Journal of Treatment 63 (2016) 1–9

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Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment

Regular articles Peer-Delivered Recovery Support Services for Addictions in the United States: A Systematic Review

Ellen L. Bassuk, M.D. a,b,⁎, Justine Hanson, Ph.D. a,R.NeilGreene,M.A.a, Molly Richard, B.A. a, Alexandre Laudet, Ph.D. c a Center for Social Innovation, 200 Reservoir St. Suite 202, Needham, MA, 02494 b Harvard Medical School, 5 Shattuck Street, Boston, MA, 02115 c National Development and Research Institutes, 71 W 23rd St #8, New York, NY, 10010 article info abstract

Article history: This systematic review identifies, appraises, and summarizes the evidence on the effectiveness of peer-delivered Received 6 August 2015 recovery support services for people in recovery from alcohol and drug addiction. Nine studies met criteria for Received in revised form 18 December 2015 inclusion in the review. They were assessed for quality and outcomes including substance use and recovery- Accepted 5 January 2016 related factors. Despite significant methodological limitations found in the included studies, the body of evidence suggests salutary effects on participants. Current limitations and recommendations for future research are Keywords: discussed. Addiction Recovery © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Peer support Recovery coaches Systematic review

1. Introduction which individuals improve their health and wellbeing and strive to achieve their full potential (SAMHSA, 2011). Recovery-oriented ap- Historically drug and alcohol addiction has been addressed through proaches involve a multi-system, person-centered continuum of care intense professional services during acute episodes. While effective in where a comprehensive menu of coordinated services and supports is significantly reducing substance use, relapse rates are generally high tailored to individuals' recovery stage, needs and chosen recovery path- (Project MATCH Research Group, 1998; Simpson, Joe, & Broome, 2002; way; the goal is to promote abstinence and a better quality of life (Clark, Timko, Moos, Finney, & Lesar, 2000). This is not surprising as science 2007, 2008). suggests that addiction is a chronic condition for many (McLellan, As health care and in particular, addiction services, are adopting a re- Lewis, O'Brien, & Kleber, 2000). One of the hallmarks of chronic condi- covery oriented, chronic care approach, there is a growing emphasis on tions is that they have no cure. However, remission can be attained formally incorporating various forms of peer support in the menu of ad- and the symptoms arrested. Based on this science-based conceptualiza- diction recovery support services. Peer-based recovery support services tion of addiction, the Institute of Medicine and leading addiction re- are defined as the process of giving and receiving nonprofessional, non- searchers have called for a shift in the treatment of substance use clinical assistance to achieve long-term recovery from substance use disorders from the prevalent acute care model to a continuum of care disorders. This support is provided by peers, also known as akin to that used in other chronic conditions (Humphreys & coaches, who have lived experience and experiential knowledge Tucker, 2002; Institute of Medicine, 2005; McLellan et al., 2000; (Borkman, 1999) to assist others in initiating and maintaining recovery White, Boyle, Loveland, & Corrington, 2005). and in enhancing the quality of personal and family life. Peer-based re- At the same time, the behavioral health field is moving toward covery support services are distinct from mutual aid modalities of peer recovery-oriented approaches to treatment and care for those with support in several ways. mental and substance use disorders. This approach is based on a holistic The former, peer-based recovery services, are delivered through for- definition of recovery as a self-directed process of change through mal structures and specialized roles (White, 2009) and aim to provide services across a range of domains that support an individual's recovery. These services are delivered in various forms (Laudet & Humphreys, 2013) including one-on-one services delivered by a peer recovery coach, group settings as implemented in recovery housing, and most re- ⁎ Corresponding author at: 200 Reservoir St. Suite 202, Needham, MA, 02494. Tel.: +1 617 467 6014; fax: +1 617 467 6015. cently, the growing numbers of collegiate recovery programs (CRPs) of- E-mail address: [email protected] (E.L. Bassuk). fered in academic settings (Laudet, Harris, Kimball, Winters & Moberg, 0740-5472/© 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 2 E.L. Bassuk et al. / Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 63 (2016) 1–9

