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S me B·o og·cal S a ·s ·cs on A a ic Sa on arr from e ·ram·ch· R·ver Sys em, w Br nswic E ~.Schofield and J.L. Peppar Fr~shwater and Anadromous Division R• source Branch Departmentof Rsheries and Oceans Halifax,, Nova Scotia B3J 2S7 Febuary,1982 a ad·an Data Repor of .is eriesa qua "cSc"ences 0.322 Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences No. 322 February, 1982 SOME BIOLOGICAL STATISTICS ON ATLANTIC SALMON PARR FROM THE MIRAMICHI RIVER SYSTEM, NEW BRUNSWICK E.J. Schofiel~ and J.L. Peppar Freshwater and Anadromous Division Resource Branch Department of Fisheries and Oceans Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2S7 ~Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1982 Cat. No. Fs 97-13/1982-0322 ISSN 0706-6465 iii CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES. v ABSTRACT/RESUME vii INTRODUCTION. 1 SCOPE OF OPERATIONS 1 METHODS 1 RESULTS 1 REF"-~RENCES• 15 v LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1. Age determinations of 813 juvenile Atlantic salmon, collected by electroseining in 14 branches of the Miramichi River system, 1980.. 3 TABLE 2. Ranges and means of fork lengths, by age, for the 14 river samples (813 fish) of juvenile Atlantic salmon collected by electro seining in the Miramichi River system, 1980 . 4 TABLE 3. Length-frequency (fork length) breakdown, by river samples, for all juvenile Atlantic salmon (A13 fish) collected by electroseining in the Miramichi River system, 19AO . 5 TABLE 4. Mean fork lengths, by age, for the 309 pre cocious (developed) and non-precocious (non developed) male, Atlantic salmon parr collected by electroseining in 14 branches of the Miramichi River system, 1980. 6 TABLE 5. Ranges and means of total lengths, by age, for the 14 river samples (811 fish) of juvenile Atlantic salmon collected by electroseining in the Miramichi River system, 1980. 7 TABLE 6. Length-frequency (total length) breakdown, by river samples, for all juvenile Atlantic salmon (All fish) collected by electroseining in the Miramichi River system, 19AO . 8 TAAI,E 7. Mean total lengths, hy age, for the 30R pre COCiOllS (developed) and non-precocious (non developed) male, Atlantic salmon parr collected by electroseining in 14 branches of the Miramichi River system, 1980. 9 TABLE 8. Mean weights, by age, for the 309 precocious (developed) and non-precocious (non-developed) male, Atlantic salmon parr collected by electroseining in 14 branches of the Miramichi River system, 1980. .10 TABLE 9. Mean weights, by age, for the 14 river samples (813 fish) of juvenile Atlantic salmon col lected by electroseining in the Miramichi River system, 1980. .11 vi TABLE 10. Sex composition (percentage), by age, for the 14 river samples (811 fish) of juvenile Atlantic salmon collected by electroseining in the Miramichi River system, 1980. .11 TABLE 11. Numbers and percentages, by age, of the 311 precocious (developed) and non-precocious (non-developed) male, Atlantic salmon parr collected by electroseining in 14 branches of the Miramichi River system, 1980. .12 TABLE 12. Mean gonad weights, by age, for the 164 pre cocious male Atlantic salmon parr collected by electroseining in 14 branches of the Miramichi River system, 1980 . .13 'ill ARS'I'HAc'r Schofield, E.J. and J.L. Peppar. 1982. Some biological statistics on Atlantic salmon parr from the Miramichi River system, New Brunswick. Can. Data Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. No. 322. vii + 15 p. Over the period September 15-0ctober 10, 1980, electroseining operations were conducted on 14 different streams throughout the Miramichi River system, New Brunswick, to acquire samples of Atlantic salmon parr for biological analysis (length, weight, age and sex). The objective of this sampling was, primarily, to select small parr (mostly age 1+) aoc] large parr (mostly age 2+) and determine the extent of. precocious development amongst the males. This report summarizes data obtained from those samples. Key words: Atlant_ic salmon, Mirarnichi Hiver, parr, length, weiqht, aqe, sex, precocLollS development. RESUME Schofield, E.J. and J.L. Peppar. 1982. Some bioloqical statistics on Atlantic salmon parr from the Miramichi River system, New Brunswick. Can. Data Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. ~o. 322. vii + 15 p. Du 15 septembre au 10 octobre 1980, des echanti1lons de parr de saumon atlantique ont ete captures par e1ectrosennage dans 14 cours d'eau du reseau de la rivi~re Miramichi (Nouveau-Brunswick) en vue d'analyses biologiques (longueur, poids, age et sexe). L'objectif etait surtout de choisir des parr de petite taille (d'age 1+ pour 1a plupart) et des parr plus grands (d'age 2+ pour la plupart) et de determiner Ie degre de deve10ppement precoce chez les males. Nous presentons dans Ie rapport qui suit un resume des donnees recueillies sur ces echantillons. Mots-cles: saumon atlantique, riviere r~irarnichi, parr, lOrHjlleUr, poids, ilqe, sexe, developpement