September2012 2020 COVID-19 Report of Senate District 1

A Special Report to Senator Luz Escamilla

Prepared by the Strategic Initiatives Group Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel Membership of the Utah Senate District Senator 1 Luz Escamilla 2 Derek L. Kitchen 3 4 5 6 Wayne A. Harper 7 Deidre M. Henderson 8 9 Kirk A. Cullimore 10 11 Daniel McCay 12 Daniel W. Thatcher 13 Jacob L. Anderegg 14 Daniel Hemmert 15 16 Curtis S. Bramble 17 Scott D. Sandall 18 19 Allen M. Christensen 20 David G. Buxton 21 Jerry W. Stevenson 22 J. Stuart Adams 23 24 25 Lyle W. Hillyard 26 27 David P. Hinkins 28 Evan J. Vickers 29 Don L. Ipson as of September 1, 2020 OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE RESEARCH AND GENERAL COUNSEL John Q. Cannon, Director John L. Fellows, General Counsel

September 30, 2020

Senator Luz Escamilla Senate District 1

RE: COVID-19 Report of Senate District 1

Senator Escamilla:

The Strategic Initiatives Group was created to conduct long-term strategic planning to inform policy analysis on issues of statewide concern. We hope that this COVID-19 Report of your Legislative District will be of value as the Legislature evaluates new policy objectives to combat the pandemic and improve the Utah economy.

This report relies on COVID-19 data from the Utah Department of Health, including the number of tests, positive cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, all information that has previously been reported by health district, and tabulates the information by legislative house and senate districts. To help assess the numbers of cases within public schools, the age categories in this report are modified to approximate the ages of children in elementary, middle, and high schools.

For the foreseeable future, it is our intent to update this report at the beginning of each month. It is our hope that reporting this information by legislative district will not only allow legislators to understand the scope of the pandemic within the context of their respective district, but that it will also allow legislators to compare their district to other legislative districts. We trust that knowing the number of COVID-19 tests, positive cases, hospitalizations, and deaths by age, race, ethnicity, and gender, within each legislative district will be informative as you communicate with constituents about the pandemic.

Please let us know if you have an idea about how the Strategic Initiatives Group may benefit the Legislature.

Kind Regards,

Jerry Howe Strategic Initiatives Manager

Utah State Capitol Complex | W210 House Building | P.O. Box 145210 | , Utah 84114 - 5210 Office: (801) 538-1032 | Fax: (801) 538-1712

COVID-19 Report of

Senate District 1

September 2020

Prepared by the Strategic Initiatives Group Jerry Howe, Manager Joseph Wade

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel Using data provided by the Utah Department of Health Utah State Capitol Complex, House Building Suite W210 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-5210

Data Notes

We would like to acknowledge the Utah Department of Health for their cooperation in providing the data making this report possible. The data in this report is for the reporting period of March 1, 2020 to August 31, 2020 and represents four COVID-19 datasets: testing, case, hospitalization, and death counts.

Count of Tests Administered, by Day: This dataset represents the total number of tests that were conducted on persons residing within each legislative district. This information can be used to assess the volume of testing that occurred. The date is based on when the test was taken. This dataset includes multiple tests that were performed on the same person.

Count of Cases, by Week: This dataset represents the total number of positive COVID-19 cases confirmed of persons residing within each legislative district. The date is based on when the first positive test result was reported to public health. This dataset includes a person only once regardless of how many times that person tested positive. Case counts are also presented by age group, race/ethnicity group, and sex, within each legislative district. To help assess the numbers of cases within public schools, the age categories are modified to approximate the ages of children in elementary, middle, and high schools. Race/ethnicity groups are not mutually exclusive and do not sum to total.

Count of Hospitalizations and ICU Visits, by Week: This dataset represents the total number of hospitalizations of persons residing within each legislative district. This dataset also includes the number of the hospitalizations that were also admitted to the ICU (Intensive Care Unit).

Count of Deaths, by Week: This dataset represents the total number of deaths of persons residing within each legislative district.

Geocoding To tabulate the data by legislative district requires each person’s home address be geocoded. We would like to thank the Utah Department of Health for geocoding the records and providing us the data by legislative district. As such, personal information remains private with the Utah Department of Health.

Geocoding is the process of converting each person’s home address to XY coordinates on a map. These coordinates are then used to assign each person’s record data to the respective House and Senate districts. Not all address data were able to be geocoded (and thus not included in the datasets) for the following two reasons:

Insufficient address information: A record is determined to have insufficient address information if there is no address at all or if it has unusable text (e.g., “patient refused”, unknown”, or “no home address”).

Poor quality address information: Sometimes, even when a record has sufficient address information, the geocoding process may return a poor-quality match (or no match at all). This is the case when the provided address does not exist.

The following information for geocoding success results are presented below for both testing and case data:

Testing Data • Total number of tests: 832,632 • Count with sufficient address information: 738,920 (88.7%) • Count of successfully geocoded records: • House: 728,995 (of all records: 87.6%; with sufficient address info: 98.7%) • Senate: 738,294 (of all records: 88.7%; with sufficient address info: 99.9%)

Case Data • Total number of cases: 52,879 • Count with sufficient address information: 52,100 (98.5%) • Count of successfully geocoded records: • House: 51,236 (of all cases: 96.9%; with sufficient address info: 98.3%) • Senate: 51,486 (of all cases: 97.4%; with sufficient address info: 98.8%)