2014). Furthermore, peer recovery coaches may work as volunteers or Rosenberg, & Haynes, 1997). Quantitative studies (including mixed- as paid service workers (Kaplan, 2008). They work in a range of settings, methods) that used a randomized, experimental, quasi-experimental or including recovery community centers where educational, advocacy, controlled observational (e.g., cohort analytic, case–control, cohort, and sober social activities are organized, in churches and other faith- interrupted time series) design were eligible for inclusion; cross- based institutions, recovery homes/sober housing, jails and prisons, sectional studies were excluded. Based on expert opinion on estimating probation and parole programs, drug courts, HIV/AIDS and other health treatment effect (Sim & Lewis, 2012) and preliminary review of the liter- and social service centers, and addiction and mental health treatment ature, studies conducted among samples of fewer than 50 participants agencies (Faces & Voices of Recovery, 2010). were also excluded. Included studies focused on people in recovery In contrast, mutual aid modalities of peer support are typically pro- from addiction from alcohol and/or drugs. Studies on tobacco or nicotine vided in the context of 12-step groups, such as , addiction were excluded, as were studies that focused on outcomes for the most well known form of peer support. Mutual aid is informal, peer support workers and volunteers. Any intervention delivered by does not require training, and is deeply rooted in bi-directional relation- peers, recovery coaches, or other peer recovery support providers to ships of mutual support. Typically, mutual aid presents a single pathway help people in recovery from addiction was included. Studies that focused forrecoveryasdefined by the mutual aid group model. Although an im- on mutual aid models of peer support were excluded, as were studies of portant form of peer support, this review is focused on peer-based re- peer interventions aimed at facilitating participation in mutual aid groups. covery support services and excludes the extensive literature on Interventions that did not include peer support and did not support re- mutual aid modalities of peer support. covery from addiction were excluded. Intervention types including However, the literature synthesizing knowledge on the effectiveness telephone-based peer support, recovery programs, recovery centers, of peer-based recovery support services for substance use recovery is peer-run drop in centers, and access to recovery programs were included. limited. As peer-based recovery support services have been increasingly Studies were required to include a comparison group or multiple integrated into formal models of recovery support services, it is critical time points comparing the same group (i.e., single group cross sectional that we understand their effectiveness. An expert panel described the designs were excluded). Single site studies with no control group or lack of a systematic knowledge base on peer (and other) recovery sup- comparison data were excluded. Study selection was guided by a holis- ports and concluded that it was imperative to develop a comprehensive tic definition of recovery as a process of change through which individ- evidence base (Faces and Voices of Recovery, 2010). The most recent lit- uals improve their health and well-being, live a self-directed life, and erature (Reif et al., 2014) examined peer oriented recovery services for strive to achieve their full potential (SAMHSA, 2011). The primary out- people with addictions and concluded that current knowledge supports come of interest was substance use. The secondary outcomes of interest the usefulness of this approach, but also noted that methodological were other recovery-related outcomes, such as housing status, health, weaknesses exist that preclude reaching definitive conclusions. This mental health, criminal justice status, quality of life, and service utilization. systematic review included U.S. and international studies (Reif et al., Articles that were primarily commentaries, discussions, editorials, pol- 2014). In contrast, our review focuses solely on U.S. studies, and unlike icy analyses, or reviews were excluded, as were newspaper and magazine Reif et al.'s review (2014), we exclude cross-sectional correlational articles, and book chapters. Dissertations were excluded because of the dif- studies (studies based on a single time point). The current review ficulty of obtaining complete copies. Studies conducted before 1998 were both complements and extends the information in Reif et al.'s systemat- excluded as were studies conducted outside of the United States. Studies ic review by including unpublished grey literature. We also follow a that did not specify whether recovery coaches were peers were excluded. more rigorous design based on established PRISMA standards. The reporting of this systematic review conforms to recommenda- The purpose of this systematic review is to identify, appraise, and sum- tions from the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and marize the evidence of the effectiveness of peer-delivered recovery support Meta-Analyses statement (PRISMA) (Moher, Liberati, Tetzlaff, Altman, services for individuals in recovery from addictions using strict scientific & The PRISMA Group, 2009) and the CRD Guidance for Undertaking Re- criteria. We conclude by presenting recommendations for future research. views (Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, 2009). The protocol of this systematic review has been registered with the PROSPERO register 2. Methods at CRD#42014007120.

