Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena_Vijaya


Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 1

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)


Editorial ...... 3

Jyothishavidanustaana Vivaranam ...... 6

Bhavartha Ratnakara - I...... 9

Sarvartha Chintamani - Understanding ...... 15

Nakshatras - III ...... 23

Muhurtha – Electional Astrology - I ...... 31

Analysis of learning disability ...... 33

Horoscope Analysis ...... 39

Swami Amritasvaroopananda Puri ...... 42

Analysis of Gochara (as of now) ...... 49

Anukramaanika ...... 52

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 2

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)


The divine science of astrology appeals to everybody because it talks about the future. Since future is so uncertain therefore people are often interested (and enthusiastic) about learning it (so that their future can be easily predicted). Unfortunately today astrology means something that can mystically talk about our future – there ends the purpose of astrology. But this is wrong. Astrology is one of the and therefore its purpose is really to directly or indirectly take us to the ultimate goal of life of moksha (ever rejoicing in bliss).

In order to attain moksha we need to have a smooth worldly life. If there are problems in worldly life then we will not be able to focus on the spiritual path or the goal of moksha. These worldly problems include all sorts of problems ranging from health issue to official issue to personal issue to financial issue – you name it and it is there in the world. The world that constantly changes will always lead to sorrows and issues can only be expected from the world. But a wise person knowing this will try to predict the dangers that lay ahead, through the science of astrology. Once it is known that there can be problems in the future, one will be careful and take precautions in order to avert the problems. Even if problems aren’t fully averted (or removed) one will be able to bear with it easily (as a result of anticipating it beforehand itself).

Many use the science of astrology just for their own benefit. It is said and is a popular belief that if we look our own (or those of our near and dear ones) it will not really be effective. There could be many unknown reasons for this but the direct reason is that we are attached to the person and therefore our mind will veil anything that is bad (or we will have tainted vision with which we will not be able to predict things like we do for an unknown person or a person whom we don’t care much). Therefore aspiring astrologers should strive to not look into their own horoscopes or of those whom they care about – this will only lead to lack of proper knowledge of astrology and in turn will cause trouble to oneself and others around.

My father’s elder brother knows the nuances of astrology but his astrology is never effective. Why so? Because he only uses it to analyze his own or his kith and kin’s . Since vision is tainted therefore it never works and only leads to trouble for

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 3

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

himself and others. Of what use is his knowledge of astrology as it isn’t perfect or proper and therefore will not help anybody at all?

If we cannot look at our own or near ones horoscope then how will we know whether our predictions are true? Since we know them therefore we can verify our astrology with the same. If thus be argued then the answer is that there are many well-known or famous personalities in the world; we can use their horoscopes in order to learn astrology and check our predictions. But instead of doing this, if we just analyze our own horoscopes we will find that it doesn’t serve any purpose to ourselves or others. Then we will be like the various PhD scholars in the world who have learned all the sciences but have no peace in their mind – therefore these degrees only lead to sorrow for themselves and others.

Care should also be taken while learning the science of astrology to not jump into conclusions. The quicker we jump to conclusions, the more wrong our analysis will be and therefore we will cause trouble only. Therefore an astrologer will make proper predictions only after thorough analysis of a horoscope. His analysis will be like that of a lion waiting to pounce upon its prey. The lion will not suddenly jump but it will slowly hunt the prey by first observing the prey, following it and eventually pouncing upon it when the time is right. Similarly an astrologer has to make thorough analysis and then alone make predictions.

There are also many who think that the science of astrology can be learned very easily. This is very wrong – when it takes a lot of years to study a normal science in the world how can we expect to learn the vast science of astrology quickly? Patience is a virtue that is very much needed to learn the science of astrology; but above all, a natural flair is required without which learning and mastery of the science of astrology is almost impossible. But if flair along with devotion to Ishwara is there, then the science of astrology would be mastered very soon and it would thereby help one to progress towards moksha quickly itself.

The purpose of this magazine is to bring out the various nuances of astrology so that through learning of the same, aspiring astrologers would be able to horn their astrology- skills. Thereby becoming masters of astrology they will serve as beacons to avert danger in the world (thus leading to a peaceful world).

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 4

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

May we all strive to learn and master the science of astrology so that through the same we will be able to get rid of all sorrows and ever rejoice in bliss (through attaining the ultimate goal of life of moksha).

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 5

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

Jyothishavidanustaana Vivaranam

Recap Previously we saw that the sadhanas in order to become a true or perfect astrologer are seven and these were listed down. Without these seven practices, a person cannot become a true astrologer. Since a true astrologer who can predict the future is only one who has known the non-dual reality of Brahman (realization of Brahman) therefore it goes without saying that all these seven practices will directly or indirectly lead a person to realization.

The seven practices were japa (chanting), ahara (food), vaak (words), ishacintana (remembrance of Ishwara), dhyaana (meditation), shaastraadhyayana (learning of the shaastras) and samatva darshana (vision of oneness).

Though any spiritual sadhaka will know all of these, yet the author (for the sake of those who aren’t into spiritual practices or don’t know much about them) explain each one of them in the successive (which will see one at a time).

The first among the practices is japa or chanting.

jp #òdevtaya> éÔaidvedana< va àwm>,10, japa iñöadevatäyäù rudrädivedänäà vä prathamaù|10|

10. Chanting is first practice and is of one’s favorite deity (deity’s names) or of vedic hymns like Rudra etc.

Chanting is of many types and the other mentions a few of them. The simplest way of chanting is the name of Ishwara. But Ishwara has different forms (33 crore devatas are there) and therefore it becomes tough to chant all the names; therefore a person has to choose one’s favorite deity and then chant the names of the deity. Since the deity is one’s favorite or one likes the deity, therefore it becomes easy to chant it (what we like, we will be able to implement very easily – with little or no effort).

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 6

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

The second type of chanting is that of sahasranama (thousands names of devataas). This also can be that of one’s own favorite deity or that of different devatas. The two most common sahasranamas are that of Vishnu and Lalitha Devi. Care should be taken to chant the naamaavali and not just the . contain all the names in poetry form whereas naamaavali contains each name with aum and namah – chanting of aum along with the names of deities, so many times, is much more powerful than just chanting the names a as stotras.

The third type of chanting is that of sacred chants that are found in the . These start with the glorious Rudram to the simplest of various sooktas like Purusha sookta, Sri sookta etc. These are tougher to chant than the names of one’s favorite deity because they have way of chanting (like notes in music). If chanted wrongly then they will have negative effects (though if we chant with devotion and surrender then it doesn’t matter whether we chant it properly or not).

The author categorizes these three into two types – that of one’s favorite deity/other deities or that of sacred chants found in the Vedas.

As to how long or how often these have to be chanted, there is absolutely no limit at all. If it is one’s mantra then it should be chanted so often that it becomes natural like one’s breath. If it is sahasranama or sacred chants, then chanting a day would be more than enough (though the more a person chants, the more effect one will get from it).

Chanting leads to focus or concentration on Ishwara and thereby one becomes more focused. A person who regularly chants also will be able to ward off all problems or obstacles faced in life as his focus is on the non-dual reality of Lord alone. But it can be questioned as to what is the purpose of chanting in astrology – this question is answered in the next by the author.

lÉte srSvtIkqa]< vaiGsiÏí,11, labhate sarasvatékaöäkñaà vägsiddhiçca|11|

11. Through japa one attains the grace of Saraswati and power of word too.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 7

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

Chanting leads to being blessed by Saraswathi (goddess of knowledge) and also leads to the siddhi of words. A person who regularly chants will utter everything that is true – therefore if such a person utters something, it will become true automatically. In other words he will have power of words. This along with blessing of Sarswathi which leads a person to gain insight into any science is essential in order to predict the future. More important than just learning or knowing astrology (and its nuances) is the various occult powers one can get. These powers differentiates a great or perfect astrologer from a normal astrologer whose words might become true or not (cannot really say).