Page 2


Page Cover Page ...... i Membership of the Utah Senate ...... ii Letter from Jerry Howe ...... iii Title Page ...... 1 Data Notes ...... 2 Table of Contents ...... 3 1. TESTS Figure 1.1 -- Count of Tests Administered, by Day ...... 5 Figure 1.2 -- District Comparison, Tests Administered, March – August ...... 5 2. POSITIVE CASES Figure 2.1 -- Count of Positive Cases, by Week ...... 6 Figure 2.2 -- District Comparison, Positive Cases, March - August ...... 6 Age Figure 2.3 -- Count of Positive Cases, by Age, by Week ...... 7 Figure 2.4 -- Count of Positive Cases, by Age, March – August ...... 8 Figure 2.5 -- Count of Positive Cases, Age, Less than 1 year, by Week ...... 9 Figure 2.6 -- District Comparison, Age, Less than 1 year, March – August ...... 9 Figure 2.7 -- Count of Positive Cases, Age, 1 - 5 years, by Week ...... 10 Figure 2.8 -- District Comparison, Age, 1 - 5 years, March – August ...... 10 Figure 2.9 -- Count of Positive Cases, Age, 6 - 11 years, by Week ...... 11 Figure 2.10 -- District Comparison, Age, 6 - 11 years, March – August ...... 11 Figure 2.11 -- Count of Positive Cases, Age, 12 - 14 years, by Week ...... 12 Figure 2.12 -- District Comparison, Age, 12 - 14 years, March - August ...... 12 Figure 2.13 -- Count of Positive Cases, Age, 15 - 17 years, by Week ...... 13 Figure 2.14 -- District Comparison, Age, 15 - 17 years, March - August ...... 13 Figure 2.15 -- Count of Positive Cases, Age, 18 - 24 years, by Week ...... 14 Figure 2.16 -- District Comparison, Age, 18 - 24 years, March - August ...... 14 Figure 2.17 -- Count of Positive Cases, Age, 25 - 44 years, by Week ...... 15 Figure 2.18 -- District Comparison, Age, 25 - 44 years, March - August ...... 15 Figure 2.19 -- Count of Positive Cases, Age, 45 - 64 years, by Week ...... 16 Figure 2.20 -- District Comparison, Age, 45 - 64 years, March - August ...... 16 Figure 2.21 -- Count of Positive Cases, Age, 65 - 84 years, by Week ...... 17 Figure 2.22 -- District Comparison, Age, 65 - 84 years, March - August ...... 17 Figure 2.23 -- Count of Positive Cases, Age, 85+ years, by Week ...... 18 Figure 2.24 -- District Comparison, Age, 85+ years, March - August ...... 18 Figure 2.25 -- Count of Positive Cases, Age, Unknown, by Week ...... 19 Figure 2.26 -- District Comparison, Age, Unknown, March - August ...... 19 Race/Ethnicity Figure 2.27 -- Count of Positive Cases, by Age, by Rank, March - August ...... 20 Figure 2.28 -- Count of Positive Cases, by Race/Ethnicity, by Week ...... 21 Figure 2.29 -- Count of Positive Cases, by Race/Ethnicity, March - August ...... 22 Figure 2.30 -- Count of Positive Cases, American Indian/Alaska Native, by Week ...... 23 Figure 2.31 -- District Comparison, American Indian/Alaska Native, March - August...... 23 Figure 2.32 -- Count of Positive Cases, Asian, by Week ...... 24 Figure 2.33 -- District Comparison, Asian, March - August ...... 24

Page 3

Figure 2.34 -- Count of Positive Cases, Black/African American, by Week...... 25 Figure 2.35 -- District Comparison, Black/African American, March - August ...... 25 Figure 2.36 -- Count of Positive Cases, Hispanic or Latino, by Week ...... 26 Figure 2.37 -- District Comparison, Hispanic or Latino, March - August ...... 26 Figure 2.38 -- Count of Positive Cases, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, by Week ...... 27 Figure 2.39 -- District Comparison, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, March - August ...... 27 Figure 2.40 -- Count of Positive Cases, White alone - not Hispanic or Latino, by Week ...... 28 Figure 2.41 -- District Comparison, White alone - not Hispanic or Latino, March - August ...... 28 Figure 2.42 -- Count of Positive Cases, Unknown Race/Ethnicity, by Week...... 29 Figure 2.43 -- District Comparison, Unknown Race/Ethnicity, March - August ...... 29 Figure 2.44 -- Count of Positive Cases, by Race/Ethnicity, by Rank, March - August ...... 30 Sex Figure 2.45 -- Count of Positive Cases, by Sex, by Week ...... 31 Figure 2.46 -- Count of Positive Cases, by Sex, March - August ...... 32 Figure 2.47 -- Count of Positive Cases, Male, by Week ...... 33 Figure 2.48 -- District Comparison, Sex, Male, March - August ...... 33 Figure 2.49 -- Count of Positive Cases, Female, by Week ...... 34 Figure 2.50 -- District Comparison, Female, March - August ...... 34 Figure 2.51 -- Count of Positive Cases, Unknown Sex, by Week ...... 35 Figure 2.52 -- District Comparison, Unknown Sex, March - August ...... 35 Figure 2.53 -- Count of Positive Cases, by Sex, by Rank, March - August ...... 36 3. HOSPITALIZATIONS Figure 3.1 -- Hospitalizations (ICU and Non-ICU), by Week ...... 37 Figure 3.2 -- Hospitalizations (ICU and Non-ICU), March - August ...... 38 Figure 3.3 -- Hospitalizations, ICU, by Week ...... 39 Figure 3.4 -- District Comparison, ICU, March - August ...... 39 Figure 3.5 -- Hospitalizations, Non-ICU, by Week ...... 40 Figure 3.6 -- District Comparison, Non-ICU, March - August ...... 40 Figure 3.7 -- Total Hospitalizations, by Week ...... 41 Figure 3.8 -- District Comparison, Total Hospitalizations, March - August ...... 41 Figure 3.9 -- Hospitalizations (ICU and Non-ICU), by Rank, March - August ...... 42 4. DEATHS Figure 4.1 -- Count of Deaths, by Week ...... 43 Figure 4.2 -- District Comparison, Deaths, March - August ...... 43

Page 4

Figure 1.1 -- TESTS Senate District 1 Count of Tests Administered, by Day

Senate District 1 Seven-Day Average of Senate District 1 Seven-Day Average of Senate Districts 450









