Ground-Water Resources of Coke County, Texas

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Ground-Water Resources of Coke County, Texas Repo t 166 DIViSION FlUte" G UN1)- WATER RESOURCES 011 CO.l(E CO,UNTY, TEXAS MARCH 1A7~ TEXAS WATER DEVELOPMENT BOARD REPORT 166 GROUND-WATER RESOURCES OF COKE COUNTY, TEXAS By Clyde A. Wilson United States Geological Survey This report was prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey under cooperative agreement with the Texas Water Development Board March 1973 TEXAS WATER DEVELOPMENT BOARD John H. McCoy, Chairman Marvin Shurbet, Vice Chairman Robert B. Gilmore W. E. Tinsley Milton T. Potts Carl Illig Harry P. Burleigh, Executive Director Authorization for use or reproduction of any original material contained in this publication, i.e., not obtained from other sources, is freely granted. The Board would appreciate acknowledgement. Published and distributed by the Texas Water Development Board Post Office Box 13087 Austin, Texas 78711 ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT . INTRODUCTION 3 Purpose and Scope of the Investigation. ................................................ 3 Location, Economics, and Water Supply of the Area 3 Previous Ground-Water and Geological Studies. .......................................... 3 Methods of Investigation. ........................................................... 4 Acknowledgments. ........ .. ....................................................... 4 Well-Numbering System 4 Topography and Drainage. .......................................................... 4 Climate. ........................................................................ 6 Surface-Water Runoff .............................................................. 6 GEOLOGY AS RELATED TO THE OCCURRENCE OF GROUND WATER ........................ 7 Regional Stratigraphy and Structure. .. ............................................... 7 Geologic Units and Their Water-Bearing Properties. ....................................... 8 Clear Fork Group 15 Pease River Group. ........................................................... 15 Artesia Group 19 Ochoa Series 19 Dockum Group 19 Fredericksburg and Trinity Groups .......................................... 19 Alluvium. .................................................................. 19 GROUND-WATER HYDROLOGY 20 Recha rge ... ; .................................................................... 20 Occurrence and Movement .......................................................... 20 Discharge 23 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd.) Page Hydraul ic Characteristics of the Aquifers ,............... 23 Use of Ground Water ".................................... 24 Well Construction ,,, ,................... 24 Fluctuations of Water Levels .. , ,.,................... 25 CHEMICAL QUALITY OF THE GROUND WATER " ,........ 25 Chemical Quality Standards and Suitability for Use ,,." ,.. 25 Quality of the Water , ,................... 26 ClearFork Group .. "......................................................... 26 Pease River Group. ........................................................... 30 Artesia Group " "" ""...... 31 Ochoa Series 31 Fredericksburg and Trinity Groups .. , ,........................... 31 Alluvium. .................................................................. 31 DISPOSAL OF OILFIELD BRINES "......................................... 31 AVAILABILITY OF GROUND WATER " " ".. .. 32 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL STUDIES ,,........... 32 DEFINITIONS OF TERMS ,.......................................... 40 REFERENCES CITED ,,................................. 43 TABLES 1. Geologic and Hydrologic Units and Their Water-Bearing Properties 16 2. Estimated Pumpage of Fresh to Moderately Saline Ground Water, 1968 24 3. Source and Significance of Dissolved-Mineral Constituents and Properties of Water. .............. 29 4. Oilfield Brine Production and Disposal in 1961 and 1967 and Minimum Surface-Casing Requirements ... ,.......................................... 37 5. Records of Wells, Springs, and Test Holes. .............................................. 45 6. Chemical Analyses of Water From Wells and Springs " .. "........................... 79 7. Chemical Analyses of Oilfield Production Brine ".... 87 iv TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd.) Page FIGURES 1. Map of Texas Showing Location of Coke County and Regional Physiography 3 2. Diagram Showing Well-Numbering System 5 3. Graph Showing Annual Precipitation at San Angelo, Tom Green County, for the Period 1904-68 ........................................................... 6 4. Graphs Showing Average Monthly Temperature, Precipitation, Gross Lake-Surface Evaporation, and Consumptive Water Use by Alfalfa 7 5. Map Showing Major Structural Features and Permian Outcrops in the Permian Basin of West Texas 8 6. Map Showing Geology of Coke County 9 7. Chart Showing Correlation of Geologic Units Along Line A-A' ............................... 