PakDef (members of the Pakistani Table of Contents PakDef E-Reporter Military Consortium) are proud to Armed Forces Corner Vol. I No. 2 bring to our readers an interesting and Dec 2006 / Jan 2007 informative new feature, the PakDef E- Museum ...... 2 Reporter. The E-Reporter is another Usman Ansari visits the , located in venue aside from the PakDef site and and documents the military artifacts and forum for PakDef members to be able memorabilia on display for visitors. to provide Pakistan watchers with an additional source for defence related 1948 Kashmir War— Seminar ...... 11

information. Our publication includes This is the second episode of Kashmir Seminars series. new articles and research briefs on Of a and a Traitor ...... 15 various aspects of defence acquisitions The decision by the Goverment of Pakistan to handover the and production along with a historical remains of Flt Lt Mati-ur-Rehman to Bangladesh has renewed perspective on the Pakistani Armed the P/O Rashid Minhas NH controversy. PakDef’s Haris Forces. Zuberi, looks at both sides of the controversy.

Memoirs of a Legend ...... 22 Story of legendry Group Captain (retd.) Saif-ul-Azam who Editorial Board The PakDef E-Reporter is a Bi-monthly flew with four diffrent Air Forces of the world and shot down production and is made possible by the four aircraft types belonging to two seperate countries. Usman Shabbir contributions of our forum members. It Syed Ahmed is the sincere hope of the PakDef E- Pakistan Nuclear Program Reporter editorial staff that our H Khan members will continue to come forth Pakistan’s Nuclear Journey - from Multan to with quality content in the future and Chaghi ...... 36 Contributors will contribute to this worthwhile In this detailed article, author Mansoor Ahmed documents the G/C (retd.) Saif-ul-Azam journey that led to that fateful day in Chaghi, when Pakistan effort in for us to be able to raise Usman Ansari became a declared . the awareness about the Pakistani Mansoor Ahmed Armed Forces. Science and Technology Haris Zuberi Aamir Dotani Pakistan’s First Cyber War - Part II ...... 78 Contributions: [email protected] Author Akram Ishaq brings to attention the importance of M Rauf Feedback: [email protected] Cyber security with this fictional account. Zahid Iftikhar ______Akram Ishaq

Bunker News ...... 82

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reads as follows: long struggle against the Soviet Pakistan Army occupation of Afghanistan. 'The first South Asian soldier of the British Some of these items were turned Museum, Indian Army to get the highest gallantry on their former owners by the award "" at Hollbecks, Belgium Rawalpindi Mujahideen, others such as the during World War One, on 31st October parts of Afghan government 1914. and Soviet aircraft, were suitable Rawalpindi has always been a Subedar Khudadad Khan belponged to village for nothing more than trophies military town. Long before the Brit- Dabb Tehsil (Now Distt) Chakwal. He died at after they met their fate. Though ish arrived in South Asia it had CMH Rawalpindi on 8th March 1971 at the not itself present, a model of the military importance. The British In- age of 94 years and was buried in his native ‘Zamzama Gun’ forever en- dian Army comfortably ensconced village.' shrined in literature thanks to Rudyard Kipling, is also dis- itself in Rawalpindi bestowing Inside the exhibits are on the whole very played inside. More commonly upon it the status of the headquar- impressive, and span the whole period of known to Pakistanis as the ‘Rani ters of the Northern Command, and Pakistan’s existence. These are every day Top’, the monster cannon and giving it the largest British Indian items that were used by the army, from its history, is perhaps indicative Army base in South Asia. After Par- radios to medical equipment and motor- of the relationship between pre- tition the Pakistani Army naturally bikes. The crests that adorn the walls tell a sent-day India and Pakistan. set up home, and when the time history of their own, either displaying the Unsurprisingly after three wars came for a museum to be set up, change from a British dominion to an Is- with India, there are a signifi- there was no better place than lamic republic, or still displaying the roots cant number of captured Indian Rawalpindi. of some of the regiments that date from weapons and related ‘militaria’. the time of the British Indian Army. The The entrance of the museum is This should not cheapen their flags and colours of the various regiments suitably guarded by an impressive worth as all the wars were hard are a testament to the fact that the British statue of Subedar Khudadad Khan fought affairs, especially on the Indian Army was defending the Empire in VC, the first South Asian recipient ground. of the Victoria Cross. The inscrip- nineteenth century, whilst the British tion on the plinth upon which the Army in Europe mercilessly pounded pa- Of note is the uniform jacket of statue of this brave warrior stands rade grounds. A number of displayed Field Marshall Sir Claude John items were captured during the decade-

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Eyre Auchinleck, (GCB, GCIE, gineered the logistical supply that allowed nal exhibits of note are the lim- CSI, DSO, OBE), the Com- Slim, (another officer of the British ousines of ex-Presidents General mander-in-Chief of the British Indian Army) to eventually defeat the Yahya Khan and Indian Army from 1943 on- Japanese in Burma. After the war he . They were both wards. He is incredibly under- helped prepare the Pakistani and Indian were in office during the 1965 rated as a military figure but armies for independence, despite oppos- and 1971 wars with India re- was a very competent leader, ing the manner in which Partition was spectively. Both are American respected by his troops and ene- handled. In this he clashed with Mount- Cadillac cars and in virtually mies, (at least those in opposing batten the last Viceroy of India, (who was mint condition. Visitors should armies if not the cut-throat and no friend at all of the fledgling Pakistan), not be surprised to see the mu- treacherous world of the British and retired. Standing next to his uniform seum staff painstakingly remov- Army officer corps). In personal he was by no means a tall man, but he ing every speck of dust on these terms he was a self-made man more than made up for his lack of stature immaculate vehicles. Along having been born into poverty by being inherently competent, (despite with the Nishan-e-Haider gal- in the home of the British Army, the slandering). To see his uniform dis- lery, which celebrates the brav- Aldershot, but through sheer played in the museum is a reminder of a ery of those that made the ulti- hard work and determination he great and honourable man, who played a mate sacrifice for their country rose to the top of his profession. significant role in establishing the Paki- in exceptional circumstances, He laid the groundwork for stani Army. In some respects he is the fa- these exhibits are perhaps the Montgomery’s victory against ther of the army, so to have his uniform on things that should be of particu- Rommel at El Alamein, though display is all the more significant. Another lar interest to a visitor. One final neither Montgomery (who re- touching item on display is a Pakistani curiosity is the hunting bow and sented Auchinleck for being a flag that survived the fall of Dhaka in 1971 arrows of Tipu Sultan ‘The Tiger British Indian Army Officer – an during the third Indo-Pak War. It was kept of Mysore’. Though Mysore is in honour he was denied due to his safe by a railway worker through his im- modern day India, Tipu Sultan’s poor performance at RMA Sand- prisonment by the Indian Army until he ferocity in battle, religious piety, hurst) nor his supporters would was repatriated back to West Pakistan. and high standard of govern- have ever admitted to that. After The efforts he went to, to ensure the flag ance and tolerance (despite becoming the C-in-C of the Brit- remained safe, are recognised by it being propaganda to the contrary), ish Indian Army in 1943, he en- displayed in the museum. Two other inter- have proved an exceptional ex-

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ample ever since. The intrepid fierce battles of Chawinda and Assal Uttar was captured by the 6th Baloch WWII British agent Noor Inayat in the 1965, the two largest and fiercest Regiment, in 1971, the year of its Khan, who was captured, tor- clashes of armour during the war. The loss manufacture. Some of the cap- tured and executed by the Nazis of irreplaceable Pattons was so great at As- tured jeeps were fitted with re- in France, is said to have been sal Uttar that they were replaced by the coilless rifle anti-tank weapons one of his descendents. Whilst truly horrendous Chinese Type-59s which proved deadly to tanks in these are just some of the items shortly after, but Pakistan required tanks the cultivated fields of the Pun- related to the great men of his- and they were the only option. Also pre- jab. The antiquated looking, tory connected with Pakistan, sent are the Sexton and Priest SP artillery WWII era T-6 APC was despite the external exhibits are no less vehicles that equipped the Pakistani its age, still a fairly competent arresting. Army, (and indeed the Indian Army) dur- ‘battle bus’. It was captured in ing the wars. In PA service they have long the Lahore sector in 1965, the The external exhibits again span since been replaced by the M-109 and M- scene of fierce fighting. The a time well before Pakistan was 110, but these WWII vintage weapons AMX-13 and Sherman were even a notion. There are a num- gave a good account of themselves in 1965 both captured during the Battle ber of cannons that date from and 1971. There is also a Bell-OH-13 obser- of Assal Uttar, a clash most of- the ‘Indian Mutiny’ of 1857, but vation and liaison helicopter plus a Cessna ten remembered for the needless on the whole exhibits from the OH-1 Bird Dog, on display. The diminu- loss of a great many Pakistani post 1947 period, especially tive Ferret armoured car near the main Patton tanks in the cultivated from the 1965 and 1971 Indo- gates, was actually used by the Frontier fields of the Punjab plain. Pakistani Wars, dominate the Corps to check smuggling along the Paki- Though like most of the dis- grounds. Medium to large cali- stani/Iranian border. A look inside the played vehicles the AMX-13 has bre artillery guns are arranged open hatches adequately demonstrates been given an all-over coat of in front of the museum, having just how cramped the car was for its two- olive-drab, the Sherman has long since been replaced in ser- man crew. been spared, allowing it to be vice. There is a good selection of positively identified as belong- tanks and the Sherman, Chaffee Of note though are the captured Indian ing to the 9th Horse, and allotted vehicles that date from both wars. The and Patton tanks that took part to the 4th Mountain Division in the 1965 war are well repre- captured Indian Mahindra jeep is particu- during that battle. If the Paki- sented. These were used in the larly interesting as the manufacturer’s stani thrust that led to Assal plate is still clearly visible, and shows it

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Uttar proved to be the grave- to an abrupt end. yard of Pakistani Patton tanks, it The museum may in the future be moved did one other thing, it stale- to Ayub National Park in an effort to make mated the war in Lahore sector it more ‘visitor-friendly’. As it is, it is a and forced the focus of Indian very well run museum that does credit to efforts north. This led to the the Pakistani Army. The only real criticism fiercest and largest tanks battle that can be made is that the application of of the war, the battle of Chaw- olive-drab over the vehicle’s markings has inda, and it was during this pe- taken away some of the essence of the ex- riod of the war that the Indian hibits if not spoilt them somewhat. Thank- Centurion on display was cap- fully not all have had an additional light- tured. The Centurion is proba- grey camouflage pattern very roughly ap- bly the best British tank ever plied. All in all, the museum should be on made, but that did not stop the list of places to visit for anybody in them being decimated in terrain Rawalpindi. that was more akin to Nor- mandy’s Villiers Bocage in 1944, than an open plain normally de- sired for tank warfare. Opposed largely by Sherman and some Patton tanks, as well as infantry wielding anti-tank weapons, the Centurions were stopped dead

in their tracks. Though it cannot be known for certain what knocked it out, the turret side penetrations and shell that rico- Museum images on next five pages cheted into the engine compart- ment, effectively brought the career of the captured example

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Top left: The resident AMX-13. The fine layer of moss can be seen quite well as can the exhaust pipe. Though it is not possible to see inside the tank, there does not appear to have been much room in the turret. Many were captured by the PA and hence can be found displayed throughout Pakistan. Top right: A Indian Centurion which was cap- tured during the 1965 war. Bottom left: A close-up of the penetration of the round that knocked out the Centurion. The round penetrated the side and ricocheted into the engine compartment, bringing the Centurion's fighting days to an end. The crew would most likely have survived the impact and bailed out. Bottom right: The M-24 Chaffee light tank in its unusual and non-standard camouflage pattern. There are some small areas of rust here and there but the tanks is likely to have been immobile for a number of years so restoration would be possible but prohibitively expensive.

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Top left: The diminutive Ferret near the gate is not ex-PA but most likely ex-. It was used to combat smuggling along the porous Iran-Pakistan border. An open hatch allows visitors to see the very cramped interior. Top right: A Willys jeep (CJ-3B) that was captured in 1971. Once armed with an M-401 106mm recoilless rifle it was a formidable combination of small size, mobility and firepower. Both sides used them to great effect. Bottom left: Looking rather worse than the other exhibits this jeep was produced by Mahindra Ltd of Madras India. It was brand new when captured by the 6th Baloch in 1971 but does not seem to have stood the test of time. Bottom right: The plate identifying the captured jeep to be an Indian produced copy of the ubiquitous Willys jeep. It was manufactured by Mahindra Ltd of Madras and accepted into service the year it was captured (1971), by the 6th Baloch Regt'.

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Top left: Captured HMG Top right: A Japanese mortar caprtured by Allied troops during WWII. Bottom left: A 75mm recoiless rifle of the type used in the closing stages of WWII. Bottom right: 'Model of the Rani Top' - The model of the Zamzamah Gun or Rani Top that was woven into the fabric of the history of the Punjab.

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Top left: The sole M-47. The Pakistani service of the M-47 was overshadowed by its successor the M-48. The rather distinctive turret was actually that from a T42 medium tank. Iran used the type in considerable numbers setting up a re-build factory in 1970- 2. 147 PA M-47s were up-graded to the 'M' standard in Iran. Some M-47Ms may sur- vive as turret-less AVLB vehicles. Top right: The M-48 with its 'Dalek' like turret. Its 90mm and thick armour were a good combination. Sadly for the PA it never lived up to the exaggerated esteem in which they held it mainly due to the bat- tle of Assal Uttar in 1965. Iran helped Pakistan modernise 145 M-48A1s to M- 48A5 standard in the 1970s. Some were converted to AVLB vehicles and may yet survive. It was replaced in service by the Chinese supplied 'T' series tanks. Left: Russain Aircraft Trophies - during the war against the Russians a number of Soviet aircraft were shot down by PAF fighters. Some parts were taken to display as trophies and are present at the Army Museum.

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Top left: The museum's second Sexton has had its 25-pdr removed and the opening plated over. It may have been used as some form of command vehicle but there is no indication of this to be found on the vehicle itself. Top right: A frontal picture of the IA Sherman. The multiple hits are clearly visible with a distinct scar on the turret front. The type of weapons used to inflict the damage is uncertain but the large turret side penetration may well have been another tank. Left: The rather awkward and anti- quated looking T-6 was still effective in moving infantry about the battlefield in 1965, but the protection was by then totally inadequate. Its top speed of 37mph meant it could still keep up with heavier armour though.

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 10 Opportunity Missed Brigadier ( Later Major general ) Riaz their ammunition out of due to political Ullah gave an introductory talk about the Kashmir but, he added, “ at least ISPR Writers, Forum on Development of some portion of it was certainly Wrangling Military Literature. He said that our used against the enemy and adversary in the past wars was bigger with this they achieved result A series of seminars on the than us in size and would remain bigger which were satisfactory. If a Kashmir War of 1948 was in the future also. To face such an regular soldier inflicted one sponsored by ISPR during adversary we would have to associate the casualty per hundred rounds 1990. These seminars provided an opportunity to the veterans general public with defense matters. expended, it was considered a of the past wars to recount Literature could play an important role in good average. The tribesmen on their valuable experiences, inspiring and motivating the people to rise the other hand, usually fired along with various politicians to the occasion when need be. Brigadier from such a close range and who voiced their opinions on the subject matter. The first Riaz ullah also presented an overall view with such care and accuracy that seminar was held in Rawalpindi of various operations of Kashmir War. he often inflicted one casualty in on 30th June 1990, and just 10 rounds fired out of a ROLE OF THE ‘LASHKARS” transcripts of this seminar hundred. If then he saved 90 were published by ISPR in a rounds for himself we in fact special publication. These Brigadier mohammad Ishaq was the next transcripts are being speaker. He participated in the War of lost nothing thereby. The other reproduced here for the liberation in most all major sectors of point which made the tribesmen readers who are interested in Kashmir except Tetwal. He also had the some what unpopular was his learning more about the 1948 reluctance to behave like regular Kashmir war." honor of having under his command Lashkars belonging to all main tribes of troops. He avoided like poison SEMINAR at Lahore held at a Mahsud, Waziri, Diri, Suleman Khel, getting himself involved in long local hotel with Lieutenant zardan Orakziri, mahmand, Ghilzai and drawn-out actions such as General Retd Mohammad many more. He did not agree with those deliberate defense or a set-piece Azam in the chair and Dr. who thought that Lashkars were just a attack against well-fortified Mohammad Rafiq, former Vice liability, achieved nothing and took away defensive positions held by the Chancellor Punjab University as most of their ammunition back home. He enemy. admitted that there was some truth in the chief Guest. The superiority of tribesmen complaint that the tribesmen took some of

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 11 lies in his independence and Brigadier mohammad Ishaq quoted men, raised by Ahmedis came to mobility. Therefore he roams examples from various sectors and Bhimber. Instead of fighting around and patiently watches narrated events which spoke of the they started indulging in until he finds a suitable target usefulness of the lashkars in the Kashmir converting locals to their faith, and then pounces upon it with War. He recounted that after taking over thereby creating serious lightning speed. In their own command of the Nowshera sector from resentment among thee local country, the tribesmen fought as Major Rakhman Gul on the 28th Feb 1948, people. The battalion had to be snipers and raiders, harassing he developed small groups of lashkars and disbanded and sent back to enemy by their deadly sniping. raiding parties to ambush and attack the Pakistan. They were masters in the art of advancing enemy towards Jhanger. The ATTITUDE OF BRITISH ambushing troops and Indians were forced to disperse their COMMANDERS transport. They could also attack troops for mounting pickets astride their isolated posts/pickets. While route with the result that it took them Brigadier Amjad Ali Khan was handling Lashkars in operation I twenty days to cover a distance of ten serving as brigade major of 7 kept their basic traits, qualities miles from Nowshera to Jhangar. It Division Artillery in 1947. He and technique of fighting in allowed Azad forces enough time to recalled that all the key mind and made best use of them organize defensive positions around positions in the Pakistan Army and achieved reasonably good Jhangar to prevent further advance at the time were held by British results. Inspite of these towards Mirpur and Kotli. Officers. Even the unit limitations, by and large commander were British. When Concluding his speech, Brigadier Ishaq lashkars proved to be of great Indian Army was busy grabbing said: “ As a matter of interest I may value to the Azad Kashmir the territory of Kashmir, mention here that with the exception of freedom fighters in their Pakistani officers were being the tribal lashkar no volunteers came from struggle to liberate their warned that they could be court- other provinces to participated in the homeland. The territory martialed if they went across the Kashmir Jehad. A group of 200 men, liberated, which is now borders or sent any ammunition consisting of ex-servicemen from incorporated in the Azad for the Kashmir war. Brigadier Rawalpindi, came to Uri Sector. They did Kashmir, could not have been Amjad Chaudhri opined that a not feel comfortable and left the area after liberated without the active lot of time was wasted in 3 days without even informing the local support of tribal lashkars”. political discussion and since no commander. A battalion consisting of 500

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firm decision was taken by the CEASEFIRE A SETBACK Capt. Zafar ‘Shaheed’ civil authorities and high- General Khadim gave details of artillery General sarfraz also mentioned ranking British officers the actions during Pandu operation and said the courageous deeds of Captain opportunity to liberate Kashmir that the orders for ceasefire came at a time Zafar Iqbal who was the first was missed. when the morale of the troops was at its martyr of his unit and was Major General Retd Khadim peak and they were all set to go in attack awarded Hilal-e-Juraat Hussain Raja was a captain in as part of “ Operation Venus”. The cease- posthumously. He was 1948 and serving with 8 medium fire orders created unrest and disturbance commanding a company and Artillery Regiment. He also had among the army. The Rawalpindi attacked the enemy a day before the opportunity to command conspiracy Case was the off-shoot of those Eid with a view to presenting to 800 men of Mahsud lashkars. feelings. Major General (retd.) Sarfraz his colleagues the “gift of Later on, he assumed duty at his Khan was commanding 2/14 Punjab in liberated area “. General Sarfraz guns and provided fire cover to 1947 at Peshawar. Speaking on the talked of one Kashmir Khan infantry in many operations. He occasion he bitterly criticized the role of who according to him, was a related an interesting event. “ It the British officers and opined that the fate mysterious character. Donned in is a matter of routine procedure of Kashmir War would have been green clothes, he always rode a that observation posts are different if any of the C-in-C was other white horse and traveled with established ahead of the guns than a British officer. He said that there lightning speed. Gen Sarfraz during War. In Kashmir, the was a tacit understanding between the Cs- proposed that details about sector I was operating in, was in-C of both the countries and that took Kashmira Khan and such-like mountainous and the terrain advice from Lord Mountbatten who had characters be collected and dictated new terms and an inclination towards India. General published for information and conditions. I reversed the Sarfraz narrated the operation of a Swati motivation of the coming procedure and took the guns Lashkar at Sabaz kot feature and paid rich generations. ahead of the observation post tributes to them for demonstrating RECOMMENDATIONS which was located on the hill- miraculous bravery by overpowering the DELAYED top from where a better view of Indians with the help of swords and the enemy activities could be daggers only. Brigadier Mohammed Shafi was obtained. quite young in 1947-1948. He

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 13 paticipated in Jehad-e-Kashmir loss to the cause of defense. People did not never proved to be impediment zealously and still taking active know what sacrifices their elders had at arriving at the truth. interest in the struggle for the made during the early years of our Controversy always led to liberation of Kashmir. While history. He congratulated the ISPR for debate and discussions which in addressing the seminar, he taking steps to preserve the memories of turn brought to the limelight termed Jehad-e-Kashmir 1947-48 Jehad-e-Kashmir for onward transfer to many facts which otherwise as a war of survival for Pakistan the coming generations. He said that would remain hidden. Dr. Rafiq which was fought without any Pakistan was a blessing for the Muslims of said that it was high time planning or recourses. He the sub-continent. They could lead a scientific research on historical, wondered why Pakistani prosperous life in the country of their political, social, national and Commander-in-Chief took three own. Had there been no Pakistan, the international affairs was months to submit his Muslims would have been suppressed arranged so that proper recommendation about kashmir under the sheer weight of Hindu majority. guidance could be provided to after the Indian Defense He termed the Pakistan Army as the best the people concerned. He Minister had declared in the in the world and hoped that it would revealed that according to a parliament that the Indian army continue serving the nation and keeping survey conducted by UNESCO, would clear the situation in its banner flying high. seven lac books are published kashmir very soon. By the time every year in this world. In NEED FOR RESEARCH Pakistani C-in-C submitted his India forty to fifty thousand recommendations the Indian Dr. Mohammad Rafiq, former Vice books published while in army had started its summer Chancellor of Punjab University and Pakistan the number of books offensive, already captured Chairman South Asia Study center, in his published annually is not more Rajauri and advanced in both presidential address praised the ISPR for than seven hundred. He the North and the South. arranging seminars on Kashmir War. He emphasized the need for Lieutenant General Mohammad termed the seminar “ a high-powered encouraging programme for Retd, who was the gathering of civil intellectuals and military writers on various issues which, chief guest of the seminar, said experts” even seen together. He pointed according to him would be of that the inordinate delay in out that the main reason for lack of great help in cementing the ties holding seminars on the literature of facts and figures. He was of between the various cultural Kashmir War had caused great the view that existence of controversies units of the country.

