City and County of Swansea Area 2 Development

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City and County of Swansea Area 2 Development CITY AND COUNTY OF SWANSEA NOTICE OF MEETING You are invited to attend a meeting of the AREA 2 DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE SITE VISITS On: Tuesday 23rd December 2008 Time: 9.00am. from CIVIC CENTRE, Swansea PLEASE NOTE TIME OF MEETING AGENDA Would Members of the Committee please note that they are invited to attend the under mentioned site visits. (A coach will leave Civic Centre, Swansea at 9.00 a.m.) Site Visits Approx Planning Application 2008/1730 – Retention and 9.05am completion of two storey side/rear extension incorporating two dormers in rear roof plane to provide additional living accommodation and retention and completion of extension to patio area at 50 Mumbles Road, Blackpill Approx Planning Application No.2008/1775 – Erection of a new 9.20am health and leisure centre with outdoor terracing, swimming pool and landscaping, re – routing of Clyne River Mill Race Channel, creation of new access and remodelling of existing public car park to provide a 250 space public/ private car par, Mill Lane, Blackpill. Approx. Planning Application No 2008/1843 – Replacement 9.45am detached bungalow at 152 Mumbles Road, Blackpill. Approx. Planning Application Nos 2008/1544 and 2008/1727 – 10.05am Single storey rear extension with timber decked area and canopy to first floor, rear access doors, extension to existing rear decked area and rear canopy, new external rear staircase, associated works and change of use of first and second floor accommodation to provide four letting bedrooms and variation of condition 02 at Café Valence Newton Road, Mumbles Approx. Planning Application No 2008/1976 - Detached dwelling 10.25am on land adjacent to 80 Newton Road, Mumbles. Approx. Planning Application Nos 2008/2043 and 2008/2050 – 10.45am Single storey rear extension and detached garage and associated works at Bay House, Caswell Road, Caswell. Approx. Planning Application No 2008/1509 – Use of land for a 12noon maximum of 5 no. touring caravans between 1st April 2009 to 31st October 2009 at Kimley Moor Farm , Rhossili Approx. Planning Application No 2009/2108 – Single storey rear 12.40pm extension at 7 Llynfa Road, Penclawdd Approx. Planning Application No. 2008/1660 – Replacement 1.00pm detached dwelling with detached garage and detached summer house with pergola at Firdene, 3 Dunvant Road, Three Crosses These planning applications will be considered at the meeting of the Area 2 Development Control Committee scheduled to be held in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, on Tuesday 13th January 2009 at 2.00 p.m. David M Daycock Head of Legal & Democratic Services 17th December 2008 Contact: Gareth Borsden 01792 636824 (Z: Word /Committee /Agenda /Committee/Area2/SiteVisits) Item No. 2 Disclosures of Personal Interest from Members To receive Disclosures of Personal Interest from Members in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Conduct adopted by the City and County of Swansea. You must disclose orally to the meeting the existence and nature of that interest. NOTE: You are requested to identify the Agenda Item / Minute No. / Planning Application No. and Subject Matter to which that interest relates and to enter all declared interests on the sheet provided for that purpose at the meeting. 1. If you have a Personal Interest as set out in Paragraph 10 of the Code, you MAY STAY, SPEAK AND VOTE unless it is also a Prejudicial Interest. 2. If you have a Personal Interest which is also a Prejudicial Interest as set out in Paragraph 12 of the Code, then subject to point 3 below, you MUST WITHDRAW from the meeting (unless you have obtained a dispensation from the Authority’s Standards Committee) 3. Where you have a Prejudicial Interest you may attend the meeting but only for the purpose of making representations, answering questions or giving evidence relating to the business, provided that the public are also allowed to attend the meeting for the same purpose, whether under a statutory right or otherwise. In such a case, you must withdraw from the meeting immediately after the period for making representations, answering questions, or giving evidence relating to the business has ended, and in any event before further consideration of the business begins, whether or not the public are allowed to remain in attendance for such consideration (Paragraph 14 of the Code). 4. Where you have agreement from the Monitoring Officer that the information relating to your Personal Interest is sensitive information, as set out in Paragraph 16 of the Code of Conduct, your obligation to disclose such information is replaced with an obligation to disclose the existence of a personal interest and to confirm that the Monitoring Officer has agreed that the nature of such personal interest is sensitive information. 