California Sheet Music Collection, 1104 91





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• California Sheet Music Collection, 1104 93

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p A~s•tnl,ly California Sheet Music Col/ection, ·J 104 95

LANDAU, WILHELM. "Waltz Souvenir to San Fran­ music" at San Jose in Bishop's Direcrory of the City of San cisco." : Sherman, Clay & Co., n.d. 6 )ose Jor 1876, p. 407. pp. (box 11) LAWRIE, JAMES R. "The Santa Clara Poi ka." San Fran­ LANE, G. B., arr. "The Scott-Siddons Waltz," as per­ cisco: M. Gray, 609 & 613 Clay St., n.d. 5 pp. (box8) forrned by Nachan Ballenberg's Orchestra. San Fran­ *LEACH, STEPHEN WALTER. "Departure," a canzonet as cisco: M. Gray, 1878. 7 pp. Portrait on cover. [M.G. sung by Mrs. R. K. Marriner at the Ladies' Jinks given 1540) (box 9) by the San Francisco Bohemian Club. San Francisco: *LASCELLES, CHAS. "Ye Swore by Stars and Moon, Lad­ Sherman & Hyde, 1874. 2 pp. (box 3) die." Sung with greac success by Madame Anna Concerning Leach, see page 46; music at pages 50-52. Bishop. San Francisco: M. Gray, 613 Clay St., 1865. LE Duc, A. "La Chatelaine," fantaisic. San Francisco: 3 pp. (box 12) Matthias Gray, n.d. 6 pp. [M.G. 214). (box 2) *LASSAUGt;E, EMILIE. "Songsters of Spring." Los An­ • LEYBOURNE, GEo. "Moet and Chandon." Seque! to geles: Lassaugue Music College, 1885. 4 pp. (box 10) "Champagne Charlie." Written by H. Hurrille. San Concerning "Madame Lassaugue," see nex1 issue of lnrer­ Francisco & Portland, Oregon: M. Gray, 1872. 3 A merican ,Wusic Revie1,,. pp. 2 copies. Vivian's portrait on cover. [M.G. 347) (box 7) L1L1AN. "Paquita Polka," op. 43. Respectfully dedi­ cated to Miss Cora Packard. San Francisco: Sherman & Hyde, 1877. 4 pp. (box 8) * LINGARD, WM. H. "Happy Paddy." W ritten, composed and sung by Wm. H. Lingard [whose picture adorns 'JJ..c,,,,., #,,..,,.. lfr.,,*•IWfffk "','° t,,,,,.,.,...,., ~-Jll,yu,, 1# Cl,;y¡. #'WtNC.'tuG • Ct/41,,.IJ.n ,(4, CI) .fLH~ ... the cover]. San Francisco: M. Gray, 1874. 3 pp. [M.G. ,,.,/ ...-nrh11fdd4 tw"td1f..W.Wll•~../ DWX...W ~t«!(ll'fré. n#fdfftl!#l116"1"'J~'Y..,~ 950) (box 5) ·" -~ *LLOYD, ARTH UR. "Not for Joseph." Comic Song As Sung with great success by Johnny Mack at the Tem­ ple of Music, San Francisco. Song 35q_ Polka 40q. The melodies "Not for Joseph" and "Pretty Little Sarah" are contained in the polka arranged with violin ad. lib. by J. L. Schmitz. Written by G.C.H. San Francisco: ( _gs., M. Gray, 1868. 3 pp. [M.G. 126) (box 8) ij- ~ !)p' ~ -=-_.) Tt'amed with Lew Dockstader, Johnny Mack played with Whitmort' and Clark's Minstrels in 1874. He died at Hoo­ • '.{ i J1 A'l!lilfUJ/!JJfT~ síck Falls, Ne\\ York, February 28, 1891 (Rice, p. 242). :'l~v e)~ LOESC'H, GEO. "Tivoli March." Christrnas Souvenir. -".Y:.i•'.lrlr Dedicated to the patrons of che Tivoli Gardens by titen snd Compo.


Written and Composed by MADAME LASSAUGUE. Brightly and Joyously.

Song • - ,;f<>r!I of Spring, in my hRp - pi - er days, _ Dear__ un - to list __._ to your tlwy re - call_by-gone hours:_ The hurn __ of the --- =·~~ ' f

me __were your Y,ild art - less lay!!;__----- Oh, - how I in your bee, ___and the fra -- granee of flowers; And the friends I ha,·e lost __ and the ~r.'

> 0189

Copyright 188:I by Mmf' LAIH\l¡:Ue. California Sheet Music Col/ection, J 104 97

> -'·---t

8ongs of de - - light, From the da"n. C ing of day_ to the fall • • • ing of friends that re • • main, The home where eac~morn • ing 1 once_ heard )'Our ~,_l • ' , , -

And Oh thro,

.. :__. .. fling,__ likc notes dropt from, __ Sweet f riends of my

• ..._. + lleav - • en ~ • round us in Spririg, And, stíll_do l. love __fhe pure child - - hood,dur ,ong - •>rli of Spring, Thro• life_ l shall 1ove _ _ ev'· ry 98 INTE R-AM ERIC A!N MUSIC REVIEW

fling, __ LiL:e nu1t>s drop1 from llt·av - · • t'll 11 • rmi11d . . us in Swt•t•1 friends of my· cl1ild -- l111od,dt·m· M•III{ - - .. tt,1·1, of ------:-,-- --,------·-

l111rry n11d llllifni11, . "pring- ._ And sHII __ do I Ion~-- 1he pure mu - • • ,.¡e yt• "pring. _ Tbro, life__ 1 i.hall Ion•: __ t'V • ry bird _ that doth -•'


- t'll a - rouud_ us in "pring. sh•rs of - stcrs,dcar 1wug - - f.(crs uf f-pring. f-lcrs of

+ · California Sheet Music Collection, 1104 99 !I!'

--··- - . ---


.. ~, 11'! --- - -

As I U"ith a11imatfo11. L~.~ 100 INTER-AMERICAN MUSIC REVIEW

*M.C. "Flirting on Skates." As sung by Billy Emerson Church Book Company. In Langley's 1861 directory, page

at Maguire's Opera House. Arr. by Geo. T. Evans. 538, he advertised himself at 310 Montgomery Street, as hav­ San Francisco: M. Gray, 1871. 3 pp. [M.G. 320) ing bcen cstablishcd in San Francisco "sincc 1854," and (box 4) boasted, "I make my own drawings." Powers also failcd to observe that it was W. H. Oakes, not Boyd, who engra\ed •M.C. "That Little Church Around the Corner." San Massett's music. Francisco: M. Gray, 1871. 3 pp. (M.G. 326) (box 10) *l\'1ASSETT, STEPHEN C. "1 Would Not Have Thee Young MANSFELDT, HuGO. "Romance, d'apres une chanson de Again." To Miss Ella Watson of San Francisco, Cal. Franz Liszt." San Francisco: A. Waldteufel, 1886. 5 D. H. Dougliss, 1855. 3 pp. (box 5) pp. (box 9) See lnter-American Music Review vn:2, pp. 33-78, 85-87. *MASSETT, STEPHEN C. ''1'11 Look for Thee Mary." Words by B. W. Carey. San Francisco: J. F. Atwill & MARSH, HENRY. "De Murska Waltzes." Dedicated to • Co., 1852. 3 pp. (box 5) the Hungarian Nightingale lima de Murska. San Fran­ cisco: McCurrie & Weber, 128 Post Street, Publishers. *MASSETT, STEPHEN. "Learning to Walk.'' Words by 1875. 5 pp. 2 copies. De Murska's photo on cover. George Cooper. Dedicated to Mrs. Romualdo Pacheco of California and sung by \1ad. Anna Price 50

McCuRRIE, C. "Little Torment." San Francisco: M. *MILLER, HARRY, arr. "Scotch Lassie, Jean." San Fran­ Gray; A. Waldteufel, 1878. J pp. [M.G. 1512] (box 6) cisco: Sherman, Clay & Co.; Boston: Oliver Ditson &

