PHYS ED 1, 2, 3 CORE CONDITIONING TONI MAR PHYS ED 1, 2, 3 - CORE CONDITIONING (0.05 units) Instructor: Toni Mar Contact: e:
[email protected] p: 1.510.642.2375 Office: 225 Hearst Memorial Gymnasium Office Hours: Tuesday 9:15-10:00 with advance reservation or congruent availability Required Material: Syllabus contents, videos, links and Discussions via bCourse I. Course Description: Periodized training (progressive organized cycling of various aspects of training during various time periods) to develop core strength, core stability and ancillary attributes including static and dynamic balance, proprioception, somatosensory factors, static and dynamic stretching/flexibility, and postural alignment utilizing a variety of training methods and modalities in calisthenics (compound bodyweight exercises for strength, flexibility and balance); resistance training (use of medicine balls, dumbbells, weighted bars, kettlebells resistance bands); and balance training (use of balance pads, yoga blocks). Strong emphasis on the fundamentals of exercise and sport science (the multi-disciplinary study of human movement and performance encompassing biomechanics, neuromuscular physiology, exercise physiology, pathology, sport psychology, sport medicine, and sport nutrition) to provide a thorough understanding of the underlying principles