Three electronic reference databases (PubMed, PsychInfo, and Web of Science) were searched using full-text, keywords, and Medical Sub- 3. Results ject Headings (MeSH)/Thesaurus headings terms. Search terms includ- ed the following: 1) peer involvement; 2) alcohol or drug addiction; 3.1. Literature Search Results 3) known types of peer led recovery interventions; and 4) the outcome of recovery (See Appendix A for full list of search terms). To locate other The reference database searches yielded 1,221 studies (see Fig. 1). eligible articles not identified in the electronic database, such as techni- Additionally, 39 studies not indexed in searched reference databases cal reports and research not yet published, we contacted experts in the were identified in the grey literature, which included technical reports recovery and addiction fields, combed the websites of organizations and unpublished manuscripts. After removing duplicates, the remaining known to conduct research in the field, and searched Google and Google 1,104 studies were screened for eligibility. One independent reviewer Scholar. We also identified other peer-reviewed literature that was not (EB) screened a random sample of 10.4 percent (N = 110) abstracts indexed in the reference database search through reference lists of re- of all identified publications, using a pre-piloted form consisting of the view articles. Our literature search followed the Centre for Reviews eligibility criteria (described above). A second reviewer (NG) also and Dissemination (CRD) guidelines (2009). screened the same sample. Given a ‘very good’ degree of concordance The systematic review included primary empirical quantitative stud- (kappa = 0.83, 95 percent CI: 0.72, 1.00) between the two reviewers' ies published in English between 1998 and 2014. The start date for the ratings, each reviewer then completed a review of half of the remaining search (1998) aligns with the year the Recovery Community Services Pro- abstracts (Altman, 1991). A total of 991 articles were excluded. Full texts gram was launched, marking a milestone for recognizing the importance of the remaining 113 potentially eligible articles (i.e., those passing the of the role of peers in delivering recovery support services as an adjunct to abstract/title level of screening) were retrieved and screened by three treatment (Kaplan, Nugent, Baker, Clark & Veysey, 2010). Articles needed reviewers (N = 113) (EB, MR, NG) independently using the eligibility to investigate the effectiveness of peer-support interventions for addic- criteria. Nine were deemed to meet the inclusion criteria and are includ- tions recovery while meeting study design and population, intervention, ed in the review. Reasons for exclusion at the full-text level are de- comparison, and outcome (PICO) criteria (Sackett, Richardson, scribed in Appendix B. E.L. Bassuk et al. / Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 63 (2016) 1–9 3

Records identified through Additional records database searching identified through other sources n = 1221 n = 39

Identification Total number of records after duplicates removed

n = 1104

Screening Number of records Number of records screened excluded

n = 1104 n = 991

Eligibility Number of full-text articles Full-text articles excluded assessed for eligibility n = 104

n = 113 Reasons for exclusion: See Appendix B

Included Total number of studies included in the review

N = 9

Fig. 1. Flow diagram of study selection.

Three independent reviewers (EB, MR, NG) extracted the following in- were quasi-experimental studies, one was a comparison group study, formation from the included studies: author, year, study aims, study de- and one was a program evaluation with no comparison group (see sign (i.e., methods, duration of study, sampling frame, measures), Table 1 for more detail). Studies ranged in duration and outcomes sample size and population characteristics, participant exclusion criteria, were assessed at varying time intervals, ranging from 3 months to nature of the intervention, nature of peer involvement, outcomes exam- 3 years, with most studies following participants for 6 months to a ined, recruitment criteria (limitations), and findings. Any disagreements year. Of the nine studies examined, only two (Bernstein et al., 2005; among the data extractors were resolved through discussion. Rowe et al., 2007) were rated as methodologically strong in our quality The same independent reviewers (EB, MR, NG) assessed the method- assessment, due to their study design, data collection methods, and low ological quality of included studies using a quality assessment tool devel- rates of withdrawals and drop outs. Two studies (Smelson et al., 2013; oped by The Effective Public Health Practice Project (EPHPP) (1998) O’Connell, Flanagan, Delphin, & Davidson, 2014)wereofmoderate (, which has been widely used for assessing quality methodological strength, and the remaining five were rated as method- in public health studies and has been shown to have adequate reliability, ologically weak due to a combination of factors, including selection bias, content, and construct validity with observational studies (Armijo-Olivo, study design, confounders, blinding, data collection methods, and rates Stiles, Hagen, Biondo & Cummings, 2012; Deeks et al., 2003; Thomas, of withdrawals and dropouts. See Appendix C for the quality assessment Ciliska, Dobbins, & Micucci, 2004). The tool assesses six domains: selec- results. tion bias, study design, confounders, blinding, data collection methods, and withdrawals and dropouts. Based on ratings for each domain, a 3.3. Sample Characteristics study was categorized as having strong, moderate, or weak methodology. Any disagreements between the reviewers regarding the study quality Among this group of studies, all focused on adults with alcohol or were resolved through discussion. Statistical pooling of study results drug use problems, not specific to a certain substance, with the excep- was not attempted given substantial heterogeneity across the study de- tion of one study focusing on outpatient users of heroin or cocaine sign, populations, interventions, and outcomes. Instead, the evidence for (Bernstein et al., 2005). The sample sizes of the studies ranged from each outcome of interest was discussed narratively. 52 to 4,420 (M = 765, Mdn = 137). All studies focused on adults and reported the gender of participants, with a majority consisting of males. Two studies focused exclusively on and the participants 3.2. Study Design & Quality were 97 percent and 98 percent male, respectively (Tracy, Burton, Nich, & Rounsaville, 2011; Smelson et al., 2013). All studies except one report- Of the nine studies focusing on peer-delivered services by an indi- ed the race/ethnicity of study participants and included minority groups vidual peer support worker, four were randomized control trials, three that experience health and behavioral health care disparities. Notably, 4 Table 1 Included Studies on Peer-Delivered Recovery Support Services.

