Arthropoda Selecta 12 (34): 171182 © ARTHROPODA SELECTA, 2003 Littoral Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) from the Altai mountain lakes, with remarks on the taxonomy of Chydorus sphaericus (O.F. Müller, 1776) Ëèòîðàëüíûå Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) ãîðíûõ îçåð Àëòàÿ ñ òàêñîíîìè÷åñêèìè çàìåòêàìè î Chydorus sphaericus (O.F. Müller, 1776) Mariya A. Belyaeva Ì.À. Áåëÿåâà A. N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky prospekt 33, Moscow 119071 Russia. Èíñòèòóò ïðîáëåì ýêîëîãèè è ýâîëþöèè èì. À. Í. Ñåâåðöîâà ÐÀÍ, Ëåíèíñêèé ïð-ò, 33, Ìîñêâà 119071 Ðîññèÿ. e-mail:
[email protected]. KEY WORDS: faunistics, Cladocera, Chydorus sphaericus, Altai, mountain lakes, littoral zone. ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ: ôàóíèñòèêà, Cladocera , Chydorus sphaericus, Àëòàé, ãîðíûå îçåðà, ëèòîðàëüíàÿ çîíà. ABSTRACT: The faunistic data on Cladocera (Crus- faunistic survey on Cladocera was made by Sars and tacea) of the Altai Mountains are summarized from published in two papers [Sars, 1903a, b]. There were published and the authors records. The latter include also a few studies on zooplankton, some of which data on 18 lakes situated between 450 and 2700 m a.s.l. contained occasional records of littoral species [Rylov, Of 22 species of littoral cladocerans, which are mostly 1949; Shipunova, 1991; Zuykova, 1998; Vesnina et al., eurytopic and widely distributed, five are recorded for 1999; Popov et al., 2003]. All the species so far recorded the region for the first time. Cluster analysis revealed from the Altai Mountains are widely distributed, occur- three groups of habitats that differ in their cladoceran ring in lowlands as well, and a sole species the species composition.