
PHONE MAIN Sl23—Day or Night Ten Minute Classics In Woman's Realm 7 Famous Tales and Legends Told in Brief Form Pretty and Sensible Morning Dress Which May Be Made of Linen, DOUGLASS UNDERTAKING but Is More Likely to Be Made of Cotton, Such as Indian Gogol’s Great Tale of the Cossack Siege of Head or Some Other Suitable Weave—Pretty Head- ® AND BONDED dress for the Opera. INCORPORATED J. R. CONTEE notary public By J. W. MULLER Pres, and Mgr.

Here Is a pretty and sensible morn- mighty well worth while. There is a RESIDENCE PHONE YORK 799E Copyright by J. W. Mailer ing dress which may be made of linen feust spread there for the eyes, as but is more likely to be made of cotton well as the ears. Dubno, the city of Russian Po- At once the young Cossack’s battle such as Indian head or some other The coiffures and hair ornaments are land now a vital point on the Russo- frenzy ran from him like water. “Dis- suitable weuve. For It appears that enough to engross eyes that love to German battle line, is the scene mount!” said the terrible old man; linen is soaring in price, with the end see woman’s crowning glory still furth- of er the most tragic chapter in Gogol’s and Andreas slipped from his suddle, not yet in sight. There is no very glorified. This season, handsome making no motion for defense. His good reason for preferring it to sub- combs have taken precedence over oth- great novel, “,” which lips, u tells gone suddenly pale, whispered stantial nnd beautifully-woven cotton er hair ornaments. They are made of of the invasion of in single word. It was not the nume of materials. silver filigree, shell, coral, amber and the * century by the fifteenth Cos- mother or father. It was the name of Now that the days are short and the gold; some of them are enameled, and Denver, Colorado sacks of the . the most beautiful Polish woman. evenings long, nnd while the weather most of them are set with brilliants Parlors, 2745 Weltoll Street “Igave thee life!” said Taras Bulba. out-of-doors is not inviting, springtime and mock Jewels. Besides these, there Of nil the mud fighters In the Cos- “I give thee death!” clothes may be got under way. are many pretty opera caps and head- sack horde that besieged the Polish He lifted his long gun and fired. The dress shown may be cut by a dresses In which malines, brightened stronghold of Dubno, none was so gal- The glorious young head drooped. lant as >vere the two sons of Taras The lithe body toppled, sank together Bulba, the famous lender of the and fell without a sound into the red- " . Ills great nostrils expanded dening grass. ——= THINK with pride when they darted against “He lacked nothing to be a noble Cos- the Polish cavalry, lashing their beau- sack !” murmured Taras Bulba, staring tiful horses like devils. down at the beautiful youth. “Yet he Giant Bach-Benz Cleaners They were garbed like birds of war. has perished as a dog!” Their multifold trousers, wide ns the He mounted his horse. One moment Black sea and upheld with golden he paused, thinking with a great woe and Tailors girdles, were thrust into boots of crim- in his heart that he would pause and Lankford and McCain, Proprietors son leather with silver heels and bury his son. Then, with an angry spurs. Magnificently wrought Turkish STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS WORK motion, he galloped off and joined the Remodelling pistols and knives were stuck in em- battle with new fury and exulting Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing and broidered sashes that belted the flam- cries. JOIN OUR MONTHLY PRESSING ing Long, gaudy thongs CLUB—SI.SO red coats. But his strong, rough, great heart 506 Eighteenth Street Phone Main 7376 with tassels held the bags that con- was broken. tained their indispensable pipes and smoking materials. Their crooked Gogol (1809-1852) immense, on Nikolaus swords were and their is called the handsome heads they wore tall, black often founder of Rus- caps of lambs’ wool with ornaments sian realism, but in “Taras Bulba” of scarlet and gold. he gave the world a historical novel Taras Bulba almost Into his burning with THE STAR HAIR GROWER wept romance. It deals brandy as he boasted with tremendous with the time when South Russia A Wonderful Hair Dressing and Grower ouths of tlielr deeds. Hardly he knew was swept continually by war, thf A Wonderful Hair Drenainff and Grower. which he loved the more—the fierce Tartars and Moslems making forays One Thousand Agents Wanted. Good Mon- but wise Ostap or the headlong, ey Made. We want Agents in every city into the Ukraine and the and village to sell THE STAR HAIR GROW- thoughtless, wholly reckless Andreas. carrying war by horse and ER. This is a wonderful preparation. Can Dubno held desperately, though ship as be used with or without straightening Irons. out as people starving. far Trebizond. they fought Sells for 25 cents per box—One 25-cent box. the were Dawn came Often will prove