Author, year Study sample Study design Peer component Measures Substance use outcomes Other recovery outcomes Quality rating

Bernstein n = 1175 outpatient users RCT of a one-time peer- Peers, defined as a substance Abstinence At 6 months, the There were no group Strong et al., 2005 of cocaine or heroin (past delivered motivational abuse outreach worker in documented by intervention group had differences in contact 30 days) from Boston walk-in intervention plus written recovery, delivered a brief radioimmune assay more cocaine and heroin with the treatment clinics. Enrollees were 71% advice and referral list motivational intervention of hair (RIA) hair abstinence and more system. male, 62% Non-Hispanic Black, compared to written advice during outpatient medical testing; ASI drug-free participants. Greater improvement 23% Hispanic, 46% homeless, plus referral list. 3 and visits. Training was described On the ASI drug subscale in the ASI medical mean age 38. 778 participants 6-month follow-ups. as systematic and manual- there was a trend subscale for the were involved in analysis. driven. It was implied that toward greater intervention group the substance abuse outreach improvement for the (56% reduction workers who were in intervention group (49% versus 50%, p = 0.055). recovery were paid staff. reduction vs. 46%, p = 0.06). Ja et al., 2009 n = 72 adults facing dual Quasi-experimental study to PROSPER, a recovery Government None reported Housing stability Weak challenge of recovery and evaluate the impact of community governed and Performance and increased from 21%

reentry in Los Angeles County. PROSPER (Peers Reaching operated by peers and Results Act (GPRA) at baseline to 63% at 1 (2016) 63 Treatment Abuse Substance of Journal / al. et Bassuk E.L. Participants were 71% male, Out Supporting Peers to focused on clients who were datasets (SAMHSA) 12 months; residential 38% Black, 28% White, Embrace Recovery), a CSAT reentering society from the treatment decreased 31% Latino, mean age 40. and RCSP grantee. prison system. A Peer Leader from 24% to 7%; and Assessments at intake, Steering Committee guided probation/parole status 6 months, and 12 months. the development and decreased from 82% implementation of services, to 32%. and those leaders were paid a stipend. Kamon & n = 52 Adults seeking help In a program evaluation Peer recovery coaches were Community based At baseline, participants Participants had more Weak Turner, 2013 from one of Vermont's with a time series design, required to have certificates recovery capital, reported an average of primary care visits, Recovery Network participants were assessed from formal recovery coach measured by the 118 days abstinent fewer hospital/ER/ Recovery Centers. at intake and an average academies, participate in Self Sufficiency (SD = 217). At detoxification admissions, 62% male, mean age 37. of 4 months later. ongoing training, and Matrix follow-up, participants and significant increases undergo regular supervision. reported an average of on domains of recovery It was unclear if peer 123 days abstinent capital, (services, housing, recovery coaches were (SD = 164). health, family, alcohol & paid or volunteers. other drugs, mental health, legal (p b .05); and social (p b .01) Mangrum, n = 4420 adults in a Texas Quasi-experimental study Services provided through Behavioral Health ATR clients were Clients in ATR were more Weak 2008 criminal justice population evaluating ATR program ATR voucher: direct recovery Integrated Provider significantly more likely to complete –

