Nuclear disarmament group opens Red Bank office,B1 GREATER RED BANK EATONTOWN Isles lose again Prayer amendment LONG BRANCH New York defeated Senate votes tomorrow Today's Forecast by Hartford, 5-4. on controversial issue. Cloudy, rain likely Page B2 Page A3 Complete weather on A2 The Daily Register VOL. 106 NO. 219 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER . . . SINCE 1878 MONDAY, MARCH 19, 1984 . 25 CENTS Special prosecutor mulled for probe of Meese finances

WASHINGTON (AP) - The De- tween financial favors Meese re- partment of Justice is investigating ceived and the federal jobs awarded whether a special prosecutor is some of his benefactors. needed to probe Edwin Meese's But the source noted that tra- finances, but the candidate for ditionally, federal officials and pri- attorney general says he'll fight to vate citizens involved in a Justice win confirmation despite the "base- Department inquiry use the in- less insinuations." vestigation to stop commenting "I welcome this inquiry by the publicly on the affair in question, Justice Department," Meese said in which may serve to dampen the a statement made shortly after the growing controversy surrounding inquiry was announced late yester- the Meese confirmation hearings day. "I intend to continue my effort to be confirmed as attorney general During the past week, an increas- of the United States." ing number of senators have ex- The Justice Department decision pressed doubts about Meese's fit- came after top officials, partici- ness to serve in the job. particularly pating in an extraordinary series of after he disclosed he had in- Gift for the archbishop weekend meetings, said they would advertently failed" to list the $15,000 open an inquiry to determine if a loan on his financial statements Rev. John J. O'Connor, the new archbishop presented to the new archbishop by George special prosecutor should in- Meese's primary opponent on the vestigate a $15,000, interest-free of New York, waves a Yankee baseball cap Steinbrenner, the team's owner. Bishop committee, Sen. Howard Metzen loan Meese received from a former baum, DOhio, said through a during his homily yesterday at St. Patrick's O'Connor was sworn in as the eighth White House aide. spokesman that the Justice Depart archbishop of New York. See story page A3. EDWIN MEESE HI Cathedral in New York. The Yankee cap was Meese had failed to list the loan ment action was "appropriate." on his 1981 and 1982 financial vote for several weeks at least. Meese called Thurmond in South disclosure statements, as required Meese had been scheduled to Carolina last night and read him a by the Ethics in Government Act. testify at a second round of hearings letter about the Justice Depart- While Reagan said through a set to begin tomorrow before the ment's decision. Earlier, the White spokesman that he was "solidly committee. House counselor met with Reagan to Howard bids to halt behind Mr. Meese," Senate Ju- One Justice department source, seek permission to have the hear diciary Committee Chairman Sen who asked not to be identified, said ings delayed. Strom Thurmond, R-S.C . immedi- it might be difficult to confine the Meese's letter to Thurmond wan ately agreed with Meese's request inquiry to inaccuracies in Meese's released to reporters by an aide to postpone Senate hearings into his financial statement and that the In it. Meese told Thurmond the building in Manhattan nomination. department might also end up Justice Department would be in- This effectively stalls any Senate looking at possible connections be- See Special, page A7 WASHINGTON (AP) - A New "New York City has been dragged Howard's amendment would re- Jersey congressman says he will into court, placed on,timetables and strict any metropolitan area with submit amendments to proposed been given one extension after more than 4 million people from federal legislation in an attempt to another since the Clean Water Act undertaking new construction, as of 3 presidential candidates bar any major construction in was adopted," said Howard, who is March 30, 1984, until raw sewage Manhattan while New York City chairman of the House Public Works discharges are eliminated. Howard still is dumping raw sewage into the and Transportation Committee. said New York City is the only urban Hudson and East rivers and New The Spring Lake Heights con- center of that size disposing of raw York Harbor. gressman said about 100 New Jersey sewage in public, navigable water- hunt for votes in Illinois Rep. James Howard, D-N.J., has communities have imposed mora- ways i accused New York City of discharg- toriums on new development until The amendment also would order CHICAGO (AP) - Walter F. The civil rights leader said the campaign, a fight for 171 convention ing 230 million gallons of untreated adequate sewage treatment facili- New York to complete sewage Mondale and Gary Hart scoured campaign should n• l be a debate delegates in Tuesday's election and sewage into those waterways every ties are in place. treatment facilities sooner than the Illinois for last-minute votes in the about "programs fur the black and momentum going into other day. He said the wastes have been "Why should New Jersey, or any current court-imposed deadline of state's presidential primary after a the poor, but a comm.tment to primaries in the next several weeks spoiling the beaches along the New state, for that matter, have to the mid-1990s, and would provide spirited debate in which the Demo- empower the poor" to develop their in Connecticut. New York and Jersey and Long Island shores. restrict growth in order to control money for the city to do so. cratic rivals joined the Rev. Jesse own programs. Pennsylvania. Howard proposes amending the pollution while New York City is New York officials have main- Jackson in a direct appeal for The debate was the only face-to- Illinois aside, there are caucuses Water Quality Renewal Act, legis- allowed to do just the opposite?" tained that'it has not completed support from black voters. face confrontation in 'he Illinois See Candidates, page A7 lation he sponsored to reauthorize said Howard He noted that New work on a full treatment plant the 1972 Clean Water Act that York's World Trade Center and because it cannot afford the cost, committed about $30 billion for the Battery Park City were built since estimated at $1 billion, Howard said. construction of sewage treatment the Clean Water Act took effect. Howard's amendment, if enacted, Mondale backers plants across the nation. "If New York refuses to do would threaten a major commercial standing firm, A4 The new law would allocate $23.5 anything about their growth-pol- waterfront developments in Man- billion for completion of clean water lution problems, then we will simply hattan announced last month by facilities over the next five years. have to do it for them," Howard said Mayor Edward Koch. One public opinion poll pointed to a narrow Hart lead in tomorrow Illinois primary, the biggest prize so far on the campaign calender. Another poll taken nationwide and Middletown officials rap released today showed Hart with a narrow lead over President Reagan, while Mondale badly trailed the president in a two-way matchup. McKean for 'nonsense suit' Mondale used a locally televised debate last night to claim a "dra- MlDDLKIOWN - Republican plaint. mayor said. "I hoped that when (ihe matic difference" between himself Committeeman Paul A. Linder last McKean plans to file the com- case) was dismissed, that would be and the Colorado senator on civil night blasted Democratic Commit- plaint again within a week. the end of it." Waller said "it's a rights. teeman Richard D. McKean for The suit was spurred by a resol- shame that the 1983 campaign hasn't ' "I'm not arguing about Gary's "clogging up" the court system with ution adopted by Maher. Linder and been put to bed." nominal record," Mondale said in "nonsense suits." Waller at a committee meeting Nov. Waller noted that the "overall the 60-minute encounter. "But I do Later this week, McKean said he 14. The resolution, introduced by effect (of the suit) on the township think there's a dramatic difference intends to' resubmit a lawsuit Maher, criticized McKean's com- is bad. The sooner (that the issue is in the intensity, the commitment, against Linder, Mayor Robert B. ments about a backlog in the dropped), the better off everyone the effort undertaken, to move this Waller and Committeeman James township tax assessors office. The is." process forward toward true op- F. Maher Jr. for slander and libel. dispute is related to the controversy But McKean said he does not portunity for all Americans." that has existed for the last eight The first lawsuit was dismissed intend to forget about the issue. But Hart, whose sudden emerg- by Monmouth County Superior Court months over a backlog in the "If they think I'm clogging the township tax assessor's office. ence from the pack has dethroned Judge Benedict R. Nicosia because court system, that's a joke," he Mondale as front-runner, retorted: of a technicality that had nothing to Accusing the Democrat of "play- said. "I'm not willing to let Vice Presi- do with the merits of the case. It ing politics," Linder charged McKean, sworn into office in dent Mondale or anyone else in this was dismissed because of "a techni- McKean with "dragging this thing January, has contended that the country gauge my intensity of cality in the wording" of the suit, out. He ought to be severely repri- committee was aware of the commitment to civil rights. I think McKean said. manded by the court system for backlog as early as 1982. it's as broad and deep as his or for Ruling on a motion by Robinson, clogging it up with nonsense suits," Maher, Linder and Waller voted that matter anyone else's." Levin, Riccio & LaSala, the Newark Linder asserted. "There's a lot in favor of a resolution backing a "Without the black and brown law firm representing the Re- more important things the courts public challenge to McKean by support in the city of Denver and publican trio, Linder, Waller and have to deal with these days." Grace H. Phillips, widow of former across the state of Colorado I Maher, Nicosia entered an order Waller concurred. tax assessor Thomas E. Phillips. wouldn't be here today," he said. March 9 dismissing McKean's com- "I'm a little disappointed." the McKean has said repeatedly that Mondale easily won the Puerto he had not made insinuations Rico primary yesterday, taking 99 against Phillips. percent of the vote. Hart did not On April 2, the committee expects contest Mondale in Puerto Rico. Monday- to receive a report, prepared by Both Mondale and Hart were NafUMrpMN by Carl Forlno Township Attorney Peter Carton, campaigning today in downstate Lifestyle B6 concerning the assessor's office. Index Illinois Movies A8 Maher refused to comment on For his part, Jackson said his Purim puzzler People A2 McKean's intention to resubmit the campaign has placed him at the B7 suit. "I will not comment on that Advice Obituaries A7 "apex of the triangle" in the three- Five-year-old Pam Sherman of Little Silver tries to pass a metal Arts A8 Opinion A6 until such time that I'm served," he way nomination fight, assuring that ring across a wire without ringing a bell during yesterday's Purim Business A5 Sports B2 said. the Democratic Party will not take Classified B9 Television A8 his supporters for granted at its Carnival at Congregation B'nai Israel, Rumson. The Jewish Comics B8 Your Town B1 Gulliver's Annex, R.B./Tuei. Nile nomination convention this sum- holiday was celebrated with fun and games at synagogues across Linda Sharabba & Scott Paden. the county. See story, other photo on page B1. A2 The Daily Register MONDAY, MARCH 19, 1984 Police quiz terrorist BELFAST, (AP) - Dominic McGlinchey, Ire- land's most wanted terrorist, wai interrogated by police detectives Koch uses TV Sunday about some of the worst violence in Northern Ireland's sec- tarian conflict. McGlinchey, 30, has boasted he to plug book has slain 30 people since 1972, and NEW YORK (AP) - Never one to miss an was dubbed "the mad dog" by his opportunity to plug his best selling book, Mayor comrades for the brutality of some Edward I. Koch appeared on a nationally televised of the killings of which he is comedy show, nging' viewers to buy his book accused. "Mayor." Inspector John Strong said Sun- The opening scene of NBC-TV's "Saturday Night day night that .McGlinchey would Live" program featured Koch being interviewed by not be arraigned before Monday. an Irish television reporter (SNL cast member Mary He was expected to be charged with Gross) about St. Patrick's Day festivities. the 1977 killing of a 63-year-old The reporter learned she was at a "Purim Day" woman, Hester McMullen. party at Greenberg's cafe instead of a St. Patrick's McGlinchey, chief of staff of the Day fete at the Green Bird cafe. Purim, which began Edward Koch Gen. John Vessey Jr. outlawed Irish National Liberation at sundown Saturday, commemorates the de- Army, made legal history when he liverance of the Jews from Persia. was extradited to the British prov- Asked what he was doing at the party, Koch did that on purpose — not to put down women." ince of Northern Ireland on Satur- deadpanned, "1 am here to plug my new book." "I'm not what you call a seductress. I'm not trying day less than 18 hours after his AlMClmd Praaa photo "Don't just read a friend's copy," he said. "Buy to play up the sex. It's just fun. I think most of them arrest following a Shootout with 40 CAPTURED— Dominic Me Glinchey, chiel of stall of the outlawed your own. And buy several. They make great Purim (women) realize I'm not trying to put females police in the Irish Republic. down," she said. Irish Liberation Army, is turned over to the Royal Ulster gifts- He was the first guerrilla Constabulatory by Eire police at a border Sunday. Me Glinchey, Then Koch cut in to deliver the show's traditional fugitive extradited to the north by opening line: "Live from New York, it's Saturday Promoters win suit against city Dublin authorities since the coun- dubbed "The Mad Dog" by his comrades, is wanted by police lor Night." try was partitioned in 1921, and his alleged role in over 200 acts of terrorism. PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) - Two promoters will Prime Minister Garret FitzGerald publican Socialist Party, the legal Ireland's west coast early Satur- share $5,065 for profits they lost when city officials, of Ireland said Sunday he "looked political wing of the Liberation dav General: Can serve Cod in military fearing that people would get hurt or killed, canceled forward" to more extradition or- Army, said the extradition action The three men captured with SAN ANTONIO. Texas (AP) - The chairman of a lf>79 concert by the rock group The Who. ders by the Supreme Court. was that of "a puppet government McGlinchey appeared Sunday the Joint Chiefs of Staff says religious people should Mayor Vincent A. Cianci Jr. canceled the show at subservient to Britain." before Dublin's anti-terrorist consider military duty as a method to avoid "sinful the Providence Civic Center a day after 11 people The Liberation Army is a Marx- Police sources, who asked not to . nature." were trampled to death in a rush for seats before a ist offshoot of the Irish Republican be identified, said detectives ques- Seamus