> v.--. GOSSIP. ^HSEHSKSP'^^^I OLA. NEGRI lov«»s opera, rarely p misses a night of it. and it is said £>ebe i 1^f she had not -given her time to the &3 H£ een she might have developed a HRA j voiIce of possibilities, , .WHIM IBWKa^ rheda Bara is said to l»e conversant th books, authors, poets and anentg As as Palace sophisticated and vamplshpaint?. m MliiWgWM [-* sh«e is on the screen, so charming and arable is she off. Yes, and she is 9 ry charitable, too. 3T0PLAY mmilMHi Don't pay any attention to rumors, 112irold Lloyd and Mildred Davis, well in a care-bunfened world a wail will go up about P& E^HP%ill we haven't heard anything to that they were Interested th f Deep" is the picture in which things f?ood-looking Milton Sills makes up the But there is a reason >r ~ m;e a present. fc everything. ; k, ':' crook. Florence Vidor also * * * * PJI ?*?'& pijtys an important role. Harold Lloyd does not wear hi* TJTARRY M. CRANDALL, who headIs a chain of theaters in Washington, i<' ehisses in private life. He wears '* th em only for professional will stand as a I' purposes, close inspection purveyor of popular entertainment and the ones he wears contain no leiises. in the way of moving pictures. His itveekly programs are, perhaps, as :-'J ; Alice Terry wears a blond wig on tractive as those in any photoplay tl in the country. This is th'e screen, but she is atleater ^^BB^B^B he really more cially true of the bills for w are called "the ....-'jr autiful with her own dark-reddish provided commonly espehat hair. Did you know Alice is Mrs. berhood houses," a name given to tl theaters away from the neighle Re)x Ingram? There a cial district and more or less remote the downtown section.commerfromA k\4 ^HK^ is rumor, and it seems piilusible, that Jack Phkford's now cent an d inspection of some of the less j theaters operated by therejretcntiouspi .Sb charming* wife, Marilyn by narm Crandall interests, some of them quitis remote from the center of the !hall.v by reputation, is going into tl«»* city, m<>vfe», probably as co-star with her but all in thickly populated neighburhoods, disclosed results, 1 the surprising hu sband. Except for luxurious adornment which has come to be indispensable Faire Binney is a sister of in the leading picture houses, these I:heaters will compare, in the matter % Sti Binne>. She is playing0>nunoe of comfort tRV in "Flapper Love." th«id cleanliness, and convenien ce. even in their simple architectural p^vp jle.Mae attractiveness, with the best houses where are Murray designs many of th pictures shown. True, j m < I original Sunday, superb organ that, the opinion of some, K co>mes. discount the so-called theater orchestra. fairly ^^ f the symph ony Their attractions on "The Face in the Fog" is being screen also, as a rule, are the s;ime as have been shown at the big own in the New. York motion theaters a week, two before. But the cost houses. The cast includes Lionelpicre perhaps weeks, of seeing them trrymore and is so materially lower than that chargcd by the big houses that it is well * Seena Owen. BBBBBBI^ a^fl Gloria Swaneon has a little girl a worth waiting for, even two weeks. *. ar or * ^TB,. ?: '^JMH so old. Her name is Glori.1 * * * * * - - < " mborn. , $55*"""" ~r\ r;'a|;\; 'fjH folks who want to see ". v>' V. <, v v>. * Z, Dorothy Cish is to bo their 1iig pictures as soon as they are K, SjW#£& V leading worn THE like J.ii;s<::<: ;*>;3:: A: £5?>:,<; ;>..' SgggfSP:"J^Mf^*. "SB in h»« for leased, those who want the before the w winter spring vegetables reearly picture "Fury." There ls*a rum«>r snows have melted, must pa\ for them and pay much for thein. at is The reason lies in cost '^^ yK^| ck's to play in i.ne 01' the of the pic tures. "First runs" command pictures before v. ry long. if are Madge ishing prices, they of the supi variety. Mr. Crandallastoner-production Bellamy, Lofna Dcioii*- in t fixture -aid that "Monte Cristo" cost $5,000 t o show at the "Rialio "Loi*na Doone." is soon to b Metropolitan, and yet en in a delightful picture, in whmi; within two weeks the patrons of the Avenue Grand will be car, a at able to see it circus elephant. is reailv probably as low as 20 cents. Wha is true of this picture is true of all t The picture will be called "Tentinir. of its type. The exhibitor has to buy the rights to its first >n Love," for obvious reasons. and he has to exhibition Society "Extras." Ethel Clayton is to be pay well for them. B ut after it passes the stage 6f her best seen in on a "first run" the cost of it cl being (COME society people In San pictures soon, and one in seeing leapens very materially. And what t lich she wears stunning ts true of the Crandall know just what It is like "' 1 gowns, "l" houses is equally true of the other neighborhood FranCisco : \, v ?'