with sufficient substance outcomes. Mean length of support, and . System (BHIPS) data; likely to be abstinent treatment (60%) than 9 abuse to warrant treatment, stay in treatment was Direct recovery support self-report 30 days before those in non-ATR enrolled in access to recovery 87 days for ATR clients includes individual recovery abstinence. discharge (85%) treatment 56%; p b .0001), (ATR). Clients were 68% male, (78 days for non-ATR coaching, recovery support compared to non-ATR and had better outcomes 21% Black, 34% White, and criminal justice; 59 days group, relapse prevention criminal justice clients if drug court or probation 44% Hispanic, mean age 31. for non-criminal justice). group, and spiritual support (77%; p b .0001) and was involved. Clients were compared to group. It was unclear if non-criminal justice non-ATR clients (N = 3008) recovery coaches were clients (67%; p = .0001). and non-criminal justice paid or volunteers. clients (N = 4420) receiving TAU. Min et al., n = 484 adults with A 3-year comparison group Friends Connection (FC), Re-hospitalization, None reported. Significantly fewer people Weak 2007 co-occurring disorders (COD) study of FC and treatment a peer support program for using Medicaid in the FC group were in Philadelphia. Experimental as usual (TAU) outcomes. people with COD. FC peer claims and the re-hospitalized over a group Friends Connection (FC) Participants had been workers were paid peers Community Reporting 3-year period than the N = 106. FC participants hospitalized within the who were coping successfully System; Survival comparison group were 69% male, 67.3% Black, previous two years. with mental health issues analysis determined (62% vs. 73%, respectively. 30.1% White, mean age 37, The average duration of and had abstained from community tenure Survival analysis suggest 67% -spectrum, enrollment in FC was drugs/alcohol for at least (periods of living in that FC participants had 23.6% affective disorder, and 2.25 years. 3 years. the community longer community tenure 9.4% mixed diagnosis. without re- than TAU (Log-Rank Χ2 = Comparison group (TAU) hospitalization). 5.780, Wilcoxon Χ2 = N = 378, with no significant 7.395, df = 1). demographic differences. O’Connell n = 137 Adults with RCT with conditions: 1) A peer worker in The Positive and At 3 months, both ST Peer-led support resulted Moderate et al. co-occurring psychosis TAU plus outpatient condition 3 was Negative Syndrome and Engage had significantly in higher levels of (unpublished and substance use service transportation defined as a person in Scale; Social greater decrease in alcohol relatedness, self-criticism, manuscript) disorder enrolled post- vouchers, 2) TAU plus recovery trained to Functioning Scale; use than TAU (4.79 and and outpatient service use. discharge from the transportation vouchers provide peer support; Depressive 8.15 fewer days drinking ST and Engage participants Connecticut Mental plus manual skills training peer workers visited Experiences in the past 30 days, had significantly greater Health Center. Of the (ST), and 3) skills training participants' home Questionnaire. respectively, compared decrease in positive total sample, 66% were plus a peer-led social and accompanied to TAU). At 9 months, symptoms (ST: b = −0.75, male, 58% were Black, engagement program them to community Engage participants had t(209) = −3.29 p b .001; 30% were White, and (Engage). Compared at mutual aid groups. 14.8 fewer days drinking Engage: b = −0.43, 13% were Hispanic. 3 and 9 months follow-ups. It was implied that in the past 30 days t(209) = −1.78, p = .08). peer workers were compared to TAU and ST Participants had a paid staff. significantly greater significantly greater decrease in number of decrease in negative

days out of the last 30 symptoms, but no 1 (2016) 63 Treatment Abuse Substance of Journal / al. et Bassuk E.L. during which they significant decrease in experienced alcohol negative symptoms for problems, (b = −14.8, Engage condition. t(8) = −5.59, p b .001). Rowe n = 114 persons with An RCT comparing an Six peer mentors, all in Alcohol and drug There were significantly Criminal justice charges Strong et al., 2007 co-occurring mental illness, experimental treatment for serious mental use subscales of lower levels of alcohol decreased significantly criminal justice histories, intervention consisting illness; 3 had co-occurring the ASI; criminal use in the experimental in both groups to the and alcohol and drug use of group and peer drug or alcohol disorders; justice charges, group at 6 and same extent (Intervention: disorders. 68% male, 58% support combined with 2 had criminal justice history. measured using 12 months (p b .005). M = 1.4 at time 1, M = Black, and 31% White; standardized clinical Peers met with participants a state court Experimental group .75 at time 3; control: 15% endorsed Hispanic treatment to standardized approximately once weekly docket decreased alcohol use M = 1.00 at time 1, 0.32 ethnicity, mean age 40. clinical treatment alone. for 4 months, helping with management over time while control at time 3; p b .05). 70% had co-occurring Outcomes were measured goal-setting, coping system. group increased alcohol disorders. at baseline, 6, and strategies, advocating for use over time (p b .05). 12 months. Both groups services, and encouraging Drug use decreased also included jail sobriety. It was implied that significantly in both diversion services. peer mentors were paid staff. groups to the same extent. From baseline to 12 months, the intervention group's ASI mean score dropped