its value. Any person that will to it with the silence of death, for Tartars in the South and in use a 25-cent box will be convinced. No mat- a left crow ihe North simultaneously. The ter what has failed to grow your hair, Just there was not rooster to give THE STAR HAIR GROWER a trial and In all the land. The only animals alive story is a most vivid and accurate be convinced. Send 25 cents for a full size Dubno’s picture the box. If you wish to be an agent, send $1 were the warhorses. Even of times and of the and we will send you a full supply that you rats and mice had been devoured to people. Those American readers can begin work at once; also agent’s terms. the last one. who complain that many Russian Send all money by Money Order to One night Andreas learned from a novels are somber and will spy that the beautiful daughter of the heavy THE STAR HAIR. GROWER, Mfr. no such “Taras Southern governor perishing find faults in Bul- Northern Branch: Branch: of Dubno was In ba.” It glitters; and it has lli:t Clark St., P. O. Box Nl2, her palace. lie had met her once, and the EVANSTON, ILL. GREENSBORO. N. C. since that meeting her picture had added richness of the same wild hu- NOTE.—Persons living in the South can mor get their goods three days earlier If they been bright in his wild heart. With- that distinguishes Gogol’s other will order from THE STAR HAIR GROWER out pausing to reflect, he gathered pro- great novel, “.” MFR., P. O. BOX 812, GREENSBORO, N. C. visions secretly and stole Into the be- leaguered city. FLY HAS ITS OWN TROUBLES When he found her he forgot the Ukraine. She was most beautiful, Naturalist Says Problems of Life Are EMBROIDERED MORNING DRESS. even in that land of beautiful Polish Proportionately the Same in women. In her black eyes burned the Every Stratum pattern for a plain skirt and Jacket, with spangles or rhinestones, make a Mortuary of Life. pat- background Denver j§ flames of romance and Intelligence. furnished by nny of the standard for wonderful feathers or MRS. J. If. STEELE, Manager, tern companies. It has a wide cape other ornaments. Office lien., Donning. |jj Over a ravishing white neck und noble To the naturalist or to anyone ac- mid 2001 oPKflb&|9RHt a Dhone, Day or Night—OHlO Main. .•- -1 shoulders fell hair that a king would customed to observe nature closely, collar nnd belt with sash ends made A headdress of this kind is pictured Df the same nmterinl as the dress. here. It consists of a fan of plaited Service from Better and Spacious (( ¦" have begged to kiss. the fact is apparent that the problems nl J The bot- malines, set on a headband made of Her fiery soul sprang to meet the of existence are proportionately skirt is embroidered near the Our I*rlceM Alont Reasonable. the tom with occasional sprays of flowers, wire, covered with nutny thicknesses fiery soul of the Cossack. When she same in every form or stratum of life. *nd this embroidery reappears on the of malines. In front of the fan of swayed toward him and sobbed of the Even the common house fly, which cuffs, collars, and sash ends. The jack- malines a smaller fan-shaped orna- * sorrows of her people, her low, sweet seemingly has nothing else to do but shook the et is laid in plaits at ench side of the ment of fine rhinestones Is set, and voice man’s passionate spirit to crawl lazily over whatever is left bands of rhinestones slipped us a wind shakes the reeds of a river. front nnd across the back. The sleeves are over uncovered and then go happily on Its are plain. Plain white buttons, eith- the headband, at short intervals, all “What care I for father and father- way, doing its best to bring about an er or pearl, buttonholes, way round It. cried, holding strong bone and the Co. land?” he Hat out his affiliation between Weatherhead the clean and the used for fastening the Jacket, Silver cloth and silver lace make anus. “I will have none, none, none unclean, Ire TELEPHONE MAIN 3203 occasionally meets Its nemesis whether the material of the dress Is headbands that are ornamented with except thee I Who says that the in the form of a tiny crablike creature Ukraine Is my country? Thou, thou which attaches Itself to the ily’s legs. art my country! For thee I toss away These little creatures are known to everything; for thee I will die!” the scientist ns pseudo-scorpions, or A moment she stared at him, still, chelifers. They may sometimes be frozen, a wondrous marble image. found between the leaves of old hooks Then she fell into his waiting arms that iiave stood unused for a long and her scented hair enwrapped his time, and also beneath the hark of bead like a shining silken net. trees nnd In mosses. Established 1876 The next day old Taras Bulba lay Although they are called false scor- PIONEER HATTERS OP THE WEST in the grass and tore at It while he pions, they resemble the true scorpion cried out on heaven and hell. A mes- closely In general structure except for WE