precoce. INTRODUCTION could not be reached, however, due limited accessihility on some streams, Electroseining operations have been widespread scarcity ofpatr (especially conducted throughout the freshwater large parr) encountered an<l the reaches of the Miramichi River system, obove-normal water flow8 experience,l on northeastern New Brunswick, to assess most ntreams. A total of 813 sall'lon VloS population densities of juvenile ~tlantic collect_erl. '1'he8e were rlivirled into fork salmon (Salmo salar) and other fish length groups of 1).0 crn-lO.O cm an,l >10.0 species present (Peppar and Schofield cm, to <lifferentiate small parr anrl lar'1e 1978; Schofield and Peppar 1979). These parr, respectively. operations were carried out, primarily, to determine relative spa~ning success in realtion to increased or decreased METHone; escapements of adults to the river system. With this objective in mind, operations Methods and materials employed in the each year have concentrated on the seining operations were similar to those sampling of sites sampled in previous already described (Peppar and Schofield years, to allow consecutive-year 1978). However, as the operations were comparisons of the calculated popUlation conducted to obtain samples and not to densities. derive quantitative estimates, barrier nets were not employed; an apron seine was In 1980, in order to increase used. biol00ical information not normally gathered directly from the juvenile-salmon At capture, obvious fry assessment program, new sites were sampled (un<leryearlinqs) were relea,;ed an(l the above an,l below established seinin0 si.tes, remainder wore retai.ned ilnd taken ,lshore; and juvenile salmon were removed for I:.here, the specimens WPrl" '~ollnte,l, rne;',sl1red sllbsegllenL lenqt:ll, weifJht, aqe f'lnfl HOX and 'Jrol1pe<l ;1Il to sma 11 and 1ar'le I'd rr. analyses. ']'he objective of thLB silmplin<] '1"'his procedure W'IS repeilte,l until d was, primarily, to select both smn.ll parr specific quoti'\ was reache<l, or, until the (most ly age 1+) and lanJe parr (mostly age operations failed to turn up any more parr 2+) and to determine the extent of from the site. Specimens were then precocious development al10ngst the males. returned to the Millbank laboratory The following report summarizes data facilities in iced water, Whereupon they obtained from these samples, all collected were appropriately labelled and stored in a over the period September 15-0ctober 10, chest-freezer (in plastic bags partially 1980. filled with water). To prepare samples for analysis, each SCOPE OF OPERATIONS was allowed to thaw at room temperature. A measurinq boarrl was nsed to <let-_ennine fork rrh(~ samples were 0hl-.ainecl frolfl ~:;i ten dnd t.OUI 1 1 en'Jths to the rW;lrest O. 1 (~rn. either ;Olbove or below the estahl ished Heiqhts were re<:ouled to the ne'1rest O.Ol q electroseining sites on 14 streams with a Mettler 1500 balance. Age was currently included in the juvenile-salmon <letermined by scale rea<ling. Scales were assessment program (Fig.). ']'he streams read under water with a binocular were selected to be representative of the microscope at medium (40x) power. Sexing three major areas of the Miramichi River of the gonads was done by both ordinary system, and included: visual and microscopic examination. Gonads of all precocious male parr were removed 1. Main Miramichi - streams flowing and weighed to the nearest 0.01 g. into Miramichi estuary or bay: Rartibog River. RESULTS 2. Northwest Miramichi - streams flowing into the Northwest 11ira A total of 813 "anticipateel" parr was michi River: Little Southwest collected. This total was recluced to 595 Miramichi River, NOrthwest Mira parr (380 small and 215 large), aftpr aging michi River, Little Sevogle River determined that 218 fish were fry and Rig Sevogla River. (underyearlinqs). '!'he tables to follow sllmmarize a 11 data elerived from th'e 3. Southwest Miramichi - streams analynes of these parr; data (lr~rive<l froIn flowing into the Southwr~Rt r1ira the fry have ulso been inclllded when michi River: Main Southwest possible. Mirarnichi River, Renous River, nungarvon River, Cains River, Rig Hole Brook, Retts Mill Brook, Burntland Brook, Taxis River and Rocky Brook. The main objective of the sampling program was to collect approxif'1ately 440 small parr (primarily age 1+) and 440 large parr (primarily age 2+) from the 14 selected streams - sampling intensities of of 40-80 fish/stream. This objective tv GLOUCESTER COUNTY NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY LEGEND ~ Electroseining Stations VICTORIA COUNTY ; i ..:~..:;~r~,\ '; I I Maine I I I I I I I YORK COUNTY e o 10 20 30 40 Kilometres I I I ! , T ---------.-..-... i i o 10 20 30 Miles FIG. Electroseining stations used in juvenile salmon population assessments, Miramichi River system, New Brunswick. (Schofield and Peppar 1979) :J TABLE 1. Age determinations of 813 juvenile Atlantic salmon, collected by electros6ining in 14 branches of the Miramichi River system, 1980.