Belongs to Dance Music for the Piano. In 1871 and 1872 Co.; New York: C. H. Ditson & Co.; Chicago: Lyon Charles H. McCurrie was a "clerk with M. Gray" (dwelling & Hcaly; Savannah: Ludden & Bates; Baltimore: Otto at 1010 Stockton). In 1873 he was a "salesman with Matthias Sutro; Cincinnati: Geo. D. Newhall & Co.; Philadel­ Gray" (residing at 716 California). In 1875 he and another phia: J. E. Ditson & Co. [copyrighted 1876 but a later Matthias Gray clerk Julius Weber withdrew to run their own issue]. J pp. (box 9) store selling "music and musical instruments" at 123 Post. In 1877 the firm advertised as "wholesale and retail music MOLLENHAUER, BERNARD. "Fifth Avenue, Grand dealers" at 213 Kearny. But from 1878 to 1880 Charles H. Waltz." Composed and dedicated to my dear friend, McCurrie was again a "salesman for Matthias Gray." In J as. W. M orrissey." San Francisco: Sherrnan & H yde, 1882 he was an independem "piano tuner and agent." Be­ 1875. 10 pp. (box 5) fore April 1883 he moved away from San Francisco. Composite picture on cover of 11 actors in Daly's 5th McKoRKELL, W. "The Chal\enge Schottische." As per­ Avenue Theatre. formed by Fuller & Walcott's Quadrille Band. San *Mooov, D. B. "Waiting for the Rain." Words by An­ Francisco: A. Kohler; Sacramento: R. Dale; San Jose: nie A. Fitzgerald. San Francisco & Portland, Ore­ Loewy Bros.; Stockton: L.C. Van Allen; Marysville: gon: M. Gray; San Jose: A. Waldteufel, 1875. 3 pp. G. Amy; Portland, Oregon: E.G. Randall, 1859. 3 pp. (box 11) (box 2) Concerning McKorkell, see p. 20 of this issue. In 1856 he *MoREL, CHAS. F. "But Thee," bailad. Arr. by F. Bach. dwelt at 175 Washington. His name is in none of the direc­ San Francisco: Sherman & Hyde, 1877. 3 pp. (box 2) torics of the l 860's. In 1877 Charles F. Morel, teacher of French at Urban Academy, dwelt at 729 California. In 1882 he taught modero *McKORKELL, WM. "Do I Not Love Thee." Words writ­ languages at Pacific Business College where his son was cur­ ten and adapted to a German Air by James N. Olney, rently a student. Esq. Symphonies and Accompaniment by Wm. McKorkell. Dedicated to Miss Sue Virginia Swearin­ *MORGAN, JoHN P. "My Love, He Built. Me a Bonny gen. San Francisco: Published by W. H. Oakes & for Bower." To Miss Emma C. Thursby. San Francisco: sale by E. J. Muggridge, 1 JJ Montgomery St., [ 1856]. Sherrnan & Hyde, 139 Kearny St., 1876. 3 pp. Price 50~. 3 pp. (box 3) Thursby's portrait on cover. 2 copies. (box 7) MEHDEN, Lou,s voN DER. "San Francisco Carnival John Paul Morgan (b Oberlin, February 3, 1841; d Oakland, January 5, 1879), the son of an Oberlin College professor, Galop." San Francisco: M. Gray; San Jose: A. Wald­ studied with George N. Allen and Charles H. Churchill. Af­ teufel, 1875. 3 pp. [M.G. 1088] (box 9) ter two years of prívate teaching at Oberlin he left in thc In 1871 Louis von der Mehden, Pcter Sengstacken, and spring of 1863 to study at Leipzig Conservatory. Upon Henry Linne ran a liquor saloon and restaurant at the comer returning he cooperated in September of 1865 with George of Main and Mission. In 1872 his brother Henry rana liquor W. Steele in establishing the Oberlin Conservatory of Music. saloon at Mission and Fourth. Leaving the liquor business A ycar later he left for New York City, where from 1866 to Louis von dcr Mehden in 1875 advertised as a music teacher 1873 he played organ in various churches (including Trinity). at 612 Powell. That same ycar his brother Henry von der In 1867 G. Schirmer published his Te Deum faudamusfor Mehden taught music at the Industrial School on Old Ocean solo quartett or chorus with solos, Op. 3, and his translation House Road. In 1883 both were still teaching music in San of the fifth edition of E. F. E. Richter's Lehrb11ch der Har­ Francisco. rnonie (Manual of Harmony). In 1869 A. S. Barncs pub­ MELTON, ALFRED. "Mia Carissima," waltzes. As played lishcd his compilation, épiscopaf Common Praise. In 1873 tuberculosis forced him to seek a milder West Coast climace. by Ballenberg's and other leading bands. Dedicated to Oberlin College archive holds one other work published Miss Flora Sharon, San Francisco. San Francisco: M. beforc his departure from the East, a Mo1e1te from Psafm Gray, Steinway Hall, I 17 Post St.; New York: W. A. LXXXVI (Bow down 1hine ear, O Lord) (Cleveland: S. Pond & Co.; San Jose: A. Waldteufel; Chicago: Lyon Orainard); also, a manuscript collection of "E>.ercises for & Healy, 1880. 12 pp. [M.G. 1628) (box 7) four musical courses at the Conservatory of Music, Leipsíc, In 1879-1880 Alexander D. Sharon managed the prcstigious 1863- 1864." Palace Hotel. Langley'~ 1875 and 1876 directorics identify John P. Mor­ gan as an official of the San Franci~co Musicians Mutual MERz, CARL, transcriber. "Won't You Tell Me Why, Protec1ive Association (545 California St.). In Junc 1875 he Robin.'' San Francisco & Portland, Oregon: M. Gray, succecded J. H. Dohrmann as musical director of the Oak­ 1873. 5 pp. Claribela No. 5. [M.G. 775] (box 12) land Harmonic Society. He traincd the mammoth choru~ The other five songs lramcribed frorn Claribel: "Take back (2000 members) that sang in the San Francisco 1878 Mu~i­ the heart," "Come back to Erin," "1 cannol sing the old cal Festival at Mechanics' Pavilion May 28 and at Grand songs," "Silver Chime~." "Five o'clock in the morning." Opera House June 3 (Ell)ah). 102 INTER-AMERICAN MUSIC REVIEW

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Sih·! riu¡: "ith radiancf' t'ach t .... - f'J' i,11rl

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•Tic. th1•11 thl' California Sheet M11sic Collection, 1104 103

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"ñen d oth it1 bo1om bear the

1ne; 'Ti, when it1 bright wavea thy fair form re - n ect -, 'Ti, tht'n the 104 INT ER-AMERIC AN MUSIC REVIEW

Do 1 not )ove thO'f' ? I" aak , th.- aon,;- bird, T1•illin¡; il• "iht nolt"• nf aoft inf'l-••-

warblin¡; fnndnt thonthl• • - "ª - 'lu•n, \l\·h.-11 doth it• inll - 1ic.- ll'f'm IWt't'lt'II lo



poco 1trin~ndo, ritard.

'Ti, wht"n thy dt,ar ,·oillt" minitlt"a .. ith il• 1h·ai11a ln,·,.,'Ti, lhl'n tht" 1ong-bird it , ..,.,.1e1t tn 1ne, California Sheet Music Collection, J 104 105

.JUTHO~ OF TEXT, UNKNOWN. ¡oHN f, jlioRCA.N. con 'TnOto yo1cE.

f!ANO. a tempo.

f'· Ped. *

cla.d it •' wi' lil-¡e 8ower: A brawer bower ye ne'er did 11ee Than

rit my true lon Le huilt for wc. 106 INTER-AMERICAN MUSIC REVIEW

.. •• Ped *

::.-,- -- mf o think no ye my hcut 1'08 woe When I tur - ncd a- bout,

\ --- - mf mf p - ~ '1 ; "1 ti t~ 1 ig r t~r 1 J r 1 r r 1 J, ~ r rJ F e ~ * --

tur • ned a - boul a -- ,.·ay lo S'OC'.

* ~ ..... ,. California Sheet Music Collection, 1104 107

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Nae )jy - in~ man 1'11 love 11 - ga.iu, Since tbat m~- lo,·e - ly knigbt is (6=J._¡Jq. '=f~t.-.;7=Ff@Jffi%. yf±tj::fJ] •• ::=::-- f f-· ~: ~

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544 " " j ~ti ~: s J ql J ! " J 1 ~ E t mf ~ al.o.i..n: Wi ae lock of hi.s 1el . low 1'11 bind my heart, - r \" ¡, ~ tfrr~ r el 1 ~ d 1 '

~~i----5 ____;,~..__F. +--+-1 E- ··--+t-4I~J -- -tZ------~E-~l,f ril binu -m,· be:irt for - f'\ - - er - - • -<· --;--.;---:-"' ~--.-.-·~~ - - ~ ='-- --• ~ ,:e:. ...- -~--,."'!._.--.:L --·-! -~ ~- ~ ,..---- ,J~~ - - --..--- -!\- 1=11/:'\ 1¡-=..±id.::::.::::•=-•·" ~ 1 "--=e:: -='-- . - ·- ·----=~ :=-1---.----i:.:_~::? ..~ .. - t¡- ~::I ( ... --#-~,--.~- 1 .-fl--4r -¡:-r__ __ ~- ·, --- - :-:- -~ 7, ril " lrm¡,o rz . /JI' 108 JNTER-AMERICAN MUSIC REVJEW

*MoRGAN, JoHN P. "1876 Centennial National Song." NoRTHRUP, THEO. H. "She," schotcisch, op. 87, bk. 4,

