A Compendious History of the Northern Part of the Province of New
V EXLI5RIS ROBERT GIBSON Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2009 witii funding from Ontario Council of University Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/compendioushistoOOcoon COMPENDIOUS HISTORY OF THE NORTHERN PART OF THK PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK, AND OF THE DISTRICT OF GA8PE, LOWER CANADA. BY ROBERT COOWET. The lowest genius may afford some light, Or give a iiint that had escaped your sight. REPRINTED IN 1896 BY D. G. SMITH AT CHATHAM, MIRAMICHI, NEW BHUNSWICK, FROM ONE OF THE ORIGINAL COPIES PRINTED HY JOSEPH HOWE, AT HALIFAX, IX 18.32. TO JOSEPH CUNARD, Esq. ONE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF NEW BRUlfJSWICK. Sir, Despising the expression of that opinion, which, possibly, may attempt to torture the tinsophisticated language of sincere esteem, into the feigned or servile compliment of flattery, to you, do Ifrankly confess, that the oppoitunity which the cojnpila- tion of this little work affords me, unreservedly to acknowledge my obligations to your friendship, is a delightful recompense for lohatever of care, anxiety, or fatigue, the execution of the task has involved. When circumstances, familiar to all the respectable inhabitants of Miramichi, interrtqited my profes- sional studies, through your disinterested sympathies, did <i munificent Providence kindly bestow an affectionate, and an unshri?iking friend. Therefore, to you. Sir, do I now dedi- cate this unpretending effort, and poor though the offering he, rest assured, that in the presentation of it, far loftier motives Influenced me, than any private considerations would suggest. — The faithful duscharye of the important duties of a Le<ji- slator, has obtaiived for you the merited approbation of a dis cerniiuj constiitiency ; the registered decisions of the Bench, eloquently viiidicate your integrity as a magistrate;—and the magnanimity that nnifoimly pervades youi mercantile pursuits, has invested your professioiud reputatioti ivith the distiiujuish- ing traits of liberality and enterprize.
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