• > • ' Of ' r ■'i# \ . : MONDAY. JULY SS. I M t P lo t TWELVE ;0 attfl|[fstfr Enntins RfraU) A t h b c s Daily N et Fra The Wantber ■kr Ska Waok B ait PunmaS af D. S. WamiM 81. BoU candidataa wan pn- M y 381 Itffi -X North Branch Bank Nears Completion oantad and opoka to tha oonvon- . Pair, coder tiafffkf. AboiitTown GOP Chooses BroU Given 10,298 fair with BroU. wbo la 88 yaara Itunlfr drill t i M ft> On. 1 wlU Watson Again Senate BM aw serving Ms thtrd tarm Jn tha k* M d tooliiit at t:lS at U>« Oaaaral AaaMnbly. Ha is chair­ lin . Brie M hlowel Mattehtuter^A City of Villags Cherm ■M a^w T M >Uta and HUUard man of tho BopiuUcan Town oom- mittao and a asambar af the Pi- P h oB S 7 7 3 7 Wethenfield Mao Will Bolton Resident Named nanea Board which he aarvad aa PRICE FIVE VOL. LXXI, NO. 255 MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 29. 1952 (TWELVE PAGES) I t a WlaUtrad B. Quirii o f North Represent 4Mb District Republican Candidate lU 8rat dmlrman. Ha ta a vri- .5?Sl , S eteal atTMt and Miai Patty atan af World War n In which ha Chattarton o f KUtnctoo avanua, In State Senate Race From 35th District •ervad as an Infantryman in the nodrrUla. laft Brainard Plaid by BUropaan thaatar, Tha aon of FRESNUmY H t~* tbla memln( fbr Akron, state Sanata candidataa wore Bolton, July at—(Spoctal) — Mr. and Mm Adolpb C. BroU, ha — — Sshaaft P. * B. bhia, arbara thay will ba the named by tha RapubUcan Party la marriad and haw two cbildran. ■apt M BaMgsmaM Oaaas Ira n T old maaU for tha aaxt 10 days of a Saturday at conventions held Ralph Broil of Bolton was namad Steel Speedup fotinar daaamata, Mrs. Robert throughout tha atata frith hopes of Rapubhean candidate for tha Stata Burdick, raeantly of Hartford, frinnlng control o f tha SU U Ban- Sanata from the. 95th District In Zoncr* Will Hear AftlNr Bng Sliriil To Ban A ll Radar Spots More O bject lhap wU ratum by plaiw Aug. 7. au which la at praaant ooatrollad tha convantlon bald at RockrilM to the DamocraU by a voU of 18 Saturday. Ha dafaatad Bdwin A gm p of parhaps 40 young to 17. l^ven Applications Americans aalorad glris, In agaa from . 10 to One woman. Mrs. Oaorganna Mil­ O. Smith o f MauaSold by ono voU, Gets Underway ftom Virginia and Oaorgia. Hiay lar of Preston.- waa nominated aa to 31, Both man ora rsprasan- Braaa Irglala and Oaorgia. nioy from tha 18th district If alactad tativaa of their reopeetlve towns Savon appUcatlona for axcop- mmmmmmmtmmammmrn aba win ba tha third woman to DOCTOR 'Tehran, Iran, July 29—<i(P) will bo in Ika employ of tha Hart­ la the Oanoral Assembly. tlons to local aonlng rogulaUona — Bitter attacki on the Unit­ man Ttobaoeo company o f Bock- sarva In tha upper chambar of the Tba convention of 44 delagato* Pittiburgh, July *29 — (/F) — Settlement of a threatened SUta Laglrtatura. wUl ba beard by tha Zoning Board THEODORE ROSEN ed States'highlighted a de­ over U. S. lead until gaptil bar woilUng on from tha 18 Tolland County toama gliiwiinum g t ^ e and ape^-up of steel production put the Ookaaeo. Taataiday tha group COndIdatas fo r tha House o f was eallad to ordar by Stata Can- of Appcala at a puUlc hearing to­ bate today in which tlie Rapnwantltlvas. which la or­ WILL RESUME nation’s economy on firm toouhg today for the first time in glaaaad to attand the aaoond aar- tral (kmimittaaman John H. Mul- night at 8 o’clock la tha hearing two ihonths. A walkout of 15,000 CIO ateelworkera at nine Iranian parliament over­ atoa at tha South IfaUwdlat dinarily controUad by RapubHcans. Ian of Stafford Springs.' Judga room of the Municipal Building. whelmingly approved Pi-e- Qrarah wUeb now kaglns at 10 wlH ba namad by both partlao la Btalo ^utU of. Stafford Springs Tha board may also, consider REGULAR •Igfltgnta o f f tha__ ___ giant___ Alum lnum t a.m. a ^ antring too lata, found Saptambar and Damocratie Stata presided and Mrs. Carleton Hutch­ re other applications that ara Cmpany cf America waa avart^ mier Mohammed Mossa­ Sho.uld Be Ready in September thay aoold make tha 10:48 aarrica Sanata candidatas wUl ba obossn ins of Columbia waa dark. pending from previous hearlnga. OFFICE HOURS laot nil^t by an 11th hour octtl*- degh’s program for economic CIO Blocks Plane Faik at tha Church of tha Naaarana. nnt tiMHittit Tha name of Rap. Bdwin O. Steel Local and speial reforms to head . ON THURSDAY, *" Tto atrika aat far today would a IlM y appaarsd much Intaraatad In Chartea 8. House, rapraaantliy Smith waa placad In