German voicc part. Words by Bayard Taylor. Oak­ no. 6. San Francisco: L. Budd Rosenberg Publishing land: J. E. White, 1876. 4 pp. (box 3) House, 1887. 3 pp. (box 9) *"My Mary Ann!" sung with rapturous applause by *OETTL, JuL1us. "1'11 Never Forget Thee." Words by Charley Backus, of the San Francisco Minstrels. San S. W. de Lacy. San Jose: A. Waldteufel, 1883. 3 pp. Francisco: Atwill & Co., 172 Washington Sl., n.d. (box 5) [1855]. Charley Backus's portrait on cover. 3 pp. Oettl's "March of the Golden West" (San Francisco: Broder (box 7) and Schlam, 1893) is excerpted on the back co,er of A. G. Charles Backus (b Rochcster, New York, 1831; d New York Kaufman's "Stanford University March." City June 21, 1883) "went to California in 1852, and two •QwEN, CHARLES E., arr. "I'm Too Affectionate, I years later organized Backus's minstrels there; in 1855 he Know." Words by Charles Le Cocq. Sung by Miss took the company to Australia. He returned to San Fran­ Lulu Stevens. San Francisco: M. Gray; San Jose: A. cisco in 1861, and aftcr playing se ver al engagements therc, Waldteufel, 1879. 3 pp. [M.G. 1576) (box 5) was one of the organizers on September 15, 1864, of Birch, Wambold and Backus 's Minstrels" (Rice, p. 70). PACKARD, C. S. "Our Wedding Tour," waltzes. San NEUMANN, SAMUEL. "'Enchantment Schottische." San Francisco: A. Waldteufel, 707 Market Street, 1884. 7 Francisco: I.L.A. Brodersen Co., Publishers, 1882. pp. (box 8) [Engraved by Gotthoid & Temple, Philade\phia, Pa.]. Langley's 1883 directory locatcs Chester S. Paclo..ard at 1909 3 pp. (box 3) Stcvenson. 1n 1882 Samuel Neurnann was a tcacher of music at 117 Sixt h PARLOW, A. "Ballenberg's Grand Centennial March," anda collector for Wood\\Orth, Schell & Co., piano dealers. op. 104. San Francisco: Sherman & Hyde, n.d. [1876J. *N1cHOLLS [ = N1ctt0Ls], PH1uP R. "Be Merry Whenever 3 pp. (box 4) You Can," picnic song, Words by J. R. Nealy. San *PARROTT, JoHN. "Love for Love." Words by Richard Francisco: Gray & Herwig, 1860. 3 pp. (box 1) Brinsley Sheridan. San Jose and San Francisco: A. Concerning Nicholls = Nichols, Philip R., sce p. 26. Waldteufel, 1884. 4 pp. (box 6) * N1CHOLLS, PHTUP R. '' Dolly Hayes," bailad, written and PAULL, E. T. "Chariot Race, or, Ben Hur March." San dedicated to the daughter of Michael Hayes, Esq., by Francisco: Sherman, Clay & Co.; New York: C. H. T. J. Donnelly. San Francisco: Published by the Oitson & Co.; Chicago: Lyon & Healy; Boston: Oliver author, n.d. 2 pp. (box 3) Oitson & Co., 1894. 5 pp. (box 2) Langley's directory for the yt'ar commencing Septembcr, PECK, GEORGE. "The San Francisco Quadrilles." 1861, identifies Michael Hayes as in real estate business (in Respectfully dedicated to the Ladies of California. San which he continued through 1867). Francisco: Atwill & Co., 1852. Lith. B. F. Butler. *NICHOLLS, Pmur R. "Erin Shall Be Free." Dedicated to Price $1.50. dº with acc1 of Violín $2.00. 5 pp. (box 9) his son, Chas. E. Fennell. Written and inscribed to J. "G. Peck has arranged an accompaniment for the Violin or O'Mahoney, Esq., and the Fenian Brotherhood of Flote, to the above Quadrillcs, which may be had togethcr America, words by Michael Fennell. San Francisco: or separate," on cover. Contents "From the Melodies of the n.p. [copyright Michael Fennell], 1863. 2 pp. (box 3) New Orleans Serenaders": "Poor Nelly," "The Old Folks In 1861 Michael Fennell was a contractor, in 1864 a mason, at Home," "Carry Me Long," "The Virginia Rosebud," in 1869 editor of the Caucasian and Workingman 's Journal, "Nelly Bly." in 1871 co-proprietor and editor. From 1873 he drops out of Conccrning George Pcck, see page 7. Langley's directories. PFERDNER, AnoLPH. "Royal March," op. 45. Dedicated *N1CHOLLS, P. R."! Have No Brother Now." Words by to Frank W. Stechhan. San Francisco: Sherman & Michael Fennell. San Francisco: William P. Harrison, Hyde, 1877. 6 pp. (box 9) Music and Job Printer, No. 417 Clay Street, 1865. 3 Langley's 1877 directory identifies Adolph Pferdner as pp. (box 5) "piano tuner, Sherman & Hyde" and frank W. Stechhan as *NrcHOLLS, P. R. "Millie ofthe Vale," bailad. San Fran­ "salesman, Sherman & Hyde." According to Sherman and Hyde's Musical Review, February 1876, Pferdner was a cisco: A. Kohler, 178 Washington St., and 276 Stock­ graduate of the "Bcrlin Conservatory." At age 15 he had ton St.; Sacramento: R. Dale; San Jose: Loewy Bros., won a "hest pupil" prize. F. Biestat; Stock ton: L. C. Van Allcn, Kierski Bros.; Marysville: G. Amy; Portland, Oregon Territory: P1cc1RILLO, F. D. "Key to the Golden Gate," waltz. A E. G. Randall, 1859. 4 pp. (box 7) miei Allievi (to my pupils). San Francisco: F. D. Pic­ Copyrighted by Andrew Kohler April 22, 1859. cirillo, 1894. 3 pp. (box 8) California Sheet Music Collection, 1104 109

"Mtl+LtE OV Tltl UAt.l."

\Vritten an


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California Sheet Music Col/ecrion, 1104 111

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--- -:=E-N=F~=t~ =t-~':IJ. _f=~=t:=r-_ ~-=f-:E~=~~ r .. ,~ E -- --+-:::t;""~- =i- •=.i=--:i.=i - • ---·- • =-..,_-:,_ i' • -T:a ·-··----·-· --;.• 'J In \be ru•·UO danoe wl\h •leo, And tbo wllb U.a 11-...-ranco h'eab aAd ••1, Jlul tbo 1 ~ft1'$Q)_ PiIT~ ::;:::::~ ~1- .. ..i i i... -,---~ ~ ~,-·.. :j. ~ ·•- ,=.= Hlw~...... ~ ~ =i::3~~r-:=====±~~l- ~-~-@i--r ~~

W<---+---,,J-+---1"'--+--t-.#=-g:=~m==rJ±n-c¡~ -~--=-~-=-J For tbo:, ODOO ...ere .. J'<'UDII &Dd bUtbo...... , And I moW"n far m, loYed one fu a • war 1

. -- ~ -- ~~ . ~-~ -- - ~ -$.:-~ =~ -~=-_:c:c~J Jlll. lle, Dear l'-11 • U•, Deu JllU. lle or \be Vale: And tbe •ood old foil,,• lond i.o JlU - Ue, Dea.r JU! • lle, Lost KU - lle or tbe Vale : But tho aow'r I cber • hhod •ill California Sheer Music Collection, //04 113

P1cc1R1uo, F. D. "Midwinter Exposition," Tempo di *PRATT, CHARLES E. "Is My Darling True to Me?" Com­ Tarantella. Dedicated to Mrs. M. Kate de Young. San posed for and sung by Atice Ounning [Lingard].