MAKE OLD HATS NEW senger had come to him with this word their minute size. But they have no from his son: poison gland ns the true scorpions “My father no longer is my father, have. They attach themselves to other PRACTICAL HATTERS my brother no more my. brother, my insects also, but they seem to he the comrades no more my comrades! Be- special post of the house flies. Scien- RENOVATORS, BLEACHERS DYERS AND FINISHERS suppose tween them and me is war—war with tists that they seine the fly’s Of Gents’ and Ladies' Hats of them all, all!” leg nnd hold on until the fly dies, Every Description It was as if the accession of An- either worried or frightened to death 1624 Champa St., Denver, Colo. druas had brought fortune to the by the undesirable presence. When Poles. A relief expedition broke the fly is dead the little creature feeds through the Cossack ring and reprovi- on the body.—Popular Science Monthly. ¦kmed the city. Thereafter the strengthened defenders made furious Garrick Died on His Bed. GEORGE BELL, Pres. H. H. ADDENBROOKE, Treas sortie after sortie and Cossacks and A gift of historical Interest and im- A. L. SHELLEY, Vice-Pres. M. P. BELL, Secy. Poles did each other to death daily portance has recently been received at THE GEORGE BELL COMPANY under the walls with cannon and long the Victoria and Albert museum. Da- (Incorporated) guns, swords and clubs, lassos and vid Garrick’s bed has been presented LAPIDARIES AND MANUFACTURING JEWELERS Day after the Indomitable to the museum by H. E. Trevor, a di- spears. ray 437 SEVENTEENTH STREET DENVER, Polish men and women, even the chil- rect descendant of David Garrick’s COLORADO dren, cried defiance from their walls brother George. and sped insults at their besiegers. The bedstead was made about 1775 Day after day the Cossacks dashed for Garrick’s villa at Hampton, where close and vaunted: “Our swords are It remained after Garrick’s death nnd PHONE CHAMPA 2077 DAY OR NIGHT yet powder during not dull, our horns not Mrs. Garrick’s lifetime, and * yet empty, and our hearts not yet subsequently until the sale of the villa weary!” in 1864. There came a day of sortie and The bedstead consists of a wooden buttle most great and bitter. Taras canopy with columns decorated with 1 Bulbu, roaring und slushing in the ornaments characteristic of the period, thick of it, saw a gallant baud of the original green nnd yellow paint be- Polish hussurs break suddenly into the ing well preserved. strife. Mounted on glorious red Per- of cotton, painted In HEADDRESSES FOR THE OPERA. sian horses, they drove forward fear- colors with designs of “The Tree of White a color, and the either strands of pearls or rows of and hewed a road that wus of Life” were made in a factory of the or embroidery is fully flone in white spangles rhinestones set on them. sf death. Bravest and most murder- East Indian company at Mesulipatnra. cotton. or The same character of They are easy to make. The founda- of all their leader, tall Madras, and presented to suit Is made ous was a were Garrick with a middy blouse. This tion is a narrow band of buckram, cov- youngster, gorgeous by simplifies who wore a scarf, merchants of Calcutta.—Loudon the matter of laundering ered with silver cloth. Silver lace is woman’s gift for battle. Times. them* Em- plainly a broidery is left out of the placed over this and sewed along the “Brood of the devil 1” screamed Ta- reckoning m these. Among the newest and most upper edge. In one of these orna- recognizing son ras Bulba, his An- Heard at the Club. satisfactory house dresses are skirts ments a strand of pearl beads is sewed “Get that one!” he Yeast —That’s Fred Darling just dreas. me com- ind blouses in one, of unbleached Un- along the upper edge, and a disk, cov- manded his men. “Lure him into yon- coming In. You know his wife made to or cotton resembling It. In making ered like the band with silver, Is set E. V. Caramel, PRES. ® MGR der woods and cut him off for ine!” him. PREFERRED. these clothes, that must staud the at the front. Pearl beads are sewed You Will Be Delighted With Our As We After The wily Cossacks detached Crlmsonbenk —You moan that fellow wear of everyday and a weekly tub- all over Its outer surface. Service Look The wiliest riders. They attucked, pre- wearing corsets, with the waxed mus- bing, goods that will look best in the Little Things That Count. LADY ATTENDANT. tended to give way and fled suddenly. tache and manicured nails? long run should be chosen. CURTIS M. HARRIS Auto for Hire Andreas followed desperately, dashed “Yes.” Even those who have no ear for mu- Assistant Manager and Fnneral Director Into a wood and found himself alone. “Well, I knew women did fancy- sic find the opera alluring, and one A great voice ordered him to stop. He work, but I never knew they did any- (Might be stone deaf and still find it OFFICE AND PARLORS 2418 WELTON ST. DENVER turned and saw his father. thing us fancy as that”