Astrology isn’t just about knowing rules and telling them at the appropriate time, but it is also about intuition. Intuition works through not just the mind or intellect but through words as well. One whose words are blessed by Saraswathi and are powerful (endowed with power of words) will always be true (irrespective of whether it is as per the science of astrology). The tale of a devotee of Devi who told that it was pournami (full moon day) when it was no moon day and how Devi made the moon appear are famous and show as to how a person who is blessed with great words will be able to make every word of his true.

Just because one’s words are coming true one shouldn’t become egoistic. A person who is truly chanting with devotion to the deity will never be egoistic and whatever he achieves in life he will attribute it to Devi alone. Such a person alone will have power of words in the long run.

Therefore all ardent sadhakas of astrology should strive to do all types of chanting possible (and as much as possible) so that the science of astrology becomes fruitful through Ishwara’s blessings through one’s words.

May we all strive to do the sadhana of chanting, at least daily once, so that through the science of astrology we will be able to help ourselves and others progress towards the goal of moksha thereby leading to ever rejoicing in bliss in this very birth itself.

PS: Please find the sutras with literal translation in the below link: http://vedantatattva.org/vedanta/works/JyothishavidanustaanaSutram.pdf

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 8

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

Bhavartha Ratnakara - I

Dr. B.V Raman a world famous astrologer of recent times wrote many works and contributed a lot in the field of astrology. His prediction from mundane matters to individual horoscopes to solving various life challenging issues was awesome. Yet he was a man of humility, who understood the vastness ad depth of astrology.

There was a magazine monthly published under his guidance for all seekers and learners of this divine knowledge. He had done research in various aspects in astrology and also established various centers, for the spread of this knowledge to the interested seekers.

He authored various books in astrology and one of the famous books is “Bhavartha Ratnakara”. As the name of the book suggests it talks about the various houses and significations of the houses. It talks about various aspects of life, with respect to the houses.

We have seen earlier the ancient text Brihat Parasara Sastra, Jataka Parijata vol 3 and Phaladeepika on the various houses and their significations. So let’s understand and analyse this book and views of Dr B.V. Raman.

Let’s see various aspects dealt with in this book. In this edition we shall see the seventh house significations as mentioned in the book. Let’s analyse a few charts in this context as well.

One of the chapters of the work deals with the seventh chapter and significations of it. Let’s analyse the effects of the cause the various charts and understand what the text explains.

We have to understand the effects of the chart and the results in the lfie of people, bearing in mind the current living pattern. As per the law and order more than one wife is not permitted in India. So when text says more than one wife, then it can happen either illegitimate affairs, or due to divorce and remarriage or due to death of wife.

Sloka 1: If the lord of the 7th is combined with venus has no malefic aspects or conjunctions, the person will have only one marriage.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 9

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

Sloka 2: If the lord of the 7th is combined with malefics and malefics are in the 2nd and the 7th or if venus is debilitated or in the 11th house or if the 7th lord is in 6th or 12th, the native will have more than one wife. The native will have this indication of malefics are in .

Chart 1

Analysis: In the above chart we see that the 7th lord venus is with malefic sun. The 7th house has malefic rahu and aspected by malefic mars. Venus is in the 11th house from lagna. Malefic is also in lagna with lagna lord. All these are indications that the native can have more than one marriage. We can see mandi in the 2nd house as well. Thus 2nd, 7th lords and hosues are afflicted. Even venus is debilitiated in the above chart. So there were less chances for the native to survive marriage. The native was a divorcee.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 10

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

Chart 2

Analysis: The native is also a divorcee. We see that 7th lord sun is in 12th house from lagna. 7th lord sun Is with a malefic rahu. Lagna is not apsected by any malefics. 7th house has 6th lord moon which is a malefic due to owning 6th house. 2nd house is not afflicted. Lagna is aspected by Saturn. So venus is aspected by malefic Saturn. Due to all the malefic associations and aspects the marriage didn’t work out.

Sloka 3: If Saturn, mars and venus are weak and occupy, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th houses , the native will have two wives. The same is the case with mars in any of the given positions.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 11

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

Chart 3


In the above chart we see that Saturn is with mandi which is also a malefic. This makes Saturn weak. Mars is in the 4th house and venus is in the 8th house. Thus all planets are weak and in the houses 3rd ,4th, 8th. We see that 9th lord Jupiter is in the 12th house and aspected by Saturn and sun the malefics. 7th house is also aspected by malefic mars.

Thus the planets, the lords of houses and the houses are afflicted besides that Saturn, mars and venus are weak. Thus it lead to divorce for the native.

Sloka 4: If Jupiter is in 2nd the person will have 2nd wife later in life.

Sloka 5: If Saturn is in the 2nd or rahu in the 7th, two marriages are indicated.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 12

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

Chart 4

Analysis: We see that native has rahu in lagna . 2nd house is aspected by Jupiter. This all shows the likelihood of secong marriage. The native is a divorcee. The 7th lord mars is in the 11th house. Venus is also in the 11th house. The 7th house is afflicted with ketu. 2nd house is aspected by malefic mars. So there are many afflictions to 2nd and 7th houses and lords. Rahu is also in lagna. Thus the native has to undergo divorcee.

Sloka 6: If the 2nd and 7th are occupied by either their respective lords or venus and if the two houses are associated with benefics, the number of such benefics indicates the number of living wife’s the native will have , while only one wife will live if malefics join the above combination.

Sloka 7: If there is venus and Saturn combination in the 7th, the native will be attached to his own wife.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 13

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

Sloka 8: Mercury in 7th makes the person addicted to other women, while Jupiter there gives a devoted wife.

Sloka 9: The person becomes skillful if rahu is in the 7th, while ketu there will make the wife a shrew.

Thus we have analysed through some charts the reasons behind marriage not working in some cases. We have seen that all the points mentioned by B.V Raman in his text has proven to be true. We have seen charts which show many of the points stated as true.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 14

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

Sarvartha Chintamani - Understanding

In the earlier editions of the magazine we have seen the twelve houses and its signification. We have seen the first 8 chapter of the text. WE shall now look into the 9th chapter of the text which deals with Rajayogas. In series of editions we shall analyse this chapter fully with examples.

Sloka 1& 2 : If there are planets in exaltation in any birth chart, the native becomes king of kings. He will be ruler over many territories. If there are five planets in exaltation and Jupiter is exalted in lagna, the native becomes a king.

If the ascendant is and venus is exalted and there are four planets in exaltation totally, there are no planets in debilitation or cruel shastiamsa, even then the native becomes a king.

Sloka 3 to 5: If moon is in its sign of exaltation in lagna and there are 6 planets in exaltation, the native becomes a king. If planets are exalted anywhere in a horoscope the native becomes a king. When the planets are in its own houses in a chart, the native though not a king is equal to a status of a king.

If three planets occupy their moolatrikona sign or three planets are in their friendly signs in retrogression and rest are located in exalted signs, without occupying the debilitation navamsa, the native has status equal to that of a king.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 15

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

Even a single planet in exaltation and aspected by a friendly planet makes the status of the native of that of a king having much wealth and successful due to cooperation of friends. On the other hand many planets are occupying the inimical and debilitation positions the native becomes devoid of wealth and comforts, foolish, diseased with no freedom and with a temperament that threatens the life of others.

