A Handbook Enabling for Improved Better Places Neighborhoods By AARP Livable Communities and the Congress for the New Urbanism AARP is the nation’s largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering people 50 or older to choose how they live as they age. With nearly 38 million members and offices in every state, the District of Websites: AARP.org and AARP.org/Livable Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, AARP strengthens Email:
[email protected] communities and advocates for what matters most to families, with a focus Facebook: /AARPLivableCommunities on health security, financial stability and personal fulfillment. The AARP Twitter: @AARPLivable Livable Communities initiative’s programs include the AARP Network of Free Newsletter: AARP.org/LivableSubscribe Age-Friendly States and Communities and the annual AARP Community Challenge “quick-action” grant program. The Congress for the New Urbanism’s mission is to champion walkable urbanism. CNU provides resources, education, and technical assistance to create socially just, economically robust, environmentally resilient, and people centered places. CNU leverages New Urbanism’s unique integration of design and social principle to advance three key goals: to support complete neighborhoods, legalize walkable places, to design for a climate change. With Website: CNU.org 19 local and state chapters and headquarters in Washington, D.C., CNU works Email:
[email protected] to unite the New Urbanist movement. (See page 21 to learn more.) Facebook: /NewUrbanism Twitter: @NewUrbanism Free Newsletter: Members.CNU.org/Newsletter Enabling Better Places: A Handbook for Improved Neighborhoods WRITTEN AND EDITED BY: Congress for the New Urbanism Visit AARP.org/Zoning to download or order this free publication.