0 March April May June July August

Figure 1.2 -- TESTS Senate District 1 District Comparison, Tests Administered, March - August 45,000









0 2 3 7 4 8 5 9 6 1 15 13 26 10 29 23 16 19 27 11 14 22 25 21 20 18 12 28 17 24 Avg ► ► Senate Districts

Page 5 Figure 2.1 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 Count of Positive Cases, by Week Senate District 1 Average of Senate Districts 400








0 4-Jul 6-Jun 4-Apr 1-Aug 8-Aug 11-Jul 18-Jul 25-Jul 7-Mar 2-May 9-May 13-Jun 20-Jun 27-Jun 11-Apr 18-Apr 25-Apr 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar 16-May 23-May 30-May

Figure 2.2 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 District Comparison, Positive Cases, March - August 4,500









0 5 3 7 6 2 8 9 4 1 15 10 29 12 13 16 25 23 14 26 11 27 21 19 28 18 17 20 22 24 Avg ►

► Senate Districts

Page 6 Figure 2.3 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 Count of Positive Cases, by Age, by Week

Less than 1 - 5 6 - 11 12 - 14 15 - 17 18 - 24 25 - 44 45 - 64 65 - 84 85+ Unknown Totals 1 year years years years years years years years years years

7-Mar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14-Mar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21-Mar 0 0 1 0 0 2 4 1 2 0 0 10 28-Mar 0 0 1 0 0 0 15 13 5 0 0 34 4-Apr 0 1 1 1 3 7 34 27 16 2 0 92 11-Apr 0 0 0 1 0 3 34 23 8 1 0 70 18-Apr 1 0 4 2 1 20 32 34 5 1 0 100 25-Apr 0 2 4 2 6 17 60 35 7 0 0 133 2-May 2 1 2 8 7 28 60 47 16 0 0 171 9-May 0 4 4 2 2 15 47 34 4 0 0 112 16-May 0 2 4 5 5 26 52 32 15 0 0 141 23-May 0 4 8 7 5 23 62 47 10 0 0 166 30-May 0 4 6 2 6 19 63 39 5 0 0 144 6-Jun 2 3 6 7 5 29 67 51 9 1 1 181 13-Jun 2 4 3 4 12 35 92 56 8 0 1 217 20-Jun 1 3 15 9 11 37 125 79 13 1 0 294 27-Jun 3 7 17 15 14 72 142 80 16 0 1 367 4-Jul 3 6 5 10 14 58 129 69 14 1 0 309 11-Jul 2 6 12 15 13 52 109 77 26 2 5 319 18-Jul 3 9 15 8 13 59 116 68 19 1 1 312 25-Jul 0 7 7 5 10 37 96 43 5 0 2 212 1-Aug 1 3 3 8 12 24 85 44 12 1 0 193 8-Aug 0 2 8 7 8 33 69 46 8 0 0 181 15-Aug 3 6 5 5 2 15 55 36 6 2 0 135 22-Aug 0 1 5 3 4 12 42 23 7 0 2 99 29-Aug 0 2 2 2 6 20 38 17 6 2 0 95 5-Sep 0 0 4 2 4 0 7 4 3 0 1 25

Totals 23 77 142 130 163 643 1635 1025 245 15 14 4112

Page 7 Figure 2.4 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 Count of Positive Cases, by Age, March - August

Senate District 1 Average of Senate Districts 1800 1,635 1600


1200 1,025 1000

800 643 664 600 421 400 334 245 163 200 142 130 124 77 51 45 78 23 8 29 15 15 14 6 0 Less than 1 - 5 6 - 11 12 - 14 15 - 17 18 - 24 25 - 44 45 - 64 65 - 84 85+ Unknown 1 year years years years years years years years years years

Page 8 Figure 2.5 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 Count of Positive Cases, Age, Less than 1 year, by Week

Senate District 1 Average of Senate Districts 4




0 4-Jul 6-Jun 4-Apr 1-Aug 8-Aug 11-Jul 18-Jul 25-Jul 7-Mar 2-May 9-May 13-Jun 20-Jun 27-Jun 11-Apr 18-Apr 25-Apr 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar 16-May 23-May 30-May

Figure 2.6 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 District Comparison, Age, Less than 1 year, March - August






0 5 3 8 2 6 7 4 9 1 12 15 18 23 21 10 11 17 16 19 28 29 26 13 27 20 22 14 25 24 Avg ► ► Senate Districts

Page 9 Figure 2.7 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 Count of Positive Cases, Age, 1 - 5 years, by Week

Senate District 1 Average of Senate Districts 10










0 4-Jul 6-Jun 4-Apr 1-Aug 8-Aug 11-Jul 18-Jul 25-Jul 7-Mar 2-May 9-May 13-Jun 20-Jun 27-Jun 11-Apr 18-Apr 25-Apr 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar 16-May 23-May 30-May

Figure 2.8 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 District Comparison, Age, 1 - 5 years, March - August










0 5 3 6 7 8 2 9 4 1 10 13 15 12 29 26 19 27 18 23 14 20 21 16 11 22 24 25 17 28 Avg ► ► Senate Districts

Page 10 Figure 2.9 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 Count of Positive Cases, Age, 6 - 11 years, by Week

Senate District 1 Average of Senate Districts 18









0 4-Jul 6-Jun 4-Apr 1-Aug 8-Aug 11-Jul 18-Jul 25-Jul 7-Mar 2-May 9-May 13-Jun 20-Jun 27-Jun 11-Apr 18-Apr 25-Apr 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar 16-May 23-May 30-May

Figure 2.10 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 District Comparison, Age, 6 - 11 years, March - August









0 5 3 7 6 8 9 2 4 1 13 15 12 10 27 23 22 19 26 17 21 25 18 29 16 11 14 20 28 24 Avg ► ► Senate Districts

Page 11 Figure 2.11 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 Count of Positive Cases, Age, 12 - 14 years, by Week