Francisco: F. O. Piccirillo, 1894. 3 pp. (box 7) Words by George Cooper. San Francisco: Sherman & "Burke Engr., San Francisco, Cal." Lit h. of exposition site Hyde, 1875. 3 pp. Photo on cover. (box 6) on cover with composer in oval. *PRATT, CHAS. E. "She's Justa Sweet Bouquet," in Four *PLANEL= PLANELL, L. T. "Hymne a la France," paroles Gems o/ Song. Words by George Cooper. San Fran­ de F. Des Farges. Offert aux Dames Fram;aises de San cisco: Sherman, Clay & Co., 139 Kearny St. Francisco Pour le Denier de la Patrie. San Francisco: [copyrighted 1877 by Sherman, Hyde & Co.] 3 pp. L. T. Planel, 1872. 2 pp. (box 5) Photo on cover. (box 4) In the 1830's Planel's parcnts were residents of Montevideo, RAY, FRED. "Yacht Club Schouische." Arr. by John C. Uruguay, where he was born. His father, Louis Antoine Walling. Sacramento: Hammer's Music Store, 1894. Planel, was a native of Dieppe, France, and his mother was 3 pp. (box 12) born at Montélimar, France (Lauro Ayestarán, La música en el Uruguay, Vol. 1 [Montevideo: SODRE = Servicio Ofi­ *REED, C. H. "Song for Dear Old Father." San Fran­ cial de Difusión Radio Eléctrica, 1953). 231). His younger cisco: J. P. Broder & Co., 1889. 4 pp. (box 10) brother Federico = Frédéric was born at Montevideo May I, In 1877 Charles Reed was a musician in Charles Alpers' 1822. For further details on L. T. Planel, see pp. 26-27 and Metropolitan Band (officcs at 607 Kearny). In 1882 Charles 30 of this issue. Sce the music of the "Hymne a la France" H. Reed was an independent musician residing at 114 Ninth above at pp. 28-29. and in 1883 at 1511-1 / 2 Market. *PLANEL, L. T. "Le Maitre d'École Alsacien." Paroles de *REED, CHARLEY. "Sweet Mooneyville." San Francisco: (Louis-Gaston) Villemer & [Lucien) Delormel. San l. L.A. Brodersen & Co. [Sheet Music Department of Francisco & Portland, Oregon: Gray's Music Store, Kohler & Chase], 1884. Britton & Rey, Lith., San 1872. 3 pp. (box 7) Francisco, Cal. 3 pp. (box 10) See music facsímiles abo ve at pp. 31-33. REKCEDOB, SrnoL ( = Bodecker, Louis). "F Company Waltzes," arranged from the "German Quadrille." PLANEL, L. T. "Music School Polka." Composed for San Francisco: Geo. W. Hagans, 532 Clay St., 1880. the piano and dedicated to his pupils. San Francisco: 5 pp. (box 3) A. Kohler, 178 Washington St., and 276 Stockton St.; Sacramento: R. Dale; San Jose: Loewy Bros.; Stock­ "Performed by Meyer W. Lutz's orchestra, London, ton: L. C. Van Allen, Kierski Bros.; Marysville: G. Gilmore's Band, New York, and Blum's orchestra, San Francisco." Amy; Portland, O. T.: E. G. Randall, n.d. [1859). (box 7) R0Ncov1ERJ, ALFRED. "La Fiesta March." San Fran­ Lith. of Mr. & Mrs. Planel Vocal and Instrumental Music cisco: Broder & Schlam; London: Charles Sheard & School, 257 Stockton St., on cover. Fingering system: x = Co., 1896. 4 pp. (box 4) thumb, 1 = index finger, 4 = little finger. "Respectfully dedicated to John F. Francis, President, La Fiesta of '96," by the "Originator of Illustrated PLAN EL, L. T. "The Rose," varsoviana, op. 76, as Music and Director of Roncovieri's Great American Conccn taught at Mr. Hazard's Dancing Academy. Dedicated Band of San Francisco, Cal." to Miss Zoe Hazard. San Francisco: Atwill & Co., In 1865 Alfred Roncovieri/i/s enters Langley's Directory 1856. 4 pp. (box 4) as a "chorister" dwelling at 33 Hinckley. The 1877 directory An upbeat moderate 3/ 4 dance, this varsoviana carries danc­ lisis him as a musician at 31 Hinckley, at which same address ing step instructions. No. 1 in F/owers ofCalifornia. Accord­ lived Marie L. Roncovieri, widow of Louis M., operatic ing to Co/vilfe's San Francisco Directory for rhe year singer. Furthcr concerning Alfred Roncovieri pere and fils Commencing October /856, p. 96, P. F. Hazard maintained in San Francisco Theatre Research, First Series, Vol. IX (San his dancing academy in Pickwick Hall on Bush St. Engrav­ Francisco: Works Progress Administration, 1939), 10-13. ing of a richly attired maiden by Gustave Drouaillet on the RosENBERG, A. A. "Ali thc Rage," polka. San Fran­ cover. cisco: A. A. Rosenberg, n.d. (1869) [A.A.R.-14) PRATT, CHAJU.Es E. "Ali Aboard!" galop. Dedicated to (box 1) Mr. N[athan) Ballenberg. San Francisco: Sherman & Augustus A. Rosenberg was a "professor of music," dwell­ Hyde, 1876. 5 pp. (box 1) ing at 214 Powell in 1864, a1 321 Powell in 1865, and at 508 Mason in 1875. In 1881 he was a "teacher of music" at 827 According to Sherman & Hyde's Musical Review, 11/ 8 (Au­ gust 1875), Music at Home section: "Mr. Charles E. Pratt Twentieth, and in 1883 at Marble Court. In 1871 he was an is by far the best accompanisl who has ever visited this coast; "importer and dealer in pianos and organs" with offices at 20-22 Sutter. and has shown commendable skill and judgrnent in sustain­ ing, without impairing, the voice [lima di Murska] and vio­ RoSENBERG, A. A. "La Bellc Julie," mazurka. San lin [Émile Sauret]." Francisco: A. A. Rosenberg, 1869. 4 pp. (box J) ..... E


RosENBERG, A. A., arr. "Minstrcl Echoes Waltz," con­ SCHULTZ, CHARLES. "Ilonnie Little Bellc." San Fran­ cisco: Sherman & Hyde, 1875. 3 pp. (box 1) sisting of Popular Melodics as sung by Murphy, Mack, Cotton and Thompson at Maguire's Opera After conducting the orchestra at the California Theatcr 1871 House. To the Misses Hannah and Yetta Steppacher. to 1880, Charles Schultz returned in 1883 as "musical direc­ San Francisco: A. A. Rosenberg, 139 Kearny St.; tor" at the same theater now re-named Haverly's California Stockton: R. Davis; Sacramento: L. K. Hammer; Theater (north side of Bash between Kearny and Dupont). Portland, Oregon: Shanahan & Hillman, n.c.l. (1869]. In 1881 he was "leadcr of the orchestra at the German Theatre" (the name which thc former California Theater (A.A.R-13) (box 7) borc in 1881). Medley of popular songs "Love among thc Roses," "The Grecian Band," "Tassells on her Boots." ScHULTZ, CHARLES. "Cali fornía Creedmoor Team," Lang!ey's 1867 and 1869 directories list Meyer Steppacher march. San Francisco: Matthias Gray; San Jose: A. as "sexton, Jewish synagogue Emanu-EI, dwelling at 602 Waldteufel, 1877. 3 pp. (box 2) Sutter." With him in 1869 dweh Jacob Steppacher, "re­ •ScHULTZ, CHARLES. "Ching-chow-chung," Chinese porter, Alta California." In 1883 Meyer Steppacher was Song and Dance. San Francisco: M. Gray, 1873; Port­ "sexton, Temple Emanu-EI," still dwelling at 602 Sutter, but land, Oregon. 3 pp. (M.G. 524) (box 2) Jacob at the same address was now a "clerk." ScHULTZ, CHARLES. '' Daisy Schottische,'' introducing *S.M.S. "Life." Words by Corry Cornwall Procter. To the popular song "The Girl in the Dollar Store." As Miss Julia C. Gately, of San Francisco, Cal. San Fran­ played by the Orchestra at the California Theatre. cisco: M. Gray, 1881. 3 pp. [M.G. 1661) (box 6) Composed by Chas. Schultz, Leader. San Francisco: *SCHACK, ALBERT P. "Beautiful Visions of Home," M. Gray, 1869. 3 pp. (box 3) M. bailad with chorus. San Francisco: Lith. Schmidt *ScHULTZ, CHARLES. "Don't Judge a Man by the Coat & Co., 1876. 6 pp. (box 1) that He Wears." Words by W. H. Ashton. "Written ScHMITZ, JosEPH L. "Champagne Charlie Polka," as expressly for J. H. Milburn." San Francisco: M. played with great applause by the Orchestra of Gray, 1872. 3 pp. (box 5) Maguire's Opera House (piano & flute or violín). San Portrait on cover of Vivían, surrounded by listing of 13 hits Francisco: M. Gray, 1868. 3 pp. [M.G. 123) (box 2) comprising the Great Vivian's Musical Boutique: "Be a Langley's directory for the year commencing October 1864 Man," "Wait for the Turn of the Tide," "Smiling through identifies Joseph L. Schmitz as "leader of the orchestra at the Fair," "Come and See Me," "Ten Thousand Miles Maguirc's Opera House," a post that he held through 1867. Away," "Don't Judge a Man," "Castles in the Air," "Up Langley's directory for the year commencing December 1869 a Tree," "The style in which lt's done," "Lion of the Sea­ lists Joseph L. Schmitz as "professor of music" with his son," "I Will Stand by my Friend," "Shelling Green Peas," office at 207 Montgomery. In 1876 he was a "musician at "Champagne Charlie." Price of music with ponrait, 40 cts., Maguire's New Theater," in 1882 and 1883 a "teacher of price, plain, 30 cts. rnusic" residing at 1413 Pacific. ScHULTZ, CHARLES. "F Company Polka,11 dedicated to SCHMIDT, Lou1s. "Vogel Waltz (Dearest Maiden, dance Co. F, 2d Regt., N.G.C. San Francisco: M. Gray; San with me)." Arr. from male quartet by F. A. Vogel. To Jose: A. Waldteufel, 1879. 3 pp. [M.G. 1610) (box 3) Miss M. E. Shepard. San Francisco: M. Gray; New ScHULTZ, CHARLES. "Fireman's March. 11 Fifth edition. York: W. A. Pond & Co.; San Jose: A. Waldteufel; "Composed and dedicated to the officers and mem­ Chicago: Lyon & Healy, 1881. 4 pp. [M.G. 1667) bers of the San Francisco Fire Department." San (box 11) Francisco: Salvator Rosa, 615 Montgomery St. [Wm. In 1881 Louis Schmidt was a music teacher residing at 810 P. Harrison Company, Printers, 417 Clay Street), Leavenworth and organist for Hebrew Congregation 1864. 3 pp. (box 4) Emanu-EI on Sutter between Stockton and Powell. *ScHULTZ, CHARLES. "The Girl in the Dollar Store." *SCHOENBERG, Lou1s. "Since Bidelia Jane Danced the Words by E. S. Marble. Song and dance, as performed Racquet. 11 Song and dance, schottschc, as played by by E. S. Marble and Willie Edouin at the California Louis Hemeler's, Ballenberg's, Blum's, Von der Meh­ Theatre. San Francisco: M. Gray, 1869. 3 pp. (M.G. den 's, Savernier's and ali the principal orchestras in 219] (box 4) San Francisco. Dedicated to S. D. Newbauer. San After a career on the legitimate stage, Edward S. Marble (b Francisco: Louis Schoenberg, 1881. 3 pp. (box 9) Buffalo, New York, September 6, 1846; d Brooklyn, August In 1879 Louis Schoenberg was chief proprietor of the 9, 1910) joined Thatcher, Primose and West's Minstrels in California White Lead Works. 1884 as interlocutor and later wrote and produced Tuxedo for George Thatcher (Rice, p. 187). SCHUBERT, FRANZ. "Serenad e," German, French, Italian, and English words. San Francisco: M. Gray, •ScHULTZ, CHARLES. "l Shouldn't Like to Say" ("A 613 Clay Street, n.d. 4 pp. [M.G. 21] (box 9) Lady's Seriocomic Sketch written by Wm. H. Lin- California Sheet Music Co/lection, / /04 115

