1. Proposal relating to:

Gibside School Burnthouse Lane, Whickham NE16 5AT

Proposer: Gateshead Council. Civic Centre, Regent Street, Gateshead NE8 1HH

2. Description of Proposed Alteration

The proposed alteration will :

 Provide an extension to the school building on the existing school site from 1st September 2015

 The school will be expanded from 105 to 130 places (an increase of 25 places)

 The proposal will extend the age range from 3-11 years to 2 to 11 years

The expansion will provide 3 additional classrooms and teaching provision would be supported by appropriate toilet facilities and storage.

3. Evidence of Demand for Places and Impact on Parental Choice

There are currently six special schools in Gateshead. Gateshead Council works closely with schools, and partners to co-ordinate, commission and provide a wide range of specialist services to support children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disability (SEND) and their families.

There is a rising number of children across Gateshead Borough with complex needs for whom curriculum access at a special school is necessary, including Learning difficulties and those within the Autism spectrum. There was an increase in the number of statements issued for the first time during the calendar year 2012 at 140 new statements from 92 in 2011, 96 in 2010 and 94 in 2009. The number of placements made in out of authority independent and non-maintained special schools has also been rising over recent years from 33 in 2009 to 47 in 2012.

The increasing number of children with an Autistic Spectrum Condition has led to increased numbers of children with Statements for ASC within all Gateshead schools. Gateshead currently has children awaiting placement in Gibside School as this is considered to be more appropriate to meet their needs.

The expansion of the school would be instrumental in alleviating this pressure and creating more places that are best suited to meet the specific needs of those children with the most complex needs and in particular those with an Autistic Spectrum Condition.

In early years, Autism and Complex Social Communication (CSC) represents the second greatest

need after speech, language and communication in Gateshead. In schools in the early years, Autism and Complex, Social Communication is the third highest disability in Gateshead and a higher percentage than schools nationally.

Gibside School currently admits children from 3 to 11 years of age. The proposal will also extend the age range from 2 to 11 Years, enabling provision of early education and intervention in response to government initiatives from September 2014 to offer more 2 year olds free education if they meet certain criteria. This will include having a current statement of special educational needs (SEN) or an education, health and care plan.

4. Objectives of the Proposal and Educational Standards

The overall objective of the proposal is to provide additional school places for children who need them. Gibside School requires expansion by 25 places from 105 to 130 places to address the increasing demand for specialist SEN provision and in extending the age range from 3-11 years to 2- 11 years; this will enable the school to provide early education for 2 year olds who meet Government criteria.

The proposal has considerable benefits for the children and staff at the school in terms of learning and development. It is also required to respond to the Government’s 2 year old early education programme, the rising numbers of children with complex needs, and in particular those children with Autism Spectrum Condition. It will also provide the school communities with state of the art facilities, and enhance the opportunity for the pupils to gain an outstanding education.

The Council is committed to further developing inclusive education for all pupils in Gateshead. The proposal will contribute to Gateshead’s overarching SEND strategy and ensure that there are sufficient places in outstanding special schools in Gateshead with modern fit for purpose facilities securing local places for pupils who require them.

5. Effect on other Education Establishments in the Area

We do not envisage any negative effects on other local schools. Some children will need special educational help that cannot be provided in mainstream primary schools. There are currently six special schools in Gateshead. Gateshead Council works closely with schools, academies and partners to co-ordinate, commission and provide a wide range of specialist services to support the specific needs of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disability (SEND) and their families. Gibside School is a “special school”, which meets the needs of pupils with profound and multiple learning difficulties. It also meets the needs of pupils with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) and children with severe learning difficulties, as well as those with other complex communication and medical needs.

6. Project costs and Value for Money

The project costs will be approximately £718K and will be met from Gateshead Council and Targeted Basic Need funding, which is to provide school places in areas where they are most needed.

The Council believes that to provide long-term value for money it is right to expand schools with good quality permanent accommodation wherever possible, even though this can mean

considerable capital investment. Permanent expansion enables the provision of new facilities and gives parents a much greater degree of reassurance that their children’s needs will be met locally and the most favourable educational outcomes for children will be achieved.

The Council has also considered how the further needs of the expanding school can be addressed, such as fitness-for-purpose and the condition of the school. Where possible and reasonable, these have been incorporated into proposals for the school to provide an effective solution which will last for many years.

For Gibside School, the project will provide a new build extension to accommodate the additional pupil places, providing a modern, efficient space which will improve the environment for pupils and staff at the school. The proposal meets the requirement of the SEN Improvement Test.

