California Sheet Music Collection, 1104 91 A SS EMBLY SCHOTTISCH By CHS: KOHLER. [1854) 'j >I 1111. p 92 INTER-AMERICAN MUSIC REVIEW • 1 #· f • California Sheet Music Collection, 1104 93 • 1 • ~: 94 INTER-AMERIC AN MUSIC REVIEW ... Jt ·1•a -- - - - - - - p A~s•tnl,ly California Sheet Music Col/ection, ·J 104 95 LANDAU, WILHELM. "Waltz Souvenir to San Fran­ music" at San Jose in Bishop's Direcrory of the City of San cisco." San Francisco: Sherman, Clay & Co., n.d. 6 )ose Jor 1876, p. 407. pp. (box 11) LAWRIE, JAMES R. "The Santa Clara Poi ka." San Fran­ LANE, G. B., arr. "The Scott-Siddons Waltz," as per­ cisco: M. Gray, 609 & 613 Clay St., n.d. 5 pp. (box8) forrned by Nachan Ballenberg's Orchestra. San Fran­ *LEACH, STEPHEN WALTER. "Departure," a canzonet as cisco: M. Gray, 1878. 7 pp. Portrait on cover. [M.G. sung by Mrs. R. K. Marriner at the Ladies' Jinks given 1540) (box 9) by the San Francisco Bohemian Club. San Francisco: *LASCELLES, CHAS. "Ye Swore by Stars and Moon, Lad­ Sherman & Hyde, 1874. 2 pp. (box 3) die." Sung with greac success by Madame Anna Concerning Leach, see page 46; music at pages 50-52. Bishop. San Francisco: M. Gray, 613 Clay St., 1865. LE Duc, A. "La Chatelaine," fantaisic. San Francisco: 3 pp. (box 12) Matthias Gray, n.d. 6 pp. [M.G. 214). (box 2) *LASSAUGt;E, EMILIE. "Songsters of Spring." Los An­ • LEYBOURNE, GEo. "Moet and Chandon." Seque! to geles: Lassaugue Music College, 1885. 4 pp. (box 10) "Champagne Charlie." Written by H. Hurrille. San Concerning "Madame Lassaugue," see nex1 issue of lnrer­ Francisco & Portland, Oregon: M. Gray, 1872. 3 A merican ,Wusic Revie1,,. pp. 2 copies. Vivian's portrait on cover. [M.G. 347) (box 7) L1L1AN. "Paquita Polka," op. 43. Respectfully dedi­ cated to Miss Cora Packard. San Francisco: Sherman & Hyde, 1877. 4 pp. (box 8) * LINGARD, WM. H. "Happy Paddy." W ritten, composed and sung by Wm. H. Lingard [whose picture adorns 'JJ..c,,,,., #,,..,,.. lfr.,,*•IWfffk "','° t,,,,,.,.,...,., ~-Jll,yu,, 1# Cl,;y¡. #'WtNC.'tuG • Ct/41,,.IJ.n ,(4, CI) .fLH~ ... the cover]. San Francisco: M. Gray, 1874. 3 pp. [M.G. ,,.,/ ...-nrh11fdd4 tw"td1f..W.Wll•~../ DWX...W ~t«!(ll'fré. n#fdfftl!#l116"1"'J~'Y..,~ 950) (box 5) ·" -~ *LLOYD, ARTH UR. "Not for Joseph." Comic Song As Sung with great success by Johnny Mack at the Tem­ ple of Music, San Francisco. Song 35q_ Polka 40q. The melodies "Not for Joseph" and "Pretty Little Sarah" are contained in the polka arranged with violin ad. lib. by J. L. Schmitz. Written by G.C.H. San Francisco: ( _gs., M. Gray, 1868. 3 pp. [M.G. 126) (box 8) ij- ~ !)p' ~ -=-_.) Tt'amed with Lew Dockstader, Johnny Mack played with Whitmort' and Clark's Minstrels in 1874. He died at Hoo­ • '.{ i J1 A'l!lilfUJ/!JJfT~ síck Falls, Ne\\ York, February 28, 1891 (Rice, p. 242). :'l~v e)~ LOESC'H, GEO. "Tivoli March." Christrnas Souvenir. -".Y:.i•'.lrlr Dedicated to the patrons of che Tivoli Gardens by titen snd Compo.<ed by Geo. Loesch, Musical Director, Tivoli Gardens. Per­ --.,fr,- . 