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 14 Of a Hero and a Rashid Minhas’ younger brother Anjum was buried “in a graveyard Traitor Minhas, a senior banker, expresses his meant for fourth class family’s reservations and says “I don’t employees”, of which there is no

think the government made the right evidence since there is no

decision in agreeing to return his remains. concept of a separate graveyard

They gave back a traitor! It seems the for ‘fourth class employees’ in he historic decision by the T government is trying to befriend everyone Islam, Pakistan or the PAF. His government to handover the regardless of self pride”. However many elder daughter Mahim along remains of Flt Lt Mati-ur- Pakistanis are of the view that it was a with her husband and son were Rahman, of Pilot Officer Rashid good decision and better relations with allowed a visit to the grave at Minhas Shaheed Nishan-i- Bangladesh and leaving the past behind is Masroor base in 1994. However, Haider fame, and the hero’s more significant than where Mati is in Bangladesh the hope to have welcome given to Pakistan’s buried. Moreover many feel it was the Mati’s remains buried in his traitor in Bangladesh has right of Mati’s family and his nation to land kept growing and in 2004-5 undoubtedly brought out a lot honour him as a hero and bury him in turned into a complete of emotion to the forefront, in their homeland. A senior ISPR official told movement when Mati’s wife both countries. A debate in true this writer that “Even according to the Milli Rahman appealed to the sense of the phrase ‘one nation’s Geneva Convention, it was their right to prime minister of Bangladesh. traitor is another’s hero’ has demand the remains and our obligation to Coincidentally the government ensued. For many Pakistanis, return them”. of Pakistan had already initiated allowing such facilitation for a efforts to improve relations with traitor is simply absurd and For years the Bangladeshi nation had Dhaka, most openly since having his grave here was an grievances about the fact that their hero General Musharraf’s visit to important part of Pakistan’s lay in a foreign land and had reservations Bangladesh in 2002 when he had military heritage and a trophy of about the biased treatment to his grave. expressed his regrets for the sorts to remind of a traitor’s Some quarters coined a claim that Mati events of 1971. Hence Khaleda failed mission. Pilot Officer

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 15 Zia on her trip to Pakistan in for public viewing and funeral ceremony according to their flight February this year formally arranged for the next day. The burial took schedules. 1130 Hrs was appealed to the government to place at the Martyred Intellectuals' scheduled as take off time for 20 allow Bangladesh to take the Graveyard in Mirpur with state honours. year old Pilot Officer Rashid remains of Flt Lt Mati-ur- Milli Rahman, during an interview over Minhas, on his second solo flight Rahman to his homeland. And the phone from her home in Dhaka was all on the fighter jet trainer. the after praise and said, “I am extremely thankful The country had been suffering slight contemplation agreed. to the government of Pakistan and much turbulence in the Eastern General Musharraf, it was very kind to wing since early 1971 and Therefore a delegation from the return my husband’s body”. And situation had become much Bangladesh government’s recollecting her memories of the city of worse after the Army operations Ministry of Liberation War Karachi she said, “It was very nice and we in March. Inspite of such Affairs along with Mati’s elder used to enjoy a lot!” political unrest in the brother came to Karachi to All this recent hype has undeniably background West Pakistan receive the remains of their hero refreshed the nation’s memory of the wasn’t quite on a ‘red alert’ yet. Flt Lt Mati-ur-Rahman and on legendary Rashid Minhas and his fateful Bengalis in various units of the the evening of 24 June flew to final flight. The old questions regarding army in East Pakistan had Dhaka where PM Khaleda Zia ‘what really happened?’ have been begun to revolt, and as received them in a formal revitalized. 20 August 2006 would mark precaution and a rather ‘trigger- ceremony. Ministers and senior 35 years since that historic and happy’ decision, the PAF military personnel along with controversial event at Pakistan’s largest decided to ground most pilots of Mati’s friends, wife Milli Air Force base, Masroor, in Karachi on a Bengali origin and assigned Rahman and younger daughter bright summer Friday morning. Young them ground jobs. Among such Tuhin were present and his pilot officers undergoing jet conversion at pilots at Masroor was one Flt Lt coffin was taken to the National the No. 2 Squadron on dual seater Mati-ur-Rahman, PAF-4367. Parade Square where it was kept Lockheed T-33As were taking off

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 16 He had passed his intermediate and he made up his mind to desert his time instead of him, only to from PAF College Sargodha, service, take up arms, wage war against inform us that Mati had taken joined the PAF Academy and Pakistan and defect to India, the archrival an earlier flight back to Karachi got commissioned in 1963, then taking full advantage of the internal and that he would not be able to completed the jet conversion turbulence and supporting Bengali attend the meeting. We did not with No.2 Squadron and served militants. hear of him until the news of his at Risalpur and Peshawar before failed attempt to hijack an Air Vice Marshal (Rtd) Sadruddin Hossain being posted to Masroor. With aircraft to India. I was not (ex-PAF), and former Chief of Air Staff, the paranoia among Bengalis surprised to hear about his Bangladesh Air Force, narrates to Usman growing each day and the attempt to get across to India Shabbir and Mazhar Jameel of government’s attitude towards and try and join the war efforts. in an interview that, Bengalis and East Pakistan I believe that his failure to “After the 25th of March I came across late adding fuel to the fire, Mati attend the meeting on 9th May Matiur Rahman in Dhaka while late AVM must have nurtured revolting was, to a great extent, pressure (then Wg Cdr) M. K. Bashar and I were emotions for (West) Pakistan, from his in-laws’ side who were looking for Bengali Air Force men and it’s government, citizens, army, probably more interested in his officers willing to join the war of navy and the very air force safety than anything else. But, liberation. He was on leave from his unit which had trained and by the way he had reacted to at PAF Base, Mauripur, Karachi. Mati, sustained him for a decade, and our proposal to join the freedom without any hesitation whatsoever, the attachment with his fellow fight on 8th May, I was not instantly agreed to join us. That was 8th Bengali people and their surprised that he would make May, 1971 and we asked him to be present suffering, actual or exaggerated, an attempt to join us. He was at a secret meeting in my house in overshadowed his devotion and truly a freedom fighter. I do not Monipuripara near Tejgaon airport the patriotism to Jinnah’s Pakistan, think he had any contact with following morning at 9 am. However, we which was carved out by all the Mukti Bahini at the time of were very surprised to see his father-in- Muslims of the subcontinent, his attempt to escape and that he law turn up in my house at the appointed

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 17 was acting entirely on his own.” managed to slip into the rear cockpit of the passed since Mati’s waving aircraft and prepared for take off without gesture on the tarmac to the Having been grounded, Mati clearance from the ATC (Air Traffic time when they were airborne was designated as Deputy Flight Control). Before Rashid could conceive without permission to when Safety Officer. On 20 August he Mati’s plan and brace himself to handle Rashid was clear they were finally executed his plan to the surprising situation, the aircraft was headed eastward, to India! hijack one of the T-33s piloted ready for take off. Rashid immediately Within seconds the young pilot by under training, young, sent a signal to the ATC over the radio assessed the situation, and made inexperienced and which confirmed his call sign ‘Bluebird a quick definite decision. He subordinating pilot officers. 166’ and a single declaration “Hijacked!” wouldn’t let the defecting traitor Therefore when Rashid Minhas’ Taken aback by the claim since ‘hijacks’ to Pakistan succeed in his plans. T-33 appeared on the taxi way are a rarity at military bases, officers at the It was his aircraft and he was he waved and signaled him to ATC requested confirmation and Rashid responsible for it, and it was his halt. With the military training repeated the same message. That was all call whether he would take the being such that a senior is to be the contact Rashid Minhas was able to T-33 forward, back, up or down. obeyed at all costs, Minhas, make with the ATC as the T-33 took off It wasn’t possible to steer back although confused by an out of and made its way eastward. Following to base and going forward procedure act by a senior officer this two pairs of F-86s on ADA (Air meant becoming a POW, letting in charge of safety operations, Defense Alert) were scrambled to intercept disgrace fall upon the nation must have obliged either out of, the T-33, but returned unsuccessful. and PAF for having an aircraft trademark military hijacked from an active base in subordination, or in true student Mati having the shock element to his broad daylight, thus making his fashion, paranoia regarding his advantage had managed to take control of enemy’s plan successful. And flight procedures etc which are the aircraft and tried to sever above all, he was a soldier and strictly assessed and add up to communication and during flight Rashid was expected to put up a fight. the performance record during a managed to repeat the same distress call He made up his mind to do his course. Within a moment Mati once more. Hardly five minutes may have

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 18 best to prevent the aircraft from areas near Shahbandar south east of is based on the PTV drama by crossing the border. Karachi. Rashid’s younger brother Anjum Late Shahzad Khaleel from the Minhas recalls, “According to the PAF ‘Nishan-i-Haider’ series. They had taken off around 1130 investigation team’s findings eye witness However logic dictates that facts Hrs and in less than ten minutes villagers had revealed that the plane was were slightly dramatized for were merely 35 miles short of shaking violently and went up and down screen and perhaps based only the Indian border. A travel of rapidly before crashing into the ground”. on the superficial meaning of another few minutes would Gp Capt (Retd) Cecil Chaudhry SJ, hero of the official citation. Certain have taken them to India’s the air wars of 1965 and 1971, who had highly regarded analysts with Jamnagar airbase, Mati’s been a part of the investigation team extensive research and analysis destination. Rashid began trying under the then Commander PAFB explain that Rashid must’ve to gain control but the more Masroor Air Cdre Nazir Latif, confirms initially fought valiantly for experienced Mati overrode his this and says, “The aircraft was traveling control fully aware that flying inputs each time and the at very high speed, and Rashid was very low even slight turbulence struggle continued creating (apparently) trying to push it down while could prove fatal. During the severe aircraft turbulence. Mati Mati-ur-Rahman tried hard to maintain struggle whether the aircraft was flying at treetop level to control and pulled up, this created was pushed down by him on avoid radars. It was at this turbulence. And eventually Rashid purpose realizing the efforts to point, some ten minutes into the succeeded in his courageous action”. gain control were in vain, or flight that the final moments Asked if Mati’s intentions were clear to the whether the crash resulted due arrived which later left many base authorities right after the crash he to the heavy turbulence created jaws dropped, many brows revealed, “Absolutely, no question about by Rashid (trying to gain raised, many questions it. Being grounded he had no business control), becomes somewhat unanswered, many eyes teary taking off unauthorized with an aircraft. synonymous. In either case and many chests wide with This made it very clear”. Rashid is rightly credited with pride, the T-33 (No. 56-1622) being responsible for the crash crashed in the marshy rural Popular knowledge regarding the incident

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 19 of his aircraft in order to avoid 33 and why Rashid didn’t resist on ground regarding the actual crossing the border and to right away. There could be a few circumstances under which the render Mati’s hijack attempt possibilities, most obvious being the crash had taken place. During useless. Rashid did exactly what surprise element and extremely rapid the phone interview Mati’s wife was expected of a trained fighter unfolding of events, and there could be an Milli said that “I was fully pilot, acting bravely in the face intimidation angle. So again, it was aware of my husband’s plans. of extreme danger and making a Rashid’s far sightedness and quick But after he left on the 20th, quick and correct decision thinking that worked, getting when there was no news till regardless of personal safety overpowered on the tarmac would have much later, I thought that while being fully aware that the still resulted in Mati taking off with the maybe he had been arrested and decision could mean certain plane. Getting airborne bought Rashid was under interrogation. But death. The fact that he was a boy time and opportunity to put up a fight and later I found out that he had of just 20 makes it all the more neutralize his plans. crashed”. Mati had sent her and amazing. It’s true Rashid’s their daughters to the Indian For this, Pilot Officer Rashid Minhas, PAF- action made all the difference Consulate for refuge a day 5602, born on 17 February 1951 in Karachi, and we can well imagine how earlier and they returned to base schooled at St Patrick’s High School and ridiculous things may have been only after receiving news of the commissioned on 14 March 1971, had he given up without crash. Asked whether the PAF martyred at age 20 and buried with full resistance. Rashid remains a and the base environment were military honours at a military graveyard hero for acting the way he did, hostile towards them after the off Shara-e-Faisal in Karachi, was awarded making the sacrifice that he incident she said “No, they were the nation’s highest award, the Nishan-i- made and his Nishan-i-Haider is cooperative and I was also Haider and to this day remains its in no way any less deserving shown my husband’s body. I youngest recipient. Meanwhile Flt Lt Mati- than any other. People often stayed almost another month ur-Rahman, who was to be later declared a wonder how Mati might have and left for Dhaka in late traitor to Pakistan, was buried in a managed to just ‘hop into’ the T- September”. When East Pakistan graveyard at Masroor base amid confusion

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 20 became Bangladesh after 16 word both men have been heroes. Only December 1971, the new country national perspective adds the good and honoured its ‘liberation war’ evil stamp. In either case, to us our heroes heroes and bestowed the and to them theirs! country’s highest military award Note: Special thanks to all unmentioned and the ‘Bir Sreshtho’ meaning mentioned analysts whose guidance & help valiant hero, posthumously on was most vital for this compilation. seven military personnel who A slightly modified version of this article was had revolted against Pakistan to published in the August 2006 issue of join the Bengali liberation Newsline magazine. efforts. Among the seven was Flt Lt Mati-ur-Rahman, henceforth declared a national hero of Flt Lt Mati-ur-Rehman Bangladesh bestowed with their highest military award which ironically, in international terms, makes him stand in the same league as Pilot Officer Rashid Minhas Shaheed, in decoration.

If a hero is a person noted for courageous endeavors or Grave of Mati-ur-Rehman at Masroor Air nobility of purpose, or one who Base —1994. stands by ideals and acts

bravely or has risked or sacrificed his or her life, then Pilot Officer Rashid Minhas perhaps by definition of the

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 21 Memoirs of a Legend trawlers, moving towards the Pakistan border in the Sialkot ______PakDef is grateful to G/C (retd.) Saif-ul- Azam for providing us with this write-up, Sector. which will no doubt going to be a The legendry name of G/C I had also flown one such mis- fascinating read for PAF enthusiats. (retd.) Saif-ul-Azam is well sion on 17th and wondered at Usman Shabbir known to PAF and Air Warfare their wisdom of sending such enthusiasts around the world. convoys without adequate air He participated in the 1965 cover. The whole convoy was war as Flt Lt. and flew 12 Gnat over Sialkot Sector—1965 Indo-Pak stretched along the road bumper strike missions, including one War to bumper. The spacing between in which he shot down an vehicles was so small that one Indian Air Force Gnat. He was The Indo-Pak War in September’65 saw could destroy or damage up to awarded a well deserved SJ for No. 32 Wing Commanded by Wing Com- his efforts. Deputed to Royal 5/6 soft skin vehicles in a single mander Masood A. Sikandar positioned at pass! We flew several missions Jordanian Air Force (RJAF) Sargodha designated as Strike Command during 1966, he also that day destroying or damag- for ground interdiction both defensive and participated in 1967 Arab- ing many. Anti-aircraft fire was offensive across the border into India. No. Israeli War, wearing RJAF generally small arms fire, one uniform, and this time bagged 32 Wing constituted of 16, 17 and 18 could actually ignore it. At a Mystere-IVA. After the Squadrons from Mauripur. They were about mid afternoon a flight of 4 destruction of RJAF he was known as the “Mauripur Sabres” through- x F-86s was scrambled from Sar- moved to Iraq where he flew out the war. My posting at that point of godha to an urgent army call for from H-3 air base and shot time was with No. 2 Squadron as an in- ground support in the Chaw- down a Mirage-IIIC fighter and structor. I was seconded to the 32 Wing inda sector of Sialkot. I was #4 a Vautour bomber. This gives th and came to Sargodha on the 8 . of this element led by Sqn Ldr G/C (retd.) Saif-ul-Azam a th Azim Daudpota with Flt Lt Mu- unique distinction of having Around midday 19 September I was sit- flown with multiple air forces ting in the alert tent listening to accom- jtaba Qureshi #2 and my flight and shooting down multiple plishments of pilots who had flown mis- commander Flt Lt SM Ahmed types of aircraft belonging to sions the previous day against Indian con- #3. On identifying the target we separate air forces. voys of trucks, tanks and equipment on carried out if I recall correctly a

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 22 total of six attacks, including I reduced power and used intermittent air- exploding aircraft or being fear- two rocket attacks. As we were brakes to remain inside the turn of the fully low on fuel. Today, I am a preparing to exit when 4 Gnats Gnat. I quickly adjusted the gun sight set- very happy man, completely jumped us. I was still recovering tings to the wingspan of a Gnat, (I had satisfied with my action on that from the dive of my last gun at- mistaken them for Hunters) laid the day, although many friends tack when I could make out calls “pipper” on the aircraft and fired a very chided me for this decision. from the leader to the formation short burst, perhaps ¾ of a second and im- I headed towards Sargodha at members. The transmission was mediately observed hits on the aft section 500 feet. I could hear my leader garbled and I could not make of the aircraft. I recall flashes and pieces asking other members of the out what he said. A section of 2 flying off and saw the pilot gently pull up flight if they had seen me eject. Gnats had got behind #3 piloted and mercifully eject. He repeated the call and said “I by SM Ahmed. Just then I saw 2 As I pulled up, the combat had occurred hope Azam had ejected and is Gnats coming from my left try- around 500 feet, I unexpectedly found the safe”. I was very moved by his ing to position behind me. I first of the pair of Gnats bang in front of concern for me and was desper- gave a call “Leader from Four, I me, slightly to my left and closing alarm- ate to inform him that not only am breaking off to engage ingly. The Gnat probably responding to was I safe but had also shot Gnats”. There was no response calls from his wingman appeared to have down an enemy aircraft. I heard from anyone! I made a hard slowed down and was in a 20 degree #3 SM Ahmed’s call telling the Chandelle type left turn to en- bank. I was less than 500 feet and closing leader that he was hit and had gage the Gnats. The height was fast, the pilot had his head turned looking lost his pressure instruments but around 1000 to 1500 feet. As I back and I “felt” our eyes meet. I recall he as the aircraft was controllable gained height and crossed over did not have his smoked visors down. All he was heading for Sargodha. I the Gnats, instead of reversing I I had to do was to the make slight adjust- also heard #2 Mujtaba give an instinctively converted my chan- ment of the controls and fire. At that point, all well call. delle to a barrel roll, inverted I I still cant figure out, even after 40 years, could keep them in sight. When what came over me! I banked away with- Low on fuel I decided to slowly I recovered from the barrel roll I out opening fire. Could it be gain height. While climbing I was comfortably placed behind “looking” into the eyes of a fellow human took off my mask to check on the #2 of the pair. being who appeared so helpless at that the microphone connection, the point, afraid of being hit by debris of an plug had come off. As I

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 23

reconnected the plug I had my Ahmed tragedy. As I approached the bar, I whose active interest in the Air transmitter functioning again. I could not believe my eyes! The man, I Force, being a fighter pilot joyfully informed my leader that thought had been killed in the crash was himself, generated courage and I was fine and had shot down a sitting on the bar stool nursing a broken dedication to fight for the Gnat. He was much relieved wrist and a drink! It transpired that the wonderful country. and directed us to land indi- ejection seat had somehow miraculously During the period of our joining vidually. At this point SM Ah- fired on impact and SM was thrown clear RJAF and the Arab-Israeli war med requested me to give a of the exploding aircraft. of 1967 many interesting events chase up to the landing point, I The SM Ahmed incident had consolidated took place which will take a declined politely, my fuel gauge the belief in my faith that life and death is long time to narrate. I will prefer was showing zero. I, however, in the Hands of Allah and that death is to mention one, which pertains had SM Ahmed on visual on his predestined. to Air Combat and briefly, straight final. Suddenly I saw speaks of the spirit with which his left wing dip and the Sabre On deputation to R. J. A. F. the young Jordanians were hit the ground short of the run- armed with and the ease and way and explode in a ball of fire. It was in the month of November 1966 that comfort they enjoyed in I landed through the pall thick I was sent on deputation to Royal pursuing their objective. black smoke, parked the aircraft Jordanian Air Force. Flt. Lt. M. Sarwar Sometime in the month of in the pen and declared to the Shad was the second person with me. Our February/March, I had a dream ground crew that SM Ahmed primary assignment was to organize where I encountered a was no more. Bad ending to a fighter combat training for the young formation of Israeli Mirages. otherwise successful mission. Pilots of the Air Force. The object was to prepare them for combat against the very During this unusual dream SM Ahmed had skilfully nursed professional pilots of the Israeli Air Force. combat I saw myself shooting a disabled aircraft only to crash The pilots of RJAF were very brave and down one of the Mirages. a few hundred feet from the willing to learn. So our task was much The next morning, I narrated runway. I went to my tent with- easier because, willing learners are mostly this to the pilots in our casual out talking to anyone. In the great achievers of success. The most coffee break. Instead of laughing evening I decided to go to the benevolent King His Majesty (late) it out as a joke, as I expected, mess to try and forget the SM Hussein Bin Talal was a great inspirer they took the event very

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 24 seriously and wanted to know such activities were regularly taking place to the flight line and briefed my and discuss the type and the anyway. On the 1st of June we were given pilots, inspected the aircraft, manner of combat that had some idea that there may be some trouble strapped up and waited for the taken place. Obviously, I had no brewing in the Middle East. word “go”. Here it seemed other option but to take up the unusual to wait in the aircraft “War Begins” subject for discussion. The for a strike mission. I must subsequent half an hour or so Flt. Lt. Sarwar Shad and I were called by mention here that the Jordan was invested in revising various the Commander in Chief and asked what Forces were under the Joint tactics of Air Combat and the would be our position in case there was a command of the commander in whole subject of the dream war with the Israelis. We promptly Egypt and we had to wait for nearly forgotten. volunteered our services while suggesting the decision. that opinion of the Government of One of the pilots Lt. Ehsan It was about 09:00 hrs. I was Pakistan may be sought to regularize the Shurdom came to my office later asked to hand over the lead to a matter. Jordanian Govt. obtained the the same day and said, “If you Jordanian Pilot and rush to the opinion of the govt. of Pakistan. We were ever shoot down a Mirage I aircraft readied for Air Defense. told that we could participate as promise you a grand party and I learned later that we were volunteers and we should wear Jordanian a very precious gift”. This Lt. cleared by Pakistan to uniforms. Obviously we were happy. Shurdom had become the participate in air defense role Chance of a life time for a fighter pilot had Commander in Chief of the only. arrived and we wanted to snatch this RJAF later in his career. opportunity to put our hard earned I rushed to the assigned aircraft Time passed and the operational experience and training to a real test. and was strapped up in the training went on, the entire The next five days passed with a lot of Hunter on standby duties. There squadron was very enthusiastic activities in preparing maps and profiles, was excitement and also and vibrant but for a few all low level strike to known operational impatience. I had no exceptions. By end May 1967 airbases in Israel. I was detailed to lead there was some talk about the information of what was one “four aircraft” mission to strike Lod military activities across the happening other than the Airbase in Israel. border in Israel. No one really speculation of a war. About half paid serious attention because On the morning of 5th June I had reported an hour after I had strapped up,