7. Implementation and any proposed stages for implementation The full proposals are planned to be implemented with effect from 1 September 2015. 8. Procedure for Responding to this Proposal

Within four weeks from the date of publication of this proposal, i.e. by Friday 23rd May 2014, any person wishing to submit any comments either in support of, or objecting to the proposal may do so by sending them to:

Mike Barker Solicitor to the Council Legal and Corporate Services Civic Centre Regent Street Gateshead NE8 1HH

Copies of this proposal can be obtained from: Margaret Whellans, Strategic Director Learning and Children, Gateshead Council, Civic Centre, Regent Street, Gateshead, NE8 1HH, or it can be downloaded from:

Applicable legislation: The School Organisation (Prescribed Alterations to Maintained Schools) () Regulations 2013


Appendix 1 Consultation report on views of persons consulted

1(a) Consultation Report on views of persons consulted

Appendix 2 Consultation documents of 26 February 2014 to 26 March 2014

2(a) Consultation document 2(b) Response form 2(c) Poster

Appendix 3 Funding Programme

4(a) Targeted Basic Need Programme (list of successful local authorities)


Gibside School Consultation

Why we consulted On 28th January 2014, the revised School Organisation (Prescribed Alteration to Maintained Schools) (England) Regulations 2013 came into force. Although this no longer includes a prescribed pre-publication consultation period when proposing to expand a school, there is an expectation on local authorities to consult interested parties in developing proposals prior to the publication of a statutory proposal. This stage of the consultation represents an informal process which will be followed by a statutory process. The aim of this consultation has been to ensure that a wide range of stakeholders have been given an opportunity to feedback on the proposed expansion of Gibside School, to take effect from 1st September 2015.

When we consulted 26 February 2014 to 26 March 2014

How we consulted A consultation document and supporting information, including a response form were made available on the Council’s online consultation portal and via paper versions of the documents which were circulated to a variety of stakeholders. Stakeholders who were invited to respond included: parents/carers of children at Gibside School, staff and governors, parents/carers, staff and chairs of governors from neighbouring schools and other special schools in Gateshead, diocesan representatives from the Catholic Church and Church of England, ward councillors, local MPs, voluntary organisations via GVOC, Gateshead Council staff, early years providers, trade unions and other interested parties. Posters were circulated to local community centres and libraries.

Feedback A total of 34 responses were received, which included:  18 parents/carers  12 staff members  1 school governor/governing bodies  1 voluntary sector representative  1 “other category” (student teacher)

A small number of respondents listed their status in more than one category and 4 respondents did not state which category they represented (which explains why the categories when added together do not match the total responses):

Consultees were asked whether they agreed with the proposal to increase the capacity of the school from 105 to 130 places from 1st September 2015 and to extend the age range from 3-11 years to 2-11 years. A selection of response options were offered from strongly agree to strongly disagree. Feedback was positive with 88% of responses (30) in favour of the proposal, 6% (2) were against the proposal and 6% (2) were unsure whether they were for or against the proposal.

Detailed breakdown of those agreeing/disagreeing with the proposed changes to the school:

Strongly agree 29 Unsure 2 (6%) Strongly disagree 1 (85%) (3%) Agree 1 Disagree 1 (3%) (3%)

Of those in favour of the expansion, the comments focused on the need for better provision for children on the autistic spectrum to meet increasing demand and provide a service for children and families in the borough. Respondents recognised the support currently provided for very vulnerable children and the excellent education offered. A number of respondents pointed out the benefit of taking children in at the earlier age with comments on how their own children have made excellent progress since starting at the school and would have made even more progress had they started earlier.

Of the 2 respondents who were unsure about whether to agree or disagree with the proposal, one felt that age 2 is “quite young” and the other respondent had concerns about class sizes and how this might affect the one to one time pupils currently have with the teachers.

In terms of those who were against the proposal, one respondent supported the proposal to increase the number of pupils but not to extend the age range from 3-11 to 2-11 years. The other respondent had concerns that the increase would take away quality teaching time (one to one) and in particular specialised classes such as physiotherapy.

Next steps The proposal to expand Gibside School will proceed to the next statutory stage of the process. This requires the publication of a statutory notice, with a representation period of 4 weeks to allow a final opportunity for people and organisations to express their views about the proposal. Following this representation period Gateshead Council’s Cabinet will consider the responses from the consultation (26 February 2014 -26 March 2014) and representation period (25 April 2014 – 23 May 2014) and make the final decision as to whether or not to proceed with the proposed expansion of Gibside School. At the time of writing it is anticipated that Cabinet will make its decision at its meeting on 24 June 2014.


