Rt•zalll.J ,, &.R,K C:, \l !0'!1._ Tic n1r« k-•:,--.c,9CM4 .J<: ·ttderq. \ < 11111:,•• Ove(t1uat roJ11 8-f-..i:(.,t<.d cc. rM Df,cJop..,,e,"' t,,ft.-d Rtb•, inn- 111 A.otwrcJ. si,nt>cr.:J,. Oo• \•brr.-1t1lo ... -.. l'<HK,,._i,J/C4ft<•m M;J TJn.11�ll"' - J"'" �••orffll•fl P.1):r,,c\ta._.,.._.., 19 The Tf-iree Ring Conception of Giftedness: A Change ir Oirecticn from Being Gittea to the Deve!ooment of Gifted Behaviori _\4,.: :-i,,d tr-n,ti;,rg :i,.Jl u,: J>c ,�:,11trdtull'lll> 1141 r.-'tfj·;/,Jn; ,f,,.J;C,li11l .:.u,/,t 061tri:t11 The Meaning of the Word HGifted" ;\.oy 1nempt to develop 3. conctption of gifttd.nes., tn11st fu:S:? Cc.l with ':\O\,.. or.e 6oosc.to USC rhe te,m, ·pf:eJ.." \l.ncnuscJ for pumcal riupnses, such ,.. ic!o.-,ti.':--iltg>t..dcn,s ior s;,e;.i>.l """·i<e,. • dm:Cl r<12r.on,.lup ,hould exm beiw«n ,he defuti,ion of giftcdncsi tr< iclcnti:,i;a:"Oo ,:.·srmi. and the �-pc> oi """" olfercd in the prop-,:n. If for cxar.ip'.c. "" p�ran a Jc,:gned ro ?TO\ ,de ><h-an<ed ,<'·el cu:nculu:n ,n math ,hen it ts logical md appropru:.: to cxami!lt ;l".ath. scorct. and .a�hicve:mtr,._t leveis in rhu disdplin< to make i<kntihc:uion .nd selection deciuoru. I,, on ,he o±cr hand a program is dcvdoptd to re:-.pond :o ind.l••id.u! sw-Ccru L."'l!c-:c.'"b. promote ir:, cso�tJ\e skills and mmd.SC'U, ,nd cr.;,,;ouragc- c;re:mve p:oductt\-"it;· �!"J<icnuin • rucn.1,"L"l ....:aJ.. d-.,f'.:'J a �opcai tdtr.td1c.uon syHerr. th.u �sc,sel the.st- .1.r�u should b(­ coruideml. I:, odi« ,.o,<!.,, t'-.c '..dcr.r.F.urion �-•«m ,hould follou. mbtr than pr«cd, :ht c!.-dopmcnr of px,g:-am !'"""""· J. � �411!;;,II • :i !i..f. R(!i, T ib.el'.""'t'\r-""·'· :-.•Co;·,,t�t:1..•. �1u:-:-s C.:...�.� e�n:at!: j,oseph.:t�.1:.;..J�uco.�� ed:..� �!·uc,I,@�:'):".:dJ :. .,l'- .\.tt."..o:'' :::j 335 -: � J (•err.bi, O.Air.-:-.-., �-:s...t.��F.,tc�.._..,.,.,,_"".:;;.,..-, t.t!!!'to.. .!_•,i .o:a., tt•.i� •'9"6-'-V�-��iw-..i::_�g. 336 J. S. Renzulli and S. M. Reis Approaching a practical understanding of che meaning of che term "gifted" raises che question of what heuristic purpose the term serves once it is deprived of che aura chat surrounds its use in many professional education groups and lay communities. A heuristic technique is an approach to problem solving, learning, or discovery employing a practical systematic mer.hod. Although a heuristic technique is not necessarily optimal or perfect, it should be suf!iciem co pursue an immediate goal; in rhis case, to plan special programs and rhe processes that determine wh.ich young people are eligible co participate. \X'hen considering the heuristic meaning of che word, "gifted,"one muse first examine che parts of speech assigned co che g-word in che dicrionary (Merriam-\'X7ebster, 2016). le is categorized as both a noun (giftedness) and an adjective (gifted). \"i'lhen used as a noun, che word refers co an entity or state of being. For example, "He or she is gifted." Synonyms for the word as a noun » are almost non-exisrem but "blessed" or "preordained might come close. The noun "giftedness" often takes an adjective (such as scientificor academic) co specifythe area in which a person has achieved superior accomplishmem. \'<'hen used as an adjective, ic refers to high potential in a particular area of human performance and usually has reference co a criterion or comparison group (e.g., "She is a gifted writer for her age"). Synonyms frequenrly found when the word "gifted" is used as an adjective are also adjectives that usually take an object (e.g., superior mathematician, advanced reader, innovative designer, exceptional artist, persuasive speaker, compelling writer); all words that helpfully provide direction when talking about the types of services advo­ cated when developing special programs, services, and opportunities. Indeed, the word is even used as an adjective when the field is referred co as "Gifted Education," reminiscenr of che root word, that a gift is something co be given rather than a scare of being. The student receives che gift when the school provides opportunities, resources, and encouragement co transform his or her potential into giftedbehaviors. Persons advocating the enrity perspective argue that someone muse first officiallylabel students as "gifted" before they