
Fractionalized in Dense Baryonic

Mannque Rho1, ∗ 1Universit´eParis-Saclay, CNRS, CEA, Institut de Physique Th´eorique,91191 Gif-sur-Yvette c´edex,France (Dated: May 21, 2021) I discuss a novel scenario on how baryonic matter could turn into a Fermi of fractionalized driven by high inside compact stars. It involves the “hidden” local vector ρ and ω together with the “hidden” scale χ, both taken to be “dual” to the and of QCD in the sense of duality and offers a possibility, exploiting the “Cheshire Cat Principle”, to unify the “dichotomy” of baryons described in terms of and fractional Hall (FQH) droplets and to explore how the baryonic matter could behave as density goes way beyond the normal density to the density regime where “deconfined” quarks are presumed to figure. The question is raised as to whether the fractionalized characteristics of the “stuff” – whatever they are – can be “probed” in the dense star core of compact stars.

I. INTRODUCTION are a bunch of quarks with charge 1/3. But in order to accommodate what’s observed in , say, in A , (), in nuclei is thought in compact stars, the interactions between the percolating QCD, the fundamental theory of strong interactions, to quarks need to be considerably strengthened from those consist of three confined quarks, 2 up (down) and one inside the bags [3]. down (up) quarks. Each quark then carries 1/3 of the In the paucity of approaches that are model- baryon charge (number). It has not been “seen” directly independent with lattice QCD calculations unavailable in experiments and there is no – theoretically – known at high , it is totally unclear how to address way to reveal the 1/3-charged baryon. But we know dense baryonic matter pertinent to massive compact from the celebrated Adler-Bell-Jackiw triangle anomaly stars. Among the large number of model approaches, via π0 → 2γ decay that the quark baryon charge should typically density functionals and effective field be 1/Nc where Nc = 3 is the number of colors. theories, the one closest to the fundamental theory of The question one can legitimately ask is this: When strong interactions QCD is an approach that resorts to embedded strongly correlated in the system of large num- the notion that the quarks are the indispensable degrees ber of baryons, does the individual quark preserve its 1/3 of freedom and invoke a series of sequential QCD baryon charge? For low enough density, at least up to, transitions – after the initial cross-over from nuclear mat- −3 say, a nuclear matter density n0 ' 0.16 fm , ter to quark matter which is fraught with uncertainty – in medium can be well described with baryons, each of all the way to the color-flavor-locked phase, as discussed, which carrying the 1. Thus it makes a e.g., in [4]. great sense to treat the lead-208 nucleus 208Pb in terms Now given strong correlations involved in the process, of 208 nucleons interacting via local nuclear interactions one wonders, why should one stick to the notion that the between them, not in terms of 208 bags such as in the relevant degrees of freedom are the quarks and no other MIT bag model each containing 3 confined quarks. In the “stuffs”? Folk Theorem `ala Weinberg [1], QCD in nuclear The principal question addressed in this note: What should be fully captured by a chiral effective field theory, could be the “stuff” in the core of massive compact stars? χEFT, at least at low energy and density, in terms of If the stuff is not a bunch of deconfined quarks, how can nucleons and instead of quarks and gluons. one relate that stuff to the ingredients of QCD? But what happens when the system of nucleons is In , there are a plethora of squeezed to high density, say, 5 to 7 the density arXiv:2004.09082v3 [nucl-th] 20 May 2021 fractionalized in highly correlated systems [5]. of nuclear matter (n ' 0.16 fm−3) as one expects in 0 Just to cite among many, the celebrated example is the massive compact stars or CBM experiments at GSI and Laughlin’s fractional quantized Hall state with ν = 1/3, elsewhere? where the carries charge e/3, and in the case of As the confinement “bags” – if taken seriously – start half-filled lowest Landau level (LLL), ν = 1/2 with the to overlap, the quarks inside the bags could most plau- electron charge e/2. Furthermore the state of the matter sibly start to “percolate” [2] between bags. There can is drastically different depending on whether the electron be various scenarios describing the percolation phenom- is e/2-charged or e/3-charged. ena with or without phase transitions [3]. The question would then be what are the “stuffs” that percolate? The In this note, I would like to describe a possible scenario answer, more or less standard, could be that the stuffs that in the highly compressed state of baryonic matter before reaching asymptotic density where the Collins- Perry deconfinement sets in [6], the relevant degrees of freedom are “quasiparticles” with fractional baryon ∗ [email protected] charges. I suggest to interpret the changeover from the 2 baryons familiar at low density to fractionally charged cannot be accessed directly by QCD. quasipartlcles at high density, relevant to, say, the cores At very high energy – and also at asymptotic density, of massive neutron stars, as what’s termed the “hadron- QCD tells us it is the quarks and gluons that are relevant quark continuity” much discussed in the literature [3]. actors. There are ample, firm, indications from experi- Later I will argue that “hadron-quark continuity’ imply- ments that at high energy it is indeed so. But up to ing the absence of “quark deconfinement” is a misnomer. today there is no clear indication that that is the case at What is more appropriate is hadron-quark duality with high density, surpassing that of normal nuclear matter. the accent on “duality.” The terminology “quasiparti- There are two reasons for this situation. One, QCD, as cles” is here used in place of either or quarks is by now generally accepted, cannot access high density since they could equally well represent either one or the in a reliable way as no workable theories nor models are other in the sense of hadron-quark duality. In formu- available for guidance. Two, in the absence of trustful lating the basic thesis, I draw an analogy or perhaps a theoretical tools, there are no clear experimental ways conjecture between the half-skyrmions in dense baryonic to unravel the complex phenomena to pinpoint the rele- medium and the recently proposed structure of the single- vant degrees of freedom. This specially applies to what’s flavor baryon – that will be referred to as B(0) – as a frac- happening in physics of dense compact stars. There is a tional quantum Hall droplet, a pancake [7] or, perhaps wealth of papers detailing compact-star data and model more pertinently a “pita” [8]. The issue that arises is at analyses of terrestrial experiments. Some of the results what density the notion of hadron-quark “continuity” – published in the literature can explain more or less – and as opposed to “duality” – ceases to be relevant. I will ar- some exceptionally well – all the experimentally mea- gue that this issue would arise at a density much higher sured data, but this feat is achieved at the cost of large than relevant to massive compact stars stable against number of adjustable parameters uncontrolled by rigor- . ous theory. The problem with this “successful” fitting Although the basic idea is quite simple, it is in some is that it teaches us nothing of what actually is taking sense highly unorthodox and the details are involved. place. Whatever is something “new” so far has been ex- This possible “defect” may be due to the insufficient un- plained by certain models by fiddling parameters still at derstanding of some of the concepts involved. It could be one’s disposal, which implies that no new physics, if there removed as more data become available from up-coming is any, is uncovered. experiments and incorrect ideas are weeded out. Up to So the question is “what are the smoking-guns observ- date, there seems to be nothing unmistakably or convinc- able that could weed out wrong theories at high density?” ingly at odds with nature. My attitude here is that given To address this issue, let me start by first assuming that the approach that I advocate is simple and verifiable the basic properties of QCD that quarks are confined at by future observations to come, I push it full- ahead nonasymptotic densities and obey (nearly perfect) chi- until “torpedoed” by rigorous theory or by experiments. ral symmetry. At low density, say, in nuclei and nuclear As interesting cases in possible support of the key idea, matter, the relevant degrees of freedom are undoubtedly i.e., hadron-quark duality, I will cite two examples which nucleons and low- , i.e., pions as we know as far as I am aware have not been addressed by other from nuclear effective field theories anchored on chiral workers in the field. One is the long-standing puzzle of symmetry that can well describe them at low energy. the “quenched gA” at low density in nuclear Gamow- See [10] for an up-to-date status . But what happens Teller transitions which, it is argued, is connected to the as density goes way up beyond that of normal nuclear “dilaton-limit fixed point” at a much higher density [9]. matter? As mentioned, even if we have no clear theory And the other is a possible precocious onset of the con- of what will happen, it is very likely that when the bags 2 2 formal sound velocity vs /c = 1/3 in the interior of mas- overlap, quarks “confined” within a bag start percolating sive stars at a density a few times normal nuclear matter into neighboring bags. I take this a working hypothesis. density, interpreted as a precursor to (approximate) scale Now one of the ways to “‘see” how quarks transform invariance emerging from strong nuclear interactions. to hadrons and vice versa can be best illustrated by the Cheshire Cat put forward a long ago [11]. This will be the strategy adopted in this note. II. HADRON-QUARK DUALITY

