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1 Woodcock Pitts Dw -’ll'' '*} Wtvv • i w s.i'T’''jlr'' f } • . vl£''TJr.^'v ■ ^ ’•4. , r IV f t 'I* - W''"*’ t Ti •r’»' j > I'. -ii * rM‘ ’» » */* •■» ’ ‘W I l i-* 4 .’Vi i- ' . /« » IX i i ' ‘ i</4'« h /*>''>»•' # • j f f n '»* t .1.0% Y c /• t' I.* .»« <» t t 0 -4 i^ . t* kft * • iMaaMI a ,v • j - * 'i MWA _ »Vll_ 1-—1 “vsssfs^sasr .f.1 f 5.488 "“ *" •‘ciiSi/asi ** FOUHTBBN PAOBi 8OVTH H A N ^ w n R , commw-'»h p b b i>a t ,.j t o ^ , J M « (C M M Mn*IMM *■ *■** VOL. XU V ., MO. a»T. VESUVIUS IN ERUPTION BEFORE QUAKE | u . s . R-100 TO END TRIP JUST BEFORE DARK REDSm skwi Dm om St u»-1 WOODCOCK PITTS OlARGEFAIHQt PALOS’ GUNS DW«: HOOVER UQOOR AIDEBOY.ll Gas b ; Making Landing m 50 AT Haat of Day— Canaifians POUCYINFORM TO DO MURDER ■ ■ — I WOMEN IN PRISON ASK Show Lhde &dtement FOB BIGHT TO SMOKE B ri^ eport Mnn One of Three Auburn. N. Y., July 81.— (AP) Dry Director Says Non-Com­ inmates of the State Prison for Over Arrival As They Women at Auburn want equality mercial Violalions Will Be Held As Parties To Fatal wlto toe inmates of toe prison for men in smoking privileges. Took Success for Granted. This was disclos^ in a report Ipored, Urges Judges to HiiVliip — Admits Giving accompanying that submitted by the Cayuga county special St. Hubert Airport, Montreal, Son Pistol Removing tine. Grand Jury to Supreme Court Que., July 31.-(AP)-The R-1001 Confer On Sentences. ———— .... T^Iufnrte Mount Vesuvius, as pictu^’ed above gave Justice Benjamin B. Cunning­ slowly approached the end of its Smoke and fire ominously belching from toe ®^® Italy. This Herald-NEA Service phor ham. ■flight from England today, its ar­ Washington, July 31 —Outlining sinisteTwLning of toe earthquake which to rock to of Uves, shows the great volcaro Bridgeport, July 31 (A P ) The report said: “The inmates When they agreed to waive examin­ feel that It is a privilege tkat Is rival delayed by choice or necessity the policy on which tile Federal gov­ ^ S *r’*T--unr— rince th. guj. ba. c«iu»a .Iwm among r«ndm.tt ot ation. three Bridgeport men whom given toe men and should be untU shortly before dark tonight. ernment henceforth will endeavor to given them if they care to use IL, Now R^ved Reds M19 Progress of the dirigible, c enforce prohibition. Amos W. W. nearby towns. _____________________________ __________ —-------- ' police beUeve to be involved in toe We rind that 75 per cent of toe greatest ever to rise Woodcock, Prohibition Director, to­ fatal beating and robbing of James punishment is given for violation Qmt die City— skv over the ocean and down Beue day attributed "past criticism of HOSE DEFENDS I Harinstein, owner of a grocery of toe no smoking rule.” HOPE LOW PRICES ------------------------ - - Island strait had prohibition in toe United States to LEVnTGETS!NTO store 1002 Maplewood eral and even official brtief toe VENUS PURITY the evening of June IT, were OTOTd That Forogners R-100 would get in about * P- ^ blunders .and mis-conduct ^ over to toe Septeml^r term of S^ hut at noon today a afents.” aril said he would ^dw vor WILL MOVE GRAIN perior Court by Judge William toSSd toe army of 2,700 in^yiduMs Firemen Uproot Poison Ivy Sain - - A1 Anwrkttf* from toe ship itself NEWPOWERHCHT Buckley in aty Court today. NEW TONG FIGURES arrival would be at 7 o clock E. S. in toe service into toe “ best to ^ With Which Prude Sought „ . Domtalck Mastroni, 41, f«Jher T. body of detectives in toe . to Clothe Nude Statue at Safe Bat One. Believe Delay Chosen Mr. Woodcock’s statement, which Canadians Expect Foreign Li INAFRESHWAR To Act for Fanners O ppo^ Winona Lake, Ind. Winona Lake, Ind., July 31.— their part in the HariMteta Shanghai, July 81 (AP)__^The fire department has R opg WM Be Forced By was accused of aiding his sm to to- ™ H liF.bsg" Condemnation of lan d for come to-toe rescue of toe VenOT crime by furnishing him with a re­; l 0n Leongi. Fight Tong O hb^ ^ “T u S :S ® de Milo, and a scheme' to clothe Extremely Low Figures. volver OTd attempting ^ cover up it was believed toe officers the goddess’ statue in poison clues that might have led to toe onH had decided that atmospheric honestly, earnestly an attack of Chinese comntadM mend had dec x^fter close to I follow ed COTiferdibces here during toe iw hM been thwarted. youths. arrest. This Tmie Instead of ffip'””" ^ conditions woidd ^® „^®i“ ^® ‘°5 te r- Mrw. Mary Schell Stare of Present At Crime near Changsha yesterday. About dusk than in toe heat of toe twenwwilliam Dewitt Chicago, summering here, hwds Winnipeg, Man.