1 formed by the Tivoli Orchestra, between first and sec­ ond acts of The Bronze Horse. San Francisco: John 1 D. Robertson, 621 Sansome St., 1881. Geo. W. Ha­ _ . : a1dJijJ11)I~J_3SaJUJ!IJ~ gans, Music Typo., 532 Clay St., San Francisco. 4 pp. 11 (box 11) 1 ----© 11 lOS ANGCL[S.CAllFORNIA, In 1881 John D. Robertson published The Foorfighl at 621 Sansome, in 1882 and 1883 at 538 California. The Langley "PLIBLl~ltED B,'I' 1'~i: 4':,í~,'lJ,LIElwflJ:,il~ CoUJ:i:t:. 1882 directory continut's identifying George Loesch as leader of Tivoli Gardens Orchestra. The 1883 directory lists him only as "musicían" dwelling at 1725 Stevenson. *LAWRIE, JAMES R. "The De,,.. s Are Steeping on thc *LUTHER, H. W. "Our Flag Is Half-mast High." Song Grass," song and chorus by James R. Lawrie, Profes­ and chorus, words and music by H. W. Luther. In sor of Music, Santa Clara College, California. San memory of Abraham Lincoln, assassinated April 14, Francisco: Atwill & Co.; Sacramento: R. Dale & Co., 1865. San Francisco: M. Gray, 613 Clay Street, (1865). n.d. (Engraved by T. Birch & Son, 44 Crosby St., 3 pp. (box 8) N. Y.] (box 3) In 1865 H. W. Luther, dwelling at 1108 Powell, was a jeweler Teachmg at Santa Clara Collegt' befare 1860, James R. with R. B. Gray & Co. From 1866 through 1869 he was an LaY.ne continut'd being listed among tht' "teachers of cngine 1urner with the same San Francisco fírm. 96 ' INTER-AMERICAN MUSIC REVIEW UF Written and Composed by MADAME LASSAUGUE. Brightly and Joyously. Song • - ,;f<>r!I of Spring, in my hRp - pi - er days, _ Dear__ un - to list __._ to your tlwy re - call_by-gone hours:_ The hurn __ of the --- =·~~ ' f me __were your Y,ild art - less lay!!;__----- Oh, - how I in your bee, ___and the fra -- granee of flowers; And the friends I ha,·e lost __ and the ~r.' > 0189 Copyright 188:I by Mmf' LAIH\l¡:Ue. California Sheet Music Col/ection, J 104 97 > -'·---t 8ongs of de - - light, From the da"n. C ing of day_ to the fall • • • ing of friends that re • • main, The home where eac~morn • ing 1 once_ heard )'Our ~,_l • ' , , - And Oh thro, .. :__. .. fling,__ likc notes dropt from r.ing, __ Sweet f riends of my • ..._. + lleav - • en ~ • round us in Spririg, And, stíll_do l. love __fhe pure child - - hood,dur ,ong - • r.tt>rli of Spring, Thro• life_ l shall 1ove _ _ ev'· ry 98 INTE R-AM ERIC A!N MUSIC REVIEW fling, __ LiL:e nu1t>s drop1 from llt·av - · • t'll 11 • rmi11d . us in Swt•t•1 friends of my· cl1ild -- l111od,dt·m· M•III{ - - .. tt,1·1, of -------:-,-- --,--------·- l111rry n11d llllifni11, . "pring- ._ And sHII __ do I Ion~-- 1he pure mu - • • ,.¡e yt• "pring. _ Tbro, life__ 1 i.hall Ion•: __ t'V • ry bird _ that doth -•' ,,fmrer. - t'll a - rouud_ us in "pring. sh•rs of - stcrs,dcar 1wug - - f.(crs uf f-pring. f-lcrs of + · California Sheet Music Collection, 1104 99 !I!' --··- - . --- -, .. ~, 11'! --- - - As I U"ith a11imatfo11. L~.