National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2018-2023

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National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2018-2023 Republic of Macedonia Project “Support to the Republic of Macedonia for revision of Ministry of environment National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan and development and physical planning of the Fifth National Report to the Convention on Biodiversity” NATIONAL BIODIVERSITY STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN For the period 2018 - 2023 Skopje, 2018 ENG19nov2018.indd 1 11/19/2018 8:57:26 AM ENG19nov2018.indd 2 11/19/2018 8:57:26 AM Republic of Macedonia Ministry of environment and physical planning Project “Support to the Republic of Macedonia for revision of National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan and development of the Fifth National Report to the Convention on Biodiversity” NATIONAL BIODIVERSITY STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN For the period 2018 - 2023 Skopje, 2018 ENG19nov2018.indd 3 11/19/2018 8:57:26 AM The Government of the Republic of Macedonia on its 58th session hold on 13th of March 2018 has adopted the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for the period 2018-2023. The National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan of the Republic of Macedonia was developed in the framework of the project “Support to the Republic of Macedonia for revision of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) and development of the Fifth National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)“. Project duration: January 2013 – December 2014 Financed by: Global Environment Facility (GEF) GEF Implementation Agency: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Beneficiary:Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (MoEPP) CBD Focal point: Betim Lamallari English translation: VeaVera Mircevska Mircevska Jovanovska, Jovanovska, Aleksandar Aleksandar Pavlov Pavlov DesignPhoto credits: and photo: Ljubomir Ljubomir Stefanov, Stefanov all rights reserved Graphic design: Andrej Marjanovik, Darko Aleksovski, Tamara Ravnjanska-Nasteva, Emilija Kornakova NBSAP Expert Team: Core experts: Brajanoska Robertina, MSc, National Consultant on Coordination Academician Vlado Matevski, Team Leader Avramoski Oliver, PhD Velevski Metodija, PhD Prof. Velkovski Nikolco, PhD Prof. Kostadinovski Mitko, PhD Prof. Levkov Zlatko, PhD Prof. Melovski Ljupcho, PhD Melovska Natalija, MSc Slavevska Stamenkovik Valentina, PhD, Docent Prof. Hristovski Slavcho, PhD With contribution by the following experts: Prof. Ivanovska Sonja, PhD Jovanovski Jozhe, MSc Prof. Karadelev Mitko, PhD Markovska Natasha, PhD Rusevska Katerina, PhD Spirkovski Zoran, MSc Stipcarov Boris, MSc Prof. Stafilov Trajche, PhD Prof. Stefkov Gjoshe, PhD Prof. Djabirski Vladimir, PhD CIP - Каталогизација во публикација Национална и универзитетска библиотека “Св. Климент Охридски”, Скопје 502.21(497.7)”2018/2023” NATIONAL biodiversity strategy and action plan : for the period 2018 - 2023 / [English translation Vera Mircevska Jovanovska, Aleksandar Pavlov]. - Skopje : Ministry of environment and physical planning, 2018. - 183 стр. : илустр. ; 30 см Публикацијата е во рамки на проектот: “Support to the Republic of Macedonia for revision of national biodiversity strategy and action plan and development of the fifth national report to the convention on biodiversity”. - Библиографија: стр. 179-182 ISBN 978-9989-110-99-3 а) Биодиверзитет - Национална стратегија - Македонија - 2018-2023 COBISS.MK-ID 108898570 Acknowledgement to the Department of Nature at the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning for the support provided during the preparation of the strategic document, and to the participants of the four workshops with stakeholders, whose suggestions and guidance helped the development of this Strategy. 4 ENG19nov2018.indd 4 11/19/2018 8:57:26 AM Contents List of abbreviations........................................................................... 7 3.3 Ecosystem diversity................................................................... 40 Foreword ............................................................................................ 9 3.3.1 Key ecosystems...................................................................... 41 1. Introduction.................................................................................. 10 3.3.2 Habitat types.......................................................................... 42 1.1 Biological diversity and its importance for human well-being. 10 3.4 Genetic diversity........................................................................ 51 1.2 Strategic approach to biological diversity conservation at global 3.5 Agro-biological diversity............................................................. 52 level .................................................................................................. 11 3.5.1 Plant agro-biological diversity................................................ 52 1.2.1 “Living in harmony with nature” – Global Strategic Plan for Bi- ological Diversity (2011-2020)...................................................... 12 3.5.2 Biological diversity of domestic animals.............................. 54 1.2.2 “Our life insurance – Our natural capital” – Strategic Plan for 4 Biodiversity loss............................................................................ 56 Biological Diversity of the European Union for 2011-2020........... 14 4.1 Main threats to biological diversity........................................... 56 1.2.3 Pan-European 2020 Strategy for Biodiversity....................... 14 4.1.1 Direct threats to biological diversity in Macedonia.............. 57 1.2.4 Biological diversity as part of the sustainable development policy................................................................................................. 15 4.1.2 Indirect and root causes for biological diversity loss .......... 59 1.3 National Biodiversity Strategy and obligations for its revision.15 4.2 Key sectors affecting biological diversity................................. 59 2 Basic characteristics of the Republic of Macedonia.................. 16 4.2.1 Agriculture.............................................................................. 60 2.1 Geographical characteristics.................................................... 18 4.2.2 Forestry................................................................................... 64 2.2 Climate characteristics............................................................. 20 4.2.3 Management of waters.......................................................... 66 2.3 Hydrographic characteristics of Macedonia............................ 22 4.2.4 Transport................................................................................ 68 2.4 Demographic characteristics.................................................... 24 4.2.5 Hunting................................................................................... 69 3 Status of biological diversity........................................................ 26 4.2.6 Fishery and aquaculture........................................................ 70 3.1 Macedonia as a part of the Balkan Peninsula........................ 26 4.2.7 Tourism................................................................................... 72 3.2 Diversity of species................................................................... 28 4.2.8 Industry and mining............................................................... 73 3.2.1 Diversity of algae.................................................................... 28 4.2.9 Energy..................................................................................... 74 3.2.2 Diversity of fungi and lichens................................................ 29 4.2.10 Pollution of environment..................................................... 76 3.2.3 Diversity of plants................................................................... 30 4.2.11 Use of wild species............................................................... 78 3.2.4 Diversity of fauna................................................................... 32 4.2.12 Invasive species................................................................... 80 3.2.5 Lampreys................................................................................ 34 4.2.13 Climate change and desertification.................................... 83 3.2.6 Fish......................................................................................... 34 5 Ecosystem services...................................................................... 84 3.2.7 Amphibians............................................................................ 36 5.1 Application of ecosystem service approach in the Republic of Macedonia....................................................................................... 85 3.2.8 Reptiles................................................................................... 37 6 Institutional, legal and financial framework for biodiversity con- 3.2.9 Birds........................................................................................ 38 servation................................................................................ .......... 87 3.2.10 Mammals............................................................................. 39 6.1 Institutional framework.................................................. .......... 87 5 ENG19nov2018.indd 5 11/19/2018 8:57:26 AM Contents 6.2 Stakeholders................................................................... .......... 88 11.3 Introduction to Action Plan for Biological Diversity ............ 110 SSO Bern Convention 6.3 Legal framework for biodiversity protection ..........................
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