gard"). San Francisco: M. Gray, 1874. 3 pp. 2 copies. *SCOTT, GusTAV A. "O Say, Thou Best and Brightest." (M.G. 948] (box 6) Words by Thornas Moore. San Francisco: Gray &

Herwig, 163 Clay Street, 1860. 4 pp. (box 8) *ScHULTZ, CHARLES. "Love's Sweetest Messengers." Music by Profr Chas Schultz, Chef d'Orchestre of ScoTT, GusTAV A. "Pacific Railroad Polka." Dedicated the California Theatre. San Francisco: M. Gray, 1870. to Miss Emma Starr, of San Francisco. San Francisco: 3 pp. IM.G. 300] (box 5) Gray & Herwig, 1860. 3 pp. (box 8) ScttULTZ, CHARLES. "March of the First Regiment, lncludes directions for whistling. Second Brigade". Composed for and dedicated to its *ScoTT, GusTAv A. "Songs of Home (O sing once more commander, Col. W. l. Barnes. San Francisco & chose dear familiar airs)." To Mrs. Chas. A. Hawley, Porcland, Oregon: M. Gray, 1874. 5 pp. [M.G. 955] San Francisco, Cal. San Francisco: Frisbee & Co.; (box 7) New York: G. Schirrner; Boston: O. Ditson & Co.; Cover lithographed by G. T. Bro\,n & Co. Lith., San Chicago: Root & Cady, 1868. 2d copy, M. Gray. 6 pp. Francisco. 2 copies. [M.G. 259]. (box 10) ScttULTZ, CHARLES. "Neilson Grand March." As played *ScoTT, GusTAV A. "When Out on Ocean's Tide," by che renowed California Theacre Orchestra. Dedi­ bailad. Words by Rev. Mr. Hibbin, U.S.N., Chaplain, cated to Miss Lillian Adelaide Neilson (photo on U .S. Flagship Pensacola. Sung with great success at cover). San Francisco: Sherman & Hyde, 139 Kearny her concerts by Mrs. Lizzie Parkcr Northrup. San Street, n.d. (box 8) Francisco: A. A. Rosenberg, 139 Kearny St.; SCHULTZ, CHARLES. "Palace of Truth," polka mazurka. Sacramento: L. K. Harnmer; San Jose: George H. San Francisco & Portland, Oregon: M. Gray, 1872. 4 Hare, 1869. 4 pp. (box 12) pp. [M.G. 444] (box 8) *ScuoERE, SALVATORE. "Dormí pure (Slumber peace­ ScHULTZ, CHARLES. "Return to Me," as sung in che fully)." English version by David Nesfield. Dedicated Palace of Truth at the California Theacre. Words by to Miss Neilson. San Francisco & Portland, Oregon: "HAL." San Francisco & Portland, Oregon: M. M. Gray, 1874. 7 pp. Portrait on cover. [M.G. 936) Gray, 1872. 3 pp. [M.G. 443] (box 9) (box 9) *Scttuuz, CHARLES. "Silver on Her Heels." Words by SEJLER, S. "Chirnes of Long Ago." Los Angeles: S. E. S. Marble. San Francisco: Gray's Music Score, Seiler, 1897. 5 pp. (box 2) 1870. 3 pp. 2 copies. (box 9) SEtLER, S. "Fife and Drum Patrol." Dedicated to Prof. Scttunz, CHARLES. "When the Stars Begin to Peep," C. Strassberger, St. Louis, Mo. San Francisco: S. Seiler, 1894. 5 pp. (box 4) schottische. San Francisco & Portland, Oregon: M. Gray, 1873 [1874]. 3 pp. [M.G. 590] (box 12) SE1LER, S. "Native Sons," two-step march. To Master Paul Archibald Averill, San Francisco, Cal. Los An­ ScoTT, GusTAV A. "Bridal Wreath," mazurka brilliant. geles: S. Seiler, 1977 Santee, 1898. 5 pp. (box 8) San Francisco: Salvator Rosa, 1862. [Chas. F. Rob­ bins & Co., Music Printers, San Francisco] 3 pp. *SHEAR, T. WALDRON. "Huzza! 'Tis the Fourth of (box 2) July." San Francisco: T. W. Shear, 1874. 2 pp. (box 5) Concerning Gustav A. Scott, scc p. 47. *StMONSEN, MART!S. "The National Rally." Poetry by ScoTT, GusTAV A. "Forgct Me Not," bagatelle de Eliza A. Pit1singer. San Francisco: Eliza A. Pittsinger, salon. San Francisco & Portland, Oregon: M. Gray, 1863. 3 pp. (box 8) 1872. 7 pp. [M.G. 430] (box 4) *SORGE, ENRJCO. "Music and Love," waltz song. San *Scon, GusTAv A. "Gold Is King!" (The Miners' Francisco. l. L.A. Broderscn & Co. [Sheet Music Song). Words by Thos. S. Williams. San Francisco: Department of Kohler & Chase], 1883. 5 pp. (box 7) Salvacor Rosa, 618 Montgornery St., 1863. 3 pp. (box *SoRGE, ENRJCO. "To Amarillis." San Francisco: l.L.A. 4) Brodersen, 1885. 6 pp. (box 11) "To the miners of California and Washoe, who by Free *SPERANZA, D0MEN1c o. "E Partita! (She Has Labor and Free Vote~ have demonstrated to the Union that Oeparted!)." Words by Fred Siesta. Composed cx­ Couon is not King, this Song is dedicated by a Californian." pressly for the fa, orite baritone Signor Giovanni G . ScoTT, GusTAV A. "Grand Centennial Galop," op. 58. Tagliapictra by Domcnica SpcranLa, Director of the Dedicated "to Mrs. L. S. Sherman, of San Francisco, Italian Musical lnstitute of San Francisco. San Fran­ Cal." San Francisco: Sherman & Hyde, 1876. 1O pp. cisco: M. Gray; San Josc: A. Waldteufel, 1876. Photo (box 4) of Tagliapietra on cover. 5 pp. [M.G. 11771 (box 4) 116 INTER-AMERICAN MUSIC REVIEW

Langley's 1876 directory identifies Domenico Speranza as a San Francisco & Portland, Oregon: M. Gray; San teacher of music dwelling at 1800 Stock ton. In 1882 and 1883 Jose: A. Waldteufel, 1876. 3 pp. [M.G. 100] (box 3)