A. “Infinite Hotel” for Nf = 2: Skyrmions Strong interactions are lot more complicated, involving several different flavors than the electromagnetic interac- What takes place can be imagined as a quark in a jail tions that govern condensed matter dynamics. So one trying to escape from the jail fully occupied like the filled cannot develop simple and elegant descriptions closely Dirac sea1. A massless quark swimming on top of the sea, aided by experiments often found in condensed matter physics. Furthermore accessing strong-interaction phe- nomena with experiments is very hard and indirect if at 1 all feasible. The situation is much more challenging at This is beautifully described in [12]. Actually Nc quarks are high density since the latter, unlike at high , involved but we focus on only one of them. 3 say, to the right in one spatial dimension2 in an attempt angle θ(R). The fractionalization of the baryon charge is to escape the jail bumps into the “jail wall,” so is unable exact thanks to the topology involved. In (1+1) D, an to escape. It cannot swim back on top of the Dirac sea, exact bosonization allows an in-principle CCP for non- because chiral symmetry forbids it. But it can plunge topological processes also, but in the absence of bosoniza- into the Dirac sea which is feasible because the Dirac sea tion in (3+1)d, exact CCP does not exist in the nuclear is infinite, a story of regularization, and swim back inside processes that we are concerned with, so much of what I (to the left). This infinite Dirac sea can be likened to an will discuss below for processes that are not topological “infinite hotel (IH)” [12]. This exploitation of the infinity is at best approximate. is a quantum effect known as “anomaly” in . There is one serious problem in this scenario, however. The (baryon) charge carried by the quark dis- B. Fractional quantum Hall droplet or pita appears into the Dirac sea, so the baryon number is ap- parently “violated” in the process. In QCD, the baryon The IH scenario discussed above famously does not charge is absolutely conserved, so the fermion charge can- work in 3d when the number of flavors is one. This is not disappear. Here takes place a miracle. The fermion because π3(U(1)) = 0. One then wonders whether there charge is relayed to the “” that the outside is no for baryon coming from the flavor singlet wall, the pion () turning into a baryon (fermion). η0. This puzzle was recently resolved by ideas This is by now the well-known story of skyrmions mathe- developed in condensed matter physics. It has been sug- 3 0 matically characterized by the homotopy group π3(S ) = gested by Komargodski [7] that the η can “turn into” (0) Z for the Nf ≥ 2 systems. a flavor singlet baryon denoted from here on as B as This IH phenomenon can be considered to involve two a fractional quantum Hall (FQH) droplet. At first sight domains, one the quark- one and the other the this FQH droplet (pancake or pita) is unrelated to the hadronic one. There are two modes of a global symme- usual corresponding to the nucleon. try, i.e., chiral symmetry, involved: Wigner-Weyl (WW) Is there any relation between the two topological ob- mode inside the bag and Nambu-Goldstone (NG) mode jects, the FQH droplet for B(0) and the skyrmion for nu- outside the bag. Therefore the jail wall can be taken as cleons? This is the question raised below – a “dichotomy” a “domain wall (DW)” that delineates two vacua. This – in connection with compact-star physics. is the “jail-break” scenario for the Nf = 2 (i.e., proton and neutron) case. The upshot is that the leaking baryon charge is taken 1. Baryon for Nf = 1 up by the pion as a soliton. So in , we argue that for the given soliton chiral angle θ(R), the It has been shown that Komargodski’s FQH pancake leaking baryon charge 1 − θ(R)/π (in 1 spatial dimen- model can be given a simple formulation in terms of a sion) is lodged in the skyrmion while the rest of Cheshire Cat phenomenon [15]. the charge θ(R)/π remains in the bag, yielding the to- Suppose the quark in the bag is of Nf = 1 in the jail- tal baryon number 1 for a single baryon. When the bag break scenario. Let the quark be coupled at the wall is infinite the whole baryon charge is lodged inside the x = R to the flavor-singlet meson η0 assuming sponta- bag, while when the bag shrinks to zero the whole neously broken chiral symmetry. We take the large Nc baryon charge goes into the skyrmion cloud. The con- limit. Again the confinement leads to the breaking of the finement size R is therefore an unphysical quantity. One baryon charge by the bag boundary condition and gives can think of this process as the pion fields giving rise to rise to the anomaly as in the Nf 6= 1 case, but since the baryons as . This is what is referred to as π3(U(1)) = 0, the quark cannot go into the infinite ho- “Cheshire Cat Phenomenon” or “Cheshire Cat Princi- tel. So where does it go? The answer [15] is that the ple (CCP)” [11] This is akin to the disappearance of the quark moving in, say, the x direction flows in the y di- Cheshire Cat in “Alice in the Wonderland” with baryon rection into a 2d quantum Hall-type pancake, taking care number playing the role of the cat’s smile. In fact it is of the anomaly and keeping the baryon charge conserved. perhaps more appropriate to identify this phenomenon This has been interpreted in [15] as the “anomaly in-flow” as a gauge artifact and formulate a gauge theory for the leading to the Chern-Simons topological term phenomenon [13]. [16], which in 3-form reads This discussion of the CC “smile” applies straightfor- N Z wardly to (3+1) dimensions. It has indeed been veri- c ada (1) fied by Goldstone and Jaffe [14] in terms of the spec- 4π 2+1 P −s tral η(s) = n (En)|En| which gives the baryon charge lodged inside the bag for a given chiral where aµ is the Chern-Simons field that encodes strong correlations in QCD. When the baryon charge leaks com- pletely into the FQH “pancake,” the “smile” reduces to a vortex line on the pancake. This suggests extending 2 The argument can be straightforwardly extended to 3 spatial to the Nf = 1 baryon the CCP that the “confinement dimensions. size” has no physical meaning as in the case of Nf 6= 1 4 case [11], sharpening the notion of hadron-quark dual- scalar σ and pseudo-scalar π fields ity. That the resultant FQH droplet correctly carries the ¯ baryon charge is assured by the gauge invariance of the L = ψDψ (3) Chern-Simons term (1). This can be explained in terms with of a chiral bosonic edge mode [8] which has been identi- µ 2 2 fied with the U(1) gauge field in hidden local symmetry D = iγ (∂µ − igaµ) − (σ + iγ5π), σ + π = 1. (4) (HLS). We will argue this identification plays a possi- bly crucial role in accessing the EoS for massive compact What the U(1) gauge field aµ and the gauge coupling stars in the approach detailed in [17, 18]. g represent are specified below in making connection with the Cheshire Cat phenomenon. The baryon Now in accordance with the global symmetries of QCD, number B is given by the B = 1 baryon with Nc quarks must then have J = N /2. This yields the high-spin baryon. Thus when 1 c B = − η(0,H) (5) the bag is shrunk to zero size, the Cheshire Cat smile re- 2 sides in the vortex line in the FQH droplet. For instance where η(s, H) is the spectral asymmetry that was com- for Nc = 3, this picture yields the ∆(3/2, 3/2). The same ∆(3/2, 3/2) also appears in the rotational quantization of puted in [14] (for the infinite –hotel scenario) the skyrmion with N = 2 which comes from the ∞-hotel X X f η(s, H) = λ−s − (−λ)−s (6) mechanism. These two descriptions present an aspect of λ>0 λ<0 the “dichotomy problem” mentioned above. The question is: Whether or how they are related? where λ is the eigenvalues of the Dirac Hamiltonian H. With some reasonable approximations, it was obtained in [19] with a domain wall at x3 = 0 that

