(*) N' SEE", Primary Examiner Erma Camerson P S.C
US007399.504B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,399,504 B2 Dibbs et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 15, 2008 (54) METHOD OF PREPARING AN INSOLUBLE (56) References Cited POLYMERFILM ON A SUBSTRATE FROMA SOLUBLE POLYMER CONTAINING LABLE U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS SOLUBLIZING GROUPS 5,708, 130 A 1/1998 Woo et al. ................... 528/397 (75) Inventors: Mitchell Gene Dibbs, Midland, MI 6,169,163 B1 1/2001 Woo et al. ................... 528/397 (US); Michael Inbasekaran, Midland, 7,095,044 B2 * 8/2006 Brown et al. .................. 257/40 MI (US); Paul Henson Townsend, III, 2004/0266207 A1* 12/2004 Sirringhauss et al. ....... 438,725 Mesa, AZ (US); Kenneth L. Foster, Brighton, MI (US); Shaoguang S. Feng, Midland, MI (US); David J. Brennan, Midland, MI (US); Q. Jason Niu, (Continued) Midland, MI (US); James P. Godschalx, Midland, MI (US); Dean M. Welsh, OTHER PUBLICATIONS Midland, MI (US); Ray E. Drumright, Midland, MI (US) Brown, A.R., et al., “Field-effect transistors made from solution processed organic semiconductors.” Synthetic Metals. 1997. vol. 88, (73) Assignee: Dow Global Technologies Inc., pp. 37-55. Midland, MI (US) (Continued) (*) N' SEE", Primary Examiner Erma Camerson p S.C. 154(b) by 386 dy (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Sughrue Mion, PLLC (21) Appl. No.: 10/936,010 (57) ABSTRACT (22) Filed: Sep. 8, 2004 (65)65 PriorOla Publication DatJaa The present invention relates to a method for preparing poly US 2005/0106324 A1 May 19, 2005 meric films, preferably electroactive films, with enhanced O O physical properties by the steps of applying to a Substrate a Related U.S.
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