he was "professor vocal and instrumental rnusic and direc­ UNGER, FERD. [Fred. on cover]. "Montclair Waltz." tor ltalian Musical lnstitute, 104 Kearny." San Francisco: Shcrman & Hyde, sole agents for thc STADTFELD, JACOB, JR. "Rosedale," polka militaire, op. Weber Piano. 1874. 3 pp. (box 7) l. To Lawrence Barrett. San Francisco & Portland, *VANSANT, W1LLIAM S. "The Almighty Dollar!" Words Oregon: M. Gray, 1872. 7 pp. (M.G. 448) (box 9) and music by William S. Vansant. Dixon, Solano Co.: From 1860 Jacob Stafeld[t), Sr., was a melter at the U.S. John A. Apperson, 1886. 4 pp. 2 copies. (box 3) Branch Mint in San Francisco. In 1873 he was a "gold-ingot maker" in the Melter and Refiner's Department, U.S. V1LE, E.C.E. "Fairest of the Fair Polka." San Fran­ Branch Mint. In 1882 Jacob Stadfeld, Jr., was a "míníng cisco: C. Eaton; Santa Clara: E.C.E. Vile, 1872. secretary." Music engraved by Spaulding & Barto, San Francisco. STUCKENHOLZ, W. "Baby Mine," schottische. San 4 pp. (box 3) Francisco: Matthias Gray, 1878. 3 pp. [M.G. 1525) VILE, E.C.E. "The Pebbly-Beach Mazurka." Published (box 1) at Santa Clara College, S. J., Santa Clara College In 1878 William Stuckcnholz, "musician" dwelt at 920 Printing Office. San Jose: A. Waldteufel; San Fran­ Washington. In 1883 he taught music at 230 Post. cisco: Chas. Eaton; Santa Clara: N. D. Valentine, 1870. 4 pp. (box 8) *ToEPKE, WILLIAM. "May-be." To my esteemed friend August Mignon. San Francisco: M. Gray, Steinway V1VALDI, LORENZO. "Pommery Sec Waltz." Dedicated Hall, 117 Post Street, 1882. 8 pp. [M.G. 1704] (box 7) to the Comtesse de Polignac. San Francisco: Matthias In 1869 William Toepke was a "musicían" dwelling at 1025 Gray Co., 105 Kearny St., n.d. 4 pp. (box 8) Washington, in 1871 at 1112 Mason. From 1876 to 1883 he WEDEL, GusTAVE. "Golden Park," schottische. "Dedi­ taught musíc at 1625 Sutter. cated to my pupils." San Francisco: M. Gray, 1874. *TRAIN, GusTAVE. "Athalie," romance, paroles de 3 pp. (box 4) Almire Gandonniere. San Francisco: n.p., n.d. 2 pp. At various addresses, Gustave Wedel taught music from 1871 (box 1) (in which year he was also a "correspondent") to 1883. In 1860 Gustave Traín worked at the Café des Arts and in WEST, FAR (pseud.], arr. "Emmett's Lullaby" as played 1861 operated a bílliards and liquor establishment at 629 in Baby by the California Theater Orchestra. San Pacific. Francisco: M. Gray, 105 Kearny St., 1878. 3 pp. *TROYER, CARLOS. "Lead Thy Mother Tenderly," Song [M .G. 1526) (box 6) or Quartette for Mixed Voices. No. 1 in Songs of *WEsT, FAR. [pseud.] "Good-bye, God Bless You Ali! " Sunset Land. San Francisco: A. Waldteufel, 437 Mar­ (his last words), bailad with chorus. To the Dramatic ket St., 1884. 3 pp., 2 pp. (box 6) Profession in memory of the late H. L. Montague. Songs in this cycle include "Song of the Sunsct Land," Bailad with chorus. San Francisco: M. Gray, 105 "Lead Thy Mother Tenderly," "The Funny Old Man in thc Kearny Street, 1878. San Jose: A. Waldteufel, 1878. Moon," "Swing Song," "Song of the Little People," "Baby 3 pp. [M.G. 1539) (box 3 and 4) Bye, 'Tis Time I should Forget," "The Raftman 's Song," H. J. Montaguc (1844-1878) portrait on cover. "Slumber Song," "I Love the Old Songs Most," "Mooley Cow," "Fortune's Whcel," al! published by A. Waldteufel *WEST, HARRY. "Sweeter than Marmalade." Arranged in 1884. See Troyer article in The New Grave Dictionary expressly for Mrs. J. C. Williamson (Miss Maggie () 980). Moore). San Francisco: M. Gray, 1878. 3 pp. [M.G. *TROYER, CARLOS. "Slumber Song." Words by Margaret 1547] (box 10) Johnson. No. 9 in Songs of the Sunset Land. San WHITNEY, HAMILTON J. "The Belles of Placerville," Francisco and San Jose: A. Waldteufel, 1884. 4 pp. galop caprice. San Francisco: Sherman, Hyde & Co., (box 9) 1877. 3 pp. (box 1) *TROYER, CARLOS. "Songs of the Sunset Land (There WtLDER, OswALD, arr. "Funeral March." Dedicated to Stood U pon thc Mountain Crest)." Words by Richard the memory of General E.R.S. Canby (picture on E. White. San Francisco: A. Waldteufel, 737 Market cover). San Francisco: M. Gray, 1873. 3 pp. [M.G. Street, 1884. 3 pp. (box 10) 452] (box 4) UEBERSCHAR. "Corso Galop." As played by Herold's Although in parentheses the name (Bcethoven) appears Grand Orchestra at the Eleventh Industrial Exposition above the first bars, the indebtedness to the second move­ of the Mechanics' lnstitute. Arr. by Louis Bodccker. ment of the Eroica is extremely slight. California Sheet Music Collection, J 104 117

Born in Kentucky, Edward Richard Sprigg Canby (1817- Friends," as played by Ballenberg's celebrated orches­ 1873) graduated from the U.S. Military Academy in 1839, tra. Dedicated to Mrs. J. C. Williamson (Miss Maggie

served in the Mexican War, and in 1865 commanded forces Moore). San Francisco: M. Gray; San Jose: A. Wald­ capturing Mobite, Alabama. In 1869 he volunteered for che teufel; Chicago: Lyon & Healy, 1880. [M.G. 1645) 6 Pacific Coast. He was assassinaced by Modocs in Siskiyou pp. (box 2) County, California, April 11, 1873. Concerning Richard L. Yanke, see lnter-American Music •wvATT, JOHN. "How the Soldier Ta\ks." Dedicated to Review vu:2 (Spring-Summer 1986), p. 48, n. 25. F. D. Kohler. Words by Private O'Reilly. San Fran­ YANKE, RICHARD L. "Medley Waltz." San Francisco: cisco: M. Gray, 613 Clay St., 1864. 2 pp. (box 5) Matthias Gray, 105 Kearny St.; San Jose: A. Wald­ In 1861, John Wyatc was a "musician at Mctropolitan teufel, 1877. 7 pp. (M.G. 1500) (box 7) Theacre" and in 1864 "violinist" dwelling at 1511 Mason. In 1864 he had !efe San Francisco. In 1864 Frederick D. Kuh­ YNFANTE, A. "La Simpatia," mazurca. Dedicada a la ler operaced the Blue Wing saloon at 526 Montgomery. Señorita María Fourcade. San Francisco & Portland, Oregon: M. Gray, 1875. 3 pp. (box 9) Y ANKE, R. L. "Caprice Lancers," as played by Ballen­ berg's Orchestra [medley of 8 popular songs]. In­ ZBRA. "Rag Baby Schottische." San Francisco: A. troducing the popular mclodíes of "Don't Make a Waldteufel, 737 Markct St., 1887. Copyright by C. S. Noise!" "l'll Keep a Sweet Kiss for You, Uarling," Packard. 3 pp. (box 8) "Awfully Awful," "Hit Him Again; He's got no

Bibfiographicaf Note

Margaret Miller Rocq, editor of California Local His­ Project 8386, 1938). However, these secondary sources rory, A Bibliography and Union List of Library Hold­ tecm with errors. As a result, details must be constantly ings, 2d ed. (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1970), verified from newspapers (Daily Alta California, San listed numerous San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose Francisco Cal/, San Francisco Chronicle), compilations city directories useful for identifying residents with their from newspapcrs such as Frank Soulé, et al., The Annals dates (her items 7978, 7986, 7988, 7993, 7995; 14, 17; of San Francisco (New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1855) 13736, 13737, 13739). J. Carlyle Parker's An lndex ro rhe and Dorothy H. Huggins, Conrinuation of rhe Annals Biographies in /9rh Century California County Histories of San Francisco (San Francisco: California Historical (Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1979), itemized entries Society, 1939), and from other primary sources. in The Bay of San Francisco (Chicago: Lewis Publishing The admirably indexed California Historical Quarterly Co., 1812) on Manuel Y. Ferrer, Rudolph Hcrold, An­ yields occasional tidbits. As an example, Thomas Starr drcw Kohler, Hugo Mansfeldt, Louis Schmidt, Sr., and King's account of the dedication of the First Unitarian Gustav A. Scott. Masrer hands in che affairs o/ the Pa­ Church at San Francisco J uly 17, 1864, contains high cific Coas/ (San Francisco: Western Historical Publish­ praise of Stephen Waltcr Leach's eight-voice setting of ing Co., 1892) adds biographies of Filippo Dellepiane and Whittier's "Son of Man" hymn (California Hiscorical George Koppitz. Edward Le Roy Rice's Monarchs of Quarterly, xxx, [1952). 249): Minstrelsy (New York: Kenny Publishing Company, 1911) tops ali other vademecums for the many blackface 1 never saw an audience more choroughly brought into com­ entertainers whosc songs wcre published ar San Fran­ munion with the spirit of a Hymn than the congregation with cisco. George C. D. Odell's indexed Annals of the New Whittier's aspiration of faich. The music in which ic was cn­ dowed was charming. le was varied. and choroughly religious. York S!age, IV through IX (New York: Columbia Univer­ sity Press, 1926-1938), fills in many uscful biograph­ However, not the California Historical Quarterly but ical details concerning entcrtainers who began and the periodical that ran from 1874 to 1879, Sherman and interspersed thcir American careers with New York Hyde's Musical Review (sec above, pages 49- 70) vindi­ appearances. cates itself as by far the best source for specifically mu­ Cornel Lengyel edited Music of the Gold Rush Era, A sical events of its epoch. To cite cypical news items in San Francisco Songsler 1849-1939, Tite lerrers of Miska 1876 and 1877 issues: Hauser, Early Masrer Teachers, Celebrities in El Dorado /850-/906 (San Francisco: W.P.A. History of Music Wade's Opera Housc opened January 17, 1876, \\ith 4000 Project, 1938-1940). Lawrencc Estavan edited San Fran­ present to hear an orcheMra conducted by J. H. Dohrmann. The cisco Theatre Research, Volume 1 (San Francisco: W.P.A. Fabbri Opera gave Mozart's Magic Fl111e at Wade's March 26 ...... E