2. Pancake baryons for Nf = 2? g 3 Z B = − θ|x =+∞ d2xf (7) 4π2 x3=−∞ 12 Instead of a flavor-singlet quark, now consider the jail- breaking scenario of the doublet u and d quarks. There where θ = (arctan(π/σ)) – that we will identify with the seems to be nothing to forbid the quark from flowing, “chiral angle” later – and fµν is the gauge field tensor. instead of dropping into the infinite hotel, into the y di- Note that the vacuum fermion number B has two compo- rection as the flavor-singlet quark did to compensate the nents, first the Goldstone-Wilczek fractionalized fermion anomaly generated by the bag wall. Suppose one ap- number [20] and the other the magnetic flux through the plies the same anomaly-flow argument in CCP to the (x, y) 2-d Nf -flavored quark. The spin-flavor symmetry for the fla- Consider next a domain background defined by the 3 vor Nf 6= 1 will of course be different. Given Nf = 2 for fields σ and π that depend on x only. The one-loop instnace, we expect to have a non-abelian Chern-Simons effective action in the non-static background, in (3+1)d gives the -odd action field Aµ in place of the abelian aµ [15], Z Z   4 4 y µνρ3 Nc 2 3 S = d xd yG(x, y)aµ(x)∂ aρ(y) (8) Tr AdA + A . (2) ν 4π 2+1 3 where G is a complicated non-local function of x3, y3 This presents an alternative jail-break scenario to the and zα = xα − yα, α = 0, 1, 2. In the long-wavelength infinite-hotel one. Then the question: What directs the limit in the form factor G, the action can be written as Nf = 2 quark to go to either of the two possibilities, a Chern-Simons term (A) drop into the infinite hotel or (B) flow into the FQH Z 2 k 3 α α α µνρ3 droplet? Or (C) could it go to the infinite hotel at some S = g d y aµ(y , 0)∂ν aρ(y , 0) (9) density and flow as density increases to the FQH pancake 4π (or pita) at some higher density? This possibility seems with plausible. A scenario along this line will be discussed in k Z Section IV. g2 = d3xαdy3dx3G(zα, x3, y3). (10) 4π Here k can be identified as the “level” in the level-rank C. Fermion number and Hall conductivity duality of the Chern-Simons term. on domain wall To make contact with what was done in the CCP structure [15] we go to the domain wall structure cor- It has been argued [19] that the same Chern-Simons responding to the Cheshire Cat. For this, one may take structure can be arrived at with the spectral asymmetry the U(1) field to be the ω field when the vector mesons η employed in [14] in (3+1)d with a domain wall (or an ρ and ω in hidden local symmetry are treated as the interface). For this we consider quantized Dirac color-flavor locked U(Nf ) gauge fields dual to the gluon in interaction with a background U(1) gauge field aµ, and fields in QCD [21]. Then the ω field can be taken as the 5

Chern-Simons field that captures `ala CCP the strongly- III. DICHOTOMY PROBLEM correlated excitations inside the region “modeled” by the 3 bag. Now for U(Nf )−Nc dual to SU(Nc)Nf sponta- The alternative jail-break scenarios of Section II B 2 neously broken, the vortex configurations in three dimen- ((A), (B) or (C)) present the dichotomy problem to be sions made up of ρ and ω carry magnetic and electric resolved: What makes the Nf -flavored quarks go into N charges of U(1) f . The in the CS term either the IH or the FQH droplet or both while conserving can then be identified with the baryon charge [21]. This the baryon charge? allows one to obtain the vector current from the action S (9), the time component of which is A. Hidden symmetries 1 δ J 0(x) = S. (11) g δa0(x) A possible solution to this question is suggested by Karasik [8, 23]4 to involve hidden local symmetry The baryon number is [19] (HLS) [25] for the low-lying vector mesons ρ and ω, Z Z though implicitly for our treatment, scale symmetry for 3 gk 2 B = d xJ0(x) = f12d x. (12) scalar dilaton χ. I am proposing that this can lead to 2π a new development in nuclear physics, since it has been Setting the Dirac quantization for the magnetic flux observed [26] that the same scale-symmetric hidden local threading the vortex [21] symmetry (“sHLS” for short) exploited in [8] could play a crucial, hitherto-unexplored, role in massive compact- g Z star physics [17, 18]. The nature of hidden symmetries f d2x = 1 (13) 2π 12 appropriate for the matter in discussion is spelled out generally in [18] and much more relevantly to the specific we will have that issue treated in this note in [26]. The argument made by Karasik [8] to combine Nf = 1 B = k. (14) and Nf ≥ 2 in one unified form relies on the unified baryon current Now to make the connection [19] to the Cheshire Cat 0 µ 1 h scenario discussed in [15], we identify θ = η /fη0 and µνρσ † † Bunif =  tr 2∂ν ξξ ∂ρξξ impose at x3 = 0 the Cheshire Cat boundary condition 24π2 † † + 3iVν (∂ρξ∂σξ − ∂ρξ ∂σξ) 3 iγ5θ (1 − iγ e )ψ|x3=0 = 0. (15) † † i + 3i∂ν Vρ(∂σξξ − ∂σξ ξ) (17) Then we obtain the baryon charge residing inside the bag fractionalized to where (in unitary gauge in HLS) 2 iη0/2 2 2 ∆θ U = ξ = e (σ + iπaτa), σ + π = 1 (18) ∆B = (16) a 2π and where ∆θ is the jump of the η0 field across the chiral bag. 1 V = (ω + τ ρa ). (19) This is the same result obtained in [15]. µ 2 µ a µ Here are two crucial points, among others, to note. First of all, as pointed out in [19], the Chern-Simons The current (17), applied to smooth configurations, gives term (9) is not topological. This is because k as defined the usual skyrmion baryon current for Nf ≥ 2 baryons in (10) is not in general quantized, which means that the µ 1 µνρσ h † † † Lagrangian is not gauge invariant. The total baryon is B =  tr 2ξ ∂ν ξξ ∂ρξξ ∂σξ Nf ≥2 24π2 of course conserved, so the total must restore the gauge † 2i invariance implying the anomaly cancellation. This must − 3∂ν ξ∂ρξ∂σ(ξ ) . (20) be related to the color anomaly discussed in [22]. Second What’s new and significant is that it also accounts for one could have done the same for the Nf = 2 case with the pion field giving rise to nonabelian CS theory non-smooth configurations such as FQH droplet with with the same results as in the CCP strategy.

4 In [24], Kitano and Matsudo present an argument that seems to be in disagreement with Karasik’s on how HLS figures in “dual- 3 “Strongly-correlated excitations ‘modeled’ by the bag” do not ity” with QCD. However both agree that HLS must play a crucial necessarily represent the MIT bag with the bag boundary con- role at, say, chiral and/or deconfinement transition. I have not ditions etc. They stand more generally for the confinement and yet analyzed how the KM scenario fits in what’s discussed in this interactions associated with the generic confinement mechanism. note. 6

5 Nf = 1 for which the baryon current is In [8], the dichotomy problem is posed as how the skyrmion can be deformed to the FQH droplet and that 1 µνρσ 0 by dialing the quark . BNf =1 = − 2  ∂ν ωρ∂ση . (21) 8π The argument goes as follows. Consider the mass term This current comes from the homogeneous Wess-Zumino in the Lagrangian (hWZ) term in hidden local symmetry Lagrangian [25]6 which is a very important ingredient for dense bary- Lmass = tr(MU + h.c. − 2M) (23) onic matter treated as skyrmion matter with HLS La- with U given by (18) and the mass matrix M is taken as grangian [27]. The dilaton field χ does not figure in the unified current  m ≈ 0 0  M = a . (24) (17), hence is absent in (21). But χ plays an indispens- 0 md able role in the sHLS theory in “deforming” (17) to the flavor singlet baryon current (21). See also [27] for dense In the large N limit and for m ≈ 0, the baryon is skyrmion matter. The ω field corresponds to the Chern- c d the usual skyrmion. Suppose the mass m is increased Simons field a in (2+1)D. To capture the Chern-Simons d µ continuously. As m is dialed to ∞, the skyrmion gets structure of the B(0), it is found necessary to have the d continuously “deformed” to a configuration in which η0 condensate hχi → 0 and consequently the ω mass go to around a singular ring [8], which is the FQH zero [26]7. This is to assure that the baryon charge is droplet of [7]. This transformation requires that correctly given with the Dirac condition 1 Z hχi → 0, hqq¯ i → 0 (25) dφωφ ∈ Z. (22) 2π and