Gateshead Council

Proposal for the Expansion of Gibside School, Burnthouse Lane, Whickham, NE16 5AT

To take effect from 1st September 2015


February 2014

Gateshead Council is consulting from Wednesday 26th February 2014 to Wednesday 26th March 2014 on a proposal to expand Gibside School, Burnthouse Lane, Whickham, NE16 5AT, to take effect from 1st September 2015.

This document sets out details about:

 The proposal  The current position  Rationale  How you can give your views  The consultation timetable

The Proposal

The Council is proposing to:

 Provide an extension to the school building on the existing school site from 1st September 2015

 The school will be expanded from 105 to 130 places (an increase of 25 places)

 The proposal will extend the age range from 3-11 years to 2 to 11 years

The current position

Gibside is a purpose built primary co-educational day school. Its teaching and non-teaching staff work in a multi-disciplinary setting with professionals from Health, Social and Psychological Services and other voluntary bodies. Gibside School is rated as an “Outstanding” school by Ofsted. The school currently provides for children aged 3 – 11 years. The school meets the needs of pupils with profound and multiple learning difficulties. It also meets the needs of pupils with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) and children with severe learning difficulties, as well as those with other complex communication and medical needs.

The school currently has 105 children on roll.


Some children will need special educational help that cannot be provided in mainstream primary and secondary schools. There are currently six special schools in Gateshead. Gateshead Council works closely with schools, academies and partners to co-ordinate, commission and provide a wide range of specialist services to support children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disability (SEND) and their families.

There is a rising number of children across Gateshead Borough with complex needs for whom curriculum access at a special school is necessary, including Learning difficulties and those within the Autism spectrum.

There was an increase in the number of statements issued for the first time during the calendar year 2012 at 140 new statements from 92 in 2011, 96 in 2010 and 94 in 2009. The number of placements made in Out of Authority independent and non-maintained special schools has also been rising over recent years from 33 in 2009 to 47 in 2012.

The increasing number of children with an Autistic Spectrum Condition has led to increased numbers of children with Statements for ASC within all Gateshead schools. Gateshead currently has children awaiting placement in Gibside School as this is considered to be more appropriate to meet their needs.

The expansion of the school would be instrumental in alleviating this pressure and creating more places that are best suited to meet the specific needs of those children with the most complex needs and in particular those with an Autistic Spectrum Condition.

In early years, Autism and Complex Social Communication (CSC) represents the second greatest need after speech, language and communication in Gateshead. In schools in the early years, Autism and Complex, Social Communication is the third highest disability in Gateshead and a higher percentage than schools nationally.

Gibside School currently admits children from 3 to 11 years of age. The proposal will also extend the age range from 2 to 11 Years, enabling provision of early education and intervention in the in response to government initiatives from September 2014 to offer more 2 year olds free education if they meet certain criteria. This will include having a current statement of special educational needs (SEN) or an education, health and care plan.

New Building Extension

In July 2013 the Government confirmed that Gateshead Council was successful in obtaining capital funding from the Targeted Basic Need Programme 2013, to provide extra school places in areas where they were most needed. These had to be rated by Ofsted as either good or outstanding at the time of submission. The three schools to be expanded are Ravensworth Terrace , Gibside School and Riverside Primary . All three schools are rated by Ofsted as “Outstanding” schools and are oversubscribed.

The proposed completion date for these expansions is September 2015.

The Council will be responsible for the procurement, contracting and build of the project. It is anticipated that the school building expansion would be completed on the existing site and, would, subject to the decision of the Council Cabinet, be completed by September 2015. It will provide 3 additional classrooms .The teaching provision will be supported by appropriate toilet facilities and storage.

Pupil Numbers

Gibside School requires expansion by 25 places from 105 to 130 places to address the increasing demand for specialist SEN provision and in extending the age range from 3-11 years to 2- 11 years; this will enable the school to provide early education for 2 year olds who meet Government criteria.

There would be no change in the type of Special Educational Needs for which the school is organised to make provision.

Staff implications

Staff will generally be unaffected, however, a larger school will offer more opportunities for professional development and provide access to more resources and expertise to enable staff to further develop new learning experiences and continue to deliver outstanding provision for its pupils.