McShane, 29, and Da- Gen. John Vessey Jr., the nation's highest-ranking Dec. 3, 1979, Who concert in Cincinnati. Army. Both outlawed guerrilla tioned McGlinchey about "between mien Bird, 28, were charged with active military officer, spoke Saturday to a military Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ruled Friday there was groups are fighting to end British 15 or 20 murders" in Northern having firearms with intent to breakfast sponsored by the Full Gospel Business no legal justification for the Civic Center Authority's rule in Protestant-dominated Ireland. Police said he also faced endanger life and using them to Men's Fellowship International. decision to cancel the show. That left the issue of Northern Ireland and unite it with questioning on some 200 other resist arrest. Ciaran Damery, 30, Commenting on debates over the morality of damages for the jury. the overwhelmingly Roman Cath- shootings and bombings. was charged with unlawful pos- The jury decided on a 13.354 figure, which with olic Republic to the south. McGlinchey was captured with session of a gun and with intent to military service, Vessey said "man's sinful nature use it to endanger life. is the cause of . interest will be $5,065. The Dublin-based Irish Re- three lieutenants in a hideout on "Can we, in fact, serve God while we go about our temporal duties in military uniform?" Vessey asked. Singer's brother has financial woes "Yes," he said, because "man's sinful nature is the cause of war and requires that nations be CHATTANOOGA. Tenn. (AP) - Jerry Newton, Lebanon talks suspended brother of entertainer Wayne Newton, has filed to strong." reorganize debts of his Tullahoma radio station and Actress defends TV commercial liquidate the firm that manages his night club, LAUSANNE, Switzerland (AP) Cowboys. — Lebanon's Christian and Moslem JOHNSON CITY, Tenn. (AP» — Actress Lee Two petitions were filed in U.S. Bankruptcy Court politicians suspended a full session Meredith, who plays Mickey Spillane's "doll" in Thursday for QUIN-ABI Broadcasting Inc.. which of their reconciliation conference Miller Lite beer commercials, says people who think owns WBGY. and Cowboys Nightclub of Tullahoma yesterday in favor of private talks, her role is demeaning to women "don't have a sense Inc. reportedly to end a deadlock over of humor." Newton, who lives in Fayetteville, listed $724,457 political reforms. Ms. Meredith says the Miller Brewing Co. has in assets and about $12 million in liabilities for the Despite the dispute, a Lebanese gotten complaints about her portrayal of a giggly radio station. The management firm's petition listed government spokesman said he blonde based on a character in mystery writer $47,998 in total assets and $179,799 in liabilities. expected the conference to end Spillane's Mike Hammer novels. The nightclub was closed by the Internal Revenue Monday with approval of a final "It's obvious these people don't have a sense of Service last year for unpaid unemployment taxes and text announcing a new "govern- humor," she said Saturday at a promotional news Social Security taxes, but Newton said Thursday ment of national unity." conference. there is still an active membership in the club. He also said France had agreed "In the commercials, we're making fun of Newton said he has no business dealings with his in principle to allow its troops to ourselves and the characters. They (the producers) brother. man a buffer zone in Beirut between the warring factions and help maintain the cease-fire. Yesterday's discord apparently centered on a Moslem call for the THE WORLD creation of a Lebanese vice presi- dential post, sources said. AMOClaUd r>r«M pholo LEBANESE SUMMIT — Christian Phalange leader Pierre Gemayel, stoning story without government action. Christian and Moslem leaders also appeared unwilling to bargain left, watches his son, Lebanese President Amin Gemayel, right, open I'ravda: Five-year plan lags Executives of the Dominican Broadcasting Associa- yesterday morning's session of the Lebanese reconciliation talks. The tion met yesterday to protest the closure and three on a key reform demanded by the MOSCOW - An article in the Communist Party newspapers — El National. Ahora. and Diario Listin — opposition — secularization of top meetings were later suspended so the conlerees could discuss the newspaper Pravda says the Soviet Union is behind published editorials condemning the closure. posts in the government, army and proposals privately. schedule in fulfilling its present five-year economic plan security, the sources said. and urges officials to combat idleness, alcoholism and More leaving East Germany The nine conference delegates the conference to end Monday with Samaha declined to say what corruption. have met behind closed doors and announcement of the formation of caused the suspension of the after- In a front-page report yesterday on recent elections HAMBURG. West Germany - A newspaper says declined to disclose details of their a new government and a list of noon session. within the party, Pravda said the economic plan is 9.500 East Germans have been allowed to emigrate meetings. "guiding principles" to help con- However, the sources said particularly lagging in the areas of industry, construc- since Jan. 1. exceeding the total for all of 1983. But Druse opposition leader solidate the cease fire and restruc- Moslem leaders had agreed to tion, agriculture and transport. The Bild Am Sonntag quoted federal government Walid Jumblatt gave an indication ture the country's political system. preserve a 1943 formula that gave "It is necessary by all means to uproot idleness, sources for its figures in an article yesterday on the Sunday that the talks were Samaha also said the French the Maronite Christians the presi- bribe-taking, speculation, theft and drunkenness, in "resettlement wave." troubled. government had agreed in principle dency but had called for the other words, everything that is alien to our outlook and Some 7.700 East Germans emigrated legally to West "This is surrealist theater," to using its 1,250-member multi- creation of a Moslem vice presiden- way of life as well as our morals." the'article said. Germany in 1983. and another 3.600 defected, including Jumblatt told reporters. "I am fed national forces to help maintain a tial post. Under the current for- An economic plan developed by the late Soviet leader approximately 200 who risked their lives to flee across up ... In my opinion, the conference buffer zone in Beirut provided for mula the post of premier goes to a Yuri V Andropov and embraced by successor Konstan- the heavily guarded border. will end halfway with a com- under a cease fire accord reached Moslem and speaker of Parliament tin U. Chernenko calls for increased worker discipline East German authorities have not commented promise. It will be simply a paper at the conference last week. is a Druse. publicly on the reason for allowing more people to leave that will not be applied." The same report was carried by Christian leaders rejected the Closing of radio station the Communist-ruled country The conferees met for three the independent Beirut daily An- suggestion of an additional post, It received a $386 million loan from West Germany hours yesterday morning and began Nahar. A spokesman at the French which would weaken their influence SANTO DOMINGO. Dominican Republic — News- last summer, however, with the understanding that it a plenary session yesterday eve- Defense Ministry in Paris who in government, the sources said. papers and broadcasters are protesting the govern- would make concessions on human rights issues. ning but adjourned after 15 minutes declined to be identified said he Jumblatt told reporters yester- ment's closure of a radio station that had reported to allow bilateral meetings, said could neither confirm or deny it. day that complete secularization of students stoned the president's motorcade. Bus accident takes 12 lives Michel Samaha, adviser to Presi- The French troops are the only the Lebanese political system was The government denied such an incident occurred and CARACAS. Venezuela — A bus carrying a band of dent Amin Gemayel. members of the multinational force "the only thing that can pull us out on Saturday closed Radio Central. A Radio Central young musicians went off a mountain road and plunged Samaha said the next full session remaining in Beirut. The U.S..of this cycle of violence and. reporter was arrested and charged with disturbing the into a ravine, killing 12 people and injuring 35. would be held Monday, but no time British and Italian contingents frankly, I do not think we will agree peace for broadcasting a "false report." authorities report. had been set. He said he expected were withdrawn last month. on such a formula " Radio Central, which transmits its news programs to They said the accident occurred yesterday on a a network of other stations, had reported that President mountain pass known as "Christ's Slope" near the city Jorge Blanco s motorcade was stoned as he left a of Valencia and 132 miles east of Caracas. meeting across the street from the Autonomous The youngsters were members of the "Young Sudan asks for special UN meeting University. Firefighters." a band sponsored by the Valencia fire KHARTOUM. Sudan It said Sundan also filed were injured, and two The foreign minister Students protesting government economic measures department. (AP) — Sudan has re-a complaint with the Arab houses and an adminis- said one bomb "of Soviet have clashed with police at the school for nearly a week Police said approximately 50 people, most of them quested an emergency League, but did not say if trative building of the state manufacture" did not ex- Leo Hernandez, news director of Radio Central, said teen-agers, were in the bus en route to perform at a meeting of the U.N. Secur- it asked for a league meet- radio were damaged. plode. other radio stations and newspapers had reported the town festival. ity Council to take action ing. Both Libya and Sudan - on its charge that a Libyan are members of the or- warplane bombed Sudan's ganization. largest city, the official "I informed the Arab THE WEATHER news agency reported yes- ambassadors that Sudan SAVE TAXES terday. requests their govern- and »ave fop your retirement now Libya, meanwhile, de- ments to shoulder their Jersi-y shore The Forecast For 7 p.m. EST .with our IOW COSt Monday. March 19 Rain^ SnowE3 nied responsibility for Fri- responsibilities in main- Cloudy today with a chance of drizzle. High in the • High Temperatures Shower s(5 11 Flurries!** day's attack on Omdurman taining the charter of the personal loan for that reportedly killed five Arab League toward this r middle 40s. Northeasterly winds at 10 to 20 miles per 1 *yk people. The official Libyan incessant aggression on hour. Partly cloudy tonight and tomorrow Low tonight JO' news agency. JANA, said our territories," Abbashar J§£ 19B3 IRA in the middle 30s. High tomorrow in the upper 40s Libya was falsely accused told SUNA. A MEMBER FOIC Chance of precipitation is 30 percent today and-near by Sudanese President zero tonight. 7 It also quoted him as CENTRAL JERSEY BAM =»y 50 Gaafar Nimeiri and saying, "Sudan did not \y «ND THUST COMBftNV >tufr iJ claimed the raid was car- summon the ambassadors 31 CONVENIENT OFFICES • MIDDLESEX • MONMOUIH • OCEAN • UNION ried out by rebels in Marine forecast m•^-eo to help us in an offensive Sudan's air force. Watch Hill. R.I to Manasquan. N.J. Jtro against any country or even to defend its terri- Northeasterly winds at 15 to 25 knots today becoming fflr 80 In Washington, sources so ^?^< \. \y T in the Reagan adminis- tories. The Sudanese northerly at 10 to 20 knots tonight. Cloudy today with 80 people are capable of de- CORNER a chance of drizzle. Partly cloudy tonight Visibility is ^>-^— tration said one or more fending themselves and Sandra Terry and her more than five miles, but decreasing to one to three NantHial WtMlher s«'vl ol NJ sance planes would be sent their soil." brother, George ol miles in drizzle. Average wave heights are four to eight Fronts CoW ^rr Warm wm Occluded w** Stationary" feet. Tides are one to one and one half feet above normal to Egypt, Sudan's ally. The foreign minister. Port Monmoulh travel Denver 34 21 1 c The sources, speaking on Mohammed Mirghani every day lo East with minor flooding possible at high tide. Partly cloudy Wenlher elsewhere Des Mcnes 31 M Sr Mubarak, sent earlier tomorrow with northerly winds at 10 to 20 knots Detroit 32 30 08 cdy condition they not be ident- Keansburg lo deliver MILo M 10 cat ified by name, said the messages to the United 45 their 125 paper daily Aiba', 39 f Ei Paso 69 ei plane or planes with soph- Nations, the Arab League, Aibt.aue'3-e 58 w 01 c Fairbanks 21 03 ci Register route. An Tides Aman'ic 58 12 1 Fargo 33 20 CO, isticated electronic the Organization of African 11th grader at Middle- Anc^'age 39 .'4 c Fiagstatt 54 T3 ci monitoring devices would Unity and the Islamic Con- As"cve 60 4.' 02 cd Great Fans 50 31 CI town High School Sandy Hook rn ference Organization, Mania 78 •|4 CO Hertford 38 3? 04 be sent to provide support North, Sandra also All times Eastern Standard Atiarilic C lr 49 It cd Helena 49 If. Cdy for the Egyptian air force. blaming Libya for the Honolulu 03 ci supplements her in- TODAY: High: 09:12 a.m. and 9:38 p.m and lew fcllftl 83- u E° gg bombing and claiming Col. -more 49 5 Houston 73 84 Cdy The deployment would be come by babysitting. 03:09 a.m. and 3:59 p.m. B'Hirrgs 52 |g c Indianapolis 34 30 Cdy similar to the dispatch last Moammar Khadafy's re- TOMORROW: High: 09:58 am and 10 29 p.m. and Brrrvngham 61 ss cd Jachson Miss 63 rn year of four AWACs jets to gime is training Sudanese She enjoys horseback riding, biking, and walking a 3>vTia'c" 31 73 cd Jacksonville 82 U cdy route this size takes a lot of work, and we low: 03:57 a.m. and 4:12 p.m. Boiu 49 U cd Juneau 42 33 rn Egypt in response to a , the agency said. For Red Bank and Rumson bridge add two hours: Sea Boston 3? n 15 ' Kansas City 33 3(1 3f> sn perceived Libyan threat On Friday, a single jet appreciate the excellent job Sandra and George BrowiSwl* B3 71 cd Las Vegas 66 47 CI have been doing. The Circulation Department is in Bright, deduct 10 minutes: Long Branch, deduct 15 Bu'ta'o 33 X cd Little Rock 55 50 fn against Sudan. described by the Foreign minutes: Highlands bridge, add 40 minutes 3urlington 31 17 ' 9 Los Angeles 81 54 CI Ministry as a Soviet-built Ihe process of selling up some new contests. Any Casper 41 31 26 c . Louisville 49 39 rn Sudan's minister of state carriers who would like to submit suggestions Charlestons c 6? S7 cd Luc-bock 82 4? rn for foreign affairs. Mus- Tu-22 dropped five bombs Charieston.lrV V 51 43 05 cd Memphis 64 M rn tafa Medani Abbashar, on Omdurman. a city of please call your District Manager at Ihe office al Sun, Moon Cnarlotte N C 61 90 cd Miami 60 65 cdy 542-8880 or 583-5210. Cheyenne 36 .'<• 25 c Milwaukee 32 n 10 cdy summoned Arab am- 300.000 people across the All times Eastern Standard ID LU. Cn

