Lightning Round 1 TTGTll VI: Lick My Love Pump Written by Andrew Juhl and the University of Iowa Academic Quiz Club. Edited by the University ofIowa Academic quiz Club.


" ... What smells like blue?" After metal is put in the microwave in the process of making popcorn, the crewmembers in this episode are then transported through a space hole in the universe to 1947, where they find themselves on an Army Air Base in New Mexico. This won an Emmy in 2002 for Outstanding Animated Programming for Programming Less Than One Hour, with Maurice LaMarche as the voice of President Harry Truman. FTP, name this episode from season 3 in which Fry becomes his own grandfather in a plot that explores the possibilities of the , as well as time travel. Answer: Roswell That Ends Well

Born as John Rowlands in the Welsh town of Denbigh in 1841, he lived in a poorhouse until he was fifteen, and fled to New Orleans in 1859. He fought for both sides in the Civil War and began to work as a reporter during the Indian Wars. His work, mostly fabricated, caught the eye of the _New York Herald_, who appointed him foreign correspondent in 1868. Later in his career, he helped King Leopold II of Belgium stake out his claim to the Congo. FTP, name this man, most famous for his 1869 expedition to find the lost Dr. David Livingstone. Answer: Henry M. Stanley

This mineral displays the rare trait of having both perfect cubic cleavage and a conchoidal fracture. Its cubic crystals often display striations. This metallic mineral is an important ore of sulfur, but most people who find it are disappointed. FTP, name this mineral, commonly known as "fool's gold". Answer: Pyrite

In 1951, he designed the sets and costumes for the film Don Juan Tenorio, six years after he designed the memorable dream sequence for Alfred Hitchcock's Spellbound. For 10 points, identify this man whose most significant contribution to film came with his collaborations on The Age of Gold and An Andalusian Dog, but is better known for his surrealist paintings such as The Hallucinogenic Toreador and The Persistence ofMemory. Answer: Salvador Dali

One day Jethro's parents ask him to take the team of horses fifteen miles into town to get supplies. Jethro, excited to prove his responsibility, goes to town, makes his purchases, and then talks to some men at the store. One of the men asks Jethro about Bill and gets angry at the prospect of Bill's betrayal. Jethro stands by Bill, and, later, the editor of the town paper, Ross Milton, takes Jethro to lunch to apologize. And so, ilton and Jethro begin a friendship that lasts throughout-FrP-this book, the seminal work of Irene Hunt. Answer: Across Five Aprils

He was born in Kiev in 1889, and was educated at Petrograd Naval College and at engineering schools in Paris and Kiev. He designed the world's first four-engined airplane in 1913, and designed several planes for Russia during the First World War. After the October Revolution, he emigrated to the United States and founded an early airline, which was bought by United Aircraft in 1934, leaving him free to research. FTP, name this man, who built the world's first helicopter in 1939. Answer: Igor Sikorsky In a loose adaptation ofXenophon's "Anabasis", a gang summit is set to take place in Van Cortlandt Park, and gangs from across the city venture to the meeting when the man who called the meeting, Cyrus, is murdered. One of the gangs from Coney Island is wrongly identified as responsible for the killing. The only way for Cleon, Swan, Rembrandt and the others to survive is to outfight the Blackjacks, the Electric Eliminators,the Firetasters, the Moonrunners, the Saracens, the Turnbull A.C.'s, the Zodiacs, and a hundred other gangs. FTP, what 1979 film featured protagonists looking to "come out and playyyyy"? Answer: The Warriors

Ground types of these are formed by a thin, uneven layer of material deposited beneath the ice or at its edge as the ice margin retreats. Recessional varieties are created when retreating ice pauses for a long time. Lateral ones are formed by rock fragments that have rolled onto the ice from nearby slopes. Medial varieties are caused by the merging of two ice sheets, and terminal ones come at the furthest extent of ice. FTP, name these rows of debris associated with glaciers. Answer: moraines

He found a polar bear in his refrigerator. He tried on some clothing that didn't fit like the summer sun or the grass. He told a cow waitress he'd have a steak. He was deathly ill until he found out it was Saturday. These are all just a day in the life of, FTP, what Chicago born poet, writer of Falling Up, Where the Sidewalk Ends and other children's books? Answer: Shel Silverstein