Sloka 6 to 8: It is very nice to be born in the ascendant that has the navamsha sign as the sign in lagna. Birth chart having mutual benefic planet in 2nd house from sun is also very nice for the native. To have planets in the kendras is also sign of high luck. when two or more planets in exaltation signs are in cardinal houses and are in kendras from each other they are said to constitute karaka .

Sloka 9: The native is like a king, if moon occupies the lagna, Jupiter in the 4th, venus in the 10th and if Saturn is in its own or exaltation sign.

Sloka 10: Native is like a king is benefics are located in 10th, 12th ,11th, 1st, 2nd and 3rd house of a horoscope.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 16

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

Sloka 11: A man is equal to a king, if benefics are located in the kendras and trikonas and the malefics occupy the 3rd, 6th and 11th and the lagna lord is strong.

Sloka 12: If Jupiter is associated or is aspected by mercury even the kings obey the native.

Sloka 13: when the planet located in the sign of debilitation, but the lord of sign of debilitation or exaltation is in a Kendra from lagna, the native rules over all kings.

Let’s analyse few charts and see how the above mentioned rajayogas apply to these charts.

Chart 1 Lord Krishna

Analysis: As per sloka 9, if moon is in lagna, Jupiter is in 4th and venus 10th with Saturn own or exalted position, makes one a king. In the above horoscope we see the same condition Moon is exalted in lagna and Jupiter is in 4th. Saturn is not own or exalted house and venus is not in 10th. But still Lord Krishna was a king. This chart also has one planet in exaltation i.e moon. This also made him a king.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 17

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

Also all the benefics, moon, mercury, Jupiter are in kendras and konas and rest are in 3rd, 8th houses.

Chart 2 swami vidyaranya

Analysis: AS mentioned in slokas 2 to 4, the number of exaltation planets in Kendra and trikona make the native a king. We see here that venus is exalted and is aspecting 10th house. Venus in 10th is also indication of a king. Sun is in the 5th house and is exalted. So there are two planets exalted in the Kendra and trikona. Jupiter the lagna lord is in its own house. Thus we see that though the native turned out to be a swami, but earlier life he was a king. Due to so many exaltation planets, the life of the person was lead like a king.

Chart 3 King Akbar

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 18

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

Analysis: In the above chart we see that two planets mars in the 4th and Saturn in lagna are exalted. Lagna lord is in its own house. The exalted planets mars and saturn are at Kendra distance with each other. This all shows that the native will be a king beyond doubt.

Chart 4 Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Analysis: In this chart we see that the native has three planets in exaltation. Sun the lord of 5th house, Jupiter the 9th lord and mars the lagna and 8th lord. Thus the native is like a king. He has a huge empire, not literally but due to support of masses. There are many centers of his ashram established all over the world. He travels around the world in comfort and has huge number of followers.

Thus we can say that the number of exaltation planets has made the person like a king. We also see that there are no debilitated planets.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 19

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

Chart 5 Gandhi ji

Analysis: Native does not have exaltation planets. But venus and moon are in their own houses. We see that the native had to struggle a lot in life, though he had success in his ventures. Thus it was not a kingly life with comforts. But he was able to make the kings or rulers of the land bow down before him and exit the country.

He achieved something without any weapon or violence. He had many followers and many joined his freedom movement. Thus with help of masses the all-powerful British rulers had to leave the land. There should be some combination in the chart that pulled down the government.

Moon stands for masses and it’s in 10th with rahu gave him many followers. The sun representing government is in the 12th. He had to face many legal issues from government and also the british government was against him, due to this factor.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 20

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

But Jupiter and mercury opposite each other gave him the success of throwing out the british from the county. The kings or rulers have to listen to a native who has Jupiter and mercury together or opposite to each other. Here the opposing factor helps even more.

We find this combination in some of the patriots of our times, like savarkar, chittaranjan das and Rajendra Prasad. Thus natives with this combination, and other good yogas will make the kings listen to them.

Chart 5 Darshika Ji

Analysis: We see that the native has two planets in debility ie. Sun and mars. Moon is exalted. But both mars and sun are in neecha bhanga due to being located in the kendras. Also the lord of debilitation sign for sun is venus and the exaltation sign of sun is mars. Thus the lord of the sign of exaltation mars is in Kendra. Also the sign of exaltation of the mars i.e Saturn is

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 21

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

not in Kendra and also the sign of debilitation of mars i.e moon is also not in Kendra. So Mars does not have the condition.

As the condition as we have seen above for raja yoga is applied in this case, the native is like a king of all kings. Native is head of one center of ashram. Native has lot of appreciation from the head of the ashram and is doing a greater and envious job compared to the native’s higher authorities. She has more reputation than the other heads of various centers. So she is like a king compared to all other heads of centers.

Thus we see that the raja yogas are in chart of famous rulers of countries in the world like augustus ceaser and many others as well people heading the ashrams and various spiritual centers and ashram as well. Even patriots of the country had some raja yoga to an extent. We have seen some freedom fighters who are part of this yoga.

We shall explore more points in the text in the next edition of the magazine.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 22

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

Nakshatras - III

For many auspicious events like conducting marriages, naming ceremonies, upanayanam, house warming etc, we try to see a good date or time, so that the event goes smooth without any troubles through the surrounding environment, people or the gods. Hence performing auspicious events in good time and date is very essential for having a peaceful and harmonious life.

The auspicious date and time can be determined by considering the stars. Each star is good for performing certain activities. Marriages are good to perform in some stars mostly many of the stars where for upanayanam only stars and dates are favorable. It’s said that to find a auspicious time for upanayanam is very tough as the event is highly auspicious than any other event in a person’s life.

Likewise many people begin even small activities like opening a shop or wearing new dress or wearing new ornaments, buying a vehicle or land etc based on the stars and other factors as well. So looking up stars and knowing the auspiciousness of the date and time an performing activities accordingly is part of our culture and religion.

So Apart from knowing peoples nature and behavior based on the star we can also determine the suitable time for events based on stars as one of the factors. Stars’ checking is one part of finding out a muhurtha. We have seen earlier how to have a right understanding of people and behaving appropriately and having right expectations based on stars.

Let’s continue on our analysis of stars and their characteristics. We had seen til the 6th star or thiruvadira in our last edition of magazine. We shall continue from the 7th star i.e or Punartham.

Punarvasu\ Punartham

This star is in the form of potter’s wheel. It belongs to the divine group. Red in color, the star is likened to the bamboo tree, the swan and the sound of the pranava(AUM). Lord Rama was born in this star.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 23

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

It belongs to the deva gana and is female gender. The animal symbol of this star is cat. The weakest portion of the body for this star is stomach.

General characteristics

The ruling lord is Jupiter and the house lord is either mercury or moon. The nature of star depends of the characteristics from the combination.

They are very virtuous, they won’t tell a lie and they will relish their food well. They will take to any work with enthusiasm and they will not be lacking in effort which naturally brings them success.

They may always be cheerful and have many friends. They will charm others by their soft spoken words and be gentle and merciful to all people.

They slowly pickup things, authority oriented, they will be good people, social life, comforts, respected by others, leadership, sentimentalism etc can be seen in them.