> July 3L— (AP)—r Others boxmd over were Jonn fifty communists were killed. ®Bd [dent Hoover, WUiani Maeijones and Frank Romero, 28, Sings— ’Three Are Killed. noonlon 8^. of hydro-1 Mitchell, A:ttomey<3«n®ral* New Milford, July 31.— (A P )— toe opinion that the statue, Rock-bottom grain prices brought many wounded as the blue jackets Profeesor Albert Levitt, independent which has been a figure of ar­ hope today of salvation from an im­ father of two children, both of returned' the fire of the RedSf who Sun heat gas of the | administrators and special whom are alleged by police to have gen, which is toe s » chiefs from all toe enforcement dis- Republican candidate for governor, tistic pride for 20 years, shotfid pending grain-storage crisis in — , 4« , Iraked the ship with machine gims 1 -100. of enormoudyJh^5«|gJ*^^ wear something. Yesterday toe been to toe machine New York. July 31—(AP.).-Po-W ®^ today prepared to enter a new con­ buoyancy, and it was toougbt toe Adm^tratlon Policy statue was moved to a location Canada. stein was set upon, dragged Into the lice reserves patrolled ChlMtown | R*<jg attacked from toe banks R-100 officers had decided on a d^ troversy with his arch-enemy, Hen­ secluded sjiot to The new policy outlined by toe near toe fire department, Md Stores are piled higher In grain after toe killing of o^e th ® ^ layed landing to ayoid toe director 1s regarded as precisely ry J. Roraback, and toe Connecticut the circumstance gave Mrs. bins than they were a year ago, and of valving off valuable gas to ef- ot toe machine after they had taken j mounding of another slg- j ^P . a survey of the that on which toe Hoover adm ^^ light & Power Co. He has agreed Stare an opportunity to put her a far greater crop Is in the, offing, ?wt a 3 ln g the full heat of , tration will stand or fall in Its effort idea Into action. but grata men believe wheat prices, $42 from him. naled toe outbreak of a new tong SiM . Opening fire with 100 rifles to act as counsel for a group of Mastroni, whose mid-afternoon. to enforce toe dry laws. Poison ivy was planed lowest In 17 years, may prod over­ war. Seven Chinese are ta jail. and ten michlne guns, the co m m i^ Most Experimental I least of toe corps of pro- farmers fighting condemnation pro­ around’ toe base of toe statue. seas buyers into action. set at $1,000, has admitted that he ists showered ths Palos,with bullets. knew, his son and toe otoere were The opening of hostilities be­ St. Hubert is 1 ui^on Agents, It was learned to- ceedings Instituted by toe power Mrs. Stare expressed the Unless greater export demand Battle Lasts An Be V planning toe holdup and ^ t he tween members of toe On. Leon large and with all d a y S e^ ’exniervice veterans company for rights of way across according to toe firemen, that comes soon and- is sustained, repeti­ Tong and Tong On here ■wast, echo­ Caught in close quarters and ot- toe ivy would grow and grow tion ot last year’s grata tie-up In gave him toe gun. H ealso^ ^ - ile to turn back,^ the Palos brought fessed washing yoyngf Mastroni« ed ta Boston where an On Leong a b le ' methe men un-wuson-toe — —^ nreferred Ij new W*-andnew-ana seBH-nmi»riacu.TO»l-n^tariTO^d their land. ] until finaUy that“ Indecent fig­ the West Is threatened. Lakehead herir threebUu^th rettriM ftfl®* S i^flaaeii®* . plausible that these “ ®“ announced by the^'director as to be The company is seeking a ure BbaU be aU covered up. elevatorS' are filled tot. almoiL toa Woody shirt, after, the youth return^ partisan was l^ed, gnBr*kr ttabfl,“ #ing tote the at-.. to take no chance nierelyjo^jto^ Ltmoun^ In <)ai^ Bnceeselott lased c land appfojdihallhgr 136 fcetTrid^ [ The fiTOTiOT, ^ama tev«l-aa a y w a«0> laMt\*44lun pur^iTO o T m ^ g a slightly betor | M Ibt a h ^ .vdltaga line hetw^ art lovers afm rt, d^ ^ ^ lo both thfr National ftad the ’ to the oases of Macljonw ] The first shooting occurred ' The baftta rMedTfor an hour bi- time record. ________ i ‘ «“ ^ovee Bull’s Bridge and Waterbtiry. Its fail toe scheme. They did not CwtmiBim Pacific railways put into and Romero haw# at flight when NAp Ung was killed at fere the. communists were sileneed. The mooringloortng mast is, according to 1 fufyit, iw^ the dir^ (^ers .were rejected by toe fafmere effect an embargo against grain, each.
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