Gstreamer Development on Windows and Faster Builds on All Platforms with the Meson Build

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Gstreamer Development on Windows and Faster Builds on All Platforms with the Meson Build Nirbheek Chauhan (nirbheek on Twitter/IRC) GStreamer contributor since 2014 nirbheek" nirbheek.chauhan" Centricular Ltd Nirbheek Chauhan (nirbheek on Twitter/IRC) GStreamer contributor since 2014 nirbheek" nirbheek.chauhan" Centricular Ltd GStreamer de&elopment, (indows )aster bui#%s, al# platforms +eson bui#% s,stem Centricular Ltd 40 ,ears of bui#d systems GN- Make' GN- Autotools, Wa*' SCons, CMake' G,p … the #ist $oes on Centricular Ltd Centricular Ltd (0S: That graph is incomplete) #ibtoo#' con*i$!#t, con*i$!$uess' compi#e se%' tr' awk, $rep' insta##' coreuti#s Centricular Ltd Wh, do we sti## use .utotoo#s? Centricular Ltd Wh, do we sti## use .utotoo#s? $ du -sh gstreamer.git/configure 956K gstreamer.git/configure Centricular Ltd Centricular Ltd Wh, ha&e we been using .utotoo#s1 (Not rhetorica#) Centricular Ltd Wh, ha&e we been using .utotoo#s1 It works! Has serve% us we## so far Centricular Ltd Wh, ha&e we been using .utotoo#s1 Works out of the box on any 4inux %istro Cross-compi#ation Centricular Ltd Wh, ha&e we been using .utotoo#s1 )ami#iar system $tk-doc' %ocbook,$#ib-mkenums' $ettext' $ob6ect-introspection Centricular Ltd Wh, ha&e we been using .utotoo#s1 Conventions pk$5confi$' #ibrar, con&entions' etc! Centricular Ltd We nee% somethin$ better! Centricular Ltd Wh, do we need something better1 Technica# %ebt Macros that spit out +7s of she## Car$o Cult 0rogrammin$ Centricular Ltd Wh, do we need something better1 Ri%iculousl, slow Remember +Bs of she##1 10-20x slower on Win%ows & embe%%e% systems Centricular Ltd Wh, do we need something better1 9Cross5p#atform” support ... for the p#atforms of the 1970s an% 1980s Centricular Ltd $ grep -A 1 -e 197 configure # Use only awk features that work with 7th edition Unix awk (1978). # My, what an old awk you have, Mr. Solaris! Centricular Ltd Wh, do we need something better1 9Cross5p#atform” support Terrib#e experience on OS ? an% (in%ows Centricular Ltd Wh, do we need something better1 Terrib#e experience on OS ? an% (in%ows GN- &s BS@ MinG( &s C,$win Centricular Ltd Wh, do we need something better1 Terrib#e experience on OS ? an% (in%ows CanAt bui#% with native IDBs Centricular Ltd Wh, do we need something better1 Crapp, e3perience on Win%ows 9+inGW32 or MinGW64?” “MSES or MSES2?: 9m4.e3e crashes *or me” “make.exe han$s” Centricular Ltd Wh, do we need something better1 Crapp, e3perience on Win%ows 9Wh, %oes bui#%in$ a## of GStreamer take a *u## %a,1: Centricular Ltd Wh, do we need something better1 -nusab#e experience on Win%ows 9We use CFF exceptions” SG4G vs @W2EH vs SB2 Centricular Ltd Wh, do we need something better1 -nusab#e experience on Win%ows 9I want %ebu$ symbols in Hisua# Studio: @(.RF &s 0@7 Centricular Ltd Wh, do we need something better1 -nusab#e experience on Win%ows 9+, app#ication uses a symbo# server: Centricular Ltd Wh, do we need something better1 -nusab#e experience on Win%ows 9I want to bui#% ever,thin$ with MSVC: Centricular Ltd Wh, do we need something better1 -nusab#e experience on Win%ows 9I'&e a#ways %one %eve#opment insi%e Hisua# Stu%io: Centricular Ltd Wh, do we need something better1 -nusab#e experience on Win%ows 9Can I use GStreamer on Win%ows 0hone1: Centricular Ltd Wh, do we need something better1 >S ? e#ements #a$ behin% Win%ows e#ements use .0Is a%%e% in ?0 Centricular Ltd Wh, do we need something better1 The har%er it is to contribute The *ewer contributors ,ou wi## have Centricular Ltd We nee% somethin$ better! Centricular Ltd Wh, is there no alternati&e1 Centricular Ltd Wh, is there no alternati&e1 Technica# %ebt' Inertia Autotools was 9$ood enou$h: Centricular Ltd Wh, is there no alternati&e1 Apath,' Inertia 4inux users #ive in a *i#ter bubb#e Centricular Ltd Wh, is there no alternati&e1 Not se3, @i*ficult prob#em' #ots of work Centricular Ltd Well, now we have an alternati&e! Meson Centricular Ltd +eson Generates Nin6a bui#% *i#es 2 ,ears of %eve#opment' 40 contributors Centricular Ltd $ cd gstreamer.git/ $ mkdir build-dir && cd build-dir $ meson .. $ ninja Centricular Ltd +eson .