can receive any special services. One may conrrast chis with a respon,'iveoriemacion, where scudems react co presented opporrunities and teachers respond co students' demonscrated cal­ enc potentials at various times and ways. Those wich an enricy perspective may assen chat they are using a "multiple criteria" approach; but oftencimes, the label will nor be bestowed unless the scudem ach icves a predeterminedcut-off score on an IQ or other cognitive ability resc. In su ch cases, the preliminary nomination and screening se rve as a ticket to take a cesc, and the strengths and evidence of ralem po tencial that led to the nomination and/or screening are 336 J. S. R•nzulli tnd S. M. Reis I w:u a bad nudcnt. r f.m!I,·fiur.'-ed outi.n 1..,1� cwelfth gr.We.(... ] The way J $.tW rhe edui.:.ttion.d s�·stc:m from an tc1dy age 'A-..S rh..1r a tall.ght you wh.lt :o think, not h.o-.vto !hink. �" ira1 no lib,rry. rra!J...:.for fr,.e d;in�ing. You were being cr;;.mcd to fa into 2 sooecy where free thmlcng ,._-as� :tuiSJ.n,c. (C109>�. 19-9, ,mphui> •dd«l) Other eumplcs also supportour premise.Sir Richard Br.in son, the founder and CFO of Virgin Group. is d\',1Cl<lc and did poor�•in school. He dropped out of school at 16 co prod�e che ma!(uinc:,r,tdm,. which lM co the creation of\'irgio R<eords. On his !ast day, rhc hcadmaster told lum he would "cirher end up m prison or become• millionaire" (Branson. 1998) . .\1.ay, Angdou's turbulent cl,Jldhoodled ro a period of •dectivc mutism, and sh, h.uexplained ,ha: peopleconsideudh« •an idiot,• moron" b«:au,a ,h«lidn'c ralk (Moore. 1003. pan. 23). s, ....en '>pie!b.:rg; is another c-se Ul point. He had dr�lcxi,. h>tcd ,.:hool.dropp,:d out of college, and his gr•des ""re too low co g,,t imo rhe l'nh'<rsity of Cal.ifomiisfilm ..:hool. His mother. • free spiu with arriStk talent. g:ave him free rdn. She was t0leranl of her son', !ack of i.nrerc-st in school and onen l,r him my home, feigning illce,s. so he couldwork on hi, movies (McSnde, 2011 ). Anorher dr:im,uicexample of a <re*tive young sticntisr who.� teacher ov<r­ look«i !us stttngrhs follows in the te:ichcr'<comments about John Gurdon. winner of the 2013 :-Jobdl'riu, for medicine: His WOik hasbeen far frotn �ttSbctory. Hi$ prq,a.."C"tl srutfh..lSbttn b .td.lyJ camt A:ld scvcnil of his res, pk-.:(') b1ve been tc)m over: one s.uch piece of pt(?a.ttd \\-erk A-Ored 2 mirluOta of a possjbte 50. His: och�r ,.,·ori.:h ::1$been equa !iJ' bW . .indsievtraJ times he has been ln rmuble. btt�u;e� id!! 1101 Wtt11, but u.,:iiiml!r ,m dtJmghiJ u.l(H'kin hu o"'" i:·�r- ! heicvche has idt.15 1hout bccomhit;.i i<.':icn-­ tis1: on h(, prestni $how1ng 1M� is quite ndicu!ous. (Col!ins, 20l 2, October8. e:nphuls 2cid,dJ Two Kinds of Assessment Another considcr,rion that guided tho d,,clopmenr of the Thr« Rini, ConC(ption of Gifrednes, rhtis sec oi dineren= h.:tv.i:en rwo kinds of assess• me.nt. Most jdtmi.ficacions sysrem h3'-'t bct"n based on a�sessmencs o/lurn· ing-whac students already know based on cognitive .ind 2i;hieveme:nt rest �rts. Whi!<" this infotmarion is (')hdoudy v:.lo,;hl� in m:a.kins c4,ar,ci"f")'" about studenc;' po ten cial. th, Three Ring Conetprion .tlso takes imo consid• ,racion factors rdare,d to assessmentfar Jcuning. Sauitiviry to cuiu �uch as 19 Tht Thrtt R.ng Concol)1ionof G;ftodnou A Chong• ift-- -·· 339 cunosh,.. intc:rc,u. !c,1,mmg scylc,. oprcsu,n nylh. ,n1oymtru of learning. collaboration. ,oopcmion. plann:ng, ind sdf-1tgub11on ar, not as ca<tlv mt"�und or co:uh.ttntfy proe:nt .b. u.a1ts rnns;.;.rtd �· ,ogmt�.e ,l)�smcnts. Th� mm ore. how•vtr, de-·d<>pm•ntal •nd arc highk inrluenrial in th� advancement of cr•ui,,e produul,.,, !•t«dn<'•. In r=nt !.,..,, p,;�hologms ha,·• p:ud much more attention to p.-rform1n«b3scd :usa.smcnr (D,uhng­ Hll1lmond, 199� 'll:isgjn.. !99Sl ..-i<i rhctc:o« :he ,nits li«cJ ,bo,c ,bou!cl b, rcR«.t<din praC[lc:.,lapplications of chcon« dc1ign•d to 1Jcntih poccotuh for g:f,cJ bch,..io:- ·1he throry Jc..-doped in thl\ chlptcr fcxuR:s on crtadve-pmclu,civc ruhc:r ,han la«>n-1camin,1 g:!tt"\ln(SSand P"','O'" chat :,oung people ,how:ng cre­ .uivr pottmial anJ an invc-sdg.;1ci\·e mu"ld<ct �no..ud ah:o hive ....:cc��to ,pecW orronun1ties.
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