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there was a desire to do close friend was shot right on the take off preparing to pull up. I realized something. Sitting on the run and his aircraft caught fire. Later we the blunder I had made, ground waiting for orders was learnt, he never managed to come out of confusing Mysteres with Iraqi really nerve wrecking. Then the burning aircraft. hunters. I quickly turned in to came the order for the strike get behind the No. 4 and as he When airborne I was asked by the ATC to aircraft to take to their mission. was turning right for an attack, I contact the radar for further direction. The Two formations took off and took a good burst when I had radar station gave me a vector to intercept headed towards the west. A few him snug into my sight. The some enemy aircraft. Couple of more minutes later I saw six aircraft of 30mm had done the job. The directions and vectors, then was told, Iraqi Air Force zoom past over aircraft caught fire, some debris there were too many aircraft in the battle our Airfield (Mafrak Air Base) started to fly and the aircraft and it was becoming difficult to identify heading towards Israel. Mafrak crashed almost on the boundary the enemy from the lot. I was asked to be was probably the IP. The fence of the base. To avoid the on my own. I understood the dilemma of waiting seemed eternal. I was debris I had pulled up. When I the controllers and asked my wingman to sure soon the Israelis would hit turned, I lost the others. My remain close. The weather was hazy due Mafrak as well. wingman was very agile and he to dust as it normally happens in the remained tight with me. I First Mission: Shooting Down deserts. We could see with difficulty 2 or 3 noticed some smoke on the Mystere miles around. I could not spot any enemy west. With a second look I around us so I enquired from the spotted two aircraft exiting with Soon came the hot news. We controller if the Mafrak base was under were ordered to take off. As full power. I turned in hard but attack. His reply confirmed my prediction. my wingman called bogey on many as we could, and as fast as I quickly turned around and headed we could. The enthusiasm that the right. I asked him to break towards the base. As I reached about 4 off and go after that while I took followed was worth recalling. miles from the base I spotted four aircraft Ever eager to get airborne, all on to the two on my left. The in low level battle formation. The enemy split and I was forced to procedures were given the back camouflage of the aircraft seen through seat. My element was first to hit go for the one at the rear. It only the hazy weather reminded me of the Iraqi took me two tight turns the sky. Four more followed. We aircraft that had gone for the strike. I heard the ATC give us the very (scissors) in full power to get followed them for a while but soon I behind the super mystere. bad news that Maj. Feras a very noticed they changed to loose echelon

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 26 He maneuvered frantically ejected as he was shot. I asked for permission to join. Mafrak cleared us to land and turning hard and then reversing Joy stick of Israeli Mystere shot-down by Saif-ul-Azam again and again. I had a difficult said the runway was fit for time holding my sight even for a landing. Ehsan took to the R/T second. I took four bursts with and spoke in Arabic to the no sign of any hit. He was controller. He wanted him to heading west towards Israel. On identify and also wanted to the fifth attempt, he loosened his know if he knew the name of turn and I had a clear sight on Ehsan’s dog. The Jordanian him. I was desperate. From controller then asked us not to about 600 ft. I squeezed the land at Mafrak as the runway trigger for 2-3 seconds. The was badly damaged. The mystere caught fire on the right presence of mind and quick wing. He took off the bank and conversation on his dog’s name went down. The leader by this probably saved us from the trap time had positioned to attack of the Israeli controller who me. I was low on fuel and cleared us for landing at Mafrak. ammo. So I decided to Even at this height of tension disengage and turned away Ehsan gave a call “You have towards Mafrak. With so many won the gift, I promised”. I aircraft milling around, responded “I have to shoot a “Discretion was better part of Mirage”. Shurdom insisted valour”. I gave a blind call “Two mysteres are equal to one asking all aircraft airborne from Mirage”. I had to tell him to shut Mafrak to head towards north of up. Mafrak. Ehsan Shurdom who We diverted to the International was my wingman and had shot a mystere was close to me and Airport at Amman, capital of Jordan. In the next hour or two joined up. Two more aircraft A panel of Israeli Mystere shot-down by Saif-ul-Azam called in. One pilot Capt. Wasfi over Mafrak Air Base we were surprised to meet His

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 27 Majesty King Hussein who came bombs must be some special types of and hope. He informed me that to congratulate us for the little bombs, which attained a near vertical he had already spoken to part we had played. position before impact. (In my report President Hassan al Bakr of Iraq Rahim Khan also met us and subsequently, among many other points I to provide us with aircraft. So asked us to “keep it up chaps”. brought this to the notice of Pakistan and we should prepare to leave The first day of the war thus Jordan authorities). immediately for Iraq. Fresh ended with a heavy heart for the hope was on the horizon. The In the evening I was surprised to see His losses we suffered. We waited war had not ended for us yet. Majesty again. He asked me to get into his for further instructions. car, which I promptly obeyed. We were on Travel to Iraq King’s Decision our way to the main hospital at Amman. Late at night, may be at Flt. Lt. M. Sarwar Shad was hospitalized midnight, we loaded our gears We remained at the Operation and His Majesty wanted to see him. He in buses and trucks. The entire head quarters at Amman till personally went to his bedside and wished flying and maintenance evening. The Israeli aircraft him fast recovery. came in several waves to bomb personnel along with the the International Airport. The The next thing that happened is now a compliments of other runway was hit at several very fond memory of my life and will supporting branches were on places. The aircraft also attacked remain so for ever. His Majesty was on his their way to Iraq. The base and damaged some civil way to Mafrak Airbase, nearly 50 km from where we were asked to report installations at the Airport. Amman. Sitting next to him, I tried to was called H-3, situated at the remain calm and respectful. He treated me western border of Iraq. This During the raids I stood and like his younger brother. He kept assuring place was once upon a time a watched the pattern of attacks me that a minor setback in a battle does pumping station of the oil pipe by the Israeli aircraft. The bomb not amount to the defeat in a war. His line that extended from Iraq to attacks were carried out in frank talks and encouraging advice Haifa. shallow dives, may be as low as inspired me so much that for a moment I The night was cold as it always 15 degrees. The bombs should was so moved that I felt it was worth have skipped but they did not. fighting to the last drop of blood under his is in the desert. Cruising along, Though standing at a distance, I leadership. His leadership and his sometime awake and often could appreciate that those personality generated confidence, courage, dozing, it was a real rough ride.

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 28 The spirit was high and there Vatours were in a low-level formation approached me and wanted to was this anxiousness in most of escorted by four Mirages just above, two know my intention. I had no us to get to the base and become on either side. We promptly vacated the choice but to take the position a part of the war once again. transports and dispersed in to the desert that I personally thought was so as not to allow large gathering targets, correct under those May be another hour or so short just in case the returning raiders decided circumstances. I suggested that of our destination, H-3, the night to take a shot at us as targets of since I was from Pakistan Air seemed very long. But finally we opportunity. Force, I would have to continue could see the sun rising on the my journey to H-3 as I had been eastern sky. There was quiet in Twenty or twenty five minutes later that is ordered and I will take a ride the desert and we could only exactly what happened. The exiting Israeli with Iraqi transports plying up hear the noise of our vehicles aircraft pulled up and carried out strafing and down. As far as the others and time to time some Iraqi attacks on three or four of the Iraqi were concerned I could hardly military convoys heading west. transports along the road and continued comment more than just suggest Most of us by now were on their westward exit. There were minor to follow the orders of the preparing to take a break of injuries of some troops and two vehicles contingent commander. During packed breakfast that we caught fire. such a war situation they should brought with us. We saw ahead It took us a while to gather around all the remain disciplined. The young of us a considerable number of personnel. One senior commander argued pilots, one of whom was Lt. military transports dispersed on that it was not very safe to travel during Ehsan Shurdom, left frustrated both sides of the road. These day and our destination was also under and dissatisfied. It was a catch were Iraqi troops resting the attack so we should make a 24 hour halt in twenty two situation for me. On night before their next trip to the the desert rather than proceed to our the one hand we should really Israeli border. destination. The young pilots and some waste no time in the desert on Suddenly we heard noises of men did not like the idea at all. There was the other I could not interfere aircraft engines and saw a grumbling and arguments. with the contingent formation of four Vatours commander’s decision. I being a lone foreigner tried to dissociate (French light bombers) which from their discussion and remained aloof. I was wondering and with my flew right over our heads flying A while later two of the young pilots eyes closed thinking what to do. along the road to H-3. The

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 29 Suddenly I saw a group appear, commander for the safety of all personnel what was going on. this time reinforced by several under him, and at the same time I If I recall correctly, it was about other pilots asking me to take explained, certain amount of risk had to be th over the command of the taken in a war situation. The commander 9 PM on the 6 of June that we contingent. It was an was very fast at grasping the situation and finally arrived. Habbania was embarrassing situation for me. he ordered all of us to board the transport primarily a Hunter base with How could I take over through a for our destination. A serious situation three squadrons of British coupe d’etat that too in the was averted. Hunters. Two fighter squadrons middle of a war, middle of a We reached H-3 safe and sound. The Iraqi and one squadron specially desert? I tried to argue out of it. Air Force people received us as if we were organized as operational But I was told firmly by them their brothers. We were treated with that they had decided to arrest conversion unit. There was traditional Arab hospitality and fed or even shoot the commander another big runway a few profusely. The base commander took a and since I was the second kilometers away (better know as decision to operate from Habbania Air senior most, I would Plateau) where the “Badger” base using the H-3 as a staging base. In the automatically become the afternoon we left for Habbania which was bomber squadron was housed. contingent commander. I about 80 kilometers short of Baghdad. Both the bases were under the requested them to keep their command of Col. Hamid Shaban cool and do no such thing and It took us quite some time to reach (who later became the allow me some time. They Habbania. I can not recall for sure how politely agreed. many hours it took. But it was very tiring Commander-in-Chief of the especially after the hectic journey from Iraqi Air Force). We waited a I met the commander separately Marfak to H-3 with an intermission of fun good hour and a half or two and was very lucky to be able to provided by the Israeli strafing on us as before anyone could tell us convince him that we must targets of opportunity. In the bus I was appreciate the emotion of the anything about our disposal. I intermittently taking a nap and surveying young pilots who were in high was terribly hungry. The the landscape. In the desert darkness all spirits looking for a return bout shaking and bumping of the we could see from time to time, were with the Israelis. I appreciated clusters of lights in some villages where long ride seemed to have the genuine concern of the people probably did not bother to know digested everything we had

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during the day. More than the tradition of the Arab people. We wanted airplanes planning to strike H-3. food, rest and sleep were the to hit the sack (bed) so we begged apology Intelligence had provided this need of the hour. I went to my and retired to our rooms. Hardly minutes information. room, jumped in the bed and lay elapsed; I was deep in sleep dreaming of a I immediately got down to brief parallel to ground for nearly 30 better day ahead. the pilots. My formation of four minutes when a young A soft nudge and a whispering voice woke consisted of 1st Lt. Ehsan Lieutenant of the Iraqi Air Force me up from my sleep at the early dawn. I Shurdom of Jordan, 1st Lt. informed me that the food was turned to look “who could that be?”. Sameer and 2nd Lt. Mohammad ready and I should come with There he was, the same Lieutenant who of Iraq. A real International him. I was more interested in came the night before. He said, I quote group with pilots from three rest than food; still I reluctantly “Sir I have a message for you from the different countries, meeting for followed him to the officer’s Base Commander. He needs four pilots to the first time over a cup of tea. mess dining hall. There I learnt volunteer for the first mission to take off Not knowing anything about why there was long delay for shortly and you are requested to lead”. I each other’s experience and our food and accommodation had heard of such detailing of volunteers operational training standard, arrangements. We had arrived as party jokes in the Air Force before, but we committed to be comrades in at the base with a large this was the first time, I was a part of it. arms. One thing was common in contingent of officers and us. We were all prepared to enlisted men with a very short At the base we were hurriedly introduced engage the enemy, come what notice. The preparation of to the senior commanders, Squandron may. As Muslims we believed, rooms, beds and food for a large pilots and other officers. No time was to life and death was in the hands contingent needed time. The be wasted. The need was to get of Allah and it was not sizzling food on the table was so familiarized with the maps, the necessary to worry about it. attractive that we wasted no operational areas, airfields and diversion Empowered by this conviction time to gobble up the meal to airports. I suppose it is very easy for we could launch our mission. our heart’s content. The officers anyone connected with operational flying Briefing finished, we sat down of the Iraqi Air force whom I to imagine the tension generated by the to get to know each other while never met earlier were shortcuts that we were thinking of. I was breakfast was served. wonderfully hospitable and supposed to lead a mission of four aircraft extremely friendly; true to the to intercept a large formation of Israeli

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 31 The message finally came. We the vector given by the radar controller. It loss of our aircraft in combat. must immediately go to the was accurate. I spotted two Vatours Anyway we jettisoned the tanks, aircraft and take off as soon as approaching from the west. “Right boys charged our guns and dived follow me and let us descend faster”. I possible. The airmen were very towards the two Vatours. As I quick and in minutes we were forgot that we were all carrying 230-gallon was positioning behind the on our way to H-3. We climbed drop tanks. The aircraft was heavy and I st to about 25000 ft. in High-level was feeling a little uneasy. Soon I heard Vatours, in came a call from 1 battle formation. Strict radio the voice of Ehsan Shurdom, “Sir how Lt. Samir “two Mirages behind silence was maintained, except about punching the drop tanks?”. I was you”. I looked back. There they for necessary calls to the radar relieved that the formation members were were about 4000 ft or so behind, controllers. “Expecting enemy alert and I was being reminded of my turning in to me. I called for a attacks on H-3”, said the mistake. Such a mistake should not have “Split” and asked No. 3 and No. controller as we approached H- been made by the leader but I suppose I 4 to go for the Vatours. I decided 3. I must confess here, that in was more engrossed in locating other spite of the zeal and desire to aircraft and forgot a very important to go for the Mirages. Starting a engage with the intruders there procedure. I am grateful to the formation hard right turn in to the Mirages was an element of concern, members for reminding me. That is the I asked my wingman to remain some churning in the stomach, a “team spirit and alertness” that must be deep. The Mirages could not bit of fear. displayed in difficult situations. keep inside my turn and “Leader, there is a big formation I was quite sure the Vatours could not decided to perform a “YO-YO” pulling up over H-3, descend have come without escort. We had maneuver. The moment they and engage them:, I heard the witnessed the previous day during our vanished behind me I reversed confident voice of the radar journey in the desert. Four Vatours were and spotted one Mirage only controller. We were just about 5 escorted by four Mirages. My still turning right. He had not miles short of the H-3. I called engaged his after-burner and for arming the guns and started concentration on this matter resulted in kept turning right. I could to dive towards the Airfield. forgetting to order punching of external “Keep your eyes wide open and tanks. This mistake had haunted me for position myself behind him with keep tails clear”. We followed many years. This could have resulted in some effort. Had he engaged his

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 32 after-burner, I could never have dream. In the middle of an air combat, I recovered from the dive at a closed on him. This mistake cost only a very humorous pilot can give such high “G” and got behind the him dearly. I had him in my R/T calls. Vatour. I must have been doing gun-sight steady for about two more than 430 Kts. The rate of As we were turning right I spotted one seconds. Assessing visually as closure was so fast that before I Vatour coming head on to us about 1500 ft well, I was sure he was in my 30 could adjust the wing span on mm gun range. “Bismillah”, I my gun-sight I was almost opened fire for about one and a within 100 yards. I opened my half seconds. The next thing that airbrakes and brought power to I saw was something I will idle. Before there was any effect, remember all my life. The I was about 200 ft form the bullets landed all over both his Vatour. As while back I had wings as I could see very clearly seen the ball of fire when the the sparks that followed. I tried Mirage exploded in the air. I to follow him. Suddenly the wondered what would happen Mirage exploded and resulted in if I shot this aircraft from so a round ball of fire. Thereafter close a range. I hesitated for a there was nothing. The pilot had moment then decided not to ejected. Everyone will laugh to miss this chance. “Bismillah”, I hear what happened next. My opened fire. I had given three No.2, Ehsan who was still bursts of my gun and I saw sticking with me in spite of my parts flying off. My aircraft very harsh maneuvers, gave a juddered. I thought might be I call on the R/T “Roger Leader Saif-ul-Azam pulls-away after shooting down the was shot from behind. My you have finally won the bet, It Israeli Mirage wingman was missing. I is a Mirage”. “You bet it is but or so below us. I would have lost him cranked my neck to locate him stop the fun and look out for because the closing rate was extremely but he was not visible. more”, I transmitted. He was high so I performed a SPLIT-S with my The pilot of the Vatour ejected. only reminding of the bet he throttles pulled back some what and kept It is cruel to rejoice at that took in December 1966, on my him in sight.

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 33 moment when some one’s life is Mohammad. Smoke was coming out from For Ehsan and me, the fuel was in danger. But then it was war his aircraft and he was in a shallow dive absolutely marginal. Territory of and I must confess I was towards the oil tanks. “Eject. Eject” There Iraq was totally unknown to was no response whatsoever from him. both of us. I climbed to 33000 ft. overjoyed and very happy The aircraft crashed into the empty tanks. and planned to glide the last few indeed. I gave a call to the H-3 We had lost our youngest member of the miles if the engine starved and tower to look up and see the two formation. This sad incident quit. The navigation to the base capture the pilots. The tower overshadowed the entire joy of a very in Habbania was fortunately replied enthusiastically for successful mission. easier than I thought. The road compliance. While I was busy, through the desert to Habbania my No. 2 had broken off this was conspicuously visible even from the height. I kept looking time and claimed a Mirage. I to the fuel gauge. Any time the was running low on fuel now engine could flame out due to and planning to exit to fuel starvation. It would have Habbania, when I heard a call been a pity if we had to eject due crom 1st Lt. Samir. “Leader, I to fuel shortage. I spotted the have shot him, I have shot a Airfield from about thirty miles. Vatour, I have shot a Vatour”. I asked Ehsan if he had contact with the runway. He confirmed From his voice I could imagine he had the runway in sight. how happy and excited he was There was no need to follow the “Shut up and look for more and standard landing pattern. I Saif-ul-Azam looks on after shooting up the Vatour don’t block the R/T” I said. asked him to break off and land Samir called in to report he was very low first as he had reported lesser I was asking the fuel State when on fuel. He could not have returned to fuel. I saw a Mirage chasing a Habbania in that fuel state. His decision Hunter. This was right over the was to land at H-3 in spite of some I decided to descend with power Airfield and a short distance damage to the runway. He carefully in idle. My object was to make a from the huge abandoned oil landed and was safe. straight in approach. I asked the tanks. It was my No. 4

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 34

ATC for the R/W in use and briefing. At that point in time I could pieces remained lodged in the permission for immediate hardly imagine that he was destined to lay fuselage. Some airmen thought I landing. The controller cleared down his precious life for a great cause. had rammed the Israeli aircraft me. After landing I taxied back when I ran out of ammunition. I As I reached the squadron I was told that to the apron from where I had had a difficult time in explaining two of the Israeli pilots had been captured. started in the morning. I saw a that this was not true. I only I was more interested to see Ehsan. He large gathering of people of all picked up the debris because I was supposed to have landed before me ranks. They came to was so close when I shot the but I did not see him there in the rejoicing congratulate me. After alighted Vatour. crowd. So I repeatedly inquired about from the aircraft, I was literally him. “Where is Ehsan? Has he landed mobbed. The men shouted safely? Why is he not here? Is he injured?” slogans of victory. “Down with No one was answering me. They would the Zionism. Death to Israel.” I just smile and say, I should be patient. He was lifted up and paraded in the would be here soon. I was suspecting they flight line. I had tears of joy in were hiding some information. my eyes. I could see the sense of pride in the eyes of the men who Ten or fifteen minutes later Ehsan arrived had prepared my aircraft that with a big smile. “Why so late? Did you day. We shared the joy together not land before me?” I asked. Soon I discovered the truth. He had not landed a thanking Almighty Allah for his Habbania airfield. He landed at Plateau, kindness. My heart bled for just next door. It took him 15 minutes to Mohammad whom we lost in drive back to Habbania. I breathed a sigh the fight. He was a very young of relief. and smiling personality, a great Some parts of the Vatours had fallen off Saif-ul-Azam in RJAF uniform. soul. I only knew him for half an when I shot it at very close range. Both my hour during the pre-flight wing tips were hit by those and some

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Pakistan’s Nuclear of the nuclear program who had been terms of trained manpower and Journey - From serving as head of Reactor Engineering the scope of its activities. It was Division at the IAEA. again the PAEC that laid the Multan to Chaghi foundations of indigenous Under Munir Ahmed Khan’s leadership, capability for Pakistan’s missile Pakistan’s nuclear programme developed program. 1—The Beginning of the Quest into a multi-faceted and dynamic center of science and technology, both on the Munir Ahmed Khan’s team The Multan Conference of peaceful and deterrence sides. He created included such gifted scientists January 1972 was a historic a team that established the blueprint and and engineers like Dr. Ishfaq milestone in the history of developed the know-how for Pakistan’s Ahmad (chairman PAEC 1991- nuclear Pakistan, and was nuclear weapons capability. This includes 2001) Dr. indeed the birth of the quest for the uranium enrichment and plutonium (chairman NESCOM) building Pakistan into nuclear production and reprocessing facilities, (incumbent chairman PAEC) power. It was here that nuclear fuel fabrication and heavy water and Pervez Butt ( chairman President Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto production facilities, nuclear fuel cycle PAEC 2001-2006) , Sultan had successfully channeled his facilities, training centres, nuclear power Bashiruddin Mahmood and political ambition of building reactors and nuclear weapon design, Abdul Majeed Chaudhry, Dr. nuclear deterrent capability as a development and testing facilities. The GD Alam and Dr. NM Butt, Dr. national goal after which every PAEC also made formidable strides by Muhammad Shabbir and Dr. PAEC scientist, engineer and developing new strains of rice and cotton Aminuddin, Dr. and technician burnt midnight oil to that added billions to Pakistan’s Hafeez Qureshi, Dr. Inam-ur- develop Pakistan into a nuclear agricultural output. Nuclear medical Rahman, Dr. Khalil Qureshi and power. Bhutto had appointed a centres across the Pakistan have treated Dr. N.A. Javed to name only a Pakistani nuclear engineer, hundreds of thousands of cancer patients. few. After 1972, the PAEC was Munir Ahmed Khan as Today the PAEC is the largest Science and re organized into 15-20 chairman of the PAEC and head Technology organization in Pakistan, in directorates, each working on a

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 36 particular part of the nuclear every one the size of the Khan Research the is programme. Each directorate Laboratories". converted into metal and then had 700-800 scientists , used as fissile material in a After 1972, the PAEC began work on engineers and technicians. They nuclear weapon, or the various projects of national importance, worked consistently, without plutonium is used as a fissile each one forming a link that would greed for fame or money, in the material for a nuclear weapon. ultimately result in the successful utmost secrecy and without detonation of six nuclear devices in advertising their achievements. Munir Ahmed Khan held a May1998. They realized the awesome meeting with Prime Minister burden of confidence reposed in Soon after the Multan Conference of 1972, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto on February them by the nation and the first step for PAEC towards the 15, 1975. At this meeting, Munir demonstrated utmost nuclear development of a nuclear weapons Khan sought the formal responsibility, both in word and program was to master the nuclear fuel approval from the government deed. While adhering to the cycle. The nuclear fuel cycle ranges from for a $450 million nuclear policy of working in complete uranium exploration, mining, refining of weapons programme that secrecy, away from the public uranium and production of yellow cake, involved (a) the building of a eye, proved to be blessing in coversion of yellow cake into uranium centrifuge plant for the disguise whereby the hexafloride gas, enrichment of uranium programme succeeded against hexafloride gas, fuel fabrication for use of all odds, it allowed some other enriched uranium into nuclear fuel for elements to establish sole power reactors to reprocessing the spent monopoly over achievement. fuel to obtain plutonium and disposal of nuclear waste material. After the 1998 nuclear tests, Munir Ahmed Khan revealed The nuclear fuel cycle is the technical basis that "We were simultaneously for any nuclear program, whether A view of PINSTECH running 20 projects and labs, peaceful of military. In military programs,