from 0.09 to 0.04 while – 9 the control group dropped from 0.05 to 0.04. Smelson n = 333 unemployed Quasi-experimental Maintaining Independence SCID-IV; ASI; The MISSION group was The MISSION group Moderate et al., 2013 homeless veterans with study comparing a through Systems Integration, self-reported less likely to drink to experienced less serious co-occurring SUD and wraparound intervention Outreach and Networking hospital admission intoxication at 12 months, anxiety and tension mental health issues; it with a peer component (MISSION) peer support reducing the odds by (OR = .53, 95% CI excluded those with to treatment as usual component. The description 2.9% (OR = 0.29, 95% CI [0.29, 0.97], p = .04) schizophrenia, with assessment at of the MISSION model [0.10, 0.83], p = .02). at 12 months. schizoaffective disorder, 12-month follow-up. implies that peer support bipolar 1 disorder, and workers were paid staff. serious suicidality. 98.2% male, 61.9% Black, and 26.6% White, mean age 47. Tracy n = 96 Veterans RCT comparing the Peers staffed MAP-Engage Adherence to post- N/A Compared to TAU alone, Weak et al., 2011 Administration inpatients following 3 groups: 1) and were required to be discharge substance the other two conditions with histories of high TAU with 2) TAU with abstinent for 6 months abuse, medical, and were comparable and recidivism. 97% male, enhanced dual recovery prior to employment and mental health led to higher rates of

(continued on next page) 5 6 E.L. Bassuk et al. / Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 63 (2016) 1–9

the majority of the studies focused on individuals with varying combi- nations of complex needs and challenges in addition to substance use disorders. For example, five of the studies specifically focused on indi- viduals with co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders (Ja, Gee, Savolainen, Wu, & Forghani, 2009; Min, Whitecraft, Rothbard, & Salzer, 2007; O’Connell et al., 2014; Rowe et al., 2007; Smelson et al., 2013). Several studies included or focused on individuals experiencing homelessness in addition to addiction and other challenges: one study targeted unemployed homeless veterans (Smelson et al., 2013); anoth- er study noted that 46 percent of participants experienced homeless- ness (Bernstein et al., 2005); and three studies focused on individuals transitioning back to the community from psychiatric inpatient treat- ment or criminal justice settings (Ja et al., 2009; O’Connell et al., 2014; post-discharge adherence to medical, mental health, and substance use outpatient treatment (group 2: 43%; group 3: 48%; vs. group 1 (TAU): 33% p = .05). Tracy et al., 2011). See Table 1 for a description of the sample of each study. SCID-IV); substance use disorder (SUD).

3.4. Interventions

The nine studies that examined the effectiveness of recovery support services delivered by a peer describe a range of interventions and ser- vices. The setting in which services were delivered varied widely. The programs described in this set of studies were located in diverse settings including peer-run drop in centers (Ja et al., 2009), peer-run recovery community organizations (Kamon & Turner, 2013), and medical outpa- tient clinics (Bernstein et al., 2005), while others focused on individuals transitioning from residential or psychiatric inpatient care. Both the interventions and the role of the peers varied widely across ), Structured Clinical Interview for DSM IV ( the studies. Some did not include detailed descriptions of the interven- tion or services provided by the peer. The intensity of the peer interven- tion ranged from a brief one-time motivational intervention delivered outpatient appointments using attendance records by a substance abuse outreach worker in recovery (Bernstein et al., 2005) to a trained peer support worker who made home visits and ac- companied individuals to community mutual aid groups (O’Connell et al., 2014). The studies focused on interventions of varying levels of structure and duration, ranging from a 12-month low intensity wrap-

ructured Clinical Interview (SCI around co-occurring disorder intervention delivered by a case manager and peer specialist during the transition from residential care to the community (Smelson et al., 2013)tounspecified recovery support pro- vided by a trained recovery coach in the context of a statewide network of recovery community organizations (Kamon & Turner, 2013). Across to be referred by their treating physician/clinician. Peer mentors participated for 6 month terms and were paid through the compensated work therapy (CWT) program. the nine studies, interventions varied widely and generally were not comparable (see Table 1 for a description of each study).

3.5. Peer Role and Qualifications

randomized controlled trial (RCT); St The intervention studies described in this review included peer sup- port workers who had personal experiences of substance use disorder, were in recovery, and served as models or guides for people in the re- covery process (see Table 1 for a description of the peer components

treatment (DRT) and Map-Engage and 3) TAU and Map-Engage in each study). Peers were described as “peer specialists,”“recovery coaches,”“peer mentors,” or “a substance abuse outreach worker in re- covery.” Three studies explicitly reported that peer workers were paid (Ja et al., 2009; Min et al., 2007; Tracy et al., 2011) while four studies im- plied that peer workers were paid staff (Bernstein et al., 2005; O’Connell et al., 2014; Rowe et al., 2007; Smelson et al., 2013). Paid versus volun- teer status was unclear in the remaining two studies. Additionally, sev- eral authors specified a required duration of drug/alcohol abstinence to qualify for peer recovery coach credentials. The descriptions of the in- terventions implied that the peer role was to facilitate and support the