mω → 0. (26) B. The dichotomy In sHLS applied to dense matter, (25) corresponds to what is referred in [17] to as “dilaton limit” at which the The baryon current (17) is to encompass baryons from axial current coupling constant g in the neutron beta N = 1 to N ≥ 2 and from -quark baryons to A f f decay goes to 1.8As for (26), in scale-symmetric HLS, heavy-liqht-quark baryons. An illustrative case is the the ω mass term is multiplied by χ2 by scale symmetry, baryon ∆(3/2.3/2). As mentioned, it appears in the so (25) makes the ω mass go to zero.9 rotational quantization of the skyrmion (for N ≥ 2)) f What transpires from relating the N = 1 baryon to and in the FQH droplet (for N = 1). Naively, the f f the N ≥ 2 baryons as seen in the unified baryon current mass difference ∆M = m − m is ∝ O(1/N ) + ··· f ∆ N c (17) could very well involve intricate topological inputs in the former, whereas in the latter it would be ∆M ∝ that have not yet been explored in nuclear physics. In or- O(N 0) + O(1/N ) + ··· [7]. This O(N 0) term present in c c c der to incorporate such intricacy in CCP and to address the FQH droplet but missing in the skyrmions is a signal consequent nuclear dynamics, one would require calculat- for the dichotomy problem [7, 15]. ing the EoS of the baryonic matter ranging from normal Closely associated with this problem is whether the nuclear matter density at which available experiments flavor singlet baryon is a bona-fide observable quantity. can be exploited to high density for which neither reli- If it is, how it can be probed? able theory nor verified experimental data are available. At present, such an EOS is missing. Given its absence, all one can do is inevitably to be adventurous and at best 5 Note that the difference between Bµ and Bµ is a total speculative. In what follows this is what I will do. unif Nf ≥2 derivative and hence there is a boundary term for a compact , i.e., the pancake topology. 6 The coefficient c3 in (3.163) of [25], which is an arbitrary coef- IV. FROM CCP TO DENSE MATTER ficient for Nf ≥ 2 associated with the “dynamical gauge fields” (0) is set c3 → 1 in arriving at the B . This may be constrained It is not clear how to zero-in on the N = 1 baryon in deforming Bunif to BNf =1. This comes also from the vector f dominance in HLS theory [23] where “h” in hWZ stands for “hid- and expose directly its FQH structure of that baryon. den” in place of “homogeneous.” This difference could be crucial For a recent attempt to resolve this issue, see [26]. I for the physics involved. will simply assume that it intervenes, albeit indirectly, in 7 This scenario of driving the ω mass to zero done here by the dilaton condensate going to zero differs from the scenario in [23] where the ω mass goes to zero as the quark mass is sent to infinity in the η0 = π domain wall in discussing the duality of the ω to a . This comes about because the quark-mass 8 As a side remark, I mention that this has a connection, though going to infinity on the θ = π domain wall makes the theory go indirect, to the long-standing problem of “quenched gA” in nu- to pure Y-M theory. How to reconcile the dichotomy of the ω clear Gamow-Teller transitions [9]. as one approaches from bottom-up as is done in our scheme and 9 The ω-nuclear coupling itself is not required to go to zero as in the one coming top-down as in [23] is not clear. the case of the vector manifestation for the ρ mass. 7 baryon structure in nuclear matter under some (extreme) A. Trading-in topology for quarks/gluons conditions and see what transpires. 1. Strategy: Topology change An intriguing possibility is its role in the proton spin. In various quark models such as in the MIT bag model Let’s start with the (u, d)-quark baryonic matter. and the constituent , the flavor-singlet axial- Adopting the CCP, let’s first consider the ∞-hotel struc- 0 vector coupling gA is directly related to twice the proton ture, namely the skyrmion matter. As explained above, spin, i.e., 1. What was measured in deep-inelastic ex- incorporating the topological structure associated with periments, however, was instead nearly zero. This was the Nf = 1 baryon necessarily requires both the vec- referred – most likely wrongly [28] – to as the “proton- tor mesons and scalar dilaton. Even at near nuclear spin crisis. In the Skyrme model with the pion only that matter density, there is a strong indication that those 0 I will denote Skyrmeπ, gA = 0. This is actually closer to “heavy” degrees of freedom could play an important role what was measured experimentally. But from the funda- in the skyrmion description of nuclei and nuclear mat- mental theory point of view this Skyrmeπ result cannot ter. For instance, the binding and the cluster be correct. In fact it turns out to come out correctly – structure of light nuclei are much better described with 0 with gA ≈ 0.3 – when the Chern-Simons term coupled them than with the Skyrmeπ model that contains only to η0 is taken into account on the bag boundary [29]. the pion degree of freedom [30]. It’s certain that the de- The Chern-Simons term figures in the CCP as a gauge- scription of nuclear structure will improve markedly with non-invariant boundary term to cancel the color-anomaly the sHLS degrees of freedom included over what has been induced quantum mechanically inside the bag [22]. This already achieved, which is quite impressive as it is, with means that the FQH structure could actually play a basic the Skyrmeπ model [31, 32]. role but only a small one in the proton structure. Like- In going to higher density, say, for n >∼ 3n0, the impact wise the O(N 0) contribution in the mass difference ∆M of the sHLS degrees of freedom could become much more must also be small, although perhaps not zero. It seems dramatic: They do not just improve over the Skyrmeπ also highly reasonable to assume that at normal nuclear results, but they are in fact indispensable, even without density, the FQH structure must play, if any, an insignif- possible impact of the FQH structure. Given a general- icant role. Thus it seems safe to assume that the EoS at ized skyrmion Lagrangian in which sHLS is duly imple- low density is negligibly influenced by the “high-lying” mented, the problem is how to incorporate in doing full flavor-singlet component in the nucleon structure. Up to sophisticated many-body calculations the subtleties in- date there is no indication of the presence of the flavor- volved, e.g., the topology and singularity associated with singlet component mixed into the nucleon structure in the anomalies as encountered in going from (17) to (21). precision nuclear structure calculations. Unfortunately even at low density, near n ∼ n0, a system- atic quantum and quantitatively manageable treatment In short, nature indicates that at low density in nu- of the skyrmion structure in sHLS is a formidable task clear processes, the jail escape scenario seems to go pre- not yet feasible. This will certainly be more the case for dominantly via the infinite-hotel mechanism into the going to higher density. skyrmions, and negligibly, if any, via the anomaly in-flow At present, the only technique available – and suffi- to the FQH droplet. ciently trustful – that one can resort to is, in spirit, along the line taken in arriving at (17) from (21) for unifying Nf ≥ 2 and Nf = 1 [8]. In going from (17) to (21) in So whether and how it can be “seen” in nuclear physics [8], certain topological inputs, crucial for the requisite is an open issue. “deformation,” enter in the parameters of the effective Lagrangian Lη0ωχ. In [17], essentially the same strat- As shown in [18] and mentioned below, as density in- egy has been used in accessing compact-star matter: Put creases to high up, both the vector degrees of freedom appropriate topological inputs provided by CCP in the (hidden local fields ρ and ω) and hidden scale symmetric parameters of the nuclear sHLS Lagrangian and calculate field χ are found to figure importantly in massive com- the EoS by means of a suitable RG treatment. However pact stars. The dilaton condensate hχi and the quark the topological ramification that “un-distorts” (21) to condensate hqq¯ i are found to diminish, vanishing at some (17) for the unified baryon current has not been explicitly high density. The vector manifestation (VM) makes the implemented. Hence that the EoS without such imple- massless ρ meson decouple from the baryons and as men- mentation seemed to work well for compact stars [17, 18] (0) tioned, the vanishing dilaton condensate drives mω → 0. may be suggesting that possible contribution of the B Furthermore at high density, the mass of η0 does tend via the FQH structure, negligible at low density, could to decrease, making the Nf = 1 baryon mass decrease. enter, in a “metamorphosed” form, at the compact-star Thus it seems reasonable to expect that the FQH struc- density. ture, perhaps in the form of pita as will be suggested The question we address is: In what way the flavor- below, could very well play a role in the EoS for massive singlet nature of the proton structure, metamorphosed, neutron stars. could figure in dense matter? 8

