Hale's Inventory Sale
l (^^S8^SSJ5»f3®5»*SSaR' •'9 ' . .• '.1 ■■■ III' I'lilliBdiifi f. ... fSIDAT. AVeUR t, U4T'" rAGE TWELVS // ■Is ■ I- ' 4 ’ . • IHanrifrpiitpr Eo^nfng ll^rold \ ■ • ^ ^ ’ “ r ■■ 1 Avaraga Daily Circaktiafi to ration aome food and other. Tha Wgathcr Items, the black market flouriahea 9 l 4My, 1M7 Peraeaat o f U. B. Wsathor About Town Tells of Conditions openly, without eeeming to affect life too much. Jn fact, toe ahya 9,052 taMght it looks as If the black market ac ehol to-- - V g o Pnvuil> ®* Onuidvtew itreet, tually ia the business axchsM e on at •Md Suadayi Hertford, formerly of Monchorter, In Present Day Italy which all activity/ hingea Every a« ■nd Donte P«K«nt, proprietor of body seemq to have some specialty the North End Peckaire store, will for sale, and the natural Industry ^Manehester^A City of Village Charm leave by train today for Blrmlnif* of the people la bringing the coun- ham, Alabama, where they will lA»cal RrHidrnt Just Re i tary hack. There aeema to be much visit with friends for several days. Back from Italy VOL. LXVL, NO. 256' ABvetttoiag Ob Page t .) MANCHESTER, CONNn SATURDAY, AUGUST 2. 1947 (TEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS turned, Gives Graphic ' work, good emplo3rment, and fac -1 ^ They will make the trip on the torics appear to he running it full Southern railroad’s <?rack train capacity. •Tlie Cbmet." Picture o f the Country;' People's Morale High At one point In her trip the went to the American Military Ceme Fateful Hour Bodies o f British Sergeants in Palestine Dutch Mop The contract fOr the building of ^ J.-------- tery at CSstelflorentlno where, at • SO-foot reinforced ***5i Back in Manchester after her the request of Mr.
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