Lottery director says no wrongdoing 8 rnW8.' ,VosP* v&*•tt*-**3""^ \tV°°* toe ^ led to repetition of Pick-It number a' precautions are taken to protect the You just wouldn't have someone TRENTON (API - Equipment Bdical am will be checked and employees lottery's fairness, including having with a qustionable character work- &S^ questioned after the same state an auditor present to certify results ing for a lottery." ea H" Saturday, the same number — 031 air drawing, when 031 popped up, Established >fi 187B — was chosen during the lottery's she said. On Saturday evening, the or Join H COOK and Henry Ga, televised drawing. numbers 965, 547 and 811 were . Ma>n O'l'ce O«e Regtsie' Piam Sr»e«sb..',> NJ 077QI During the drawing, one ping picked during the preliminary I?O1I S42-4000 pong ball is blown by air through a drawings, then 031 bounced up B'ancrt Ofices tube from a container holding nine again. Monrroi.1* Co^ty F»ee*r>d N J 07728 balls, each bearing a single'digit. "We always do (preliminary) The ball that pops to the top drawings to make sure the one we Members ol trie A»oc>a!«d Press T ie Asset aled becomes part of the three-digit P'ess >s Bniiiied exclusively to me uv I' du the >«ai get on the air is randomized," she newf'p'intea -n me newspaper as *eii ' C''C« at.a me Ne* number back-to-back." ifl'soy P'ess Association Today, officials will weigh the Second Class postage paid at Red Ba"« N J Offi Gluck said this was the first time ping pong balls — a procedure O77O> PuOiis iea weeniy Man *ubst''0!>ons uayao'e m regularly followed once a month — in her two-year tenure that the advance to make sure they were not same numbers were drawn two «»• NJ Tota> tampered with, Gluck said. In days in a row. She did not know it Maa Rales Da.'y & _ Me* TO^ it had occurred previously and what Te'm Sunoay Sunday addition, officials will ask the • t? *CCkt i 70/ ««...i 75- wtet- 4 45' «ee» machines' manufacturer to check the odds were of such an event »3S1 weeks i 55/ Mei ' 70' week 2 25/ week 0 i Vea' i 45' *Mi » 65 week 2 10/ ««ek the equipment and will talk to all happening. Mai' rateS (Of COl»ge Students and m.l,1«ry pf<,0" who attended the drawings to "People can be assured the •ie> - - ol above MOfrW "»l.'v»>. py f_::--• Dz\ z-3 Sunaa, determine it anything out-of-the- lottery is the most tightly state SI 3L 1 *»tk. Sunday only 35 cents C rne< ordinary happened, she said. operation," she said. "The people •** "'ioy at Couni«r — Dai'y 75 cents S.."O*v ;O 957- 40 . *ntB Gluck noted that a number of that supervise and run drawings I ")STM> •i add'est cnange* i, Tn« have been through police checks. Daily Re • stt' PO Bo. J*'O ReO Ban" N J 07701 «*

*a*B HdnnJI 222 Eatonlown prior lo the withdrawal. B Tha Bonda will be delivered AaaolNTMBNT OP AUbtTOn Money Market funds recovering m2w MdfTKwl about 30 daya after the daw of WHEREAS. sale al such place in New Jeraey need tor accounting and auditing or New York City aa the under- aervlcea tor tha Eatonlown Sew- ness. signed ahall fix. or at auoh other erage Authority, Borough ol Surprisingly, money SB" aSKeW."!!? place eo may ba agreed upon eatontown. County of Mon- market funds are back. There are also tax-free QINIBAL IM wltti the aucoaaaful bidder. At the mouth: and IDS AND WHEREAS, funds are or will be In most people's minds, money market funds which L •OJirUTILIT- Y Bme ol delivery olllie Bonda. the succceeful bidder ahall provide available for thla purpoaa. and these funds were an idea put their dollars into short- tor the payment ol the Bonda WHEREAS. Local Public Con- tract* Law, N.J.S.A 40A11-1 re- whose time had come. And and long-term municipal COUNTY Of MONMOUTH through me uae of Immediately available funda quires that tha raaokiUon award- then gone again. Starting notes and bonds of state Each proposal must ba ma th* connect Male the oup- ANDREW SEALED PROPOSALS will be porung raaaona and be printed their gains a decade ago and local governments and raoaMd by me TownaMp Com- f>nc"Oaao in s paiv#o fjnvfjoop* (n a nawapapar ot general minx at the Towmhip oi and ahould bo marked on the and then riding a crest of agencies. Their yields are outaldo Propoeel tor Bonda." It circulation not mote) than tan LECKEY MOUWW. hi the County of Moo- mailed, proposals ahould be ad- daya afar peaaege of the resol- high interest rates, they perhaps half those of the moutti, New Jereey atIK* Com- dressed u or in care of the ution. more aggressive money rt>rrt#$ ft>##tJnQ fOOffl In irv# Mu- underalgned at Townahlp ol NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RE- had amassed *227 billion in nlolpel Building, 4 Crewtord'e Holmdal; 4 Crawford . Corner SOLVED by the eatonlown Sew- Harry A. Coul assets by late 1962. market funds, but are de- CWnff HotMj, HolrndtM, N#w J#f - Road. Holmdal. New Jeraey erage Authority, Borough ot signed for taxpayers in eey on Monday, Mann M. 1M4. 07733 eatontown. County of Mon- • Then the tide turned. unW ftOO p.m.. It which Urn they Tho auccaaaful bidder may al mouth. that Her ben A. Caruaoe The stock market was higher brackets who can ««l be puttie* opened end X- hla option refuse to accept the la appointed Authority Auditor Area man take advantage of their nottnood tor tha purehaM oi tho Bonda It prior to their delivery for a term of one (1) year ending gaining momentum. The Money Market Fund of money market funds, since following Bond! OI IM ToameMp any Income tax law ol the United January 31. 1999. The person government allowed banks these will be able to cap-tax-free status. Tax-free duo on Asm t aa foikjwe: Statea ot America ahall provide hereby appointed 10a member of Washington, DC, at 9.3 funds have grown 36 per-» Oanoral Improve- that the Interest thereon la tax- Ihe accounting and auditing pro- president to offer their own accounts percent; Kemper at 9.19 ture the upward swings in mam Bonda maturing In tha prin- able or ahall ba tenable at a fu- teeelon, a recognlied profaaalon, tied to money market cent since late 1982. cipal amount of In oach ture daw for federal Income tax and It la not poaaibla to obtain percent; Fidelity Ready rates." of tho yoara IMS to 1992, m- purpoeee In auoh caae tha de- coffipfgfUUva b*da>. aAo rates. Cash Money Market Fund. But, while he's confi- cluelve, S600.000 In Nth ot tha poalt made by him ahall ba re- BEIT FURTHER RESOLVED of ICCA yaara 1993 to 1999. inclusive. turned and ha will be relieved ol that a copy of ihla resolution ba Money market funds' Boston, Mass., with 9.16dent, he isn't being and 1445.000 In tha yaar 3000; hla contractual obligations aris- publlahed In Tha Dally Reglater MIDDLETOWN - ing horn the acceptance ot hla within ten (10) daya of its peas instant liquidity through percent and CIGNA Money foolhardy. If the Kemper 1290.000 Sowar Utility Bonda Harry A. Cozzi, Middle- Market Fund (a load fund Money Market Fund gains Consumer maturlna In tha principal amount check-writing became a of $ in aach of tha yaara If the Bonda qualify lor Is- Sfarch 19. 1994 town, president-elect of curse. More and more in- requiring commission fee) 5 percent in assets for the 19W to 1991. incknlva. and suance ot any policy of municipal Mar. 19 S14.04 the Independent Com- at 9.12 percent. year as a whole "we'll be SI0.000 in aach of tha yaara 1991 bond Insurance or commitment vestors started writing credit therefor et the option of In- •ATONTOWN BOARD puter Consultants As- happy," he says. Money ID MOO. Incluaho. creaaed costs of leeuance of the those checks in order to The Kemper Money Tn# oofnblnvQ nuMuf ttyKh9d ' OP EDUCATION sociation (ICCA), will ulo for tho bonda M aa followe Bonda resulting by reason of 119 BROAD STRaiT stash their dollars in theMarket had slipped from market fund money moves Yaar auch Insurance, unless othorwlee •ATONTOWN. be installed as president stock market or bank ac- quickly either way with the increases paid, shall be paid by auch bid- NEW JCR9CV 07724 an asset high of $4.3 billion (Both dataa induelve) Amount der. Any failure ot the Bonda to of the nationwide as- counts instead. The funds trends. 1999 10 1991 9M0.000 be eo Inaurad or of any auch NOTICE sociation at its national in 1982 to a low of $3.4 WASHINGTON (AP) - 1992 270.000 policy of insurance to be laeuod The regular meeting of the began slip-slidin away, billion last fall. But the All- money market funds 1993 to 1999 920.000 ahall not In any way relieve the Eatontown Board of Education conference in Texas is Consumers took out $4.34 2000 4W.O0O purchaser of hla contractual obll- scheduled for Monday. April 2, relegated to financial fund, which requires a are not alike, though they • Qej aftasuK BVi^fcfBujo. -— — —Issue! *— -* SA> All Mddara for tha Bonda mini gatlona arising from the accep- May. flash-in-the-pan status. billion more in installment bo paruclpanla of Tha OopeWi- tance of hla propoeel lor the Monday, April 9, 1994 at 9:00 $1,000 minimum invest- all buy short-term money debt than they paid off wry Truat Company or afflllalad purchase ot tha Bonda. P.M. in tha Ealontown Board ol Cozzi is the founder But 1984 has been a ment, has worked its way market instruments. Aver- with Ita perttclpanta. Tho Oanaral Education Meeting Room. 21S and president of Auto- during January, the gov- Improvement Bond* and tho it la anticipated mat CUSIP Broad Street. Ealontown. N J comeback year for money back up to $3.8 billion in age duration at Kemper is ernment has reported. So«ar Utility Bonda will bo la- Identification numbers will be Thla will be tho annual re- mated Software Design, recent weeks. It invests 36 days. But at various CtutM ft#pSffitaly, wtih s#ch t>#4ny printed on the Bonda. All ex- organuatlon meeting of the market funds, as the stock The Federal Reserve In tha form ot ona coruflcato lor peneeo In relation to the printing Eatontown Board ol Education. Inc., a computer con- market has sputtered. The half of its money in short- funds, the investment ve- tha aggrogata principal amount of CUSIP numbers on tha Bonda u.r 10 Sfljfjt sulting firm in Middle- term commercial paper Board said the January of aach laaua of Bonda maturing ahall be paid lor by tha issuer. funds have gained more hicles might be bank CDs, increase was down from in aach yaar and will ba payable provided, however, that the 227 Highland* town. CUSIP Service Bureau charge than SB billion since the and the other half in short- commercial paper, U.S. aa to both principal and Intaraal f« SOLUTION the record $6.61 billion net m lawful monay of tha unltad for tho eaalgnment ol the A member of ICCA's start of the year, kicking term bank certificates of Treasury bills and notes. numbers ahall be the responsi- WHEREAS, there exlata the jump in consumer debt Blataa of Amorlea. Each need for profeealonel aervlcea national board of direc- deposit. U.S. government agency oartmoato win ba raglalarad In bility ol and shall be paid tor by them back up to around posted in December. But the purchaser. for Iho Planning Board 01 Ihe tors since 1980, Cozzi ma nama of Cada * Co. aa noml- Borough ol Highlands and: S170 billion in assets. (In- "Usually the funds are securities or bankers' ac- analysts said the drop-off noa of Tho expository Truat The obligation hereunder to WHEREAS. Local Public Con- founded the New sured bank money market ceptances. Company. Naw York, Naw York. deliver and to accept the Bonda traota Law. N.J.8.A. York/New Jersey only 1 percent over the was expected because the •Utah will act u Securlliea Oo- ahall be conditioned on the avail- 40A:11-5(1 )(•) requires thai the funds, now at $235 million, inflation rate, but econ- "The funds that stressed December borrowing rate poaltory. Tha canltlcataa will bo ability and the delivery at tha reaofutlon awarding tha contract chapter of ICCA in have made similar gains an dapoott with Tha Dapoaitory time ol delivery ol the Bone ol la) etate the supporting reaaona and omic circumstances have government securities are was unsustainably high. Truat Company. Tha Dapoaitory Iho approving opinion of Iho law be printed In e newspaper of April, 1981, and served this year.) changed, with the real rate down 30 percent in assets Truat Company will ba reepon- firm of Kraft * Hughes. Newark. general circulation nol more then as its president two slNe for maintaining a book en- New Jeraey. which will be tan (10) deya after paaaage ol the of return moving a solid 4 from their peak year, Kathleen Cooper, senior try ayatam for recording tha furnished without coat to the suc- years. This chapter has "One of the most critical Intoraata of Ita paruclpanta or mo ceoetul bidder, to the affect that factors in the resurgence to S percent above a 4 having lost most of their financial economist at Se- tjranafara of tho intoraata among the Bonda are valid and legally NOW. THEREFORE BE IT RE- become one of the larg- percent inflation rate." money to the insured bank curity Pacific National na pamclpanta. Tha parilclpania binding obligations ol the Town- SOLVED by ihe Planning Board est and most successful has been the fact that will bo raaponalNa lor maln- ahlp of Holmdal. that all the lex- of tho Borough ot Highlands that people are concerned about Rachwalski notes. money market accounts." Bank, said the January < I Mining rocorda ragardlng ma able real property therein will be John O'Mara, Eaq. be appointed ICCA chapters, Cozzi increase was still "a very Lundln. Maaara. covery we will see in-"moral obligation" offer- be a drop-off in purchases on Cutober 1, 1994 and aaml- date of auch delivery, to the ef- Branln. Jemeo. Jordon (All. »2> area. broad moves in the mar- annually thereafter on tha flrat fect that there la no liugallon Kovlc. Marker. Phillips. Wilson creases in interest rates of ings such as those tied to of durable goods such as daya of Asm and October In pending or no Ihe knowledge ol and Manrodt NAVES: None ICCA, founded in 1976 ket." the Federal National Mort- each year until maturity Princi- the signer or algnera thereof) AB8ENT: Andrewa. Veughan one-half to three-quarters cars and appliances. pal and intaraal on the Bonda will threatened affecting the validity ABSTAIN: None in St. Louis, Mo., is a The top five money mar- of a percentage point, with gage Association. The be paid to tha Securities Deposi- ol the Bonds A copy ol Ihe ap- I hereby certify the above lo be non-profit organization ket funds last year accord- accompanying volatility in most aggressive, highest- The annual rate of tory by me Townahlp ot Holmdal. proving opinion will appear on a true copy of Resolution - -. — — **- - e^ - -* _ .-.ill fcvA the Bonda dedicated to promoting bonds and stocks,". yielding money' market growth in debt in January IflWMI On 1n# avOfvQS will Ow adopted by the Highlands Plan- ing to Lipper Analytical crodltwd to m» par.tciMi.ta of ning Board of tho Borough ol professionalism within Rachwalski predicts. "The funds have much of their was 13.7 percent, com- John P. Wadlngton Hlghlanda. County of Monmouth. Services were GIT Cash TtM Dapoaitory Trust Company Clerk/Treeaurar the data processing in- money tied up in com- a* IliMd on tha racorda ol Tha Naw Jafsiay al a maatlng h#fd on Trust of Arlington. Va , best way to preserve capi- pared with 17.7 percent in DATED March 12, 1994 — March 9. 1994 dustry Dapoattory Trutt Company as of Mar. 19 910704 with a 9.41 percent return; tal is to stick with shorter- mercial paper of various the final three months of aach nsxt pracadlng March IS Mary Sclorllno. Secretary and Saptambar 15 (tha "Racord March 19 S16.M Calvert Social Investment term vehicles such as degrees of credit-worthi- 1984 Dalai" tor tha pay man) of Intaraal on lha Bonda). 