nomination off national bankruptcy. tha maaaaga brought by Rar. Bart tha Stata OantnU Oommlttaa, call­ hava tout off more than 30 par by Simon Cbiien of BUmgton. Rap- JULY Sl8t cant tka aaUon’a Ingot alumi­ Th* ■arlouanaa* o f the anti law, mlaaiooary from Ihdla, who ed tha maatlng of tha 4th San­ rasantatlvf Richard M. Orant of AFL R aid To U n c o ^ atoria! Dtatriet to order and BImar RafMMid E Qmai num pioduetlon, vltaUy naadad In Rejects Pay Amarican damonstraUon wo* un- waa guaat apaAar. Hebron praaantad tba name of daracored when deputy Shams S. Wataon, praaant aanator, was A g s e g y She manufaetnra o f alrriaoaa and Ralfdi Broil to tha convention, and athar dafanaa Itama. Ohanat-Abadi demanded the again nomine tad with no oppoot- It was aacohdad by Mrs. Donald In Indiana Any C lu ii; tten. Local r iproaanUUvaa atCsnd- > Adviaary Sarvica )fgw BtmrtI CmbIrim ouatar of d l Americans from the SonUd fNoto. B. Tadford of Bolton, vico-ebair- Hike Terms country. Ohanat-Abadi la the Voting Instruction ing tha convantlon Saturday at tha Tba Manchaatar Trust Oompany's new North Branch on tha aornar af North Main and Oakland AB Unae af taavaaea Tha aattlamant waa announced man of tha Republican Town edm- by tka Woga BtahIHiatlon board rlghthand man of Ayatullah Seyed Watharaflald Ooimtry Chib war# atraata■ta ahowa a eomplatadccmplatad axtaribr•xtarfor to paaaarsby contlnuao Inslda tho bulldlag In proparaUon mlttaa in that town. Tba con- 885 Mala 8tno8-T*L 8458 Terre Haute, Ind., July 29 WaahingtoiL July 29-HC49 Mrs. JulU Crawferd, W. David m tha ava of lu final am o^ ca. Xaahani, Iran’s leading raUgiotU ' Before Primaries for tha branch's opanlng aomatlma In Mptambar. At tha preoant time tha Intarior is'bsing palntad vanUon voted by ballot and with Pittsburgh, July 29—< A V - figure and a clooa supporter of — (jp)—CIO United ' Auto — Radar ahowsd the sir evsr Kaith, John J. O'Oonnor, and Mrs. and daooratad and tha eeuntara ara axpactad to bt Inatallad In about two aroaka. Work also romalna Tto waga board, atrtppM of m ^ Onutti, as chairman, not voting, of iU Aputa-aattllng ^ The 1,600 workers of A. H. Mossadegh. Workers bolstered picket ths nation’s capital was Batty B. Door. William S. Daria, to bo dono oil tho grounds. Construction of the building wha started early last spring. ^ B n a reedvod 33 votao and Smith, with primary #1 action* coming local OOP toWn chairman, also at­ Cengraoa laat month, will ba ra- Byers Co. at nearby Am- Anti-U. 8. feeling hoa been rife lines at the AlIiB-Chalmers of flying objects eatiy » SP In iaptamW, town alactlona deced by a naw board lacking 8ny bridge held out today for a hare alnc* the July 31 riots which plant today for a second AFL tended tha oonvantlcm 88, of 185 Plorenca atraat, ehargad day, but an.airliner directed In October and atata and national roUowing la tha Uat o f OOP •10 VA LU It f power to propoae aattlamant tarma straight 16-cent hourly pay ousted ex-Premler Ahmed Qavam, invasion that failed to ma­ to one of the radar slghtiafs aloetIcM In Novambar, Oonaral candidataa for the Stata Sanata: IJth District—Sen. WllUam Ab- with aaaault and breach of tha to dbadlockad Ubnr (Uaputaa. but this waa the, first such out­ Icndl of Seymour. paaca la coanactlon with a domes- Tha W8B announeamant add raise after rejecting the big burst In parliament. terialize. could not find a thing. BtCluud Martin tah- 1st Diatrtct-(Hartford) — Nom­ IN SANITARY Bight persona were Injured, ana m atapa to prorida tha votara of ISth District—Mayor Moots A. tie disturbance July 30, waa notlad the naw cbntraeta will glva woik- steel settlement Shouta Deoiaads Th* civil Aoranautiaai adtsMi ination to ba mada Monday. Yi HH HO'.jNl; .IIK .1 NOII .'N'N.. WMKINS critically, to a pitchad battl* Mon- latratlon radar at WaMitagtaiff H i* Manmatar frith nine dim of In- Bid District -(Hartfcrdl—Moni- Savin, of Now London. on racommandatlon of Aaalatant PROTECTION ara a 31.4 canta an hour pay bana- Tha oontraet approved by to* 18ta DIatrlet — Mrs. Goorgaana Prcaacutor W. David Keith. ^ SnOTHBlUr INC. St package. Of that 15 canta la ra- C30 United Staalworkara and alx Th* demonstration began when I day when m«mb*r* of to* APL tional Airport, vriUiA raaectad Btruetlon In tha uaa of tha town'a Inatlon to ba mada Ifanday. mUIIMR 8 deputy. Interrupting hi* speerh I International Union of Operating VCiUbS SMiCUfMia MUIar o f Praaton.
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