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 37 enrichment of uranium, along 2- Uranium refinement and conversion abundant supplies of uranium with the Chemical Production facilities hexafloride gas, there could be Complex (CPC) at Dera Ghazi no enrichment, because it is in As a first step towards mastering the Khan for the production of this form that uranium is nuclear fuel cycle, further exploration of uranium hexafloride gas, the enriched through the gas- uranium deposits was undertaken by feed for enrichment (b) the centrifuges to weapon grade at PAEC and projects initiated to refine the development of a uranium mine KRL. uranium discovered in the 1960s. The at Baghalchor in Dera Ghazi discovery of uranium and its refinement The CPC is perhaps the second Khan (BC-1) , and (c) the was a massive, manpower-intensive job. best kept secret of Pakistan’s inception of a nuclear weapons Thousands of tons of uranium ore had to nuclear program along with the design programme led by be recovered and dug up from the ground Directorate of Technical Dr. Riazuddin of PAEC. to produce enriched uranium for a nuclear Development, and was Pakistan's quest for nuclear bomb. developed in arid DG Khan deterrence is a journey of trials with a landing strip of its own, On 27 December 1973 PAEC chairman and tribulations, of hope and frequently visited by Munir Munir Ahmed Khan announced that large despair, of setbacks and Ahmed Khan when work on it uranium deposits had been discovered in miracles, of courage and was in full swing. It was here southern Punjab province. devotion, of commitment and that Dr. Muhammad Shabbir

teamwork. This journey can be and Dr. Aminuddin along with i) BC-I and CPC seen in the various projects and their team made their initiatives undertaken by the Beginning in the mid-1970s, a uranium contribution in making Pakistan PAEC, in which the nuclear fuel refinement plant at Baghalchor called BC-I self sufficient in the production cycle was mastered and the was established by PAEC in a series of of large quantities of uranium nuclear weapons development smaller plants along with the Chemical hexafloride gas or UF6 , which is was initiated and brought to its Plant Complex (CPC) which was also enriched through the gas- logical conclusion. established in Dera Ghazi Khan. Without centrifuges at KRL. This UF6 is

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 38 also the "Feed" for KRL without uranium refining plants, following plants for its research reactor at which the centrifuges would be required for the production of the PINSTECH. useless. CPC started full scale uranium hexafloride were also developed, Almost half the steps towards production of UF6 in 1980 and each of them being a full fledged the building a nuclear bomb since then had been meeting the independent chemical plant. were completed at the PAEC entire "Feed" requirements of facilities at CPC and BC-I. KRL. a) Uranium Mill which extracts uranium

in the form of yellow cake The technology involved in ii) Uranium Metal Laboratory

production of uranium b) A plant to refine yellow cake to produce hexafloride gas was as At the same time BC-I and CPC Ammonium Diuranate (ADU) challenging as the centrifuge were being developed by PAEC,

plant itself. It was at BC-1 and a Uranium Metals Laboratory c) Conversion of ADU to uranium dioxide CPC that PAEC’s scientists and (UML) was also developed as

engineers mastered the front part of the CPC so that when the d) Plant to produce Hydrofluoric Acid end of the nuclear fuel cycle. enriched uranium would be

received from KRL, it could then e) Plant to produce fluorine gas BC-I comprises several units be converted into metallic form

such as a uranium ore storage and given the right shape to be f) Plant to covert uranium dioxide to mill, a ball grinding mill, a used in the core of a nuclear uranium tetrafloride (UF4) sulphuric acid plant, a solvent weapon. According to Dr.

extraction plant and a tunnel Muhammad Shabbir, " Uranium g) Conversion of UF4 to Uranium drier through which the yellow metal, the metallic core form in Hexafloride (UF6) cake is passed through for which enriched uranium is used drying. Almost all these units of A by-product of UF6 was depleted UF6 in a nuclear device made its first BC-I were developed within which was harnessed by PAEC for making appearance at CPC, DG, Khan. Pakistan. In addition to the aluminum clad natural uranium metal fuel Zircon billets and ingots, metal

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 39 from depleted U-238 for the parts for the plant. He had read scientific were involved. Munir Ahmad tubing of fuel and shielding of reports of the Manhattan Project during Khan was driven to the Chaklala tanks and missiles are also built his training at Birmingham University, Airbase by the project director- at CPC". where he also had an opportunity to designate, Bashiruddin discuss enrichment technology with Mahmood, where a special 3—Uranium Enrichment scientists from South Africa, who were military aircraft was waiting to Facilities then exploring the jet nozzle process of take him to Larkana. The same Munir Ahmed Khan initiated enrichment. After examining gaseous evening he returned to the uranium enrichment diffusion, gas centrifuge, jet nozzle and Islamabad with the approval of programme of PAEC as Project- laser enrichment processes, Bashiruddin the Prime Minister. Again 706 in October 1974 when a advocated the gas-centrifuge route. He Bashiruddin Mahmood received nuclear engineer Sultan then prepared a report for the Munir Ahmed Khan at the Bashiruddin Mahmood was development of a centrifuge enrichment airport. recalled to Islamabad from plant that envisaged its completion by Munir Khan had obtained the Karachi Nuclear Power Plant 1975. government’s formal approval and asked to prepare a Within days a feasibility report was for the enrichment project, in a feasibility report regarding prepared and a project approval proforma meeting with Prime Minister various techniques used in called PC-1 finalised. The project was to Bhutto on February 15, 1975, uranium enrichment. begin production in 1979. To maintain and the uranium enrichment Bashiruddin till then had been secrecy both the feasibility and the PC-1 programme was formally working in the Karachi Nuclear were handwritten documents. In early launched under the name Power Plant (KANUPP) where December 1974, the project proposal was ‘Directorate of Industrial he developed a technique to personally hand carried by the PAEC Liaison’ in the barracks of detect heavy water leaks in chairman, Munir Ahmed Khan direct to Chaklala airport under the steam pipes and set up a the Prime Minister's hometown of Larkana leadership of the nuclear laboratory to manufacture spare for his approval. No intermediate offices engineer Sultan Bashiruddin

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 40 Mahmood. The project was experimental centrifuge program that was Gernot Zippe, and provided the divided into 100 separate being developed in Italy. These drawings engineering and physics bases components, so as to maintain also included complete process for both Italian and Urenco secrecy and involve local engineering of centrifuges and proved to machines. industry in R & D on each be of great help to the PAEC scientists and The team of scientists and component. PAEC and engineers working on the enrichment engineers who made the Bashiruddin Mahmood was project. Based on these drawings, PAEC enrichment project a success had driven by a passion for scientists and engineers were able to been formed in 1975-76 under indigenization and involving successfully develop the first cascade of Bashiruddin Mahmood. They local industry was a 20-50 centrifuge machines in the pilot included Dr. GD Alam, Anwar manifestation of this endeavour. centrifuge facility in the barracks of Ali, Dr. Javed Arshad Mirza, Ijaz Chaklala airport in Rawalpindi and at Munir Ahmed Khan had Khokhar to name only a few. Sihala in early 1976. In April 1976 the first selected the site for Kahuta The entire technical staff centrifuge was rotated by the PAEC team Enrichment Plant in January comprising scientists, engineers headed by Bashiruddin Mahmood at the 1975, completed procurement of and technicians from various Chaklala site. The experience gained at vital equipment, construction of disciplines were transferred in these pilot centrifuge plants by PAEC its civil works, and recruitment 1975-76 to the enrichment scientists and engineers proved to be of staff for it by 1976. project from PAEC/PINSTECH. critical to the success of the production- Dr. GD Alam headed the scale centrifuge program at Kahuta. Munir Ahmed Khan had vast centrifuge design and international contacts that he Italy began centrifuge research and development team at KRL as had cultivated at the IAEA. In development in 1969, and by 1973 had Chief Scientific Officer till 1983 1975 Munir Khan had managed done some separation work using a after which he along with to acquire detailed and relatively simple, so-called Zippe-type Anwar Ali returned to PAEC. comprehensive drawings of centrifuge. This type was pioneered after These scientists and engineers centrifuge machines from an World War II by the German engineer

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 41 also developed mass place the basic infrastructure of Heavy Water natural uranium spectrometers used for manpower, machines and materials for it". reactor which could be refueled measuring the levels of continuously, without any need 3 - Plutonium production and enrichment, balancing rotors, to shut down the reactor, which reprocessing facilities: new generations of centrifuge would make it more difficult for machines, and much more with Together with Dr. Abdus Salam, Munir outside observers to know how PAEC technical help always at Ahmed Khan had the privilege of much fuel was used, thus their side. The procurement of preparing a proposal for the establishment enabling spent fuel to be essential materials and machines of nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in diverted to military applications for this project also began in Pakistan in late 1960's. Ayub Khan for reprocessing, if the need earnest in 1975 by the PAEC’s deferred the matter on economic grounds. arose. KANUPP was under the main procurement agent in IAEA safeguards, but Munir Europe, S. A. Butt, who began The centerpiece of the PAEC weapon’s Ahmed Khan was not unduly shopping for critical equipment programme in the early 1970s was the concerned, as he himself had for the enrichment project such effort to acquire a reprocessing plant to spent 14 years at the IAEA. as high frequency inverters, separate plutonium from the fuel of For the first few years of its maraging steel and flow KANUPP and future nuclear power plants operation KANUPP used forming machines. envisioned by the PAEC. Canadian fuel, which had come Dr. Samar Mubarakmand said The technology for KANUPP was the under IAEA safeguards before it in 2003, "the initial work of same natural uranium/heavy water left Canada. The IAEA therefore setting up of Kahuta Research technology used in the Indian Cirus and knew at that time precisely how Laboratories was done under later Dhruva reactors used by India for much uranium was being the stewardship of Munir producing weapons plutonium,therefore shipped from Canada to be Ahmed Khan who was the over pursuing the plutonium route was the loaded into KANUPP. However, all incharge of the project and "logical" option given Pakistan's nuclear after Canada broke off supply of who selected its site and put in infrastructure at that time. KANUPP was a nuclear fuel in 1976, PAEC was

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 42

able to provide its own fuel and, safeguards in the early 1980s. The French government, under and unless additional American influence began to In March 1973 the French firm SGN was safeguards measures were show increased concern about asked to prepare the basic design for a applied, the IAEA would not be the Chashma plant during 1976. large scale reprocessing plant, one with a able independently to verify — A safeguard agreement for capacity of 100 tons of fuel per year, to know with a reasonable France brought the plant before considerably more than KANUPP would degree of assurance — how the IAEA in February 1976, generate. The Chashma plant, as it was much fuel was being loaded into which was approved on 18 known, would have the capability to and irradiated in KANUPP. March and signed by Pakistan. reprocess 100 tons of used reactor fuel and Moreover, the design of This at least ensured that the produce about 800 kg of weapons grade KANUPP did not require the the plant would have monitoring so plutonium a year, if sufficient fuel were reactor to shut down for that diversion to military available to feed it. It would have refuelling. Therefore, the purposes could not be made. provided Pakistan with the ability to diversion of spent fuel for Despite Bhutto’s overthrow in "break safeguards" and quickly process reprocessing was a theoretical 1977 by General Zia, the latter accumulated fuel from KANUPP and possibility, which however did continued the project unabated, other future nuclear power plants, when it not take place. Pakistan and continued to press the decided to openly declare itself a nuclear- objected, however, to the French to fulfill the Chashma armed state. The final detailed design and additional safeguards measures contract. But France had begun construction contract was signed on 18 proposed by the IAEA on the gradually turning against the October 1974, which followed the initial grounds that they were not reprocessing plant. design contract. The original contract for foreseen in the safeguard this project did not include significant The initial plan, as revealed by agreement covering the safeguards to discourage diversion of the Munir Ahmed Khan year later, KANUPP reactor. Eventually separatedplutonium, or controls on the was not to divert or misuse the Pakistani fuel for KANUPP technology. foreign-supplied reactors and a was also placed under IAEA

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 43 reprocessing plant to produce plan for the construction of more than 20 Before the French government nuclear-weapon fuel, but rather nuclear power plants by the year 2000 was cancelled the reprocessing plant to use the know-how gained prepared and presented to the contract in August 1978, the from this cooperation to government in 1972-73 by Munir Ahmed French firm SGN that was indigenously produce parallel Khan, but could not be fulfilled due to supposed to build the plant at capabilities that could yield a acute resource constraints, international Chashma transferred 95 % of the bomb. This was proven in the sanctions and embargo against Pakistan, drawings and other technical case of the Khushab reactor. and Pakistan’s persistent refusal to join the details of the plant to PAEC. NPT from a position of weakness and Munir Ahmed Khan was under any discriminatory regime. In March 1973 a team of three fascinated by high technology PAEC nuclear scientists and and he wanted to get hold of It is probably more accurate to say that engineers comprising Khalil whatever technology that could Pakistan was planning to use whatever Qureshi, Zafarullah and Abdul be acquired by any means. assistance it could acquire and develop Majid Chaudhry were sent to acquire material for a bomb, and if it could the headquarters of The Chashma reprocessing plant be done via the French-supplied plant, it Belgonucleaire at Mol to seemed to be too ambitious back would, and if somehow material could not participate in the designing of a then, but it was envisaged as be diverted, then Pakistan would use the pilot nuclear fuel reprocessing part of the long term nuclear knowledge and contacts gained to build facility as well as gain training power programme of PAEC their own means later. in reprocessing spent fuel. whereby it was planned that Despite the French back stabbing of the eventually Pakistan would be i) New Labs reprocessing contract in 1978, the PAEC able to build its own nuclear went on to develop its own plutonium The PAEC also went on to plants indigenously, outside reactor at Khushab in the mid-1980s, and complete its indigenous 'pilot' theIAEA safeguards system that it was a totally indigenous project of reprocessing plant by 1981, would yield large amounts of PAEC. called the "New Labs" at spent fuel for reprocessing. A

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 44 PINSTECH, which gave 1985, Germany licensed for export to the Pinstech plant in Nilore to Pakistan the capability to PAEC a tritium plant by the firm NTG extract pure tritium. reprocess enough plutonium for Nukleartechnik GmbH (NTG), preferring at least one nuclear weapon a to call it a ’heavy water purifier’ instead of ii) Khushab-I year. "New Labs" is an -- as the U.S. preferred -- a ’tritium Work on the indigenous 50 MW experimental, pilot-scale recovery facility’ in the interests of heavy water Khushab Reactor plutonium reprocessing plant complying with German regulations on (KCP-I) was also initiated in that has the capability to sensitive nuclear exports. While heavy 1986 which is the source of reprocess 8-10 kg of plutonium water purification technology was not plutonium and tritium. each year, work on which had subject to export controls in Germany at Khushab-I was conceived and begun in 1976. "Cold" tests were that time, technology for the recovery of planned by Munir Ahmed conducted at New Labs as early tritium was controlled. The PAEC was Khan. This reactor was as 1982, and in 1987 West also able to procure from NTG in 1987, a completed in 1996 and became German sources claimed that tritium gas storage and purification plant. operational in 1998 when Dr. the facility previously In order to obtain significant amounts of Ishfaq Ahmad was PAEC conducted "hot" tests. As of weapons grade tritium gas, the PAEC chairman. The project director of 1998, New Labs has been needed to irradiate lithium-6 targets, Khushab-I was Sultan expanded to handle upto 20 kg perhaps in an unsafeguarded research Bashiruddin Mahmood. The late or more of spent fuel for reactor. The plant provided by NTG was Afzal Haq Rajput also played a plutonium extraction since the capable of purifying this tritium gas to key role in designing the reactor commissioning of the Khushab-I 98%. In amounts of about 4 to 5 grams, along with Bashiruddin reactor. tritium, the heaviest hydrogen isotope, is Mahmood. used as a booster in a fission nuclear A critical element in the weapon. Building a nuclear reactor is manufacture of boosted fission more challenging and devices and thermonuclear or By 1986-87 the PAEC had also procured technologically more important Hydrogen bombs is tritium. In ’tritiated targets' which could be used at

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 45 than building a nuclear bomb. was also constructed at the Khushab There were rumors that the sixth The timely completion of this Nuclear Complex site which was nuclear test conducted by PAEC indigenous project by PAEC completed by 1980 and has an annual on 30th May 1998 at Kharan was engineers was a dream come capacity of 13 metric tons. Dr. N.A. Javed a plutonium weapon. true for the hundreds of played a key role in the setting up of this It is also pertinent to mention scientists, engineers and heavy water plant. that it takes only about 4-5 kg of technicians who worked iv) Khushab-II weapon grade plutonium (PU- tirelessly to make the project a 240) to for one nuclear weapon success against all odds and a Based on the success of Khushab-I, as compared to 20-25 kg of U- testimony to the ability of Pakistan has embarked on a much larger 235 or Highly Enriched Pakistani manpower to plan and plutonium production reactor adjacent to Uranium (HEU) required for the build their own reactors, given the Khushab-I. This is testimony to the fact same. the right technical and political that Pakistan has embarked on the logical leadership and the resources. next step of further building the 4 - Nuclear Fuel Fabrication Another outstanding feature of plutonium programme as plutonium facilities: this project was the fact that the bombs are smaller and compact in size When in 1976 Canada cut off share of local industry in this than uranium weapons, and have greater supplies of nuclear fuel and gigantic challenge was 82%. yields, due to which they are ideal for spare parts for the Karachi missiles and aircraft and for building Nuclear Power Plant in the Munir Ahmed Khan said that miniaturized devices for tactical or wake of the Indian nuclear test Khushab was the greatest battlefield use. Khushab-II when complete of 1974, PAEC scientists through technological achievement for is speculated to be able to produce enough indigenous efforts were able to Pakistan. spent fuel for reprocessing enough manufacture nuclear fuel for the plutonium for anything between 30-50 iii) Heavy Water Plant Muslim world’s first nuclear nuclear weapons or more, depending on power plant. In 1980, PAEC A heavy water production plant the actual size of the reactor. indigenously produced nuclear

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 46 fuel for KANUPP and the first achieved self-reliance in the manufacture make nuclear fuel indigenously. Pakistani nuclear fuel bundle of nuclear fuel from uranium and a His analysis begins in 1965 was loaded successfully in the nuclear fuel manufacturing plant had been when Canada and Pakistan reactor core, while PAEC made built at Chashma by Pakistani scientists. signed a contract for Canada to all-out efforts to create the build the Karachi Nuclear technical infrastructure, The PAEC also developed a nuclear fuel Power Plant (KANUPP). At this industrial resources and fabrication plant at Kundian, with the time, Canada also offered to sell personnel expertise necessary to capacity to process 24 MT of natural Pakistan a nuclear fuel support station operation. The uranium per year. This facility fabrication plant, but Pakistan Design & Development Division manufactures fuel for KANUPP.Also was not interested and refused. (Mechanical), Computer known as the Kundian Fuel Fabrication Canada began helping Pakistan Development Division, In- Plant /Kundian Nuclear Complex I . build KANUPP in 1972. The service Inspection Laboratory, Kundian is a reactor uranium fuel plant was kept in operation for Control & Instrumentation fabrication facility with an annual the first four years with Application Laboratory, Quality production capacity of 24 tons, the facility technical support from Canada. Assurance Division and in 1973 has been manufacturing fuel for the During this time, Pakistan began the Karachi Nuclear Power KANUPP reactor since 1978. The Nuclear to re-start negotiations with Training Centre were Fuel Plant is now known as KNC I - Canada for the fuel fabrication established within the plant. In Kundian Nuclear Complex I. Kundian fuel plant. The chairman of the 1990 the complete loading of the fabrication facility is an important part of PAEC went to Canada in early Kanupp reactor core with all the nuclear fuel cycle facilities of the 1973, attempting to persuade the Pakistani fuel bundles took PAEC. Canadian government to agree place. In a two-part article in the English Daily to supply Pakistan with the Munir Ahmed Khan, in a press "The Nation", Munir Ahmed Khan, on 7 plant. Canada had two conference on August 31st, 1980 February 1998 and 9 February 1998, objections: first, Canada would announced that Pakistan had explained the history of Pakistan's quest to lose the revenue earned

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 47 previously by exporting fuel. of approximately two years, after which decided to place an embargo on Second, supplying Pakistan with Pakistan would be on its own. the equipment for two reasons. its own fuel fabrication plant Pakistan had signed an With the explosion of a nuclear device by would, in turn, make Pakistan agreement with France in the India in May 1974, Canada's view on more independent in nuclear meantime to build a nuclear nuclear exports changed dramatically. technology, which could reprocessing plant under Canada changed its attitude toward indirectly contribute to nuclear safeguards, which Canada did nuclear exports, adopting a new and strict proliferation. not like. With such a plant, nonproliferation policy. This policy Pakistan would be capable of In 1973, the President of Atomic "demanded that any country receiving reprocessing fuel from Energy of Canada Limited or facilities from KANUPP and producing (AECL) decided to support the Canada either sign the NPT or accept full- plutonium, which was contrary supply of a fuel fabrication plant scope safeguards on all its facilities" as to Canada's new nuclear to Pakistan, since Canada had well as not to use Canadian supplies for nonproliferation policy. also supplied such a fabrication nuclear explosions. This new policy Pakistan also continued its plant to India. Pakistan's effectively punished Pakistan for India's unwillingness to sign the NPT. KANUPP was also already misuse of Canadian nuclear exports.

under IAEA safeguards, and Therefore, on 23 December 1976, those could be extended to the Pakistan refused to subscribe to the new Canada unilaterally cut off all new plant. A formal contract condition. During this time, Pakistan nuclear cooperation with was signed with Canada's continued construction of the fuel Pakistan. Support abruptly Westinghouse Company, which fabrication plant, expecting that all ceased when Canada halted all expected completion of the equipment needed for the fuel plant supplies of nuclear fuel, heavy fabrication plant by 1975. Fuel would be shipped from Canada by late water, spare parts, safety and was to be co-manufactured in 1974. However, just before the shipment other technical information, and Pakistan under Canadian was to leave for Pakistan, Canada placed sent all Canadian experts supervision for an initial period an embargo on the equipment. Canada