57% Black, 25% White, 13% Hispanic, mean age 56. Psychiatric diagnoses included 46% psychotic disorder, 64% mood disorder, and 50% anxiety. client's recovery, but the specific roles and responsibilities of the peers fi

ned: and the types of support were not well de ned across the studies. fi Peers delivered recovery support both individually and as part of a team including other professionals. Although several programs de-

(continued) scribed supervision, the relationship of peers to professional staff was not clearly articulated. Only two of the peer support interventions Author, year Study sample Study design Peer component Measures Substance use outcomes Other recovery outcomes Quality rating Table 1 Abbreviations de Addiction Severity Index (ASI); Alcoholics/Narcotics Anonymous (AA/NA); were conducted in the context of peer-run, peer-operated services: E.L. Bassuk et al. / Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 63 (2016) 1–9 7 the Vermont Recovery Center Network (Kamon & Turner, 2013) and system) and drug use decreased significantly in both groups to the Peers Reaching Out Supporting Peers to Embrace Recovery (PROSPER) same extent. Rowe and colleagues (2007) also reported an effect size (Ja et al., 2009). (i.e., the “magnitude” of difference between the groups) that was rela- tively small. 3.6. Outcomes Measured Notable findings among the other studies include decreased alcohol use and drinking to intoxication, reduced re-hospitalization rates, and The included studies examined a range of outcomes pertinent to the increased post-discharge adherence among the groups receiving the specific interventions studied and the complex needs and challenges of peer intervention. O’Connell et al. (2014) found that the group receiving their target populations. In Table 1, we have extracted the relevant out- skills training plus peer-led recovery support had 14.8 fewer days drink- comes, categorized as “Substance Use Outcomes” and “Other Recovery ing in the past 30 days compared to a standard care group at 9 months. Outcomes.” The latter category includes a range of outcomes related Smelson et al. (2013) found that a peer-delivered treatment reduced to the holistic definition of recovery as involving a process related to odds of drinking to intoxication by 2.9 percent. Min et al. (2007) report- hope, empowerment, functioning, housing stability, employment and ed 62 percent of participants from a peer-delivered intervention were improved health (SAMHSA, 2011). Outcomes examined in this group re-hospitalized compared to 73 percent in their control group. Tracy of studies included: substance use; housing stability; probation/parole et al. (2011)) reported post discharge adherence of 43 percent and 48 status or other criminal justice status; self-sufficiency; health care utili- percent for peer-delivered interventions compared to 33 percent for zation; emergency service utilization; re-hospitalization rates; severity the treatment as usual group. of symptoms related to mental health conditions; post-discharge adher- ence to medical, mental health and/or substance use outpatient treat- 4. Discussion and Recommendations ment; recovery capital; utilization of recovery-oriented services; and various outcomes related to functioning (relatedness, self criticism). Overall, the majority of studies indicated that participation of peers Different methods and instruments were used to assess drug and al- in recovery support interventions appeared to have a salutary effect cohol use. Only one study used a biological measure of abstinence: on participants and made a positive contribution to substance use out- radioimmune assay of hair testing (Bernstein et al., 2005). The other comes. While we can conclude that there is evidence for the effective- studies relied on self-report of substance use, including standard mea- ness of peer-delivered recovery support services, additional research is sures such as the Addiction Severity Index (ASI) (McLellan et al., necessary to determine the effectiveness of different approaches and 1992). Three studies (Ja et al., 2009; Min et al., 2007; Tracy et al., types of peer support services, with regard to the amount, intensity, 2011) did not report substance use outcomes, only reporting on other skill level of the peer, service context, and effectiveness among different indicators of recovery. Other recovery outcomes (e.g., housing, health target populations. care, mental health symptoms) reported by the nine studies varied. When considering the findings, it must be borne in mind that this lit- These variables were measured by standard measures and administra- erature has significant limitations. A few studies lacked a comparison to tive datasets. See Table 1 for the outcome measures for each study. either the absence of treatment (counterfactual) or a credible alterna- tive (Ja et al., 2009; Kamon & Turner, 2013). Future studies that test sim- 3.7. Effectiveness ilar interventions must include comparison groups, comparing either to usual care and/or alternative approaches. Further, clearly reporting the The included studies examined a wide and disparate range of inter- magnitude of the findings, including both statistical and substantive sig- ventions that offered peer-delivered recovery support in varying quan- nificance (McCloskey, 1992), will greatly enhance the field's under- tities and intensity, targeted different groups of high-need individuals, standing of the effectiveness of peer-delivered interventions. and focused on a range of substance use and other recovery outcomes, Reaching definitive conclusions about study outcomes is hindered making comparisons difficult. by various methodological limitations that restrict the ability to general- Most studies reported statistically significant findings indicating that ize findings. For example, only two of the nine included studies were participants receiving the peer intervention showed improvements in rated as strong (Bernstein et al., 2005; Rowe et al., 