This opportunity to expand Gibside School on the same site and further expand the current provision from 105 to 130 at Gibside must be seriously considered. The proposal has considerable benefits for the children and staff at the school in terms of learning and development. It is also required to respond to the Government’s 2 year old early education programme, the rising numbers of children with complex needs, and in particular those children with Autism Spectrum Condition. It will also provide the school communities with state of the art facilities, and enhance the opportunity for the pupils to gain an outstanding education.

The Council is committed to further developing inclusive education for all pupils in Gateshead. The proposal will contribute to Gateshead’s overarching SEN strategy and ensure that there are sufficient places in outstanding special schools in Gateshead with modern fit for purpose facilities securing local places for pupils who require them.

How you can give your views

As an integral part of this consultation process, we are inviting parents, children, governors, school staff and others to take part and give us your views. This document will be made widely available to schools and other interested consultees. It will also be available via the Council’s web site at

If you wish to express any views or comments on the proposal, you must submit your response by no later than 26 March 2014. All views and responses will be considered when making further decisions on the proposal.

There are a number of ways in which you can let us know your views. You can:

 Complete the attached response form and return it via post to Ms Bríd Graney Children’s Commissioning Team , Civic Centre, Regent Street Gateshead NE8 1HH  Email your comments to Gateshead Council via [email protected]  View and respond to the consultation online at

What happens after 26th March when the consultation period ends? Following this initial period of consultation, the Council will publish a notification of the proposal in a local newspaper, at the school and in public places such as the local library. This will be followed by a further 4 week consultation (representation) period to enable further comment. A report will be then prepared for a Council Cabinet meeting. The Cabinet will consider all responses and make a final decision on whether to proceed with the proposal.

The Consultation timetable

Date Event/Key Point 26th February 2014 – 26th March 2014 Informal public consultation on proposal for expansion of Gibside School 25th April 2014 Publication of notification for newspaper, school gates and community buildings 25th April 2014 – 23rd May 2014 Representation period (consultation) period on proposals contained in the statutory notification 24th June 2014 Final decision on statutory proposal via Council Cabinet meeting


Your Views Count - Gibside School

Do you agree to the proposal to increase the capacity of Gibside School from 105 to 130 places from September 2015, and to extend the age range from 3-11 years to 2-11 years?

Strongly agree Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly Disagree

Please give any comments below:

Are you? (please tick and use the space provided to state which school you are from):

A parent/carer of a pupil ……………………………………………………………………………….

Staff member of a school ……………………………………………………………… ………………

Pupil ………………………………………………………………………………

Governor ……………………………………………………………………………….

Other representative: (please tick and use the space provided to state which organisation you are from):

Union …………. …………………………………………………………………….

Diocesan representative …………. …………………………………………………………………….

Voluntary Sector representative …………. …………………………………………………………………….

Other ………………………………………………………………………………..

If you wish to let us know your name and address please complete your details below:

Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………. This response form should be returned to the address below by no later than 26th March 2014



Wednesday 26th February 2014 to Wednesday 26th March 2014 on a proposal to expand Gibside School, Burnthouse Lane Whickham, NE16 5AT from 1st September 2015

The Proposal

The Local Authority is proposing to:

 Provide an extension to the school building on the existing school site from 1st September 2015

 The school will be expanded from 105 to 130 places (an increase of 25 places)

 The proposal will extend the age range from 3-11 years to 2 to 11 years

How you can give your views

We are inviting parents, children, governors, school staff and others to give us your views. A consultation document and response form are available online at :

There are a number of ways in which you can let us know your views:

 Email your comments to Gateshead Council via [email protected]  View and respond to the consultation online at  Complete a hardcopy of the response form which is available from Whickham Library at St. Mary’s Green or Gateshead Civic Centre Children’s Commissioning Service

For further information please contact: Bríd Graney Children’s Commissioning Service

