatta Pious The Asian Basketball tour- won their first Asian tourna­ nament also came to a conclu- ment crown. sion. The tournament was The MVP (most valuable quite an event as people from player award) was awarded by all walks oflife came together mistress of ceremonies, to celebrate Asian month and Miracle Ann Erana to play some good basketball. Kenyatta Pious. When que­ The tournament was espe- ried about the tournament cially gruelling as teams had Kenyatta said, "Often times at You don't have to wait until Fall to get your fill of professional Football as the to playas many as three Baruch one gets so wrapped up games in one day. Rodney in studies and personal goals or New York CityHawks kick off another exciting season at Madison Square John's team, the Degenerates activities that it is very easy to were not degenerate as they forget that so many cultures" Garden. Led by former Giant QB Mike Perez, the CityHawks promise lacerated the hopes of other exist at Baruch. It is an honour a season full of high scoring, heart-stopping, pro-football action. teams who challenged them. to win first place and tourney The Degenerates lost in the MVP here at Baruch's melting Asian tournament champion- pot. My only hope is that more ship game against the team people participate in activities June 1st is College Night! The New York CityHawks invite they would find themselves such as this where the aim is to vying for the title this year. promote social awareness and Baruch students and alumni to Join us at Madison Square Behind newcomer Kenyatta acceptance of the credo that in . Pious's inhumane ability to difference there is beauty." It Garden as the New York CityHawks take on the Orlando knife through defenders and . is rumoured that the success of' Predators. Show your school spirit and get a coupon for Mike's "Stretch" abilityto tor- theAsian tournamentmay lead ment opponents with lightning to more clubs getting involved Kenyatta brandishing MVP plaque a free hot dog and soda. Wear an item of clothing quickness, the Degenerates in sports related activities. identifying Baruch, or bring your id when purchasing CUNYAC Honors .Editor's·Farewell your ticket at the Madison Square Garden Box Office. Mention the "College Night Promotion" ScholarAthletes when calling 77CKi#~=m=~ •

www..ipsnews.com/cityhawks TICKETS START AT 10!

,. HOME SCHEDULE Individual tickets available at the Madison Square Garden Box Office and at all 77OCi#71~ outJets, or by calling (212) 307 -7171 . For additional information and season tickets call (212) 465-.6712.

Honorees receive awardsfrom Zak IvkovicandTed Hurwitz. Baruch College-New York. The City of New York Athletic Con­ JOIN US JUNE 1ST FOR COLLEGE NIGHT ference honored their 1998 Scholar Athletes in a ceremony held at Baruch College. Hosted by CUNYAC Executive Director Ted AND GET A FREE HOT DOG AND SODA! Hurwitz and Sports InformationDirector Zak Ivkovic, the eve~t was a celebration of the dedication and talent needed to excel In both academics and athletics. The proud recipients are Collette -I Henry, Nigel Franklin, Jennifer Szala:jko, and Roan Dawkins CUNYAC All-Americans I · : .... I 'J,..,'; . ,',',', ,. '~.' '.' Rob Dito Jack Granata FOOTBALL Nigel Franklin Robyn McCarthy

?:-:.'.:::-: ',:." ::':..::":> ..;::':, ::~ .. Tomikka Robinson Honorable Mentions MIIISlII sa.IE &IIDEI" Mosa Parris David Rashida Reid The World's MostFamous Alma 1 Hanna Farquaharson Emilia Santos Maria Hartmann Sandra Torres Offer subject to availability. Coupon for hot dog and soda good only at concession stands Sharon Johnson Elena Ventura Chris'Cambridge . in Madison Square Garden during New York CityHawks games. Offer not ·applicable toward Keisha Kydd .Donstan Charles Kara Latorre previously purchased tickets. May not be combined wUh any other one Greg Kha~~.v . Suzette.Murray .' .. - ~ 1',. • '._ BunmiSamuels

-. ,." .. .- ·~..