His father ran a petrol station and mechanical workshop and died when he was a teenager. He lost his position in his party after a 1988 speech complained that his country was taking too many Asian immigrants, but made a surprising comeback in 1995. He shares a name with an Australian and an American actor, and will face Mark Latham in a federal election. FTP, name the current Australian Prime Minister. Answer: John Howard

The lover says "The years shall run like rabbits," but most of it is narrated by all the clocks in the city, which warn him "You shall love your crooked neighbor with your crooked heart," and "Time watches from the shadows, and coughs when you would kiss." They also express the opinion that "In headaches and in worry, vaguely life leaks away." FTP, name this poem about the nature of time and love, by W.H. Auden. Answer: As I Walked Out One Evening

After a 1960 meeting with Khrushchev in New York, he proposed a "hotline" between the White House and the Kremlin to forestall conflict. He played an important role in the invention of the electron microscope, the cyclotron, and the linear accelerator, as well as defining the "bit" as a unit of information. Serving as the ghostwriter for Einstein's 1939 letter to President Roosevelt encouraging atomic bomb research, he was one of the more experienced members of the Manhattan Project. FTP, name this Hungarian-born physicist, who, with Enrico Fermi, created the world's first sustained fission reaction. Answer: Leo Szilard {pron.: shee-IardJ

Born in 37 CE to a priestly family, he joined the Pharisees at age 16 and later spent several years in Rome. He found himself in command of an army in 66, but after his defeat, he turned the situation to his advantage by prophesying that Vespasian would soon become emperor. Upon Vespasian's death, he inherited his house and received Roman citizenship. With a pension bestowed upon him, he started to write. FTP, name this author of The History ofthe Jewish War against the Romans. Answer: Flavius Josephus According to Kylie Minogue, if this were human, it would know her. Alan Watts said it is not ours to command. Bertrand Russell said to fear this is to fear life. said this is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath. At night, the ice weasels come. FTP, name this ideal that lifts us up where we belong. Answer: Love

He's about the height of an average 7-year-old, but weighs twice as much as any normal 7-year-old. Rumor has it you can buy him for 10 million yen. He can walk in a straight line, change directions, and even go down stairs - amazing. His name is technically an acronym, but it's fairly similar to the late Isaac's FTP, name this darling little robot made by Honda. Answer: Asimo

A set of oil drums in Cologne in 1961. A series of storefronts in 1966. The Berner Kunsthalle in 1968. Valley Curtain in Colorado in 1972. A long fence in California in 1976. The Cologne Cathedral in 1980. Eleven islands in Biscayne Bay in 1983. The Reichstag in 1995. FTP, all ofthese have been covered in fabric by what Bulgarian artist and his associate, Jeanne-Claude? Answer: Christo

It was constructed around 1370 by King Charles V, who used it as a fortress during the Hundred Years War. This royal stronghold was no longer necessary after the centralization of power in the monarchy, and it was used as a storage facility and prison. It was the gunpowder stored inside, and not the handful of prisoners, that led an angry mob to attack, FTP, what famous Parisian prison on July 14, 1789? Answer: Bastille

After earning his J.D. from Wayne State with a specialty in bankruptcy, he saved a windshield factory business after a relative, who owned it, was killed. After three years, the company paid of its debts and Guardian Industries was on its way to becoming the world's second largest glass manufacturer. The owner of the DTE Music Theatre, he also used $100 million of his own money to build the Palace of Auburn Hills. FTP, name the first owner to win the Stanley Cup and the NBA title in the same season, with the Lightning and Pistons. Answer: Bill Davidson

Henry of Blois, Robert of Winchester, Ralph FitzStephen, Henry of Sully, Jocelyn of Wells, William of St. Vigor, Robert of Bath, Michael of Amesbury, Roger ofFord, Robert ofPetherton, John of Taunton, John of Kent, Geoffrey Fromond, Walter of Taunton, Adam of Sodbury, John of Breynton, and Walter de Monington. Name, FTP, the position held by all these men, the religious leader of the Benedictine monastery in Somersetshire, England, pre-eminently the centre of early Christian tradition in England. Answer: Abbots of Glastonbury Abbey (accept Glastonbury Abbey before 'FTP')

Born in Asheville, North Carolina, he became the editor of the Tar Heel, shortly after entering college at age 16. A graduate of Harvard with a Masters in Literature, he published his first novel in 1929. Three of his novels were published posthumous from a large manuscript he left behind. FTP, name this author whose posthumous works included You Can't Go Home Again. Answer: Thomas Wolfe