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 48 stationed at KANUPP home. mining operations. Even skilled labor was burnt after being sealed in Pakistan was "left with no scarce, and the drillers and miners trained zircaloy cladding tubes. Basic choice, but to find a way to were "among an illiterate labor force" R&D facilities were created in make nuclear fuel on its own." available in the region. the mid 1970's at PINSTECH. These R&D facilities helped in The uranium ore indigenously mined by Uranium is an essential raw developing the know-how for Pakistan was of relatively low grade and material for nuclear fuel. making high purity uranium consisted of only a few kilograms of Pakistan uses natural uranium from yellow cake and uranium per ton in contrast to uranium rather than enriched uranium as converting it into uranium oxide ore from Canada, which has a higher fuel for KANUPP because it is a and pellets. PINSTECH made concentration of uranium per ton. heavy water reactor, which is a valuable contributions, such as Therefore, Pakistan's uranium extraction better medium for facilitating a setting up uranium laboratories, plant had to be designed more carefully, nuclear chain reaction than light through which precise chemical in order to reduce impurities and extract water. Finding mineable processes and quality control more uranium. Pakistan's uranium quantities of uranium was a procedures were established. extraction was done entirely by chemical, challenge for Pakistan. PINSTECH also helped train mechanical, and electrical engineers from Reasonable quantities were highly skilled manpower and AEMC, with the assistance of Pakistani found in the Siwalik Hills, west developed special welding industries. As a result, Pakistan was able of Dera Ghazi Khan. Pakistan, techniques and other procedures to complete its uranium yellow cake plant however, had no experience in required for large-scale within a year. A full scale refining plant mining uranium. A team of operations. Khan gave great was built to turn concentrated uranium young engineers from the importance to "having yellow cake into a pure uranium oxide Atomic Energy Minerals Center indigenous R&D facilities to usable in a nuclear reactor. (AEMC) , which was established support any production facility

by Dr. I.H. Usmani, carried out for commercialization." The uranium oxide was next pressed into the necessary exploration and When Canada stopped its small pellets of very high density to be

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 49 nuclear exports to Pakistan, Pakistan had to also plan for indigenous fuel, none agreed. Therefore, other problems in addition to production of special alloys and materials, Pakistan set up test facilities making nuclear fuel arose. such as zircaloy cladding tubes use to outside the reactor to check fuel Pakistani scientists knew the encase the small pellets of uranium oxide. bundles for mechanical, overall measurements of the fuel Pakistan could not rely on imported pressure, temperature, and flow but did not have the exact cladding tubes for very long, so it began to conditions. Other tests were also specifications of some of the key manufacture its own. Pakistan found large conducted to assure the fuel's materials or the type of deposits of zirconium-bearing heavy strength to withstand the machinery needed, nor did they sands along the seacoast and in the extreme conditions inside know certain manufacturing riverbanks of Balochistan. PINSTECH KANUPP. Pakistan then procedures or a source of supply worked together with experts from AEMC showed the results of the tests to for materials and machinery. to set up a pilot plant, which gave "certain international experts Some special attachments had to Pakistan the necessary experience over and they were satisfied." be designed by Pakistan. several years in the removal of hafnium, Suppliers had to be located that an element of earth found in natural By indigenously making fuel, were "willing to cooperate in zirconium. Pakistan gained many new spite of the negative atmosphere technologies. Munir Ahmed Not a single fuel pellet has failed since generated by the Indian Khan said, "Pakistan produced Pakistan began manufacturing fuel explosion followed by the the first ton of purified uranium elements for KANUPP in the late 1970's. Canadian embargoes." Since oxide and metal before it KANUPP was designed, however, so that none could be found, Pakistan produced the first ton of copper even if a few bundles of pellets happen to relied heavily on local industries or any other mineral using local leak, "the system can easily take care of it." to make up for the lack of a ore and indigenously developed Canada did not supply Pakistan with a foreign supplier. technologies." Further, it taught test reactor, and although Pakistan Pakistani scientists and In addition to uranium, approached certain west European engineers about precision technology, and machinery, countries about testing and certifying its

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 50 engineering, quality control, system and an institution which is even inspection, and design of more important than the product." i) The Wah Group and DTD complicated tools and 5 - NUCLEAR WEAPONS machinery. "Nuclear technology In March 1974, chairman PAEC, DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING is interdisciplinary," Munir Munir Ahmed Khan called a Khan said, "which requires team The PAEC under Munir Ahmed Khan meeting to initiate work on an work, and credit has to be given began work on weapon design began even atomic bomb. Among those to and shared by all those who before the start of work on uranium attending the meeting were contribute and thereby took the enrichment and plutonium production Hafeez Qureshi, head of the country forward." Munir and reprocessing. In October 1972 two Radiation and Isotope Ahmed Khan said that Pakistani nuclear scientists, Dr. Riazuddin Applications Division (RIAD) at Pakistan's accomplishments in and Dr. Masud Ahmed temporarily PINSTECH (later to become the nuclear field "are an working at the International Center for Member Technical, PAEC), Dr. excellent example of Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Italy, returned Abdus Salam, then Adviser for collaborative work by people to Pakistan to begin theoretical work on a Science and Technology to the who accepted a challenge and fission explosive device. They were posted Government of Pakistan and Dr. decided to respond to it at the Pakistan Institute for Nuclear Riaz-ud-Din, Member collectively." Munir Ahmed Science & Technology (PINSTECH). In (Technical), PAEC. The PAEC Khan did not publicly reveal the December 1973, PAEC scientists elected to chairman informed Qureshi that names of the people who develop an 'implosion' over the 'gun' type he was to work on a project of participated in the development of nuclear fission device citing economy in national importance with of Pakistan's nuclear fuel cycle. the use of fissile material. Subsequently for another expert, Dr. Zaman He simply ended by saying that developing explosive lenses for the Sheikh, then working with the the participants, engineers, proposed device, Munir Ahmed Khan Defence Science and Technology scientists, chemists, miners, and tasked Dr. Zaman Shaikh, an explosive Organization (DESTO). The experts alike developed "a expert at the Defense Science Laboratories. word "bomb" was never used in

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 51 the meeting but Qureshi exactly equipment. They had come up with a worked extremely hard, understood the objective. Their nuclear weapon design by 1978 that was developed computer codes, task would be to develop the subsequently tested in the first cold test in acquired powerful computers to design of a weapon implosion 1983. design this system and came up system. The project would be with the design that was to be In 1974, a Directorate of Technical located at Wah, appropriately manufactured. Development (DTD) was established in next to the Pakistan Ordnance PAEC to coordinate the activities of Another facility that was set up Factories (POF). various groups engaged in R & D of in those days was a The work at Wah began under different aspects related with the nuclear manufacturing facility for the the undescriptive codename bomb. bomb. Therefore at the PAEC, ‘Research’ and Qureshi, Zaman the finest experimental The official go ahead to PAEC to build the and their team of engineers and physicists, engineers, electronics nuclear bomb was given by Prime scientists came to be known as people and chemical engineers Minister Z.A. Bhutto at a meeting of "The Wah Group". Initial work formed a team to manufacture Defence Committee of Cabinet, at the PM was limited to research and these weapons. House in Rawalpindi, on June 15, 1974, development of the explosive immediately following the Indian nuclear In 1973 Dr. Riazuddin travelled lenses to be used in the nuclear test of May 1974. to the International Center for device. This expanded however Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Italy, to include chemical, mechanical The critical thrust towards the actual after which he proceeded to the and precision engineering of the nuclear device was to set up a theoretical United States to obtain open- system and the triggering physics group that could work on the source information on the mechanisms. The Wah Group design of the bomb. It had to be a purely 'Manhattan Project' from the procured equipment where it Pakistani effort and PAEC scientists on the Library of Congress and the could and developed its own theoretical side had the capability to National Information Center, technology where restrictions design their own bomb. They studied the Maryland. After his return from prevented the purchase of literature that was available and they

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 52 the United States, Riazuddin the 'Theoretical Group' used Uranium-238 design team. The explosives had was inducted into the Pakistan as a reflector. to be machined which in itself Atomic Energy Commission was a challenging task. Moreover the PAEC had to develop its (PAEC) as Member (Technical). own explosive plants. The explosive used When a bomb is made, it has to Dr. Riazuddin later worked as in a nuclear bomb is a very special type of be detonated and the detonation part of the team that worked on explosive (HMX Explosive). is not from one point. It is from designs for Pakistan's nuclear several points on the surface of explosive device. As he On 25 March 1974 Munir Ahmed Khan the bomb and the trick lies in explained, "we were the along with Dr. Riazuddin, and Hafeez this that the bomb is detonated designers of the bomb, like the Qureshi convened a meeting with the from several points at the same tailor who tells you how much head of the Pakistan Ordnance Factory at time. This is called simultaneity of the material is required to Wah , Lt. General Qamar Ali and the simultaneity has to be of stitch a suit. We had to identify Mirza, to set up a plant to manufacture the order of 50 ns (nanosecond). the fissile material, whether to His Majesty's Explosive (HMX) for use in A ns is 1/1000 of a micro second use plutonium or...enriched the explosive lenses of the proposed us and I repeat 1 us is one- uranium, which method of implosion-design fission device. The millionth of a second. So you detonation, which explosive, project was codenamed "Research." It can imagine, in 50 ns, you have which type of tampers and could not be purchased from anywhere in to detonate the bomb at several lenses to use, how material will the world, and nobody would sell it to any points so that the implosion be compressed, how shock other country. So the PAEC had to put up takes place in a simultaneous waves will be created, what its own plant for this and the PAEC had to fashion. This was a challenge for would be the yield." Since have chemical engineers who would the PAEC electronics team as Pakistan found it difficult to operate this plant and make the they had to develop the trigger manufacture beryllium explosives. Then the explosives had to be mechanism. reflectors, the first nuclear given the right shape according to the explosive device designed by design that was delivered by the PAEC’s Then after the bomb had been

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 53 manufactured, and the and measuring the results of cold and hot 1983, PAEC was faced with the engineers had put the nuclear tests. To this end, state of the art strategic decision regarding electronics in it, and it had got facilities such as Computerized future course of action to be the explosives in it, in addition Numerically Controlled (CNC) machines taken on nuclear weapon design to the metallic uranium which for the precise and accurate measurement and testing. was produced by Dr. Khalil of the cold tests were developed, which He said, "Now we had a choice. Qureshi who converted the provided confidence in the theoretical What would we do next? Where enriched uranium hexalflouride design. They were also used for do we go from here. Do we stop, gas from Kahuta into metal and measurements for explosion yields which should we go for a hot test, a did all the coating and were predicted by theory but not tested in proper hot test like we had in machining. cold tests". May this year (1998) and when In order to get the maximum The clocks for the trigger mechanism were we had positive results from scientific data from the nuclear developed by DTD. Krytons, high speed that, we would carry out further detonation, another Directorate electronic switches, used in detonation of work. That was one way of known as the Diagnostics nuclear weapons and electronic triggering doing it. The second choice was Directorate was established. circuits for detonation of high explosives that since our cold tests were This Directorate would play a in a nuclear weapon were also developed successful, we believed our key role in all the cold tests by DTD. theoretical physicists. Okay, conducted by PAEC from 1983 your design is fine and we go The neutron source for the acceleration of onwards and the hot tests at ahead and we develop more a chain reaction in the bomb was Chaghi in 1998. In 1980 Dr. modern designs, which are developed by the "Fast Neutron Physics Samar Mubarakmand was smaller and more rugged and Group" headed by Dr. Samar appointed head of the which are being capable of Mubarakmand. Diagnostic Directorate. delivery by aircraft and missiles. Advanced diagnostic techniques After the 1998 nuclear tests, he disclosed For every country in the world were required for carrying out that after the first successful cold test of which produces this bomb, the

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 54 first one is very large and very people are giving us positive results all the unwieldy and not suitable for time. At least we should fail some time. ii) Nuclear Testing deliverable weapons. Therefore, Maybe our electronics are faulty and The first cold test of a nuclear the miniaturisation of the giving us detected neutrons. Probably device was conducted in the weapon, should we do it now or they are spurious counts but the success Kirana Hills near Sargodha, on wait for a hot test? We went to was so consistent that we started March 11th, 1983. A second cold the Government and said we are disbelieving our diagnostic people. test was also undertaken soon ready and we want to do a hot Anyway, one design after the other kept afterwards which was witnessed test. The then President said no, coming out, we manufactured the bombs, by Vice Chief of Army Staff, it is not the right time and so we tested them and were successful" General K.M. Arif, Ghulam had to abide by that decision". Ishaq Khan and Munir Ahmed He said , "We came through a series of 4 or Dr. Samar said, "We decided to Khan. Thereafter, PAEC 5 designs and then we came up with a keep on working on better and conducted over 24 cold tests till model which we would say, and our better designs and since 1983, 1990 in which new and generation of people in the PAEC would over the last 15 years, I must improved nuclear weapon claim that is the state-of-the-art. The real really confess and congratulate designs were tested. By 1987, last word in nuclear fission design is a our theoretical physicists, led by PAEC had come up with a miniaturized nuclear device and here of Dr. Masud Ahmed, in that they nuclear weapon design that was course, the concept was different from designed one sample after the small enough to be carried by an earlier designs. It was very small, other. After every 18 months or F-16 and other PAF aircraft. compact, high yield and small size. So you 2 years or so, we would have a could see the efficiency was tremendous new design and would perform The first preparations for and we were all very proud of it. When a cold test on that. The success eventual nuclear tests also the cold test was successful on it, we were rate in every cold test was 100 started early - in 1976. By 1976, all very happy and this was the last thing percent. Sometimes we started the PAEC selected the sites in we did in the earlier part of the 1990’s." thinking that our diagnostic Chaghi and Kharan and PAEC

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 55 geologists went to work on sites with the assistance of the Army justified the creation and these sites. In Kharan there is a Corps located at Quetta. The PAEC establishment of DTD 20 years desert and they went for a requirement was for a mountain with a back. Through these critical vertical shaft. It is like a vertical completely dry interior capable of years of nuclear device well that is 300-400 feet deep withstanding an internal 20 KT nuclear development, the leadership and at the bottom of the well explosion. After a one-year survey of the contribution changed hands there is a horizontal tunnel site, completed in 1977, plans were from Mr. Munir Ahmed Khan to having an L-shaped finalized for driving a horizontal tunnel in Dr Ishfaq Ahmad and finally to configuration. the Ras Koh range for a future test. The Dr Samar Mubarakmand tunnels for the tests were ready by 1980. (Member Technical). These In Chaghi, where there was a gifted scientists and engineers mountain range, the Ras-Koh A statement issued by the PAEC along with a highly-dedicated range, the PAEC went for an Directorate of Technical Development said team worked logically and underground horizontal tunnel. that it had fulfilled its mission by not only economically to design, produce The overburden available was successfully producing a variety of and test an extremely rugged about 400 feet. That was the potential nuclear devices, but also by device for the nation which height of the mountain available performing perfect hot tests, which enable the Islamic Republic of for containment of the resulted in near expected yields, and Pakistan from strength to explosion. providing invaluable scientific data. strength. By the grace of Dr. Ishfaq Ahmad, Member Almighty Allah, the PAEC as an The statement said: "The mission has, on (Technical) and Dr. Samar organization has proven to be the one hand, boosted the morale of the Mubarakmand of the PAEC the pride of the Pakistani Pakistani nation by giving it an were dispatched by Munir nation". honourable position in the nuclear world, Ahmed Khan to Balochistan to while on the other hand it validated After the nuclear tests, twenty- conduct helicopter scientific theory, design and previous two awards were given to reconnaissance of potential test results from cold tests. This has more than several scientists and engineers

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 56 from the PAEC for their items related to nuclear materials and The German newspaper Der contributions toward Pakistan's technology, proved to be critical to the Speigel reported in 1989 that " recent successful nuclear tests success of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons There is no doubt that Munir and the nuclear program. Never program. Under Munir Khan’s guiding Ahmed Khan, chief of the before in Pakistani history has hand, Butt would indeed organize Pakistan Nuclear Authority, one organization received so Pakistan’s surreptitious network in with whom Finke already had a many awards of outstanding Europe, running the most successful foray cup of tea, has secretly contribution. into nuclear espionage since the Soviet developed his country into a Union set out to penetrate the Anglo- nuclear power; the bomb puzzle 6 - Establishing the Import American nuclear efforts during and right is complete. He had many oriented Procurement Network after World War II. individual parts--ranging from

transformer sheets to uranium He procured machinery for the Chemical S.A. Butt was sent by Munir conversion--supplied by small Production Complex, special Aluminium Ahmed Khan in 1973, to West German firms, using a and maraging steel for the centrifuges Belgium as the PAEC’s chief network of agents to this end. manufactured at KRL, frequency inverters, procurement officer from where The special pipes and supersolid flow forming machines, high- vacuum he was transferred to Paris and (maraging) steel from Singen valves for the enrichment project, later to Dubai. Till his retirement and Saarbruecken, the mass gassification and solidification units to in the 1990s, he finalized deals spectrometers and magnets feed the uranium hexafloride gas into the worth tens of millions of US from Bremen and Bonn were centrifuges and then to transform it back dollars, using front companies made-to-measure for Khan's into a solid at the end of the enrichment and third parties. It is evident programme which is carried out process. SA Butt also procured equipment that the excellent procurement in a number of nuclear centers". for the pilot reprocessing plant "New network established by S.A. Butt Finke was the head of the Labs" in PINSTECH, the heavy water in Europe from the early 1970s German firm NTG that helped plant at the Khushab Nuclear Complex for the procurment of essential PAEC develop tritium and other projects.

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 57 purification and recovery orders. The British were not particularly 7 - Training and Research & processes. Tritium is used to concerned because they were convinced Development facilities boost fission warheads and that the Pakistani engineers would never In 1999, Munir Ahmed Khan develop Hydrogen bombs. know how to operate such sophisticated revealed, "We were not just equipment and the inverters would all sit making the bomb, but building Most of equipment and in their packing cases until they rusted science and technology". materials procured from Europe away. This was the British attitude until and elsewhere were essentially afew days after the first shipment reached The backbone of any nuclear dual use items which were not Pakistan, when Emerson received a telex programme is its human specifically on the export ban requesting a long list of extremely resource, the trained manpower, list of many countries. Once a complex modifications. This meant that and to this end, the PAEC particular item was procured, it another 'Anglo- Saxon' prejudice against developed made Pakistan's had to be understood in all its perceived Pakistani incompetence went nuclear programme self reliant complexity and entirety and down the drain. by building institutions. These then either reverse engineered institutions became the fountain Not everything was or could be procured or replicated in house by of nuclear science and from abroad. Quite a lot of indigenous R & Pakistani scientists and technology with its enormous D and in-house solutions to technical engineers.A classic example of spin off effects for socio- problems and challenges were the result of this was when in 1977, the economic development. the innovation and expertise of Pakistani PAEC's main procuring agent in manpower. One of the first steps taken by Europe,S.A. Butt placed orders The PAEC’s Institute of Nuclear Munir Ahmed Khan after becoming for high frequency inverters to a Science and Technology chairman PAEC was to institute a detailed British firm, Emerson Electric. (PINSTECH) is the premier survey of Pakistani industry which was The first shipment reached nuclear research and utilized in many important projects of Pakistan in August, 1978, development establishment PAEC. followed by two additional which dates back to the days of

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Dr. I.H.Usmani and proved to provided by good universities in Europe. played a key role in the efficient be the backbone of most of the running of these projects by PAEC’s projects and the entire The extensive programme of the nuclear solving scientific and nuclear programme. The fuel cycle initiated by Munir Ahmed Khan engineering problems. Nuclear Engineering Division is the back bone of the nuclear technology Munir Ahmed Khan also was established at PINSTECH in Pakistan and the basic R & D, leading to established the Radiation & during Dr. Usmani's tenure pilot plants and later adopted on factory Isotope Applications Division which played an important role scale, was done at the two research (RIAD) in 1972 along with the in research and training of centres, the Atomic Energy Mineral Centre Nuclear Materials Division in PAEC scientists and engineers (AEMC) in Lahore and PINSTECH in 1973 and a full-fledged in the field of nuclear power and Islamabad which has also acted as a Computer Division in 1980 in reactor operations. supplier of high quality human resource PINSTECH. to almost all the main civil and nuclear PINSTECH has played an defense projects in Pakistan. PINSTECH also houses two unassuming and a subtle role in small reactors, the Pakistan the success of the nuclear Some of the most important departments Atomic Research Reactor programme of Pakistan. All the of PINSTECH proved critical to all areas (PARR-1), being a 10 MW high- leaders of civil and classified of nuclear programme. Munir Ahmed flux, pool-type research reactor nuclear programmes were Khan established nuclear Materials supplied by the U.S in 1965, provided by PINSTECH from Division (NMD) of PINSTECH, in 1973. At which was upgraded from 5 time to time during the present, this Division is one of the most MW to 10 MW and PARR-2 execution of the projects. prestigious technical Divisions of which is a 27 KWt pool-type PINSTECH has been a PINSTECH, which has contributed light-water research reactor that storehouse of R & D capabilities significantly to the development of was supplied by China in 1989. and has been a source of great PAEC's indigenization programme. It has Both these research reactors like academic strength of Pakistan in the distinction of accomplishing several KANUPP are under the IAEA a similar manner as that projects of strategic importance and has

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 59 safeguards. In 1988, PAEC million. The 20%-enriched uranium fuel nuclear scientists, engineers and started work on its swimming used by PARR-1 is designed by PAEC and technicians who were the pool-type research reactor at could be made by Pakistan, but Pakistan backbone and the human PINSTECH, changing it from 5 buys it from China because it is cheaper. resource for the nuclear MW to 10 MW and converting programme. On 27 July 1990, the PAEC announced that its core from 90% enriched Pakistan had commissioned its second A long standing dream of Munir uranium to 20% enrichment. atomic research reactor, which was built Ahmed Khan of transforming The reactor was modified to with assistance from the Peoples Republic Centre for Nuclear Studies into keep pace with new of China and was designed by the PRC. a university has been realized requirements and because the The research reactor is located at the with the establishment of the US had refused to provide fuel Centre for Nuclear Studies (CNS), which Pakistan Institute of Engineering of such high enrichment. Earlier was part of PINSTECH. It is a 27 KWt pool and Applied Sciences (PIEAS), each fuel load of PARR-1 type light water reactor that uses highly which today is one the leading consisted of three Kg of 90% - enriched uranium fuel provided by the research and training 93% enriched uranium, Peoples Republic of China. institutions of Pakistan’s in the according to IAEA data. PARR-1 field of nuclear science and has been used for research, i) Centre for Nuclear Studies / PIEAS technology. The Departments of training, and radioisotope Munir Ahmed Khan set up the Centre for Nuclear Engineering, Chemical production. Nuclear Studies (CNS) in 1975, by and Materials Engineering, The redesigned and upgraded upgrading the Reactor School, which was Vacuum Technology, Process PARR- 1 went critical on 31 established in 1967 by Dr. I.H. Usmani. Engineering, Systems October 1991 and this upgrade CNS has catered to the technical Engineering, Electrical extended the life of the reactor manpower needs of all areas of the nuclear Engineering, Optics and Lasers for another 25 years beyond its programme at a time when the world had Physics, Mechanical original 25-year design life. The closed its doors to Pakistani students. The Engineering and Nuclear cost of the overhaul was $2.5 CNS has so far produced over 5000 Medicine, Physics and Applied

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 60 Mathematics and Information fundamental objectives. It is an old constructed, and CNS shifted to Technology, in CNS/PIEAS has institution with a new name. The seeds for it in 1978. In its continuing been conducting one of the most this institution were sown more than 32 evolution, almost a decade later, advanced masters and post- years ago in 1967. its affiliatory relationship with graduate training programmes Quaid-i-Azam University By 1969, this training programme had along with Ph.D programmes in underwent a major change and been imparted sufficient depth and these disciplines for over 34 CNS was granted much greater breadth for Quaid-i-Azam University years now. academic autonomy. The (then called the University of Islamabad), expansion of training facilities at Today PIEAS bears a "Dr I. H. to accept it for the award of a Masters' CNS was to be an important Usmani gold medal " in Nuclear degree in nuclear technology, with Reactor component of this general Engineering and a " Mr. Munir School being formally affiliated to the objective. Ahmed Khan gold medal" University through its Physics which is awarded to Department. To accommodate the new distinguishing students in the laboratories, lecture-halls and To broaden participation and encourage field of M.Sc Systems other facilities which were greater competitiveness in this Engineering. mandated by this expansion programme, a Fellowship programme was programme, several new blocks The story of the development of instituted in 1972, under which of buildings had to be PIEAS is one of organic growth. engineering graduates and M.Sc. degree constructed and laboratory Over the years, it has undergone holders in the physical sciences were equipment acquired. This several metamorphoses, each of invited to compete directly for the award process is still continuing. The which has radically changed of attractive fellowships for the duration enhancement in its infra- many of its outward physical of the course. structure that created the characteristics, while With its expanding activities, additional capability for offering maintaining a basic continuity in space became of paramount importance programmes in many different its academic traditions and and therefore a separate building was fields meant that the institution