(with Theodore Habelmann as Tamino) and Wagner's Tann­ locales Massett in San Francisco from 1871 to 1874 and

hauser April 8 and 15. That same month Emperor Pedro II of gives other biographical bits. Thc sccond volume of Brazil attended the Fabbri production of Lucrezia Borgia and reminiscences, Margaret Blake-Alvcrson's Sixty Years of one other opera, each time being greeted with the Brazilian na­ California Song (self-publishcd at Oakland in 1913), con­ tional anthem. On April 27, 1876, Manuel Y. Ferrer premiered tains more anecdotes concerning early California music his L 'Elisir d'Amore Fantasie with variarions (publishcd in his publishers than any othcr book of recollections. Composirions and Arrangements [San Francisco: Matthias According to David Warren Ryder's The Story of Gray, 1882], pp. 96- 99). At the same concert Santiago Arrillaga & Co. 1870-1952 (San Francisco: Nea\, (b Tolosa, Spain, July 25, 1847, d Oakland, January 27, 1915) Stratford & Kerr), page 14, Lcander S. Sherman-who played Chopin's Grande Polonaise, Op. 22. John Paul Morgan conducted a 40-piece orchestra at Dietz arrived at San Francisco in 1861-was preceded by an Hall in Oak!and, July 13, 1876, playing the finale of elder brother, Charles Sherman, who was a member of Beethoven's Symphony, No. 5 (Sherman and Hyde's Musical the Vigilantes in 1856. Ryder's volume becomes progres­ Review, m/8). At the same event the Oak!and Harmonic Society sively more valuable for thc history of the firm after sang Morgan's Sea Fern (\yrics by his wife) and Clara (Mrs. 1900. J. B.) Beutler premiered his "My Love, he built me a bonnie Like the guitar solos and duos in Ferrer's collection, bower" (this song was published in the October 1876 issue, the fourteen songs with guitar accompaniment (pages m/ 10). Another news ítem in the August 1876 issue had it that 104-143) representa wide range of nationalities includ­ Stephen C. Massett had arrived in the Bay Area for fa!! season ing Dutch (Joseph Ascher, 1829-1869), English (John concerts ("Cramer & Co., London, now publishes his music. Liptrot Hatton, 1809-1886; Sir Alfred Scott-Gatty, He will return to London at the close of the year"). A composer 1847-1928), Frcnch (J. F. F. E. Halévy, 1799-1862), lrish who was later to palm himself off as a veteran Amazon explorer and in this country as an expert on Zuñi music, "Carlos" (Michael William Balfc, 1808-1870; James Lyman Troyer, presented his piano pupils in recital at Bancroft's Music Molloy, 1837-1909), ltalian (Fabio Campana, Salvatore Rooms October 7, 1876. The December issue hailed George T. Scuderi(e], Verdi), Mcxican (Baltasar Gómez) and Span­ Evans as "one of the best leaders and most thorough musicians ish (Sebastián Yradier, 1809-1865). Eldest among them this side of the Rocky Mountains" (the March 1878 issue ¡v/3, was Halévy, youngest was Milton Wellings (born 1850)­ 22) carried Evans's obituary). composer of 98 songs itemized in Pazdírek (who lists no The first Black concert artist mentioned in Sherman and less than 13 publishers of Wellings's "Sorne Day," 11 of Hyde's, Selika Williams, gave her inaugural San Francisco re­ his "Dreaming," and 8 of "At the Ferry = Auf dem cital at Pacific Hall December 28 , 1876, accompanied by the Strome"). composer-pianist Frederick G. Carnes (tv/1, 25). The first sys­ As for composers residen! in California (apart from tematic music instruction at Reno, Nevada, was given in Bishop himself), Miguel S. Arévalo (b Guadalajara, Mexico, Whitaker's School by Eva Quaiffe from Adrian, Michigan, who in fall of 1876 directed a "Musical Department" that enrolled July 5, 1843; d Los Angeles, Junc 29, 1900) is Jisted in 44 pupils (tv/ I, 21). The first Ladies' Orchestra at San Francisco Langley's San Francisco City Directory, April 1871, began forming in February 1877 under the direction of Charles pages 74 and 785, as teacher of music residing at 914 J. J. Smith (tv/2, 21). On February 10, 1877, Massett gave a Stockton. He transferred to Los Angeles later that year, charity concert at Martinez, California, and on April 13 at henceforth taking a leading role in Los Angeles music for Olympic Hall in Benicia. On April 3, 1877, Ada and Martha the rcmainder of his life (New Grove Dictionary of Chase from Stanford, Connecticut (sisters teaching at Santa American Music [ 1986], 111, 108). Two other composers Rosa Female Seminary) gave a concert at Ridgeway Hall in represented in Ferrer's anthology resided longer periods Santa Rosa. On April 11, 1877, Auguste Spornberger Lehman in San Francisco: Charles Schultz and Louis Bodecker. appearcd at Bernheim's Hall in Santa Cruz. At Napa Ladics' The table of contcnts of Ferrer's anthology, alphabctized Seminary the vocal tea e her in 1877 was Lizzie McKinney, a by composer, tells its own tale of what was popular in graduate of Boston Conservatory, and the head instrumental San Francisco in the l 860's and '70's. The eleven fac­ instructor was Mary S. Hubbell, who had studied piano and organ two years at Leipzig Conservatory. Ata benefit concert similed pages from his collection with which the prescnt in San Francisco's Pacific Hall October 24, 1877, Manual Y. issue of lAMR concludes includc these items: (1) Jaime Ferrer again played his Elisir d'Amore Fantasie with Variations Nunó, "Himno nacional mexicano," (2) "Mexican and Santiago Arrillaga played Liszt's Souvenir de Norma. Waltz," (3) Manuel Y. Ferrer, "Los lindos ojos (Those Two volumes of reminisccnces cover early Bay Arca pretty eyes), danza habanera" (premiered at Pacific Hall, music. The first, Massett's "Drifting About," was ex­ October 15, 1874, see abovc p. 62b]. (4) Miguel S. cerpted in California Re/ations 37 with the title Stephen Arévalo, "La Suplica, danza habanera" (2d guitar ad C. Massett, The First California Troubadour (Oakland: lib.), (5) Sebastián Yradier, "María Dolores, danza Abbey Press, 1954). Joseph A. Sullivan's prologue, pp. habanera," (6) "El Jaleo de Xérez (Pearl of Xeres)" [see xi-xii, itemizes 56 ballads published by Massett ("Clear L. M. Gottschalk, The Piano Works (New York: Amo the Way" is 22, "Learning to Walk" is 48). Sullivan Press, 1969), v, 212-221]. Compositions and Arrangements for the Guitar 119