222 Ealontown Each proposal subminad mutt nama tha rata or ralas of Intaraat MBOLUTION CONFIHMINQ par annum to ba borna by tha APPOINTMENT OP INOINEER bonds and tr>« rata or rataa WHEREAS, there oxlala the nimad must ba multlplas ot ona- need for engineering aervlcea for atghth or ona-twantiath of ona Ihe Eatonlown Sewerage par oantum. Not mora than ona Authority. Borough ot Eeton- fast may ba namad lot Bonds of town, County ot Monmouth: and the eame maturity. There la no WHEREAS, funds are or will be limitation on the number ol rataa available lor Ihla purpose; and that may be named. II more than WHEREAS. Local Public Con- one raw of Internet la namad. no tracts Law. N.J.S.A. 40A: 11-1 re- Interest raw namad tor any quire* that tha resolution award- maturity may ba leaa man the Ing the contract atate the sup- Interest raw namad tor any prior porting reasons and be printed maturity. The difference between In a newapapar ol general the lowest and tha highest rataa circulation not more than tan namad in the proposal shall not daya after paaaege of the resol- exceed two per centum (2%) ution. Each proposal submitted must IDS ANGELES NONSTOP be tor all of lha bonda and the NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RE- purchaea price specified In tha SOLVED by the Eetonlown Sew- *ONE proposal must be not leaa than erage Authority. Borough ol io.ietj.000 The Bonda will be Eatontown, Counly ol Mon- WAY awarded W the bidder on whose mouth, that Francis A. Qoeke la bid the total loan may be msDaal appointed Authority Engineer for the loweat not Intaraat coat Such e term ot one (1) year ending net Intereat coat ahall be com- January 31. 1995. The person puted, aa to each bid. by adding hereby appointed la a member of to the total principal amount of the engineering profession, and II Is not possible to obtain com- $170 Bonda, tha total Intereat coal to maturity In accordance with such patJtlva bidn and bid and by deduction therefrom BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED •u- Fly World's nonstop service to of Iho amount ot premium. If any, thai a copy ol Ihla raaolullon be bid. No propoeel ahall ba con. published In The Dally Register sldered that otfera to pay an within ten (10) deya of Ita pass- L.A. and take advantage of this spe- amount leaa than the principal amount of Bonda offered for aale March 13. 1994. cial midweek* fare. And you can enjoy of under which the total loan la March 19 11332 5 mada at an Intaraat coat higher World's Ultra Service "* along the way. than the lowest not interest coal W the Townahlp under any le- Complimentary wine, a choice of three gally acceptable proposal if two or more such bJddera oner to pay the lowest net Interest coat, entrees, and more. than the bonda will be add to 228 Eatontown one of euoH bidders salaiwd by RESOLUTION CONFIRMING, To take advantage of World's super lot tram among all such bidden. APPOINTMENT Of ATTORNEY The purcheaer must alao pay an WHEREAS, there exleta Ihe low fares and for all your travel needs, amount equal w the intereat on naad for laoal aarvtcaa tor tha the Bonda aooruad to the daw ot Eatontown sawaraga Authority, just call your local travel agent. Or call payment of tha purchaae price. Borough of Eatontown, County of Monmouttt. and World Airways at 800-772-2600 or The right la reserved 10 refect WHEREAS, tunda ara or win ba HI bide, and any bid not comply- availabla for thia purpoaa; and 301- 547- 8S9O in Baltimore or 202- ing with the tonne of this notice WHEREAS. Local PubHC Con- will ba refected. tract! Law. N.J.S.A. 4OA:11-1 n> 298-7155 in Washington. Hurry, some Each bidder la required toda - quiraa that ma raaolution award- Doett a certified, traaaurara or ing tha contract atata tha aup- restrictions may apply. ceehlefa check payable to the porting raaaona and ba prtntad order of tha TOYVNSHIP OF In a nawapapar of gtmar-n HOLMDCL for 9123,900 drawn circulation not mora than tan upon a bank or truat company, daya attar paaaaga of lha raaoi- and auoh check mual be utlon; encloeed with the proposal NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RE- When the succeeelul bidder haa SOLVED by lha Eatontown Saw- baan aacanamed. all auch de- araga Authority. Borough ot poatta wilt ba promptly returned Eatontown, County of Mon- to tho pareone making them, ex- mouth, that Jamaa Hurray )• ap- cept the check of the aucceeetul polntad Authority Atlornay for \MMLD bidder, which wM be applied In tha Eatontown Sawaraga part paymacrt foe tha Bonds or to Authority for a tarm of ona (1) aocure the Townahlp from any andlng January 31. IMS. lose reeutung from the failure of Cparson haraby appointed it the bKMer to comply with the a mambar ol tha tagaJ pro- torme of hla bid Award ot the faaaton. a racognlzad profaaalon. For people who hale to waste money. Bonda to the aucceoatul bidder and H la not poaaibla to obtain or refection of a* bide la ex- compatitlva bida« ano pected to be made wiuiln iwu BE II FUHIHfcH nt9UL>EU houra aflac opanlno of tha bios, but auch aucceeetul bidder may that a copy ot ihla resolution bo published In The Deny Reglater not withdraw Ma propoeel until •TUesday and Wednesday only. Fares and schedules •her 11:30p.m. of the day ot within ten (10) daya of lie paaa- auoll fceKpanlng and than only subject to change without notice. II auoh award haa not been made hfar'ch 13. 1*94 Mer. IB 914.04 The DailyRegister Soviets loot U.S. high tech WASHINGTON - Like sticky-fingered could be watching for highly sensitive Established in 1878 — Published by The Red Bank Register kids turned loose in a candy store, the items. A Capital Cities Communications Inc. Newspaper Soviets are looting the West of its high The CIA has a list of the items the technology. They are using the infor- Soviets want most — the gourmet prod- JAMES E McKEARNEY. JR mation to develop sophisticated weapons ucts in the high-tech supermarket instead Preiidenl

Maiody oaddis. M,S Beatrice iwi of fotowa; and two grand- and Miss Minnie Daniels; grandfather ...... B Robert D. Williams of three Funeral service Wed. 11 am CMIdren. at Calvary Baptist Church. Red Bank fne Jonn f Pfleger OCEAN - Robert D. Long Branch. ^°%£?%£^-J£ZX. Funeral Home. Middle- Williams. 63. of Oakhurst. Born in Altoona. Pa., he A Fnenda may call at Ihe church Tuesday town, is in Charge Of ar- died yesterday at Monreside- d in Neptune until 0-e n9 _ p.m.'Fraterna_ 'P__a^«nBl smnjdr»A k*jilll hdAlfservici all e will begin at mouth Medical Center. moving here 35 years ago. 0 p.m. rangements. Mr. Williams was an SANDRITTER - Joseph O. age auto mechanic for Nor- 60. of Laurence Harbor, on March 17. Adelaide Wortman Tydeman 1904. Beloved husbsnd of Mae Flnlllo wood Distributors, Long Sandritter. father of Joan Dzergoski LAKEWOOD — Trenton Normal School. Branch. and William Also survived by two Adelaide Wortman She was a permanent grenchlldren. Funeral Service Wednes- He was a U.S. Army dsy at 10 a.m. at Kurzawa Funeral Tydeman, 79, died yester- member of the U.S. Coast Home. 330 Main SI.. South Amboy. day at Claremont Care Guard Auxiliary Flotilla veleran of World War " Interment Rosedale Memorial Park. Linden, visitation Monday al 7-9 p.m Center, Point Pleasant. 87 Point Pleasant. She was Surviving are his wife. and Tuesday at ?-4 and 7-9 p.m. Born in Long Branch, a past flottilla commander Georgianna Walch Wil- she resided in Brick until of Flotilla 88. Point liams; a daughter, Linda TYDEMAN — Adelaide Wonmen. ape 79. on Sun.. March 19. 1904. of moving here in 1978. Pleasant. Sue Mazurek of Asbury 023B Velmorel Court. Lskewood. Sister Before retiring in 1950, Surviving is a sister Park; and two grand- ol Marjorle Foster. Funeral services on S JOrie F Sler daUghterS OCCUPANCY MAY 1984 Worden Funeral HOme. 00 E. Front St.•. WucIZ EdK ffL B^ ° °' Per further details call: Red Benk Interment Glenwood Cem- Long Branch High School The Worden Funeral The Hoffman Funeral etery. West Long Branch, visitation (201)747-9140 Monday at 7-9 p.m. u S C O Auxiliary for 20 years. Home. Red Bank, is inHome. Long Branch, is in Service Monday at 7:30 pm She was a graduate of charge of arrangements. charge of arrangements A8 The Daily Krister MONDAY, MARCH 19. 1984 President Gerald Ford, for- OT0P40VMKM MONDAY PRIMETIME mer Secretary of Stele OTHEH0NEYM00NEM Edmund Muskle. U.S. 8MM- S M8DC STORY "A Con- 7:00 7:30 6:00 | 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 I 10:30 lors Daniel Patrick Moy- variation With Preeldent nlhen (D-N.Y), Christopher Jimmy Carter" Hoddlng OMNsas The Tom Scanoroa tUn. rung Kan I ASM Nsahan TELEVISION TODAY • CagneylLway Dodd (O-Conn), Orrln Hatch Carter dleeueaaa lite O MCNM Famt|Feud TVs Men NBCUveTtMet (R-Ulah) end former Reagan administration's Supreme Court Justice Inlormallon policy with for- • U'A'i'H MFanH) PHMag, C Burnett UenQrMn mm Potter Stewart, g mer Preeldenl Jimmy EVENMO B ENTERTAINMENT Carter. TONIGHT Featured: enter- Q) "Scruples" World of EnlTonkjM Mesa Mm* "no> Ant Famous" TMC MOVIE ** 'NailonsI AKNrn • MOV* **W "First To JNEWS tainer Jerry Lewis * fashion, money and a Lampoon's Movie Mad- eooao««' SstMgM Benny He Nsanl SstWgril CouMauAraion neea" (1981, Comedy) Rob- Fight" (1087, Drams) Chad • t THRCE'THREE'S COMPANC Y O BENNY HILL power, love and lull! o ID NEWS by Benson. Richard Wld- Everett, Marilyn Devln. OVEQA1 Mfcriont NSM Souoaa HNNsn [Nam mark. • 8TAR8KY AND HUTCH • MICE O THREE'S COMPANY opena Scruplea, a Holly- a TMC MOVE **K "Ham- i BARNEY MILLER W NHL HOCKEY Philadel- wood boutique (Part t 01 3) MatNeVLeMr G USA NHL HOCKEY Chlcego Anonymous; attend a solve the rmirder of a gos- 8:0R ® MOVIE ** * 'The Fer nsvy supply ship In the tion ol a 300-mile-long Beth South Pacific, fears his archipelago of islands In ONEW O BEST OF CARSON Host: Black Hawka et Montreal fuluriatic electronic thow at sip columnist and break a Country" (1955. Adventure) Canediene (R) the collsaum; take a tour of drug smuggling operstion James Stewart, Ruth dream of seeing combst the Caribbean, e place of INDEPENDENT NET- Johnny Carson. Guests: Manhattan: and meat Koko O NEWS 9: PRIMETIME Roman. duty will never be fulfilled great natural beauty threat WORK NEWS singer Glen ' Campbell, 12:400 COLOMBO A photogra- the gorilla, a chimp who ID SCRUPLES Billy Ikehorn 8:300 CAROL BURNETT AND because the ehlp's ened by 20th-century Indus ID WAR POWERS: THE actor-comedian Dom pher hatches a phony kid- knowe aign language (Lindsay Wagner), a young overbeerlng captain Irlalliatlon. PRESIDENT AND CON- Delulse. (R) napping scheme lo get rid FRIEND8 of his overbearing wife. O FAMILY FE woman married to an elderly SATURDAY NIQHT (Charles Durnlng) wishes to SHOW MOVIE **«, "With GRESS Thla roundtable dis- THICKE OF THE NIQHT 1:00 O HOQAN' S HEROES I ALL IN THE FAMILY multimillionaire Invalid, 8 KATE a ALLIE (Prsm- keep him under his supervi- out A Trace" (1983, Oreme) cussion includes former 8t IAB 'C NEWS NIQHTLINE Cher was sitting watching TV when she was nominated

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif, iAi't - • "Nominated for Cher seems perplexed that people will not take her One of her rejections came from famed director best performance by an ftctrMi in :i supporting role seriously. Mike Nichols. She recalled telling him angrily. Cher, SilkwomJ ..." "I suppose it would have been easier if my private "You're wrong! I'm real talented, and some day Cher and boyfriend Kilmer wire watching the life hadn't been so public. " she admitted. "The you'll realize that I am!" television screen in the bedioom of her opulent trouble with being as visible as I have been is that Two years ago she moved lo New York with her Benedict Canyon home as Mickey Roonoy announced people only see the obvious. children, Chastity Bono and Elijah Allmann. and the nominee? for the 19R.1 Aeidemy awards Her ' I m not really rebellious, but I refuse to live my tried her luck with stage producers. Same result. But reaction' life the way I'm supposed to. As a result. I've made her mother was a friend of Robert Altman. the film "I just tori HI ,i [>ti'd the news automatically my mistakes in public. But if I patterned my life for director ("M-A-S-H") who was staging a play, and then went back lo doing my morning exercises. the benefit of public opinion, I'd still be with Sonny." "Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean." It wasn't until two days later, after rending about That's where it all started: Sonny and Cher. In 1965 Cher won a role and was cheered by the critics. the reactions of the oilier nominee!), thai the import she and Sonny Bono borrowed $168 and made a hit "I was amazed, ' she said. "It was the first play of it hit me Then I was really shook " single, "Baby. Don't Go." With "I Got You, Babe." I had ever been in. I tried out for ;+he Mikado' in Her reaction was in character. During her IS years they became record stars. They co-starrcd'oh their school, but I lost." as a show biz luminary. Cher has projected an image own TV variety show, with Cher appearing in of total cool, bordering on ultimate boredom Yet outrageous gowns and putting down her husband with The best result of "Jimmy Dean" was a visit underneath all that is a woman of drflnnt smart cracks. backstage by Mike Nichols, who told her. "I was independence .mil relentless ambition. I was miserable, she recalled in an interview wrong. You're real talented, and I'm sorry 1 didn't However belated, she taken great pleasure in her at her home, a white-columned Egyptian monument. realize it." nomination as one of the five best supporting It wasn't good for me. and it wasn't good for Sonny. actresses of the year It marks a milestone in the We had lo break up for the good of both of us The Nichols cast her as Dolly Pellikcr, the sardonic career of a star who admittedly has been the object best advice I had was from l.ucy f Ball, who split with lesbian who shares a house with Meryl Streep and of derision. co-star husband Ocsi Arnaz) She told me, (lo on and Kurt Russell in "Silkwood." "I saw it myself when I went to a theater tn work, don't worry what people say, just work ' Westwood where they were showing trailers for ( ll