He discovers electricity and constructs a light bulb; his desire to keep it a secret lands him in the Palace of Corrective Detention where he is tortured. After he is able to break out, however, he and his idea are still rejected by the World Council, which leads him to the Uncharted Forest where he is joined by the Golden One, a peasant girl with whom a mutual love is shared. FTP name this main character of Ayn Rand's Anthem who later discovers the meaning of the word "1." Answer: Equality 7-2521 (do not prompt on 'Equality') After DNA is unzipped, this partial product of DNA replication forms by using one of the original strands as a template and elongating in the 5-prime-3-prime direction. Moving away from the replication fork, DNA polymerase assembles nucleotides in segments of complementary DNA connected by DNA ligase to lengthen this molecule. FTP name this strand of replicated DNA which is composed of Okazaki segments and is named for the fact that it requires more time to assemble than the leading strand. Answer: lagging strand

His brothers assassinated his father, King Sennacherib, although it was he, the youngest, who would defeat them to ascend the throne of Assyria with the help of his mother Naquia, or Nitocris, in 680 B.C. Some of his actions during his II-year rule include tearing down the city of Sidon and beheading its ruler when the city rebelled, and taking Memphis in 671. FTP who is this Assyrian king who rebuilt Babylon and who was succeeded by his son Assurbanipal after death in 669 B.C.? Answer: King Esarhaddon

If you can't do him a favor and lose five pounds immediately, he wants you to get out of his building, now. Sometimes he feels like he's taking crazy pills. "Little Cletus" is the alter ego he uses for hypnotic purposes. He invented the piano key necktie! He invented it! What have you done, nothing! FTP, name this former member of Frankie Goes to Hollywood. Answer: Jacobim Mugatu

The work on this structure was divided into 7 segments for construction and was simultaneously built from each of its ends. The service it provided inspired works such as One's Company by Peter Fleming, The Great Railway Bazaar by Paul Theroux, and The Big Red Train Ride by Eric Newby. This was introduced to the world in 1900 at the Paris Exhibition, and spans 9289 km between Moscow and Vladivostok. FTP what is this route, the "longest single-service rail trip in the world?" Answer: the Trans-Siberian Railway

He once wrote and illustrated a book on fishing. He aspired to be a poet. Neither really gave him fame. To help miners, he perfected the miner's safety lamp. He also analyzed the voltaic cell and reasoned electrolysis and noted it could be used to break down chemical compounds. An isolator of many compounds, FTP, name this man who isolated sodium and potassium in 1807. Answer: Sir Humphry Davy

Bravery, wisdom, love, and empathy: these are the four virtues of this discipline, for which the highest rank is tenth, or judan. The goal is to triumph over one's weaknesses, not the opponent, and everyone regardless of ability trains together. FTP name this Japanese martial art with techniques structured around 6 main pillars founded by Morihei Ueshiba and known as the "Way of Harmony." Answer: Aikido

Characteristics of these organisms include having either isogamous, anisogamous, or oogamous gametes. Species in this classification include Chlamydomonas, Gonium, and Volvox. They contain both chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b, have cellulose walls, and store their carbohydrates in the form of starch. FTP, what are these members of the kingdom Protista that are believed to be the ancestors of plants? Answer: chlorophyta (accept 'green algae) The stage was set in November 1791, when Chief Little Turtle ambushed an American army near Fort Recovery, Ohio, killing 700. Determined to prevent the British-equipped natives from breaking away, President Washington sent General Anthony Wayne and a small but well-trained army to the Maumee River Valley. On August 20, 1794, the army met 2,000 Miamis near a British-built fortress near modern Toledo. FTP, name this battle for the Northwest Territories, named for a site where a tornado had blown down hundreds of trees. Answer: Fallen Timbers

Published in November of 2003 and illustrated by Marcel Dzama, this contains "Impossible," "Happy Doesn't Have to Have an Ending," and "Idlewild," which are the titles of stories, as well as their accompanying songs, in this book and CD set designed to put children to sleep. FTP name this children's bedtime book, the work of They Might Be Giants with guest vocalist Kimya Dawson on the fourth and last track which is entitled "Bed, Bed, Bed, Bed, Bed." Answer: Bed, Bed, Bed

These relatives of bacteria lack nuclear membranes and reproduce asexually. They take inert nitrogen from the atmosphere and turn it into nitrate or ammonia for plants to consume; they also produce oxygen as a by-product of photosynthesis. FTP, name these prokaryotes once referred to as blue-algae and which are believed to have played a major role in the evolution of eukaryotic organisms. Answer: cyanobacteria