Pada Characteristics

First three padas of this star fall in mithuna and one in Karkataka. The ruling planet for this star is Jupiter. The lords of the padas are mars, venus, mercury and moon. Jupiter rules for 16 yrs. pada 1 – Mars is the lord of this pada. They are intellectual conflicts and they might land in trouble, power oriented. With lofty ideals the native may be pious, devoted and respectful to elders. They are rebellious in nature and keep conflicting their ideas and views. pada 2 – Venus is the lord of this pada. They love ornaments and decorations. Diplomatic, social people, seek comfortable life and pleasures, courts dresses to please others.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 24

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

pada 3 – Mercury is the lord of this pada. The native will be intelligent, eloquent in speech and have handsome appearance. He will be sensual. scientists, sharp intellectual, going around the world belong to this category. They cannot be spiritual. They are selfish in nature. They suffer from ailments for long. pada 4 – Moon is the lord of pada as well as the rasi house. The native is handsome, cheerful and pleasant in speech. Religious, comforts, material, wealth, life full of pleasures, they may become devotees.

For naming children the letters to begin with are “ke” , “ko” , “ha”, “hi” respectively for each pada.

Those born in this star shall have tours and they will succeed in their ventures and expectations.

Affected by baalarista, the natives will suffer from illness for 16 years. But the right type of shaanti performed according to the pada will confer happiness and longevity.

If natural calamity occurs in this star it will cause lot of damage. If sun transits this star the price of commodities will remain stable. Girls attaining puberty under this star would like to live life as per their desires.

Star is good for performance of “pumsuvanam” , “seemantam” , naming, ear-piercing and holy thread ceremonies. This is also auspicious for starting studies or teaching lessons also good for wearing new clothes. Auspicious star to commence classes on music or painting.

The star is good for house warming and for nuptial ceremonies. Without difficulty the native will enjoy happiness from inherited wealth of gifts from other’s savings.

If he has cows he will have plenty of milk, due to blessings of this star.

Work suggested: good day for building dams, planting, seeds and ploughing the land.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

This star is seen above the head in the month of January at midnight. Being bright and appearing like wheel with 5 stars it is easily visible.

When we hear the star of punarvasu, it is Sri Rama who first comes to our mind (as Rama was born in this star). People born in stars with good planets as starting are said to have done some punya. It can also be said that if the starting planet is a malefic and danger-causing planet for a horoscope, then it is best that the period is crossed over in young age itself.

For Punarvasu, the dasha starts with jupiter. People born in this star are generally attractive (in one or the other way). They are also known to be proud about themselves (anything that hurts or affects their pride will be taken seriously by them). In a way, they are soft- natured except when provoked by others. In a way we can say that it depends as to where such people's focus is - if focus is on the world, then they will be very worldly and cannot get into spirituality or spiritual values easily. But if they are spiritual then they will progress very quickly into spirituality. And unfortunately, punarvasu people cannot get into spirituality easily.

Like Rama, such people also will face issues in life (of one sort or the other). They are also known to be bold but not always.


Last pada of punarvasu ends in . Pushyami all padas are in cancer. This star is ruled by Saturn. It said that people born in this star are carrying lot of karma from past birth due to which they will face many karmic experiences.

This star is said to shine among all stars like a king amidst all constellations. It’s said that if pushyami were to be the accident prone 3rd star form one’s native star or trouble prone 5th star or death prone seventh star, success will be the result. It belongs to deva gana and the animal symbol for this star is goat. Thighs are the weakest portion for this star. It is a cluster of 3 stars in the sky, the flower of a snake gourd. It’s the male star. Each pada of the star is ruled by sun, mercury, venus and mars.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

General Characteristics: Those born in this star are very smart, intelligent, clever and slightly short-tempered. They will excel in the study of astrology. They will be helpful towards their kith and kin.

In appearance they are bold courageous, will be able to handle any situations. Will be independent after middle age and long lived.

Generally they are religious people, doing more pujas, oriented more towards actions, they have mind related problems, and they may turn to be bad also. They are pleasure loving people.

Let’s see the characteristics of the four padas of Pushyami.

1st pada – It is ruled by sun. The native will be available to finish any work quickly. He will live loneliness, may be afflicted by paralysis. They will create problems for others, they are lucky, ruling, they try to become famous, try to poke thier nose in other affairs, they will be in midst of people, famous in negative manner.

2nd pada – It is ruled by mercury. Handsome by appearance, they will charm other woman. Greedy about money and other woman. But they will treat others with respect and love .Mind and intellectual problems, position at job, good job and ministers can be there.

3rd pada – It is ruled by venus. Material dominant life, comforts, positions, power, emotional sudden , difficult for people to live with them, clever manipulations.

4th pada –It is ruled by mars. They are clever in possessing others properties. They excel in causing conflicts. On the whole their character is of inferior nature. Aggressive, mental patients, cause problems for most people, if they come under the guidance of intellectual people, they will correct themselves.

“Hu”, “heigh”,”Ho” and “Da” are the beginning letters of the names to be given respectively in the four padas of the star. The dasa of Saturn lasts 19 years.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

Work that can be done:

If in the eight sign from one’s lagna the moon were to be transiting, it is called chandraastama lasting 2.5 days. On such days any work not necessarily auspicious ones has to be done after much consideration and with care. But this star even transcends the chandraastamam defect. When sun transits this star, the prices will be moderate and production of grains will be in plenty.

If the girl attains puberty in this star no shaanti is needed. After marriage they will get good male children.

It is good for learning music or dancing. Auspicious ceremonies like seemantam, naming of children and upanayanam can be performed. Also good for commencing the agricultural events and study of Vedas and sastraas and to wear new jewels.

Good star for laying foundation stone, building houses, house-warming and to plant sugarcane, paddy and betel plants. But it is not good for marriages. Any work undertaken will be rid of all difficulties and obstacles , the enemies power will be dwindled. This star can be seen in the sky after 10:30 p.m in the month of February.

Generally people with cancer rasi are said to not have a good worldly life. They need to take up spiritual life or focus more on spiritual activities in life. People are generally mind based and emotional as moon in its own house.

Generally pooyam people are fluctuating in nature, easy going and fun loving. They cannot be entrusted, generally, to do serious work (and with full dedication). Since the dasha starts with saturn therefore their character also will be that of saturn. Saturn-oriented people are generally dark with respect to external appearance as well as character. They will be smart, tricky and often cheating as well in nature. Though smart, still they will slow in doing actions (and will often do it carelessly as well).

All the characteristics are general alone and other aspects of the horoscope has to be thoroughly analyze before confirming any qualities of the person.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

This is the ninth star in the order. There is a tamil proverb to the effect that this star is like a grindstone. It’s a feminine class and belongs to Rakshasa gana. Its god is serpent. The sparrow signifies its bird group. its a male planet with tamasic guna.

Some saying is there, where it’s said that a girl born in this star will bring about the demise of mother-in-law soon. But it does not turn out always to be true.


This is the ninth star in the order. There is a tamil proverb to the effect that this star is like a grindstone. It’s a feminine class and belongs to Rakshasa gana. Its god is serpent. The sparrow signifies its bird group. its a male planet with tamasic guna. The weakest portion of the body is feet.

Some saying is there, where it’s said that a girl born in this star will bring about the demise of mother-in-law soon. But it does not turn out always to be true.

General characteristics

Mercury is the ruling planet. They are intellectual and smart people as the ruler is mercury. They analyse and think before doing. All padas of this star fall in cancer. They are lovers of life, religious, ritualistic, sentimental, sharp and intellectual.

Generally natives are bright and good speakers. They are able to command respect and friendship of famous leaders of the land. They are interested in foreign tours. Their enemies will have tough time with them, they will not be left carefree. They will discharge work with enthusiasm.

The four padas are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter. All the four padas fall in cancer. The house ends with this star.