Senate District 1 Average of Senate Districts 16








0 4-Jul 6-Jun 4-Apr 1-Aug 8-Aug 11-Jul 18-Jul 25-Jul 7-Mar 2-May 9-May 13-Jun 20-Jun 27-Jun 11-Apr 18-Apr 25-Apr 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar 16-May 23-May 30-May

Figure 2.12 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 District Comparison, Age, 12 - 14 years, March - August








0 5 7 3 6 8 2 9 4 1 10 15 29 21 12 22 13 16 27 23 25 14 11 17 19 26 18 28 24 20 Avg ► ► Senate Districts

Page 12 Figure 2.13 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 Count of Positive Cases, Age, 15 - 17 years, by Week

Senate District 1 Average of Senate Districts 16








0 4-Jul 6-Jun 4-Apr 1-Aug 8-Aug 11-Jul 18-Jul 25-Jul 7-Mar 2-May 9-May 13-Jun 20-Jun 27-Jun 11-Apr 18-Apr 25-Apr 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar 16-May 23-May 30-May

Figure 2.14 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 District Comparison, Age, 15 - 17 years, March - August










0 5 7 6 3 4 8 9 2 1 10 29 12 15 16 14 13 21 28 25 11 27 23 19 22 20 18 17 26 24 Avg ► ► Senate Districts

Page 13 Figure 2.15 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 Count of Positive Cases, Age, 18 - 24 years, by Week

Senate District 1 Average of Senate Districts 80








0 4-Jul 6-Jun 4-Apr 1-Aug 8-Aug 11-Jul 18-Jul 25-Jul 7-Mar 2-May 9-May 13-Jun 20-Jun 27-Jun 11-Apr 18-Apr 25-Apr 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar 16-May 23-May 30-May

Figure 2.16 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 District Comparison, Age, 18 - 24 years, March - August








0 5 2 7 3 6 8 9 4 1 16 15 29 25 10 13 14 12 11 28 21 18 19 23 26 20 27 17 22 24 Avg ► ► Senate Districts

Page 14 Figure 2.17 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 Count of Positive Cases, Age, 25 - 44 years, by Week

Senate District 1 Average of Senate Districts 160








0 4-Jul 6-Jun 4-Apr 1-Aug 8-Aug 11-Jul 18-Jul 25-Jul 7-Mar 2-May 9-May 13-Jun 20-Jun 27-Jun 11-Apr 18-Apr 25-Apr 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar 16-May 23-May 30-May

Figure 2.18 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 District Comparison, Age, 25 - 44 years, March - August










0 5 3 7 6 2 8 9 4 1 15 10 13 12 29 23 25 26 16 11 19 27 14 21 18 28 20 17 22 24 Avg ► ► Senate Districts

Page 15 Figure 2.19 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 Count of Positive Cases, Age, 45 - 64 years, by Week

Senate District 1 Average of Senate Districts 90









0 4-Jul 6-Jun 4-Apr 1-Aug 8-Aug 11-Jul 18-Jul 25-Jul 7-Mar 2-May 9-May 13-Jun 20-Jun 27-Jun 11-Apr 18-Apr 25-Apr 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar 16-May 23-May 30-May

Figure 2.20 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 District Comparison, Age, 45 - 64 years, March - August







0 5 3 7 6 2 8 4 9 1 10 15 12 29 13 26 25 14 23 27 11 21 18 17 19 28 22 16 20 24 Avg ► ► Senate Districts

Page 16 Figure 2.21 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 Count of Positive Cases, Age, 65 - 84 years, by Week

Senate District 1 Average of Senate Districts 30






0 4-Jul 6-Jun 4-Apr 1-Aug 8-Aug 11-Jul 18-Jul 25-Jul 7-Mar 2-May 9-May 13-Jun 20-Jun 27-Jun 11-Apr 18-Apr 25-Apr 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar 16-May 23-May 30-May

Figure 2.22 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 District Comparison, Age, 65 - 84 years, March - August







0 3 4 2 6 9 5 7 8 1 29 15 23 10 27 28 26 18 14 19 12 20 24 21 17 13 11 25 16 22 Avg ► ► Senate Districts

Page 17 Figure 2.23 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 Count of Positive Cases, Age, 85+ years, by Week

Senate District 1 Average of Senate Districts 3



0 4-Jul 6-Jun 4-Apr 1-Aug 8-Aug 11-Jul 18-Jul 25-Jul 7-Mar 2-May 9-May 13-Jun 20-Jun 27-Jun 11-Apr 18-Apr 25-Apr 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar 16-May 23-May 30-May

Figure 2.24 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 District Comparison, Age, 85+ years, March - August








0 2 3 4 9 6 8 5 7 1 27 29 23 20 25 15 14 16 10 21 11 13 22 17 24 12 18 28 19 26 Avg ► ► Senate Districts

Page 18 Figure 2.25 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 Count of Positive Cases, Age, Unknown, by Week

Senate District 1 Average of Senate Districts 6






0 4-Jul 6-Jun 4-Apr 1-Aug 8-Aug 11-Jul 18-Jul 25-Jul 7-Mar 2-May 9-May 13-Jun 20-Jun 27-Jun 11-Apr 18-Apr 25-Apr 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar 16-May 23-May 30-May

Figure 2.26 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 District Comparison, Age, Unknown, March - August









0 2 5 7 8 4 3 6 9 1 26 29 25 10 15 28 13 14 19 21 27 16 23 12 18 22 11 17 20 24 Avg ► ► Senate Districts

Page 19 Figure 2.27 -- POSITIVE CASES Count of Positive Cases, by Age, by Rank, March - August

Less than 1 yr Rank 1 - 5 years 6 - 11 years 12 - 14 years 15 - 17 years 18 - 24 years 25 - 44 years 45 - 64 years 65 - 84 years 85+ years Unknown

District Count District Count District Count District Count District Count District Count District Count District Count District Count District Count District Count