#wa,s bui#%s out-of-tree Auto-detects source code chan$es an% re-runs itse#* Centricular Ltd +eson Wh, %o we use it1 Centricular Ltd GStreamer ♥ +eson Centricular Ltd GStreamer ♥ +eson )ina##y a bui#% s,stem that %oes what we nee% Centricular Ltd GStreamer ♥ +eson pkg-con*i$ for e&er,thin$ Centricular Ltd GStreamer ♥ +eson $nome.mkenums() $nome!$enerateI$ir() $nome!$tk_doc()' !!! Centricular Ltd GStreamer ♥ +eson -seful cross-p#atform support Centricular Ltd GStreamer ♥ +eson )ewer %epen%encies @onAt nee% sh' m4, $rep' awk, tr' per#' coreuti#s, autocon*' automake' kitchen sink *or bui#%in$ Centricular Ltd GStreamer ♥ +eson )ewer %epen%encies 0,thon C' +eson' Nin6a F whatever actua##y bui#%s stuf* Centricular Ltd +eson ♥ 0#atforms 4inux, Win%ows' >S ?' BS@' iOS' An%roi% Inte$rate% Cross-compi#ation Centricular Ltd +eson ♥ Toolchains GCC' C#an$' MinG(' C,$win' +SHC Nin6a' MSBui#%' Hisua# Studio, ?Code Centricular Ltd GStreamer ♥ +eson Bver,thin$ bui#%s fasterJ Centricular Ltd +eson ♥ Spee% +a%e to be fast on first princip#es Written in 0ython' so coul% be even faster Centricular Ltd +eson ♥ Spee% Meson con*i$uration is fast Nin6a is faster Centricular Ltd GStreamer ♥ +eson (e porte% GStreamer to Meson Can’t $et an, c#oser to ‘en6oyment’ (when talking about bui#d s,stems) Centricular Ltd GStreamer ♥ +eson #ibffi' $#ib' orc' $streamer $st-p#ugins-base' $st-p#ugins-goo% $st-p#u$ins-ba%' $st-p#ugins-ug#,' $st-liba& $st-p,thon' $st5%evtoo#s' $st-e%itin$-ser&ices Centricular Ltd GStreamer ♥ +eson Bver,thin$ bui#%s fasterJ No *orkin$' no she##' no recursion Centricular Ltd +eson ♥ Spee% Autotools vs Meson M GCC on 4inux 64-bit, iNO4 gstreamer.git: 32s + 92s = 124s (~2 min) 3s + 67s = 70s → 44% faster Centricular Ltd +eson ♥ Spee% Autotools vs Meson M GCC on Win%ows 64-bit, iNO4 gstreamer.git: 165s + 475s = 640s (610 min) 5s + 55s = 60s → 1066% faster Centricular Ltd GStreamer ♥ +eson Sud%en#,!!! 7ui#%in$ on Win%ows %oesn’t take a %a,J Centricular Ltd GStreamer ♥ +eson Sud%en#,!!! 7ui#%in$ on embe%%e% %evices %oesn’t take 2 %a,s! Centricular Ltd GStreamer ♥ +eson New thin$s are possib#e Generate Hisua# Studio project fi#esJ Hisua# Studio %e&e#opment Centricular Ltd GStreamer ♥ +eson New thin$s are possib#e @ebu$ with Hisua# StudioJ Ful# support *or 0@B %ebu$ symbols Centricular Ltd GStreamer ♥ +eson .#ternative/para##e# bui#% s,stem *or $streamer Avai#ab#e in GStreamer 1.10 More work to %o on the port itse#* Centricular Ltd GStreamer ♥ +eson Some pro6ects ha&e a#rea%, move% to it 0iTiHi' $st-transco%er Centricular Ltd GStreamer ♥ +eson Tim an% Nirbheek 4inux support ✓ Win%ows support ✓ Centricular Ltd GStreamer ♥ +eson Tim' Nirbheek, an% youJ mac>S support ᴡɪᴘ i>S support ᴡɪᴘ An%roi% support ᴡɪᴘ Centricular Ltd The bi$$est reason we use +eson Centricular Ltd +eson ♥ GStreamer 4istens, un%erstan%s, a%apts Bugs have a#wa,s been we#comeJ Centricular Ltd +eson Wh, %o we use it1 ✓ Why shoul% you use it? Centricular Ltd +eson ♥ -sability Rea%ab#e bui#% *i#e synta3 0,thon-inspire% Centricular Ltd project!'myapp', 'c', version : '1.0'# mylib = library!'mylib', 'the-lib.c'% install : true% soversion : 1# executable!'myapp', 'the-app.c'% install : true% link_with : mylib% c_args : ['-DVER=' + meson.project_version!#># Centricular Ltd ... cdata = configuration_data!# cc = meson.get_compiler('c'# if cc.has_function!'poll'# cdata.set!'HAVE_POLL', 1# endif cdata.set!'HAVE_TIME_H', cc.has_header!'time.h'## configure_file(output : 'config.h'% configuration_data : cdata# ... Centricular Ltd meson --cross-info=info.txt [host_machine] system = 'windows' cpu_family = 7 "27 cpu = 7 "27 endian = 'little' [binaries] c = 'i686-w64-mingw32-gcc' cpp = 'i686-w64-mingw32-cpp' ar = 'i686-w64-mingw32-ar' strip = 'i686-w64-mingw32-strip' pkgconfig = 'pkg-config' exe_wrapper = 'wine' [properties] c_link_args = ['-DWINVER=0x0501', '-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501'] has_function_stpcpy = false Centricular Ltd +eson ♥ -sability From con*i$uration to bui#%in$ in one step In Autotools terms, automake + autoconf in one $o Centricular Ltd +eson ♥ -sability Not Turing-complete No macros, no *unction %efinitions, no in*inite #oops Centricular Ltd +eson ♥ -sability B3p#icit' For$ivin$' Bxtensib#e ;;P of thin$s work >>7' 1% are easy to *it Centricular Ltd +eson ♥ -sability Bxp#icit, )or$ivin$' Extensible Not a static p#atformJ Centricular Ltd +eson We think itAs the future Try it outJ Centricular Ltd Thanks for #istenin$J Centricular Ltd Questions? Centricular Ltd.
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