2007). Only four substance use, a range of recovery outcomes, or both. These findings studies used a randomized design (Bernstein et al., 2005; O’Connell suggest that peer interventions positively impact the lives of individuals et al., 2014; Rowe et al., 2007; Tracy et al., 2011). It is worth noting with substance use disorders. One study reported a small trend in re- that none of the included studies set a benchmark for the effectiveness duction of substance use that was not statistically significant at the .05 of any particular intervention or program. Therefore, while this small level (Bernstein et al., 2005; 3 percent difference, .06 p value). This knowledge base on peer-delivered recovery support services is encour- study was a randomized control trial (RCT) that examined a brief moti- aging, research in the area is just emerging, and we lack rigorous studies vational intervention delivered by a peer (i.e. a low-intensity peer inter- that permit us to determine the effectiveness of the various approaches vention). While the study design was strong, the intervention was of with certainty. lower intensity and duration compared to other studies in our review. Overall, despite the significant methodological limitations of the Our analysis of the odds ratios reported by Bernstein et al. (2005) indi- studies examined, variations in program models, different outcomes of cate that, for this study, the effect size (i.e., the “magnitude” of difference interest, and limited description of peer roles, the general conclusion between the groups) was relatively small. from the body of evidence is that participation of peers in recovery sup- The other randomized control trial (RCT) that was rated as strong port interventions appears to have a salutary effect on participants and (Rowe et al., 2007) focused on individuals with criminal justice involve- makes a positive contribution to substance use outcomes. The individ- ment who also had co-occurring mental illness and alcohol or drug use uals studied generally had complex needs in addition to substance use disorders. They compared an experimental intervention consisting of issues, and benefitted from the support of peers across diverse types group and peer support combined with standardized clinical treatment of interventions. However, the empirical investigation of peer-based re- to standardized clinical treatment alone. Controlling for baseline levels covery support services remains in its infancy and there is a strong need of substance use and criminal justice involvement, analysis of standard- to improve specificity in future studies. ized self-report questionnaires revealed significantly lower levels of al- In this section, we discuss our findings and recommend strategies for cohol use in the experimental group at follow-up. Further analysis improving the quality of future research that will better enable compar- found that the experimental group decreased alcohol use over time isons and conclusions about how peer recovery supports can facilitate and the control group increased alcohol use over time. Criminal justice the long-term recovery of individuals with substance use issues. Our involvement (measured using a state court docket management findings highlight the need for future studies of peer-delivered recovery 8 E.L. Bassuk et al. / Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 63 (2016) 1–9 support that employ rigorous methodologies, including randomized community-based settings, it will be critical to examine the effective- clinical trials (RCTs) where possible. Experts examining peer recovery ness of peer-driven approaches for individuals without access to treat- support services note that RCTs may not always be well suited to study- ment, as well as those participating in treatment. ing peer-delivered supports given various issues such as the variety of This systematic review suggests the positive impact of peer- settings where they are implemented (Laudet & Humphreys, 2013). delivered recovery support services. As indicated by our findings, this However, researchers should apply the most rigorous methods feasible is a promising area for the development of innovative program models to maximize the usefulness of their findings to the field. These may in- involving peers as well as for future investigation. It is imperative that clude quasi-experimental designs and blinding of outcome assessors to future studies address the methodological limitations described in this the participant condition, which is possible but rarely reported (Grant review so that we can develop a robust evidence base supporting et al., 2013). In addition, future studies must adopt a long-term approach peer-delivered recovery services. that accounts for the recovery process unfolding over many years. Supplementary data (including appendices) to this article can be There was significant inconsistency in the definitions of peer found online at workers and recovery coaches among the studies. Most lacked a clear description of their roles and responsibilities in the interventions. With- Acknowledgments out a clear definition of the nature and role of peer involvement, com- fi fi parison across studies is dif cult and generalizability of ndings nearly JMH's effort in this publication was supported by the National Insti- fi impossible. Arguably, the inconsistency of the de nitions of roles and tute on Alcohol Abuse and of the National Institutes of responsibilities of peer workers is a by-product of the lack of a national Health under award number K01AA021431. The content is solely the re- credentialing body and the proliferation of a wide range of training and sponsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official fi certi cation programs across the United States. However, the behavior- views of the National Institutes of Health. al health field is moving toward greater alignment of training, roles, and responsibilities for peer workers. 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