1st pada – Ruled by Jupiter and the native is interested in discovering new things. He is honest bold and pious. Person is religious, intelligent and good natured. Sattwa guna is predominant.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

2nd pada – This is ruled by Saturn. Such people will have position, can be ministers, intellect is not sharp, they lack discrimination. The native will be afflicted by some illness. Although their stomach is full they will feel gluttonous. They will do sinful deeds without hesitation. They will seek to amass wealth by associating with mean fellows and indulging in anti-social activities.Tamasic qualities dominate.

3rd pada -- This is also ruled by Saturn. Native will be cruel, will be hiding nature, indulging in wicked actions. They should become spiritual else trouble for them and others. They will have paralytic attacks. Tamasic qualities dominate.

4th lord – Ruled by Jupiter. More fluctuating nature, indecisive, lot of mental conflicts are seen. Children born in this pada are likely to cause danger to their parents. They are nurtured as orphans. It is essential to do saanti for the children born in this pada to prevent any mishap. Sattwa guna is more dominate here.

This star people if they are spiritual will help them in life. Deceit, craftiness, dishonesty are generally seen in this star.

This star is ruled by mercury for duration of 17 years. It’s a male star.

Since mercury is the ruler therefore these people are smart or intellectually strong - yet most times we find that they are a bit slow (not very sharp like vishaka or rohini). Also another feature of these people are they are silent doers (when given tasks) and they don't talk too much (like pooyam people, for example).

But the greatest disadvantage of this star is that it is like a cursed star - some or the other bad will befall them and therefore they should become spiritual and then alone they will be truly benefit in the world.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

Muhurtha – Electional Astrology - I

Time is an important factor in our lives. Whole world is based on time. Everything changes in the world based on time. Creation, protection and destruction happens in time. Right from birth of child, its growth into childhood and becoming a teenager as well as growing old, everything is time based. We cannot quicken anything much or skip any step. Everything happens when time comes. All events are time based. For the seeds to sprout, or birth of child, for harvest or for ripening of fruits everything has a specific time when it happens. Even in human beings life there is time for studies, for marriage, for children and for job as well.

Even the day to day events in life have time. We cannot take food at 6 in the morning and we cannot sleep at 4 in the evening. There is time for each activity in a day. That’s why its said that time is a very strong factor in life. Each activity should be done on right time. We cannot take bath at 2 p.m afternoon and brush in the evening. If we do not follow proper time for the daily activities we perform in a day, our whole day will be in chaos. One day we change our routine and our body reacts differently. Our routine determines our health and helps in maintenance of body. Doctors even advise to follow routine in life for proper health. Irregular eating or sleeping, causes diseases. One cannot marry at 60 yrs. The body will not be suitable to bear children.

So we can now understand the importance of time for the smallest of activity in life like eating and brushing to major events in life like marrying etc. Even nature follows this law. There are seasons across the year. It’s hot in summer season and rains in rainy season and is cold in winter season. We do feel cold in summer season. There is a particular time in year when apples ripen. There is time of year when fruits are available. Mango is not available in December which is winter season but in summer which is hot season. There are certain animals which give birth based on seasons. Birds migrate based on this season. The life’s of animals and birds is also based on time.

The order of the entire world is based on time. One who doesn’t know the value of time, can never understand science of astrology. This time is determined by the motion of sun and moon. When the sun is nearer to the earth it’s hotter than when it’s farther away. Thus seasons are determined by the sun. The day and night is also determined by the motions of

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the sun and the moon. Based on this, the time of day and night and season of year is determined. All activities under the earth happen due to the energy released from the sun. The sum total of all energies originates from the sun. The life exists due to sun and moon.

As we now understand the value of time and the source of the energy, let’s understand what is muhurtha. Muhurtha is to determine the right time to do any activity for success and to avoid obstacles or reduce obstacles. Time for harvesting cannot be rainy season as that will wash away crop. So as we have seen there is right time for activities to be done. This choosing of right time is called muhurtha.

We may have a question as to what is the difference between horoscopy and muhurtha. Horoscope shows the sum total of all the past karma balance with which we have been born. It’s based on the planetary positions at the time of birth. It’s like a balance sheet in the bank. It shows what we are eligible for in this life. Muhurtha is about the current time. How choosing the right time we can avoid, reduce or minimize the evil effects and attain success. This doesn’t mean the evil effects in the chart can be warded off. But this definitely means we can control them to an extent by choosing the right time for these activities.

A right time or muhurtha is when all positive energies are concentrated in the universe. Sun and moon are sources of energy for earth. Hence the calculation of muhurtha is determined on the motion of sun and moon. Each body in the universe radiates energies both positive and negative. Even human body radiates energies. So muhurtha is sum total of all these invisible energies that determines the course of actions, thoughts and words.

Thus muhurtha is that precious moment and important in our life’s that can change our course of life and standard of living. All the hindu ceremonies in life are based on muhurthas. Small activities like cutting hair, nails or going on pilgrimages are all based on appropriate time. In our ancient culture and tradition, muhurtha is part of life.

We shall see in the next edition more on what constitutes muhurtha and understand more about panchanga.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

Analysis of learning disability

Some children at the time of birth develop lack of learning or grasping capacity. It can be due to nature of birth or by birth defect. Some children due to serious illness at very young age may develop such disabilities as they grow. High fevers can also be cause of damaging the growing cells in a few months old born child. They show symptons of learning disability at very young age. The symptoms become more clear when children join school.

Slow in learning, understanding grasping retaining knowledge of world and its objects falls under this disorder. Mercury is related to nerves and brain, which could lead to such problems. Lagna, 5th house, 5th lord or 2nd house all stand for head. Malefics Saturn and mars and its association with lagna, mercury not well placed or associated with these malefics, the 6th lord and house all play important role. Let’s see few charts of children having learning disability. All these children are within 2 to 10 years of age. Let’s see what causes this disorder and how we can identify it in the charts. We had 4 samples of the charts of children suffering from same disability. Chart 1

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

Analysis: In this chart we see that lagna, 5th house and 2nd house all are afflicted.

Lagna has rahu and hence afflicted. Lagna has no benefic aspects. Lagna has only 3 points on astakavarga. But total points are 30 for lagna, so it’s a saving factor. From moon either side of the lagna has evil planets Saturn and ketu. This is papakartari yoga. Hence affliction is there.

Lagna lord is in 8th house, which is house of trouble. This shows body troubles will be there through life. Lagna lord Jupiter is with 6th lord sun. Jupiter is also aspected by mars which is a malefic. This also shows troubles and diseases for the body.

2nd house has mars and is aspected by Saturn. This is a major affliction in the chart. 2nd also stands for head. Saturn and mars influences show operation or wounds on the head. But 2nd lord mars is in its own house, Which is positive.

From moon also the 2nd house is afflicted by ketu. Saturn also aspects the 2nd house. Thus we see that 2nd house is afflicted from moon as well as from lagna. 2nd lord mercury is well placed in 4th , but with 3rd and 10th lord which is not a very positive factor. Over all 2nd house is afflicted.

5th house from lagna has Saturn in it. Also mars aspects the 5th house. This also indicates troubles to head . It also indicates, wounds or operations. 5th lord moon is in 6th house. This is also not a good location. 5th lord moon is having papakartari yoga. It is having evil planets on both sides. So 5th from lagna is afflicted.

From moon the 5th house has mandi. This shows trouble. The 5th lord Jupiter is in 3rd house, which is not a good location. Jupiter is aspected by mars as well. So the lord is afflicted.

Mercury is afflicted by mars. Mercury is with venus, which is malefic for lagna. Venus is the 8th lord. So mercury with 8th lord will give trouble to brain. Also mercury has kendradhipathi dosha and cannot do much good here.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

The 6th lord from lagna which is sun is in the 8th house. This show serious illness. There can be a tumour in the brain.