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 61 had outgrown its old name and the M.Sc. (Systems Engineering) development activities become a new one was needed. programme was initiated here in 1988. an integral part of the Therefore, its name was educational process. PIEAS tries changed to "Pakistan Institute of The commencement of the M.Sc. (Nuclear to ensure that all of its Masters' Engineering & Applied Medicine) programme in 1989 has been a graduates get some experience Sciences" (PIEAS), in 1997. major departure for the institution from its of independent work on an R & original base of engineering and physical D project relevant to their It has always been a stimulating sciences. background and interest. challenge for the faculty to begin PIEAS now has nearly 30 laboratories in with a group of people with PIEAS faculty members have different areas for conducting students' diverse backgrounds and travel published more than 400 papers experiments as well as for R&D work. with them towards the unified in international journals. Besides the regular academic goal of understanding the programmes, PIEAS has conducted a large complex systems and processes A large part of the R&D work number of courses on various specialized involved in nuclear technology. has also been reported in the topics. The length of these courses has In all the projects and working hundreds of Masters' varied from 2 to 18 months and the areas plants of PAEC, and indeed in dissertations and technical covered have included reactor supervision all modern industrial reports that are regularly and operation, health physics, medical undertaking, computers, prepared. The Ph.D. programme physics, laser technology, vacuum instrumentation and control has been instituted relatively technology, computer applications and systems play a central role. With recently here, but is now advanced reactor safety. PIEAS is engaged the breathtaking rate of receiving much more attention in manpower development programmes development in these fields, as the avenues for education at at many levels and in many directions, but their importance is increasing the highest level in technical the major thrust of PIEAS's efforts is rapidly. To train manpower fields are being increasingly directed towards postgraduate academic requirements in this vital area, blocked by the industrialised work. At this level, research and

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 62 countries. Currently there are power plant simulator was developed laying of the foundations of the more than 12 doctoral indigenously by the scientists and National Development Complex candidates registered in the engineers of PAEC. It is used to provide and Heavy Mechanical Ph.D. programmes in Nuclear the students and trainees hands-on Complex-3, Taxila. These Engineering, Systems experience of reactor operation. It is also projects of national importance Engineering, Nuclear Medicine used for study and analysis of transients were completed and expanded and Computer Science. encountered in the actual power plant under the new PAEC chairman operation. Dr. Ishfaq Ahmad. Some of the research facilities

available to students at PIEAS The importance of CNS/ PIEAS can be By 1987, the PAEC completed include: gauged from Dr. Samar Mubarakmand’s cold tests of a nuclear weapon statement in 2003 said "today all the major a) Research Reactor design that could be delivered key scientific organizations linked to the by an F-16 and other PAF The Institute has a 27 kW under- country's security like the PAEC, the aircraft. The next step was to moderated tank-in-pool type Kahuta Research Labs and the National develop delivery systems that Nuclear Reactor for training and Defence Complex are being run and could have greater reach and research. It is used for neutron operated by Pakistani professionals survivability. In the late 1980s activation analysis, radioisotope produced by the policies of the PAEC both (most likely late 1987 or 1988), production and training of under Dr. Usmani and Munir Ahmed PAEC signed an agreement with manpower. A 10-MW Khan of producing indigenous trained China for the purchase of M-11 swimming pool type research manpower." and possibly a small number M- reactor at PINSTECH is also ii) and HMC- 9 ballistic missiles. China also available for research and III agreed to aid Pakistan's ballistic training. missile efforts by building a In the last years of Munir Ahmed Khan’s b) PWR Simulator turnkey facility where such tenure as chairman PAEC, some important missiles could be built in The pressurized water reactor developments took place that saw the

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 63 Pakistan, including a solid fuel by the PAEC in the 1980s as a project of iii) NCNDT propellant plant. PAEC’s Scientific and Engineering The Non-Destructive Testing Services Directorate to cater to the needs An important development in activities have been carried out of producing spare parts for KANUPP and this regard was the appointment by PAEC since 1974, The other projects of strategic importance. Mr. in 1990 of Dr. Samar National Centre for NDT was Pervez Butt, chairman PAEC played a key Mubarakmand as Director- established in 1985, and has role in the establishment and development General of the National been serving the country in of HMC-3. Defence/Development Complex maintenance evaluation of (NDC), concurrently with his The establishment of HMC-3 was aimed at materials under Scientific and position as a PAEC Director and the development and application of latest Engineering Services Directorate then as its Member (Technical). know-how and up to date manufacturing of PAEC. The NDC was formally & testing facilities for nuclear power iv) International Nathiagali established in 1993 and began plants and to produce thick walled Summer College (INSC) on extensive Research and pressure vessels, sophisticated & complex Physics Development in the production process equipment, precise mechanical of solid fuelled Shaheen missile components, heavy steel structures, etc., in Since its inception in 1976, the systems and other defence conformance with the international codes college has traditionally been related equipment for the armed & standards. HMC-3 has broadened the held at Nathiagali except for the forces. NDC began work on the design, engineering & development base period 1981-1984 when the Shaheen missile system in 1995 of Pakistan. It is providing engineering venue was temporarily shifted and other short and medium support to the projects of national to Islamabad. range solid fuelled ballistic importance since 1994. For manufacturing The idea of organizing a college missiles. the most precise & high-tech components on regular basis came from & equipment, HMC-3 caters to the Heavy Mechanical Complex-3, distinguished Nobel Laureate, national needs as well as international Taxila, was originally conceived Professor Abdus Salam who requirements.

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 64 suggested in 1974 that an big success and the College has now be carried out with limited international forum for scientists evolved into an institution and become a facilities of developing from developing countries be prestigious event in the scientific calendar countries. organized to encourage greater of this part of the world. The College has been purposely communication and flow of This College is perhaps the only one of its designed to cover in a synoptic ideas among them. He also kind to be organized in a developing manner the modern trends in offered the assistance and co- physics and their application in country, covering a wide range of topics of sponsorship of the International current technological science and emphasizing their Center for Theoretical Physics development with special applications to the contemporary needs of (ICTP), Trieste. reference to the needs of the the society. It aims at breaking the developing world. It therefore Munir Ahmed Khan was the intellectual isolation of the scientist in the encourages an interdisciplinary first person with whom Prof Dr. developing countries; keeping pace with cross-flow of ideas and Abdus Salam discussed the idea the rapid progress in science and applications and such interactions help the scientists of setting up the ICTP in 1960, contemporary needs by promoting higher from less developed countries to science education; placing due emphasis therefore when the idea of cultivate direct contacts with organizing the Nathiagali on the interaction of modern trends in those fortunate enough to be Summer College was floated by physics and their applications in current working in well equipped Dr. Salam, PAEC readily technological development with special laboratories and research centers accepted Professors Salam's idea reference to the needs of the countries of in the advanced countries- the and started work for its the third world; promoting a scientific mainstream of modern scientific activities. implementation. dialogue and provide opportunity and opening avenues for cooperation and joint The most important factor in the The First College of the series research programs; and broadening the success of such colleges are the was held in the summer of 1976 outlook of the participants, to re-orient speakers. INSC has had over 200 at Nathiagali which lent it the their scientific activities in addition to foremost scientists drawn from name. The idea proved to be a indicating the areas where research could universities, research centers

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and industries of advanced lecture, Munir Ahmed Khan, chairman embargoes and sanctions on countries to lecture at INSC. The PAEC, put the energy needs of the Pakistan. Soon after in 1976, faculty has many leading lights developing countries in the perspective Canada had imposed sanctions in their fields of specialisation and importance of the role of nuclear on the supply of nuclear fuel including six Nobel laureates in energy in these countries as well as the and spare parts for KANUPP, addition to other renowned constraints which they face on this even though it was under scientists and outstanding account. complete IAEA safeguards. speakers. Here is how he put forth his ideas: Resource constraints as nuclear The truly international character power plants require huge sums of scientific activity has been "The developing countries of the third of capital investment. Given the under-scored by the world need to acquire nuclear technology shortage of funds, which were multinational participation in for essential diversification and entirely utilized in the nuclear these colleges. The general augmentation of their energy supplies and weapons program, very little atmosphere of the College to ensure their development and progress. was left for the nuclear power reflects a true picture of Since nuclear technology is programme. international fraternity. During interdisciplinary in character, its Pakistan’s persistent refusal to the last 18 years of INSC, nearly advantages overflow into many other sign the NPT or to accept 500 foreign scientists from as areas of industrial development. Their discriminatory safeguards many as 60 countries have depleting oil resources, limited attached with any potential participated in the proceedings development and rising population call nuclear reactor deal from any of the College. INSC has served for immediate action to radically alter western country. as a forum for people of economic development prospects." different countries whose main 8 - Pakistan’s Nuclear Power Program Successive governments’ problem is scientific isolation. chronic lack of appreciating the Pakistan’s nuclear power programme importance of nuclear Physics, energy and natural could not be developed as envisaged by technology for power generation resources was the major theme PAEC primarily due to three reasons. despite repeated initiatives of of the scientific program of the PAEC in this regard. Fourth College. In the inaugural Indian nuclear explosion of 1974 after which the West imposed discriminatory

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i) KANUPP decades of operation. Following the developed countries but in the withdrawal of vendor technical assistance case of KANUPP there was no On May 24, 1965, PAEC under and imposition of embargoes by major other choice. Incidentally, Dr. I.H. Usmani signed a nuclear countries in 1976, the plant some KANUPP is the only nuclear turnkey project contract with times has been shutdown for longer power plant in the world which Canadian General Electric for durations to carry out maintenance, has been operating without the design, supply, construction, modifications or repair. A committed self- technical support from the and commissioning of a 137 reliance programme by PAEC, however, vendor which is vividly MWe nuclear power plan to be kept the plant operational throughout the indicative of PAEC's built in Karachi difficult period. commitment to self-reliance. Civil construction of the Karachi In 1980, PAEC successfully produced In spite of problems of sorts, Nuclear Power Plant (KANUPP) nuclear fuel for KANUPP while it made KANUPP faithfully adhered to began in September 1965 and all-out efforts to create the technical its original safety and public risk was completed by July 1971. The infrastructures, industrial resources and targets. reactor attained criticality on 1 personnel expertise necessary to support August 1971 followed by station operation. The Design & The safety records have been generation of electricity for the Development Division (Mechanical), extremely satisfactory as first time on 18 October 1971. Computer Development Division, In- testified by regular testing and Full power generation (137 service Inspection Laboratory, Control & reliability analysis. Average MWe) was achieved for the first Instrumentation Application Laboratory, personnel radiation exposure time on 4 October 1972. The Quality Assurance Division and Nuclear has been well within the plant was formally inaugurated Power Training Centre were established prescribed limits of on 28 November 1972 by the within the plant. At about the same time, International Commission on Z.A. the Technical and Health Physics Radiological Protection (ICRP). Bhutto and the new Chairman Divisions were strengthened to provide of the PAEC, Munir Ahmed necessary backup for technical and Release of radioactive material Khan. radiation control support. through gaseous and liquid effluent has remained within 4% The plant has faced numerous Such technical support does not form part of the maximum permissible challenges during its over two of nuclear power plant operation in limit.

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 67 In-depth analysis of the Plant's experience feedback and plant safety. enhancement project "Safe operational safety was KANUPP joined COG and WANO in 1989 Operation of KANUPP (SOK)" conducted in 1985 and 1989 by and has now access to public domain was prepared in 1991 for an International Atomic Energy information from nuclear utilities the managing age related problems Agency (IAEA), Operation world over. and full scale assessment of Safety Review Team (OSART). reactor fuel channels. Assistance On both occasions, the IAEA from the vendor country has team found the Plant operation been acquired through IAEA in to be in conformity with laid the execution of this project. down limits and prescribed WANO conducted peer reviews original safety standards. in 1994 and then again in 2000.

Recommendations of these The complete isolation of reviews are being implemented KANUPP from international in the plant. channels of communication partially ended in 1989 KANUPP has also undertaken following the Three Mile Island the replacement of its obsolete (TMI) and Chernobyl incidents A view of KANUPP nuclear power plant Computers, Control and which aroused an instant Instrumentation under the realization among the nuclear After over two decades of operation, signs technological Up-gradation community to promote global of normal ageing and obsolescence are Project (TUP). A contract with a safety in nuclear power plant becoming apparent. Many critical reputable international operation. The Candu Owners components are reaching the end of their company was finalized in Group (COG) and, later, the designed life and need to be replaced. An September 1992, under which World Association of Nuclear IAEA "Assessment of Safety Significant most of the critical C&I loops Operators (WANO) were Event Team (ASSET)" was invited in 1989 and computers are being formed to provide a forum for to undertake a safety review of reactor replaced. promoting closer cooperation components. Based on its among nuclear utilities in recommendations, an Integrated Safety Under a comprehensive matters relating, to operational Review Master Plan (ISARMAP) for safety Balancing, Modernization and

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 68 Rehabilitation (BMR) project, eight 600 Mwe nuclear power plants It was to be the first of a KANUPP is planning to between 1982-1990, and nine 600 MWe proposed six 1000 MWe reactors upgrade its conventional units plus seven 800 MWe units between at the site. equipments, such as Building 1991-2000, with Pakistan having nuclear Several major nuclear Chillers, Service Air power amount to 60% of its projected engineering companies initially Compressors, Power Cables, installed capacity by 2000. expressed interest in bidding for Condenser Tubing etc. the planned reactor, including

Westinghouse, General Electric, With the replacements of its Framatome, Kraftwerk Union, obsolete informatics and and Hitachi. This interest did refurbishing of the nuclear not mature, despite the prospect island as well as conventional of future orders for more equipment, the operating life of reactors. The deadlines for the the Plant is expected to be bids had to be postponed five extended to 2012, i.e. 10 years times. When after 16 months beyond its designed life of 30 there had been no bids, the years. CHASNUPP nuclear power plant deadline for bids was postponed indefinitely. Pakistan’s effort to ii) CHASNUPP-I Chashma was identified as a site for some acquire the reactor was raised at of these nuclear power plants. In this new In 1972 Munir Ahmed Khan the highest levels; President Zia- environment, an emboldened PAEC began work on an ambitious ul-Haq met with Chancellor resumed its search for nuclear power nuclear power plan as part of a Kohl of Germany and had plants. In 1982, after a study by the larger IAEA assessment of the discussions with France. Spanish engineering and consulting potential role of nuclear power company Sener, Pakistan approved a $1.5 in meeting the energy demands Despite Pakistan’s major role in billion plan for a 937 MWe nuclear power of developing countries. This led supporting the United States plant to be located at Chashma, to be the IAEA and PAEC to produce against the Soviet Union in completed by 1988. the 1975 Nuclear Power Afghanistan even the Soviet Planning Study for Pakistan. Union was asked to supply The plan proposed building

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 69 reactors. But to no avail. The The Peoples Republic of China (PRC) In March 1992 China acceded to Western reluctance to supply a Prime Minister Li Peng agreed in the NPT and the Safeguards nuclear power reactor to November 1989 to supply a 300 MW PWR Agreement for Chashma Pakistan, despite the financial and enriched uranium to Pakistan during between Pakistan, China and the incentives, was attributed to US a four day visit to Pakistan. The deal IAEA was approved on 19 June pressure on suppliers and followed a 1986 agreement for nuclear 1992, and signed on 24 February concerns about Pakistan’s cooperation between the two countries. 1993. nuclear weapons program, as Technical and financial details will be Unlike Western suppliers, China well as on Pakistan’s ironed out in meetings over the next few did not insist on fullscope unwillingness to accept full- months. The deal was first hinted at in safeguards -- which would have scope safeguards. August 1989 when an official Pakistani delegation visited the PRC for bilateral covered Pakistan’s entire It was against this background talks, which included areas of nuclear nuclear complex, including its that in the late 1980s Pakistan cooperation. nuclear weapons facilities. turned to China for a larger nuclear power plant to be built The plant was built at Chashma , near a The Chashma site was one of the at Chashma. The agreement heavy water reactor fuel fabrication 12 possible sites identified in the between Pakistan and the China facility. It is also the site where the PAEC 1975 PAEC Nuclear Power National Nuclear Corporation had unsuccessfully attempted to set up a Planning Study for the 24 (CNNC) for the supply of the French reprocessing plant and a 900 MW reactors the study proposed Chashma reactor was reached in PWR. should be built in Pakistan over November 1989, with the final a period of 18 years. These sites Civil work on Chasnupp-I began with the contract signed in Beijing on 31 were characterized as desirable ground breaking ceremony held on 26 December 1991. on the basis of there being access Dec. 1992 and the first concrete was to water for cooling, ease of Munir Ahmed Khan said that poured on 18 Nov, 1993. The plant became transport of construction this reactor deal with China for went critical on 3rd May 2000 and began materials and components, a 300-MW PWR had broken an commercial operation on 15th September international embargo against the same year. Pakistan.

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proximity to transmission lines told Bonn that the US was doing and areas with potentially high everything possible to prevent demand for electricity, and Pakistani proliferation but its appropriate geological efforts have only served to conditions and levels of escalate PAEC's weapons earthquake activity. program. UK intelligence information at that time Chashnupp-I is a pressurised revealed that Pakistan would water reactor (PWR), a design have a workable bomb by 1983. originally developed in the mid- 1950s by the Westinghouse As a result, by 1985, the West Corporation from a reactor it Germans stiffened its nuclear had built to power submarines export policy. When in 1985, for the US navy. It is now the Rasheed Ahmad, Pakistan's most common type of nuclear ambassador to the West power plant around the world. Germany, requested a reactor Aerial view of Khushab iii) The West German Reactor again for the PAEC from Plan Genscher that Pakistan was building an officials in the German unsafeguarded military reprocessing plant Economics Ministry, they The PAEC asked a West German and asked Bonn to export any further insisted on full-scope firm and a firm from France to nuclear reactor technology under full- safeguards. The US reminded combine forces and supply a scope safeguards. The Foreign Minister the West Germans of 900-MW reactor to Pakistan in agreed to consult with the US on further "proliferation concerns" at this the early 1980's. On 20 exports to Pakistan but insisted that the time. By July of 1985, the September 1982, then-US FRG had never agreed to a blanket Ambassador's request was Secretary of State George Shultz position requiring full-scope safeguards denied because the West raised proliferation concerns in for exports. Germans claimed its firms a letter to the West German couldn't export in light of The US position on German exports was Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Pakistan’s economic problems. Genscher. The note warned shared by the UK and the Netherlands. In November 1982, the British Foreign Office

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 71 iv) The French Reactor Deal defying a western embargo on nuclear held on compensation for a sales to Pakistan. Mitterrand ignored US reprocessing plant deal that In December 1986 Pakistan's and European objections who wanted France cancelled in 1978. Foreign Secretary Abdul Sattar, Pakistan to accept full safeguards for all its However, in early 1991, Pakistan visited France to meet with the nuclear installations In June 1990, an claimed that the US was French foreign minister and to official delegation from Pakistan, led by pressuring European countries discuss the possible supply of a Munir Ahmed Khan, held two days of neither to export nuclear 900 MW French unit at the talks with France on the technical and technology to Pakistan nor to Chashma. InMay 1987 French financial aspects of the reactor sale bid. allow Pakistani students to Foreign Minister Jean-Bernard Two working groups were set up to enroll in technological Raimond discussed French handle the technical and financial issues. disciplines. France delayed cooperation with Pakistani The reactor from France was likely to be negotiations on loans for the Foreign Minister Sahabzada built at Chashma in Pakistan. Framatome proposed supply of a 937 MW Yaqub Khan. France agreed to and other firms from France were likely be PWR to Pakistan. cooperate with Pakistan in order involved in construction of the reactor in to meet Pakistan's energy needs. Pakistan. International lending agencies A French official said that the were also not providing loans to nuclear power plant that might In September 1990, Shahehyar M. Khan, Pakistan for the purchase of the be constructed in Pakistan will the Foreign Secretary of Pakistan, said that estimated $1.5 billion PWR. fall under International Atomic Dr. Tanveer Ahmad Khan, Pakistan's new French sources said that France Energy Agency (IAEA) ambassador to France, will launch had delayed discussions on the safeguards, but did not insist negotiations in coming weeks to discuss a plant since the ouster of former that Pakistan sign the NPT financing formula proposed by France for Pakistani Prime Minister before the deal is finalized. a 937 MW nuclear power plant. Shahehyar in 1990. By Khan said that Pakistan may not be able to August 1992, France had also In February 1990, President afford the projected $1.5 billion, that the signed the NPT, and the reactor Mitterand of France authorized plant will cost for construction, due to the deal with Pakistan was a reactor sale bid for a proposed economic downturn that was caused by effectively scuttled. 937-MW Pressurized Water the Gulf crisis. Shahehyar Khan said Reactor (PWR) to be built at Pakistan would be unable to conclude a

Chashma in Pakistan, thus financial agreement until after talks are

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 72 9 - NUCLEAR MEDICAL with the name of MINAR. Munir Ahmed Khan. It is CENTRES: located in Peshawar within the Initally it was providing only nuclear premises of Peshawar PAEC operates over two dozen medicine services with a rectilinear University on the main Jamrud nuclear medical centres scanner and an uptake system. The first road leading to the famous throughout Pakistan where gamma camera was installed in 1981 and Khyber Pass(which is a Gateway hundreds of thousands of subsequently new gamma cameras were to central Asian Republics). It patients have been given installed in 1989 and 1994. became November 1975 and is medical care by utilizing nuclear Presently it provides a wide range of the only hospital of the Province medical techniques, especially where Radiotherapy and for cancer patients. services in the field of nuclear medicine, RIA and radiotherapy on outdoor as well Nuclear Medicine facilities are i) MINAR as indoor basis. Besides this, allied available under one roof. services being rendered to patient include IRNUM is playing a pivotal role Established by Dr. I.H Usmani, ultrasonography and mammography. in diagnosis and management of Multan Institute of Nuclear cancer and allied fields. Medicine and Radiotherapy ii) NORI (MINAR) is one of the 13 iv) INMOL Medical Centres run by the Nuclear medicine, Oncology and Radiotherapy Institute (NORI), Islamabad, PAEC. It is located in Multan. Institute of Nuclear Medicine was established eighteen years ago by and Oncology – INMOL is one MINAR is ideally located within PAEC under Munir Ahmed Khan . It of the twelve medical centers the premises of Nishtar Hospital provides diagnostic and treatment established by PAEC across the campus. It serves a population facilities to patients suffering from a wide country. INMOL was area of over 14 million and the range of pathologies. The Institute is established by Munir Ahmed catchment area includes the catering to a population of about 10 Khan and is located in Lahore. southern Punjab, adjoining areas million people coming from various parts of Sindh, Baluchistan, and of Pakistan INMOL has been offering NWFP. From a humble start in iii) IRNUM exemplary services in the fields 1968 as AEMC, Multan, it has of nuclear medicine and cancer made a tremendous progress, Institute of Radiotherapy and Nuclear management since 1984. and became an Institute in 1995, Medicine(IRNUM) was established by