ALL MY CHILDREN: Llla goes to piCCCI when Rtnnding (lies, feeling ment if she gets Brock to Philip and Beth apart. Regaining consciousness, Hutch discovers plan .inil decides not to crossex- Visiting Tom in hospital. she learns Maggie i« the at pence with himself. admit Rick did not lake Philip tells Alan their rela- Dorian discovers she can't has line ol his hit men onamine on the witness Brooke agrees to consider womaU_ Frank's in Invc while Marty plans to find bribe. Brock and (Jinny tionship is over. f'.(\ in- move her legs Seeing plane, but the man is Sl! reconciliation but changed with l.ila tolls Prank Mug- his heritage ludy too con agree Jimmy Lee bungs forms Hilly Hick not father David and Jenny kiss, murdered before he can YOl>Nt; AND THE mind when she m ei-hears gie only became ins |r>vci eerneil nhoul finding Mas his mother Roatrii e to of Mindy's baby Dorian lyingly claims kill Joe. Jacqueline tells RESTLESS: Lauren Mona and Mark discuss so he could fathw hnr ine s iTiutderci to have J'ort (,'harlos and is LOVING: Stacj wonders David pushed her down- Siobhan she is "no longer agrees to consider living stunned because Beatrice Tom and Krica's recent child 1'ranny fc.irs she'll romantic interlude with if Tony ever loved her stairs and tells Jenny not to pregnant " and to he with Caul Neil, Lauren's anrl Edward seem to gel night of lovetnakinp lose Kirk il she continue Preacher Returning Lnrna tries to get Tony to marry such a violent man careful of Joe s bab\ he- father, walks in while Paul along so well When Phoebe tells Tom Brooke is to postpone lovem.iktng home Haven anrl Skv met move in with her grand- (ins considers making Dan- cause il may be the last and Lauren are in bed. Beatrice says she plans to pregnant l.angkv win ins CAPITOL: While Jnrdy by Rnn fi'ting Donnic. parents. Warren and Nor- ny have had accident. Alec- he'll ever have Johnny and Kaye scheduled to have stay in Port Charles. Alan angered when Anthony to Hilary but doean t reveal visitine Beth. Thomas ar- dies-'-'l as clo'vn. Oiinther ecn growing closer Curtis Maevc touched when plastic surgery on March and Monica devise scheme tries to pin embezzlement he is her father Phoebe rives and .lordy hides in feels Dunnir not whal he warns Lorna she may be neighborhood throws St. 23rd Kaye's surgeon, Dr. to get rid of her Josh on him. Bo pretends to be cuts Langlev » allowance bedroum Beth gels seems and nuinages to Cabot's favorite grand Patrick s Day b.ish and Jacobs, confides his shocked when he hears Bill Brady and begins work Erica puts trxnqulllzei m Thomas lu go for walk lie snve Haven and Sky child, hut Isabel lias raises $40,000 to rebuild parents were killed in a sung he wrote plaved on at factory Bo tells Harry Danielle's coffee on Holly tells her he wants her lo he Haven uneasy about l.ognn always favored linn Curtis Ryan's bar concentration camp and radio as tune Blnrkie that Vicki might buy idea wood set When Danielle moving lo Monlieello. plans to make'sure Tony his sister has never gotten perfect and it s not fair to wrote ol workers purchasing fac- SEARCH FOR TOMOR- collapses, it looks is ( hris begins work as te does not rise in the com- over the ordeal. Mark her Thomas admits he still tory Asa and Becky tell ROW: Wendy fears that hiihilitution therapist. wants to regain control of though she overdosed on doesn't Inist flelh bill .GUIDING LIGHT: On pany hierarchy. Mike and l.ucirnla she must move to she'll lose Warren now that Margerone Cosmetics. He drugs. Waning tn know wants the two of them In (JK.MIUI. HdSriTAL: the stand, Bradley admits Sliana make love Cabot guest house Suzi is pregnant T.H. cries where Krica is. \dam make a p" nl their rela- Leslie's death In <'ar acii- he raped Beth and pleads warns Curtis lo stay away about Travis going to In- doesn't believe Dina's starts to choke Monn but is tionship ftnnni stunned ilenl Muns Pott Charles. for forgiveness Beth tells from Shana HYAIM'S HOPE: Siobhan donesia even thouph Travis story that she's in Genoa stopped by Ross. Adam when Wally admits lie has Hobhl blames Brock as he Bradley he needs help and ONK LIFE TO LIVE: reassigned lo desk job at has promised to return. City to be near her chil- finally finds Erica in Molly- confusetl feelings about had argument with Leslie that she s trying to under- Cassie thinks David pushed police station. Jackie and Warren rejects Wendy's dren. wood, is wise to her Bicinl.i Julie doesn't tell just hefor" her aecidenl stand what he did to her Dorian downstairs. David Bill hatch plan to have Joe attempts to make love scheme Involving Danielle Tyler she H really pregnant Rick toll.-- liinnv lie II not but can I Seeing that Man feels if Dorian comes to liken ti> Sweden, not Switz- after she dumps her birth ATLANTIC CINEMA and gets het to return [fl press <-fi.ii (-*«' "I entrap- hired Bradley to keep she will exonerate him erland as everyone thinks ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS M1014B and that the pregnancy control pills. Stephanie ALL SEATS 12.00 New York, but Etica HI could endanger her life by tells Martin she'd like to sists on her own apart- causing stroke Slonneasks see Warren executed and - I0M HHUK ment Brondu to lie her maid of Martin says her prayers WllD'llf Mill rift r)ifltl ANOTHKK VVDHI 1): honoi tlordy agrees lo l>v just might be answered. 'rieudnthtirirjrt Cass changes mind iihrnil IYPJ hest man MOVIE TIMETABLE Suzi meets Kate and is getting Jamie tn make surprised to learn Cagney novel steamier when he DAY8UFUUK LIVES: Inloin nt'Hi fri' th« movie Hni«. FREEHOLD KEVPORT MPAA RATINGS iBbio r. p".'«"il by Ihnatei ope*- FREEHOLD CINEMA 6 — THE MOVIES OF KEYPORT - Q — General audiences. never told his mother realizes the woman in the Stefano gives Tony per- • -'i mnvies am *ub|p(t Ic TafoiB ol Endonrnmnl (PO) f 1^ Tirol Blood (RJ 7 iS.-Uorhny Pn'** PO — All ages. (Parental guidance Charpfi it * •ncormnonriod Ilia* 940 about her. Jack's lawyer mission to marry Anna (R) B 45 suggested) book is Cass s sister SI ICJ rand*)'* call !••<> l^atef In i o-ii m FREEHOLD CINtMA 6 - - LONG BRANCH R - Restricted (Persons under 17 Maisie asks Tallin to start (Jwcn. also seeing Trista s Mike 9 Murder (R) 7 ?0. 3 3S LONG BRANCH MOVIES I — not admitted unless accom- MONM0UTH COUNTY FREEHOLD CINEMA f. -- FaotlooBB (PG) 725. 9 30 panied by parent or edult restaurant with her Jamie image, assures Eugene ABERDEEN TOWNSHIP Chlldrnn cil the Corr. \T\) *> M * 15 LONG BRANCH MOVIES II - guardian) "DHBRA'S PERFECT learns Carl controls (Sreen- he's not losing his mind. STRATHMOftf CINEMA I — FREEHOLD CINEMA 6 — CMIdrsn ol the Corn (R) 7 30 9 10 X - Adult* only '. .ss.'t-r Hj 7 ?Q. t ?0 The Tank (PGi 7 25. 9 30 IN PERFKCT FREEHOLD CINEMA & - space, which Sandy Kugene finds project len MnATHMORE CINEMA II — MIDDLETOWN .- n«ly Guy nn s cheap hotel room with Footloose |PG( 1 00 7 15. 9 15 P4RK CINEMA - Over Ihn ptnohNi Bridar (f'Q» UA MIDDLETOWN IV — MIKE'S MURDER practical joker may turn Marie less and Chris '••.» LHP*"-. XKX' 13 OR. ? 30 7 20, 9 25 Tank (PG) 1 00. 7 00. 9 15 violent. David tells i ail he stranded in snow Neil gels 5 H(i ; »n. 10 ON Aii'tiur :XXXi ' 15 nr g CINEMA m - UA MIDOLETOWN V - -\ ' 1= 15. KV> The Ice Piretws iPG) / 1f.. 9 18 Mike's Murder (R) 1 00. 7.30 9 40 lost everything in i had Lu In return to jail and ATLANTIC HinHLANDS RT 9 CINEMA IV - UA MIDDLETOWN VI - *ILANIIC CINEMA « P. *£MW investment reenact their wedding The Dresfior (POl 7 10 1 if Agninst All Odds 7 30. 9 ?0 700. 920 COMMUMITY II ~ COUNTRY - • «.: %'iO ' i ! '- F75 rtSII) she learns Zack is her pen EJ1GE OF NIGHT: SD'fl-^ tt"3) 7 ?0, 9 30 Lnsslpr (R) 7 .10. 9 30 pal and Ariel lyingly told OCEAN TOWNSHIP Adler confesses he killed SEAVIEW SQUARE CINEMA I — Zack Kim hari her sec- I'roud Bear and that Proud Mike's Murdor |R( 7 40 9 50 SEAVIEW SQUARE CINEMA II — retary answer his letters Bear never went overseas. The Ice Pirates (PGt 7 45 9 45 rt- MIODLEBROOK I — Two ol a Kind (PG) 7 15. 9 15 MIODLEBROOK II — V, LnSftiter |B, 7 30. 9 30 ^am.»; BARGAIN MAIINHS (200 RED BANK S8^T7 Early Bird Matinte Price •< RED BANK MOVIES I - The Right Stuff (PG) 7 45 5 00 RED BANK MOVIES II - The Droasor (PG) 7 15 9 40 M0N0AV NITE N-V^X r $2 0ARGAIN NITE j Only Fml Milniff Only SHREWSBURY ALL SEATS UDD SHREWSBURY PLAZA CINEMA I Footloose (PG, 7 45 10 00 SHREWSBURY PLAZA CINEMA II Unfaithfully Yours (PG) 730. 9 30 vm IHURS 1.7 910 SHREWSBURY PLAZA CINEMA III MMtfHimi Against Alt Odds (PG) 7 30. 9 45 MIKE'S MURDER 7:«« »i» FOOTLOOSE .i MIDDLESEX COUNTY rMN-THUK I 10 Mb IIS S E0I80N ICE PIRATES PEC\M- MENLO PARK CINEMA I — BLAME IT ON RIO il 0\NNEB S Agnmst All Odds (B| 1 30. 4 15. 7:45 > *i45 •vm rmjRS iin tn 7.30. 9 45 MCNLO PARK CINEMA 'I — SHREWSBURY PLAZA TANK Unls'thlully Yours (PG) 2 00. 3 50. •rim IHURS i.; ii, 9» 5 40.7:50, 10 00 KfVIN a*CON MIDDLETOWN WOODBRIDQF fit Jil'rVm.r «,» (M IG70 AGAINST ALL ODDS IB CINEMA I — FOOTLOOSE (F51 MOM IHURS. 19 II ,.„»«.-«•' Footloose (PGr 1 30 3 30, 5 30. 7:41 y 10:00 7 30. 9 30 ouDilt moon S91* CINEMA II — UNFAITHFULLY YOURS TERMS OF ENDEARMENT Mike's Murtfnr (Rt l 40. 3 45. 5 50. 1:U « •:tftvC MDN-THUIK I IS. MM ] 7 55. 10:00 SOMERSET COUNTVOMERSET AGAINST ALL ODDS ra MIKE'S MURDER RUTGERS PLAZA CINEMA I — m Mm IKIDS I 110.940 1*1 Footloose (PGI 7 30. 9 30 7:M U «:4S RUTGERS PLAZA CINEMA It - Tn« tco F'.rmos IPG, 7 35 9 30 I The Daily Register MONDAY, MARCH 19, 1984 Your Town B==; GREATER RED BANK LONG BRANCH EATONTOWN Purim brings joy to county

BY TERRY MOORE Esther, " has been read by Kaiman again, secure citizens of Persia," could really spend some time at the synagogue for more than 20 Landy narrates. "This Megillah, or together." There was plenty of song, dance, years. scroll of Esther, is read in its At the Congregation Bet Tefilah, fun and games over the weekend, The Megillah was read again at entirety on the festival of Purim, Matawan, the Megillah was read at as families throughout the county the synagogue yesterday, at 9 a.m. which precedes the holiday of 7:30 p.m. Saturday and yesterday celebrated Purim at their syn- and 10 a.m. Passover, (which) commemorates at 8:30 a.m. Yesterday afternoon, agogues. The festival of Purim — accord- the rescue of the entire Jewish at 4 p.m., a Seuda festive meal was Purim — which began at sun- ing to Landy — "originated in the people." followed by music and dancing. down Saturday — commemorates escape of the Jewish citizens of Passover begins on April 16 and Entertainment was provided by the deliverance of the Jews from a Ancient Persia from a threat of ends April 23. The Mark Infield Orchestra, a despotic rule in Persia. In tra- total annihilation." She described The reading of the Megillah by group offering Israeli music, said ditional fashion, families ate Purim as "the holiday of warning Rabbi Ira Rothstein of the Temple Rabbi Aryeh Sokoloff. Hamantashen, a three-cornered and comfort to the Jews in that it tells them to be wary of enemies Beth Shalom, Manalapan, took "It was a very joyous occasion." filled pastry, and local synagogues place Saturday at 7:15 p.m. at the Sokoloff said observed the holiday with the and, at the same time, promises Milford Brooks School. Between reading of the Megillah. them that the Jewish people, as a A Purim family dinner held whole, will never cease to exist. 300-400 people attended the service, Some synagogues also held which was followed by a presen- Saturday night at the Monmouth carnivals for the children while The story of Purim tells of the evil Reform Temple. Tinton Falls, Haman, a courtier of the Persian tation of skits by youngsters from others offered family dinners. the synagogue's Hebrew School. brought out a crowd of 125 people, A carnival held yesterday at the king, who seeks the Jews' destruc- said Rabbi Sally Priesand. The Congregation B'nai Israel of tion." meal was followed by the reading Greater Red Bank, Hance and "Through the efforts of Queen Approximately 350 people show- of the Megillah Another reading Ridge roads, Rumson, attracted Esther and her uncle, Mordechai, ed up yesterday between U :30 a.m. was presented yesterday morning, approximately 200 people from who are Jews. " Landy continued to and 3:30 p.m. at the congregation's along with a carnival that was set 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., according tell the story, "the king of Persia carnival. Also held at the Milford up in the temple's religious school. to Phyllis Mintz, co-chairman of averts Haman's .fatal decree and Brooks School, the carnival con- The carnival, with "a wide the carnival's organizing commit- allows the Jews to defend them- sisted of "a number of booths that variety of booths. " lured approx- tee. selves against his armies. They were set up," Rothstein said. "It imately 250 people. Priesand said. The carnival, set up in the defeat their enemies and are, once was a time where the congregation "I was very pleased." she said. temple's social hall, featured a variety of games and a per- formance by magician Mr. Mys- terious, otherwise known as Fair Haven resident and congregation member Jake Gottlob. Also held was a childrens' costume contest in which "everybody was a winner," said Mintz, a Middletown resident. Hot dogs, apple juice and knishes were served as refreshments. While the youngsters played, adults were offered the opportunity to "hide away" in the Shu Shan Cafe, where food and beverages were served to the older folks only, Mintz said. "I had a great time," she went on. "I'm exhausted, but it's worth it." Mintz noted the carnival had been planned for two months. "It brings people together, which is very nice." Observation of Purim at the congregation began Saturday at 7 p.m. with the reading of the Riglitar photo by CM I Foilno Megillah by Red Bank resident CLOSE SHAVE — Michelle Lassoff. 10, of Englishtown. tries her Sidney Kaiman. The Megillah, de- hand at the delicate art of balloon shaving during the Purim Carnival scribed by Gloria Landy, president yesterday at Milford Brooks School, Freehold. of the synagogue, as "the scroll of Taxes to rise in Hazlet HAZLET - The Board of Educa- Marino accused some of his school buildings is $457,971. A tion's proposed 1984-85 budget will fellow board members of voting $23,000 capital outlay fund is slated result in a school tax increase of 13 "selfishly" in approving a tax for the installation of ramps for the R»glil»r photo by Cwl Fotlfio cents per $100 of assessed valu- increase and said he plans to lobby handicapped in Raritan High ation. against the budget. Citing the School. Union Avenue Middle FIGHTING FOR A FREEZE — Cornelia Dunn- opens an office at 54 Broad St., Red Bank Also If the budget is approved by municipal tax hike and the lanslide School and Cove Road Elementary Clark ol West End and the Rev. Harold R. Dean on hand for the opening are Penny DiMicelli of voters on April 3. the school tax defeat of this month's school busing School. of Lincroft hoid a nuclear freeze poster as the Tinton Falls, center left, Michel Duguay of Fair rate will jump from $2 38 to $2.51 referendum. Marino predicted Plans call for expanding the Monmouth Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Haven and Isabelle McFarland. Holmdel per each $100 of assessed valuation. voters would reject the budget. middle school foreign language and Thus, a homeowner whose property Marino also said the board should typing programs, which were in- is assessed at $40,000 will face an not be permitted to transfer funds troduced last year. Students and increase of $4 per month. throughout the school year. their parents will decide which Freeze group opens office In addition, the budget recently "We shouldn't mislead the pub- languages will be offered. adopted by the Township Commit- lic. The budget we introduce should The remaining board members tee will result in a municipal tax be stable, with just a little flexibili- present at Thursday's meeting — RED RANK Nearly 200 increase of 5 cents, up from 75 ty," Marino said. Allan M. Adelson, Anne Brodsky. people visited the new head- cents to 80 cents per $100. The budget calls for a local tax Howard F. Jones. Pauline Stevens quarters of the Monmouth Cam- Organizer: '/f was a very- Ir. sum. residents face a local tax levy of $7,358,560. Anticipated rev- and Board President Edward J. paign for Nuclear Disarmament increase of 5.7 percent. enues total $14,781,225. current O'Brien — all urged support for the during an open house yesterday The $15.7 million school budget expenses are $14,754,664 and proposed budget. afternoon, said* the group's successful afternoon... We were represents an increase of $918,199 $300,000 is earmarked for surplus. "We focused on the quality of treasurer. Isabrlle McFarland of over this year's budget. The largest line item increase education and the ability of resi- Holmdel mobbed. ' The board approved the budget will go to salaries for teachers and dents to pay," said Adelson, a The event, held at the 54 Broad Thursday by a 5-1 vote. The administrators, which jumped member of the finance committee. St. office from IS p.m., collected negative vote was cast by board $733,911. "We believe this budget shows a 29 new members f«r the organiza- member Martin Marino Debt service to pay mortgages on balance of the two." Although the group welcomes seeking pledges from voters to tion, which is an affiliate of the county residents of all ages, vote only for candidates who Coalition lor Nuclear Disarma- McFarland said the local or- support the nuclear freeze and ment, a Prineeton-b;jsed group. ganization is made up of "middle- who actively promote nuclear "It was a very successful disarmament. Ife&tendtupi afternoon." said McFarland. "We aged people, largely. And we were mobbed." expect to be quite effective in the Duguay said 70-80 percent of MCND. organized about two county," she added. those approached by representa- Johnson and Gov. Richard J. as a ship stabilizer; and the new The headquarters is funded by tives of the N.J. Freeze Voter '84 10 years ago Pan American Airways trans- months ago In local residents, is Hughes to the township's tercenten- aimed at the promotion of nuclear money raised in October's campaign have pledged He said Counterappeals in the Watergate nial parade on May 17. 