2. Skyrmions on lattice the pion contribution. As I will mention below, this cusp structure is “softened” by the same HLS 0 It has been suggested that potentially non-trivial infor- fields as the cusp in the η potential in the chiral 0 mation embedded in the topological structure of baryons Lagrangian for η is eliminated by the HLS fields could be extracted by putting skyrmions on crystal lat- in the FQH pancake baryon [23]. It is a topological tice. Skipping details which can be found in the re- effect, and hence should be robust [35]. view [33], let me list the key points involved. The strategy in the approach is to implement this When skyrmions constructed with sHLS Lagrangian cusp structure in the nuclear effective field theory are put on FCC crystal lattice to simulate baryonic mat- incorporating sHLS, that I will call “generalized nu- ter, the following results are obtained: clear EFT” denoted GnEFT. It enters in the change of the ρ-nuclear coupling g which starts droping in 1. Topology change: A skyrmion (with B = V strength as density increases beyond n . This im- 1) in baryonic matter fractionalizes to two half- 1/2 pacts the nuclear tensor force VT in such a way that skyrmions (with B = 1/2) at a density denoted 2 |VT | develops a cusp at n1/2. This cusp is reflected “half-skyrmion density” n1/2. In the half-skyrmion 2 state, the quark condensate Σ ≡ hqq¯ i – which is directly in the symmetry energy, since Esym ∝ VT . This is one of the key points of exploiting the topol- non-zero at low density n ≤ n1/2 – goes to zero ˜ ogy change for formulating GnEFT. This property when space averaged, Σ = 0, for n> n1/2. While is encoded in the vector coupling g contributing zero space-averaged, however, Σ is locally non-zero, V to VT as a function of density. This behavior of gV hence supports a chiral density . This implies as a function density is intricately related to how that the pion decay constant fπ is not equal to zero ˜ the “vector manifestation (VM)” with mρ → 0 is even though Σ = 0, hence chiral symmetry is in the approached at high density. This result is also in- Nambu-Goldstone mode. Therefore the topology 2 2 timately tied to the mass formula mρ ∝ gV , which change involves no in the sense of holds to all loop orders in HLS theory [25]. the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson paradigm. It may be likened to what’s known as “pseudo-gap phase” in 3. “Quasiparticles”: Another equally striking ob- 10 condensed matter physics. For convenience, I will servation resulting from the cusp structure in Esym (mis)use the terminology “half-skyrmion phase.” is the soft-to-hard change in the EoS at n1/2. This Where the density n1/2 is located depends on the is reflected in the symmetry energy that decreases parameters of the sHLS Lagrangian. There is no in going toward n1/2 from below and then increas- known theory to fix it. The compact-star phe- ing after n1/2. The increase of Esym for n > n1/2 nomenology tuns out to give n1/2 ≈ 3n0 [18]. is linear in density, which suggests nearly non- interacting “quasiparticles” in the half-skyrmion 2. (EoS): One of the most im- phase. This can be interpreted as the hard-core portant observations in the skyrmion crystal anal- repulsion between “quasiparticles” at high density ysis, playing the key role in compact-star physics, is as observed in the constituent quark model sup- the cusp structure at n1/2 in the symmetry energy ported by lattice simulation [36]. This feature can Esym(n) in the EoS of the star matter be seen in the half-skyrmion phase with or with- 2 4 out the heavy-meson degrees of freedom in sHLS: E(n, δ) = E(n, 0) + δ Esym(n) + O(δ ) (27) It has been shown both in the skyrme model with the pions only (skyrmion ) [37] and in the skyrmion with δ = (N − P )/(N + P ) with N(P ) standing for π model with sHLS fields (skyrmionsHLS [17]). Note the number of (). The symmetry that this reflects that a robust topological effect is energy Esym can be calculated in the crystal sim- at work here. The detail arguments are given in ulation by rotational quantization of the skyrmion the two references given above. Let me just state matter as a whole, which comes at O(1/Nc) in 1/Nc 2 the key observation involved using the skyrmionπ expansion in the energy density (27), thus N LO model. This is reliable since what is the in Nc giving a cusp structure. It takes the form topology and it is the pion field that carries topol- Esym ≈ 1/(8λI ) where λI is the moment ogy in the skyrmion models. of inertia [34]. The key point in this formula is that the cusp at the skyrmion-half-skyrmion tran- What we need to calculate is the energy density of the skyrmion matter (n). In the skyrmion model, sition at n1/2 is formed by the “heavy” degrees of π that means solving the equations of for φ freedom, principally the ρ meson (in the Skyrmeπ 0 j model, the Skyrme quartic term), dominating over and φπ of the chiral field

j j U(~x) = φ0(x, y, z) + iφπ(x, y, z)τ (28)

10 As mentioned later in a different context, this phase may be in a skyrmion-crystal simulation. The field configu- related to Georgi’s vector symmetry. rations φ0,π correspond effectively to the the mean 9

∗ fields in GnEFT which transcribed into Fermi- mass mN behaves as liquid theory [17], can be taken equivalent to the Fermi-liquid fixed point quantity in the scale-HLS ∗ ˆ mN ≈ mskyrme = Σ + m0 → m0 as n → n1/2. (29) Lagrangian. Although Σˆ is not an order parameter for the NG mode of chiral symmetry since the pion decay con- stant remains non-zero there, m0 is a chiral scalar, a situation resembling the “pseudo-gap” phase in . It gives a parity doubling in the nucleon spectra in medium. Numerically m0 is ∼ (0.6 − 0.9) times the zero-density mass, so m0 is substantial. Whether this is related to topology is not at all clear. It seems intimately connected to the origin of the nucleon mass [39]. The impact of this parity doubling is crucial in the EoS. With the dilaton field χ implemented (via sHLS) in the skyrmion crystal calculation, it is found as density is dialed to n > n1/2 that 1 FIG. 1. The field configurations φ0 and φπ as a function ∗ ∗ ∗ of t = x/L along the y = z = 0 line. The left panels corre- fπ ≈ fχ ≈ hχi (30) spond to n < n1/2 and the right panels to n >∼ n1/2. The half-skyrmion phase sets in when L = L1/2 <∼ 2.9 fm. What and is to be noticed is the density independence of the config- urations φ and φ1 which engenders scale invariance in the ∗ ∗ 0 π mN ∝ hχi → m0 (31) half-skyrmion sector where the ∗ stands for density dependence. At some high density referred to as “dilaton limit fixed The crystal simulations for the field configurations point (DLFP)” at, say, ∼ 25n0, hχi is expected to have been described in detail in two papers [17, 37]. approach zero. Below, this will be connected to the The results reproduced in Fig. 1 [17], totally unrec- density regime where the flavor-singlet baryon de- ognized in the field, are striking. Remarkably those gree of freedom becomes most likely relevant to the configurations, varying strongly due to nuclear cor- EoS as hχi approaches zero. relations with increasing densities in the skyrmion phase at n < n1/2 become density-independent 5. Quark-hadron duality: It is suggested that in the half-skyrmion phase at n >∼ n1/2. This what takes place involving the cusp structure is means that those configurations representing non- a trade-in of topology for putative quark-hadron interacting quasiparticles behave scale-invariantly. continuity in the EoS as hadrons change over to This was reflected in the linear density dependence quarks at increasing density [3] and that the half- in the cusp for the symmetry energy in the half- skyrmion matter is dual, via the CCP, to that of skyrmion phase. quarks/gluons in nonperturbative and highly cor- Particularly interesting is the density-independent related interactions [18]. At present, it should be admitted, there is no rigorous argument for this. configuration φ0. Since this quantity is more or less equal to to the pion decay constant f – and the Nonetheless many of the features so far deduced, π albeit semi-quantitatively, resemble what has been dilaton condensate fχ gets locked to fπ going to- ward the IR fixed point in Crewther’s “genuine dila- obtained in some interesting models where quarks figure explicitly, e.g., [40]. In both cases there is no ton” scenario [38], this behavior of φ0 has impacts on two important quantities at high density, first phase transition involved in going from hadrons to quarks. the sound velocity vs of compact-star matter dis- cussed above and second the possible Kohn-Sham energy density functional approach to topology dis- B. Nuclear effective field theory with sHLS: cussed below. GnEFT 4. Parity doubling: A feature in the skyrmion crystal simulation that plays also a very striking Instead of attempting to formulate directly the CCP role in the strategy is the emergence of parity- to unify the descriptions of the Nf = 1 baryon (FQH doubling symmetry in the nucleon spectrum for droplet) and the Nf ≥ baryons (IH skyrmions) in the n > n1/2 [35]. The skyrmion mass mskyrme which EoS, which is beyond our capability, I will take the strat- can be identified as the effective nucleon in-medium egy similar to what has been taken by Karasik for the 10