Thus all above factors show that brain is affected in many ways for this child.

Chart 2

Analysis: We see that lagna, 2nd house and 5th are afflicted.

Lagna has mars and Saturn. This shows that head portion is effected and may result in wounds or cuts. Lagna lord mercury is in the 11th house, which is not favourable and it is associated with 12th lord of losses. So it’s again not favourable.

From moon, the rasi lord mars is in 12th with Saturn. So it is afflicted. On either side of moon there are malefics. This shows papakartari yoga. This also means effecting the brain.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

From lagna the 5th lord Saturn is with malefic mars, which shows that 5th lord is afflicted. 5th house is aspected by Jupiter, sun and mercury. So it is a saving factor. The 5th house in astakavarga carries 21 points only. Also the 5th lord is in 29 deg, which is border, rendering it powerless. From moon the 5th house is aspected by mandi. There are no benefic aspects. The 5th lord Saturn is with mars in the 12th house. This also creates problems. The 2nd lord from lagna is venus and is aspected by rahu, though with jupiter. 2nd house on either side has malefics, leading to papakartari yoga. The 2nd house from moon has rahu in it and aspected by Saturn. The 2nd lord mars is in the 12th house with saturn. All this show afflictions to the 2nd house and lord. The 6th lord from lagna i.e Saturn is with mars, which shows lot of health issues. The 6th lord from moon i.e Jupiter is in the 8th house with 8th lord venus. This also shows lot of helath issues for the person. Mercury is with sun and is not aspected by any malefics and is safe.

Thus we see that key role is played by mars and Saturn being in the lagna.

Chart 3

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Lagna lord venus is in the 10th house which is good. But it is in enemies house with mandi and rahu. So it is afflicted partially. Lagna is aspected by Jupiter, which is positive. From moon the rasi lord sun is in the 6th house which is not good. Moon is afflicted by rahu and ketu, though venus and mercury aspects are there. From lagna the 2nd lord is in 10th house is good, but it is in enemies house and it is with mandi and rahu. So it is afflicted to an extent. From lagna the 2nd house is aspected by mars. There are no benefic aspects to it. From moon the 2nd lord mercury is with malefics mandi and rahu and also with benefic venus. The 2nd house from moon is aspected Saturn. There are no benefic aspects. From lagna the 5th lord mercury is in malefic house though in Kendra and with venus. It is also with malefics mandi and rahu. From lagna the 5th house is aspected by Saturn. There are no benefic aspects. From moon the 5th house has mars, which is a malefic. the 5th lord Jupiter is in Kendra so good only. From lagna the 6th lord venus is in the 10th house, with malefics. Shows that the native can suffer from tumour of brain. Mercury is also afflicted here. From moon the 6th lord is in the 12th and 6th house has sun, thus shows some ailments. Moon is at 2 degree in the chart, this shows the problems with head as well. In bhava chart Saturn is with moon, this also increases afflictions to moon.

Thus we see in the above chart many factors leading to the disability.

Most of the charts we have seen till now, we find that lagna, 2nd and 5th house are equally effected. From moon also the 2nd and 5th houses are afflicted. We also can observe the role of mars and Saturn in the entire horoscope. The aspects and association of these planets has played a vital role. Even the 6th lord and 6th house has been an important factor.

One has also to consider the astakavarga points for each house as well as individual points to determine the strength of the house and planet. This also needs to be considered as one

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of the factors. The degrees occupied by the planets, lagna also need to be looked at to know the good/bad influences of planets and lagna.

The intensity of the effect depends on the strength of planets and also the benefic planets aspects and associations. The number of negative factors also determines the seriousness of the ailment. Recovery and period of recovery depends on the benefic influences in the chart. Propitiation done will help a person to reduce or remove the effects of the same.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

Horoscope Analysis

A child prodigy in the field of Carnatic music who was awarded Padma vibhushan the second highest civilian award in India is Dr Balamurali Krishna. Born in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh in a family of musicians, Dr Balamurali Krishna’s parents were well known musicians and he showed interested at a very young age.

Dr Balamurali Krishna mastered 72 melakartha ragas at an young age of 15. His music career started when he was just six years old. He was composed new raga Raganga-ravali. Dr Balamurali Krishna also plays number of instruments. He was awarded doctorate and many other degrees and awards and recognized worldwide. Carnatic music world was dominated by orthodox tamil musicians who religiously stuck to what the old masters have composed. But this versatile genius not only grasped and churned musical essence of old masters but enriched it with his own variations.

Dr Balamurali Krishna lost his mother after his birth. But his mother related the experience at his birth to his father, that the boy is going to be a great person in the world of music. He never had any formal education and music is his world. He has travelled world over and acquired many honours and laurels.

His guru was Sri Parupalli Ramakrishnayya Pantulu. He is a direct descendant of sishya parampara of saint thyagaraja. Dr Balamurali Krishna popularized the compositions of Sri Bhadrachalam Ramadasu and Sri Anamacharya. He sung in multiple languages like kannada, , Tamil, Malayalam, Hindi, Bengali, Punjabi. He had established a trust to work on music therapy. He has also contributed to the world of Indian cinema and those movies have got awards for music.

Let’s analyse his chart and see what makes him blessed by music and honored worldwide.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

Dr Balamurali Krishna

Analysis: Saturn in lagna has given a dark skin color and made him short statured. Lagna lord Jupiter is having kendradhipathi dosa and is with sun. Thus is not very beneficial and hence didn’t provide a bright outer appearance. Saturn in lagna made him not so traditional and unconventional at same time. But benefics aspecting lagna and with lagna lord made him a strong personality. Multiple planets influence in lagna shows that he versatile genius. Lagna lord with 9th lord, made him a lucky person in life. He didn’t not face much difficulties in life and came easily to name and fame.

The prominent yoga we can see in the chart is bhadra yoga. 7th lord exalted and forming bhadra yoga. This has given unbound name and fame in the world of Carnatic music. The 7th lord in his own house with the 9th lord sun has given him lot of luck. Without much effort he attained great heights of name and fame and all came so easy to him. Three planets in the 7th house and Saturn aspecting the 7th gave him all popularity. From moon also the lord of the house where moon is, is in the 7th house.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

Dr Balamurali Krishna’s mother died in few days after his birth. The 4th lord Jupiter is in 7th house which is good, but moon karaka for mother is in the 12th house with mandi. Also the 4th lord is with sun and opposed by Saturn. This also might have lead to demise of his mother. Even his father didn’t live for long. This also may be due to sun and Saturday combination as sun stands for father.

If we see ashtakavarga there are 35 points in the 5th house from lagna. This shows his innovation and imagination in the field of music. His highly mental capability as a musician is seen. Also he is a mentally strong person as well. So many points in the 5th house show purva punya. So he has got all the music knowledge from his previous birth. Thus we see he was a child prodigy at very young age in the field of music. This is due to the 5th house having so many points.

The art of music and singing depends on planet in venus and the 2nd house. If we see the 2nd lord Saturn is aspecting by three planets. This has given the strength in his voice and also the ability. From moon also the 2nd house is aspected by three planets, which made him a great musician. Venus the planet of singing aspects the 2nd house of singing from lagna. Venus is in the 8th house from lagna but from moon its in the 9th house and given him devotional singing.

We see in the chart. There are benefics in 6th, 7th and 8th houses of the chart. This shows that the person will have lot of wealth and prosperity.

The 10th lord mercury in the 7th house with Jupiter lagna lord, made him excel in his job and have high positions. He worked in All India radio in high position. But from moon the 10th lord sun is in the 8th house, did not give him a continuous job. His life was dedicated more to performances and teaching and spreading music.