1964. oceanic airplane, still under con- he finds that "most people are for struction. disarmament through public "Freezewalk" in Freehold and trial have delayed the introduction Scheduled to proceed down a sec- education Staffed by volunteers from private contributions. the freeze" and does not consider of valuable evidence into the tion of Route 35, the parade is 100 years ago daily, the office — the first of its Also during the open house, the freeze issue to be con- proceedings. In question is a expected to be the biggest ever. troversial anymore. satchel filled with incriminating A rash of thefts have been taking kind in the county — will serve as approximately 15 people signed documents, and a report compiled place in Asbury Park. Residents a center for the gathering and up to participate in the house-to- Rev. David Muyskens. a mem- by the grand jury that indicts seven 50 years ago are losing the contents of their dissemination of information. house canvass scheduled for ber of the organization's board, former administration and cam- refrigerators when they put their Currently, the organization has March 24 in the Red Bank area, said the turnout during the open paign aides with trying to the Television, the new wonder of the food out for the evening. One a membership ol approximately said Michel Duguay, one of 17 house was "large and modern world, comes to the Asbury victim, George Patterson, placed 200.. Judged by the interest of members of the group's Board of enthusiastic." Muyskens. a min- investigation of the Watergate in his ice box "tempting cuts of break-in. Park Scientific Show. Other community residents, "there has Trustees. ister at the Presbyterian Church. exhibits include models of Ger- beef, a dainty lot of fish, -snow- been a great need for something Shrewsbury, said the group is a many's "Hanseatic Express," the white bread, and a quantity of like this in the area." McFarland Duguay is the "organizer" of "channel for those who believe in 20 years ago fastest train on the Continent; the lard ' In the morning the only thing said. "It's really fulfilling a need the county's Nuclear Freeze the possibility ol a mutually Middletown invites President Italian gyroscope and its function left was a grease spot. Voter '84 campaiEn. a movement vcrifiahlp frpP7p COMMUNITY CALENDAR TODAY hold its Program-Sandwich Luncheon at 11:30 a.m. at Orchard Inn Call the chamber for reservations by Center, Chelsea Avenue. the clubhouse, 199 Jackson St. The Social Services today MIDDLETOWN - Middletown Area Chamber of RED BANK — The Kiwanis Club will meet at 7 p.m. Department will present a program for members and EATONTOWN - The Borough Planning Board will Commerce will hold a breakfast meeting at 8:30 a.m. at the Olde Union House. their guests. hold a meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Planning Board Room at Middletown Pancake House, Route 35. Janice Gray, Henry Stevenson will speak about Youth Employment KEANSBURG - The Keansburg Planning Board will in Borough Hall. There will be discussion on the plans a field representative of New Jersey Bell, will show Services. meet at 7:30 p.m. at the Municipal Building, 43 Church and projects in the southwest quadrant of the borough slides on "We Can Help" and discuss AT & T's SHREWSBURY - The Safe Energy Alternatives St. The public is invited. and Route 18. divestiture and services. All business persons are Alliance will meet at 8 p.m. in the Community Room HAZLET — The Hazlet Township Environmental LONG BRAM'H - The Long Branch Public Library welcome. of The Daily and Sunday Register. Tony Mazzocchi will Commission, 317 Middle Road, will meet at 8 p.m. in will show the movie "Rainbow Bear" at 1:15 p.m. for MIDDLETOWN — Nationally-known children's speak on "The Karen Silkwood Story." The public is the commission office. The public is invited. children age 3V4 to five. author Jean Fritz will be honored at a reception from welcome and refreshments will be served. MATAWAN - The Woman's Club of Matawan will EATONTOWN — Families Anonymous, a fellowship 3 to 5 p.m. in the Middletown Public Library. 55 New ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - The Atlantic Highlands hold its Program-Sandwich Luncheon at 11:30 a.m. at for parents, relatives and friends of drug and alcohol Monmouth Road. She is visiting township elementary PTO will hold a Candidates' Night for local school board the clubhouse, 199 Jackson St. The Social Services abusers and children with behavioral problems, will schools throughout the week, the schools' "prize" for of education candidates at 7:45 p.m. in the cafeteria of Department will present a program for members and meet from 1 to 2:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian winning a nationwide contest sponsored by her the Atlantic Highlands Elementary School. The public their guests. Church of Eatontown, 76 Wyckoff Road. publishers. is invited. KEANSBURG — The Keansburg Planning Board will RED BANK — The Exchange Club will meet at noon MIDDLETOWN - Middletown Youth Athletic As- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - The Shade Tree Com- meet at 7:30 p.m. at the Municipal Building. 43 Church for lunch in the Victorian Spirit. sociation will hold fall soccer registration 7 to 9 p.m. mission will meet at 10:30 a.m. in the Borough Hall. St. The public is invited. RED BANK — The Lions Club will meet at 6:30 p.m. at the Middletown Library. 55 New Monmouth Road, HAZLET — Aerobic dance classes are being held on COLTS NECK — In honor of Girl Scout Month, the in the Molly Inn. open to boys and girls age six to 16 Contact Sharon Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:15 to 8:15 p.m. at Colts Neck Branch of the Monmouth County Library is A representative of the New Jersey State Police will Ringstrom for further information. Recreation Center 2, 648 Holmdel Road. displaying uniforms, troop sashes, badges, and Girl speak. Registration for the class runs daily, from 9 a.m. to Scout projects. Articles by Cadets and Juniors will be RED BANK - Duplicate bridge will be played at the MIDDLETOWN — Original art work read) for 4 p.m. at the Recreation Center. shown until March 31. Woman's Club at 8 p.m. Registration is requested. hanging may be entered in the Middletown Youth Art HAZLET — The Hazlet Township Environmental LONG BRANCH - Families Anonymous, a fellow- Show 2 to 8 p.m. in Croydon Hall Gym. Leonardville Commission, 317 Middle Road, will meet at 8 p.m. in TOMORROW ship for parents, relatives and friends of drug and Road, Leonardo, sponsored by the township Department the commission office. The public is invited. EATONTOWN — The Chamber of Commerce general alcohol abusers and children with behavioral problems, of Parks and Recreation. The show will be held March MATAWAN - The Woman's Club of Matawan will membership luncheon meeting will be at noon at Old will meet at 7.30 p.m. at the Chemical Dependency 24 and 25. B2 The Daily Register Sports MONDAY, MARCH 19, 1984 Hoyas edge SMU, 37-36; Virginia nips Arkansas By The Associated Press Carlisle, a senior guard. "I just for Wake Forest. Second-ranked Georgetown reacted and put it up. When that Tyrone Corbin scored 20 points lulled Southern Methodist to sleep, NCAA ball was in the air, it seemed like as DePaul ran roughshod over while upstart Virginia knocked out it took three or four seconds for it Illinois State, breaking a four-year eighth-ranked Arkansas in the TOURNAMENT to go In." NCAA tournament victory drought day's big upset in the second round Wilson scored 13 points for for Blue Demons Ray of' the NCAA basketball' tour- the Hegional semifinals next Virginia, including a jumper that Meyer. DePaul, 27-2, led by as nament yesterday. Thursday in Atlanta against Syr- tied the score 51-51 with 1:32 left many as 11 points in the first half Georgetown. 30-3. used a stall acuse. The Orangemen beat Vir- in overtime and a foul shot that and held a 59-40 advantage with offense during much of the final 10 ginia Commonwealth 7843. sent the game into overtime tied 11:03 to play. 49-49. minutes, and Michael Jackson hit Saturday winners North Caro- In Saturday's second-round ac- a with eight seconds lina, ranked No. 1 in the nation, Rafael Addison scored 24 points, tion North Carolina defeated No. left as the Hoyas won 37-36. and Indiana meet in the other East and Syracuse ran away from 20 Temple 77-66 and Indiana beat Georgetown trailed 24-16 at half- semifinal. Virginia Commonwealth in the Richmond 75-67 in the East at time of this low-scoring contest. In other second-round games final 6'/2 minutes of the game. Charlotte, N.C.; third-rated Ken- Leading 59-57 with 6:33 left, Syr- Virginia, meanwhile, surprised yesterday, Louisville defeated tucky defeated Brigham Young acuse, 23-8, outscored the Rams Arkansas 53-51 in the East Re- 12th-ranked Tulsa 69-67 and No. 6 93-68 and No. 11 Maryland beat gional when guard Rick Carlisle Illinois beat Villanova 64-56 in the 19-6, getting seven points from center Andre Hawkins. West Virginia 102-77 in the Mideast grabbed a deflected shot and hit a Mideast at Milwaukee. In the at Lexington, Ky.; No. 5 Houston short jumper with four seconds Midwest at Lincoln, Neb., No. 4 Milt Wagner's 1-foot jumper defeated Louisiana Tech 77-69 and left. DePaul defeated Illinois State with five seconds left boosted 16th-ranked Memphis State beat The victory moved the Hoyas. 75-61 and 19th-ranked Wake Forest Louisville over Tulsa. The lOth-rated Purdue 66-48 in the Cardinals, 24 10. led 67-59 with 2:20 30-3. into Friday's West Regional beat Kansas 69-59 Midwest at Memphis, and Dayton semifinals at Los Angeles against Louisville's victory set up a left, but the Hurricanes scored the next eight points to tie it 67-67 with upset No. 7 Oklahoma 89-85 and 13th-ranked Nevada-Las Vegas. Mideast semifinal game against No. 13 Nevada-Las Vegas beat No. Dayton will play Washington, intrastate rival Kentucky next 34 seconds left. Lancaster Gordon led Louisville with 17, while Ricky 9 Texas-El Paso 73-60 in the West which edged Duke 80-78. Thursday at Lexington, Ky. The at Salt Lake City. Jackson's free throw made the other Mideast semifinal will send Ross had 28 for Tulsa, 27-4. score 37-34. and Carl Wright hit a Maryland against Illinois. DePaul Doug Altenberger scored eight Michael Jordan topped North jumper with one second left to pull will meet Wake Forest, and Hous- of his 12 points in the second half Carolina with 27 points, sending the Mustangs within one point. ton plays Memphis State in the as Illinois, 25-4, advanced by the 28-2 Tar Heels into the East After trailing by eight at inter- Midwest semis Friday. beating Villanova, which could get Regional semifinals against In- mission, Georgetown outscored Virginia. 19-11, benefitted from no closer than four points after the diana, 21-8, which was led by Steve Southern Methodist 16-2 in the first an Arkansas turnover with SO midway mark of the second half. Alford's hot second-half foul shoot- 12:12 of the second half for a 34-30 seconds to play. The Cavaliers ran Bruce Douglas topped the Illini ing. North Carolina led only 32-29 lead. The Mustangs tied the score the clock down to seven seconds, with 13 points.' at halftime, but Sam Perkins 34-34 before Patrick Kwing's tip-in when Othell Wilson went up for a Kenny Green's 20 points led ignited an 8-0 that put the Tar Associated Pr«» photo made it 36-34. jumpshot. The shot was deflected Wake Forest over Kansas. The Heels safely ahead. Alford, the PRESSURE DEFENSE — Arkansas's Alvin Robertson applies some The East Regional victory at toward Carlisle by Arkansas' Alvin Deacons, 21-7, led by 13 points with second leading foul shooter in the pressure defense on Rick Carlisle o) Virginia during yesterday's East Rutherford, moved Virginia, Robertson. 7:12 to play and went into a delay nation, hit 10 straight after inter- which finished sixth in the Atlantic "I saw Othell go up for the shot, offense with 4:07 to go. Lee Garber mission, finishing with 22 points second round action of the NCAA Basketball Tournament in East and Anthony Teachey each had 13 Rutherford Coast Conference this season, into and the ball was deflected." said for the Hoosiers. Gamblers drop Generals from unbeaten ranks HOUSTON (AP) - Houston Harrell s touchdown runs of five by Hebert throwing three touch- topped Tampa Bay 36-30 for the the game at Denver. The winning Gamblers cornerback Will Lewis yards and one yard. The Generals down passes, ran their record to Bandits first defeat. Philadelphia score came just 37 seconds after kept repeating over and over that USFL scored first on Sipe's seven-yard 4-0 and their winning streak to 10 beat Oakland 28-7 and Pittsburgh Denver had gained the tie on a 13- he was "just in the right place at pass to tight end Jeff Spek. games over two seasons by beating defeated Washington 16-7. yard touchdown pass by quar- the right time" to return one "I couldn't be prouder of the the Arizona Wranglers 31-26. Saturday. Los Angeles edged terback Craig Penrose. interception for a touchdown and the right place to complete 22 of 36 way this team played." Houston Two of Hebert's scoring strikes San Antonio 13-12. Oaklahoma set up another score with a second passes for 271 yards, including a Coach Jack Pardee said. "We held went to Derek Holloway One nipped Chicago 17-14 and Birm- After trailing 23-14, Tampa Bay theft that led to a 32-25 victory 25-yard touchdown pass to Scott down a good club today and came came on a 10-yard pass on a curl ingham trounced Memphis 54-6. rallied- to go ahead 30-23 on over the New Jersey Generals. McGhee. Former Baylor Wide up with the turnovers when we had Reaves-Willie Gillespie 85-yard pattern that he turned it into a 60- Monday night. New Orleans. 