baryon current in terms of the unified baryon current 2. Massive compact stars that incorporates both the HLS mesons (ρ, ω) and scalar dilaton (χ). As in the EFT Lagrangian currently popu- Although continuous with no genuine phase transition, lar in nuclear theory, nucleons are explicitly included. To the matter at >∼ n1/2 undergoes a drastic change due access the EoS for dense matter, the strategy then is to to the skyrmion-half-skyrmion transition as already in- implement the degrees of freedom of sHLS to a nuclear dicated. One of the most significant predictions is the effective Lagrangian denoted “GnEFT” by incorporat- cusp in the symmetry energy Esym at n = n1/2 that ing both the topological features and non-topological fea- causes the EoS, soft at lower density, to become stiff at tures listed above that are extracted from the skyrmion high density, >∼ n1/2, qualitatively simulating the soft- crystal analysis. Those features are let to control the pa- to-hard transition at n ∼ (2 − 4)n0 driven by strong- rameters of the GnEFT Lagrangian. coupled quark interactions in models simulating hadron- Now the question is how to approach, with the given quark continuity [3, 40]. This prediction made by the GnEFT, many-baryon dynamics exploiting the robust topology change that accounts for the massive compact topological inputs in accessing dense matter. The famil- stars of mass >∼ 2M is extremely neat although it in- iar (chiral) power expansion employed in standard chiral volves a highly intricate mechanism. perturbative approach (to be denoted SχEFT), success- When the putative hadron-quark continuity is ap- ful at low density, will become powerless at high density. proached by hybridizing – with different, say, La- This is more so with the heavy degrees of freedom present grangians – the standard nuclear EoS valid up to ∼ 2n0 in the EFT Lagrangian. The approach adopted in [17] is to a “quarkish” EoS for n >∼ 2n0 to implement QCD de- along the line of the Wilsonian RG approach to correlated grees of freedom at high density, there tend unavoidably fermions in the presence of a Fermi sea. The GnEFT La- to be as many alternatives as there are theoretical efforts, grangian with the topological inputs plus the “intrinsic some totally disconnected and some pretending to model density dependence (IND)” inherited from QCD at the a trustful theory, inevitably unconnected to QCD proper. chiral scale, when treated in the mean field, corresponds At present, the general tendency is that whatever new as first suggested by Matsui for Walecka’s relativistic observables do appear in the literature that bring ten- mean-field model [41], to Landau Fermi-liquid theory at sions between the model and experiments, can be fudged the Fermi-liquid fixed point [42, 43].11 Corrections to within the hybrid structure by a battery of new param- O(1/N¯) to go beyond the fixed point approximation can eters to fit the data. And most of the time they seem to be made in the VlowkRG approach. Both with and with- work! But the problem is that it is difficult to see in such out O(1/N¯) corrections have been studied in [17, 18]. It treatments what it means to “rule out” or “confirm” any should be stressed that the density-dependent topolog- given EoS, given the ambiguities in the fitting process. ical inputs plus the IND in GnEFT Lagrangian render In a stark contrast, there are striking features as- this energy density functional potentially more powerful sociated with the topology-driven phenomena in the than the standard RMFT available in the literature. topology-change mechanism that are not shared by the hybrid baryon-quark-models with the merit that they can be unambiguously confirmed or ruled out. This is a unique power of the approach although it could be ad- 1. Normal nuclear matter mittedly over-simplified or even downright wrong. Most notable, it turns out, is the role of the scalar dila- ton χ and the ρ in the structure of massive Up to the topology change density n ∼ n , GnEFT 0 compact stars with M > 2M . is essentially equivalent to SχEFT – say, to N4LO with ∼ the same of fits to data [18]. It is expected that there will be little difference in predictive power 3. Pseudo-conformal sound velocity at least up to ∼ 2n0. There is however one striking prediction in GnEFT that has not yet been revealed in SχEFT – as mentioned above and discussed in [9] – on the There are two issues recently studied that illustrate the uniqueness of the properties of the approach, whether phenomenon of “quenched gA” in allowed Gamow-Teller transition which has defied nuclear theorists for over four right or wrong or can be improved. The first is the sound decades. This puzzle seems to be resolved when the hid- speed to be discussed here and the second is the “stuff” in den symmetries are properly taken into account. It has the core of the star which will be treated in Sect. IV B 5 been suggested that this may have a crucial impact on below. As for other star global properties including re- the problem concerned here [44]. cent -wave observations, there is nothing so far glaringly at odds with the observations12, so I won’t go into them. (See [18].)

11 12 The fixed-point is in the limit N¯ ≡ kF /(Λ − kF ) → ∞ where Λ There is a loud debate going on between astrophysicists – and is the cutoff on top of the Fermi surface. also among model builders – on possible stars of mass M ∼ (2.3− 11