5. If you are relying on a grant of a dispensation by the Standards Committee, you must, before the matter is under consideration: (i) disclose orally both the interest concerned and the existence of the dispensation; and (ii) before or immediately after the close of the meeting give written notification to the Authority containing - - details of the prejudicial interest; - details of the business to which the prejudicial interest relates; - details of, and the date on which, the dispensation was granted; and - your signature Z:\Committees\A Agenda Pack\Cttees\Area 2\2008-09\08jun24\02 - Disclosures of Personal Interest.doc AREA 2 DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE – 16TH DECEMBER 2008 ITEM 18 APPLICATION NO. 2008/1730 WARD: Area 2 Sketty Location: 50 Mumbles Road, Blackpill, Swansea SA3 5AU Proposal: Retention and completion of two storey side/rear extension incorporating two dormers in rear roof plane to provide additional living accommodation and retention and completion of extension to patio area Applicant: Mr and Mrs J Cole BACKGROUND INFORMATION a. Relevant Planning Policies City and County of Swansea Unitary Development Plan Part 1 SP1 – Creating a quality environment Sustainable development will be pursued as an integral principle of the planning and development process. Development proposals designed to a high quality and standard, which enhance townscape, landscape, sense of place, and strengthen Swansea’s Waterfront identity, will be favoured. SP2 – Creating a quality environment The countryside will be protected and conserved, with green wedges shaping the urban form and safeguarding the distinctive interplay of town and country. Village character will be protected. SP3 – Creating a quality environment The natural, built, and cultural heritage of the County will be protected and enhanced to safeguard from materially harmful development. Part 2 EV1 – Design New development shall accord with the following objectives of good design: (i) Be appropriate to its local context in terms of scale, height, massing, elevational treatment, materials and detailing, layout, form, mix and density, (ii) Integrate effectively with adjacent spaces and the public realm to create good quality townscape, (iii) Not result in a significant detrimental impact on local amenity in terms of visual impact, loss of light or privacy, disturbance and traffic movements, (iv) Incorporate a good standard of landscape design, (v) Sensitively relate to existing development patterns and seek to protect natural heritage and the historic and cultural environment, not only on-site, but in terms of potential impact on neighbouring areas of importance, and, where appropriate: AREA 2 DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE – 16TH DECEMBER 2008 ITEM 18 (CONT’D) APPLICATION NO. 2008/1730 (vi) Foster ‘inclusive design’ by ensuring the development allows access for the widest range of people possible, (vii) Support an integrated transport system, (viii) Contribute to the creation of new, and the improvement of existing, spaces and an enhancement of the general street scene, (ix) Promote resource efficient and adaptable buildings and layouts using sustainable design and construction techniques, including the reuse and recycling of construction and demolition waste on site, and energy and water efficiency measures, (x) Provide a safe environment by addressing issues of security, crime prevention, and the fear of crime in the design of buildings and the space and routes around them, (xi) Have regard to the desirability of preserving the setting of any listed building. Design statements will be required in support of planning applications that have design implications, including applications for new or extended buildings and infrastructure, changes to landscape appearance, and/or those involving sensitive sites and locations. HC7 – Residential Extensions and Alterations Proposals for extension and alterations to existing residential dwellings will be assessed in terms of: (i) Relationship to the existing dwelling by virtue of size, design and materials, (ii) Impact on the character and appearance of the streetscene, (iii) Affect on neighbouring properties with particular reference to physical impact, overshadowing/loss of light and privacy, and (iv) Impact on car parking. b. Relevant Planning History 2003/0876 – Detached double garage/store (Granted approval on 20th November 2003) 2005/2281 – Two storey side/rear extension (Granted approval on 10th February 2006) b. Response to Consultations ORIGINAL PROPOSAL Two neighbouring properties were consulted, however, no objections have been received. Pollution Control – No observations. Highways Observations – No objection AREA 2 DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE – 16TH DECEMBER 2008 ITEM 18 (CONT’D) APPLICATION NO. 2008/1730 AMENDED PROPOSAL Amended plans were submitted
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