3-0 Actually. ALL the Gamblers receiver Gerald McNeil found the to have them It was a great team pass-run play. Greg Boone's one- yard scoring play and the only other unbeaten team seemed to be in the right place to right spot to catch five passes for effort." Novo Bojovie's 47-yard field yard scoring plunge and a field successfully open their home 73 yards. in the league, plays at Jack- goal. The Gamblers. 3-1, intercepted goal late in the fourth quarter gave sonville. Mason in the United States Foot- Sam Harrell scored two touch- Generals quarterback Brian Sipe the Panthers a 31-26 lead, then Kelvin Bryan ran for 173 yards ball League and hand the Generals downs for the Gamblers and kicker three times and held running back safety David Greenwood Denver cornerback David and scored two touchdowns in their first loss of the year before Toni Fritsch converted a rare pass Herschel Walker to 65 yards on 14 preserved the victory with a Martin broke a 30-30 tie by leading the Stars past Oakland at 35.532 fans in the Astrodome for a two-point conversion after carries. leaping interception in the end intercepting a John Reaves pass Philadelphia, the Invaders scored yesterday. the center snap was hobbled. In other USFL action yesterday, zone in the final minute. and returning it 38 yards for a first on a two-yard run by Otis Quarterback Jim Kelly was in Houston led 15-7 at the half on the Michigan Panthers, with Bob- And in other games. Denver touchdown with 6:34 remaining in Brown. Whalers trim Isles, 5-4 HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) - Hartford goalie Greg Millen. The Randy Pierce and Mark Johnson Islanders made it 2-1 with 9:20 left scored goals 26 seconds apart in NHL in the period when Bob Bourne fed the third period to give the Pat LaFontaine. whose 16-foot Hartford Whalers a 5-4 victory last drive whistled by Millens night over the New York Islanders Rookie Sylvain Turgeon put the outstretched glove. Whalers in front. 1-0. 4:32 into the in a see-saw National Hockey Blues 5, Capitals 3 League game. game. He knocked New York's Gord Lane to the ice at the red LANDOVER, Md. - Last spring The goals were the second of the line, stole the puck, flashed in the St Louis Blues were on their mghl for each player and brought alone and fired a low wrist shot to way out of business, but now they the Whalers bark from a 4-3 deficit the left of Islander goalie Roland are in thick of the National Hockey early in the period. Melanson. League playoff fights. The Blues won their seventh in The Islanders. 45-26-2. led 2-1 Just 48 seconds later, however. New York's John Tonelli snapped their last 10 games and coach after one period and the 25-38-9 Jacques Demeres stressed after- Whalers reversed the lead. 3-2. in the of a Pat Flat ley drive from the boards to the left of ward. "We're not going in the back ;ifter two. door Cook denied in court case .FREEHOLD - An attempt to chancery division, and that will Himelman. Schneider. Freiberger get Michael Cook on the tennis mean that Cook, who was declared and Drucker said "The season court for Christian Brothers ineligible to play tennis for CBA will be over before the case is Academy this spring was thwarted after he tranferred from Middle- heard ' Friday when Judge Marshall town North, will not compete this Himelman. whose firm is rep- Selikoff of the Chancery Division year. resenting Cook, added that the of the Superior Court ruled against "As a practical matter. Cook appellate division will probably Cook. would be hurting badly because of not agree to hear the case as an Judge Selikoff ruled that the the loss of time in taking it to the urgent matter because no masses COMING AT YOU — Sylvain Turgeon of the Roland Melanson in first period ol last night's NHL case should be heard by the appellate division." William of people and their welfare are Hartford Whalers scores a goal as he shoots the game. appellate division rather than the Himelman of the law firm of See Cook, B3 puck past the glove of New York Islanders' goalie AlMcMM Prau pholo

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t* Pnm « mi n*KMd MONDAY, MARCH 19. 1984 The Daily ReK«U.T B3 King continues red-hot scoring pace for Knicks takes a stutter 1 came after he was named to the King, at 26, has matured from a league. Some of the guys who go basket and you think he's descend- step ... to the left, of course ... All-Star team and elected captain stringbean 6-7 with a history of there are my brother Albert, Kiki ing. Then, all of a sudden, he stops and pops. of the Knicks. It was a sort of problems he refuses to talk about Vandeweghe, Purvis Short, Kenny elevates and you'll see an in- Score the basket, another two declaration on his part that he was now, into one of the league's Carr, Wayne Cooper, Jerome credible move." points for the taking the honors and the game strongest, most dependable small Whitehead and Ralph Sampson." Now, as the season heads into its and the man who has grabbed the HAL seriously. forwards. Ralph Sampson? homestretch, King is prominently National Basketball Association "It was emotional for me," he He accomplished the personal "He's a big forward in a center's mentioned as a potential MVP by the lapels and shaken it into his BOCK turnaround himself. The credit for body," King explained. candidate, and the Knicks could personal showcase. said. "I grew up in New York with the same dreams and aspirations the basketball improvement On the court, King is almost break the Boston-Philadelphia The King of New York has been other kids have, to play for the belongs to . predictable. Given the option on a stranglehold in the East. drive to the basket, he'll head left. setting a blistering scoring pace Knicks. My dream came true. Newell, an ex-NBA and col- Ask King about the playoffs and since the end of December, "Being named captain ben- legiate coach, works in the front "You're right," he said. "That's his eyes light up. averaging better than 31 points per efitted me, especially because I office of the where I go. I have the quickness to game since then to raise his that side and every player has his 'We're 3-1 against Boston, 2-0 was picked by my peers. It meant and spends his summers tutoring against Los Angeles. 2-2 against standing in the NBA scoring race I had to come to the forefront, to NBA forwards. Guards and favorite spot on the court. That's from 17th to fourth. His per- sometimes inflated scoring world mine." Philadelphia." he said. "That says of the NBA. But only three players get us ready, pumped to play every centers need not apply. a lot about this team. We've got formance was punctuated by con- night. If you know where he's going, secutive 50-point games on a in the league's history - Wilt "Every summer, 12 of us go to then why can't he be stopped? the talent to compete." successive night'rampage through Chamberlain, Elgin Baylor and "In the past, I might have been his camp in Los Angeles," King Coach Hubie Brown thinks he has Ask King about King and he Texas that shattered San Antonio — have had con- conscious of not trying to do too said. "It's like a student taking a the answer to that riddle. breaks into a broad smile and Dallas. secutive 50-point games, and only much, perhaps passing more when refresher course. We work on our "Nobody who has ever played the legendary Chamberlain ever "I can be as good as I want to I had the shot. But as the captain, weaknesses, footwork, defense, the game has as many moves to be." he said. Now, SO points might not seem did it on successive nights. you have to lead. At times, you've rebounding. It's helped me im- the basket," he said. "He's like a King's explosion on Jan. 31-Feb. And right now. he wants to be like such a big deal in the got to give the team that lift." prove every year I've been in the bird. He's swooping toward the the best Bridgeman powers Milwaukee over Washington MILWAUKEE (AP) - Junior 12 points, led 30-20 after the first the Nuggets, now 32-37, main- Using long jump shots and sible for starting our offensive Bridgeman scored five points dur- NBA quarter. tained the eighth spot in the spinning layups, Woodson scored surges." Sikma said after the ing a 13-2 spurt yesterday at the Ballard tallied nine points in the Western Conference playoff race. all 11 of the Kings' points as Sonics pulled away in the second start of the fourth quarter to lift second quarter to pull the Bullets Chicago, which was ending a six- Kansas City outscored the half to trounce the Golden State the Milwaukee Bucks to a 109-101 open a 93-78 bulge 2'/4 minutes to within 50-47 at halftime. game road trip, fell to 25-41. Cavaliers 11-2 at the end of the Warriors. National Basketball Association later. Washington center Jeff Ruland Vandeweghe's basket with 48 third quarter and the beginning of "With San Antonio, it was victory over the Washington Washington, falling to 31-27, got did not play because of a sprained seconds left opened a 105-102 the fourth. simply a case of trading baskets. ' Bullets. no closer than nine points the rest right ankle. Denver lead, but a pair of free Cleveland never led in the fourth Sikma said, referring to Seattle's Milwaukee, leading 80-76 after of the way. Milwaukee, 40-29, was Nuggets 107, Bulls 104 throws by at the 37- quarter. The Kings built up as 126-123 victory over the Spurs three periods, scored the first five led by Johnson with 25 points while DENVER - Kiki Vandeweghe second mark cut the Bulls' deficit much as a 13-point lead in the Friday night. "I feel we played points of the fourth before Wash- guards Mike Dunleavy had a soared 15 of his game-high 30 to a point. closing minutes. very good defense today ington's Greg Ballard scored on a season-high 17 points and Pressey points in the final quarter to lead Kings 108, Cavaliers 97 SuperSonics 126, Warriors 99 "Right now we are one of the jump shot to cut the lead to 85-78 had 18. the Denver Nuggets to a come- RICHFIELD. Ohio - Mike SEATTLE - In the mind of better home teams, but we need to with 10:47 to go. Ballard led the Bullets with 25 from-behind National Basketball Woodson scored 27 of his game- Seattle center Jack Sikma. the learn to win on the road. If we can The Bucks came back with points, followed by Tom McMillen Association victory over Chicago, high 33 points in the second half as Sonics' defense can take credit this start playing as a group I think we consecutive baskets by with 15, and Ricky Sobers and Jeff their third straight win. the Kansas City Kings overcame a time for igniting the team's of- can do that ' Bridgeman, Marques Johnson, Malone with 12 apiece. With the victory, the seventh in 14-point halftime deficit to defeat fense. Seattle is 27-8 at home. 8-25 on Paul Pressey and Paul Mokeski to The Bucks, with Johnson scoring nine games in March for Denver, the Cleveland Cavaliers. "I feel our defense was respon- the road Fort Monmouth hosts Army Prep Half Marathon FORT MONMOUTH - The at the Insurance Youth Classic in Cornell University Ivy League discus and hammer. Manalapan's Steve Nestinger at Red Bank United States Military Academy Vista Valley, Cal. and was among champion men's gymnastics team, Vin McDonald competes in the Catholic High School. Prep School's third annual "Army COUNTY the top 30 golfers in the country at placed third in the league's all- distance events. JERSEY CITY - Reservations Prep Half Marathon" will be held the National Optimist Junior around with a score of 47.0. for the March 30 testimonial BRIEFS PISCATAWAY - The Mon- dinner to honor Jim Walling, March 25 at the Fort Monmouth World Classic in San Diego, Cal. Feeney, who was sidelined part mouth County Junior team placed Field House. Check in time will be Pruchnik lettered three years at of the season because of an injury, recently retired basketball coach third of a field of 16 at the New and atheltic director at both St. 8 a.m. Mater Dei had a low stroke had third place in the pommel Jersey 4-H Horse Bowl held rcent- The event also features a one- two 4.8-mile loops around the post average of 37.1 in his final year. horse (8.15), third in the floor Michael's and St. Aloysius High and a 3.5-mile run through the ly at the Cook Campus of Rutgers Schools will close Friday No mile "Fun Run" and the New Besides being a fine golfer, exercise, and tied for third in the University. Jersey Women's Athletic Congress local community. Pruchnik is also listed in "Who's horizontal bar (7.55) tickets will be sold at the door championship 5-kilometer run. Who in America" among high Team members were Mary Walling is a summer resident of NORFOLK, Va. - Mater Dei Ellen Askin of Middletown. Ann Sea Bright and was beach man- The first race will be the "Fun High School golf standout Rich school students. EASTON, Pa - Ex-Middletown Marie Newall of Red Bank. Sara Run" and it will get underway at South baseball star Mike Ippolito ager at the Sandliss Beach Club for Pruchnik of Holmdel has signed a Donadel of Lincroft and Kim many years. 9:30 a.m. The women's 5-K race letter of intent to attend Old PHILADELPHIA - Former is expected to be a key performer Bonstein of Holmdel. Coaches starts at 10 a.m. followed by the Dominion University on a grant-in- Red Bank Catholic High School for the Lafayette College varsity were Beth Donoghue and Al For futher information, contact half-marathon at noon. aid according to ODU golf coach track star Kate O'Hern was third baseball team this spring. Brighton of Red Bank. Bill Hill 1842-63161 Soldiers and civilians of all ages Dr. Murray Rudisill. in the 800 meter run for the Ippolito, a junior first baseman, LEWISBURG. Pa - Keith are invited to participate in the Pruchnik won the New Jersey University of Pennsylvania in a batted .336 last season and led the RED BANK - Red Bank Cath- Hughes of Elberon was third in the Prep races. Prizes will be awarded PGA junior qualifying tournament recent women's track meet. Her team in home runs with six. olic High School is still seeking 200 freestyle 11:44 6i. seventh in to the first three places in each age and advanced to the PGA National time of 2:09.62 set a school record Two other area athletes are on assistsant coaches in baseball and the 1.650 i 16:50 581 and eighth in group for the women's 5-K and the Junior Tournament in Palm and qualified her for the nationals. the Lafayette track team. girls soccer. Applicants must have the 500 14:471 for the Bucknell half marathon. A special prize will Beach. Fla. where he finished 11th Sophomore Paul Steed of Colts a minimium of 60 college credits University swim team recently at be given for the "Fun Run." overall. ITHACA, NY. - Rumsons Neck is a member of the weight Those interested are asked to the East Coast Conference Cham- The half marathon will include He also placed among the Top 20 Dave Feeney, a sophomore on the team where he throws the shot. contact RBC Athletic Director pionships Cook's hopes diminish with decision