1 1 23 1 77 1 142 1 130 1 163 16 652 1 1635 1 1025 1 245 2 66 1 14

2 5 16 5 60 5 114 10 89 5 126 1 643 5 1255 5 766 29 230 3 59 2 14

3 12 15 10 50 3 72 5 71 10 123 15 551 3 1147 3 672 3 212 4 50 26 13

4 3 14 3 48 13 69 7 59 7 113 5 501 15 983 7 583 4 173 27 26 5 12

5 8 11 6 43 15 69 15 57 29 113 29 442 7 927 10 550 2 153 9 24 7 12

6 15 10 13 43 12 68 3 53 12 112 25 439 10 884 6 525 6 153 29 24 29 9

7 18 10 7 39 7 67 29 51 15 109 2 438 13 835 15 515 15 145 23 16 8 8

8 23 10 15 39 10 65 21 50 16 105 7 403 12 821 12 512 9 136 1 15 25 8

9 2 9 12 33 27 56 12 48 14 94 3 390 6 783 29 481 23 135 20 15 4 7

10 6 9 29 33 6 54 22 48 13 91 10 380 29 765 13 423 5 134 25 13 10 7

11 21 9 26 29 8 52 13 47 21 81 13 378 2 748 26 404 10 127 15 12 15 7

12 10 8 19 28 23 48 16 47 28 78 14 364 8 691 2 402 27 127 6 11 28 7

13 11 7 27 27 22 43 27 47 25 75 6 342 23 602 25 397 7 122 14 11 13 6

14 17 7 8 26 9 42 23 46 11 72 12 309 25 589 14 388 28 119 16 11 3 5

15 7 6 18 26 19 42 25 46 6 71 11 304 26 582 8 383 26 110 10 10 14 5

16 16 6 2 23 26 42 6 43 27 69 28 288 16 522 23 378 18 109 8 9 19 5

17 19 6 23 23 17 39 14 39 23 67 8 284 11 519 27 359 14 105 21 9 21 5

18 28 6 14 22 21 39 8 38 3 65 21 259 19 489 11 355 19 105 5 7 27 5

19 29 6 20 21 25 39 11 35 19 64 18 257 27 472 21 342 12 102 11 7 16 4

20 26 5 21 21 18 37 17 35 22 63 19 240 14 458 18 318 8 99 7 6 23 4

21 13 4 16 20 29 37 19 35 20 54 23 232 21 445 17 316 20 99 13 6 6 3

22 27 4 11 18 2 35 26 33 18 53 26 230 18 443 19 304 24 98 22 6 12 3

23 4 3 22 18 16 32 18 27 4 52 20 226 28 441 28 290 21 95 17 5 18 3

24 9 3 24 18 11 31 2 25 8 52 9 223 20 435 22 269 17 89 24 5 22 3

25 20 3 25 17 14 31 9 24 17 50 27 221 17 426 4 266 13 83 12 4 11 2

26 22 3 17 14 20 31 28 23 26 43 4 204 9 390 16 265 11 82 18 4 17 2

27 14 2 9 12 28 26 4 22 9 41 17 202 22 370 9 262 25 74 28 4 20 2

28 25 2 28 11 24 25 24 22 24 39 22 171 4 347 20 260 16 70 19 3 9 1

29 24 1 4 5 4 24 20 16 2 34 24 123 24 265 24 186 22 66 26 2 24 1

Avg 7.5 29.1 50.7 45.0 78.3 334.3 664.4 420.6 124.0 15.2 6.1 Red line indicates average of districts.

Page 20 Figure 2.28 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 Count of Positive Cases, by Race/Ethnicity, by Week

American Indian/ Black/African Hispanic Native Hawaiian/ White alone, not Asian Unknown Totals Alaska Native American or Latino Pacific Islander Hispanic or Latino

7-Mar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14-Mar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21-Mar 0 3 0 1 1 5 0 10 28-Mar 0 2 3 11 3 15 0 34 4-Apr 2 2 2 46 8 30 2 92 11-Apr 2 2 2 49 6 7 2 70 18-Apr 3 1 8 70 3 14 1 100 25-Apr 2 4 4 87 9 17 10 133 2-May 1 4 12 99 17 21 18 172 9-May 0 2 13 72 7 12 6 112 16-May 3 10 13 71 9 22 15 143 23-May 2 4 4 108 13 21 14 166 30-May 3 5 8 83 14 18 15 146 6-Jun 2 7 4 124 12 16 21 186 13-Jun 1 10 5 156 17 7 23 219 20-Jun 4 7 3 223 12 24 22 295 27-Jun 1 12 13 246 22 54 21 369 4-Jul 1 14 4 214 17 40 19 309 11-Jul 3 14 8 194 30 44 29 322 18-Jul 2 12 12 198 29 29 32 314 25-Jul 1 7 5 125 27 35 13 213 1-Aug 2 4 4 128 23 25 8 194 8-Aug 1 6 2 98 28 30 16 181 15-Aug 0 9 3 83 20 15 6 136 22-Aug 1 5 6 54 12 16 12 106 29-Aug 2 6 1 65 4 11 7 96 5-Sep 0 0 0 17 1 4 3 25

Totals 39 152 139 2622 344 532 315 4143

Page 21 Figure 2.29 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 Count of Positive Cases, by Race/Ethnicity, March - August

Senate District 1 Average of Senate Districts 3000





1000 763 640 532 500 344 315 189 152 139 39 36 42 41 76 0 American Indian/ Asian Black/African Hispanic Native Hawaiian/ White alone, not Unknown Alaska Native American or Latino Pacific Islander Hispanic or Latino

Page 22 Figure 2.30 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 Count of Positive Cases, American Indian/Alaska Native, by Week

Senate District 1 Average of Senate Districts 5





0 4-Jul 6-Jun 4-Apr 1-Aug 8-Aug 11-Jul 18-Jul 25-Jul 7-Mar 2-May 9-May 13-Jun 20-Jun 27-Jun 11-Apr 18-Apr 25-Apr 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar 16-May 23-May 30-May

