Conference on _CNEA STEERING COMMITTEE 1997-1998 New England Archaeology ELECTED MEMBERS TERM EXPIRES 1998: TERM EXPIRES 1999: NEWSLETTER JOHN PRETOLA (Chair) DAVID SCHAFER (Chair-Elect) Springfield Science Museum Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Volume 17 April 1998 220 State Street Ethnology Springfield, MA 01103 11 Divinity A venne 413-263-6800 x320 Cambridge, MA 02138 CONTENTS Fax: 413-263-6884 617-496-3702 Fax: 617-495-7535 EllEN P. BERKLAND email:
[email protected] ARCHAEOLOGY AND HUMAN BIOLOGICAL VARIATION Boston City Archaeologist Environment D~partment EDWARD L. BELL Boston City Hall . Massachusetts Historical Commission Contributed commentary by Alan Goodman .................... 1 Boston, MA 02201 Massachusetts Archives Building 617-635-3852 220 Morrisey Boulevard CONFERENCE ON NEW ENGLAND ARCHAEOLOGY Fax: 617-635-3435 Boston, MA 02125 (617) 727-8470 x359 LUCIANNE LA YIN Fax: (617) 727-5128 1998 ANNUAL MEETING .................................. 9 Archaeological Research Specialists 437 Broad Street EllEN-ROSE SA VULIS Meriden, cr 06450 Department of Anduopolo gy ABSTRACTS ..............................•............ 12 203-237-4777 University of Massachusetts Fax: 203-237-4667 Amherst, MA 01003 413-256-0594 CURRENT RESEARCH ................................... 16 Fax: 413-545-9494 email:
[email protected] RHODE ISLAND .................................... 16 MASSACHUSETTS ................................... 18 APPOINTED MEMBERS: MAINE ............................................. 30 NEW HAMPSHIRE ..................................