22896 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 15, 1975 Spruiell, Jerry B., xxx-xx-xxxx . VETERINARY CORPS Istvan, Dorothy E .. xxx-xx-xxxx . Stone, Leland M ., xxx-xx-xxxx . To be lieu tenant colonel K alandros, K onstant, xxx-xx-xxxx . Summary, James J., xxx-xx-xxxx . K ing, Joyce W., xxx-xx-xxxx . Fairchild, David G., xxx-xx-xxxx . Thompson, Eugene G., xxx-xx-xxxx . K ucha, Deloros H., xxx-xx-xxxx . Fruin, John T ., xxx-xx-xxxx . Trumbla, Thomas E., xxx-xx-xxxx . K untz, M ary K ., xxx-xx-xxxx . Johnsen, Dennis 0., xxx-xx-xxxx . Vallandingham, James, xxx-xx-xxxx . Lamontagne, M ary E., xxx-xx-xxxx . K err, William K ., xxx-xx-xxxx . Vance, William M ., xxx-xx-xxxx . Lifshen, Sheldon, xxx-xx-xxxx . Reddin, George B., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . Vimont, William J., xxx-xx-xxxx . M attiesen, Jerry A ., xxx-xx-xxxx . Reynolds, Buddy L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Waters, George A., xxx-xx-xxxx . M cK enzie, N ancy J., xxx-xx-xxxx . Reynolds, Scott L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Webb, Byron D., xxx-xx-xxxx . M esserschmidt, M ary, xxx-xx-xxxx . Weiss, Joseph D., xxx-xx-xxxx . ARMY NURSE CORPS Pocklington, Dorothy, xxx-xx-xxxx . Whitlaw, Joseph T ., xxx-xx-xxxx . To be lieutenant colonel R ossi, M arguarite J., xxx-xx-xxxx . Yamanouchi, K enneth, xxx-xx-xxxx . A mmon, K athryn J., xxx-xx-xxxx . R uester, M argaret E., xxx-xx-xxxx . Young, James R ., xxx-xx-xxxx . A ntilla, Betty J., xxx-xx-xxxx . Samuels, Claude C., xxx-xx-xxxx .
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