Figure 2.31 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 District Comparison, American Indian/Alaska Native, March - August







0 2 3 8 7 6 5 9 4 1 27 29 28 25 26 24 18 10 19 23 12 16 15 20 21 13 17 22 14 11 Avg ► ► Senate Districts

Page 23 Figure 2.32 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 Count of Positive Cases, Asian, by Week

Senate District 1 Average of Senate Districts 16








0 4-Jul 6-Jun 4-Apr 1-Aug 8-Aug 11-Jul 18-Jul 25-Jul 7-Mar 2-May 9-May 13-Jun 20-Jun 27-Jun 11-Apr 18-Apr 25-Apr 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar 16-May 23-May 30-May

Figure 2.33 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 District Comparison, Asian, March - August











0 3 5 6 2 8 4 9 7 1 10 25 26 12 11 21 13 15 23 16 29 20 17 19 28 22 14 18 24 27 Avg ► ► Senate Districts

Page 24 Figure 2.34 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 Count of Positive Cases, Black/African American, by Week

Senate District 1 Average of Senate Districts 14







0 4-Jul 6-Jun 4-Apr 1-Aug 8-Aug 11-Jul 18-Jul 25-Jul 7-Mar 2-May 9-May 13-Jun 20-Jun 27-Jun 11-Apr 18-Apr 25-Apr 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar 16-May 23-May 30-May

Figure 2.35 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 District Comparison, Black/African American, March - August






0 3 2 5 6 8 4 7 9 1 25 18 12 20 23 16 15 29 13 10 19 21 22 28 26 11 14 17 27 24 Avg ► ► Senate Districts

Page 25 Figure 2.36 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 Count of Positive Cases, Hispanic or Latino, by Week

Senate District 1 Average of Senate Districts 300






0 4-Jul 6-Jun 4-Apr 1-Aug 8-Aug 11-Jul 18-Jul 25-Jul 7-Mar 2-May 9-May 13-Jun 20-Jun 27-Jun 11-Apr 18-Apr 25-Apr 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar 16-May 23-May 30-May

Figure 2.37 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 District Comparison, Hispanic or Latino, March - August







0 5 3 6 7 8 2 9 4 1 12 15 29 10 25 19 18 26 23 17 13 16 20 21 24 27 28 11 14 22 Avg ► ► Senate Districts

Page 26 Figure 2.38 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 Count of Positive Cases, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, by Week

Senate District 1 Average of Senate Districts 35







0 4-Jul 6-Jun 4-Apr 1-Aug 8-Aug 11-Jul 18-Jul 25-Jul 7-Mar 2-May 9-May 13-Jun 20-Jun 27-Jun 11-Apr 18-Apr 25-Apr 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar 16-May 23-May 30-May

Figure 2.39 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 District Comparison, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, March - August









0 5 6 2 3 7 8 9 4 1 10 23 12 15 16 13 29 21 25 11 14 22 28 20 17 18 26 24 19 27 Avg ► ► Senate Districts

Page 27 Figure 2.40 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 Count of Positive Cases, White alone - not Hispanic or Latino, by Week

Senate District 1 Average of Senate Districts 80








0 4-Jul 6-Jun 4-Apr 1-Aug 8-Aug 11-Jul 18-Jul 25-Jul 7-Mar 2-May 9-May 13-Jun 20-Jun 27-Jun 11-Apr 18-Apr 25-Apr 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar 16-May 23-May 30-May

Figure 2.41 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 District Comparison, White alone - not Hispanic or Latino, March - August








0 3 7 2 4 9 8 6 5 1 13 10 29 14 11 28 15 21 23 26 16 22 25 20 19 17 12 18 24 27 Avg ► Senate ► Districts

Page 28 Figure 2.42 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 Count of Positive Cases, Unknown Race/Ethnicity, by Week

Senate District 1 Average of Senate Districts 35







0 4-Jul 6-Jun 4-Apr 1-Aug 8-Aug 11-Jul 18-Jul 25-Jul 7-Mar 2-May 9-May 13-Jun 20-Jun 27-Jun 11-Apr 18-Apr 25-Apr 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar 16-May 23-May 30-May

Figure 2.43 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 District Comparison, Unknown Race/Ethnicity, March - August








0 7 3 5 2 6 8 4 9 1 15 16 29 13 27 10 14 12 11 20 21 18 25 26 17 19 22 23 28 24 Avg ► ► Senate Districts

Page 29 Figure 2.44 -- POSITIVE CASES Count of Positive Cases, by Race/Ethnicity, by Rank, March - August

American Indian/ Black/African Hispanic Native Hawaiian/ White alone, not

Rank Asian Unknown Alaska Native American or Latino Pacific Islander Hispanic or Latino

District Count District Count District Count District Count District Count District Count District Count