Gateshead Civic Centre on 0191 433 3840


Expected number Authority Application of places to be provided by LAs Barking and Dagenham Barking Abbey School, A Specialist Sports and Humanities 750 College Barking and Dagenham Eastbury Comprehensive School 446 Barking and Dagenham Robert Clack School 900 Barnet Academy 420 Barnet New School, Barnet [HA8 9YA] 420 Barnet Osidge Primary School 210 Barnet St Joseph's RC Junior School and St Joseph's RC Infant 210 School Barnet Wren Academy 420 Bedford Castle Lower School 60 Bedford Shackleton Lower School 210 Birmingham Baskerville School 57 Birmingham Cherry Oak School 10 Birmingham Mayfield School 10 Birmingham Queensbury School 10 Birmingham Selly Oak Trust School 8 Birmingham The Dame Ellen Pinsent School 10 Birmingham The Pines Special School 21 Blackburn with Darwen Roe Lee Park Primary School 70 Bolton Green Fold School 24 Bournemouth Avonbourne School 420 Bournemouth Christ The King Catholic Primary School 210 350 Bracknell Forest Kennel Lane School 56 Bracknell Forest Owlsmoor Primary School 98 Bracknell Forest Winkfield St Mary's CofE Primary School 30 Bradford Chellow Heights Special School 35 Bradford Cullingworth Village Primary School 105 Bradford New School, Bradford [BD4 8QW] 1050 Bradford Princeville Primary School 215 Brent Islamia Primary School 210 Brent Manor School 44 Brent New Special School, Brent [Fulton Road] 60 Brent The Stonebridge School 30 Brighton and Hove West Hove Infant School 90 Bristol, City of Ashton Gate Primary School 420 Bristol, City of Bridge Farm Primary School 420 Bristol, City of Colston's Primary School 210 Bristol, City of New School, Bristol, City of [BS3 5JL] 420 Bristol, City of New School, Bristol, City of [BS5 9RH] 420 Bristol, City of New School, Bristol, City of [BS6 5JL] 420 Bristol, City of Southville Primary School 420 Bristol, City of The Dolphin School 300 Bristol, City of Whitehall Primary School 240 Cambridgeshire Coton Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary 30 School Cambridgeshire Ely College 300 Cambridgeshire Girton Glebe Primary School 60 Cambridgeshire Hardwick Community Primary School 210 Cambridgeshire New School, Cambridgeshire [North Ely] 210 Cambridgeshire Swavesey Primary School 21 Cambridgeshire Swavesey Village College 150 Cambridgeshire Thorndown Primary School 210 Cheshire East Lacey Green Primary Academy 120 Cheshire East Manor Park School and Nursery 105 Cheshire East Offley Primary School 105 Cheshire West and Barrow CofE Primary School 35 Chester Cheshire West and Bishop Heber High School 200 Chester Cheshire West and Dee Point Primary School 210 Chester

Expected number Authority Application of places to be provided by LAs Cheshire West and Hinderton School 7 Chester Cheshire West and Tarvin Primary School 105 Chester Cheshire West and Wolverham Primary and Nursery School 96 Chester Cornwall Indian Queens Community Primary School and Nursery 90 Cornwall Mount Hawke Academy 90 Cornwall Nanpean Community Primary School 120 Cornwall Pondhu Primary School 150 Cornwall St Columb Minor Academy 90 Cornwall St Petroc's Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary 90 School Cornwall The Bishops CofE Primary School 90 Cornwall Treleigh Community Primary School 120 Coventry Corpus Christi Catholic School 210 Coventry Edgewick Community Primary School 210 Coventry Hollyfast Primary School 210 Coventry Little Heath Primary School 210 Coventry Whitley Abbey Primary School 210 Croydon ARK Oval Primary Academy 420 Croydon New School, Croydon [CR0 1NX] 630 Croydon New School, Croydon [CR0 2AN] 420 Croydon New School, Croydon [CR0 2UR] 630 Croydon New School, Croydon [CR0 4HA] 420 Croydon New School, Croydon [CR2 6HS] 420 Croydon New School, Croydon [CR7 6AW] 420 Croydon New School, Croydon [SE25 4QL and SE25 4XE] 1150 Croydon St James the Great RC Primary and Nursery School 420 Croydon St Joseph's RC Infant School and St Joseph's RC Junior 210 School Croydon West Thornton Primary School 420 Derby Borrow Wood Primary School 105 Derby Breadsall Hill Top Infant & Nursery School 90 Derby Breadsall Hill Top Junior School 120 Derby Portway Infant School 30 Derby Portway Junior School 40 Derby Village Primary School 105 Derby Walter Evans Church of England Aided Primary School 105 Devon East-the-Water Community Primary School 90 Devon Kingskerswell Church of England Primary School 60 Doncaster Hexthorpe Primary School 210 Doncaster New School, Doncaster [DN4] 472 Ealing Castlebar School 30 Ealing Horsenden Primary School 210 Ealing Mandeville School 45 East Sussex New School, East Sussex [BN27 3NW] 210 East Sussex New School, East Sussex [BN9 9JL] 210 Enfield Bowes Primary School 90 Enfield 420 Enfield Chase Side Primary School 210 Enfield 420 Enfield Enfield Secondary Tuition Centre 50 Enfield George Spicer Primary School 420 Enfield Grange Park Primary School 210 Enfield Highfield Primary School 210 Enfield 210 Enfield St John's CofE Primary School 119 Enfield Worcesters Primary School 210 Essex Chipping Hill Primary School 105 Essex Glenwood School 50 Essex Market Field School 60 Essex Moulsham Infant School 150 Essex New School, Essex [CM20 1NW] 210