0.8 Surprisingly the structure of the sound speed vs for n > n1/2 is drastically different for different VM fixed points nVM s for the ρ meson. If one were to take 0.6 nVM ∼ 6n0, the density relevant to the core of neutron stars, that most of the standard nuclear models favor for chiral restoration (in the chiral limit), the sound velocity c / would increase monotonically from v ∼ 0.5 at at > 2n s 0.4 s ∼ 0 v to vs ∼ 0.8 (in units of c = 1) at near nVM . Details dif- fer in standard nuclear EFT models, however, the models involving the baryons only as relevant degrees of freedom 0.2 including density functional theories such as RMF theo- ries tend to have this feature. In stark contrast, however, with n taken to be much higher than what’s relevant 0.0 VM 0 1 2 3 4 5 to stable compact stars, nVM >∼ 25n0, the vs converges p n n to, and stays at, the conformal velocity vs = 1/3 from / 0 1.0 ∼ 3n0 up to the interior of massive stars, ∼ (6−7)n0 and most likely beyond ∼ 10n0. This is related to the fact that in the former case, the trace of the energy momen- 0.8 µ tum tensor (TEMT) hθµi – which is a function of hχi – is density-dependent, whereas in the latter case the TEMT – which is not zero – is independent of density. One finds 0.6 s for nVM >∼ 25n0 v 0.4 ∂ µ hθ i|n>n = 0 for 3 < n/n0 < 8. (32) n n ∂n µ 1/2 ∼ ∼ Prediction for 1/2=4.0 0 2 0.2 Prediction forn =3.0n The result is that the sound velocity converges to vs = 1/2 0 1/3. This is shown in Fig. 2 (upper panel). Conformal sound velocity > One cannot say what happens for n ∼ 8n0. Since 0.0 D µE 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 θµ 6= 0, vs = 1/3 does not imply conformal invari- n/n0 ance. It is, strictly speaking, not “conformal velocity.” The present interpretation is that it reflects a simulated scale symmetry “emerging” from strong nuclear corre- FIG. 2. Density dependence of the sound velocity vs in neu- lations at high density, not necessarily connected to a tron matter for n1/2/n0 = 2.5 (upper panel) and n1/2/n0 = 3 putative infrared fixed point in QCD proper. Therefore and 4 (lower panel). To be noted that for n1/2 = 4n0, the it is referred to as “pseudo-conformal (PC) velocity” as- sound velocity violates causality at n >∼ 3n0 and becomes sociated with emergent pseudo-conformal symmetry [18]. causal at n ∼ 4n0. The sharpness of the peaks near n1/2 could What we have here is the result from GnEFT but it is al- simply be an artifact of the way the topological changeover takes place, which is the most uncertain region of the theory. ready indicated from the scale-invariant “” structure of the half-skyrmion phase already seen in Sec- tion IV A 2. What we see here is that the quasiparticle remains un-understood. If it is not in error, it must in- notion as is familiar in Landau Fermi-liquid structure volve an interplay between the two hidden symmetries of electrons in condensed matter and of nucleons in nu- that begs to be deciphered. What seems obvious is that clear physics at low density – at the Fermi-liquid fixed whatever is in action, it is quite analogous to the emer- point – therefore applies to high density, approximately gent scale symmetry captured in the g at ∼ n via nu- of course, where the fermions are neither pure baryons A 0 clear correlations as it becomes genuine when the dense nor pure quarks, an aspect relevant to the constituents matter moves toward the dilaton limit fixed point with in the core of stars to which we will turn below. gDL = 1 [44]. How the pseudo-conformal velocity goes over to the A genuine conformal velocity expected at asymptotic den- sities is not understood. Furthermore why this highly surprising dependence of the sound velocity on the den- 4. “Much ado about nothing”... sity at which local gauge symmetry is restored, nVM , Needless to say, a various approximations are made in the calculation made. For instance, the density depen- 2.67)M (see, e.g., [45] among a humongous number of articles dence resulting from the effects (such 0 in the literature). If such massive stars turn out to be confirmed as β , the anomalous dimension of the gluon stress tensor) as neutron stars, then the present topology-based hadron-quark is ignored. This was referred to as “LOSS” approxima- continuity might get in serious tension with the observation. tion in [18]. This is essentially what’s done in all nuclear 12 physics, in SχEFTas well as density-functional-type ap- fined” quarks. As stressed by the authors, it is quite proaches although some of their effects may be subsumed likely premature to come to any firm conclusion based in the parameters of the Lagrangians used. Furthermore on the rather involved analysis. Their analysis is cap- in the approach I am adopting there could very well be tured in the sound speed approaching the conformal value ¯ 2 higher-order 1/N corrections to the Fermi-liquid fixed vsconf = 1/3 as indicated by the green band in Fig. 4 and point approximation that could bring additional density the polytropic index defined by γ = d(lnP)/d(ln) going dependence. Thus the PCM prediction cannot be taken toward γ = 1 at energy densities  ≈ 400 − 700 MeV to be quantitatively accurate. It seems natural to expect fm−3, corresponding to typical energy densities for the fluctuations of various strength depending on details of deconfinement at high temperature in relativistic heavy 2 > approximation on the curve vs vs. density for n ∼ n1/2. ion collisions. The suggestion was that the presence of In particular the crossover from the “hadronic” sector to “deconfined quarks” in the core of massive stars should the putative “quark” sector must be complicated given be the “standard scenario and not an exotic alternative.” that there is absolutely no reliable theory available in In addition there are arguments that other banal alter- that region. It cannot be used to differentiate the qual- natives with large amplitudes (“bumps’) in the range of ity of the descriptions. One can clearly see this in var- densities relevant to massive stars [46] could be dynami- ious recent publications addressing recent astrophysical cally unstable and should be discarded [48]. observables relying on various forms of sound velocity as Let me now compare the PC model predictions with inputs [46]. In what way this exploitation of the varieties the results of [49]. of sound velocity probes the EoS of dense compact-star The PCM prediction for the sound speed is given in 2 matter is not at all clear. This aspect can be illustrated in Fig. 2. The sound velocity approaches vpsv = 1/3 for the PCM by varying the topology change density from n >∼ n1/2. The polytropic index γ is plotted in Fig. 3. It n1/2 = 2n0 to n1/2 = 4n0 as plotted in Fig.2 (lower changes from γnucl ∼ 30 to γpQCD ∼ 1 in the changeover panel). While there is nothing special with the “bump” in region as it does in [49]. It should be noted that the the transition region, apart from the size of the bump, for predicted P/ is close, and parallel, to the conformality n1/2 < 4n0, the vs for n >∼ 4n0 strongly violates causal- band of [49] as seen in Fig. 4. Thus, at first look they ity before and across the crossover. Despite this violent seem to resemble closely, if not identical to, the results behavior, practically all observable global star proper- of [49]. ties do not seem to differ drastically within the range of n1/2. There are some small (and expected) differences 4 for the maximum star mass ranging from ∼ 2.0M to ∼ 2.3M – and similarly in the central densities – but 3 there is nothing drastic in other quantities such as the star radius, tidal deformability etc. comparable to the

γ 2 “bump” structure in vs in the vicinity of the crossover region. This means that possibly the drastic difference in complicated structure in the sound speed as discussed 1 in the literature with various model EoSs [46] cannot be used to gauge the goodness or badness of EoS. “Much 0 ado about nothing”? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 n This criticism applies [47, 48] to certain class of n/ 0 hadron-quark hybrid structure currently being con- structed microscopically – including shell-like structure. FIG. 3. Density dependence of the polytropic index γ (in neutron matter.

5. The “stuff” in the core of massive compact stars But there is a basic difference between the two. First of all the PCM velocity is not “conformal” since the trace of Fortunately some recent developments indicate that energy momentum tensor (TEMT) cannot be zero. Al- 2 further astrophysical observations and refined theoreti- though vs is close to 1/3, the P/ must deviate from cal ab initio calculations could address the issues relevant the conformality by density-independent constant terms to the predictions made in the PCM in GnEFT formal- in the TEMT predicted by the PCM. This feature can ism. Let me mention one recent work zeroing-in on this also be seen in the polytropic index. Conformality would matter. imply that γ is strictly 1 but one notes there is a small 2 By combining astrophysical observations spurred by deviation from 1 at the density where vs approaches 1/3. recent gravity-wave data and theoretical calculations an- Thus we see that the stuff in the core of massive neutron chored on “ab initio” approach, Annala et al. in the stars cannot be “deconfined” quark-matter. Furthermore recent Nature Physics article [49] argued that the mat- it cannot be purely hadronic either. Since there is no ter in the core of maximally stable neutron stars “ex- phase transition involved, it must be a new state of mat- hibits” characteristics of the state populated by “decon- ter that is neither baryonic nor quarkonic. 13

recent new development relevant, perhaps more concep- 400 tually to this matter, is the work treating the frac- tional quantum Hall (FQH) phenomenon in the Kohn 350 functional density approach `ala Kohn-Sham [51]. It corresponds to “mapping” between the Chern-Simons 300 field theory, powerfully exploited in FQH effects [5], and

] Kohn-Sham density functional theory. In this map- 3 250 ping [51], the key ingredient is the weakly interacting fm / 200 composite fermions (CF) formed as bound states of elec- trons and quantum vortices. They are treated in Kohn- MeV [ Sham density functional theory to arrive at the FQH