1 27 533 3 173 3 197 1 2622 1 344 13 1207 15 585

2 29 43 1 152 1 139 5 1890 5 250 10 1165 16 433

3 1 39 10 96 2 115 12 1126 6 152 29 1118 7 427

4 2 38 5 76 25 97 3 1111 10 148 14 1053 1 315

5 28 31 6 71 5 95 15 925 23 122 11 967 3 267

6 3 28 2 57 18 45 6 915 2 107 3 887 29 261

7 25 26 25 57 6 43 7 908 12 101 28 886 5 253

8 8 23 8 50 8 42 29 661 3 99 7 875 13 228

9 26 21 26 50 12 38 10 659 7 90 2 867 27 206

10 7 19 12 38 20 31 25 656 15 84 15 843 10 200

11 24 19 4 37 23 31 8 631 16 70 4 830 14 195

12 6 18 11 36 16 30 2 613 8 65 21 825 12 182

13 5 17 21 29 15 29 19 579 13 65 23 772 2 167

14 18 17 13 28 29 28 18 550 29 64 26 764 6 160

15 10 16 15 28 4 26 26 524 21 58 9 762 8 149

16 19 16 23 26 13 23 23 512 25 56 16 759 11 140

17 23 16 9 25 10 21 17 438 9 49 22 716 20 132

18 12 13 16 24 19 20 13 437 11 47 8 713 21 127

19 16 13 29 24 7 19 16 418 14 37 25 705 18 122

20 15 12 20 19 21 17 20 349 22 35 6 694 25 116

21 20 12 17 18 9 15 21 300 28 34 20 605 26 114

22 21 12 19 18 22 15 24 268 20 23 19 592 17 110

23 9 11 28 17 28 15 27 250 17 21 17 588 4 100

24 13 9 22 16 26 13 28 238 18 19 12 535 19 95

25 17 8 7 14 11 12 11 229 4 17 1 532 22 90

26 22 8 14 13 14 7 9 221 26 17 18 529 23 89

27 14 7 18 13 17 6 14 211 24 15 5 505 9 81

28 11 6 24 5 27 6 22 186 19 14 24 439 28 79

29 4 5 27 5 24 4 4 143 27 14 27 406 24 44

Avg 35.7 41.9 40.7 640.3 76.4 763.4 188.5 Red line indicates average of districts.

Page 30 Figure 2.45 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 Count of Positive Cases, by Sex, by Week

Male Female Unknown Totals

7-Mar 0 0 0 0 14-Mar 0 0 0 0 21-Mar 7 3 0 10 28-Mar 21 13 0 34 4-Apr 47 45 0 92 11-Apr 35 35 0 70 18-Apr 46 54 0 100 25-Apr 64 69 0 133 2-May 84 87 0 171 9-May 59 53 0 112 16-May 70 71 0 141 23-May 90 76 0 166 30-May 69 75 0 144 14-Sep 84 96 1 181 13-Jun 94 122 1 217 20-Jun 150 144 0 294 27-Jun 188 178 1 367 4-Jul 151 158 0 309 11-Jul 151 163 5 319 18-Jul 160 151 1 312 25-Jul 114 96 2 212 1-Aug 97 96 0 193 8-Aug 79 102 0 181 15-Aug 64 71 0 135 22-Aug 53 44 2 99 29-Aug 53 42 0 95 5-Sep 13 11 1 25

Totals 2043 2055 14 4112

Page 31 Figure 2.46 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 Count of Positive Cases, by Sex, March - August

Senate District 1 Average of Senate Districts 2500

2,043 2,055 2000


1000 892 876


14 7 0 Male Female Unknown

Page 32 Figure 2.47 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 Count of Positive Cases, Male, by Week

Senate District 1 Average of Senate Districts 200










0 4-Jul 6-Jun 4-Apr 1-Aug 8-Aug 11-Jul 18-Jul 25-Jul 7-Mar 2-May 9-May 13-Jun 20-Jun 27-Jun 11-Apr 18-Apr 25-Apr 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar 16-May 23-May 30-May

Figure 2.48 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 District Comparison, Sex, Male, March - August






0 5 3 7 2 6 8 9 4 1 15 10 29 13 12 16 25 23 14 26 11 21 27 18 19 28 20 17 22 24 Avg ►

Senate► Districts

Page 33 Figure 2.49 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 Count of Positive Cases, Female, by Week

Senate District 1 Average of Senate Districts 200










0 4-Jul 6-Jun 4-Apr 1-Aug 8-Aug 11-Jul 18-Jul 25-Jul 7-Mar 2-May 9-May 13-Jun 20-Jun 27-Jun 11-Apr 18-Apr 25-Apr 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar 16-May 23-May 30-May

Figure 2.50 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 District Comparison, Female, March - August






0 5 3 7 6 2 8 4 9 1 15 10 12 29 13 16 25 23 14 26 27 11 19 28 21 18 17 20 22 24 Avg ►

► Senate Districts

Page 34 Figure 2.51 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 Count of Positive Cases, Unknown Sex, by Week

Senate District 1 Average of Senate Districts 6






0 4-Jul 6-Jun 4-Apr 1-Aug 8-Aug 11-Jul 18-Jul 25-Jul 7-Mar 2-May 9-May 13-Jun 20-Jun 27-Jun 11-Apr 18-Apr 25-Apr 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar 16-May 23-May 30-May

Figure 2.52 -- POSITIVE CASES Senate District 1 District Comparison, Unknown Sex, March - August









0 2 7 5 8 3 4 6 9 1 26 29 25 15 16 28 10 14 13 18 27 19 21 22 23 12 17 20 11 24 Avg ►

Senate► Districts

Page 35 Figure 2.53 -- POSITIVE CASES Count of Positive Cases, by Sex, by Rank, March - August

Rank Male Female Unknown

District Count District Count District Count

1 1 2043 1 2055 1 14

2 5 1471 5 1579 2 14

3 3 1419 3 1313 7 13

4 15 1238 15 1251 26 13

5 7 1202 10 1139 5 12

6 10 1147 7 1122 29 11

7 29 1124 6 1073 25 10

8 2 1047 12 1060 8 8

9 13 993 29 1056 15 8

10 12 964 13 986 16 8

11 6 960 2 886 28 8

12 16 910 8 831 10 7

13 25 890 16 816 14 7

14 8 814 25 799 13 6

15 23 798 23 759 18 6

16 14 765 14 747 27 6

17 26 747 26 733 3 5

18 11 741 27 699 4 5

19 21 709 11 689 19 5

20 27 708 19 675 21 5

21 18 655 28 650 22 5

22 19 641 21 641 6 4

23 28 635 18 626 23 4

24 20 605 4 594 12 3

25 17 598 17 584 17 3

26 9 578 9 579 20 3

27 4 554 20 554 11 2

28 22 550 22 505 9 1

29 24 374 24 408 24 1

Avg 892 876 7

Red line indicates average of districts.