Expected number Authority Application of places to be provided by LAs Essex New School, Essex [CO4 5UB] 420 Essex Oaklands Infant School 60 Essex Silver End Primary School 105 Essex Staples Road Primary School 105 Gateshead Gibside School 25 Gateshead Ravensworth Terrace Primary School 227 Gateshead Riverside Primary Academy 210 Greenwich Newhaven Pupil Referral Unit and Moatbridge School and 95 Charlton Park Academy Hackney Mossbourne Community Academy 655 Hammersmith and Fulham Sacred Heart High School 150 Hampshire All Saints Church of England Primary School 70 Hampshire Burnham Copse Primary School 105 Hampshire Church Crookham Junior School 120 Hampshire Kings Worthy Primary School 70 Hampshire Locks Heath Junior School 120 Hampshire Newport Junior School 90 Hampshire Nightingale Primary School 105 Hampshire Pilgrims' Cross CofE Aided Primary School 105 Hampshire Wellstead Primary School 210 Hampshire Calthorpe Park School 300 Harrow Belmont School 210 Harrow Bentley Wood High School 180 Harrow Bentley Wood High School (SEN base) 24 Harrow Cannon Lane First School (4-7 Years) and Cannon Lane 210 Junior School Harrow Kingsley High School 34 Harrow Newton Farm Nursery, Infant and Junior School 210 Harrow Norbury School 210 Harrow Shaftesbury High School 40 Harrow St Anselm's Catholic Primary School 210 Harrow St George's Primary School 12 Harrow St John Fisher Catholic Primary School 210 Harrow West Lodge Primary School 18 Harrow Whitchurch First School and Nursery and Whitchurch Junior 210 School Harrow Whitefriars Community School 1035 Harrow Woodlands School 203 Hertfordshire Simon Balle School 480 Hertfordshire St Clement Danes School 198 Hertfordshire St Philip Howard Catholic Primary School 105 Hillingdon Bourne Primary School 30 Hillingdon Cherry Lane Primary School 210 Hillingdon Cranford Park Academy 30 Hillingdon Field End Infant School 90 Hillingdon Field End Junior School 190 Hillingdon Grange Park Infant and Nursery School 90 Hillingdon Harlyn Primary School 210 Hillingdon Highfield Primary School 210 Hillingdon Hillingdon Primary School 210 Hillingdon New School, Hillingdon [St Andrews Road] 630 Hillingdon New School, Hillingdon [UB3 1JA] 630 Hillingdon New School, Hillingdon [UB7 9AE] 645 Hillingdon Rosedale College 210 Hillingdon Ruislip Gardens Primary School 210 Hillingdon Whitehall Infant School 90 Hillingdon Whitehall Junior School 120 Hillingdon Wood End Park Academy 210 Hounslow Feltham Hill Infant and Nursery School 125 Hounslow Grove Park Primary School 236 Hounslow Hounslow Heath Infant and Nursery School 116 Hounslow Hounslow Heath Junior School 120 Hounslow Isleworth Town Primary School 236 Hounslow Lindon Bennett School 30