First printed in 1482, this is divided into 13 books and begins with (*) a collection of definitions, postulates, and common notions. The first six are on the subject of plane geometry, books 7-9 the number theory, book 10 on irrational numbers, and books 11-13 on 3-dimensional geometry. FTP, what is this most famous work of mathematician Euclid of Alexandria? Answer: the Elements

This man wrote for piano at age five and an opera at age nine, entered the St. Petersburg Conservatory as a teenager, and later exiled himself to France, where he would spend 17 years before returning to the Soviet Union. Writing in nearly every musical form, from symphonies, operas, and quartets to children's music and military marches, he was also a virtuoso pianist and good conductor. FTP, name this Russian composer whose works include The Russian Overture, Peter and the Wolf, and War and Peace. Answer: Sergei Prokofiev

The pivotal event takes place during a meeting of the Super Suicide Society of the Summer Session at Devon School. Leper goes AWOL from the military. Gene trains for the Olympics, because he feels guilty for his friend's broken leg. Finny-refuses to believe the World War II is real. FTP, name this novel of friendship and betrayal by John Knowles. Answer: A Separate Peace

First detected by Jocelyn Bell in 1967, radio signals from these have sometimes been thought to be those of other civilizations. These are formed with the collapse of stars much larger than the sun, which results in the compression of the sun's core into neutron stars with angular momenta that can reach hundreds of rotations per second. FTP name this type of rotating neutron star which gives off regular pulses of radio waves. Answer: pulsar The eldest of 15 children, this former Federalist spokesman would later become the secretary of state under John Adams, and during his 35 years as Supreme Court Justice, would come to oversee cases such as Dartmouth vs. Woodward, Cohens vs. Virginia, and Gibbons vs. Ogden. His rulings had large-scale effects for the United States, which included freeing internal transportation and corporations from state laws and paving the way for the development of a capitalistic economy. FTP name this 4th Chief Justice of the United States who more famously ruled in Marbury vs. Madison. Answer: James Marshall

In C programming, these contain related variables that may be of different data types such as characters and integers. An array is one example of these, except for data items are all of the same type. Dynamic types of this include lists, queues, stacks, and trees. This is often used to define records stored in files and is accessed using the dot (.) and arrow (~) operators. FTP name this term which is defined using the keyword struct. Answer: structure OR aggregate OR data structure

The first person to define reverberation time and to give it a value, T = 13.8L1va (although this was incorrect), this man's work with acoustics included tediously measuring the sound-absorptive properties of materials in underground rooms. The Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Philosophy at Harvard from 1895-1915, his work was eventually published by the Harvard University Press and entitled Collected Papers on Acoustics, although it was done after his death. FTP who is this man, who created the acoustical design of the Symphony Hall in Boston and who "founded the science of architectural acoustics?" Answer: Wallace Sabine

He draws from Kant's idea that the pure conceptualizing subject is the source of the necessary and universal structure permeating all reality. But he rejects Kant's claim that we can never know reality as it is in itself. Moreover, he rejects Kant's uncritical assumption that the science (*) of his own day was the highest truth to which science could aspire. He believes that all dualistic oppositions are only partial and distorted manifestations of "Geist". FTP, name this philosopher, the author of Phenomenology ofMind. Answer: Georg Wilhelm Freidrich Hegel

The first to label slaves as the "contraband of war," this man was a prosecutor in the impeachment trial of Andrew Johnson as well as serving in the Civil War as commander of the Army of James. Due to the fact that he disliked Confederate women's show of contempt for his soldiers and ordered that they be treated as prostitutes, FTP name this man nicknamed "Beast" who was also was called "Spoons" due to accusations that he pillaged homes while he was in New Orleans in 1862. Answer: Benjamin Franklin Butler


EXTRA: She participated in the 1990 Miss America contest, winning the swimsuit competition but not the crown. The next year, she married her husband Jack, an Illinois politician who was forced to drop out of a Senate race in Illinois on June 25 th after allegations emerged that he took her to numerous sex clubs before their 1999 divorce. Roles include Juliet Stuart on Dark Skies and Ronnie Cooke on Boston Public, but, FTP, what actress is still best known for her turn on : Voyager as Seven of Nine? Answer: Jeri Ryan The top two scorers of this round will advance to Round 2