Page 36 Figure 3.1 -- HOSPITALIZATIONS Senate District 1 Hospitalizations (ICU and Non-ICU), by Week

Hospitalizations Total Hospitalizations ICU Non-ICU

7-Mar 0 0 0 14-Mar 0 0 0 21-Mar 3 1 4 28-Mar 3 1 4 4-Apr 6 4 10 11-Apr 3 4 7 18-Apr 4 6 10 25-Apr 4 9 13 2-May 7 10 17 9-May 1 6 7 16-May 2 8 10 23-May 8 6 14 30-May 3 8 11 6-Jun 5 9 14 13-Jun 4 9 13 20-Jun 2 14 16 27-Jun 4 13 17 4-Jul 6 11 17 11-Jul 5 15 20 18-Jul 3 10 13 25-Jul 2 11 13 1-Aug 2 8 10 8-Aug 5 10 15 15-Aug 3 4 7 22-Aug 1 5 6 29-Aug 1 7 8 5-Sep 0 2 2

Totals 87 191 278

Page 37 Figure 3.2 -- HOSPITALIZATIONS Senate District 1 Hospitalizations (ICU and Non-ICU), March - August

Non-ICU ICU 300

250 87



100 191 23

50 71

0 Senate District 1 Average of Senate Districts

Page 38 Figure 3.7 -- HOSPITALIZATIONS Senate District 1 Hospitalizations, ICU, by Week

Senate District 1 Average of Senate Districts 9









0 4-Jul 6-Jun 4-Apr 1-Aug 8-Aug 11-Jul 18-Jul 25-Jul 7-Mar 2-May 9-May 13-Jun 20-Jun 27-Jun 11-Apr 18-Apr 25-Apr 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar 16-May 23-May 30-May

Figure 3.8 -- HOSPITALIZATIONS Senate District 1 District Comparison, ICU, March - August











0 5 3 2 6 9 7 4 8 1 12 10 23 26 29 27 28 15 22 13 17 18 11 21 24 25 14 19 16 20 Avg ► ► Senate Districts

Page 39 Figure 3.7 -- HOSPITALIZATIONS Senate District 1 Hospitalizations, Non-ICU, by Week

Senate District 1 Average of Senate Districts 16








0 4-Jul 6-Jun 4-Apr 1-Aug 8-Aug 11-Jul 18-Jul 25-Jul 7-Mar 2-May 9-May 13-Jun 20-Jun 27-Jun 11-Apr 18-Apr 25-Apr 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar 16-May 23-May 30-May

Figure 3.8 -- HOSPITALIZATIONS Senate District 1 District Comparison, Non-ICU, March - August






0 5 3 2 6 7 8 9 4 1 29 15 12 23 18 19 13 10 25 20 14 11 21 26 16 28 17 22 27 24 Avg ► ► Senate Districts

Page 40 Figure 3.7 -- HOSPITALIZATIONS Senate District 1 Total Hospitalizations, by Week

Senate District 1 Average of Senate Districts 25





0 4-Jul 6-Jun 4-Apr 1-Aug 8-Aug 11-Jul 18-Jul 25-Jul 7-Mar 2-May 9-May 13-Jun 20-Jun 27-Jun 11-Apr 18-Apr 25-Apr 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar 16-May 23-May 30-May

Figure 3.8 -- HOSPITALIZATIONS Senate District 1 District Comparison, Total Hospitalizations, March - August







0 5 3 2 6 7 8 9 4 1 29 12 15 23 10 18 13 26 19 25 28 27 11 21 17 22 14 20 16 24 Avg ► ► Senate Districts

Page 41 Figure 3.9 -- HOSPITALIZATIONS

Hospitalizations (ICU and Non-ICU), by Rank, March - August

Hospitalizations Total Rank Hospitalizations ICU Non-ICU

District Count District Count District Count

1 1 87 1 191 1 278

2 5 64 5 133 5 197

3 3 51 3 122 3 173

4 2 37 2 110 2 147

5 12 36 6 99 6 134

6 6 35 29 99 29 128

7 10 32 15 98 12 121

8 23 31 7 88 15 114

9 26 29 12 85 7 107

10 29 29 8 75 23 103

11 9 23 23 72 10 92

12 27 20 18 67 8 89

13 7 19 19 63 9 83

14 28 18 13 62 18 80

15 4 17 9 60 13 77

16 15 16 10 60 26 77

17 22 16 25 56 19 67

18 13 15 20 51 25 65

19 17 15 14 49 4 63

20 8 14 11 48 28 62

21 18 13 21 48 27 61

22 11 11 26 48 11 59

23 21 11 4 46 21 59

24 24 11 16 46 17 58

25 25 9 28 44 22 57

26 14 7 17 43 14 56

27 19 4 22 41 20 53

28 16 2 27 41 16 48

29 20 2 24 27 24 38

Avg 23 71 95 Red line indicates average of districts.

Page 42 Figure 4.1 -- DEATHS Senate District 1 Count of Deaths, by Week

Senate District 1 Average of Senate Districts 5





0 4-Jul 6-Jun 4-Apr 1-Aug 8-Aug 11-Jul 18-Jul 25-Jul 7-Mar 2-May 9-May 13-Jun 20-Jun 27-Jun 11-Apr 18-Apr 25-Apr 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar 16-May 23-May 30-May

Figure 4.2 -- DEATHS Senate District 1 District Comparison, Deaths, March - August







0 3 2 4 6 5 7 9 8 1 27 29 15 20 23 10 19 26 24 12 21 22 25 17 13 14 16 28 11 18 Avg ► ► Senate Districts

Page 43 UTAH SENATE Location of Cities and Districts

Senate Districts Legend

City City City City


Senate District

Weber and Davis County Senate Districts


WEBER 20 19


Salt Lake County Senate Districts 19 23 23 2 1

1 Utah County Senate Districts 11 26 14 3 5 4 16 13 12 15 8 6

9 7 10 27

24 11 13 14