P 150 states that capture the strongly-correlated electron inter- 100 actions encoded in the topological field theory. Now in quantum Hall physics, the Kohn-Sham approach can be 50 considered as a microscopic approach to the strong elec- tron correlations involved in terms of the wave functions, e.g., Laughlin , as contrasted to Chern- 200 400 600 800 1000 Simons topological field theory which is a coarse-grained 3 ϵ[ MeV/fm ] macroscopic approach. Given that the same Kohn-Sham theory in nuclear physics more or less underlies practically all nuclear FIG. 4. Comparison of (P/) given by the band generated EFTs employed with success in nuclear physics at low with the sound velocity interpolation method used in [49]. density, as for instance energy density functional ap- The green band is from the conformality [49] and the proaches to nuclear structure, and our GnEFT approach, band from the causality. The red line is the prediction of the pseudo-conformal model [50]. The dash-dotted line indicates as described [18], belongs to this class of density func- the location of the topology change. tional theories extended to higher densities with the hadron-quark duality implemented, it seems therefore tempting to approach the dichotomy problem, or more So what is the “stuff” that masquerades like a giant generally hadron-quark continuity (or duality), in a way blob of deconfined quarks? similar to what was done in [51] for FQHE. Thus what My suggestion is that the resolution of the dichotomy is to be done is to implement the dichotomy structure problem mentioned above could provide an understand- described above into the density functional GnEFT La- ing of what’s actually going on here. grangian in accessing high density regime. Unfortunately the microscopic physics is totally different between the two, so there is no close parallel to rely on for intuition. C. Density functional approach Also what’s addressed in FQH effect is the fine-grained structure of excitations involved whereas in compact-star I now turn to what is included in GnEFT that gives the physics, it is the EoS and global coarse-grained properties results mentioned above and what seems to be needed in associated with it. addition for resolving the dichotomy problem. This part is an ongoing work, so I can be at best speculative. The topological structure that was mapped to GnEFT 2. A speculation in [18] was the half-skyrmion phase simulated on crystal lattice. It seems to have worked so far without getting There are some elements that seem to share similar fea- at odds with nature. tures between the FQHE in condensed matter and the The question I want to address now is: How can one dense baryonic matter. For instance GnEFT anchored incorporate the mechanism that brings BNf =1 and BNf ≥2 on the topology change could be capturing the weak CF into Bunif in nuclear dynamics at densities ranging from structure of [51] in FQHE, crucially relying on the nearly low to high? Stated differently, how to “unify” the ∞- non-interacting “quasiparticle” behavior stressed above hotel and the FQH structures in EoS? If this is feasible, in the chiral field configuration U in the half-skyrmion how important is the latter for compact-star physics? phase discussed in Section IV A 2 (see Fig. 1). One way to understand this feature is as follows: Due to U(1) gauge symmetry in the hedgehog configuration of skyrmions, 1. Mapping to topology to GnEFT the half-skyrmion carries a associ- ated with the hidden U(1) symmetry in in the chiral field The way to answer the question raised must involve U = eiπ/fπ [52]. The energy of the “bare” monopole translating the topological strategy in bringing BNf =1 in the half-skyrmion diverges when separated, but the and BNf ≥2 into Bunif into the strategy of GnEFT. A divergence is tamed by interactions, as obvious in the 14

skyrmion, as a of two half-skyrmions. In a In discussing the quasiparticle properties of the half- way analogous to what happens in the Kohn-Sham theory skyrmion phase, the half-skyrmions are taken to be of FQHE [51], there could intervene the gauge interac- bound or confined and the pair behaves as a quasiparticle tions between the half-skyrmions in sHLS– as composite associated with Landau Fermi-liquid structure. Whether fermions – possibly induced by the Berry phases due to or not they possess the characteristics of Landau Fermi the magnetic vorticies. Thus it seems plausible that the as in the electron systems cannot be addressed in topological structure of the FQH is buried in the half- this description. The notion of Landau Fermi-liquids in skyrmion structure with the effect of the B(0) structure the -group approach to strong fermionic captured at a higher density. correlations [43] valid at near normal matter density ∼ n0 Another point of interest is that in making a link to is assumed to extrapolate to high density with the pa- the density functional approach for dense matter, it is rameters of the Lagrangian modified by topology change an interesting question whether the Nf = 1 baryon is a defined on the Fermi surface, hence the notion of quasi- FQH pancake [7] or a pita which can be thought of a ,, goes over from low to high density. This no- pair of pancakes with 1/2-charged edge modes [8]. For tion must however break down when the dilaton-limit the pita configuration, hqq¯ i = 0 but fη0 6= 0. Now recall fixed point is approached as it does for Fermi liquids ap- that the half-skyrmion phase is characterized by hqq¯ i = proaching the unitarity limit [57]. As already stressed, 0 but fπ 6= 0. There is thus an analogy between the however the dense compact-star matter we are concerned case of Nf = 1 and Nf = 2, both involving 1/2-charged with is a distance away from the GD (genuine dilaton) objects.13 fixed point, thus the Fermi-liquid structure as reflected As noted, at low density, the quarks in the bag would in the PC symmetry could be valid [57]. tend more likely to fall into the infinite hotel, hence giv- In standard pictures such as the constituent quark ing rise to skyrmions in (3+1)d. This may be driven (a.k.s. quasiquark) model, the relevant fermion de- by the parameters of the Lagrangian that unifies the grees of freedom are 1/3-baryon-charged. In the appli- (0) Nf ≥ 2 and Nf = 1 baryons in Bunif to have the B cation to compact stars in [18], the relevant fermionic structure unstable or suppressed at low density. How- charge was 1/2 – but neither 1/3 nor deconfined. In mi- ever as density increases, the parameter change in the croscopic approaches to hadron-quark continuity where sHLS Lagrangian that distorts the baryon current Bunif SχEFT or similar standard nuclear model is hybridized

to BNf =1 could transform the EoS state toward a density- to quark models, it is the constituent quarks that fig- functional FQHE. ure in the higher density regime. In the topology-charge One possible scenario for this is indicated in the recent approach without the dichotomy problem as in [18], it skyrmion crystal analyses of dense matter where an inho- is the bound pairs of 1/2-baryon-charged objects that mogeneous structure is found to be energetically favored figure. With the dichotomy resolved, it could be that over the homogeneous one at high density. It has been the stack of sheets with the Chern-Simons fields (meta- found that dense matter consists of a layer of sheets of morphosed from HLS) could be populated by fraction- “lasagne” configuration with each sheet supporting half- ally charged “deconfined” objects analogous to quantum skyrmions [54].14 The constituents of this layer struc- with “deconfined ” on domain wall [58]. ture are fractionalized quasi-stuff of 1/2 baryon-charged On the FQH pita, the bound 2 half-skyrmions could be objects, appearing in baryon-quark continuity at a den- liberated and transformed by nuclear correlations [59] to sity ∼ n1/2. This is of course drastically different from 3 deconfined 1/3-charged quasiquarks. the pasta structure discussed for the dilute outer layer That the homogeneous half-skyrmion structure trans- of compact stars. In the Skyrmeπ used here, the quar- lated into GnEFT works fairly well for massive stars 0 tic (Skyrme) term effectively encodes massive degrees of >∼ 2M [18] could imply that the η ring if present is freedom, including hidden local fields, monopoles hidden metastable so does not intervene in the density range in half-skyrmions etc. It seems feasible to formulate this probed. Thus the PC structure could be a possible “pre- “sheet dynamics” by a stack of FQH-type pitas, with cursor” to a truly deconfined quark phase expected at 15 tunneling half-skyrmions between the stacks . n >∼ nVM >∼ 25n0. As noted, this phenomenon could be L reflected in the gA = 1 at density ∼ n0 as precursor to DL gA = 1 at the dilaton limit fixed point [44]..

13 This could be interpreted in terms of Georgi’s “vector limit” (VL) [53] instead of the vector manifestation limit [25]. If the VL V. FURTHER REMARKS is involved, then one can expect that fS /fη0 = 1 and fη0 6= 0. In matter-free space, the Georgi vector limit was ruled out by Ward identities [25] but in the presence of dense medium, this I discussed the two potentially important observations no-go theorem may not hold. 14 re: dense matter. First the density functional theory `a There is also a numerical analysis in the Skyrmeπ model which finds a stack of tubes supporting 1/q-charged skyrmions where q la Kohn-Sham – which is widely exploited in quantum is an odd integer [55]. , condensed matter and nuclear physics – also 15 Somewhat like arriving at the Chern-Simons structure of FQHE captures FQHE and could be mapped to Chern-Simons in (2+1)D with a stack of quantum wires [56] theory, and second, the physics of the Nf = 1 and Nf ≥ 2 15 baryons could be unified by an EFT anchored on hidden densates with non-vanishing pseudo- (η0, π) local symmetry (with the ρ and ω very familiar in nuclear decay constants, both manifested in what appears to be physics since many decades but with up-to-date unfamil- Georgi’s “vector limit” rather than the “vector manifes- iar charcterstics) combined with scale-symmetry (with tation limit”. Resolving the dichotomy problem offers a the scalar with dilatonic structure), the very same in- challenge for a new paradigm in nuclear theory for the gredients that figure crucially in going to dense baryonic densest stable stuff in the . matter in massive compact stars. Furthermore approach- ing the FQH droplet by deformation by increasing density from the Nf ≥ 2 baryons at n ∼ n0 to dense compact- Acknowledgments star matter seems to reveal uncannily similar fraction- alized objects, the former half-pancakes (i.e., pita) and I am grateful for comments from and/or discussions the latter half-skyrmions. Both involve vanishing con- with Hyun Kyu Lee, Yong-Liang Ma, Maciej Nowak and Ismail Zahed.

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