Many planets in the 7th have given him many travel along with name and fame. He has travelled abroad and spread music there and also has many disciples.

Thus we see that he is over all a lucky person who has lot of name and fame.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

Swami Amritasvaroopananda Puri

In the wake of lot of accusations against swami ji and he becoming the talk of the town, It cannot be a better opportunity than this to discuss swami ji’s chart. From spiritual perspective what does the chart show and how swami ji is known better than rest of swami’s. we can get better insights in swami ji’s relationship with AMMA.

A little information about swami ji’s life would help us to analyse his chart better and understand it. Swamiji lost his biological mother as we all know at a very young age. His father is said to be strict disciplinarian and swami ji was scared of his father in his childhood days. We know that swami ji regards AMMA as own mother after he met AMMA in 1979. Swami ji has one brother who also joined the line of sanyaasa. Swami ji is famous as seen with AMMA most of the time.

Below is the chart of swami ji.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

Sanyaasa yoga We see that swami ji has pravrijya yoga occuring in the 11th house. This yoga is strong in Kendra and trikona and is good spirituality. In 11th house it gives lot of raja yoga along with sanyaasa yoga. Swami ji goes around the world with AMMA and has visited many places and represented AMMA at many forums. This yoga shows that all worldly comforts will be there and all desires get fulfilled.

Generally there are 4 planets making the pravrijya yoga. Here shadowy planet is generally not considered. But Jupiter aspecting the planetary combination and ketu is with it so we can take it to have the same effect as pravrijya yoga. Jupiter is also the 10th lord. Its said that if the 10th lord is involved along with the other planets in the four planetary combination, the person attains final emancipation. But here in swamiji’s chart we see that 10th lord Jupiter aspects the combination.

So we can say that it’s not a very strong pravrijya yoga, nor the rule of final liberation exactly works here. Due to the planets in 11th causing Raja yoga, the person entered into sanyaasa, though other sanyaasa yoga is not strong.

General horoscope Analysis We can see that moon which is the 2nd lord is in lagna with mars. Moon in lagna indicates immaturity. Mars shows aggressiveness. That’s why people find swamiji sweet at times and sometimes angry. Also as mars and moon are in lagna the native will be royal, straightforward, dynamic, energetic and outspoken.

Moon in lagna also denotes that person will be close to mother. We all know that Swami ji considers AMMA as own mother. Such natives will be darlings to their mothers. They will be influenced in life by mother. Moon in lagna also makes a person moody. Native will also a good appearance.

Mars in lagna denotes that brothers also will be along with the person. That’s reason how swami jis biological brother also is part of ashram and took to sanyaasa. Mars in lagna also denotes bravery and aggressiveness. As mars is with 2nd lord also, sometimes words are harsh and rude.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 43

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

Another important factor in the horoscope is the parivartana yoga between mercury and mars, the lagna lord and the 11th lord. This gives lot of benefits and yoga to the native. This is a big raja yoga. 1st, 4th lords mercury is in parivartana with 6th and 11th lord mars. This shows that all desires will be fulfilled by Devi. Venus represents devi and venus is also in the 11th house of desires. 11th having planets also means they will have some people around them. So swami ji doesn’t have followers but some group of people hang around always with him.

Mercury the lagna lord is in 11th house with benfic venus and in lagna moon is present. Though sun is with venus and mars with moon, still swami ji has big body, due to these benefics venus and moon influences with lagna and lagna lord mercury. Generally also mithuna lagna people are said to be fat.

Mithuna is a dual sign. The symbol is of two boys. So it shows dual character. Also there are many planets influencing lagna and lagna lord. Almost all planets influence either the lagna or lagna lord except Saturn. So thus we see swamiji as a multifaceted personality. He has much capability to handle and understand many aspects in life. We also see swami ji as playing with AMMA, this is all due to the dual character of mithuna. Mithuna people are generally highly intellectual. Mars in lagna makes swami even a logician to analyse and criticize. Moon in lagna in house of mercury is considered good. It gives an emotional and intellectual balance.

6th lord mars is with moon which is 2nd lord. This is the cause of throat problem for swami ji. He had to undergo operations. The 8th lord Saturn is in 6th house and 6th lord is in lagna, all these show lot of health issues. Even the 6th lord mars aspects the 8th house. The 8th house in the chart is effected by mars and Saturn. So the link between the 6th and 8th lords and houses is reason behind many health issues.

Speaking about swami ji’s brother, We see that mars in lagna made his brother also join him and be with him. Jupiter is in the 3rd house. This shows that brother is more dominating. The native listens to his brother. Brother has influence over him. The 3rd lord sun is also exalted. So brother is power oriented. As 3rd lord is exalted and benefic is in the 3rd house, so swami ji is known to be very brave. We know well through certain events in his life, which we all are well aware of.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 44

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

Regarding swami ji’s biological mother, we see that moon with mars which is 6th lord and mandi in 4th made his mother pass away very early in life. Mandi in 4th is aspected by mars which is not a good indication for properties, studies or mother. But as the 4th lord is in the 11th houses, swami ji due to AMMA’s grace had good education academically.

The 5th house is influenced by sun which is exalted, venus, mercury , rahu and ketu. Jupiter also aspects the 5th lord venus. Thus 5th lord venus is with many planets and 5th house is aspected by many planets. This shows lot of mental capability. Swami ji’s degress can be attributed to this. Even the high imagination capability, Good memory, focus and similar capabilities the native will have. We all know that swami ji is mentally very strong. This shows lot of tapas was done, as we all know in earlier days how swami’s would sit nd meditate for hrs.

Sun exalted gives divine knowledge and sharp mind. Mercury gives good sense of humor and also sharp intellect. Venus aspecting 5th house had made swamji a great singer. 5th lord is in 11th lord hence all desires of swami are fulfilled by AMMA or devi. 5th lord being venus also denotes swami is a devi bhakta. 3rd lord sun associated with venus, might have made swami an artist who acted in dramas as well. Rahu and ketu are the malefic in the 5th house and aspecting 5th house. This also shows some bad names, some confusions in mind at times. But swami has more good name than bad name. So many benefics in 5th shows name and fame.

The 5th lord is aspected by jupiter and 7th lord is aspected by Jupiter. So all name and fame for swami ji is due to AMMA or through AMMA. The 7th lord Jupiter is in 3rd house and aspected by 8th lord and 9th lord Saturn. Venus is also in 11th house. May be this is the reason that many people opined that chances of marriage were there in swami ji chart.

The 9th lord saturn is in 6th house, which is not good. Also sun is exalted. So swami was not close with father, but his father was very strict and disciplined man as we can see the sun exalted in the chart which represents father. Also 9th house is aspected by Jupiter. This shows that father was powerful. We all know that swami was scared of his father.

9th house also stands for Guru. 9th house aspected by Jupiter has helped swami ji in spirituality, though 9th lord in 6th house is not a favorable position. Jupiter is also not in a

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 45

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

favourable position from spiritual perspective. Saturn being in the 6th also shows that there won’t be many people around swami as followers. We all know that he has just few people around him and does not have major followers.

Jupiter is the 10th lord which is in 3rd house, This shows that swami ji is not independent at work. We all know that all decisions are taken by AMMA and all follow it in ashram. Thus swami chart shows that there are no independent actions and AMMA is above him. Jupiter is aspected by 9th and 8th lord Saturn. As Saturn shows people, swami has to mange people. As 9th lord aspects the 10th lord, swami actions are for ashram and for dharma. 8th lord association creates problems some time in work. Also it shows that swami has to face problems due to people around AMMA as 9th lord is also the 8th lord for swami.