Expected number Authority Application of places to be provided by LAs Hounslow Lionel Primary School 236 Hounslow Springwell Infant and Nursery School 116 Hounslow Springwell Junior School 120 Hounslow Strand-on-the-Green Infant and Nursery School 9 Hounslow Strand-on-the-Green Junior School 12 Hounslow The Blue School CofE Primary 236 Hounslow The Cedars Primary School 24 Kensington and Chelsea Fox Primary School 105 Kent Broomhill Bank School 56 Kent Five Acre Wood School 50 Kent Furley Park Primary School 210 Kent Highview School 28 Kent Iwade Community Primary School 210 Kent Maidstone, St John's Church of England Primary School 150 Kent New School, Kent [CT19 6DT] 210 Kent New School, Kent [ME12 3GN] 420 Kent New School, Kent [ME19 4QG] 210 Kent New School, Kent [ME19 5AT] 210 Kent New School, Kent [ME6 5PD] 210 Kent Portal House School 12 Kent Ridge View School 67 Kent Slade Primary School and Attached Unit for Children with 105 Hearing Impairment Kent St Anthony's School 16 Kent The Canterbury Primary School 210 Kent The Foreland School 40 Kent Tunstall Church of England (Aided) Primary School 210 Kent White Cliffs Primary College for the Arts 210 Kingston upon Thames Dysart School 24 Lambeth Iqra Primary School 35 Lambeth Paxton Primary School 420 Lambeth St John's Angell Town Church of England Primary School 420 Lambeth St Leonard's Church of England Primary School 210 Lambeth Sudbourne Primary School 315 Lambeth Woodmansterne Primary School 420 Lambeth Wyvil Primary School and Centre for Children With Speech 45 and Language Impairment Leeds Allerton Bywater Primary School 210 Leeds Asquith Primary School 210 Leeds Broomfield South SILC 50 Leeds East Ardsley Primary School 105 Leeds Little London Community Primary School and Nursery 420 Leeds Rufford Park Primary School 105 Leeds West Oaks Sen Specialist School and College 150 Leicester Kestrels' Field Primary School 420 Lewisham Holbeach Primary School 210 Lewisham John Ball Primary School 210 Lincolnshire Cranwell Primary School (Foundation) 70 Lincolnshire New School, Lincolnshire [DN21 1PY] 210 Lincolnshire Witham St Hughs Academy 105 Liverpool Gilmour (Southbank) Infant School 90 Liverpool Gilmour Junior School 120 Luton Woodlands 100 Manchester New School, Manchester [M40 7 US] 472 Medway Abbey Court Community Special School 68 Medway Danecourt Community School 40 Medway New School, Medway [ME4 6NT] 720 Merton Cranmer Primary School 210 Merton Dundonald Primary School 210 Merton Hatfeild Primary School (SEN base) 14 Merton Hillcross Primary School 210 Merton Hillcross Primary School (SEN base) 8 Merton Merton Abbey Primary School 210

Expected number Authority Application of places to be provided by LAs Merton Pelham Primary School 210 Merton Perseid School 28 Merton Poplar Primary School 210 Merton St Mary's Catholic Primary School 210 Milton Keynes Germander Park School 45 Milton Keynes Moorland Infant School 198 Milton Keynes New Bradwell School 228 Milton Keynes Russell Street School 108 Milton Keynes Shenley Brook End School 388 Milton Keynes The Walnuts School 19 Newham Eleanor Smith School 44 Norfolk Chapel Road School 47 North East Lincolnshire South Parade Primary School 105 Northamptonshire Bridgewater Primary School 210 Northamptonshire Corby Old Village Primary School 70 Northamptonshire Delapre Primary School 210 Northamptonshire Redwell Infant School 210 Northamptonshire Rowan Gate Primary School 56 Northamptonshire Spring Lane Primary School 210 Northamptonshire The Duston School 420 Nottingham Heathfield Primary and Nursery School 472 Nottinghamshire Bramcote Hills Primary School 70 Nottinghamshire John Clifford Primary School 89 Nottinghamshire Newstead Primary and Nursery School 26 Oldham Mills Hill Primary School 105 Oldham New Special School, Oldham [OL9 8EE and OL1 3US] 140 Oldham Propps Hall Junior Infant and Nursery School 70 Oldham St Hilda's CofE Primary School 105 Oldham Watersheddings Primary School 105 Oxfordshire Bartholomew School 150 Oxfordshire Faringdon Infant School and Faringdon Junior School 97 Peterborough Fulbridge Primary School 210 Plymouth Holy Cross Catholic Primary School 105 Plymouth New School, Plymouth [PL6 5AA] 447 Plymouth Widewell Primary School 210 Plymouth Woodford Primary School 210 Poole New School, Poole [BH14 0PZ] 360 Poole Oakdale Junior School (currently Oakdale South Road 160 Middle) Reading Alfred Sutton Primary School 210 Reading Churchend Primary Academy 210 Reading E P Collier Primary School 210 Reading Geoffrey Field Junior School and Geoffrey Field Infant 150 School Reading New School, Reading [RG1 7HL] 420 Reading Southcote Primary School 210 Reading St Michael's Primary School 210 Reading The Ridgeway Primary School 420 Richmond upon Thames Clarendon School 32 Richmond upon Thames Strathmore School 48 Rotherham New School, Rotherham [S65 1TF] 359 Rotherham Wickersley School and Sports College 275 Sandwell Ferndale Primary School 210 Sandwell Perryfields Primary School 210 Sandwell St Hubert's Catholic Primary School 210 Sheffield New School, Sheffield [S9 1SG] 682 Sheffield New School, Sheffield [S9 3TL] 1222 Sheffield The Rowan School 23 Solihull Hazel Oak School 30 South Gloucestershire Beacon Rise Primary School 210 South Gloucestershire Bradley Stoke Community School 210 South Gloucestershire King's Oak Academy 420 South Gloucestershire Mangotsfield Church of England Voluntary Controlled 210 Primary School