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 73 Equipped with modern from where there is a regular inflow of Bahawalpur Institute of Nuclear instruments & state of art students for training in almost all the Medicine & Oncology (BINO) is facilities in both nuclear fields available at INMOL. The institute is the 12th Nuclear Medical Center medicine and radiotherapy at the forefront in the field of research of PAEC established by Dr. divisions, it caters for about also. The research work is being carried Ishfaq Ahmad. BINO has been 60,000 patients per annum. The out mostly in collaboration with the IAEA. established to provide number of patients is however diagnostic and treatment increasing with expanding Considering the high standards of facilities to the cancer patients of repute of the institute. Highly professional and clinical practice at the this remotely situated area. It qualified and professionally institute, College of Physicians & Surgeons became operational in August devoted physicians and doctors of Pakistan has recognized INMOL as the 1998. Since its inception, it has of Nuclear Medicine and training center for FCPS students in the come up remarkably well to Oncology are available at fields of Nuclear Medicine & Oncology. cater the needs not only of INMOL. It also extends free Bahawalpur Division but also to v) CENAR medical aid to deserving the Southern Punjab and patients that range from 80-90% Centre forNuclear Medicine and adjoining areas of Sindh and of the total patients attended. Radiotherapy(CENAR) is the first Centre Balochistan of its kind in Baluchistan, commissioned 10 - NUCLEAR The high quality diagnostic and by PAEC. It was established by Munir AGRICULTURE AND treatment facilities have earned Ahmed Khan and its foundation stone GENETIC ENGINEERING INMOL a good repute at both was laid by Prime Minister Junejo, on national and international 22nd April 1986. CENAR became i) NIAB levels. It has also been declared functional in November 1987 Use of ionizing radiations and as the ‘Center of Excellence’ and radioisotopes offers an a referral center for Asia-Pacific The Center provides services in advantage over conventional regional countries by the IAEA. Radiotherapy, Medical Oncology, techniques in agricultural and Diagnostic and Therapeutic Nuclear The Institute is also well known biological research, the Medicine. for its high quality teaching and absorption of nutrients, the training in the regional countries vi) BINO resistance of plants to saline

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 74 water and sub soil brackish started at NIAB in 1970 and the Institute Physiology, Entomology, Soil water and the induction of was inaugurated in 1972. Science and Biotechnology. desirable mutations etc. In view ii) NIBGE of the importance of these NIA has evolved and released techniques, the PAEC decided to PAEC has always been on the forefront for 11 improved varieties of various develop expertise and facilities acquiring new and emerging technologies. crops viz; five of wheat, three of for utilization of nuclear and Hence, PAEC took the initiative way back rice and one each of cotton, other modern techniques in in 1987 for establishing National Institute sugarcane and mungbean to agriculture and biology to solve for Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering cater to the needs of Pakistan in the problems of crop production (NIBGE) which was formally inaugurated general and Sindh in particular. and conservation. in January 1994 by the President of Pakistan. PAEC has always been iv) NIFA Nuclear Institute of Agriculture generously supporting activities in bio- and Biology (NIAB) was Established by PAEC in 1982 sciences involving use of nuclear sanctioned as a development under Munir Ahmed Khan, the techniques in agriculture and medicine. project of the PAEC in 1967 main objective of NIFA is to PAEC, in addition to NIBGE, runs three under Dr. I. H. Usmani and promote peaceful application of Agriculture Research Institutes namely started functioning under Munir atomic energy in the fields of NIAB, Faisalabad; NIA, Tandojam and Ahmed Khan. By producing food and agricultural research. NIFA, Peshawar. In addition, PAEC runs advanced quality seeds of This institute is the third thirteen Nuclear Medical Centres all over different varieties of rice, cotton agriculture center of PAEC. Pakistan. PAEC intends to continue and other crops, NIAB’s seeds supporting R&D activities in all related have resulted in a massive In NIFA the main focus of the areas of life sciences. growth of production of cotton research is on the development crop which is Pakistan’s major iii) NIA of improved techniques for export and is the source of increasing the yield of important billions of dollars in foreign Nuclear Institute of Agriculture (NIA), food crops and the development exchange. Research activity Tandojam is the first Institute of of the package of technologies Agriculture established by PAEC under for conservation of agricultural Dr. I. Usmani. Its research activities are produce in the country by the covering the fields of Plant Genetics, Plant

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 75 use of nuclear and other judiciously utilized under Munir Ahmed sites at Chaghi in Balochistan so relevant techniques. The Khan. that when the time came, the institute holds the promise of actual blast could be carried out At a reference held in memory of making significant contributions on a short notice. He further chairman PAEC (1972-1991) Munir towards improving agriculture said that Pakistan's nuclear Ahmed Khan, Dr. Samar Mubarkamand, production in the country, capability was confirmed on the Chairman NESCOM said, "As many as passing economic benefits to day in 1983 when the PAEC two dozen steps were involved in the farmers and striving to share in carried out cold nuclear tests making of a nuclear weapon ranging from the efforts to make the country under the guidance and exploration of uranium to the finished self-reliant and self-sufficient in stewardship of Munir Ahmed device and its trigger mechanism. The agricultural commodities. It is Khan. technological and manpower actively involved in research in infrastructure for twenty three out of Due to the dynamic and the fields of Crop Breeding, Soil twenty four of these steps were provided visionary leadership of Dr. I. H. Science, Entomology, Food by the PAEC under the leadership of Usmani and Munir Ahmed Science. who led it for nearly Khan and Dr. Ishfaq Ahmad Conclusion: two decades from 1972 to 1991." He said, and the hard work of thousands "Munir Ahmed Khan was both a visionary of scientists and engineers, the Dr. I.H. Usmani chairman PAEC and a doer who planned goals and targets PAEC has emerged as a centre (1960-72) had established a solid 10 to 15 years in advance and would then of excellence and has given birth base for the civil nuclear set out in all earnestness to achieve those to new institutions like KRL, programme with the goals." NDC, and finally NESCOM. establishment of PINSTECH and PAEC and its affiliated Kanupp. He had also trained Dr. Samar recalled how Munir Ahmed organizations have proven to be afew hundred scientists and Khan nurtured, guided and inspired his the pride of the Pakistani nation, engineers of PAEC in various younger colleagues in the implementation in the fields of national security, disciplines who provided a pool of the nuclear program ranging from economic and industrial of trained manpower when the uranium prospection, mining, making of development, health and decision to go nuclear in 1972 uranium gas, fabrication of nuclear fuel to agriculture, human resource was taken. This training was the making of the nuclear device and to development and nuclear power further expanded and the selection and development of the test

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 76 generation. The PAEC proved its worth at Chaghi in 1998 and is embarked on expanding the nuclear program , both in the field of nuclear power generation with the 300MW CHASHNUPP-II on its way to completion and plutonium production with Khushab-II and reprocessing with an expanded New Labs . In their footsteps, NESCOM scientists and engineers under the leadership of Dr. Samar Mubarakmand are also making rapid strides in the field of missile technology. The end

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 77 Pakistan’s First effort that was about to pay dividends. that it was inadvertently overlooked by the attackers and Cyber War - Part II The first sign came when Pak-CERT began suffered no direct attacks. This ______noticing IP traffic patterns with an would eventually be an abnormal increase in sourcing from oversight that would come as a Eastern European and Russian origination God sent. points. Destination for this source traffic Introduction: Please read Part I of in the early this story in the first edition of E- was eerily being routed to financial institutions in Pakistan in what later nineties developed a group of Reporter to get a full context and became known as the sourcing or seeding Cyber warriors. This effort was continuity of ideas and storyline. event. This blip occurred only thirty days the step child in the force often Part III of this story will cover prior to the full Cyber attack, in an driven more by the passion of Pakistan’s response to a cyber attempt to minimize chances for CERT the individuals involved than a attack. and IT Security teams to correlate many of strategic understanding by the force bureaucracy of its the events that only together could have importance. Nevertheless it In an obscure Rawalpindi foretold of the impending disaster. Through the seeding process the attackers spoke volumes for the AVMs of neighborhood the first signs of were imbedding their Trojans and Worms that time that they somehow war came early. Pak-CERT on compromised systems in order to realized very early on that not officially known as Pakistan release their intended loads on IT understanding something Computer Emergency Response infrastructures on the day of the Cyber should not diminish its Team was established with attacks. importance and allowed the official government funding program to mature. In the only nine months prior. The The morning after Pak-CERT had already twelve years since its inception team at Pak CERT was still not logged over 3.9 billion cyber events the group grew from a motley self-sufficient and relied heavily occurring all over Pakistan’s IT and bunch of six, to eighty full time on the collaboration of private Telecom infrastructure. Their systems too cyber warriors. Though their entities to provide for the skill- were reeling from a consistent barrage of mandate was eventually set deficiency. It was an effort “Spill-over” attacks. Somehow the structured around providing that was slow but progressing in initiation and setting up of Pak-CERT had systems and communications the right direction and it was an been such a non-event within Pakistan

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 78 security to the Air Force, the going undetected and their methods of IT Security experts dwell in the group called Unit 66 true to the warfare unrecognized. much maligned Layer 4 and 7 of PAF credo looked at the broader the ISO standard, known as the Siemens’ victory for the PN conversion aspects of Cyber Warfare. It Network and Application layer, was a much heralded event. SINAVY was would be their efforts combined and disregard the a critical component in the Military with skills and direction from microprocessor kernels and IC division of Siemens and contract victory Pak CERT that would functions. This often has to do for SINAVY’s latest version made public eventually come around to with the variance in the two news. An agreement was signed for the providing the first salvo of technological areas which delivery of the latest generation of return fire from Pakistan in her prevents individuals in the SINAVY that was still in the concept stage first Cyber War of 2011. security space to develop an and had yet to be developed. Thus an expertise that crosses over these opportunity presented itself to the Cyber It was a simple attack. Three domains. attackers. men approached the power Working closely with the relay station from opposing A sub-component for the electronic Advanced Technology labs sides. The balls were meant to control system for SINAVY was within RAW, VLSI MEF was explode through a release eventually developed at the VLSI Labs in able to imbed a dual purpose switch mechanism in a silent Madras, India. Of the thousands of Microprocessor into the puff releasing billions of transactions annually routed through electronic sub-component for fragments of carbon dust. As it India’s massive offshore industry, Madras the master switching controller descended onto the station it Electronic Foundation (MEF) elicited little of SINAVY. A ticking time penetrated sensitive electronic notice by anyone. VLSI MEF Private bomb that was only to be sub-sections of the relaying grid Limited had been in business for seven released and it was now a shorting out critical electronic years now and had delivered on some matter of how, when and where. and control systems. Rawalpindi large projects for the Indian army along was thrust into darkness. All with many commercial contracts for IC As army mechanics somewhere across Pakistan such team Board manufacturers. By the time news in North Eastern Sindh desert structures were devastating the came out regarding PN adoption of scurried around to figure out the electrical grid of Pakistan. These SINAVY, VLSI Madras had already sudden deaths of Pakistan special commando teams were developed a Trojan Microprocessor. Most

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 79 Army’s much vaunted Main activated antenna which operated on downloaded a Britney Spears Battle Tank they had no idea 13.5MHz. The drone provided the radio screensaver little did he know that the task at hand was signal at that frequency, the antenna was that he had begun the war by beyond their comprehension. activated and powered up flowing current being a silent participant. The hum that was heard before which was stored in a micro-capacitor and the sudden seizing of the discharged when it reached its critical Almost three years prior to the engines and ignition failures storage capacity. These stickers were Pakistan’s first cyber war, was the switch that heralded the found on almost every circuit board of the agencies and warriors of a attack. A low flying drone tank. Within seconds a lethal does of different creed began to develop special purposed to emit radio minute electric charges literally fried the a national fingerprint of frequencies. Though on peace- circuitry of the Tank rendering it Pakistan. They touched, probed, time exercises the unit had no completely useless. Welcome to war in the and talked with every logical idea that they were under 21st century. node within Pakistan and within attack. Little could they imagine the course of three years had Like many financial institutions that in the course of seven differentiated and segmented Westminster Investment Bank was reeling seconds the attackers had the entire infrastructure of from the Cyber War. Almost all their completed paralyzed the Pakistan. They managed to systems were inoperable. The Cyber operations of their twelve brand differentiate the IT footprint of attackers were smart. It took them a total new Al-Khalids. Pakistan in terms of critical of 18 seconds to prime their victims, and infrastructure, tier-one The simplicity of this attack they did it thirty days prior to the Cyber economic, tier-one services and would shock the establishment. War. Just when Pak-CERT was seeing so on. This process enabled The forensic team would later abnormal amounts of traffic emanate from them to task their attacks against discover that within a QC Eastern Europe, Westminster was being systems that yielded the sticker thinner than a sheet of seeded with a deadly worm. It was like no maximum result. Westminster paper and of radius smaller than other worm developed before, the kind was a tier one financial. a rupee coin lay a simple circuit that people with a lot of money, time and powered by an RFID type effort could. Though it propagated like a Back to Saleem Ijaz. As he antenna. The circuit conducted worm once within an infrastructure it viewed the different images of and stored power by the operated often like a silent Trojan. When Brittney over the months little Saleem Ijaz a trader at Westminster

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 80

did he know that the images million logical nodes within Pakistan. The had carpet bombed every square were downloaded as encoded payload was simple. Half of the systems inch of Pakistan and the irony is globs of data. This glob of data or approximately 17 million nodes not a single bullet was fired. was not the image it was an requested resources from 43 critical instruction sheet. Till thirty days sources such as ISPs, Telecom IT services, A nation woke in amazement, prior to the attack these PTA, PTCL, KESC, WAPDA, CAA, and hoping its defenders were ready instructions were innocuous others. The requests were as simple as a and capable to protect the lives requesting image transfers from connection to a port. The concurrency of and aspirations of her people. image sourcing servers. But on the requests in-effect brought down all What they saw in the next seven the day that Pak CERT noticed services. The remaining 16 million nodes days reminded them of lores the anomaly in traffic patterns executed an internal command that they often heard from their the instructions requested a exploited unknown vulnerabilities later fathers and grand fathers about download with a far sinister identified as Intel’s SUPER CORE Duo 9 the time when a nation facing an payload. Around Pakistan Cycle Exploit. The vulnerability allowed insurmountable enemy thousands of computers were for exponential processor clock cycling responded with the courage undergoing a similar process. causing eventually a hard crash of the unity and dedication. A day Not all were running Brittney, device. Westminster suffered from the they celebrated on the 6th of as the Cyber attackers had a later. So combined this cyber attack took September. multitude of seeding out not only the ability of Pakistan to Note to Readers: The above mechanisms, disparate, hidden communicate with and from points story line is entirely fictional. and difficult to correlate. outside of Pakistan but also caused Any similarities to actual internal mayhem to critical servers within persons, places or events are Forensic teams that eventually thousands of organizations. The complete coincidental and unintentional. were called in to stem the tide outage of everything from basic services extricated the download into a like water pumping to sewage gates, to Sandbox and what they found turbine operations, to railway services, air was incredible. The worm was services, air traffic control, port of a Warhol genome, and on the operations, business and financial day of the attack it took less operations, schools, universities, highway than 15 minutes to infect 33 and traffic control. It was as if someone

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 81 Bunker News (FATA), the customs and traditions of its the two countries. The Minister inhabitants and massive uplift projects informed the visiting dignitary ______being undertaken by Pakistan Army for that Pakistan attached greater the socio-economic well being of the importance to its relations with US defence team briefed about people of tribal areas. Italy and wanted to broaden and peculiarities of Fata deepen its relations with Italy in Later the delegation visited Headquarters diverse fields particularly in the PESHAWAR (September 12 Frontier Corps (NWFP) where they were area of defence. 2006): A 12 member delegation given detailed briefing about the multi- of Defence Security Co- dimensional roles of Frontier Corps in the The meeting also discussed the operation Agency of USA led by tribal areas. developments taking place in Afghanistan. The Minister told Lieutenant General, Jeffrey Copyright: Associated Press of Pakistan, 2006 Kohler visited Corps the Italian Chief of Defence Staff Headquarters and called on that Pakistan was committed to Corps Commander, Lieutenant Pakistan and Italy to enhance defence fighting and curbing terrorism General Muhammad Hamid ties and extremism and had gained Khan. tremendous success in this RAWALPINDI (September 14 2006): regard. The Minister also According to a press release of Pakistan and Italy have expressed the appreciated Italy's prompt Inter-Service Public Relations desire to enhance defence co-operation assistance for relief efforts in the (ISPR) here, the visiting between the two countries. This was quake affected areas. dignitary remained with Corps discussed during a meeting between Commander for some time and Senior Federal Minister and Minster for Copyright: Associated Press of

discussed matters pertaining to Defence, Rao Sikandar Iqbal, and the Pakistan, 2006 visiting Italian Chief of Defence Staff, professional interest. Phalanx CIWS Contract Giampaolo DI Paola, here on Awarded Lieutenant General Jeffrey Wednesday. Kohlar and members of his WASHINGTON (Reuters) - delegation were briefed about The meeting discussed the geo-political Raytheon Co. (RTN.N: Quote, the peculiarities of Federally situation of the region and underlined the Profile, Research) has won a Administered Tribal Areas need for stronger co-operation between

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 82 $369.1 million U.S. Navy awarded a $5,286,000 not-to-exceed preliminary work with contract for Phalanx Close-In contract for the procurement of spare parts Pakistan’s Defence Ministry. We Weapons systems and spares, for the Pakistani Army's MI-17 helicopters cannot reveal any other details,” including some for Pakistan, the under the Foreign Military Sales Program. stated Hrytsenko. U.S. Defense Department said The MI-17 aircraft parts are required to Malyshev’s Factory is to deliver Wednesday. meet the operational requirements for the Pakistan Army in support of the Global all utilities and optional Work on the contract is to be War on Terrorism. Work will be equipment for the armoured performed in Louisville, performed in St. Petersburg, Fla., and is technics supplied before to Kentucky and is expected to be expected to be completed in October 2007. Pakistan. The new deal will give wrapped up in December 2009, Contract funds in the amount of $5,286,000 an opportunity to overcome the the Pentagon said. will expire at the end of the current fiscal financial crisis, the factory’s officials opine: “We are A total of 12.8 percent of the year. This contract was not competitively procured. The Naval Air Systems convinced that due to the order is for Pakistan. The lion's contract, the financial state of share is for the U.S. Navy and Command, Patuxent River, Md., is the contracting activity the company will get stabilised Army; 1.2 percent is for in January-February 2007.” Australia.The system is a rapid Source: US Department of Defense (press firing, multi-barreled gun used release) Note: since 2002, Malyshev’s as a last resort when anti-ship Munitions Factory has got $7-10 missiles have penetrated all Ukraine's munitions factory to renew million of annual losses. In 1996- other naval defenses. The U.S. military supplies to Pakistan 2002 the factory was a profitable Army is deploying a land-based enterprise due to the military Malyshev’s Munitions Factory National Phalanx weapons system to supplies to Pakistan. Company will make a contract with the guard installations. Defence Ministry of Pakistan on military Memorandum on Pakistan Buys Spare Parts for supplies to the amount of $100 million or Understanding signed Ukraine Mi-17 Helicopters more, Hennadiy Hrytsenko, Malyshev’s and Pakistan Munitions Factory Director, revealed General Dynamics - Ordnance Friday. Defence Minister Hrytsenko and and Tactical Systems, St. Pakistani Senior Federal Defense Petersburg, Fla., is being “As for now, we have finalised Minister Rao Sikandar Iqbal

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 83 inked a Memorandum on million, the U.S. Department of Defense Samarate, Italy, and is expected Understanding between the said Monday. to be completed in November Cabinet of Ukraine and Pakistan 2007. The division was awarded a $17.28 million Government on Cooperation firm-fixed-price contract for the Chicago-based Boeing Co.'s within Military and Defense procurement of Harpoon Ship Command (NYSE: BA) Integrated Defense Industry. Launch Control Systems upgrades, Systems unit, its largest They also put their signatures modifications and associated equipment subsidiary, is based in St. Louis under a Cooperation Plan-2007. and spares for the governments of and is the area's second-largest Pakistan, Chile and Turkey. The Harpoon employer. Ukraine’s Hrytsenko mentioned is a GPS-guided missile. that Pakistan is interested in Source: St. Louis Business Journal cooperation with the Transport The contract combines purchases, under Swiss defence team arrives ministry within the aviation and the Foreign Military Sales Program, for the space fields, machinery and governments of Pakistan, $6.1 million; ISLAMABAD (October 30 2006): military-technical sectors. Chile, $5.87 million; and Turkey, $5.31 A 7-member Swiss defence Pakistan considers possibilities million. delagation, led by Swiss Defence to get Ukrainian enterprises Minister, Samuel Schmid Work will be performed in St. Charles, involved in development arrived here on Sunday on a Mo.; Lititz, Pa.; San Diego; Baltimore; Pakistani railways and states its two-day official visit. Senior Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Kellyville, Okla.; and readiness to allot $500 million Federal Minister and Minister of various other locations in the United for the implementation of this Defence Rao Sikandar Iqbal and States. Work on the order is expected to be project. Hrytsenko outlined senior defence officials received completed in July 2008. Pakistani interest in missiles, the delegation at Chaklala Air ammunition and radars. The Boeing unit also won a $5.56 million Base, Rawalpindi. order against a previously issued basic Boeing Wins Two US Navy Copyright: Associated Press of ordering agreement for wiring kits under Contracts Pakistan, 2006 engineering change proposal 270-R2 1760 The Boeing Co.'s aerospace to upgrade 30 AV-8B Harrier aircraft. division won two U.S. Navy contracts worth a total of $22.84 Work will be performed in St. Louis and

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 84

Defence talks held with sharing and logistics. offered to the POF as joint Australia ventures for co-production and Copyright Associated Press of Pakistan, 2006 co-marketing. RAWALPINDI (November 08

2006): Chairman Joint Chiefs of Source: Staff Committees General Production of arms with Germany, Korea Raytheon Awarded Pakistani Ehsanul Haq, who is in soon Contract Australia, held wide-ranging talks with senior military and WAH, Nov 7: Pakistan will start co- Raytheon Co., Tucson, Ariz., is political leadership. production of arms and ammunition with being awarded a $269,646,834 Germany and Korea by January 2007. This firm-fixed-price contract General Ehsanul Haq, called on was disclosed by Chairman Pakistan modification. This action is Foreign Minister Alexander Ordnance Factories (POF) Lt General Syed exercising an option to purchase Downer, and Defence Minister Sabahat Hussain while talking to 500 Advanced Medium Range Brendan Nelson. Call on journalists after the inaugural session of a Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM) Defence Minister was also two-day seminar on “public-private Air Vehicles (AAVs) Air attended by Air Chief Marshal partnership” here on Tuesday. Intercept Missile (AIM) – 120C-5 Angus Houston, Chief of missiles and rehost. This effort Australian Defence Forces. He said memoranda of understanding supports foreign military sales These parleys are part of efforts (MoUs) to this effect will be signed during to Pakistan 100%. At this time, by both the countries to take the forthcoming international defence total funds have been obligated. their evolving defence exhibition and seminar (IDEAS) 2006. This work will be complete relationship to a mutually April 2011. Headquarters beneficial and meaningful level. He said the POF will keep abreast with the Medium Range Missile Systems

current trends and actively involve the Group, Eglin Air Force Base, In a comprehensive review of private sector in joint ventures. He said Fla., is the contracting activity existing defence ties, it was priority will be given to the domestic (FA8675-05-C-0070/P00028). decided to expand the spectrum investors. of co-operation and collaboration to include training, He said technologies which were once defence technology, intelligence branded as “hush hush” were now being