*t& ]iVere Queen." houses throughout the city. As a ru le. are 0 be a motion picture "extra," and ||1 Sarah Bernhardt is they furnishing exceptionally ars seventy-seven fine of '' young, or will be picture programs at a minimum of cost. It should be 1rone are their cherished illusons '& '' on the 2L'd remembered, J&fr ^ y October. She is in excellent too, that the elevation of the motion in also 1 he ease and abundant leisure 0(^k,.. an d health picture quality considerably looking forward with much en elevates its cost. W. H. L. F to be enjoyed by the players.supiosedI uslasm to her coming Wood ar. theatrical Hearing that Director Sam NoRMA TaLMAD6£ and £21Jiot ras about to film scenes In the Dexter is a weii known "The > cinema stage and Bob Dorothy Phillips has not been Mae burst into flame. Wally sprang "Sherlock Holmes," in a Goldwyn Murray, the screen butterfly, has enine Crandall's. To Be a Sheik by any one except her husband,dieted j ever Jjown and with handfuls of sand the 5*len Holubar. in four years. Now. plcturizatlon of the famous romantic brought to the silversheet. r e xtinguisher succeeded in quelling House Peters and Claire -Windsor, in « "T TRT very hard to And hero in the first time in that period slio detective story, founded on Sir Conan . who wrote tihe blaze before it had done much "Rich Men's Wives." gwndaue 11 appear in a picture not made d ^ iawe. Novak* America one very great lover. by her an Doyle's stories, adapted from Wil- "Peacock Alley" and "Fascination" amage.' .' husband, Elinor Glyn story, - '~ | . on ' 11am Gillette's and directed for Miss Murray, is also the author The scene doesn't appear the for the screen only, you understand." "The World's a Stage." In the cast stage play g,creen. Eialto. Thus spake the dazzling Pola Negri. e Bruce MacRae, Kenneth Harlan, by Albert Parker. of "Broadway Rose," which has been Preferred Pictures kB Harlan and Jack McDonald, * production, / n And Just two weeks were required for Aside from the thrilling story and given a lavish production by Robert Jiimiunn, nuil)ilCU ITOUJ ti16 PriZS A ^violet Mercereau and her sister, who story 1merica to the 'r the Polish emotional actress, assisted loisks like Occasioi just arrived a Its distinguished star, the Z. Leonard. The cast "Chins. Ching, Chinaman," by her. short supporting supporting Like Tom Meighan. Wilbur Daniel Steele. Equal the folks at to hile ago from by Paramount, find Italy, where Violet cast commands attention. It includes the noted Monte Blue. Almaincludes ,d been for weeks IGNES, Florric, Mary and Jim , her heavy lover.for the screen and weeks, th (by courtesy of D. \V. Tell and Ray Bloomer. 'O surer index of the earnestness i conscience as exempli: only, Christian rsecuted / brothers and sisters of W photoplay J'ou understand. jjj! heroine of Griffith), Hedda Hooper. Peggy Bay- "Broadway Rose" tells the story of MoCormaclc. with which the producers and ex- I ''l. the kcro." held. Roland john McCormack, the Irish tenor, all j Wins Praise i heights&"C,UJSJ°""has Served another important Conway Tearle will have the lead- 1Prank Mayo is married. His wife Margaret Kemp. Voung, a country girl, who. by her mastery ;j ving in Dublin, are said to be the Abroad. hil>itore of photodramatic entertain- j purpose. It has demonstrated to the ing male role, in "Bella Donna." ac- is Dagmar -Anders Kandolf, William H. Powell. of lier art. amazes and fascinates Godowsky. daughter of Robert Schable, perclval u armcst Meiglian fans and never miss MEWS received from , Ger- mic- Robert H. Kane, es of living nianists. t Reginald Denny. David Torrence. Al- a Meighan many, of tho debut in that quality of their wares could be found production the heart of scion of wealth city of - 1 it and, When K. . ^ , ture is not a taboo providec for the Famous i^chmed bert Bruning. Robert Fischer. (]he Irish capital. D. in the attainment of a level.ofar* j thing Players-Lasky Cor- Abdull.-.h lias written the believing herself on the road to hap- s McCormack's manager; was Miss Sylvia Lent at a violin recital js otherwise dramatically sou nd. poratlon. Mr. Tearle already has been sttion, Arabian Night would visualize a real story with g Claude King In the role of her physl- in 'The Return of Peter Grimm" and I WEEK BECSINNING TODAY.SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15! it.-but not beyond the powers or uine dramatic fiber, regardless of Conrad cal ability, whloh appeared to lencan to Fairbanks clan-friend, and Nagel, as her "T'he Master." but there are I genius equal. costuming. Like Mr. who loses out to the dash- no on advantage In the ,especlal ] t became immediately apparent to the to to an aut husband, preparations going for the higher ha

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