Expected number Authority Application of places to be provided by LAs Southampton St John's Primary and Nursery School 210 Southend-on-Sea Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School and Nursery 210 Southend-on-Sea Thorpe Greenways Infant School and Thorpe Greenways 210 Junior School Staffordshire New School, Staffordshire [ST18 0DD] 315 Staffordshire Rocklands School 24 Staffordshire Sherbrook Primary School 35 Staffordshire St Luke's CofE (C) Primary School 70 Staffordshire Two Rivers Primary School 36 Stockport Arden Primary School 210 Stockport Cale Green Primary School 105 Stockport Castle Hill High School 50 Stockport Greave Primary School 105 Stockport Queen's Road Primary School 210 Stockport St Elisabeth's Church of England Primary School 105 Surrey Esher CofE High School 300 Surrey Goldsworth Primary School 210 Surrey Guildford Grove Primary School 210 Surrey Holmesdale Community Infant School 90 Surrey Hythe Primary School 210 Surrey Onslow Infant School 90 Surrey Queen Eleanor's CofE Junior School 120 Surrey Reigate Priory Community Junior School 120 Surrey St Alban's Catholic Primary School 210 Surrey St Ann's Heath Junior School 120 Surrey Stamford Green Primary School 210 Surrey The Greville Primary School 210 Surrey West Byfleet Infant School 90 Surrey West Byfleet Junior School 120 Sutton Avenue Primary School 10 Sutton Sherwood Park School 80 Swindon New School, Swindon [SN26 8DZ] 446 Swindon St Joseph's Catholic College 420 Tameside New School, Tameside [Ol6 9SD] 506 Tameside New School, Tameside [SK14 3JZ] 223 Tameside Samuel Laycock School 60 Thurrock New School, Thurrock [RM17 ] 682 Tower Hamlets St Paul's Way Trust School 450 Trafford Bowdon CofE Primary School 210 Wakefield Castleford Three Lane Ends Community Primary School 105 Wakefield Kingsland Primary School 28 Wakefield Oakfield Park School, Ackworth 24 Wakefield Ossett Southdale Church of England Voluntary Controlled 20 Junior School Wakefield Towngate Primary School 105 Waltham Forest 420 Waltham Forest Brookfield House School 15 Waltham Forest Davies Lane Primary School 420 Waltham Forest Hillyfield Primary School 210 Waltham Forest Mission Grove Primary School 420 Waltham Forest Stoneydown Park School 420 Waltham Forest Whitefield Schools and Centre and 120 Wandsworth Hillbrook School 210 Wandsworth New School, Wandsworth [SW18 3BU] 472 Wandsworth Sheringdale Primary School 210 Warwickshire Bishopton Primary School 210 Warwickshire Brooke School 30 Warwickshire Budbrooke Primary School 105 Warwickshire Henry Hinde Infant School 90 Warwickshire Lapworth CofE Primary School 49 Warwickshire Milverton Primary School 105 Warwickshire New Special School, Warwickshire [CV11 5HJ] 80 Warwickshire Paddox Primary School 210

Expected number Authority Application of places to be provided by LAs Warwickshire St Michael's Church of England Primary School 100 Warwickshire Welcombe Hills School 30 West Spurcroft Primary School 150 The Castle School 20 West Sussex Cornfield School, Littlehampton 24 West Sussex Davison Church of England High School for Girls, Worthing 240 West Sussex Durrington High School 360 West Sussex Fordwater School, Chichester 16 West Sussex Herons Dale School 24 West Sussex Littlegreen School, Compton 16 West Sussex Manor Green College 32 West Sussex Manor Green Primary School 16 West Sussex New School, West Sussex [BN14 8HJ] 900 West Sussex White Meadows Primary School 210 Windsor and Ellington Primary School and Nursery 210 Windsor and Maidenhead Manor Green School 30 Wokingham Grazeley Parochial Church of England Aided Primary School 105 Wokingham Shinfield Infant and Nursery School 90