\ MAY 20, 1998 ~ Storybook Season Comes To An End By Kenyatta Pious The Baruch Baseball team's season has come to an end. As- - . sistantCoach Scott Loschesaid, "It was a terrific year! We won the most games since 1978. But it was also extremely frustrat­ ing because we easily should have won five tosix more games. I especially, thought the playoff games were ours." Losche con- tinued, "This year we did the "big" things like hit 420 foot home runs and we set a record for team home runs. However, we could not execute routine plays such as pop-flys and I groundbaIls." Certainly, while the season has come to a close, there still remains a great level of opti­ Nothing happens over night. mism. for .the upcoming year. It is still. up to the players to This year Baruch boasted a gather their inner drives to three player line-up into the compete and excel and 'to fur­ Knickerbocker Conference All­ ther hone these talents for the Star team: Greg Clerkin (lB), upcommg season. John Hickey (OF), AND Mike

7-6 sixthflight victory over CCNY's 6-3, 6-3. In fact three of the four then combined in the #2 doubles New York New York- College of Omar Syed, while John Fede and Dolphin victories came in their to edge CSI'sHongand Wilkerson, Staten Island used an all-around Tete Tetteviah sealed it with their third and deciding set, while two 3-6,6-2,7-6 (7-4). Brooklyn'sPavan team effort in capturing four of #3 doubles title. went to tie-breakers. For the first Khurana, probably the conference's the nine titles contested in pull­ 'This has to be the most satisfying time the eventwas played indoors topplayerinonlyhisfreshman cam­ ing away from stiff competition of all the titles," said. CSI's elated .~ its' entirety due to inclement paign, dominated the #1 singles and winning their third straight coach Bruce Knittle. "We didn't weather that pushed the event flight with a 6-1,. 6-1 win over CUNYAthletic Conference Men's dominate as individuals, but we from Knittle's home court at CSI. Hunter's Joe Gibbons while Gib­ Tennis title at the Harlem Tennis won as a team. That was the story "CCNY definitely had the home bons'teammateGarySandbergca.p­ Center in Manhattan. ofour season." court advantage, and what made turecl the 5th flight title 2-6, 6-2, 6­ The Dolphins (45 points) were bol­ Staten Island, the CUNY regular it tougher for us was the tourna­ 2 overHong.Hunterfinished fourth stered by having finals represen­ season champions after a very im­ ment was originally scheduled for on the day with 32 points, followed tation in four ofsix singles flights pressive 11-1 record, won their our courts and then moved to a by York (12 points) and Baruch (6 and all three doubles flights with fifth title in the last six years un­ very fast surface," said Knittle. points). junior Mark Wantowski earning der Knittle's tutelage. Wantowski's CCNY, who tied for second place "Not many people thought wecould double titles at #2 singles and win ·at #2 singles was especially with Brooklyn College with 34 go this far because wehad only two combining with David N g to cap­ gratifyingsince he losthis regular points, was paced by the duo of players returning. But the guys we ture the # 1 doubles flight. Fresh­ season match to Brooklyn's Ilya Mike Kessler and Vivek Parwani, got this year blended well together man TraVIS Wilkerson contributed Shipilov but managed to turn winners of the #3 and #4 flights, and the results speak for them­ with a come from behind 3-6, 7-5, around his first set loss to win 4-6, respectively. Kessler andParwani selves," added Knittle. Perky's Boys'Predic­ SUmme.,i •. G~·.~IJ_" tion Rings True By Kenyatta Pious · Jl.l.:ne9 On. Thursday May 14, the In­ with their occasional heroics such tramural Basketball tournament as the game tying three pointer throllgn'Jrily ..·•••• t••. featured Perky's Boys against by Holloway after a 16 point defi­ -. --...." .: :,,:.:: ' .:. <.-'.:':: ,:::~ ::<;::;;::-: .: :~::~.:;'.: .'::: ..,:. Deja Vu. This game was an up cit. Eventually, Perky's Boys tempo game controlled by Perky's weathered the storm and won the Tuesday,Wedrm.~~iI., Boys. John Percodani, Sel game. Percodani has won the in­ "Chico," and Joe Liberato led the tramural tournament two of the attack for Perky's Boys. Deja Vu last three years. A spectator, Thursday' came out flat missing a barrage known to many as G-O-D, vowed . ~ . ofuncontested lay-ups. Deja Vu's that next year the trophy would Scott Hol l oway and Leonard be his. Good luck to all contes­ iO(l / 12:36-4: Mitchell made the game exciting tants next year! ....