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DEPABTMENT OF THE IHTBEIOK BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SUKVEY No. 135 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PllINTING OFFICE C 1S96 o UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CH.AKLES D. AVALCOTT, DIKKCTOH BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX NOETH AMERICAN GEOLOGY, PALEONTOLOGY, PETEOLOGY, AND MINEEALOGY THE YEAR 1894 FEED BOUGHTON WEEKS WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1896 CONTENTS. Page. Letter of transmittal....................................................... 7 Introduction...........1.................................................... 9 List of publications examined............................................... 11 Classified key to the index .................................................. 15 Bibliography ..................................................... ........ 21 Index.............................................!......................... 109 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, DIVISION OF GEOLOGY, Washington, D. 0., October 22\ 1895. SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith the manuscript of a Bibliography and Index of North American Geology, Paleontology, Petrology, and Mineralogy for the year 1894, by Mr. F. B. Weeks, with the recommendation that it be published by the Survey. It is planned on the same lines with that for 1892-93, by the same author, and bears evidence of the same careful preparation. Yery respectfully, S. F. EMMONS, Geologist. Hon. CHARLES D. WALCOTT, Director United States Geological Purvey. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX OP NORTH AMERICAN . GEOLOGY, PALEONTOLOGY, PETROLOGY, AND MIN ERALOGY FOR THE YEAR 1894. By FRED BOUGHTON WEEKS. INTRODUCTION. This work is a continuation of the Bibliography and Index for 1892 and 1893 (Bulletin No. 130), and records the papers on North American geology, paleontology, petrology, and mineralogy published in the year 1894, almost all of. Avhich appeared in the serials composing the List of Publications Examined, immediately following. Bibliography. The Bibliography consists of full titles of separate papers, classified by authors, an abbreviated reference to the publica tion in which the paper is printed, and a brief summary of the con tents, each paper being numbered for index reference. The extent of papers less than a single page in length is indicated, as £ p., 5 1. (lines). Index. The subject headings, their subdivisions and arrangement, are shown in the Classified Key to the Index. They comprise geo graphic, geologic, mineralogic, paleontologic, and petrologic subdivi sions. Under Economic Geology is given a list of useful minerals and ores described in publications examined; under Mineralogy, a list of minerals described in such publications; under Paleontology, a list of genera and species of fossils therein described; and under Petrology, a list of rocks described; reference being made in each case, by author's name and number of article in the Bibliography, to the paper in which the fossil, mineral, or rock is described. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS EXAMINED. Alabama, Ge.ological Survey: Geological map of Alabama with explanatory chart; Report on the geology of the Coastal Plain of Alabama. Montgomery, Ala. Alabama Industrial and Scientific Society: Proceedings, Vol; IV, Nos, 1-2. Tusca- loosa, Ala. American Academy of Arts and Sciences: Proceedings, Vol. XXIX. Boston, Mass. American Association for the Advancement of Science: Proceedings, Vol. XLII. Salem, Mass. American Geologist, Vols. XIII-XIV. Minneapolis, Mmn. American Institute of Mining Engineers: Transactions, Vols. XXII-XXIII. New York. American Journal of Science, 3d ser., Vols. XLVII-XLVIII. New Haven, Conn. American Museum of Natural History: Bulletin, Vol. VI. New York. American Naturalist, Vol. XXVIII. Philadelphia, Pa. American Philosophical Society: Proceedings, Vol. XXXII. No. 143, and Vol. XXXIII, Nos. 144-146. Philadelphia, Pa. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Vols. XIII-XIV. London. Appalachia, Vol. VII, No. 3. Boston, Mass. Arkansas, Geological Survey: Annual Report, 1891, Vol. II; 1892, Vol. II. Little Rock, Ark. Boston Society of Natural History: Proceedings, Vol. XXVI, Parts I-III. Boston, Mass. Botanical Gazette, Vol. XIX. Madison, Wis. British Association for the Advancement of Science: Report for 1893. London, England. Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences: Bulletin, Vol. V, No. 4. Buffalo, N. Y. California, Academy of Science: Proceedings, 2d ser., Vol. IV, Part I. San Fran cisco, Cal. California, State Mining Bureau: Twelfth Report, State Mineralogist. Sacramento, Cal. Canadian Institute: Transactions, Vol. IV, Parti. Toronto, Canada. Canadian Record of Science, Vol. VI, Nos. 1-2. Montreal, Canada. Cincinnati Society of Natural History: Journal. Vol. XVI, No. 4, and Vol. XVII, Nos. 1-3. Cincinnati, Ohio. Connecticut, Academy of Arts and Sciences: Transactions, Vol. IX, Part I. New Haven, Conn. Deunison University, Scientific Laboratories: Bulletin. Vol. VIII, Part 2. Granville, Ohio. Edinburgh, Royal Society: Transactions, Vol. XXXVII, Part III. Edinburgh, Scot land. Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society: Journal, 1893, and Part I, 1894. Raleigh, N. C. Engineering and Mining Journal, Vols. LVII-LVIII. New York. Engineering Magazine, Vol. VI, Nos. 4-6; Vol. VII, Nos. 1-6; and Vol. VIII, Nos. 1-3. New York. Essex Institute: Bulletin, Vol. XXVI, Nos. 1-3. Salem, Mass. Geological Magazine, Decade IV, Vol. I. London, England. Geological Society of America: Bulletin, Vol. V. Rochester,N. Y. 11 12 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS EXAMINED. [BOLL. 135. Georgia, Geological Survey: Bulletin No. 1, a preliminary report on the marbles of Georgia; Bulletin No. 2, a preliminary report on the corundum deposits of Georgia. Atlanta, Ga. Harvard College, Museum of Comparative Zoology: Bulletin, Vol. XXV and Vol. XVI, No. 1; Memoirs, Vol. XVII, No. 3. Cambridge, Mass. Illinois, State Laboratory of Natural History: Bulletin, Vol. Ill, Article XIII. Peoria, 111. Indiana, Academy of Science: Proceedings, 1893. Brookville, Ind. Indiana, Department of Geology and Natural Eesources: Eighteenth Report. In dianapolis, Ind. International Congress of Geologists: Compte Rendu, 5th session, 1891. Washing ton, 1893. Iowa, Academy of Sciences: Proceedings, Vol. I, Part IV. Des Moines, Iowa. Iowa, Geological Survey; Vol. II, Coal deposits of Iowa. Des Moines, Iowa. Johns Hopkins University: Circulars, Vol. XIII. Baltimore, Md. Journal of Geology, Vol. II. Chicago, 111. Journal of Morphology, Vol. IX. New York. Kansas University Quarterly, Vol. I, Nos. 1-2,1892; Vol. I, Nos. 3-4, and Vol. II, Nos. 1-2,1893; Vol. II, Nos. 3-4, and Vol. Ill, Nos. 1-2, 1894. Lawrence, Kans. Liverpool, Geological Society: Proceedings, Vol. VII, Part 2. Liverpool, England. London, Geological Association: Proceedings, Vol. XIII, Nos. 6-9. London, England. London, Geological Society: Quarterly Journal, Vol. L. London, England. London, Royal Society: Proceedings, Vols. LIV-LV. London, England. Manchester, Geological Society: Transactions, Vol. XXIII, Parts I-II. Manchester, England. Maryland, State Weather Service: First Biennial Report for 1892-93. Baltimore, Md. Michigan, State Board of Geological Survey: Report for 1891 and 1892, published in 1893. Lansing, Mich. Minnesota, Geological and Natural History Survey: Twenty-second Annual Report, 1893; Twenty-third Annual Report, 1894; Bulletin No. X, The Mesabi iron- bearing rocks. Minneapolis, Minn. National Geographic Magazine, Vol. VI. Washington, D. C. Nautilus, Vol. VII, Nos. 9-12, and Vol. VIII, Nos. 1-8. Philadelphia, Pa. Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologie und Palteontologie, 1894, Bander I and II, Hefte 1-3. Stuttgart, Germany. New Brunswick, Natural History Society: Bulletin No. XII. St. John, New Bruns wick, Canada. New Jersey, Geological Survey: Report for 1893, and Vol. Ill, Final Report. Tren ton, N.-J. New York, Academy of Sciences: Transactions, Vol. XIII; Annals, Vol. VII, Nos. 6-12. New York. New York, State Museum : Forty-seventh Report. Albany, N. Y. Nova Scotian Institute of Science: Proceedings and Transactions, Vol. I, Part3,1893. Halifax, Nova Scotia. Ohio, Geological Survey, Vol. VII. Columbus, Ohio. Ottawa Naturalist, Vol. VIII, Nos. 1-9. Ottawa., Canada. Paleontographica, Band XL, 1-6, and Band XLI, 1-2. Stuttgart, Germany. Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences: Proceedings, 1894, Parts I-III; Journal, 2d ser., Vol. IX, Part IV. Philadelphia, Pa. Popular Science Monthly, Vols. XLIV-XLV (excepting abstracts). New York. Rochester Academy of Science: Proceedings, Vol. II, Brochure 3. Rochester, N. Y. Royal Irish Academy: Transactions, Vol. XXX, Parts 11-14; Proceedings, 3d ser., Vol. Ill, Nos. 2-3. Dublin, Ireland. St. Louis Academy of Science: Transactions, Vol. VI, Nos. 13-17. St. Louis, Mo. School of Mines Quarterly, Vol. XV. New York. WEEKS.] LIST OF PUBLICATIONS EXAMINED. 13 Science, Vol. XXIII, Nos. 570-581. New York. Scientific American, Vols. LXX-LXXI. New York. Scientific American Supplement, Vols. XXXVII-XXXVIIL. New York. Smithsouian Institution: Annual Report 1891-92 (published in 1893), and Annual Report 1892-93; Miscellaneous Collections, Vols, XXIV and XXXVI and Nos. 844, 854, 856, 969, and 970. Washington, D. C. Soci6t6 acaddmique de Brest: Bulletin, 2d ser., Vol. XIX. Brest, France. Societa geologica italiaua: Bulletin, Vol. XIII. Rome, Italy. Socie"t6 gdologique de Belgique: Annals, Vol. XXI. Liege, Belgium. Soci6te" gdologique de Prance: Bulletin, Vol. XXI, Nos. 5-8, and Vol. XXII, Nos. 1-6; Memoirs, Vol. IV, Fascicle 1, 1893. Paris, France. South Dakota, Geological Survey: Bulletin No. 1, a preliminary report