Time of Deeksha Swami met AMMA in 1979. It was Saturn – moon dasha running at that time. Saturn is the 8th and 9th lord dasha, which brought swami near to Guru and away from father. Swami left father and joined ashram.

In oct 1989 swami got sanyaasa. This was during Mercury – venus dasha. So the lagna lord and venus the 5th and 12th lord helped him get sanyaasa. Venus in 11th has fulfilled desires of swami ji and thus during this sub dasha he became a renunciate. There is parivarthana yoga between mercury and mars. And whose lord is mars is the house where the pravrijya yoga happened. So due to parivarthana yoga, mercury has given the benefits of mars. Thus the mercury main period was also favourable. Mercury is the lagna lord and individual progress is also indicated during this period.

Gochara & current time Currently as per gochara, Jupiter is in lagna and Saturn is exalted in the 5th house. In Ashtakavarga we see that in thula there are three zero’s for ascendant, mars and mercury. Saturn is traversing the house thula , hence lot of problems swami ji is facing now. Also as 5th stands for name, so lot of bad name, at the same time he is becoming famous all over the world. The zero’s in ashtakavarga always denote a critical event happening in life.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 46

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

Once Saturn moves out from Thula on nov 2nd 2014, all the issues will end for swami ji and things will be better. Saturn is the 8th lord too which is in 5th house now. So it will cause mental worries.

Once Jupiter moves to cancer on 19th june this year, then swami ji will talk to public about these allegations and gives words of wisdom, as Jupiter is exalted in the 2nd house. So his reaction to the incidents will be through words as 10th lord Jupiter moves to the 2nd house of speech.

Currently the dasa Running for swami ji is Venus dasha (2009-2029). Venus is the 5th and the 12th lord. 5th lord brings name and fame for the person if good planets are associated. Venus is in the 11th and hence lot of benefits from AMMA during this period. All desires will be fulfilled and lot of yoga swami will enjoy during this dasha. It’s a good period. It’s also the 12th lord period, so will help in spiritual growth or reaching the goal. The sub dasha is venus- moon. Moon is the 2nd lord in lagna, so the period is not bad.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 47

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

So we see that in gochara as Saturn is in the 5th house where there are zero’s in ashtakavarga, all issues are happening. Everything will slowly diminish after November this year. By end of next year may, everything will be resolved.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 48

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

Analysis of Gochara (as of now)

As we know currently Saturn is exalted in thula. It shall remain so until nov2nd 2014. This is when it will transit into house. Mars is in retrograde motion and was in thula from feb 4th to march 25th and again will be in Thula from Jul 14, 2014 to Sep 05, 2014. Currently Rahu also is in thula until Jul 14, 2014. Thus we see three malefic planets causing problems in thula i.e Saturn, mars and rahu. These three joined together and cause havoc, especially to thula lagna or rasi and Mesha lagna and rasi people. Even mithuna lagna and people having ezha sani i.e 7.5 yrs sani going on will suffer due to this.

Recently we have seen lot of problems all over the world and in individuals life too. Many aeroplane crashes and many serious accidents and mishaps happened all across the world. The weather has been bad this year in US and also we have seen that these planetary influences have brought lot of ill name for AMMA and the ashram.

Until Saturn transit into scorpio the situation will be more or less the same. Thula lagna people will be facing lot of troubles and have to put up against the ill name spread against them. They health also will be troubled as all planets are in lagna. Saturn is teh 5th lord hence children of the native will be in trouble and mars being the 7th lord will create trouble in relations. The relationships will be strained.

For thula rasi or lagna people, this combination is happening in the 6th house, so the health will not be good. The 7th lord is also mars, hence there will be problems in relationships. Saturn being the 10th lord, causes issues at work place as well and for father too. Though Saturn is yogakaraka, due to combination with mars, will give them health issues and troubles at work place. They will face enemity form people at work place.

For aries lagna and rasi, this combination is happening in the 7th house. This will lead to divorce for many of aries lagna and rasi. Their relationships will be in trouble waters. Bad name can be the result. Natives should be careful about Accidents happening. As the 10th lord is Saturn, so trouble at workplace is also seen. Mars being the lagna and 8th lord is with Saturn so health issues also will be seen.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 49

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

If we compare current positions with AMMA's birth chart, we find that Saturn as yoga karaka for both (lagna) and vrishabha (moon) is favorably sitting in Lagna but unfavorably sitting in 6th from moon. Generally the effects are better observed when seen from moon after a person crosses the age of 30. Thus we find that Saturn, Mars and Rahu are in the sixth from moon. Therefore enemies can be seen as strong and attacking amma. Since these planets combine in lagna, therefore the attack is on amma's nature or character.

The combination of all malefic planets of saturn, mars and rahu is very bad and therefore there will be lot of accusations against amma. Since mars is the 7th lord from both lagna and moon, therefore attack is on amma's name-fame (and travels as well). Saturn as the 4th-5th lord and 9th-10th lord also means attack is on amma's work, children and dharma.

Amidst all the attack, amma has been showing full compassion towards all - this also shows that the children (those who are accusing or attacking amma) have been poisoned or their perspective has been wrong. This is denoted by Rahu in the sixth.

Accusations against amma will continue until Mars changes from libra (which would be after around 40 days). Until then we can see the trend of accusations continuing constantly. From July 14th sept 1st also the situation will be grim as mars will be back to thula. So Until AMMA’s birthday , the talks will be all around and situation will be grim.

Now onto amma's dasha, amma is running saturn-venus dasha (started from june 2013 and will go till 2016). Saturn is yoga karaka but badly placed in sixth now from moon. Venus for amma is the sixth lord from moon and eighth lord from lagna, therefore it isn't favorable as well. The only advantage is that venus is in 11th in birth chart but it is also with mars (therefore cannot be considered as very favorable).

Now whether amma is affected or will accusations have any effect on amma or math, the answer is no - because jupiter is in the 9th and will move to tenth. It is favorable and therefore nothing can happen (against amma). Jupiter in 10th in exaltation will mean that all accusations will just lose their strength.

Once mars moves out of libra, the effects will slowly reduce. And once jupiter moves in may-june to Cancer and saturn moves in november to Scorpio, the period for amma will be

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)

favorable and lot of name-fame-money etc. will be accumulated (for the welfare of the entire world) (as saturn yoga karaka will be in the 7th from moon).

Lastly jupiter is currently in 2nd from moon and hence we find words of wisdom from amma - else we can say that the response wouldn't be from amma's mouth (but it would be direct attack to those who are going against amma, by prakriti or nature or Ishwara himself).

Thus we see that the three malefic, Saturn, mars and rahu joining thula has disturbed our live’s at a global level as well as at an individual level and also the life of the ashram.

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 51

Jyothisha Prakaasham Meena (Vijaya)


1. Editorial 2. Jyothishavidanustaana Vivaranam - This can be called Jyothishavid 101 or explanation about how to become a knower of astrology. 3. Bhavartha Ratnakara – brief analysis of the work of Bhavartha Ratnakara. 4. Sarvartha Chintamani – a brief analysis of the slokas/work of sarvartha chintamani (a continuing series). 5. Nakshatras – analysis of the various nakshatras. 6. Muhurtha – analysis of the various aspects of electional astrology. 7. Analysis of learning disability – analysis of learning disability in children. 8. Horoscope analysis - brief analysis of the horoscope of a renowned person. 9. Swami Amritasvaroopananda Puri – analysis of the horoscope of Swami Amritasvaroopananda Puri. 10. Analysis of Gochara (as of now) – analysis of gochara as of this month (the various bad effects it is causing in different places).

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Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha 52