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 85 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Haq Friday said the govt was determined Earlier, Lt Gen Israr Ahmed Interested in Buying Pakistani to provide a credible defence with all Ghumman, Chairman of Heavy APC possible means at its disposal. Industries Taxila (HIT) in his welcome address said that HIT LONDON [MENL] -- Saudi Speaking at the handing-over ceremony of is meeting the entire demand of Arabia has been mulling the indigenously built Air Defence Missile tracked vehicles of Pakistan procurement of an armored Carriers to regiments of Pakistan Army at Army. personnel carrier from Pakistan. the , he said the

govt was giving high priority to the He said these air defence missile Pakistani and Saudi officials operational preparedness of the armed carriers have been designed and said the Royal Saudi Army has forces and the Armed Forces Development built at one of the HIT factories. examined Pakistan's Saad APC. Plan (AFDP) was a step in this direction. The Saad was based on the U.S.- With the handing over of the origin M113 APC powered by a General said that rapid first batch today, the production Ukrainian engine. mobility with armour protection and is progressing for the remaining vehicles. The Saad, with a maximum integral air defence elements are the key weight of 13.5 tons, can areas of modernization of Pakistan Army. He then invited CJCSC General transport 14 soldiers with full Ehsan Ul Haq to hand over the combat equipment, officials He said today's ceremony marks yet symbolic scrolls to the said. They said the Saad, another milestone in our indigenous commanding officers of the powered by a 500 horsepower weapons' capability. Self-reliance regiments receiving the first engine, has a maximum speed of especially in the field of defence is a batch of these vehicles. 75 kilometers per hour. reflection of our national policy and Heavy Industries Taxila plays an Among the four regiments to Air Defence Missile Carriers important role in it. receive the new missile carriers, handed over to Pakistan Army was a light Self-Propelled Air Regiments He said with the induction of this first Defence Regiment in which batch of air defence missile carriers, our General Ehsan started his ISLAMABAD, Dec 1 (APP): air defence capability will be further military career as a second Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff augmented. lieutenant and later commanded Committee General Ehsan Ul

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 86 the regiment. Systems will be accomplished under the TAI is preparing to perform a firm-fixed-price portion of the contract. At mid-life update on the Turkish After the handing over of the this time, $49,750,000 have been obligated. air force's 117 F-16C/Ds. The traditional scrolls, the regiments This work will be complete May 2010. service also seeks an attrition rolled past in their new vehicles Headquarters Aeronautical Systems purchase of 30 F-16 Block 50s, and presented salute to CJCSC. Center, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, and TAI wants to open a local The general also unveiled a Ohio, is the contracting activity (FA8615- assembly line. commemorative plaque to mark 07-C-6033). today's ceremony. Pak Navy Orders FAC From Turkish Aerospace to update Pakistan's Turkey It is believed that these are the F-16s refurbished RBS-70 LG According to the latest issue (Vol MANPADS installed on Talha DATE: 28/11/06 XXX, Issue 11) of Military APC. Technology: The SOURCE: Flight International has ordered two MRTP 33 120t Copyright Associated Press of Fast Attack Craft from the Pakistan, 2006 Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) has signed a memorandum of understanding Turkish yard Yonca-Onuk. The Northrop Awarded Pakistani (MoU) with the Pakistani air force to boats, which will be delivered in Contract modernise up to 32 Lockheed Martin F- February and March 2008, 16A/Bs. Signed at the IDEAS 2006 respectively will be capable of a Northrop Grumman Electronic Defence Exhibition in Karachi, the MoU maximum speed in excess of 47 Systems, Linthicum Heights, calls for work to start in 2008. TAI began knots and will be armed with Md., is being awarded a modernising Jordan's F-16A/Bs in August, four HARPOON Block II anti- $99,500,000 firm-fixed-price and the first two aircraft are due to be ship missiles, a 30mm gun on a contract. This action provides completed by November 2007. stabilized turret and two for government furnished 12.7mm HMGs. The Pakistani property for the Government of TAI general manager Muharrem Dortkasli Navy is expected to procure an Pakistan for F-16 Block 50/52 says: "We will discuss with the Pakistan eventual total of eight MRTP new aircraft and modernization air force the number of F-16s and the costs. 33s. This is the launch order for program. The procurement of 54 We believe TAI will become the new F-16 the MRTP 33 design, which is AN/APG-68 (V) 9 Radar modernisation centre in the region."

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 87 an enlarged version of the conformity with the prevailing geo- The Committee approved the MRTP 29 boats, nine of which strategic environment and measures up to second phase of the Jinnah are operated by the Turkish its national inspirations, he added. Naval Base at Ormara and Coast Guard Command. assured that necessary funds The Prime Minister said the government is will be provided to complete the Second phase of the Jinnah fully cognizant of the country's defence project. Naval Base at Ormara approved needs and will make all resources The Foreign Secretary Riaz ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister available to modernize and upgrade its defence forces in view of the fast paced Muhammad Khan briefed the Shaukat Aziz Monday said that Committee about the geo- Pakistan is a peaceful country ongoing technological developments. strategic situation and his recent and will continue to provide visit to India and the ongoing adequate capability to its armed He said strong defence is the ultimate guarantee to peace. process of composite dialogue forces to ensure peace and with it. stability in the region. The Prime Minister said the country is proud of its armed forces for ensuring The meeting was attended He said this while chairing the peace in the region and also for their role among others by Senior Minister meeting of Defence Committee in alleviating the sufferings of the people for Broadcasting Muhammad of the Cabinet at the Prime in the wake of October 2005's earthquake. Ali Durrani, Minister for Interior Minister's House this morning. Sherpao, "Pakistan is keen to settle all disputes with Advisor on Finance Dr. Salman The Prime Minister said that India in a peaceful manner including the Shah, Chairman Joint Pakistan does not have issue of Jammu and Kashmir," said the ChDefence Rao Sikandar Iqbal, aggressive designs against any Prime Minister. Minister for Defence Production country and believes in peaceful Maj. (Retd) Habibullah settlement of international The Prime Minister said, "Without an Warraich, Minister for disputes and willing to have early settlement of the Kashmir dispute in Information and iefs of Staff good relations with all keeping with the wishes and aspirations of Committee General Ehsan-ul- countries. the Kashmiri people, abiding peace in Haq, Chief of Naval Staff South Asia will continue to elude us." Admiral M. Afzal Tahir, Chief of Pakistan's defence policy is in Air Staff AVM Tanvir

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 88 Mehmood Ahmad, Vice Chief HF Vehicular Systems, ancillary proposed in connection with of Army Staff General Ehsan equipment, spare and repairs parts, this potential sale. Saleem Hayat and senior support equipment, personnel training Implementation of this officials. and training equipment, publications, U.S. proposed sale will require the Government and contractor engineering assignment of a contractor field Source: The News and logistics services and other related service representative for up to ( elements of program support. two years to Pakistan. In addition, two contractor This proposed sale will contribute to the representatives will provide Pakistan Buys– Harris High foreign policy and national security of the training and several U.S. Frequency/Very High United States by helping to improve the Government and contractor Frequency Radio Systems security of a friendly country that representatives will participate continues to be a key ally in the global war in program management and WASHINGTON, November 13, on terrorism. The radios will enable technical reviews for up to four 2006-- The Defense Security Pakistan to improve on its capability to weeks. Cooperation Agency notified provide current and updated intelligence Congress of a possible Foreign between patrols and higher headquarters. PakDef note: Pakistan is buying Military Sale to the Government Also, the radios will increase 3,900 American military radios of Pakistan of Harris High interoperability between Pakistan and the for its 520,000 man army. Most Frequency/Very High U.S. and coalition forces assisting in the of these radios are 20 watt Frequency radio systems for an efforts to curtail and eliminate terrorist tactical radios (43 percent of estimated cost of $160 million. activities. Pakistan will have no difficulty them portable, the rest mounted The Government of Pakistan has absorbing this equipment into its armed in trucks). There are also 175 150 requested a possible sale of forces. The proposed sale of this watt radios, for long range Harris High Frequency/Very equipment and support will not affect the communications. The 20 watt High Frequency radio systems, basic military balance in the region. radios have a range of about 20 which include 1,558 20-Watt kilometers (but this varies with High Frequency (HF) Man The prime contractor will be Harris antenna used, and how hilly the Packs, 2,188 20-Watt HF Corporation in Rochester, New York. terrain is.) The 150 watt radios Vehicular Systems, 175 150-Watt There are no known offset agreements are often equipped with an

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 89 antenna that give them a range squadrons. The numbers are 27 and 29. with the Chinese President of 300 kilometers, or more. The Sqn 27 is almost raised at Rafiqui but for during his visit to Islamabad in Harris Falcon II series radios are No 29 it will take 1-2 years. No 27 will be November this year. sold to armed forces all over the equipped with ROSE-3 upgraded Pakistan started exploring world, cost about $40,000 each, Mirages. alternative sources and and include a full range of strategies to bridge the wide gap modern features (encryption, Sri Lanka Buys Tanks & APC from with India in conventional and frequency hopping and the like.) Pakistan strategic weapons/forces to sustain its independence and Pakistan and Sri Lanka have signed an Death of another Unsung Hero sovereignty. The gap was agreement for an undisclosed number of widening due to the United Mr. Chaudhry Abdul Majid, Al-Khaleds. The agreement is already State’s tilt towards India as died the night of September 15 done. The tanks will be shipped within the compared to Pakistan. after suffering a massive stroke next months. Additionally, Sri Lanka has According to a military a few days back. He was in the shown serious interest in purchasing in comparison, Indo-Pak ICU for some days. His funeral Al-Talha and Saad armored personal conventional and strategic was attended by a large number vehicles asymmetries until now are of his colleagues and friends. He not primarily in favor of

served with distinction in the Pakistan. Pakistan acquires capability to develop Nuclear Materials Division and N-sub France’s Armaris Offers Sub to Nuclear Chemistry Divisions of Pakistan PINSTECH. He was appointed ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has acquired the in charge of the pilot capability of developing its own nuclear By PIERRE TRAN, PARIS reprocessing plant project by submarine. Pakistani scientists and the chairman PAEC Munir Ahmed engineers have developed indigenous French naval export company Khan and he completed the task technology for building the nuclear Armaris on Aug. 28 made a assigned to him with distinction. submarines at the existing facilities. This formal offer of three Marlin capability will strengthen the naval diesel-electric patrol submarines PAF raising new squadrons defense of the country. President Gen to Pakistan, a deal that would include MBDA Exocet SM39 PAF is raising two new fighter Pervez Musharraf will discuss this matter

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 90 missiles, a Pakistani official said boat, armed with Exocets. The naval operations are part of Sept. 8. “Inspired Union 2006,” which French business daily La Tribune reported focuses on training in maritime The French government granted Sept. 8 that Spanish and Germany security operations; amphibious approval for Armaris to offer industry were working on their offers to operations; anti-submarine the Marlin SSK in May, after Pakistan. warfare; surface warfare; air long hesitation for fear of The Marlin would be an updated, all- defense; electronic warfare; upsetting India, which recently French version of the Franco-Spanish explosive ordnance disposal and bought six French Scorpene Scorpene boat and include air- command and control, submarines, also armed with independent propulsion. The sub deal is according to the U.S. Navy Exocet anti-ship weapons. likely to be worth $1 billion to $1.2 billion. public affairs office at U.S. MBDA declined comment. Central Command in Florida. Armaris is a DCN-Thales joint venture. Armaris officials were not The exercises began on immediately available. Source: September 4 and will conclude Complicating the sale for France September 21.

is the Pakistan Navy’s The bilateral exercises are aimed preference for the Boeing U.S. Conducting Joint Naval Exercises at enhancing tactical proficiency Harpoon missile. The U.S. with Pakistan and interoperability between government has authorized the coalition and regional forces, Training aimed at better proficiency, sale of 30 submarine-launched according to a Navy statement. interoperability of U.S., Pakistani forces versions of the Harpoon to If successful, these maneuvers

Islamabad. may serve as the foundation for Washington -- U.S. and Pakistani navies regional maritime security Acquisition of the Harpoon are conducting more than two weeks of operations in support of the would be a first for Pakistan, as joint exercises in the North Arabian Sea global . The idea its forces have only operated the and in the territorial waters of Pakistan, a would be to deny international air-launched and surface ship U.S. military source says. The exercises are terrorists "use of the maritime versions so far. The Pakistan aimed at building international environment as a venue for Navy operates the French DCN- counterterrorism preparedness and attack," as well as to transport designed Agosta 90B Khalid cooperation on the seas.

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 91 personnel, weapons, and other tasks. conducting coalition maritime material, the Navy says. security operations. And According to the Navy statement, these regional governments and exercises give U.S. and Pakistani forces Scheduled to participate in the coalition partners also benefit in opportunities "to refine their conduct of exercises are the Pakistani naval interoperability, intelligence combined maritime security operations," vessels Shahjahan and sharing and assisting with while also working on amphibious (both destroyers), Moawin (a deterrence against international operations, anti-submarine, surface and tanker), and Saad (an attack terrorist organizations that pose electronic warfare, explosive ordnance submarine). The U.S. Navy has a threat to their countries. disposal, and command and control. The dispatched the USS Nicholas (a exercises serve as "an excellent training frigate), USS McFaul (a Distributed by the Bureau of opportunity" to become more proficient destroyer) and USS International Information tactically and to improve the Albuquerque (a nuclear- Programs, U.S. Department of interoperability of U.S. and Pakistani powered submarine). Also State. forces to deter international terrorist taking part will be the 24th organizations from using the maritime Marine Expeditionary Unit, and environment. Explosive Ordnance Disposal Construction of First PN F-22P Unit Six. Any necessary support Coalition maritime forces regularly Frigate Begins will be provided by the USS operate and conduct maritime security SHANGHAI: The construction Enterprise Carrier Strike Group, exercises throughout the international of Frigates represents a USS Iwo Jima (an amphibious waters of the Northern Arabian Sea. quantum leap in technology and assault ship) Expeditionary Pakistan and coalition partners contribute addresses a long-standing Strike Group, and maritime maritime forces such as ships, boarding operational requirement of the patrol aircraft from both nations, teams, maritime patrol aircraft, Pakistan Navy. according to the Navy. intelligence analysts and other staff to support maritime security operations. During this second annual The ships being constructed bilateral exercise, participants Successful exercises benefit both nations, here will not only add a will receive classroom training according to the statement. The United significant combat potential but and take part in practical at-sea States improves its likelihood of success in also build Navy’s technical

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 92 and managerial prowess like others AVM Shaukat Mehmood DGMP, The modernization of PNS never before. Mr. Zafaruddin Mehmood Counsul Tippu Sultan was successfully General of Pakistan at Shanghai and Mr. accomplished by the dedicated This was stated by Vice Chief of Zhou Jain Neng President Hudong efforts of Pakistan Navy the Naval Staff Zhonghua Shipbuilding Group, Mr. Li Dockyard. During the Mohammad Haroon at an Hongtao Vice President CSTC also modernization, state-of-the-art impressive ceremony while witnessed the ceremony. equipment/weapons/sensors performing "Steel Cutting" of like ESM Set DR-3000 S1X, an First F-22P Frigate at Hudong The Chief Guest Vice Admiral air/surface surveillance long- Zhonghua Shipyard at Shanghai Mohammad Haroon has shown his range radar DA-08, Surface to China. The Steel cutting marks complete satisfaction about the time Air Missile SAM LY-60 (N), two the commencement of schedule activities of the project and manual/automatic 30mm Anti construction phase of first ship added that, "the reservoir of expertise Air DS-30 (B) Guns, Active being named as PNS being accrued through this project will be Towed Array Sonar (ATAS), ZULFIQUAR. immensely beneficial for Pakistan Navy in Wire Guided Active/Passive many other undertakings as well". The collaboration in such a Homing Torpedo System 43X2 major project of F-22P Frigates PN Ships Visit Oman and a modern Command, has opened new avenues Control and communications Times of Oman - Wednesday, November 15, between two countries and is (C3) system were installed. 2006 yet another milestone in defence cooperation. MUSCAT — Pakistan Navy ship PNS PNS Tippu Sultan is a leading Tippu Sultan is paying a goodwill visit to ship of 25th Destroyer Squadron The first Frigate will be the Sultanate of Oman from Saturday, of Pakistan Naval Fleet. The delivered to Pakistan in 2009, November 18. extensive sensor and weapons second & third ships in 2010 and modernization of the ship and fourth ship which will be The ship was commissioned on September successful achievement of constructed in Karachi Shipyard 23, 1994 in Pakistan Navy. PNS Tippu complex integration of various & Engineering Works will be Sultan is named after Sultan Fateh Ali weapon systems is a direct delivered in 2013 along with the Tippu who ruled Mysore, a sovereign reflection of dedication and Transfer of Technology. Beside state in south India, from 1762 to 1799. professional excellence of

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 93 officers and CPOs/Sailors of operational two place F-16D Block 52 Bunker Buster Missiles, 7 RF Pakistan Navy. aircraft will be accomplished under the Fly-to-buy Bunker Buster firm-fixed price portion of the contract. Missiles, upgrade of 121 TOW The ship is currently holder of This effort supports foreign military sales Basic/TOW-I launchers to fire both Annual Safety Trophy to Pakistan. At this time, $78,431,000 has TOW II configuration for wire- 2005, as well as Overall been obligated. This work will be guided and wireless missiles, Efficiency winner of Year 2005 complete by November 2010. TOW Data Acquisition Systems, and proudly displays ‘E’ on its Headquarters Aeronautical Systems gunner aiming sight, testers, funnel casing. Center, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, cameras, spare and repair parts, Captain Sajid Mahmood, who Ohio, is the contracting activity (FA8615- technical support, support joined Pakistan Navy in August 07-C-6031). equipment, personnel training and training equipment, 1981 and was commissioned in Source: Lockheed Martin & US Department of technical data and publications, the operation branch in Defense (press release) December 1985, commands the U.S. Government and contractor ship. Pakistan – TOW-2A Anti-Armor Guided engineering and logistics Missiles support services, and other Lockheed gets $144 million related elements of logistics deal for Pakistan F-16s WASHINGTON, December 07, 2006 - The support. The estimated cost is Defense Security Cooperation Agency $185 million. Lockheed Martin Corp., Fort notified Congress of a possible Foreign Worth, Texas, is being awarded Military Sale to Pakistan of TOW 2A This proposed sale will a $144,069,000 firm-fixed-price Missiles as well as associated equipment contribute to furthering the and time and materials contract. and services. The total value, if all options foreign policy and national The procurement of foreign are exercised, could be as high as $185 security of the United States by military sales F-16 C/D new million. helping a friendly country aircraft for the (Pakistan) provide for its own legitimate program for the F-16 Block 52 The Government of Pakistan has self-defense needs and to enable aircraft. The procurement of 12 requested a possible sale of 2,769 Radio Pakistan to support U.S. operational single place F-16C Frequency (RF) TOW 2A Missiles, 7 RF operations against terrorist Block 52 aircraft and 6 TOW 2A Fly-to-buy Missiles, 415 RF activity along its porous

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 94 borders. In addition, these exercises and combat operations. The aircraft with the E-2C missiles have most recently been proposed sale of this equipment and HAWKEYE 2000 Airborne Early employed in several global war support will not affect the basic military Warning (AEW) Suite, as well as on terrorism operations in the balance in the region. The prime associated equipment and tribal areas of Pakistan and have contractor will be Raytheon Company in services. The total value, if all allowed, when coupled with Tucson, Arizona. There are no known options are exercised, could be Cobra attack helicopters, the offset agreements proposed in connection as high as $855million. Government of Pakistan to with this potential sale. employ new tactics, techniques The Government of Pakistan has and procedures that have Implementation of this proposed sale will requested a possible sale for proven highly effective against not require the assignment of any U.S. refurbishment and modification terrorists. Government and contractor of three excess P-3 aircraft with representatives to Pakistan. the E-2C HAWKEYE 2000 Pakistan will augment its land Airborne Early Warning (AEW) forces with these TOW-2A anti- There will be no adverse impact on U.S. Suite, spare and repairs parts, armor guided missiles. Pakistan defense readiness as a result of this simulators, support equipment, will use these missiles to proposed sale. This notice of a potential personnel training and training increase its military defensive sale is required by law; it does not mean equipment, publications and posture and will have no that the sale has been concluded. technical data, system software difficulty absorbing these development and installation, additional missiles into its Source: US Department of Defense (press ground/flight testing of new armed forces. Pakistan’s existing release) systems and system modifications, U.S. Government inventory of TOW missiles will Pakistan – E-2C Hawkeye 2000 Airborne soon begin to be affected by its Early Warning Suite for P-3s and contractor engineering and specified shelf life. While TOW logistics support services, and missiles can be employed WASHINGTON, December 07, 2006 - The other related elements of beyond their shelf life, system Defense Security Cooperation Agency logistics support. The estimated reliability and safety are eroded. notified Congress of a possible Foreign cost is $855 million. Pakistan continues to expend Military Sale to Pakistan for refurbishment TOW missiles in both training and modification of three excess P-3 This proposed sale will

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 95 contribute to the foreign policy maritime interdiction operations. These sale is required by law; it does and national security of the aircraft will also increase Pakistan’s ability not mean that the sale has been United States by helping to to support the U.S. Operation Enduring concluded. improve the security of a Freedom operations, and provide anti- friendly country that has been ship and anti-submarine warfare Source: US Department of Defense and continues to be an capabilities; and a control capability over (press release) important force for economic land against transnational terrorists and

progress in South Asia and a narcotics smugglers. The modernization partner in the global war on will enhance the capabilities of the Compiled by H Khan & M Rauf terrorism. The command-and- Pakistani Navy and support its regional

control capabilities of these influence and meet its legitimate self- aircraft will improve Pakistan’s defense needs. Pakistan will have no ability to restrict the littoral difficulty absorbing the AEW platform movement of terrorists along into its armed forces. Pakistan’s southern border and ensure Pakistan’s overall ability The proposed sale of this equipment and to maintain integrity of its support will not affect the basic military borders. balance in the region. The prime contractor will be Northrop Grumman Pakistan intends to use the Corporation, St. Augustine, Florida and proposed equipment to develop Lockheed-Martin, Greenville, South an effective air defense network Carolina. There are no known offset for its naval forces and provide agreements proposed in connection with an AEW surveillance and this potential sale. Implementation of this enhanced command, control, proposed sale will not require the and communications capability. assignment of any U.S. Government and The addition of the AEW suites contractor representatives to Pakistan. will provide Pakistan with There will be no adverse impact on U.S. search surveillance, and control defense readiness as a result of this capability in support of proposed sale. This notice of a potential

17-12-2006 Copyright ©1998-2006, 96