11 8. Chart Showing Correlation of Geologic Units Along Line B-B' ............................... 13 9. Map Showing Approximate Thickness and Approximate Altitude of the Top of the San Angelo Sandstone 17 10. Map Showing Approximate Altitude of Water Levels in Wells, 1968-69 21 11. Map Showing Chemical Quality of Ground Water From Selected Wells 27 12. Graph Showing Relation of Specific Conductance to Dissolved-Solids Content for Selected Samples of Ground Water. ....................................... 30 13. Map Showing Locations of Oilfields and Ratios of Chloride to Total Anions in Water From Selected Wells and Springs 33 14. Map Showing Estimated Potential Discharge of Wells. ..................................... 35 15. Map Showing Locations of Wells, Springs, and Test Holes ,. ...................... 89 v GROUND-WATER RESOURCES OF COKE COUNTY, TEXAS By Clyde A. Wilson United States Geological Survey ABSTRACT Coke County, located in semiarid west-central beds of the Fredericksburg and Trinity Groups; and Texas, where large ranches, small farms, and oil (3) sand, gypsum, and dolomite stringers or lenses in the production are the main bases of the economy, has a Permian rocks. small supply of ground and surface water. Of the approximately 1,900 acre-feet of fresh to moderately Recharge to the aquifers is mostly from saline ground water used in 1968, industry used 880 precipitation on the outcrops or from infiltration of acre-feet, irrigation used 210 acre-feet, and domestic intermittent streamflow. Heavy pumping from the supply and livestock used 820 acre-feet. All of the water alluvium may, in places, induce recharge from the for municipal supply and some of the water for industry Colorado River. Generally. however, the slope of the is obtained from surface-water reservoirs. water-table or potentiometric surface is toward the Colorado River. The oldest geologic units cropping out in the county are the westward-dipping Permian tIred beds". Ground water in the Permian rocks is usually of These rocks are composed mainly of shale and the calcium-magnesium and sulfate or bicarbonate type. fine-grained sandstone, and scattered beds, lenses, and Most of the water samples collected from wells in the stringers of gypsum, anhydrite, and dolomite. In the Permian rocks contained more than 1,000 mg/I western and southern plateau areas, the Permian rocks (milligrams per liter) dissolved solids. Water from the are overlain by eastward-dipping sand, clay, and Fredericksburg and Trinity Groups is of the limestone of Cretaceous age. Alluvial deposits of calcium-magnesium or bicarbonate type, and seldom Quaternary age occur in the valleys of the Colorado contains more than 500 mg/I dissolved solids. The River and its tributaries. chemical quality of the ground water from the alluvium is variable. Water in the alluvium and in the Cretaceous rocks (Fredericksburg and Trinity Groups) occurs under The most favorable areas in the county where well water-table conditions. Water in the Permian rocks yields exceeding 50 gpm (gallons per minute) can be (Clear Fork, Pease River, and Artesia Groups, and Ochoa expected are: (1) In the floodplain alluvium along the Series) occurs under both water-table and artesian Colorado River; (2) the "older alluvium" in the conditions. The water-producing zones in the geologic southwestern corner of the county; and (3) in the units are: (1) Sand and gravel in the alluvium; (2) fine southeastern part of the county near Tennyson, where sands or fractures and solution openings in limestone wells may penetrate solution openings and fractures in the dolomitic beds of the Clear Fork Group. GROUND-WATER RESOURCES OF COKE COUNTY, TEXAS INTRODUCTION Purpose and Scope of the Investigation The purpose of this study is to evaluate the ground-water resources of Coke County, with particular emphasis on the source, occurrence, quality, and 32° availability of ground water that is suitable for municipal supply, industrial use, and irrigation. The general scope of the study included the collection, compi lation, and analysis of basic hydrologic data in relation to these objectives. Location, Economics, and Water Supply of the Area Coke County is located about 30 miles north of Physiographic bOlJndaries the city of San Angelo and 60 mi les southwest of Abilene (Figure 1). The county encompasses an area of 911 square miles and had a population of about 2,900 in Figure 1.-Location of Coke County and Regional Physiography 1970. Robert Lee, a centrally located town with a population of about 1,100, is the county seat. About 88 percent (800 sq. mi.) of the county is range and Previous Ground-Water and Geological Studies pastureland. Beede and Bentley (1918) published the first The economy of Coke County is based on detailed report on
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