FERRER, MANUEL Y., Compositions and arrangemems --. "Switzer's Farewell" (9) for the guitar. A complete collection of vocal and in­ [GH1s, HENRI] . "Amaryllis air compoé par Louis XIII'' ( 18681 strumental music. San Francisco: Matthias Gray, 1882. ([38)- 39) GóMEZ, BALTASAR. "A una flor, romanLa mexicana" (lyrics be­ gin "Oh, flor hermosa") (109-111) Contents, herc listed alphabetically by composer, are (GOTTSC"HALK, L. M.] [Souvenirs d' Andalousie] "El Jaleo de always guitar originals or arrangements by Fcrrer. Xérez (Pearl of Xeres)" (54-55) Miguel S. Arévalo, a native of Guadalajara, Mexico, GOUNOD, CHARLES. "Faust Wahzes" from the opera (76-78) but from 1871 to death resident in Los Angeles, is iden­ HALÉVY, J. F. F. E. "Bright Star of Hope, or, Cal! Me Thine tified in The New Grove Dictionary of American Music Own" from l 'Écfair (104-105) (1986), 111, 108. HATTON, Jo11N L. (1809- 1886). "Good-bye, Sweethearr, Good­ bye" (l 18- 119) IRADIER, SEBASTIAN, see Yradier ALBERT, CHARLES o' (1809-1886]. "The Fa\orite Peri Waltzes" KETTERER, EuGENE [1831-1870). "Gaetana Mazurka," Op. 101 (24- 25) (50- 51) ARE\'AlO, !\lrGUEL S. [1843-1900). "La Suplica, Danza LECOCQ, CHARLES. "Conspirator's Chorus" from La Fil/e de habanera,., 2d guitar ad lib. 26-27) Mme Angot 11872) (14) ASCHER, JOSEPH (1829-1869). "Alice \\'here Art Thou'!," - - . "Légende" from La Fil/e de Mine Angot (15) \\'ords by \\'. Guernsey ( 120-121) - -. "See How His Facc He Covers" from Le Petit Duc BALFE, r..11cttAEL \\'1LUAM )1808-1870). "The Power of Lo\e," [1878) (16) Bailad from Santanella (122-124) MEYER, LEOPOLD voN (1 816-1883). "Chanr bohémien," Op. 58 BEETHOVEs, see Schubert (87- 89) B1stt0P. SIR HESRY R. [1786-1855). "!fome S\\eet Home (from MoLLov, JAMES l. "Tripping rhrough the Meadows," As Sung Ciar/, or The Maid of Milan] \Úth variations for Guitar" by Mrs. Alfred Kelkher, Words by Tom Hood (128-130) (79-83) Nusó, JAIME (1824-1908). "Himno Nacional Mexicano (Mex­ BocCHER1s1, Lu1G1. [Quinte!, Op. 11, No. 5 in E Major, 3rd ican Hymn)" (17) mo\emem] "Boccherini's Celebrated r..linuetto," Guitar Solo PALADllllE, ÉMILE [l 844- 1926). "La Mandolinata, Roman \\ irh 2d ad lib. (58-60) Serenade" ( 1872] (52- 53) BODECKER, LOL'IS [1845-1899J. "First i(iss, polka" (36-37) PEPlOw, JOHANN. "Luna-Polka," Op. 13, Arr. for two Gui- BRAY, CHARL ES E. "Home Memories" (64-66) tars (84-86) CAMPASA, FABIO [1819-1882). "Guarda che bianca luna (See RESCH, JoHANN. "Secret Love, Gavotte" (61 - 1\3) Ho\\ rhe Moon)," Duertino, English rranslarion by H. ~il­ Rossri-1, GIOACCHINO. "Prayer from .Woise in Egitto" (23) lard (114-117) RoUGET DE LISLE, CtAUDE-JoSEPH. "Marseillaise Hymn, french --. "Speak to Me!," \\'ords by H. B. Farnie (131- 133) Nacional H ymn" (19) CooTE, CHARLES, JR. "Corn F]o\\er \\'ahzes" (33-35) Sc HUBERT, F. P. [misa1tribu1ed ro Beethoven]. "Le Désir Dos12ETT1, GAETANO. "L'Elisir d 'amore, Fanraisie, wirh Vari- [ = Trauer-Walzer, 1816, Schuben's Werke, Serie 12, No. 2). ations" (96-99) Wirh Variations" (45-48) --. "La Fil/e du Régiment," Arranged for rn o Guitars Sc HUlTZ, CHARLES. "Palace of Truth, polka mazurka" (5) (67-75) Scon-GATTY, ALFRED. "O fair Dove, O fond Dove," words - - . ·· Lucre~ia Borgia, \\Íth Variarions ·· (92- 95) by Jean lngelO\\ ( 125- 127) f,WST, CARL (1825- 1892). "Marien-Polka," Op. 123 (·W- -H) ScuDERI, SALVATORE (1845-1927!. "Slumber (Dormi pure)," FERRER. ll.lA:.;uEL Y. ·• Alexandrina, Mazurka de Salon," Com- English words by David W. Nesfield (138- 140) posed for Guirar and respecrfully dedicared to rhe Members SILCHER, FRTEDRICH [1789- 1860). "loreley" ["lch weiss nicht"J of rhe Bohemian Club of San Francisco, Cal. (90- 91) (32) - -. "Anita, schotlische" (30-31) SMITH, JOHN STAFFORD. "The Star Spangled Banner (America's --. "El Jasmín, Wahz" (20-22) National Hymn)" ( 18) --. "La Chacha, A Spanish Song," English translation by VERDI, G1usEPPE. "Addio del passaro (Adieu, fond Dreams)," Fred Lyster ("Ah! que linda es usted, chacha mía") (106-107) from Lo Traviata (56-57) --. "Los lindos ojos (Those Pretty Eyes), Danza haba­ --. "Di Provenza il Mar" frorn La Tra1•io1a (11) nera," Poesía de J. M. Paredes. English cransla1ion by David - -. "Las hembras todas ("La donna e mobile"J de la Nesfield (134- 137) Opera, de Rigole110," versos de D. Esrrella (108-109) --, arranger. "Ma> Breezes" (42- 44) --. "Rigoletto Fantaisie" (Quartette) ( 100- 103) --. ".'-..lexican Wah1" (8) --. "Serenade and Miserere" frorn /1 Trovatore (48- 49) --. "Nonie Wahz'' (28-29) WELLJNGS, M1L10N. "Sorne Day (Algún Dia)," Words by Hugh - -. · ·Spanish Fandango" (6-7) Conway, Letra de J. M. Parede~ (141 - 143) --. "Spanish Ma,urka, No. I" ( 12) YRADJER, SEBASTIAN. "La Paloma, Danza habanera" (112-113) --. "Spanish Mazurka, No. 2" (13) --. "Maria Dolores, Danza habanera" (10) 120 JNT ER-AME RICAN MUSIC' R EVIEW HIMNO NACIONAL ~lEXlCAi\0.

(l\fEXICA.N HYl\:IN .) .\rr. by )t. Y. Ferre,. 4-t.~ >:

Á ;~ tn -~ Fine. ~r r tr í

·i í

.. = \ :Z.•(2 1.Z D.C . 7 7 • 7 7al Fi:iP. /' 1 .J 1 . --' l Compositions and Arrangements for the Guitar 121

- -

r' í




Poesia de J,M, PAREDE8, Musicn de l[,Y, FERRER,

English ti·anslation by DAVID NESFIELD,

Tempo di Danza, t ~ a 1~ ¡p r' 1~)


1, O\ La·dy so fair 1tnd beau·teous, shall

1 t

da? Di • ce que tJt!tB·ma, ne • gri - to, ce que mea-ma, já, já. Si clin'd, You say you'J'e in love }'>U ras · <'81! So plain~ ['llspeak my mind, [f 3

qme . 1'0, .l\luy de • V8•l'0Sj y& se vé! Con can-not tell how [ lm·e you, lf ev • en [ sing · nll da}'; Your ...---:::::::; ...-.,,, Bar. ---- ·r· ~ :: t 1f. Compositions and Arrangements Jor the Guitar 123

1put1 · l"tt qut1 yu lt, quiti · rt\, man-dt1 en · la . dri·Jhu· el mar Y, you \\ish that I should love you, A pavement- build o'er the sen, And -3 '3'

!,Q ca· pas ·cuas, E .. f,6 ta · • lle y e· · se face lS so and ho · ly, Yow· waist and your· foot so The '3' ~ _.. ·r--¡ .: ....---::::::::

' l - . 1 ~

7 7

ted? ¡ No le gus . to yaf Pues no se de · ten· ga, isn }' r ww. you not o . bey? Then you oeed not lin · ger, 3 -3

ted? Pue11 que no me El a· mot· í[U8 pi· do E'er I pme a. Hear mr prayer m pi • ty,

pue · de mar· char. ¿ Qué me di· ce._us • ted 1 ;,No gus • to You can go a· way, Wbat nave you to say1 Will you not o - '3 '3'

iQ.ué me di-oe u:i · ted? Pues qué no me What have you to E 'er I pme a 124 INTER· AMERICAN MUS IC REV IEW

yn! Pues no se de • • ten - - ga, -.i, Ya pue - de ma1· ·

bey1 Then you need oot lio · ger, you can go a· >

dá El a • mor que pi · · do, Con tal an · · cir ·

Hear my prayer in Yes! lis · ten to mr

Bar Jº r cbar,

i i µ i Ah! No se hn· ga tan e · · · no · · ja· · do, Ah! not look so · · ry an · gry,

Ah! . s~a · gus·t 68 • • qui • • va, A.h ! . Do not thus des· pi>s,._e __ and scor n me,

mi • • re que n~ay pa • ra de · ,•e. · ras ' lo ju· ro, Nun.c~e de se1· See there is not ny swear up · on my hon•or, T at I > >

=. = = r r...... · r LJ r· ;,~ u u~uu (JLJ Bar Compositions and Arrangements for the Guitar 125

ro de u:i•téd Y, s1 por e· so se sien-re, No lo pue-do re- me--dier;

C'8D be- yours; If on thia account your feelinge suf· - fer, I am not to blame, p

LJU r· lLJ

-==== J'r.'i

á . pa · sear. all . the same A A

~ ., r Fin. •y·uu r- J r pe ru u ufr:· tu ~ fJ· J' 126 INTER-AMERIC AN MUSJC REVIEW 1.l SUPLI C.A.


Compo:ied by .MIGUEL s.A.RÉVALO.


l l ~~~~~.

r ¡- Compositions and Arrangernents for the Guitar 127


DANZA HABANERA M.T.f'err... . 'j'Bar YRADIER. Tempo di Dan.a. Bar


t.., Compositions and Arrangements for the Guitar 129 EL JALEO DE XEREZ.


Alr. by ll.Y. Perr~r. Allegretto gra~ioso. 3

:; L~ ~ i-, 1 , . p· ~ p :m: • 3 1~~ > 3~ J.v.i1 130 INTER-AMERICAN MUSJC REVIEW

r·------:J~mm ./l

I • r