ing any school tennis this year " "The statute says that if you ot education The judge disagreed involved. Cook maintains that he trans- lose before the NJSIAA s appeals with that." "If we decide to file in the ferred to CBA for academic committee, you appeal to the appellate division, it will be done reasons and was not recruited as " commissioner of education and In his suit. Conk, now a junior al. shortly," Himelman said. "It is an a tennis player. However. Middle- then to the appellate division if you CBA. and his mother. Elisabeth urgent matter for Cook's sake but town North refused to sign a are a public school." Himelman Cook, who filed the suit in her probably not for the appellate waiver which would have allowed explained. "All other schools, such son's behalf, charged that he had division. I don't think it can get him to play for CBA. and his as parochial or private, go to the never had a hearing before the emergency status." appeal before the New Jersey superior court NJSIAA's eligibility committee, State Interscholastic Association's "Judge Selikoff ruled that this that the hearing before the Cook himself said late last night eligibility appeals committee was should go to the appellate division, eligibility appeals committee was that the case will not be pursued rejected. not to the superior court. I held in violation of the NJSIAA's to the appellate division. "We are The NJSIAA, the Middletown disagreed with that because if you own bylaws, witnesses at the going to drop the whole thing," he Township Board of Education and are a parochial school, you lose hearing were not properly sworn, said. "It just costs too much Nicholas Campanile, principal of one step in the appeals process." and that no copies of documents money to pursue it. I'll continue to Middletown North, were defen- the attorney continued "I believe presented to the committee were play in Eastern Tennis Association dants in the suit filed and rejected "the chancery division, in this case, given to the plaintiff, also in tournaments, but I won't be play- by Judge Selikoff. should take the place of the board violation of NJSIAA rules Baseball loses a gentleman in Lau MARATHON, Fla. (AP) - while his coverage was suspended, game, having authored a book. coaching staff and 1971-78 with the Charley Lau, the Chicago White but the team has paid all his "The Art of Hitting .300. " and he Sox coach considered one of the medical bills, said White Sox played himself in a movie written It was at Kansas City that Lau finest instructors in the spokesman Chuck Shriver. by Neil Simon called "The Return tutored star pupil major leagues, died yesterday in Lau joined the White Sox or- of Max Dugan ' A second volume and became recognized as one of his home at age 50 after a months- gnization in 1981, signing a six-year of Lau's writing is to be published the finest batting instructors in the long bout with cancer, the Ameri- contract that was thought to be the soon, entitled. "The Winning Hit- game, despite a major league can League club said. longest and most lucrative pact ter." career average of .255 Lau took a leave of absence ever negotiated by a coach. Before signing with the White Lau. a , broke into from the team in June and He may also have been the most Sox. Lau spent 1979-81 as a baseball in 1952 with the Detroit underwent a battery of medical famous hitting instructor in the member of the New York Yankees Tigers organization. tests. It was determined at that time that he had cancer of the colon, said Roland Hemond. White Sox general manager. Brookdale sweeps Lenoire Lau was subsequently hospital- ized and underwent surgery twice KINSTON, NX. - Jim next two batters were retired but Brookdale also had a big seventh before returning to his home, he Ryerson s two-run double in the Jeff Kipila doubled in White. Mark in the opener scoring seven added. top of the seventh inning capped a Robbins knocked in Kipila with a runs to snap a 4-4- deadlock Mark "I'll always remember him as six-run Brookdale Community Col- single and then Jeff Algor was safe Robbins slammed a three-run the greatest hitting instructor in lege rally and gave the Jersey on an error. Dean Ehehalt singled homer to highlight the inning the game and so would most of the Blues a 7-6 victory over Lenoir in the fourth run of the inning and people associated with him," said yesterday to complete a sweep of then Ryerson followd with his Brookdale closes out its game-winning double AilOCl.t.O PfMI phOtO Hemond. "I've been in the game a twin bill. The Jersey Blues Southern trip tonight with a game GOING FOR TWO — Florida State's Vince Martello (30) glides past since 1951 and seen some of the downed Lenoire. 11-7. in the first "Our kids kept their com- against the University of North other good ones like Paul Waner. posure." Brookdale coach Paul Pittsburgh's Keith Armstrong (54) as he tries to score during first half game and now have a 5-1 record on Carolina junior varsity team The but for my money, Charley was the their annual Southern trip. McLaughlin said. "The one error Jersey Blues return home tomor- action in last night's National Invitational Tournament game, which best." helped us. but we did hit the ball . row and open their home season was played at the Greensboro Coliseum. "He had all the attributes of all Brookdale trailed 6-1 entering hard in that inning The team has Thursday with a game against great teachers — patience, an the seventh inning when Steve been playing very well down Philadelphia Community College. analytical mind and a willingness White led off with a double The here." Game time is .3 p.m to listen and refine his tech- Camden wins title niques," continued Hemond. "He could make hitting simple even PISCATAWAY TOWNSHIP - left in the first quarter and he sat though it is thought to be the most Plans announced for all-star game Unbeaten Camden High School out the rest of the half. difficult skill in sports." wrapped up its first unbeaten, BELMAR — Plans for a girls ship). Michelle Allen and Sharon Regional. Mimi Russinello and Because the Major League Play- high school all-star game were Strothers of Neptune. Kim West Leona O'Connor of St Rose. basketball season since 1960 with a Walls, who had an poor shooting ers Association health and medical 69-49 rout of Paterson Kennedy with just 8 of 24 from the floor, still announced last night by Middle- (Ocean Township I. Dolores Dixon Theresa Jones (Lakewood). Patti benefit plans covers only four town South girls baskeball coach (Red Bank Regional). Debbie Col- Gallant (Southern Regional I. Saturday night in the NJSIAA finished with 26 points. His fin- coaches on each staff, Lau volun- Group IV finals. ished his tour-year varsity career John Ahem lins and Sandy Satter of Red Bank Eileen Barnes iToms River teered to drop his coverage in The game will be played Satur- Catholic. Vernonica Wilder (Long North I and Barbara Gunning The Panthers !3!-0> ""in the with 2,775 points and scored 1.388 Arrtpr to allow the White Sox to this season. He will take his day evening at St. Rose High Branch). Bev Ford I Holmdel I and (Manasquan). game despite high-scoring Kevin bring scout , who was School starting at 6:30 p.m It will Mary Beth Begley (Mater Den Walls missing part of the game talents to the University of Hed Bank Catholic girls coach suffering from cancer at the time, be followed by the boy's all-star South players selected were: Ed Jones will coach the North due to foul trouble. Walls, a 6-2 Louisville next season where he back to the major league club game at 8 p.m. guard who went into the game with will join former Camden team- Regina Ricks and Johnsie Bailey team while Toms River North staff. Babe died Feb. 14. Named to the North team were: of Asbury Park. Rebecca Mosley girls coach Ray Cervino guides the a 45 point-per-game average, pick- mate Milt Wagner and Billy Lau's cancer was diagnosed ed up his third personal with 2:46 Thompson. Charai Bowman (Freehold Town- and Agnes Whitfield of Central South team. B4 The Daily Register MONDAY, MARCH 19, 1984 Rangers down Yankees; Blue Jays topple Mets PORT LAUDERDALE, Fla 5-1 exhibition baseball victory over (AP) - Toby Harrah'i two-out, the Los Angles Dodgers. two-bale error in the seventh SPRING The victory enabled the Braves inning on Dave Hoitetler't ground TRAINING to sweep their three-game exhi- ball allowed runners to score from bition series with the Dodgers. The first and third base and helped the Braves improved their spring re- Texas Rangers to a 5-3 exhibition four for the Mets, striking cord to 84 while Los Angeles fell victory over the New York Yan- out three and yielding Bell's to 7-6. kee* yesterday. homer. Watson, who also singled to The runs came off Yankee Jim Clancy started for Toronto acount for two of Atlanta's nine pitcher Bob Shirley, who so far and surrendered two runs in the hits, cracked his second this spring had not given up a run second. of the spring off losing pitcher in four games and 10 innings. walked, Tucker Ashford singled Rich Rodas. Atlanta starter Steve Shirley gave up another run in the and Terry Blocker doubled both Bedrosian, who gave up one run ninth on Curtis Wilkerson's single. home. and four hits in four innings, Texas scored its first nut off earned the win. Ron Guidry, who gave up only one Boddicker sparkles Ken Landreaux knocked in the run in five innings. It was Guidry's Dodgers only run with a sacrifice longest outing so far this year. MIAMI - Mike Boddicker - fly in the first inning, scoring The Rangers' other run came in ed six scoreless Innings yesterday Steve Sax from second base. Bruce the sixth inning off loser Dave as the defeated Benedict's two-out, run scoring Righetti, who also had not given up the Cincinnati Reds, 24 in exhi- single in the second tied the score. a run this spring in three games bition play. and five innings. He allowed three In winning his second game of Matuszek leads way straight singles and a double play the spring without a lost, Bod- ground ball to Gary Ward. dicker allowed only three hits and CLEARWATER, Fla. - First drove in two Yan- retired the last 15 batters he faced. baseman Len Matuszek collected kee runs with a ground out in the Lefthanders Julian Gonzalez and four hits, including three doublet, fint and a triple in the eighth Tippy Martinet completed the and drove in four runs as the Inning. Kemp later scored in the Orioles second shutout of the Philadelphia Phillies beat the Chi- eighth on a single by Don Baylor. spring. cago White Sox 8-1. Both of Baltimore's runs were Matuszek put the Phillies ahead Bell powers Toronto charged to Cincinnati stater Bruce to stay in the third inning with a Berenyl. In the fourth inning, Cal double to right field scoring Juan ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. - Ripken walked, went to second on Samuel. Mike Schmidt had tied the Outfielder George Bell drove in Eddie Murray's single, to third on game in the second inning with a five tuns with an inside-the-park a long drive by John Lowenstein home run to center field. homer, a triple and a single to lead and scored on Ken Singleton's The Phillies broke the game the Toronto Blue Jays to a 6-3 infield grounder. open in the fifth inning off starter victory over the in An inning later, Todd Cruz and loser LaMarr Hoyt, scoring 11 innings, snapping a four-game opened with an infield hit, went to four runs. After a two-out walk to LOUD AND CLEAR — catcher calls him out during yesterday's spring training Mets winning streak. second on Berenyi's throwing Juan Samuel, the Phils banged out leans back on Philadephia third game in Clearwater, Fla. Fisk was called out trying Bell singled home two runs in error on an attempted pickof f play five straight hits. Matuszek baseman Mike Schmidt as umpire John McSherry to go from first to third on a single. the ninth to put the lue Jays ahead and to third on a single by Rich doubled, Gary Matthews tripled, 3-2, but a walk to Kevin Mitchell, Dauer. Bob Owchinko replaced and Joe Letebvre and Von Hayes a single by Len Dykstra and a Berenyl and after retiring six each singled forcing Hoyt out of sacrifice fly by in straight hitters, walked both the game. the bottom half sent the game into Ripken and Murray to force in the The Phillies added two more Irish look to slow down BC extra innings. game's final run. runs in the eighth inning on In the 11th, Kelly Gruber Matuszeks third double of the SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (AP) - foot-8 tri-captain Martin Clark. An Phelps, whose team is 3-8 on the doubled, Fred McGriff singled and Braves stop Dodgers game. Lefebvre had three hits in ! It will be the speed of Boston excellent student, Clark quit the road. "It's that simple. We Just Jeff Reynolds followed with a the game while Schmidt and Hayes College, which is missing a top team last Wednesday, hinting that have to play. This is post-season double for one run. Bell then VERO BEACH, Fla. - Bob each collected two. i player, against the size of Notre the school's attitude toward the play. We are playing with what we tripled home both runners off left- Watson slugged a grand slam John Denny started and won" for I Dame, which has regained a big players' academic lives was be- have and we're not looking back. hander Jeff Gorman. home run In the fifth inning to the Phillies, pitching six innings weapon, in a National Invitation hind his decision. Boston College had a drought late worked the first break a 1-1 tie and give Atlanta a and yielding five hits. > Tournament second-round game "I sensed the guy really chose in the season, but I know they rose tonight. his time to stick it to us," said to the occasion Friday night and "They want to run. They want to Williams, who engaged in a side- that's what we've got to do." pressure you defensively to force line shoving match with Clark you into running. That's their during a game with Syracuse Feb. Terrence Talley started in game." said Fighting Irish Coach 22. "This latest thing made us Clark's place against St. Joseph's Digger Phelps. "It's obvious we family. and scored just two points. But Michael Adams, the 5-foot-10 don't have that kind of speed. We "I don't think I've ever been have to play a very physical game dynamo who ignites the Eagles' A paid directory of coming events for non-profit organizations. Ratei S3 75 for three lines for 1 day (11.00 each happier, ever, after a win," he offense, had 22 points, six assists additional line), $5.00 for three lines for two days (11.50 each additional line), 11.90 for three lines for three days on the boards." added. "We had to fight through (11.00 each additional line). $7 50 for three line, for four or five days ($2.25 each additional line), WOO for three lines and six steals, while 6-foot-9 Jay, for sii to eight days < 12 50 each additional line), $10.90 for three lines for nine to len days ($3.00 each additional line). "They're bigger than we are. some things that really challenged Murphy connected on 12 of IS field us as a team, really challenged our $1390 for three lines for eleven days. Each additional day $1.00. each additional line $3 00 Deadline 11 A.M. two days but we're quicker," said Boston goal attempts and scored 26 points. before publication. Call The Daily Register, 542-4000, aik for The Date Secretary College Coach Gary Williams composure." Both basketball teams have While Clark will miss Boston Notre Dame is led by Tom MARCH M - TUESDAY March 23 at 8p.m. Sat., March 24, at March 31 at. Ilvento's West End 18-11 records but suffered late- College's effort Monday night to Sluby, its only senior and double- Monmouth Symphony Orchestra 2 p.m. Tickets $5.50, $7 50 4 $9.90 with Manor, 656 Ocean Ave.. Long Branch, season swoons. reach the quarterfinals, Notre figures scorer. He is averaging presents concert at 8:30 p.m. at Mon- $1 discount for Senior Citizens