Vol~ 73, Number,S·· InformatiOn'.- . Now May 20,1998 Library Opens SEEK Students Disability Room Find Success By ElaineWu By Hwan-joo Moon The 26th SEEK AwardsCer­ The Newman Library at Baruch emony, honoring its students for College in the 25th street building high academic achievement and has opened a new room onthe third community service, was pre- floorito facilitate visually chal-. .sented on May 8, at the college's lenged students to better cope with conference center on 25 street. the zigcrs.ofstudy. This is an annual event spon­ The Assistive Technology room, sored by the "Baruch College as it is called, is equipped with one SEEK Scholarship Fund to rec­ Braille typewriter, one Kurtzweille ognize' students who work extra Reader and a personal computer hard to overcome environmen­ with specialized software for visu­ tal, educational, financial, and ally challenged users. The language barriers that confront Kurtzweille Reader scans docu­ ~ the Search for Education, El­ ments and then reads backthe con­ f evation, and Knowledge popula­ tents by voice. =tron. The computer in the room is New Baruch building on 25th Street (Site B) Certificates of achievement equipped with JAWS software, were presented to students with which is a voice synthesizer that cumulative averages of 3.00 or can read any text on the computer New Baruch Under above and to students with out­ screen. For example, a student standing community service. surfing the web can have the con­ Monetary awards were given to tents of a website recited in voice, 5-YearPlan students for academic excel- The computer is also equipped with lence with grade point average ZOOM-TEXT software that can By Chan-joe MOOD above 3.60. enlarge any item on the screen. Baruch College is in the final fort and said that the new plan In order to be considered for The Assistive Technology room stages ofdrafting a new 5-year plan will seek to make improvements an award, students are required was funded through the Migdalia that will define its future mission inthe·quality ofeducation and the to hand in an award application Ramos Memorial Fund at the re­ and direction, Provost Lois S. infrastructure ofthe college. Un- indicating which a ward they quest. ·········0··of -Ester.•,._...- .. _-.-.::c~-,Fizueroa__ ..... ~._Del'" ... Ramos_.'..._._...--_._.'.:.. Cronholm said in an interview. derthe plan, a host of issues will want. The SEEK Scholarship ··CfHet~-5 . C~~nholmisili.cha.xgeO£ihjs er~. - .. ----.... ·'Co;ilinuedO'!.~--'·'- ---t>----. ~--'. ·co.ntinueaoitpage 7·· Bar-uoh Celebrates No More Faculty Hispanic Week Evaluations By Elizabeth Villegas By Cban-joo Moon Hispanic Week was held at pockets to pay for the food and a As a result oftheconcern over the ure can be evaluated if they so BaruchCollege from May 11 to May lot of activities that were taking wide availability of information on choose. The results become avail­ 15 in the 360 Park Avenue South place," a club member said. the Internet, the process for mak­ able to students if the professor building. The five-year tradition "Reanna Ramsingh, treasurer of ing faculty evaluations available signs a release form allowing it. was in danger of turning into a ca­ DaySessionStudentGovernment, has been changed, which will re­ If a professor did not return a tastrophe due to last minute can­ has not been available since this sult in many of them becoming no release form, previously, the office cellations and lack of funds. How­ year's elections and she has all of longer available to students of the Provost assumed that the ever, six Hispanic clubs ­ the paper work." . through either The Ticker or the professor gave permission to have ASEDOM, Hispanic Society, ''This is the last week of the se­ Student Development andCoun­ the results releasedto the students. Lambda Upsilon Lambda, LAS°, mester and many students are seling web site. Some ofthemcomplained, however, LAY and PRIDE - assiduously busy studying for finals," Peter Evaluations are used by the ad­ that a failure to return a release held on, pooling their own re­ Medina, treasurerof Puerto Ricans ministration for two things: to de­ does not mean that the professor sources, and managed to success­ for Involvement, Development and termine whether they should re­ agreedto havethe results released. fully hold many of the scheduled Enlightenment (PRIDE)," said. new a contract with a professor, This issue grew more pressing events. "So a lot oforganization is lacking and in making the decision to give when the information started to be At the opening ceremony, the but we.are committedto make His­ or not to give tenure. Under the published on the internet through scheduled speaker did not show up panic Week a success." contract between the Professional the Office ofStudent Development so the leaders of the clubs greeted Dr. David Traverso, faculty ad­ Staff Congress, the faculty and and Counseling web site. Whenthe everyone with smiles, Spanish visor to the Latino clubs, said that staffunion, and City University of results were only in The Ticker, it pastries andbeverages. "The mem­ the hundreds of students who New York, professors- who do not was only available to those who bers ofthe Hispanic clubs made a came to him said that they do not have tenure are required to be picked up an issue during the two decision to take money from their continued on page 7 evaluated and those who have ten- continued on page 6 J / / TICKER NEWS MAY 20, 1998 _TICKER NEWS MAY 20, 1998 3 7~ DSSG Elections: STAR Party S-weep Health Care Passes By Chan-joo Moon The STAR party won all four ex­ and I hope he dents, according to Anton Grant, ecutive positions for nextyear's Day brings it to fruition STAR treasurer. ''We want to get a Session Student Government because he has the consensus from everybody, and not (DSSG) by a wide margin against drive," said have an international flavor," he the BEST party in this May's elec­ Ramsingh. said. 'The most important thing is tions. The Health Care Referen­ Three ofthe STAR total unity - to bring together all dum received a majority vote and e lectees are from the identities in the clubs." passed, although there are ques­ Helpline, a Baruch The Health Care Referendum re­ tions as to whether enough people organization which ceived 564 votes from 771 cast. Al­ voted for it to make the vote repre­ employs20 students though itreceived supportfrom most sentative of the student body: to give Baruch stu­ ofthe students who voted for it, the About 15 percentofthe 8,029 day dents help with dif­ totalnumberofvoters doesnotnum­ session students voted. Students ficulties and to give ber 10 per cent of the student body. -, Together Achieve Reform candi­ them peer counsel. DebraBick-Duggan,AssociateDirec­ dates received over 700 votes each Henry said that tor or-Student Life, said that many from the 1,209 cast. Bringing Ev­ STAR party's con­ students who wanted to vote for ery Student Together candidates nections toHelpline it failed to do so because the ref­ received about 400 each. will help them keep erendum was not very visible on ''ByTuesdayeveningI knew I was in touch with the .~~ the voting booth. Many stu­ losing but I thought ifI gave up, I needsofthe student :;:§a bod "Th ... ~ t dents voted for the candidates would alwayshave a question inmy "~j\' >.Q y. e.r re s u- and walked out, after which mind," said Reanna Ramsingh, '<.~ u,,'~'~ ~ dents too and they realized that they did not " ;.~ "''t.,::<:='~~"; h k BEST presidential candidate. She ;:, .;:\: '.':.... _> .. Q) t ey . now more cast a vote for the referendum. > • :''''·''''>V·.'''z '.. >" .'. -' .- b h h I i.~ x;':::';;:;·:(,",v,.x':'';;>''''''·<'>·''-'''·-::s a out t e sc 00 describedcampaigningalone inthe : '" : 'l'lb":;'~;, ~ :,,:':;,: <N,.< ~ ~ The measure will be presented lobby ofthe 23 street building that DSSG President Elect Lennox Henry than the average for approval to the City Univer­ night to the students coming in student." sityofNew York Board ofTrust­ from the steady rain outside. ''I boards and committees which make Henry said that some of his ees by the college president. didn't want togive up. Lennox had decisions that affect students. goals will be to improve the fa­ The voter turnout was ex­ a lot of help.: I respect that he got ''I'm going to get people on com­ cilities 'at the computer labs, tremely low for both evening that going." mittees and train council mem­ improve the service at some of session students and graduate As in otheryears, thisyear's elec­ bers," said Lennox Henry, the the student support offices such students. Two of the executive tions reflected students' lack of in­ newly elected DSSG president. as Financial Aid and the Bur­ positions for Evening Session terest in student government. Out "We're working on that now." sar, and to get them to open Student Assembly - the only of20DSSGCouncil seats, only five Henry had stated increasing stu­ longer on some days. He will two filled - were taken by staff have beenfilled. No elections were dent participation' as his primary seek to improve the communi­ carried over from last year, and necessary for those seats because goalwhen hewas campaigning. He cation with the student body by there were six candidates for their there wereno opposingcandidates. saidhe will recruit and train coun­ sending out letters and may set 20 council seats. Only 83 evening There arestill 15seats that cannot cil members during the summer so up a web site. students voted from a total of3,927. be filled- becaJlse no students are that.he__doeanct ~'waste'~. tiI~e. dur­ Three ofthe STAR candidates Graduatestudentgovernznentso 'are also internafionaT-stiHten"-f"S.
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