Your independent community newspaper April 2016 WALTHAM No. 13, Free T: @WFEcho FOREST ECHO E:
[email protected] News Interview Feature History Column One of Waltham Forest's An ex-con talks about his Why a football fan ditched Unearthing the sad stories Debra Oakaby discovers most vibrant thoroughfares efforts to tackle gang crime Arsenal to support Wadham of expectant mothers who a community boxing club is being transformed in the borough Lodge instead couldn't afford maternity care with a difference P . 5 P . 7 P . 10 P . 12 P . 14 Huge backing for tenants facing eviction by Anastasia Aboim More than 3,000 sign petition supporting Butterfields residents girl on the other side has been here amount of money it gives away 16 years, all of them have had evic- from around £200,000 a year to It’s these people’s tion notices,” Jane told the Echo. nearly £1.5million a year.” “lives they are mucking “I think it is unacceptable. We Glasspool is facing possible in- have been writing to the manag- vestigation by the Charity Com- about with ing agent and to Glasspool but mission over the way it sold ” nobody seems to tell us what’s homes in Butterfields, and over Ltd said: “We were advised most really going on.” whether it obtained full market of the tenants were working pro- Butterfields is a 1930s housing value for them. fessionals occupying the apart- estate made up of 63 two-storey Karen McCaffrey is a Butter- ments under Assured Shorthold houses, all of which were sold to fields resident currently protect- Tenancies (ASTs).