~ 100 INTER-AMERICAN MUSIC REVIEW *M.C. "Flirting on Skates." As sung by Billy Emerson Church Book Company. In Langley's 1861 directory, page at Maguire's Opera House. Arr. by Geo. T. Evans. 538, he advertised himself at 310 Montgomery Street, as hav­ San Francisco: M. Gray, 1871. 3 pp. [M.G. 320) ing bcen cstablishcd in San Francisco "sincc 1854," and (box 4) boasted, "I make my own drawings." Powers also failcd to observe that it was W. H. Oakes, not Boyd, who engra\ed •M.C. "That Little Church Around the Corner." San Massett's music. Francisco: M. Gray, 1871. 3 pp. (M.G. 326) (box 10) *l\'1ASSETT, STEPHEN C. "1 Would Not Have Thee Young MANSFELDT, HuGO. "Romance, d'apres une chanson de Again." To Miss Ella Watson of San Francisco, Cal. Franz Liszt." San Francisco: A. Waldteufel, 1886. 5 D. H. Dougliss, 1855. 3 pp. (box 5) pp. (box 9) See lnter-American Music Review vn:2, pp. 33-78, 85-87. *MASSETT, STEPHEN C. ''1'11 Look for Thee Mary." Words by B. W. Carey. San Francisco: J. F. Atwill & MARSH, HENRY. "De Murska Waltzes." Dedicated to • Co., 1852. 3 pp. (box 5) the Hungarian Nightingale lima de Murska. San Fran­ cisco: McCurrie & Weber, 128 Post Street, Publishers. *MASSETT, STEPHEN. "Learning to Walk.'' Words by 1875. 5 pp. 2 copies. De Murska's photo on cover. George Cooper. Dedicated to Mrs. Romualdo Pacheco of California and sung by \1ad. Anna Price 50<r. (boxes 3 and 6) Bishop. San Francisco: M. Gray, 623 & 625 Clay St., "Teacher of music," Henry Marsh dwelt at 2305 Jones in Elaborate color cover by Britton Rey, Lithog­ 1875. In 1877, while sti!l residing at the same address. he was 187 3. & an "importer of pianos and music, and agent for Chappell raphers, S.F. 4 pp. !M.G. 630] (box 6) & Co.," with office at 118 Fifth. In 1883 he was an agent for Romualdo Pacheco (Santa Barbara, October 31, 1831; Oak­ Fay pianos. land, January 23, 1899) was Lieutenant Governor 1871- 187 5, and Governor of California in 1875. He ser ved in the MARSH, STEPHEN H. "The Japan Waltz." Dedicated to United Statcs House of Representatíves 1879-1883. He mar­ Lilie, eldest daughter of Charles E. De Long. San ried Mary Mclntire in 1863. Francisco: Gray's Ncw Music Store, 1875. 7 pp. from 1875 to 1877 Joseph F. Atwil!, California's first {box 6) music publisher. was secretary to the Pacheco Coa! Mining In 1875 Stephen H. Marsh, "professor ofmusic," dwelt at Company, officc at 240 Montgomery. Langley's 1879 San 2427 Larkin. He continued being listed as music teacher or Francisco directory lists Romualdo Pachcco, resident of professor in Langley's 1876 through l 881 directories at var· Oakland, as partner of [William E.) Hale & Pacheco. ious different addresses. stockbrokers. *MARTJ, FEux. "Give Me Kisscs," bailad. Words by *MASSETT, STEPHEN. "The Love Knot," bailad. Words W. J. Wetmore, M.O. Dedicated to Miss Addie by Hon. Mrs. Norton. San Francisco: Atwill & Co.; Wilder, Lowell, Mass. San Francisco: M. Gray, 1875. New York: Wm. Hall & Son, 1852. 3 pp. (box 6) 3 pp. (box 4) *MASSETT, STEPHEN.
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