No. _______ In the Supreme Court of the United States MAKAH INDIAN TRIBE, Petitioner, v. QUILEUTE INDIAN TRIBE AND QUINAULT INDIAN NATION, ET AL., Respondents. ON PETITION FOR A WRIT OF CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT PETITION FOR A WRIT OF CERTIORARI GREGORY G. GARRE MARC D. SLONIM BENJAMIN W. SNYDER Counsel of Record LATHAM & WATKINS LLP ZIONTZ CHESTNUT 555 Eleventh Street, NW 2101 Fourth Avenue Suite 1000 Suite 1230 Washington, DC 20004 Seattle, WA 98121 202 637-2207 (206) 448-1230
[email protected] [email protected] Counsel for Petitioner QUESTION PRESENTED On the same day in 1859, the Senate ratified several treaties between the United States and Indian tribes in western Washington. The Treaty of Neah Bay secured to the Makah Indian Tribe the “right of taking fish and of whaling or sealing at usual and accustomed grounds and stations.” The Treaty of Olympia secured to the Quileute Indian Tribe and Quinault Indian Nation, the southern neighbors of Makah along the Washington coast, the “right of taking fish at all usual and accustomed grounds and stations.” Unlike the Treaty of Neah Bay, the Treaty of Olympia expressed only a “right of taking fish”; it did not reference “whaling or sealing.” In this case, the Ninth Circuit held the “right of taking fish” in the Treaty of Olympia includes a right of whaling and sealing. Then, the Ninth Circuit held Quileute and Quinault’s “usual and accustomed” fishing grounds under the treaty extend beyond the areas in which the Tribes customarily fished to areas in which they hunted “‘marine mammals—including whales and fur seals.’” App.